Newspaper Page Text
2 THE DOGS. Bench Show of the Southern California Kennel Club. It Opens Auspiciously With a Good Display of Dogs. A Full List of the Entries and the Owners. A Collection of the Finest Dogs of Southern California—Sixty Varieties Represented —Premiums Awarded Today. The dog show opened yesterday and will last through Friday. The vacant Store at numbers 140 and 142 North Main street has been fitted up for the purpose, with rows of kennels along the sides of the room. The place was formerly occupied by Brown's restaur ant. This show is the second annual bench show of the Southern California Kennel Club. It is held under the rules of the American Kennel Club, of which organization the Southern California Club is a member. The officers of the club under whose management the affair is given are as follows: President, H. T. Payne; vice-presidents, J. F. Hol brook, J. E. Preston; secretary, E. K. Benchley ; treasurer, E. B. Tufts ; bench show committee, J. F. Holbrook, J. - E. Preston, C. E. Fout, J. H. Keifer, Tony Bright; superintendent, H. W. Wilson; veterinary surgeon, J. A. Edmonds; i'udge of all classes, H. H. Briggs, of San "rancisco. The show opened at 10 o'clock yester day morning, and by afternoon nearly all the entries were in and the stalls filled. Visitors soon began to crowd in, and during the afternoon and evening the room contained nearly all that it could conveniently accommodate. The show is open from 10 in the morning till 10 at night. In the evening the room is well lighted by electricity. The show is highly creditable to the organization that gives it and to South ern California in general. There are 130 entries in 00 classes. The catalogue sets forth 75 classes, but in 15 of these there are no entries. The decision oi the judge, H. H. Briggs, of San Fran cisco, will be rendered this afternoon. A detailed notice of the most prominent dogs entered in the show will be given later in the Herald. The entries are as follows: Mastiffs —Captain A. B. Anderson, San Gabriel, enters Richland Commodore ; A. J. Ellis enters Turk ; Mrs. Dorothea Lummis, Amado; J. M. White, Bob; Monroe Short, Daisy; Captain A. B. Anderson, Attella A.; Charles D. Wil lard, Wodan. St. Bernards —Captain A. B. Ander son, Dido II.; S. G. Spier, Nan Wagner. Newfoundlands —E. L. Medler, Ponto. Great Danes —Miss Keyes, Kaiser Wil helm, Charles Schmidt, Christiana; Mrs. Mamie Perry-Davis, Mountebello, Jr. Harlequin Danes—E. AY. Giddings, Bosko; Dr. W. Le Moine Wills, Tiger and Clio. Deer Hounds —Mrs. James McLough lin, Coldgrove, enters Captain. Greyhounds—Valley Hunt Club of Pasadena enters Raymond, Flash, Fleet and Victor; H. Preston, King; J. W. Gordon, Leo; Robert Heaney, Spring; Dr. I. W. Hazlett, San Bernardino, en ters Dash; C. F. Holder, Dma; Dr. I. W. Hazlett, San Bernardino, Topsy; J. W. Gordon, Los Angeles, Deno. Fox Hounds —Charles Haskell, Los Angeles, Roy; Ben Davis, Orange, Mol lis, Mag, Chase, Moro, Caldo; Valley Hunt Club, Pasadena, Queen, Music, Melody; F. K. Benchley, Amie; S. D. Sanborne, Gypsy and litter; R. T. Van devort, Pasadena, Drab and litter; Chas. Haskell, Susy. Pointers—E. K. Benchley, Los Angeles, Kan Koo, registered 15,437; J. B. Mason, Rush 11, registered 10,008; I. W. Hazlett, M. D., San Bernardino, Strictly Business; R. T. Vandevort, Pasadena, Billy V; John H. Schu macher, Shot ; A. B. Truman, San Fran cisco, Queen Croxteth T, Patti Croxteth T, registered 10,128 ;M. A. Taber, San Bernardino, Babbetta, registered 17,054; J. B. Mason, Los Angeles, Flora; J. \V. Mitchel, Trampy; Mrs. Frank Hartley, Nell and litter; S. A. Bennett, Long Beach, Zanetta 11, registered 5,270; C. E. Fout, Young Scout, registered 10,880; Captain A. B. Anderson, El Rio Rey. Class 29, Pointers, Bitches, (under 12 months) —A. B. Anderson, San