OCR Interpretation

Los Angeles herald. [volume] (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1890-1893, August 23, 1890, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84025968/1890-08-23/ed-1/seq-7/

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Install New Officers at the Annual
The Los Angeles county district lodge
I. O. G. T. had its annual meeting at
Santa Monica on the 21st instant.
District Chief Templar W. G. Hall pre
sided and conducted the initiation of six
members. The grand chief templar of
the state conferred the grand lodge de
gree on those elegible.
In the afternoon session the following
officers were installed by the Grand
Chief Tempelar of California, Wm
Simms; Dist. P. C. T., W. I. Hill; Diet.
C. T., E. M. Starr; Dist. V.T., Miss
Cornellieus ; Dist. C, P. Ashton; Dist.
Secretary, L. S. Simmons; Dist. Treas
urer "VV. H. Lloyd; Dist. S. J. "VV., Mrs,
"Wright; Dist. M., Mr. Wilson; Dist.
Guard, Mable Marshall; Dist. Sentinel,
W. D. Clark; Dist. Assistant Secretary,
E. A. Allinson; Dist. I). Marshal, Maud
Nelson; Dist. Chaplain, A. J. Smith.
She Owes Her Life to Plucky Pearl
Miss Nellie Powers went out to swim
yesterday morning at Redondo, and
neglecting the advise of the mother in
in the old jingle not to go near the water,
got out over her depth, and could not
get back. Miss Pearl Tompkins a plucky
young damsel went to her assistance
and skillfully managed to keep Miss
Power's head above the water. Both
young women and other batheflb cried
for help which came in the person of
Mr. M. E. Mather, of this city, who got
Miss Powers safely to shore. She had
lost so much breath, and taken such an
amount of salt water as to render her
unconscious, but on the resort to the
" rules for restoring the apparently
drowned" she was revived and returned
to her home, at 338 South Hill street.
Miss Powers would certainly have been
drownde if it had not been for Miss
Tompkin's prompt and brave action.
EXCHANGE review.
New York, August 22.—1n the Stock Market
there was much less excitement than yesterday
and a material reaction from the depression,
brought about chiefly by covering of shorts
and London purchases on the prospect of easy
Close was quiet; but firm at close to the best
prices of the day.
Petroleum—Spot Pennsylvania opened at S5,
and closed at 85%; September opened at 87,
and closed at 85.
New York, Aligust 22.—Money on call tight.
Prime mercantile paper, per cent.
Sterling exchange — Quiet; weak; 00-day
bills, $4.82!^; demand, $ t. 80.
Bar silver, per oz., 51.18%.
London. August 22,1 p. m.—Closing consols
96 7-16: do account, fJBW, IT. 8. 4s, 11.26; do
Bar silver, 54 d. per ounce.
Money, 3V* per cent.
San Francisco,, August 22.—Bar silver,
$1:18 perounac.
New York. August 22.—Closing quotations:
U. 8. 4s. Reg 25 iNorthwestern 7>£
U. S. 4s. coup... 25 IN. W. Preferred.. 42
TJ. 8. 4Us. reg.. 4 IN. Y. Central.... 4%
U. 8. 4}'2S. coup. 5 [Oregon Imp't 45
Pacific 0s 12L;lNavigation 97
American Ex... 15 Oregon Short Line 41
Canada Pacific... 82 ,^l Transcontinental. 44 : ii
Canada Sou 52V N Pacific Mail 42' 4
Central Pacific... 31' 4 Reading 61
Burlington I%'Rock Island 85'^
Lacltawanna 43 Bt. Paul 70
Denver <Si Rio Gr. 19% St. Louis iS.F.. 29', 4
Erie 3.... 25>VSt. Paul & Omaha 30
Kan. & Texas.... 18' 4 iTexas Pacific 19%
Lake Shore 4W!Union Pacific... 59%
L. & N Btr> B llT. S. Express.... 70
Mich. Central 93 Fargo 40
Missouri Pacific. 70 [Western Union... 82l<;
Northern Pacific. 32' i Am. Cotton 0i1... 2(i\
N. P. Preferred.. SO*!!
Boston August 22.—Closing prices:
A. &T.R. R 41?<£|Mex.Cen lstm h —
Burl. &Quincy...lol l s|Mex. bond, scrip —
Mex. Cent. Com. 20VJ San Diego —
New York, August 22,—Mining shares were as
Alice 2.60 Iron Silver 1.80
Adamscon 1.35 N.Commonw'ith 2.00
Belle Isle 1.00 N. Belle Isle .. 1.05
Bodie 1.00 Ontario 41.00
Caledonia B. 11.,.1.85 Ophir 4.25
Deadwood 1,25 Phoenix 1.05
Con. Calif. Va 3.90 Plymouth 3.00
Eureka. C0n..... 3.75 Savage 4.00
Gould & Curry.. 1.95 Sierra Nev 2.50
Hale Si Norcross 2.40 Sutter Creek 1.15
Homestake 10.00 Union Con 2.10
Horn Silver 3.50 Mexican 3.00
San Francisco, August 22.—Following are the
closing prices;
Best <!: Belcher. 3.40 iPeerless 10
Chollar 3.30 (Potosi 7
Crocker 15 (Ophir 4.85
Con. Virginia... 4,55 Savage 4.05
Confidence 5.00 Sierra Nevada... 3.05
Gould & Curry.. 2.35 |Union Con 3.05
Hale & Norcross 2.50 Yellow Jacket.. 3.30
Peer 10 |
Grain markets.
San Francisco, August 22.—Wheat—Steady,
buyer season, .111.547 a; buyer '90, $1.45%.
