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ggs Wfipg; ! m&fflm&SBmm Sff V ' a 5 efBSSSiJSS r1 tfS -jSV5? ' - - MS. !?:-; r-. :? XHE B133E Al fHOKlZED AGENTS. t AhT WASHINGTON. W U it'1 31S 3rd S. E. vioi ailvortlslnK f urniBnea on appU .1. oclioiiiibleadvertlBementswllliiot tbt'111-' ' j..""' :e ,Ml 1 --j - i.i unv nrice. All ren-lttAnces t liimIC- y uimii puouv uiuuojr uiuei -wiwlWtar Mousy forwarded .ny. Is at the sender's risk. In - tlio amount and what It 1b for ll0Ua. i fctinctlv stated. mi ,. Lis, t'lc,, buuuiu u ttu-uiBDkai HKE PUBLISHING, CO. Washington D. 0 pUItLihHED EVEHY SATURDAY Ar i ST.. N. W.t WASH., D C. AVIIEKK THE BEE CAN BE HAD j.r j V. I-ivler,s,3183 d street, s. e. j ii i.. fi. Urucjist, corner 16tn and M girttt i ortliwtst. phU House, 348 Penn. Are., n. w. . w . J.iefcbon, 228 ixA street, n. w. Mob b a ne, 205 4J street, n. w. j p - t wait, 332 Pennsjlv nia Ave. n. w. NEW YORK OITY. D. A.Green, 429, 6th Ave, BOSTON, MASS. Wm. L. Heed, 93J4 Cambridge St. Alexandria Virginia, , Cai ter, 313 Wilkes street. 8ALTKDAY. OUT. 29, 1892. Locals. Head the Bee. On Tuesday evening Oct. 25, at the residence of Mrs. Mary R. Docker, was given a reception by Mus Lucie Barbour, in honor of Mrs. L. Cook and Mr. John Miukius of Norfolk. Among the many preBent were; Mr. and xlrs. Whitfield McKin la , Miss Cora Thomas, Mies Oilie Buoker, Mrs. Emily Clark, Mrs. Muytrs, Mr. Francis TJpahaw, Mr. Wyatt Archer, Mr. Geo. l'a ker, Delarnetta, Mr. Thomas 11 Olaik, Mr. A. G-. Booker, and many others. , Music and euchre pla)ed their parts in the enter tainment ol the gueBts, at 10:30 o'clock the guests entered the din ing room, where supper was serv ed. The table was elegantly and fcumptuously prepared. After sup per Mrs Cock and Mr. M.inkins; were congratulated on their hap py reuniou of hearts long seper atcd, thence this was an affair long to be remembered.. On last Sunday morning the angel of death visited the home of Mr. M. C, MBxfield, corner 1st and N streets and laid claim to his faireBt flower Lena. She attend ed the public schools previous to her illness and was about to enter the High school. In every room from the first grade to the eight she was second to none. She was buried on Tuesday from the Franklin St. church at 2 o'clock. The casket was laden with beautiful floral tributes from her friends Bertba Seaton, the only daughter of Mr. George L. Seaton, died last Monday at the residence of her uncle, Mr. John A. Seaton, in New York. The body was brought home for interment. The funeral was largely attended on Wednes day from her mothers residence. For Sale THE Venice House, So. 127, West 17th St N, Y, City All the furniture lease &c, of the above house for sale, every room occupied with the very best of people, and handsomely furnuhed. The leading hotel in the city, best investment oftered if sold at once, for further infor niiitnii. Address, W. B. Lyles, Proprietor! iiTulTllE i Villi DEU -Typ e writer s- U33 F Street, n. w. (Room 1.) Instructions I TYPE-WRITING. FOlt RENT In a most desir able part of the city. Large and pleasant furnished rooms with board on reasonable terms. 1680 5th &t. u. w. oct22-4t LADIES HAIR Straightened, at their homes, by a harmless method. AdreBB. Mrs. Elmet, City P. 0. H'RNISHKD rooms to let to ladies or gentlemen. No. 1445, fierce Place. 2t " " Wanted at this office a boy who is billing to make himself generally useful, a pply at once. "KIGHTE0USNE8S ALL EYES WERE TURNED ON IDA It. WELLS, FOR IT WAS SHE, HERSELF i VICT1X OF THE POR TRAYED OUTRAGES -AAJ SHE WAS StOVED TO GRIEF. 