Gabriel; Susie Post. Class 30, English Selter Dogs—J. F. Holbrook, Los Angeles, Tom Payne, registerd 16,890 —Mrs. J. A. Edmonds, West Coast kennels Los Angeles—Prince Alba, registered 8,241; Godfrey Fritz, Los Angeles, Prince Charles; F. H. Knowlton, Los Angeles, Don; W. Garme, Los Angeles, Sport; Mrs. M. E. Roberts, Los Angeles, Captain. Class 31, English Setters—J.B.Mason, Los Angeles; Harry Rose, Los Angeles, Princess Nellie Elgin, registered 4,843; Tom Keefe, Los Angeles, NeilieK; H. T. Payne, Los Angeles, registered 8,340. Class 32, English Setters, dogs (under 12 months) —Tony Bright, Los Angeles, Prince Theo, registered 10,888. Class 33, English Setters, bitches (under 12 months) —H. T. Payne, Los Angeles, Jolly Fay, registered 15,436. Class 34, Irish Setters, dogs—W. R. Davis, Los Angeles, Don D.; E. B. Tufts, Los Angeles, Duke Alexis ; A. B. Truman, San Francisco, Mike T., regis tered 6,435. Class 35, Irish Setters—A. B. Truman, San Francisco, Lady Eleho T., registered 6,451; Eugene J. Roy, San Francisco, Rosabelle. Class 36, Irish Setters, dogs (under 12 months) —Eugene J. Roy, San Francisco, Shaun Rhue. Class 38, Gordon Setters—L. R. Dar row, San Diego, Rover; West Coast ken nels, Los Angeles, Santa Ana ; William Pridham, Los Angeles, Carlo; B. A. Breakey, Jr.. Los Angeles, Duke. Class 39, Gordon Setters, bitches- Homer C. Katz, Los Angeles, Princess Nell; J.J. Hanford, Coronado, Burton Lass; Mrs. Edwin Caustin, Norwalk, Lady Lufton; John Machen, Orange, Nun. Class 40, Gordon Setters, bitches (under 12 months)— Jake Rush, Coro nado, Belle. Class 41, Water Spaniels, dogs—Theo dore Friese, Los Angeles, Barney. Class 42, Water Spaniels—John C. Cline, liOS Angeles, Rose. Class 43, Irish Water Spaniels—L. W. Roberts, Albuquerque, N. M., Captain Muldoon, registered 4,897. Field Spaniels—B. H. Heineman, Los Angeles, Queen. Clumber Spaniels—James W. Warren, Los Angeles, Belle. Cocker Spaniels—Captain D. D. Wheeler, Los Angeles, Chick; G. H. THE LOS ANGELES fIERALD: WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 7, 1890. Hamstadt, San Bernardino, Snowball; John Machell, Orange, Lass: John Machell, Orange, Lad. Retrievers—W. F. Nordholt, Los An geles, Major; C. Melligan, Los Angeles, Roy. Collies—Captain A. B. Anderson, San Gabriel, Laddie; Mrs. E. B. MaeVine, Juno. Mexican dogs—Mrs. E. Rose, Los An geles, Nellie. Bull Terriers—Clarence A. Barnes, Los Angeles, Little Nell. Fox Terriers—Miss Greenleaf, Pasa dena, Ralph ; James Enever.Los Angeles, Spot; J. W. Mitchell, Los Angeles, Vet ; C. A. Sumner, Los Angeles, Blemton Vesuvian, registered 14,290; Bolton it Chadwick, Los Angeles, Rags; Bolton & Chadwick, Los Angeles, Tatters ; puppy class, Captain A. B. Anderson, Grange kennels, San Gabriel, Rejent Jock, reg istered 10,889; J. B. Martin, San Fran cisco, Blemton Shiner, registered 14,277 ; Captain A. B. Anderson, Grange ken nels, San Gabriel, Tricksey; Captain A. B. Anderson, Grange kenne Is, San j Gabriel, Golden Patch ; Edward Malim, Los Angeles, Folly; Edwin Cawston, Norwalk, Sassie; Roswell Hart, River side, Hart's Nannie; 0. S. Campbell- Johnston,Garvanza, Scout; J.B.Martin, San Francisco, Blemton Shiner, regis teied 14,277 ; J. B. Martin, San Francisco, Golden Lily; Dan McFarland, Los An geles ; Crochette; C. A. Sumner, Ixis Angeles, Warren Truttiful. Black and Tan Terriers —Charles F. Manning, Los Angeles, McGinty. Scotch Terriers—C. S. Campbell-John ston, Garvanza, Tatters; S. Tyler, Pas adena, Pepper; Captain Janes, Los An geles, Monkey; Captain Janes, Los An geles, Shorty! Toy Terriers—John Homer, Los An geles, Midget. Japanese Spaniels—Alex. Mcßear, Oakland, Frou Frou. Pugs—A. B. Anderson, San Gabriel, Bobby; Chris Krempel, Los Angeles, Mops and Bella; Mrs. H. E. Biewend, Los