Barley—Stronger; buyer, season, $1.41%;
buyer, '90, $1.30%.
Corn—White, »1.32%@f1.42%.
Chicago, August 22.—Close; Wheat—Strong;
cash, $1.04%: September $1.05; May, $1.13.
Corn—Steady; cash, 49%; September 49%;
May, 53%.
Oats—Firm; cash, 37V. September, 30%;
May, 29%.
Barley—Steady; at 72@75.
Bye—Firm; 04%.
Liverpool. August 22.—Wheat—Good de
mand; new No. 2 winter, 7s 4%d, do spring,
7s 5%d.
Corn—Demand fair for spot, good for futures;
spot August, 4s. 5% d; September. 4s. 6d.
Philadelphia, August 22.—W00l unchanged.
Boston, August 22.—Territory and California
unwashed wools sold Arm at 15@21%,
Chicago, August 22.—Cattle—Receipts. 11,
--000; active. Steers, $3@ss; Texas and range
steers, [email protected],
Hogs—Receipts, 17,000; strong. Prime pack
ers $4.05®54.10; assorted, heavy aud light'
$4 [email protected].
Sheep—Receipts, 7,000; western, $4.00®
$4-25; natives, $4,00®55.25.
General Markets.
Chicago, August 22. — Wheat opened firm,
iifgSi above yesterday's closing; sold oft' rather
rapidly' rallied after numerous fluctuations,
and suddenly eased oft'V closed higher than
yesterday. Receipts, 335,000; shipments, 524,
Chicago, August 22.—Pork steady; cash,
$11.37V> January, $12.07%[email protected].
Lard—Steady; cash, $0.30; January,,s6.92%.
Short ribs—ss.3s(a:s.4o; short clear, $5.70
New York, August 22. — Hops—Firm;
Coifce—Options closed steady, ten points up
to flvedown. tower cables. Sales 25,000 bags.
August. $18.20; September, $17.05®517.70;
October, [email protected]; November, $10.55®
410.60. Spot Rio, easy; fair cargoes, $20%.
Sugar—Raw, a shade easier; fair rehning,
415-16. Centrifugals, 96 test, 5 9-16; 5,000
bags. Molasses sugar, 88 test, 2 9-16; 318 bags;
do 89 test, 4%. Refined, lower: , 5 1-19; extra
C, 5%@5 5-lti: white extra C, 5 7-16@5%: yel
low! 4 13-16@4 15-16; off A, 5%@511-16;
mould A, 6 13-16: standard A, 6 11-16; confec
tioners' A, 5%: cut loaf, 6 11-16; crushed,
0 11-16; powdered. 6%; granulated, 6%; cubes,
Wool—Easy: domestic fleece, 33@33.
Copper—Dull, unchanged.
Lead—Steady. Domestic, $4.65.
Tin—Firmer: Straits, $21.55.
San Francisco, August 22.—Hay—Oats,
* Lemo®-Sic'ily, $8%@59%; San Diego, $4,003
Dried grapes-3%@3%.
Kggs—California ranch, 30@32c.
Ground barley-28@29.
Bananas—l@2%. ~ . ._
Honey—White comb, 9%@11%; amber, 7%@
Apples—soo@sl. 25.
Sweet potatoes—l.7s ®2
Inherited Scrofula.
Bwlft'B Specific (S. S. 9.) cored my little
boy of hereditary scrofula, which broke out
allover his face. For a year he had suffered,
and I had given up ail hopes of his recovery,
when at length I decided to use S. S. 8. Af
ter using a few bottles he was entirely cured.
Not a symptom now remains of the disease.
This was three years ago.
ÜBS. T. L. MATHERS, Mathersville, Miss.
In the early part of last year I had a vio
lent attack of rheumatism, from which I
was confined to my bed for over three months
and at times was unable to turn myself in
bed, or even raise the cover. A nurse had to
be in constant attendance day and night. I
was so feeble that what little nourishment I
took had to be given me with a spoon. Af
ter calling in the best, local physicianß, and
trying all other medicines without receiving
any benefit, I was induced by friends to try
Bwift's Specific (S. S. 3.) I discontinued all
other medicines, and took a course of S. S.S.
thirteen small bottles, which affected a com
plete and permanent cure.
L. C. BASSET, El Dorado, Kansas,
Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases tnail
edfree. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. Atlanta.Ga.
Everything New and First-Class.
145 and 147 N. Main Street,
ap29-tf JERRY ILLICH, Proprietor.
Our Home Brew.
Philadelphia Lager, fresh from the brewery,
on draught in all the principal saloons, de
livered promptly in bottles or kegs. Office
and Brewery, 238 Aliso street. Telephone 91.
Send in all your orders for bottled beer to
Maier & Zobelein's bottling works, 265 South
Los Angeles street, corner Third. Telephone
882. All orders promptly attended to.
Fred. Hopfe, Agent.
Physicians recommend Highland Un
sweetened Condensed Milk for infant feeding
and general use.
A Recommendation.
I, the undersigned, being dangerously ill,
applied to Dr. Mtug Chow and was restored to
perfect health, and therefore desire all my
friends to be informed in reference to Dr.
Mtug Chow, that his reputation be not con
cealed; and advise all alflicted ones to repair to
Dr. Mtug Chow's office at No. 041 Upper Main
street and be cured. LOONG Hing.
July 15th, 1890.
Good coffee necessitates good cream. Use
Highland Unsweetened Condensed Milk and
you have the best.