3I1SS WELLS WAS THE STAR OF THE CONTENTION; TUO U G II MODEST IN APPEARANCE SHE SIIONE WITH INTEL. LECTUAL BR XL L IA.NC T. PROVI DENCE (B. J i TORCH LIGHT, OCT. 8, 1893. "SOU TfiERH MOB Mibs "Wells mado a national Beputaticn as Editor of the Memphis Free STjeeoh. the publication of whioh she was compelled to suspend because of her Bold, Fearless and Intelligent Denunciation of Mob Violence and the enaotment andnforcement of malicious and degrading class law.. As n nlatform orator Miss Wells takes high and commanding rank aa an earnest As a Plattorm "P"'17 vrrlnm..n 0f tlie Race has greater power than she possesses and feentfSkSr;f ?n nudTence In a public addressVfore the Afro-Ameri-to hold the yZwAaA her hearers by her impas can League ft'naJJ'i8By u? and Mob Rule. In her lecture on sioned denunciation of the ep"aM ar l y wo the Concord Literary Circle JSktX completelv cantivated the large tll:J anS at Tgt New York City JBrcjUynat J,, terfUe lynching 5 telffiff &to and the forced k,sP,hsou of her newspaper. (Fortune and Peterson, Managers.) Ool. Geo. M. Arnold, Manager of the Washington Engagement. JAMES H. MARSHALL, Contractor and Plasterer, No 607 10th St., n. e. All Work Properly Attended To. Washington, D. C. Subscribe for the Bee. Be sure to consult Emma, ex GypBy queen, clairvoyant and as trologi8t; a life long student of occultism 923 First at. s w.; hours 1 to 7 p. m . fee 50c. Open Sundays. i PRINTER WANTED. A good printer can find perma nent employment at this office by applying at once. Good wages to the right party. IMPERIAL HAIR COLORING. UOIII fcl iini- - " indui,, us JI.SO with to INo. Color. le of hlr, we will forward tapertai lUlrReeenentorwith pa"" lair which U partially or oUCnX irill be Injttntlr restored to its onpMi 1. Black. 2. Dark Brown. 3. Med. Browa. .Cslmrt. I color ind beeoqr. ao""" iliS I 6. Gvid Blende. ?. fteh Blonde. iuV. ssrd strvet. New k cS1w3: rfc r wvwin xaEii rHnfaliTRuiiiiiiia! ,- A t k (SEWING MACHINE HAS NO EQUAL. EgfW?r SATISFACWm KeiHoaeSfiiimlacMiicCo. ORANOE, MASS.- AV .BBBBBl V Mi 5VsV VsH BBBBBSSSra B. 1, M sssA .7kV' r Kw m BBBBBBsaai -v AtlMbuet. B' ..- EXALTETH A NATION? BUT SIN IS AH I rJSUJfLK." I.P.Ufff y il Yours for Justice, IDA B. WELLS. RULE;" The Simple Story of an vBHRV WKm An.Timmfmmd i:i:3iiu:i,! ' hi ii ' m inn piftivL i ii-'itfrrow Miss Ida B. Wells (of thn Editorial Staff of The New York Age) WILL DELIVER LEC TURE AT Metropolitan .A.. Mi. E. C!3Iiii.icli M Street betwen 15th and 16th Streets. MONDAY IVEHING OCT. 3lst, 1893. Mrs. Robert H. Terrell will preside. -Admission 3eeaifs DOORS open at 7 o'clock Exercises will begin at 8 o'clook. Si-bjeet:-"S0TJTHEEF MOB RULE." T. THOMAS FORTUNE Will introduce the Lecturer. TJEIE1 KEYSTONE 303 State St., CHICAGO, ILL., will open for the reception of first class guests June 4th, 1892,. Hotel, Cafe and Sample Room, elegantly furnished with every modern im- improvement M R EASONA.BLE. iiF'Oable and Elevated Railway ains direct to the "World Co Iumbia Exposition grounds77 and to alt parts of the c:ty pass our doors regularly. When visiting our city please favor us with your patronage and oblige, Respectfully, &c, John M. Hunter, Chas. B. Mortimer, Proprietors. N. B. Rooms can be engaged by letter in advance. FOR DYSPRPSIA, Indigestion, and Stomach disorders, nM BKOWK'I IROlff BITTERS. AU dealers keep It, flperbottle. QenutorthM tTUfr-IuAIK &UU WWW w w wjrjr TBsnSRsV,fir-ito" siiiiiiiiiflilBiB8KjHiHisHcBBkM A REPROACH TO -:o:- The way to EightWrongais to tarn the Light of Truth upon Them. -:o:- Eloquent from. MIGHIGAH MUTOIL LIFE ISUI11EE CO., DETROIT, MICe., THOS. W. PALMER, Preat. O. R. LOOKER, Secretary. Everyone Needs Insurance. Life Insurance and Investment Combined. The policiesof this Company are issued for 10, 15 and 20 year per iods and are