Angeles, Patti. Spitz—Mrs. K. Short, Los Angeles, Flossy; Morris Fitzgerald, Los Angeles, Fanny. Fox Hound Kennels—Valley Hunt Club, Pasadena, catalogue numbers 33, 34, 36 and Woodman, Rex, Dixie and Warrior; Ben Davis, Orange, catalogue numbers 32, 3ti and 37. Grey Hound Kennels—Ben Davis, Orange, catalogue numbers 30, 31 and 32; Valley Hunt Club, Pasadena, cata logue numbers 18, 19, 24, 25 and 26. English Setter Kennels—West Coast Kennels, Los Angeles, catalogue number 56, 62, 63 and 64. A LARGE COLLECTION. The Exhibit Made By Captain A. B. Anderson. Scarcely anyone not concerned in the organization of the Southern California Kennel Club has taken more active in terest in the success of the bench show than Captain A. B. Anderson of San Ga briel. He has shown this interest by making a large number of entries in the show. Ten of the fifteen dogs which he has in his kennels at "the Grange" have been sent to the show. Captain Anderson is especially fond of dogs and lias put a good deal of money and attention in the improvement of his kennels. They are now among the finest in Southern California, containing a number of fine specimens of the best varieties of dogs. .In the mastiif class Captain Anderson leads off with No. 1, Richland Commo dore, a large, light-fawn dog with a magnificent head. The animal, like all of those from these kennels, is of gentle disposition. He was whelped Septem ber 24, 1888, at the Richland kennels; sire, McCormick; dam, Princess Doll}'. The price set is $250. No. 6 in the class of mastiff bitches is Atella A. (13.707 J. This is a solid, fine looking animal, of a beautiful fawn color. She was whelped March 12,1880. G. A. Swartwout, breeder; sire. Im perial Arno (13,017); dam, Zella M. (6,555). The price set is .S2OO. Both of these mastiffs attracted much attention yesterday from visitors. Captain Anderson's favorite dog, or, at least, one of which he is most proud, is a St. Bernard bitch, Dido 11. This, like most of the others of Captain Anderson's collection, is an imported animal. Be fore she left England this bitch gave birth, at various times, to litters that included a total of 100 pups. In color she is orange and white, not very large for a St. Bernard, but handsomely pro portioned. She was whelped August 21, 1885; sire. Scotch Barry; dam, Dido I. The price is $500. It is noticeable, by the way, that this is almost the only St. Bernard in the entire show. She has many admirers. In the pointer puppy class Captain Anderson has a dog. El Rio Rey, and a bitch, Susie Post. El Rio Rey is lemon and white in color, whelped June 7, 1889. The breeder of this dog was P. D. Linville; sire, Climax (by Bang Bang, out of Ballona); the dam", Roberta (by Robert Le Diable,out of Young Beulah). The bitch, Susie Post, is also lemon and white in color, and out of the same litter with El Rio Rey. She is a beautiful animal, with a keen, alert face, every line of whicli shows fine breeding and intelligence.,, They are both gentle, affectionate creatures, and attract much notice. Among the collies Captain Anderson has a dog, Laddie, sable in color, a good natured, athletic animal. He was whelped July 1, 1889. The breeder was Wood Wattles. The pedigree is not stated. In the fox terrier class, Captain Ander son has Regent Jock (10.889) white; whelped April 30,1889; breeder, August Belmont; sire, Regent Vox (by Tucker out of Sandy Vic);"dam, Blempton Saf fron (by Belgrave Primrose out of Flirt). This dog took honors at the second dog show in San Francisco in 1889. The value is $500. In the fox-terrier bitch class, Captain Anderson has two; Tricksey, white black-and-tan, one of the most beautiful animals in , the entire show, and Golden Patch, black white-and-tan, the latter having a litter of pups. Tricksey was whelped April 18, 1889; breeder, James