For Durability and Beauty,
House owners should insist on having their
painters use only the Sherwin-Williams paints,
for sale by P H, Mathews, cor. Second and
The Herald Job Office is now better
prepared to turn out first-class job print
ing than ever. Give us a call when in
need of printing of any'description.
Make your own cream from Highland Un
sweetened Condensed Milk. It is delicious
economical and does not sour.
Ebinger's bakery and ice cream and dining
parlors, cor. Third and S. Spring sts.
Scientific and Practical Optician.
Strictly Reliable.
Northwest Corner Main and First Sts.
We make the correct scientific adjusting of
glasses and frames our specialty, and guaran
tee perfect fit. Testing of the eyes free.
st. S. G. Marshutz, Proprietor.
g§f Full stock of Artificial Eves on hand,
WeiTPalc Company.
THURSDAY, JULY 10th, 1890,
Trains leave and are due to arrive at
Fifth street, daily, as follows:
Leave For destination. I Arr. From
3:50p.m Banning I 9:20 a.m.
5:10 p. m Banning 10:00 p. m.
9:05 a. m Colton ! 9:20 a.m.
3:50p.m Colton I 4:20 p.m.
5:10 p. m Deming and East.... 1 10:00 p. m.
5:10p.m El Paso and East.... 10:0O p. m.
18:00 a.m. j Long San ßc i? e c ( j h ro , and ( ,7:50 p. m.
18:00 a.m. j Avalon and Catalina j 1t7.50pl t7 . 50p . m .
11:55 a. m Long Beach 11:12 a. m.
,8:00 a.m. J Lon « Sft X d h ro . and | 8:15 a.m.
9:25 a.m. j Long Beach and San J 4 . 3 3 p . m.
vi2nm (Long Beach and(
p.m. j gan pe(Jro j
10:40 p. m Ogden and East
Ogden and East 2:55 p. m.
10:40 p. m Portland, Or 7:25 a. m.
9:05 a. m Riverside 9 -.20 a. m.
3:50 p. m Riverside 4:20 p. m.
5:10 p. m Riverside 10:00 p. m.
9:05 a. m San Bernardino 9:20 a. m.
3:50p.m San Bernardino 4:20 p.m.
5:10p.m San Bernardino 10:00 p.m.
9:05a.m Redlands | 9:20 a.m.
3:50 p. m Redlands j 10:00 p. m.
12:45 p. m. San Fran, and Sacram'to 7:25 a. m.
10:40 p. m. San Fran, and Sacram'to 2:55 p. m.
|| 9:37 a. m. Santa Ana and Anaheim 8:55 a. m.
5:02 p. m. Santa Ana and Anaheim ||4:04 p. m.
12:45 p.m Santa Barbara 2:55 p.m.
7:25 a. m. Santa Barbara 9:05 p. m.
t 9:20 a. m Santa Monica J 6:40 p. m.
9:30 a. m Santa Monica 8:33 a.m.
{10:55 a.m Santa Monica ,5:55 p.m.
1:07 p. m Santa Monica 12:13 p. m.
5:07 p. m Santa Monica 4 -.28 p. m.
116:10 p. m Santa Monica ||7:20 a. m.
9:37 a. m Tustin 1|8:55 a. m.
II 5 :02 a.m Tustin ||4:04 p.m.
5:20 p. m.| Whittier 8:28 a.m.
Local and through tickets sold, baggage
checked, Pullman sleeping car reservations
made, and general information given upon ap
plication to J. M. CRAWLEY. Asst. G. Pas. Agt.,
No. 200 S. Spring St., cor. Second. CHARLES
SEYLER, Agent at Depot.
|| Sundays excepted.
J Sundays only.
A. N. TOWNE, General Manager.
al 3m Gen'l Passenger Agt.
Southern California R'y Co.
Arrive. • Los Angeles. Leave.
♦ 3:00 p.m Overland ♦12:30 p.m.
♦12:15 p. m. .San Diego Coast Line. ♦ 8:15 a. m.
♦ 9:00 p.m. .San Diego Coast Line. ♦ 3:20 p.m.
♦ 9:55 a. m. La'da Park & Pasadena ♦ 8:30 a; m.
♦ 2 :30 p.m. La'da Park & Pasadena *11:50 a. m.
♦ 4:40 p. m.:La'daPark & Pasadena ♦ 3:00 p.m.
♦ 6:30 p. m.lLa'daPark & Pasadena ♦ 4:00 p.m.
$ 8:50 a. m. La'da Park & Pasadena $ 6:30 p. m.
t 7:40 a. m.lLa'daPark & Pasadena t 5:22 p.m.
♦ 3:00 p. m.l Pasadena *12:30 p. m.
♦ 8:50 a. m Pasadena t 7:45 a.m.
~♦ 9:55 a.m. r. .San Bernardino..) * 8:30 a.m.
♦ 3:00 p.m. ] via [ (♦12:30 p.m.
♦ 6:30 p.m. ( Pasadena ) * 4:00 p.m.
♦ 6:05 p.m. (Riverside and Ban) C 1?:? 0 , m
tlo:lsa.m. }Berd'o via j>
♦ 9:55 a. m Duarte • 8:30 a. m!
♦ 2:30 p. m Duarte |ni:soa.m.
» 6:30p.m Duarte * 4:oop.'m.
t 7:40 a.m Duarte ♦ 5:22 p.m.
6 8:50 a. m Duarte $ 6:30 p. m.
♦ 8:50 a.m Santa Ana * 8:15 a.m.
*12:15p.ra Santa Ana * 3:20 p.m.
♦ 6:05 p.m Santa Ana * 5:05 p.m.
