LOS ANGELES HERALD. j. TH E HERALD J 7 Stands for the Interests of L Southern California. J SUBSCRIBE FOR IT. j -iSa—tth._iSS_.re, _iSb__dJ-__l___4_3 VOL. XX^IV.—Nt). 178. HARRISON HASH. The President's Debut in the Hawkeye State. Governor Boies Welcomes Him to His Realm. Reunion With Brother and Sister at Ottumwa. A Visit to the Big Coal Palace—The Presi dent's Facetious Remarks—On to Kansas. Associated Press Dispatches, l Ottumwa, lowa, Oct. 9. —At 3 o'clock this morning the presidential party reached this city. A delegation, headed hy Hon. J. G. Hutchison, ex-Republican candidate for governor of lowa, and Senator P. G. Ballingall, president of the Ottumwa Coal palace, met the party at Galesburg last evening and escorted them to Ottumwa. It is due to the fore thought of Superintendent Wilson and Manager Bishop of the Burlington road, that a pleasant night's rest was afforded the president, by the train being sidetracked at a quiet little station near Ottumwa. until daylight. Despite the early hour, almost the entire population of the thriving young town of Ottumwa turned out to see the president. In this city resides the president's elder sistei, Sally, wife of T. J. Davins, an old citizen. John S. Harrison, the president's gray-haired elder brother, who is in business in Kansas City, met the party here, and from the depot, he and Davins escorted their distinguished relative to Davin's residence, where the family breakfasted together. Early in the forenoon the weather he came unfavorable. Rain began to fall, but it did not seriously mar the ceremonies which took place under the roof of the Ottumwa coal palace and lowa industrial exposi tion. At 8 o'clock President Harrison, under the escort of Governor Boies and Sen ator Ballingall, was escorted through the coal palace. To the president it was full of interest, and his surprise and ad miration were thoroughly evidenced by his numerous inquiries. After the forenoon visit to the coal palace, the president repaired to the res idence of his sister, where lunch was taken. The rain had by this time ceased. At 1 o'clock a parade took place, consisting of state and other officials, military and civil societies, reviewed by the president. At 2 o'clock the public ceremonies of the day took place in the presence of an enthusiastic audience of about ten thousand people. Governor Boies for mally welcomed President Harrison to lowa, in a short speech, calling his at tention to the evidences of the superior skill and prosperity of the people of lowa, as displayed in the construction and exhibit of the coal palace, and concluded with an assurance of high regard for the president personally as well as politi cally. Alter the enthusiasm which greeted the president's appearance had some what subsided, he responded to Governor Boies' address, in a brief speech, thank ing the lowans for their hearty welcome, and assuring them of the pleasure it afforded him. _ While the president was speaking by some accident the water of an arti ficial waterfall immediately behind him was turned on, and its" roar almost drowned his voice. "I have contended," said he, "with brass bands, but I never before have been asked to speak within the roar of Niagara." [Laughter and cheers.] The water was turned ott', and the president said : "I had supposed there were limitations upon the freedom of this meeting, both as to Governor Boies and myself, and that no political sugges tion of any Bort was to be introduced at this friendly concourse of American citi zens. But I think both of us have good cause for grievance against the prohibi tionists for interrupting us with this argument for cold water." Chariton, lowa, Oct. 9.—At 9 o'clock tonight the presidential party left Ot tumwa, for St. Joseph, Mo., which will be reached at 7 o'clock tomorrow morn ing. Atchison will be reached about 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, and Topeka at 9:30. Ac the latter city the presi dential party will be entertained until S o'clock p. m. Ottumwa never saw such a crowd be fore as was here today. A score of special trains piled visitors into the city, and at the time of the procession this morning there must have been 40,000 people out. One of the beautiful incidents of the parade occurred at the Adams school, where 3,000 school chil dren congregated to see the president. He bowed his acknowledgements to the happy children, who each waved a flag, and their 3,000 voices were uplifted in the familiar old hymn " America." During the