E.Watson; sire, Teddy; dam, Gyp (9,937); value, $75. Golden Patch was whelped June 23, 1888; breeder, J. B. Martin; sire, Sly Mixture (by Mixture out of Shone); dam, Beatrice (by Bacchanal out of Blemton Arrow). This bitch took a prize at the Southern California Kennel Club's show of last year. Among the pugs Captain Anderson has a very bright little dog, Bobby, fawn color, wefl sprinkled with black. This ends the enumeration of one of the most striking collections in the whole show. Articles of Incorporation. St. John's P. E. Church files articles of incorporation. The directors are M. 8. Severance, S. V. Londt, L. Thorne, H.-R. Hathaway, S. E. Lucas, H. O. Judd, Thos. B. Brown. Use Asbestos Fire-Proof House Paint. Danfortb & Jones, 367 N. Main street. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria; THE CLARK CASE. How Goods Were Obtained By a Deed and Notes. People Who State That They Were Taken In. A Pasadena Lawyer Fndprgoinp; Ex amination in Court. The Evidence of a Number of Alleged Vic tims Admitted Notwithstanding the Defendants' Objections. The examination into the case against F. K. Clark, Mrs. Belle Clark and Miss P. M. Seaman, of Pasadena, all of whom are charged with having obtained prop erty by means of false and fraudulent representations, was resumed at 9:30 o'clock yesterday morning before Justice Lockwood, in the presence of a large number of interested spectators. The proceedings commenced with the argu ments on the objection of the defendants to the admittance of the. testimony of E. E. Crandall, who had been called for the prose cution on Monday afternoon, shortly before the hour of adjournment. The defense argued that as the purchase of property from Crandall was a distinct and separate act to the one charged in the complaint, it was, therefore, not a part in the case, and could not be properly introduced. The prosecution, 'however, cited au thorities from this and other states in support of its argument that evidence of the kind it sought to introduce could be brought in for the purpose of showing a common design on the part of the de fendants to conspire to defraud trades men. The court, after hearing both sides of the question, overruled the objection made by the defense, and E. E. Crandall was called to the stand, which he occu pied until the noon recess. He testified in effect that on November 4th last Clark called at his store, No. 124 South Spring street, and informed him that he was attorney for a Miss Seaman, of Pasadena, who wished to purchase s. stove and some household hardware on credit, for a house she was furnishing. Clark pro duced a deed for the property on Colorado court, Pasadena, which he said was worth from $15,000 to $20,000, and upon which the only incumbrance was a $1,500 mort gage. He explained that his client owned considerable property in Brook lyn, whence she expected a remittance on the Ist of the month. Crandall asked the lawyer to bring his fair client into town, and intimated that the matter might be arranged. Accordingly Clark went away, but returned later with Miss Seaman, whose ladylike demeanor soon >won the hardware merchant's good will. During the conversation which occurred between the merchant and Miss Seaman she took occasion to mention the fact that her property in Brooklyn adjoined that of a namesake of Crandall. The hardware man was not sure, but he was of the opinion that it was one of his re lations; and with this pleasant little interlude the business was transacted, the hardware being picked out and Miss Seaman's note for the amount of the bill, due at thirty days, left in exchange therefor. When the note became due Crandall wrote, but received a reply similar to that which was sent to Salkey, the manager of the Parisian Cloak and Suit