♦ 9:00 p.m Santa Ana I
♦ 8:29 a. m Redondo Beach j* 9:00 a.m.
♦12:06 p. m. ... Redondo Beach.... [♦10:15 a. m.
♦ 3:53 p.m Redondo Beach * 1:00 p.m.
♦ 6:21 p. m Redondo Beach !♦ 5:25 p. m.
♦ 9:55 a.m. Redlandsand 8:30 a. m.
♦ 3:00 p.m. Redlandsand Mentonei*l2:3op.m.
♦ 6:05 p. m. Red'auds and Mentone!
♦ 6:30 p.m. Redlandsand Mentone * 4:00 p.m.
♦ c.Qnn m (San Jacinto via San j . .. nn _ _
t 6.30 p.m. | Bernardino ...| i* 4:00 p.m.
t 9:00 p.m. j J; |t 3:20 p.m.
♦Daily. jDaily except Sunday fSundavsonly.
ED. CHAMBERS, Ticket Agent,
First-street Depot.
CHAS. T. PARSONS, Ticket Agent
129 North Spring street,
Depot at foot of First street. f23
For Redondo Beach.
Trains of this company will leave their depot,
corner of Jefferson and Grand avenue, connect
ing with the Los Angeles cable railway and
the Main-street and Agricultural park street
car line, as follows:
Leave Arrive
Los Angeles. Redondo Beach.
7:55 a. m. 8:45 a. m.
9:25 a. m. 10:15 a. m.
11:10 a.m. 12:00 m.
1:25 p.m. 2:15 p.m.
3:40 p. m. 4:30 p. m.
5:25 p. m. 6:15 p. m.
♦8:10 p. m. p. m.
Leave Arrive
Redondo Beach. Los Angeles.
7:45 a. m, 8:35 a. m.
9:15 a. m. 10:05 a. m.
11:00 a. m. 11:50 a. m.
1:15 p. m. 2:05 p. m.
3:30 p. m. 4:20 p. m.
5:15 p. m. 6:05 p.m.
♦7:00 p.m. *7:50 p. m.
♦Sundays only.
leB-tf Trainmaster.
Pacific Coast S. S. Go.
Agents, San Francisco. Northern routes
embrace lines for Portland, Ore.; Victoria, B.
C, and Puget Sound, Alaska, and ail coast
Time Table for August, 1890.
Port Harford. ..."IS. S. Mexico, Aug. 4, 12, 20,
Santa Barbara... I 28* and Sept. 5.
San Pedr0....... [8. S. Pomona, .Aug. 8, 16, 24
San Diego J and Sept. 1.
For \ S. S. Los Angeles, Aug. 2,10.
Redondo 1 18, 26 and Sept. 3.
San Pedro and (S. S. Eureka, Aug. 6,14, 22,
Way Ports J 30 and Sept. 7.
For I 8. S. Pomona, Aug. 2, 10, 18,
I 26 and Sept. 3.
San Diego fS. S. Mexico, Aug. 6, 14, 22,
J 30 and Sept. 7.
For 8. S. Pomona, Aug. 4, 12, 20,
San Francisco... 1 28 and Sept. 5.
Port Harford ... IS. S. Mexico, Aug. 8, 16,24,
Santa Barbara... J and Sept. 1.
For IS. S. Eureka, Aug. 1,9,17, 25
San Francisco I and Sept. 2.
and (S. 8. Los Angeles, Aug. 5,
Way Ports J 13, 21, 29 and.Sept. 6.
Cars to connect with steamers leave S. P. R.R.
depot, Fifth street, Los Angeles, as follows:
With the Mexico and Pomona at 9:25 o'clock
a. m.; with Los Angeles and Eureka, going north,
at 5:10 o'clock p. m.
Passengers per Los Angeles and Eureka, via
Redondo, leave Santa Fe depot at 5:25 p. m.
Plans of steamers' cabins at agent's office,
where berths may be secured.
The steamers Los Angeles and Eureka will
call regularly at Newport pier for and with
freight and passengers.
The company reserve the right to change the
steamers or their days of sailing.
fgß For passage or freight as above or for
tickets to and from all important points in
Europe, apply to
W. PARRIS, Agent,
Office, No. 124 Weßt Second St., Los Angeles
Compagnie Generate Transatlantic
North river, foot of Morton street. jMBfIRL
Travelers by this line avoid both transitby Eng
lish railway and the discomfort of crossing the
Channel in a small boat.
LA CHAMPAGNE, Saturday, August 16th,
5 a. m.
LA NORMANDIE, De Kersabiec, Saturday, Aug
ust 23d, at 10:00 a. m.
LA BOURGOGNE, Frangeul, Saturday, August
30th, 4:30 a. m.
LA BRETAGNE, De Jousselin Saturday, Sep
tember 6th, at 10:30 a. m.
For freight or passage
No. 3. Bowlißg P'een, New York.
Tickets for sale by all raD.'oad and steamship
offices in Los Angeles.
J. F. FUGAZI £ CO. »♦•. 5 Montgomery
•venue, San Francisco d29-tf
from San Francisco with his elegant new
arid will make trips to Catalina and adjacent
Islands and coast towns, and is prepared to ac
commodate plessu'e seekers at any time wr-o
desire a first-class boat for a trip to any of said
places. Terms reasonable, Will charter the
boat f>r any trip for a party of 10 to 25. Ap
. Avalon, Catalina Island.
au22-tf 219 West Ist St.
Los Angeles, Pasadena k Glendale R'y
Leave Los Angeles for Leave Pasadena for
Pasadena. Los Angeles.
t 7:00 a. m t 6:00 a. m.