afternoon a large crowd gathered around the train, aud the president was again compelled to show himself and speak a few words. He said such spontaneous greetings as these gave him courage in work that was often very wearisome and often very full of worry. They helped him to believe that the great masses of the people have no other interest than that the government shall be well adminis tered and that public offices shall be filled by competent, conscientious and honest men. A public reception was tendered the president at the coal palace, and from 8 to 9 o'clock he shook hands with thousands of people. The orator of the evening was Congressman Grosvenor, of Ohio, whose address was an excellent one, well adapted to the occasion. SOUTHERN HOT-BLOODS. Senator George Has a Spat With Captain Few ell. Jackson, Miss., Oct. 9. —The proceed ings of the constitutional convention were enlivened today by an exciting colloquy between United "States Senator George and Captain Fewell, of the ju diciary committee. The senator had severely critfcT3cea some of the work of tbe committee, and the captain, rising, eaid the committee was composed of the ablest lawyers in the itate, and he could not see the motive for George's attack, except in accepting popularity at the expense of his profes sional brethren. Senator George ex citedly said this was false, whereupon Captain Fewell retorted that he had strong reason to suspect that the sen ator's motive for the attack, was that the committee was composed of able lawyers. Senator George replied in an excited manner, and the chair had great difficulty in calming the excited gentle men, i Sent Back to Victoria. Seattle, Wash., Oct. 9. —Twenty-one of the Chinamen who were found on board a sloop at Port Towneend, about two weeks ago by Inspector Bradshaw. were sent to McNills, Island where they were kept till this afternoon, when they were taken before Judge Hanford. They endeavored to establish their right to remain, but the court ordered them sent back to Victoria whence they came. They will be taken to Victoria on the steamer City of Kingston to-day, in charge of the United States Marshal. Pullman's Persimmon. Boston, Oct. 9.—ln the United States circuit court today, a decision was filed company vs. the Boston and Albany railway, for the infringement of a patent granted Pullman for a new and useful improvement in solid vestibule connec tions between railway cars. The decis ion is in favor of complainant, and is substantially a verdict against the Wag ner company. Anti-TUlmanites. Columbia, S. C., Oct. 9. —A convention of Democrats opposed to the election of Tillman as governor of South Carolina, met in the state capitol this evening and nominated the following ticket: Govern or, A. C. Haskell; lieutenant-governor, W. D. Johnson; secretary of state, Ed mund Harper; attorney General, Joseph W. Barnell; comptroller of currency, Edmund Bacon; state treasurer, W. A. Anorum. HARNESS RECORDS SMASHED TO SMITHEREENS AT TERRE HAUTE. Nelson Brings the Stallion Record Down to 2:11 1-4—Hal Pointer Makes the Fastest Mile Ever Paced or Trotted in a Race, Terre Haute, Oct. 9.—The three fastest harness records in the world is the mark hung up to-day on the Terre Haute track. The fastest stallion record, the fastest mile ever paced or trotted in a race, 2:09?4 ; and the three fastest heats in a race, 2:09%, 2:l2}_, and 2:13. It was a perfect autumn day with a gentle breeze blowing, and the track was very fast. Attendance, over 10,000. The great attraction was the announce ment that Nelson would go to beat Ax tell's time (2:12) made over this track last fall. After a warming up heat, the stallion started to beat the record. The first quarter was made in 32 seconds, the half in 1:04%, three-quarters in 1:36>2. Cheer after cheer went up as Nelson flashed under the wire in 2:11%. The 2:24 trot, $1,000 (seconddivision), unfinished from yesterday—Godelia won, Kenwood second, Harry Medium third, others ruled out; best time,2:l9> 2 '. Edgewood stakes for four-year-olds, $10,900—Navidad won, Mattie H. sec ond, Minnie Wilkes third, Alice Black fourth ; best time, 2 :22J£. Free for all pacing race—First heat, B B had the pole, Hal Pointer second, followed by Adonis, Pickaway and Dr. M. Geers, driving Hal Pointer, did not pursue his usual tactics, but scored his horse up strong in the determination to win the heat from wire to wire. The broncho and Pointer had it see-sawing all the way. At no time did the distance of a neck separate them. Never