Company, to the effect that if he crowded Miss Seaman for the money, she would homestead her prop erty and he would not get a cent. After waiting until February, Crandall's pa tience became exhausted and he went down to Pasadena with a deputy con stable to interview Clark. On arrival at Colorado court he questioned the lawyer about Miss Seaman's property, and the latter pointed it out to Crandall, who then asked where the house was that had formerly been on the lot. Clark replied that it had been moved some where, but that it was not his business to say where to. When asked about the hardware, he said he presumed it was in some of the houses in the neighbor hood. On being denied admittance to the ladies of Clark's household, Cran dall went away and subsequently got his property back upon a writ of attach ment. J. B. Doty, a real-estate dealer of Pasadena, states that he was familiar with the property owned by Miss Sea man at Colorado court. It was part of lots 0 and 7, of Mrs. J. K. Hood's tract, and was wortli from $15 to $20 per front foot. The house was probably worth $600. Newell Mathews, a carriage manufac turer at No. 127 North Los Angeles street, testified that Clark had called upon him and told a similar story to that recited to Crandall, and Miss Sea man called later on and endorsed Clark's note due in sixty days, for a small pony cart. Clark returned a few days later and obtained another whip, the iirstone having been broken. The note, on its maturity, was turned over to a collector, but he was finally compelled to obtain a writ of attachment for the return of his property. W. M". Osborn, a saddler, at Aliso and Alameda streets, told a similar story about Clark and Miss Seaman, who ob tained $32 worth of harness from him. He called upon Clark when the note was due, but the attorney threatened to shoot him in his office. He finally re ceived the value of his property on a writ of attachment. J. ft. Nelger, manager for Gordan Bros., the Spring-street tailors, stated that on the same day, November 4th last, Clark called with his wife and sister-in-law, and after examining some goods, ordered a suit of clothes on credit, Miss Seaman indorsing his note. On Clark's return for the clothes a week later, however, Nelger refused to hand them over, as he had made inquiries about Clark in the meantime, whereupon the attorney threatened to sue the tailor for the goods, but did not. Jas. Sullivan, manager of the Sullivan cloak and suit* store, No. 113 South Spring street, recited the story of how Miss Seaman and her sister obtained property valued at $34 from him under the same representations as above re corded. Mrs. Clark, however, settled his bill in full yesterday morning. Chas. Smith, agent for the firm of H. D. Gates & Co, parted with a surrey valued at $140 on September 17, 1889, in exchange for a note due in ninety days upon the same representations as were made to Crandall. He got his property back after bringing a suit of replevin. Noel Nightingale, manager of the Mil waukee Furniture Co., stated that Clark called upon him as attorney and agent for Miss Seaman and attempted to negotiate the purchase of $600 worth of furniture for her. He produced the deed which had been shown to Crandall and a document, purported to be an ab stract drawn up by himself. Subse quently he returned with Miss Seaman and the matter was talked over, but as Nightingale insisted upon having a copy of the abstract of title, Clark let the matter drop and did not insist on having the furniture. J. K. Wilson, floor-walker at. J. W. Robinson's dry goods store, on Spring street, remembered the Chirks and Miss Seaman driving to the store in a surrey, last fall, and obtaining some goods; but as the rest of his testimony was hearsay evidence he was excused, "and