* 8:00 a. m * 7:00 a. m.
* 8:45 a. m * 8:00 a. m.
♦10:00 a. m * 8:45 a. m.
*11:00 a. m *10:00 a. m.
♦12:01 p. m *ll:0O a. m.
* 2:00 p. m * 1:00 p. m
* 4:O0 p. m * 2:00 p. m.
5:25 p. m * 4:00 p. m
* 6:30 p. m * 5:25 p. m.
* 9:00 p. m « 7:00 p. m.
$11:30 p. m
Running time between Los Angeles and Pasa
dena 30 minutes.
Leave Los Angeles for Leave Glendale for Los
Glendale. Angeles.
t 6:40 a. m f 5:55 a. m,
* 8:25 a. m * 7:50 a. m.
♦11:40 a. m *10:10 a. m.
* 2:15 p. m * 1:25 p. m.
* 4:10 p. m * 3:15 p. m
* 6:05 p. m | » 5 .05 p. m .
Running time between Los Angeles and Glen
dale, 30 minutes. Add 5 minutes for Verdugo
Park time.
Leave Los Angeles for I Leave Altadena for
Altadena. LoS Angeles.
* 8:45 a. m * 9:38 a. m.
* 4:00 p. m * 5:00 p. m.
Running Mmc between Los Angeles and Alta
dena, 55 minutes.
♦Daily. fDaily, except Sundays. ISundays
only. {Saturday night only.
Special rates to excursion and picnic parties.
Depot east end Downey-avenue bridge.
General offices, rooms 35 and 36, Bryson-
Bonebrake block.
T. B. BURNETT, Gen. Manager.
■jy2-tf W. WINCUP, G. P. A.
Catalina Island Steamers.
Until further notice the Wilmington Trans
portation Company's steamship '-Hermosa" will
make regular trips to Avalon, connecting at San
Pedro with trains leaving and arriving atS. P.
Arcade depot, Los Angeles, as follows:
Leave Arrive
♦Sundays, 8:00 a. m. ♦Sundays, 7:50 p. m.
Mondays, 9:25 a. m. Tuesdays, 4:33 p. m.
Wednesdays, 9:25 a. m. Thursdays, 4:33 p. m.
Fridays, 9:25 a. m. Saturdays, 4:33 p. m.
♦Saturdays, 5:12 p. m Sundays, 7:50 p. m.
The company reserves the right to change
steamers and days of sailing.
♦Saturday excursion, returning Sunday follow
ing, $2.60. ♦Sunday excursion, returning same
day, $2.00. Unlimited ticket, $3.
130 West Second st.
Gen'l Pass, and Frt. Agent, San Pedro,
S. G. I RapiiTransit R'y.
Leave Los Angeles from No. 9 Arcadia street,
opposite Eaker block, for Alhambra and
Forenoon, Afternoon,
7:40 11:00 3.00 5:05
Returning—Leave Monrovia for Alhambra and
Los Angeles,
Forenoon, Afternoon,
7:00 9:05 1:15 4:15
Leave Los Angeles for Alhambra and Monrovia,
Forenoon, Afternoon,
8:40 4:40
Returning—Leave Monrovia for Alhambra and
Los Angeles,
Forenoon, Afternoon,
8:00 4:00
Time between Los Angeles and Monrovia
one hour.
Soto Street, San Marino,
Batz, San Gabriel,
Ramona, Sunny Slope,
Alhambra, Chapman,
Mayberry. Baldwin,
Lake Vineyard, Arcadia,
Wilson's Peak and Sierra Madre 'buses for the
above points connect at Baldwin's station with
trains leaving Los Angeles at 11:00 a. m. and
3:00 and 5:00 p. m.
al-3m President. Gen. Manager.
Baker Iron Works
950 to 966 BUENA VISTA ST,
Adjoining the Southern Pacific Grounds. Tele
phone 124. m 22
Quick Returns From Advertising.
Try the classified columns of the Her
ald if you want to buy, sell, rent or ex
change anything. New bargains appear
there daily, and in many cases a small
urn expended has brought returns of
housands of dollars.
Finest Vines, Liquors '^/^ v
1 New High St.
■ " I
X™ undersigned as the Executrix of the last
will and testament of William H. Winston, de
ceased, that pursuant to an order of sale made
by the Superior Court of the county of Los
Angeles, Slate of California, in the matter of
the estate of said dec-eased, on the 15th day of
August, A. D., 1890, and filed on the 16th day
of August, A. D.. 1800, she, the undersigned,
as such Executrix, will, on or after Saturday,
the 0 day of Sept., A.D., 1890, sell at private sale
subject to confirmation by said court and upon
the terms hereinafter stated, all the right, title
and interest of the said William H. Winston,
deceased, at the time of his deaih, and all the
right, title nnd interest that the said estate has
by operation-of law, or otherwise, acquired
other than own addition to that of the said de
ceased at the time of his death, in and to all
that certain tract, piece or parcel of land situate,
lying and being in the county of Los Angeles.
State of California, and bounded and described
as follows, to-wit:
Commencing at a point ninety links south,
seven degrees west of Station two, Orizaba
grant, thence westerly along south line of the
public road five chains toapoint; thence south
erly along east line of public road seven chains
and Bixty links to a point: thence north fifty
seven arid one-quarter degrees, east two chains
and fifty links; thence south eighty-one and
one-quarter degrees east one chain aad fifty
links to a point; thence north seven degrees,
east seven chains and sixty links to the point of
Terms and conditions of sale: Ten (10) per
cent, of the amount of bid to be paid on
acceptance of bid; the balance of the purchase
price to be paid on confirintaion of the sale and
at the time of tender of conveyance.