adapted to the incomes and ages of all. These contracts have cath values printed on their face enabling the insured to know exactly the worth o his policy from year to year. ENDORSED BY THE LEADING BUSI NESS MEN OP THE COUNTRY. For want of space we print only one testimonial, that of the Hon. Wm, McKinley, Governor of Ohio. Joseph T, Saxlon, Esq., Agent Mich. Mutual Life Ins. Co. Dear Sir: I have your enquiry about your company. In reply, beg to say that I commenced insuring in your company in 1873 and have since taken out an additional poli cy with you for $6,000. I have great faith in your company, and if I desired additional insurance would surely take it' out with you. Yours truly, W. McKinley, Jr. Canton, O., April 24, '92. For further information as to rates, kind of policies desired, etc., call on or address, J. S. Walker, Special Agent, 1224 F St., n. w. lSMSIIIilllimMBBaiMMiMlBMIBBBnminnBBBBBBB0nSBq JlieMortCors BASKa. MlCOMFOBTirfthBtrt. and tute -of a French Corset. no tswrito iu break. oiuhi jvmucu. nuuiuer corset ma mow ibso ohe size at the toe AVA IIJ WM9 TIM BUO THtMFOl8TED8SET (or KXCH WAIST 8IXX SO U to fit tapering waists as well straight forms. Send for d& scrlpme circular giTtag all information, prices, etc., to BOSTON COMFORT CORSET CO., MANUIBACTURSRQ . BOSTON, XASB. " ForaaiebyotortsgcncraUg QUiaTBBTittS.) TAKE NOTICE. The patrons of the Bee must pay fcr all advertisements, in the way otnotices, deaths, marriages &c No matter of a personal nature will be inserted unless it is paid for. BOARDING HOUSES. Holmes House. RESTAURANT tfe 1.4 DIES DIN ING PARLOR. Fine Wines, Choice Brandies. And Old Whiskies. OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE Meals served to Order, J. O. HOLMES, Pbopkimob, 333 Va. Ave., Southw ? S si mm HHB rrtto " ti"w Money and Business Trill &o1to the Negro Problem, If you wish to make a Safe Investment take stock in the Virginia Industrial, Mer cantile, Building and A N IMIiTl. MAIN OFFICE 718 E. BROAD CAPITAL STOCK $100,0 Shares $5.00 Each. (Incorporated uuder the laws of Virginia Jaly 3rd, 1891. OPPIOEES: G "WILLIAMS, JB., President, Richmond, Va. REV. R. J. PERKINS, Vfce-President, Huntington, W. Va. i PROF. E. D. SCOTT, 2nd Vice-Pres. and Auditor, Petersburg, Va, DR. H. L. HARRIS, Treasurer, Richmond, Va. CORNELIUS M1MMS, Attoruev, Manchester, Va. J. H. BLAOKWELL, Secretary and Gen'l Manager, Manchester, Va G. W. Edwards, General Traveling Agent, Clifton Forge, Va., W fl. Bailey, Ass't Gen'l Traveling Agent, Richmond, Va., W. S. Thomas, Man'g'r CHFton Store, North Carolina. The General Board of Directors includes members from Virginia West Virginia, New York, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Washington, D C, North Carolina, Maryland, Alabama and Texas. In less than six months of vigorous work it declares a dividend of Twenty (20) per cent to its members. This is an Association organ ized by the colored people, run by them and their interest. IsBColored Agents and Colored Clerks in stores and at the Main Office. A LARGE BRANCH STORE AT CLIFTON FORGE, VA., with a full line of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Crockery, Hardware and Groceries and a corp of polite clerks to wait upon their many customers. A LARGE COMMISSION HOUSE in Richmond selling all kinds of country produce such as Grain, To bacco, Cattle and Lumber, Chickens, Eggs, Butter, Fruit, &c. The BROOM AND CIGAR FACTORY will soon be in active operation giving employment to our own peopie The management is making strenuous efforts to put in operation in the near future'lron and Coal Mines aa we have thousands of minors who are members of the Association. DRY GOODS STORES. Several