Mr. Rob inson will be called upon today to state what occurred. C. M. Smith, a deputy constable, re lated the circumstances attending the arrest of the defendants on different dates; and reiterated the account of the barricading of the Clark residence by the ladies of the family, as already pub lished in the columns of the Herald, and he was still upon the stand when court adjourned for the day. The case will be resumed at 2 o'clock this after noon. Britinh Benevolent Society. At the regular annual meeting held Monday evening, May sth, at their rooms, 218 North Main, the following officers and board of directors were elected to serve during the ensuing year: W. R. Blackman, president; A. G. Gayford, first vice-president; G. A. Webb, second vice-president; John 11. Coxe, secretary; Henry Dobinson, treas urer; Dr. A. Greshamj Dr. A. Williams, L. C. Cobbe, Percy Hoyle, J. M. Franks, directors; S. P. Owsley, Henry Dobin son, J. G. Holboron, board of relief; l"r. A. E. Gresham, Dr. H. Nadeau, Dr. 11. Worthington, physicians. They know how to cure rheumatism in Pennsylvania! Mr. J. F. Meighan, a Pittsburg cigar dealer, awoke one morning with an attack of rheumatism in his tight arm. Working around the store during the forenoon made it worse. By noon the pain was so severe that lie could not raise his band td his head and had to carry his arm in a sling. One of his customers, on learning the facts, went across the street to E. E. Heck's drug store, and at his own expense procured a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and persuaded the cigar dealer to try it. It eased the pain and reduced the swel ling so that by the next morning he could use his arm, and by the second morning was entirely well. This is only one of the many severe cases of rheuma tism that have been cured by this valua ble remedy. Fifty-cent bottles for sale by C. F. Heinzeman, 222 North Main street, Jno. A. Off, cor. Fourth and Spring, and all leading druggists. Patronize Home Industry. A6k your grocer for Hanly's baking powder, it is the best and cheapest. Give it a trial. Paints, Oils and Glass, Comer Second and Main. P. H.Mathews. CATARRH CURED, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. For sale by C. F. Heinzeman, 122 North Main street. Buggy robes and blankets at Foy's harness shop, 217 Los Angeles street. Try "Pride of the Family" soap. GORDAN BROS. THE LEADING TAILORS 118 SOUTH SPRING STREET, Opposite the Nadeau Hotel, I—OS ANGELES. BRANCH OF SAN FRANCISCO. JUST RECEIVED OCR Spring and Summer Stock. WE NOW MAKE SUITS TO ORDER At 15 per cent, less than heretofore. The finest and largest stock of woolens in the city to select from. gtf- and best of workmanship guaranteed. aplS-lm BANKING HOUSES. gOUTHERN CALIFORNIA NATIONAL BANK NADEAU BLOCK. L. N. BREED President WM. F. BOSBYSHELL Vice-President C. N. FLINT Cashier Paid-in Capital 1200,000 Surplus 20,000 Authorized Capital 500,000 Directors—L. N. Breed, H. T. Newell, H. A. Barclay, Charles E. Day, A. W. Richards, E. 0. Bosbyshell, M. Hagan,Frank Racier, D. Rcmick, Thos. Goss, William F. llosbyshell. mltf QALIFORNIA BANK, Cor. Broadway and Second Sts., Los Angeles. Subscribed Capital $500,000 Paid up Capital '~ .$300,000 Surplus $ 20,000 directors: Hervey Lindley, J. C. Kays, E. W. Jones, Ci. W. Hugos, Sam. Lewis. H. C. Witmer President J. Frankenfield Vice-President T. J. Wcldon, flashier. J. M. Witmer, Assistant Cashier. General Banking and Exchange Business transacted. m4-4m rpHE UNIVERSITY BANK OF LOS ANGELES, No. 119 New High Btreet. Capital stock paid up $100,000 Surplus 20,000 R. M. WIDNEY President GEO. L. ARNOLD Cashier directors. R. M. Widney, C. A. Warner, D. O. Miltimore, C. M. Wells, S. W. Little, L. J. P. Morrill, L. H. Titus. Eight per cent, bonds secured by first mort