Bids or offers to purchase in writing will be
received at any time after the first publication
of this notice and before the making of the
sale; they will be received at the offices of A.
W. Hutton, Esq,, attorney for the undersigned
as Executrix, rooms 88 and 89, Temple block,
Los Angeles City, California.
Executrix of the last will and testament
of William H. Winston, deceased.
Dated Los Angeles, Cal-, August 18th, 1890.
ty of I/OS Angeles, State of California.
Martin Lehman, Plaintiff, vs. (ieorge P. Me-
Lain, Emma Antonia Moerenhaut de Philip,
Blanche Emilie Clinton,, formerly Blanche
Emilie Crowley,, Terai Moerenhaut, Edwin
Moerenhaut Clinton, minor, Marie Blanche
Theresa Antoinette Clinton, a minor, Andy W.
Francisco, Jr., Guardian of the persons and
estates of the said Edwin Moerenhaut Clinton
and Marie Blanche Theresa Antoinette Clinton,
minors and all other persons and claimants un
known to this Plaintiff, defendants.
Action brftught in the Superior Court of the
County of Los Angeles, State of California, and
the complaint filed in said County of Los Ange
les, in the office of the Clerk oi' said Superior
W. B. Mathews, Plaintiffs Attorney.
nia send greeting to Geo. P. MeLain. Emma
Antonia Moerenhaut de Philip, Blanche Emi
lie Clinton, forme'v Blanche UmilieClrowlev,
Terai Moerenhaut, Edwin Moerenhaut Clin
ton, a minor, Marie Blanche Teresa Antoinette
Clinton, a minro, Andy W. Francisco, Jr.
Guardian of the persons and estates of the said
Edwin Moerenhaut Clinton and Marie Blanche
Theresa Antoinette Clinton, minors, and all
other persons and claimants unknown to this
plaintiff, defendants:
You are hereby required to appear in an ac
tion biought against you by the above named
plaintiff in the superior court of the county of
Los Angeleß, State of California, and to answer
the complaint filed therein within ten (10) days,
exclusive of the day of service, after the service
on you of this summons if served within this
county, or if served elsewhere, within thirty
(30) days,or judgment by default will be taken
against you according to the prayer of said com
The said action is brought to obtain a decree
from said court that the property named in the
complaint, situated in the county of Los An
geles, State of California, and more particularly
described as follows, to-wit:
That certain lot, piece or parcel of land situat
ed on the easterly side of Main street south of
Second street, and particularly described as
follows, to-wit: Commencing at the southwest
ern corner of land now or formerly of Harris
Newmark, thence south 53 degrees east along
the southern line of said Newmark's land one
hundred and ninety-three (193) feet more or
less to his southeastern corner, thence north 37
degrees east along said Newmark's rear line
twenty and three-fcurths (20%) feet more or
less to the southern lineof land now or formerly
of Bishop Amat, thence along said line of
Bishop Amat south 53 degrees east to the west
ern line of land conveyed by Blanche E. Clin
ton et al to James Smith et al by con
veyance recorded in book 101, page
593 of deeds, thence along the western
line of the land so conveyed to James Smith et
al a distance of one hundred and three quarters
(loolU) feet more or less to the northerly line of
land now or formerly of C. E. Thorn, thence
north 53 degrees west along said line of Thorn
to the easterly lineof Main street, and thence
along said easterly line of Main street eighty
(80) feet more or less to the place of com
Together with all and singular the tenements,
hered'taments and appurtenances thereto be
longing or in any wise appertaining, and the
reversion and reversions, remainder and re
mainders be sold and the proceeds of sale be di
vided among the respective parties according
to their respective interests, in case the court
shall deem that a partition of the Bame cannot
be made without prejudice to the owners, and
in case the court shall deem that partition can
be made without prejudice to the owners, then
that the court order a partition of the same ac
cording to the respective rights of the parties
as ascertained by trie court; and for such other
and further relief as shall appear to the court to
be just and equitable in the premises, as will
more fully appear by said complaint, reference
to which is hereby made.
And you are hereby notified, that if you fail
to appear and answer the said complaint as
above required, the said plaintiff will apply to
the court for the relief demanded in the com
Given under my hand nnd sea! of the said su
perior court of the county of Los Angeles, state
of California, this Bth day of August, in the
year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred
and ninety. (1890).
[seal.l J. M. MEREDITH, Clerk.
By A. W. Seaveh, Deputy Clerk.
iul3-wed 9w
Notice of Sale of Real Estate Under
Schallert- Ganahl Lumber Co., (a corporation)
Plaintiff, vs. J. B. Friek and Samuel Friek,
Defendants. No. 12904.
Bty virtue of an execution i«sued out of the
Superior Court of the County of Los Angeles,
State of California, wherein Schallert Ganahl
Lumber Co., (a corporation), plaintiff, and J. B.
Friek and Samuel Friek, defendants, upon a
judgment rendered the 10th day of May, A. D.
1890, for the sum of $460.35, in lawful
money of the United States, besides costs and
interest, I have this day levied upon all the
right, title, claim and interest of said defend
ants, J. B. Friek and Samuel Friek, of, in and
to the following described real estate, situate in
the County of Los Angeles, State of California,
and bounded and described as follows;
Lots 2, 3, 4 and 6, block 9 of the Chavez tract,
as per map thereof, recorded in book 5, page
289, of miscellaneous records, of said county;
lot 3, block 8, of the Chavez tract, as ptr map
thereof, recorded in book 5, page 289, of the
miscellaneous records of said county.