in the history of harness contests did two. such ani mals fight it out; not a move of one but was checked by the other's. The geld inga went locked under the wire, Point er having it by a throat-latch. There was no need to hang out the time to en thuse the crowd; it was wild in the real ization that the fastest time in harness had been made, The time by quarters was : 31%, I:o4'i, 13tj>£, 2:09%. The second heat was a repetition of the first, with the exception that at the half Adonis broke and was distanced. The third heat was a war again, and with the time of 2:13, rounded out the three fastest heats ever gone in harness. Forty thousand dollars pools were sold on this race. Hal Pointer won, B. B. second, Pickaway third, Dr. M. fourth; time, 2:09%, 2:12%, 2:13. The 2:18 trot. $1,000, unfinished—Ver itas won first heat, Mocking Bird second and third; best time, 2:16%. Employees Demands Kefused. New York, Oct. 9.—President King of the Erie road today issued a "circular reply to the long list of demands made by the employees a few days ago for in creased wages, concessions on runs, hours, etc. The demands of the men are refused and the reasons therefore set out at length. Mayor Pond at Merced, Merced, Cal., Oct. 9. —Mayor Pond and party arrived this afternoon-and were met by prominent Democrats and tendered a reception this evening. A large crowd assembled in Leeke's hall and listened to speeches by Mayor Pond, Hon, E. E. Leeke and Hon. James H. Budd. A Counterfeiter Confesses. Louisville, Ky., Oct. 9. — John Schmidt, a counterfeiter recently ar rested here, has confessed to the police that he has been counterfeiting two dollar certificates, having made four thousand dollars' worth. He claims to have been assisted b\\ Miles Ogle, known as "the king of the coiinterfeiters." Te Redeem Bonds. Washington, Oct. The secretary of the treasury today >ssued a circular offering to redeem 4Vg fter cent, bonds with interest to Aug. SL until further notice. . X From Ear to EsW. Ai.ba* r, Ore., Oct. 9.~-Di>c. 1/Ogan to day cut Harry Ward's throat from ear to ear, during a quarrel ovtT a game ol cards. Ward will probaolyviie FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 10, 1890. DIVINE DOCTORS. Like Others are Prone to Disagree. In Wordy Warfare They Some times Indulge. Soft Answers Not Always Used by the Reverend Sirs. The American Board of Foreign Missions at Loggerheads—Bad Financial Management. Associated Press Dispatches. I Minneapolis, Oct. 9. —The most inter esting paper to come before the Amer ican Board of Foreign Missions, and one which called forth an acrimonious de bate, was the report of the committee of ninf> appointed a year ago to examine into the method of the admin istration of the officials of the board in Boston, especially the methods employed by the home secre tary in ascertaining the qualifications of candidades for the missionary field. The chairman of the committee is Astor Walker, of New York, and associated with him are others representing the two great wings of the board, but not extremists in any sense. The report made, detailed the showing of the finances of the board, and compared what the board has received yearly for its work, with what is given to other large benevolent societies of the church. The figures showed that while the contributions to these other bodies had been increasing year by year as the church grew, there had been practically no increase in the donations to the American Board. This state of affairs, the paper argued, showed dissatisfaction in the churches, ending in quarrels that have come as the result of the present system of administration. The report, which was a lengthy one, was summed up in the form of resolu tions at the conclusion. These provide that a committee on the treasurer's re port be appointed by the board at the annual meeting next previous to the meeting at which the committee is call ed on to set; that the treasurer's report be sent as soon as ready to each member of the committee: that [the by-lawß be amended to provide that the auditors shall annually employ an expert for con firming the treasurer's reports and accounts; that there be a substantial in crease of the force employed by the board to bring the interests" of its' mis sions and the cause it represents before the churches contributing to its support. The resolutions further provide with reference to missionary appointments, that questions 1 and 2 for candidates be amended to read : Question I—What1 —What are your