gage on real estate, with interest payable semi annually, are offered to investors of $250 and upwards. , ANGELES SAVINGS BANK, 130 North Main street. Capital $100,000 L. C. GOODWIN President W. M. CASWELL Secretary DIRECTORS. I W. nellman, John E. Plater Robert S. Baker, J. B. Lankershim, L. C. Goodwin. Term deposits will be received in sums of $100 and over. Ordinary deposits in sums of $10 and over. Money to loan on first-class real estate. Los AngeleB,.July 1, 18S9. ml-tf. LONDON CLOTHING COMPANY. NEVER LOSE 11 CHANGE That is our plan, and the advice is good even for you. We have just taken advantage of a chance to buy a big lot of clothing cheap. TO MAKE ROOM We od'cr as follows for this week: 75 Men's Sack Suits, worth $7.50, for $5.00. 100 Men's Sack and Frock Suits, worth $10 for $7.50. 150 Men's Sack and Frock Suits, worth $12.50 for $10. 200 Men's Sack and Frock $15 for $12.50 We never exaggerate; when we say worth $15, reduced to $12.50, we tell the exact truth, *l.j being our regular price and narked at the time to meet all competitors. We want room. To make this sale more attractive We offer all of our regular 25c Ties for 15c We offer all of our regular 50c Ties for 35c We offer all of our regular 75c Ties for 50c. We offer 100 dozen Men's Seamless Hose for 10c; worth 20c. We offer 50 dozen Boys' Black Hose for 10c; worth 20c We offer 50 dozen Men's White Shirts for 50c; worth $z. We offer 250 pairs Men's All Wool Pants for $3.50; worth $4.50. We offer 250 pairs Boys' Knee Pants for 25c; worth 75c. We offer 75 Boys' All Wool Suits for $2.50; worth $4.00. see: our windows BANKING HOUSES. * MAIN STREET * Savings Bank and Trust Co., No. 326 SOUTH MAIN STREET. CAPITAL, * # % $200,000. OFFICERS: DIRECTORS: President J. B. Lankershim Chas Forman. A.Haas. J. J. Schallert. Vice-President Chas. Forman J. B. Lankershim. J. H. Jones. G. F. Griffith. Cashier F. W. DeVan I.N. VanNuy». Geo.H.Pike. F. Sabichi. FIVE PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Money to Loan on Real Estate. Remittances to all parts of the world, Agents for the Cheeque Bank/limited, of London. ap2K-tf THE NATIONAL BANK of CALIFORNIA, Corner of Spring and Second Sts., Los Angeles, Cal. CAPITAL, % * $250,000. Is fully equipped for every kind of LEGITIMATE BANKING, and solicits the accounts o those needing a banker. OFFICERS: BOARD OF DIRECTORS: J. M. C. Marble President Owen H. Churchill. Thos. R. Bard. Owen H, Churchill Vice-President Gen'l M. H. Sherman. Br. W. L. Graves. W. G. Hughes Cashier V,'' Jl \ ( , c ,'-' rK , K -I-«™on. E. F. 0. Klokke. Perry Wildman Assistant Cashier *#° n heg ll *- tf J. M. C. Marble. SECURITY SAVINGS BANK AND TRUST Company. Capital $200,000 No. 148 S. Main St., Los Angeles, Cal. F. N. Myers, S. A. Fleming, President. Vice-President. J. P. Sartori, Cashier. DIRECTORS. Isaias W. Hellman, O. W. Childs, J. A. Graves, S. A. Fleming T. L. Duqun>, James Rawson, M. B. Shaw, A. C. Rogers, M. D., A. J. Browne, J. F. Sartori, Maurice Hellman, F. N. Myers. Five Per Cent." Interest, l'aicl on De posits. The notice ol the public is called to the lact that this bank only loans money on approved real estate security; that it does not loan money to its stockholders, officers or clerks; that among its stockholders are some of the oldest and most responsible citizens of the community; that un der the State laws, the private estates of its stockholders are pro rata liable for the total in debtedness of the bank. These facts, with care exercised in making loans, insure a safe depository for saving ac counts. School teachers, clerks', mechanics, em ployees in factories and shops, laborers, etc., will find it convenient to make deposits in small amounts. Financial agents for Eastern and San Fran cisco capital. Money to loan on ranches