Public notice is hereby given, that I will, on
Saturday the 30th day of August, A. D. 1890, at
12 o'clock m., of that day, in front of the Court
House door, of the County of Los Angeles, on
Spring street, sell at public auction, for cash,
lawful money of the United States: all the right,
title, claim and interest of said defendants, of,
in and to the above described property, or so
much thereof as may be necessary to raise suffi
cient to satisfy said judgment, with interest and
costs, etc., to the highest and best bidder.
Dated this 7th day of August, 1890.
Sheriff of Los Angeles Co.
By A. Hi THORNTON, Under Sheriff.
Isadork B. Dockweilek. Atty. for Plaintiff.
Anaheim Irrigation District, Orange
County, Cal.
Board of Directors of Anaheim Irrigation
District that said board will, at its office in the
city of Anaheim, in the county of Orange, state
of California, on the
13th day of September,
In the year 1890, at,2 o'clock p. m., of said day,
sell to the highest responsible bidder, for cash,
in gold coin of the United States, bonds of the
said district to tha amount of three hundred
thousand dollars, being part of an issue of bonds
aggregating the sum of six hundred thousand
dollars. That sealed proposals for the purchase
of said bonds will be received by said board, at
their office, till the day and hour aforesaid, at
which time said board" will open the proposals
and award the purchase of said bonds to the
highest responsible bidder: but said board re
serve the right to reject all bids, and will in no
event sell any of said bonds for less than ninety
per cent, of the face value thereof. Said bonds
are dated the first day of January, in the year
1890, and bear interest at the rate of six per
cent, per annum, payable semi-annually. Any
imerest accruing between said date and the date
of the sale and delivery of said bonds shall be
credited, before delivery, on the first maturing
coupons attached to said bonds.
Secretary of said board.
Anaheim, Cal , Aug. 5,1890. aul4-20t
Order to Show Cause' Why Order of
Sale of Real Estate Should Not be
of Ims Angeles, state of California.
In the matter of estate of Christian Henirich
Jargstorff, deceased.
A. W. Potts, as the administrator, with the will
annexed.of the estate of Christian Heinrich Jarg-
Itorff, deceased, having filed his petition herein
duly verified, praying for an order of sale of the
whole or of a portion of the real estate of said
decedent, for the purposes therein set forth:
It is therefore ordered, by the said court, that
all persons interested in the estate of said
deceased, appear before the said superior court
on Wednesday, the 10th day of September, 1890,
at 10 o'clock, in the forenoon of said day, at the
court room of department two of said superior
court, in the city and county of Ims Angeles,
state of California, to show cause why an order
should not be granted to the said administrator
to sell so much of the real estate of the said
deceased as shall be necessary.
And that a copy of this order be published at
least four successive weeds in the Los Angeles
Daily Herald, a newspaper printed and
published in said city and county.
W. li. CLARK,
Judge of the Superior Court.
Dated August 4th, 1890. aus-td
209 North I.os Angeles Street,
(Successors to MeLain & Lehman,)
Pioneer Truck & Transfer Co.
Piano and Safe Moving a Specialty.
Telephone 137. 3 Market St. Los Angeles, Cal.
of California, in and for the county of Lob
Robert Boswell and Charles 8. Gilbert, co
partners under the firm name of Union Con
struction Company, plaintiff, vs. B. F. Shepherd,
Action brought in the superior couitof the
state of California, in and for the county, of Los
Angeles, and the complaint filed in said county
of Lob Angeles, in the office of the cierk of said
superior court.
The people of the state of California send
greeting to B. F. 6hepherd, defendant.
You are hereby required to appear in an
action brought against you by the above-named
plaintiff in the superior court of the state of
California, in and for the county of Los Angeles,
and to answer the complaint filed therein,
within ten days (exclusive of the day of
after the Bervice on you of this summons, it
served within thiscountv;or,if served elsewhere
within thirty days, or judgment by default will
be taken against you according to the prayer of
said complaint.
The said action is brought to obtain a decree
of this court foreclosing the lien against the
west forty-five (45. feet of lot eight (8), of block
No. 13, of the Wheeler tract, situate in thecity
and county of Los Angeles, state of California,
said lien being created by diagram, assessment
and warrant made by the superintendent of
streets of said city of Los Angeles, for grading,
graveling and curbing Brooklyn street, in said
city, from the west line of Figueroa street to
the east line of Swift street in said city, the
amount claimed to be due and chargeable
against said west forty-five '45) feet of said lot,
being thirty-six dollars, with ten per cent,
interest thereon from the 23d day of September,
1889, and for costs of suit. Referei.' ais had to
complaint for particulars.
And you are hereby notified that if you fail to
appear and answer the said complaint as above
required, the said plaintiff will cause your
default to be entered and will apply to the
court for the relief demanded in the com
Given under my hand and the seal of the
superior court of the state of California, in
and forthe county of Los Angeles, this 16th
day of July, in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and ninety.
[seal] J. M. MEREDITH, Clerk.
ByD. E. Adams Deputy Clerk.
geles county, stat* of California.
John C. Scott, plaintiff', vs. James A. Christy
and Augusta Christy, his wife, defendants.
Action brought in the superior court of Los
Angeles county, state of California, and the
complaint filed in said county of Lob Angeles
in the office of the clerk of said superior court
The people of the state of California, send
greeting to James A. Christy and Augusta
Christy, his wife, defendants.
You, are hereby required to appear in an
action brought c gainst you by the above
named plaintiff, in the superior court of the
county of Los Angeles, state of California, and
to answer the complaint filed therein, within
ten days (exclusive of the day of service) after
the service on you of this summons—if served
within this county; or if served elsewhere
within thirty days—or judgment by default will
be taken against you according to the prayer of
said complaint.