views re specting each of the leading doctrines of scripture commonly held by the churches sustaining this board? In an swering this question you may use your own language or refer to any creeds of acknowledged writ. Question 2—Have you any view at variance with these doctrines or any views of church government, which would prevent four cordial co-operation with the missionaries of this board? These questions being so amended, all applications for apnointment shall be made as now to the corresponding secretary of the board. Communications shall be presented forthwith to the prudential committee. In case the committee desire further scrutiny into the theo logical opinions of the candidates, it shall be held through an interview with the committee as a body, or if this is not practicable, with a sub*-committee as a body, consisting in part of laymen. At such examination the doors shall be open for the presence of any member of the board or personal friend of the candidate. The debate on this matter was a most animated one. Dr. Joseph Cook opened the attack on the paper, and was replied to by Dr. Quint. Then the venerable Dr. Thompson, of Boston, for many years chairman of the prudential com mittee, severely criticized the methods of the committee of nine, and took ex ceptions to the report as reflecting against the secretary and prudential committee. Dr. Walker replied warmly that his committee had abundant evi dence for the ground it had taken, but had preferred to suppress it. However, since Dr. Thompson had precipitated matters he would make it public. He then read a series of letters regarding certain young lady students in Wellesley college who were rejected as missionaries some years ago. He then referred to them to show that their rejection was most unfortute and improper, and had effectually shut off Wellesley college as a source of mission ary supply. The home secretary, Dr. Alden, then read a personal letter defending himself and the existing method, and criticising severely the committee of nine. The members of the committee re plied, and by this time the debate had grown so acrimonious that President Stom cut it off. After further talk the resolutions summarized above, were adopted unan imously to the satisfaction of all except the extremists, sr. Noble, of Chicago, who accepted the resolutions, protested against any approval of the re port itself, and presented a resolution to that effect, which was adopted without particular objection. Thus the curious result was presented of an action which seemed to cast a doubt and re flection on the committee of nipe and its methods, while adopting unani mously all its practical suggestions. Both sides seem to have the impression that they have won a glorious victory. BAY CITY POLITICS. More Nominations Made By Democrats and Kepublicans. Pan Francisco, Oct. 9. —A number of conventions, municipal, judicial and legislative, postponed from Tuesday night, are being held tonight by both Democrats and Republicans. The fol lowing nominations have r«>en made so far: Republican —aheriff diaries B. Laumeister re-iioininated : auditor, Davis Stern; tax-collector, Thomas O'Brien, renominated; treasurer. Henry S. Martin; superintendent of Btreets, James Gilleran; city and county attor ney, J. H. Durst; district attorney, Wm. S. Barnes; county clerk, Wm. J. Dlattner. The Democratic convention to-night made the following nominations: Christian Reis, treasurer; Wm. W. Ackerson, recorder; W. Krelling, as sessor ; Herman B. Cook, county clerk; Timothy O'Brien, sheriff; A. B. Maguire, tax collector; A. C. Speerse, public administrator. Oakland, Cal., Oct. 9.—The Demo crats tonight nominated R. M. Turner for state senator from the six teeth dis trict. Sister Catherine's Project. Philadelphia, Oct. 9.—Sister Cathe rine (Miss Kate DrexelJ is about to have erected a great convent of Sisters of Mercy in Bucks county, for the instruc tion of girls to qualify themselves for teaching among the Indians. Fruit Shipments. San Francisco, Oct. 9. -The decid uous fruit shipments over the Southern Pacific lines for the season up to Octo ber 7th, amount to 2450 cars, or about 1,000,000 pounds of fruit. Non-Unionists Raided. S\'nNEY,Oct. 9.—The non-union miners at Bulli were attacked today by unionists who drove them out and occupied the mines. The police were unable to restrain the strikers and reinforcements were sent. Corn Agents Fail. PItBTH, Oct. 9. —A corn agent of this city has failed with liabilities of one million florins. It is believed other failures will follow. The trouble is due to the poorness of the harvest. Saeasa Re-elected. San Juan »el Sur, Oct. 9.