and city property. Bonds and mortgages bought. Remittances may be sent by draft or Wells- Fargo Express. ml-tf lOSI OS ANGELES NATIONAL BANK, > Cor. First and Spring streets. Capital $500,000 00 Surplus 75,000 00 Total $575,000 00 GEO. H. BONEBRAKE President JOHN BRYSON, SR Vice-President F. C. HOWES Cashier E. W. COE Assistant Cashier DIRECTORS. Dr. W. G. Cochran, H. H. Markham, Perry M. Green, John Bryson, Sr., Dr. H. Slnaabaugh, F. C. Howes, George H. Bonebrake. Warren Gillelen. Exchange for sale on all the principal cities of the United States and Europe. jS ANGELES COUNTY BANK, Temple Block, Los Angeles, Cal. Capital Stock Paid Up, $100,000. Reserve Fund, $100,000. JOHN E. PLATER President R. S. BAKER Vice-President GEO. H. STEWART Cashier directors: H. L. Macncil, Jotham Bixby, John E. Plater, Robert S. Baker, Lewellyn Bixby. Geo. W. Prescott, Geo. H. Stewart. Buy and Sell Exchange on San Francisco, New York, London, Paris, Berlin and Frank fort. Buy Exchange on all parts of the United States and Europe. Receive Money on open account and certifi cate of deposit, and do a general banking and exchange Dus ness. ml "piRST NATIONAL BANK OF LOS ANGELES. CAPITAL STOCK $200,000 RESERVE $205,000 UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. E. F. SPENCE President J. D. BICKNELL Vice-President J. M. ELLIOTT Cashier G. B. SHAFFER Assistant Cashier Directors—E. F. Spence, J. D. Bickncll, 8. H. Mott, Wm. Lacy, J. F. Crank, H. Mabury, J. M. Elliott. ml State Loan and Trust Co. Subscribed Capital 51,000,000. Capital Paid Up $450,000. BANKING ROOM, N. W. CORNER SPRING AND SECOND STREETS, URYSON BONEBRAKE BLOCK. DIRECTORS. GEORGE H. BONEBRAKE, President. JOHN BRYSON, Sr. ) ~,„ „ .. . E. F. SPENCE. Vice-Presidents. SAMUEL B. HUNT, Cashier. W. G. Cochran. P. M. Green. W. H. Perry. J. p. Towell. H. J. Woollacott. L. N. Breed. We act as trustees for corporations and estates. Loan money on first-class real estate and collaterals. Keep choice securities for sale. Pay interest on savings deposits. Five per cent, paid on time deposits. Safe deposit boxes for rent. Best fire insurance companies represented. marl9-tf -CHARMERS AND MERCHANTS BANK OF I.OS ANGELES, CAL. Isaias W. Hellman President L. C. Goodwin Vice-President H. W. Hellman Second Vice-President John Milner Cashier H. J. Fleishman Assistant Cashier Capital (paid up) $500,000 Surplus and Reserve Fund 800,000 Total $1,300,000 DIRECTORS. O. W. Childs, C. E. Thorn, Jose Mascarel. J. B. Lankershim, C. Ducommun, Philippe Gamier, L. C. Goodwin, L. L. Bradbury, Isaias W. Hell man, H. W. Hellman. stockholders. O. W. Childs, L. L. Bradbury, Philippe Gar nler, James B. Lankershim, T. L. Duque, Jose Mascarel. Charles Ducommun, Andrew Glassell, Cameron E. Thorn, Domingo Amestov, Louis I'olaski, L. C. Goodwin, Prestlcv C. Baker, Frank Leeouvreur, Oliver H. Bliss, Sarah J. Lee, Estate D. Solomon, Chris. Heniie, Jacob Kuhrts, Isaias W. Hellman, H. W. Hellman. ml rpilE NEVADA BANK OF SAN FRANCISCO. CAPITAL PAID UP $3,000,000 Agency in New York 02 Wall street Agency at Virginia, Nev. London Bankers, Union Bank of London, Liihited. Letters of Credit Issued, Available in All Parts of the World. ISAIAS W. HELLMAN.... President D. B. DAVIDSON Cashier GEO. GRANT Assistant Cashier DIRECTORS. John W. Mackay, James L. Flood, Lewis Gerstle, Isaias W. Hellman, Henry F. Allen, c. Dk Guione, Robert Watt, Levi Strauss, D. N. Walter, H. L. Dodge, apB-lm John F. Bigklow. HE CITY BANK, ~ ~ 37 South Spring street. Capital Stock $300,000 A. D. CHILDRESS President JOHN S.PARK .Cashier DIRECTORS. W. T. Childress, Poindexter Dunn, J. J. Schallert, E. E. Crandall, John S. Park, R. G. L >nt, A. D. Childress. General banking. Fire and burglar proof safe deposit boxes rented at from $3 to $20 per an , num. mi 12m