dry goods stores centrally located will be put in operation in the fall, at least by December 1st. One will be located at Washington, D. C, one at Charleston, West V'tgiuia, one at Lynchburg, Va., and one in Richmond, Virginia, or possibly in other sections as the mana gers, are determined by God's help to push the Association to the front and start up business in every place where the people interest them selves and take shares in the Association. This also being a Building and Loan has already made loans on r eal estate in Virginia and North Carolina. BENEFITS OF THJU ASSOCIATION Remember the shares of this Association are five dollars each. Any person can purchase any number of these shares not exceeding one thousand. The stockholder are the srle ovners of the Association. The money that is made in all or luo vaiious departments is summed up and the expenses deducted and the profits divided among the stock holders each and every year. Reliable and energetic agents wanted in every city and town in the United States. Address all communica tions to J. H. Black well, Secretary and General Manager, 718 E. Broad Street, Riohmond, Va., or apply to Charles E. Mitchell, room 11, 984 if street, n. w. AGRICULTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL BAfR. We are arranging to have the largest Fair on the 13th, 14th and h of Sept., 1892, ever held by the colored people in any section. It oped every farmer, teacher and public inau will arouse his people let us come together and show to the world what we can do as a Njw let the farmers, mum, ady for this great enterprise, ALTIMOBE AND OHIO BA1LBOAD. ocaeauie in enect May n, usg- lavo Washington fromstation corner ofNeir Jersey avenue and O tntU For Chicago ana Northwest, Vesilbaled dal?y "P1"61 tnUn ": &SpT7 .rFo.r!tc,.nc;,, 8t- Inl. and IndianaeoUs Vnled Limited 8,express ilp! aiT ii?IittB!i,nJI an d "eveland, esprsM daol lhdO a. m. and 8:i5 p. m. For Luray. Natural Bridge. Roanoke Bnoxvme. Chattanooga, X M?mph?8 8:15a.m. 11:15 p. m.. dally; Parlor Car to- thronxn to Memphis on night twin. Fot Baltimore, week days. S5iSK a -i fj, Si & Wf 8-Hn")T& 057 ' LA (10 00, 45.mlnutes). a. m., xl2 00. 12 it . Z2 40, XS15, 3 35, xl , laL'xS&T IsoT. xUW.andUSip.m. Sundays, xSauSoL 5.nutes),x805r8 30, xS SO, (10 00, 4min7 utes),a.m.. xl2 00, 1 00. x2 20, x2 403 35 4 81. xll 80, 11 85 p. m. For Annapolis. 7 W and 8 30 a. m., 13 K and 4 a p. m. Sundays, 8 so a. m., 81 p. m. For Frederick, f 8 45, til 30 a. m, ji 15 1 4 88, p 30, p, m. For Hag-rstown. flO 40 a, m, and f5 . p. ns. Fur Boyd and wa points, 9 40 p. m, FprGalthersbnrg and way points, tt a S i?-?,,,112 45 J5- t3 .HW. 5,7 05. .40 J11. 30. P' In' Express trains stotplnc at principal stations only 8 45 10 40 aim. t4 80.15 30 p.m. KOYAL BLOE LINE FOR NEW YORK. AN1 PHILADELPHIA. For Philadelphia, New York, Boston, and the East, daily 8 00. (10 00 Diniur rur.v &. m.. 13 00 uoon. 2 40 (5 00 DIuinz Oarl. (11 30 a. m. Bleeping tar, o Philadelphia, Wl p.m. Buffet Parlor Ca For Boston 2 4' SleeplDg Car rn en at 10 00 o'clock.) For nlngton and Chester 8(98 j on all day trains. p. m. with Pullman Buffo; nliiR through to Boatcq without change. landing passengei i in B.&M. station at Bo ton. For Atlantic City, 10 00 a. m. and 13 00 nooa. Sundays, 12 00 noon. t Except Sunday, Dally. Sunday only. X Express trains. Baggage called for and checked from hotel a and residences by Union Transfer Company r . orders left at ticket offices, 619 and lSa Pennsylvania avenue, and at depot. J.T.ODELL, CHAS. O. SOULL, Gen. Manager. Gen.'Piad. Aea. STREET, RICHMOND, VA. fe. -?-' .mx&mmmm SSj ks&ofeS&i '&teftifcss&&&$& &t&. s? asJSfiSfoafca-ds. 5& . v kfesfesSiafc; I'