The said action is brought to obtain a decree
of this court for the foreclosure of a mortgage
described in the said complaint, and executed
by the said defendants to Max Lenzberg on the
31st day of August, A. D. 1888, to secure the
payment of a promissory note executed and
delivered to said Max Lenzberg on that day for
the sum of $1,000.00 and interest and attorneys*
fees as therein provided, said note and mortgage
having by assignment and transfer become the
property of the plaintiff, who now owns and
holds the same. For description of property
and all particulars reference is hereby made to
the complaint filed herein; that the premises
conveyed by said mortgage may be sold, and
the proceeds applied to the payment of said
principal sum and interest and attorneys' fees
as in said note and mortgage provided, and
costs of suit, and in case such proceeds are not
sufficient to pay the same, then to obtain an
execution against said defendants for the
balance remaining due, and also that the
defendants and all personsclaimingby, through
or under them or either of them, may lie barret
and foreclosed of all right, title, claim, lien,
equity of redemption and interest in and ti
said mortgaged premises, and for other ane
further relief. Reference is had to complaint
for particulars.
And you are hereby notified that if you fail tc
appear and answer the said compiairit as above
required, the said plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief demanded in the 6aid com
Given under my hand and the seal of the
superior court of the county of Ix>s Angeles,
state of California, this 26th day of April, in
the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and ninety.
By D. E. Adams, Deputy Clerk.
of Los Angeles, State of California.
Farmers and Merchants Bank, of Los Angeles,
a corporation, and Isaias W. Hellman, plaintiffs,
vs. John Brunjes, F. Minott Ward and W. B.
Hagan, defendants.
Action brought in the Superior Court of the
county of Los Angeles, State of California, and
the complaint filed in said county of Los An
geles, in the office of the clerk of said Superior
The people of the State of California send
greeting to John Brunjes, F. Minott Ward and
W. R. Hagan^defendants:
You are hereby required to appear in an ac
tion brought against you by the above named
plaintiffs in the superior court of the county of
Los Angeles, State of California, and to answer
the complaint filed therein, within ten days,
exclusive of the day of service, on you
of this summons — if served within
this county; or, if served elsewhere, within
thirty days, or judgment by default will be
taken against you according'to the prayer of
said complaint.
The said action is brought to obtain a judg
ment against said John Brunjes, defendant, for
the sum of ?950.00, with interest thereon at
the rate of eight per cent, per annum, from May
23d, 1888, compounded semi-annually, and the
further sum of $47.50, attorney's fees, also the
sum of ?3.43 to redeem lot 13, block 36 of the
town of Azusa, from delinquent tax sale, and
for costs of suit, alleged to be due from said
John Brunjes, and recorded in book 210 of
deeds, page 222, et seq., records of Los Angeles
county, and two promissory notes, by said
defendant. John Brunjes, executed to Isaias W.
Hellman, each in the sum of 1475.00, and by
plaintiff, Isaias W. Hellman, assigned to the
Elaintiff, the Farmers and Merchants Bank, of
os Angeles, and to foreclose Baid contract.
That said sums, together with costs of suit and
expenses of the sale of the property described
in said contract, be declared to be a lien upon
said property, to-wit: All those certain lots oi
parcels of land situated in the town of Azusa,
county of Los Angeles, state of California, and
bounded and particularly described as follows,
Lots number twelve (12\ thirteen (13) and
fourteen (14), block number thirty-six (36),
according to a map of said town of Azusa,
recorded in book 15 of miscellaneous records,
page 93, records of Los Angeles county, to
which said map and the record thereof refer
ence is hereby made; and that said premises
may be sold and the proceeds applied to the
payment of said indebtedness and costs of this
suit, including the costs of making such sale,
and iv ease such proceeds are insufficient to
pay the same, that judgment maybe docketed
against said defendant, John Brunjes, for the
balance remaining due, and that plaintiffs may
be permitted, either jointly or severally, to bid
at such sale, and also that the said defendants
and each of them, and all persons claiming by,
through or under them, or either of them, may
be barred and foreclosed of all right, title
claim, lien, equity of redemption and interest
in and to said premises, and for other and
further relief as will more fully appear from
reference to the complaint on file'herein.
And you are hereby notified that if you fail
to appear and answer the said complaint, as
above required, said plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief demanded in the
Given under my hand and the seal of the
Superior Court of the County of Los Angeles,
in and for State of California, this 16th day of
June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and ninety.
(seal) CHAS. H. DUNSMOOR, Clerk.
By F. B. Fanning, Deputy Clerk.
Graves, O'Melveny Jt Shankland, attorneys
for plaintiff*. jyO-wes-10l
Change of Firm
Los Angeles, Cel., August Ist, 1890.
Dear Sib—We hereby give notice that we
have sold our interests in the "Globe Coffee and
spice Mills" to Mr. H. Bartning, who will
continue the business at our present location.
We take this opportunity to express our grati
tude to the trade for the liberal favors and
patronage extended to us in the past, and
solicit a continuance of the same for the new
firm. Howry Bros, will collect all outstanding
bills and settle all liabilities of the old firm.
Referring to the above circular, I take pleas
ure in announcing that I have this day taken
charge of the business heretofore conducted
under the firm name of Howry Brothers, and
respectfully solicit a continuance of your favors
which I hope to merit, by keeping my goods at
the same high grade standard, and by strict and
prompt attention to all business entrusted to
me. Respectfully, H. BARTNING

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