—Doctor Roberto Sacasa, who succeeded to the presidency of Nicaragua on the death of Caralo, in 1889, has been re-elected for four years. PENSION RULING. ONE OF COMMISSIONER BLACK'S DECISIONS REVERSED. Prisoners Who Enlisted in the Rebel Ser vioe and Deserted to the Union Lines, Entitled to Place on the Pension Rolls. Washington, Oct. 9.—Assistant Secre tary Bussey has rendered in the case of Russell S. Cole, of Company E, First New York veteran cavalry, a decision that defines the status of prisoners of war, who, having enlisted in the rebel army to escape imprisonment.returned to their own command and made applica tion for pensions. The decision rescinds I 'he ruling made by Commissioner Black ' May 25,' 1885, in which the commission er held that, regardless of circumstances and of his motives, a prisoner of war so enlisting in the rebel service, even as a device of escape from star vation and imprisonment, should be held as having "voluntar ily" aided the rebellion, and be debarr ed from pension. After presenting the full legal aspects of the question the assistant secretary says : "The depart ment must be controlled in all cases coming before it for adjudication, by the fundamental rule that the rights of a soldier and citizen alike can never be taken away nor forfeited, except by the express terms of law, the actual and obvious meaning of which should be taken without resort to subtle and forc ed questions. I respectfully overrule the former decision of your office, and grant the pension sought." WINTER SET IN. The Period of Snows Begun in the Slerrus. Sierra City, Cal., Oct. 9.—The first snow of the season fell here this after noon. Just a year ago yesterday the terrible storms of the last season commenced in the mountains, which culminated in the memorable railroad blockade of several weeks duration, last February. C.U'Son, New, Oct. 9. —There was a slight fall of snow here during the night, and this morning the weather wasi cold and chilly. A heavy fall of snow is expected by the signal service very soon. Later—lt is snowing heavily here to night. Sonora, Cal., Oct. 9. —A cold rain, ac companied by a strong southeast wind, set in here today. It is still cloudy, and there are indications for a continued storm. San Francisco, Oct. 9. —There will be light rain at Yuma tomorrow. Crispi's Speech. London, Oct. 9. —The Italian premier's speech of yesterday is apparently re garded in most of the continental cap itals as au election manifesto. The em phasis with which Signor Crispi dwelt on the value to Italy of the dreibund, has provoked the hostility of the Par isian press. A Spark From a Train. Slisun, Cal.,\Oct. 9.—On Tuesday evening, while a heavy north wind was blowing, a passenger train caused a fire near Cannon station, that burned about seven miles of fence and seveial hun dred acres of dry feed. By most strenu ous efforts the" buildings of Stephen Burke were saved. A Newspaper Seizure. Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 9. —The postal au thorities today seized the weekly edition of the Atlanta Constitution, which con tained the prize distributions offered to its subscribers, to be settled Christmas morning. The forms have been revised, and the edition is now being reprinted. The Vesuvius' Speed. Newport, R. 1.,0ct. 9.-—The United States dynamite cruiser Vesuvius made two runs today over a measured mile course at full speed, with a forced draught and all the boilers working, and made twenty knots an hour under these conditions. Jack Smith Admitted to Bail. Fhksno, Cal., Oct. 9.—The application of Jf ck Smith, the slayer of Percy Wil liam*, to be ian tlted "' bail ' w J by j ndge Campbell today, who made'an order admitting tb' j defendant to bail ,in tl c sum of $6000, which wan tur- BRUTAL BOBBIES. Further Details of the Tip perary Outrage. How the Police Cluhbed a Mem ber of Parliament. Savage Protests Abroad Against the McKinley Bill. Italy Will Not Exhibit at the World's Fair—Salisbury in the Role of a Smuggler. Associated Press Dispatches. I Dublin, Oct. 9. —The hearing against the police for assaults upon a number of persons at the court house in Tipperary on the occasion of the opening of the trial of Dillon and O'Brien, commenced in that place today. Timothy Healy opened the ease for Harrison, a member of the house of commons, who was se verely injured. Healey declared that on the occasion in question, for every adult in the crowd outside of the court "house there were four armed policemen. He told of the assault on Harrison. The latter then took the stand and testified that there were fewer than fifty civilians outside the court house when he arrived, while there was a large force of policemen on each side of the gates. The policemen used great and unneces sary violence. Col. Caddell addressed the police, saying something to the effect that they must go in and out of the gates and not make a disturbance. This command not being obeyed, wit ness asked the policemen why they dis obeyed orders. Then the assault was made upon him. During' the dis turbance he saw a constable strike and fell Sheehy. The civilians threw no stones and struck no blows, except in Earrying blows from the policemen's atons. In opening the case, Healy asked that the ordinary justices should be replaced by five resident magistrates of the bench. The application waß refused. While O'Brien was giving evidence, Healy questioned him regarding the photographs he had taken. The pre siding magistrate ruled this irrelevant. A discussion ensued, at the end of which Healy told O'Brien to leave the witness box. All of the complainants and their friends left the court room, and after the refusal of a request to adjourn on account of the constitution of the bench, the summons were withdrawn. Swiss Disorders. Berne, Oct. 9. —A dispatch from Bel linzona says the federal troops quelled This delegation was on the road to the convention.lS'They had made up their mind to break the slate; when Joker of Artesia observed the LONDON CLOTHING COMPANY was so far above all competitors, he said, "Boys, I want all you Pumpkin- Rollers to put in your vote straight." Mahone of the Seventh seconded the motion. The delegation "gaged "their vote accord ingly, and the nomination of London Clothing Co. for office of LEADING CLOTHIERS, was made unanimous. mi~_r u_r «y'Ui V iy «ji mm -*8»8 A YEARS— 'J ' Bur. the Daily H«*uj» aad' $2 the Wieiit HmjUß. 2 j, IT IS NEWST AND CLIA»j five; cents. some serious outbreaks in Tisserete, be tween Liberals and Conservative!. It is reported the Pundeserath has decided to re-establish the old regime in Ticino, giving the federal commissioner special executive powers, pending the revision of the constitution. A MEASURE OF VIOLENCE la What the McKinley Bill la Called la Austria. Vienna, Oct. 9.—TheFremdenblatt, in a bitter article, calls the McKinley bill a measure of violence, worthy of a nation accustomed to the use of the revolver. It appeals to the countries of Europe to act in concert to prevent their becoming tributary to the new world. England it says threat ens to compensate herself for her losses by securing eastern markets, so thus the McKinley bill threatens to en gender economic enmity between Great Britain and Central Europe. THE ODIOUS TARIFF Will Prevent Italian Exhibits at tho World's Fair. Rome, Oct. 9. —The committee ap pointed to arrange for the proper pre sentation of Italian art and industry at the international exhibition in Chicago in 1893, has dissolved, having decided that any further efforts to accomplish the work for which it was formed, would be useless. It is stated that the com mittee found, in view of the new United States tariff law, that very few manu facturers or others were willing to send exhibits to Chicago. Salisbury a Smuggler. London, Oct. 9. —Lord Salisbury re turned from the continent last night. At New Haven the customs officers seized two and a half gallons of spirits and a quantity of cigars found in his car riage, which had been brought over from Dieppe. His coachman was detained. The Queen Distressed. London, Oct. 9. —The queen, distressed by the reports about the illness of gren adier guards in Bermuda, sent her pri vate secretary to the foreign office this evening to demand the latest news. Lord Salisbury replied that he had re ceived no news whatever. Election Riot In India. Paris, Oct. 9.—Dispatches from Pon dicherry, capital of a French settlement in India, say a serious election conflict has taken place there between a mob and the police. Several were wounded on both sides. The military were or dered out. Police and Socialists. Berlin, Oct. 9.—The trouble between the police and socialists in Sprottan was resumed today, and in the conflict seve ral persons were wonnded. A Cuban Count Dead. Havana, Oct. 9. —The count of Casa Morea, leader of the Cuban conservative [ party, is dead.