OCR Interpretation

Los Angeles herald. [volume] (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1890-1893, October 11, 1890, Image 3

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A Number of Important Matters Acted
On—Proceedings at the Meetings of the
Finance and Zanja Committees.
. The board of public works at its regu
lar meeting held yesterday morning
adopted the following report, which will
be presented to the council on' Monday :
Recommend that the petition of Alex.
Weiss, asking that certain streets, viz :
Charming. Lawrence, Warren and Tenth,
together with the alleys, in the Weiss
tract, be declared vacated, be granted,
■ and the city attorney be instructed to
present the proper ordinance vacating
the same.
Recommend that the petition of the
Electric Rapid Transit company, et al.,
asking that Maple avenue, between
Twelfth and East Pico streets, be order
ed opened by condemnation, be granted,
and the city engineer be instructed to
present the necessary map.
Recommend that the petition of Mrs.
E. H. Andress.et al.,asking that condem
nation proceedings be instituted to open
Maple street, between Twenty-third and
Washington streets, be denied, as the
street appears to be open for all practi
cal purposes already.
Recommend that the offer of George
R. Crow, etal., to dedicate lands for the
opening of Eighth street from Moore to
Lincoln place,be accepted, and the prop
erty owners be requested to present
their deeds in accordance with the map
on file in the city engineer's office.
Recommend that, the petition of N.
W. Hand, asking that Basil street be
ordered opened from Ann to Sotello
streets, be granted and the city engineer
be instructed to present the necessary
Recommend that the protest of Eliza
beth Ford against the sidewalks on Bel
mont avenue between First and Temple
streets be referred to the city engineer,
with instructions to report on the
amount of frontage represented in the
protest. .
Recommend that the city engineer be
instructed to prepare a profile map" of
the Griffin avenue extension.
Recommend that the protests of
Amelia F. Taylor and E. F. Maxfield
against the building of a 30-conduit
across their lots in the Arroyo de los
Reyes, be referred to the city engineer
for investigation.
Recommend in the matter of Mr.
Summerland's resolution, to the effect
that Garcia street be opened from Com
mercial to First streets, that the city
engineer be instructed to present a
map, but that no action be taken there
on until the property owners in the
probable assessment district present a
petition asking that said street be
Recommend that all bids for the
grading of Yale street be rejected, and
the city engineer instructed to present a
new ordinance of intention to change
and establish the grade of Second street
between College and Bernard streets.
Recommend that the bid of J. S.
Haigler for the grading of Hope street,
between Seventeenth and Eighteenth
streets, at $1.97 per lineal foot, be ac
cepted and the accompanying resolu
tion of award be passed.
Recommend that the bid of Conrad
Scherer for the paving of Second street,
at 30 cents per square foot, for bitumin
ous paving, and $1.10 per lineal foot for
granite curb, be accepted and the ac
companying resolution of award be
Zanja Matters.
At the regular weekly meeting of the
zanja committee held yesterday morn
ing, the following report was adopted
for presentation to the council on Mon
day next:
Recommend that the petition of
C. Rosas for permission to erect bath
houses at reservoir No. 5 be denied, as
the water is used by some people for
domestic purposes.
Recommend that the requisition of
the water overseer to lay 9 inch pipe
in Nichol's ditch on Orange street be
allowed, and the demand of the con
tractor be.ordered paid, as the committee
considers this a case of emergency, as
the old pipe was washing out the street
and would have been the means of cut
ting off the water from the West Lake
park. .
Recommend that in the matter of the
Bath and Fosmir contract to build over
flow at Capitol Mills, the city pay $150,
provided the-company agrees to cancel
the contract, the city attorney having
reported that contract is good and the
city engineer having reported that a por
tion of the work had been done.
In the matter of the mayor's message
with reference to the zanja system, in
which he calls attention to the main
tenance, revenue and repairs of the
Zanjas,Jyour committee suggest that
the matter of irrigation and of the ir
rigating system is something for the
council as a whole to consider in con
junction with an expert engin eer.
There are many valuable suggestions in
the message which should be carefully
The Finance Committee.
The finance committee of the council
at its regular meeting yesterday morn
ing adopted the following report for
presentation to the council on Monday
To the Honorable, the Council, City of
Los Angeles:
Gentlemen : Your finance committee
beg leave to make the following report:
We have examined the monthly re
** port of the city auditor for the month of
August and his weekly statements as
to the condition of the funds dated re
spectively September 27th and October
4th, and recommend they be filed.
We recommend that the sum of $5,000
be transferred from the salary fund to
the fire department fund temporarily,
the same to be re-transferred when the
tax apportionment for this year is made.
In the matter of reducing the license
fee. for telephone companies, we have
examined the subject" carefully, and
recommend that the ordinance reducing
the license fee from $100 per month to
$25 per month be passed, notwithstand
ing the objections of the mayor.
In the matter of the petition from
Joseph McKee, No. 83(i, we find that the
statements in his petition are correct;
that no improvements exist where im
provements were charged for; and rec
ommend that upon the presentation of
a proper demand, drawn upon the tax
(1890-91) fund, the sum of $3 be allowed
Recommend that petition from Scho
der. Johnson & Co., No. 848, and from
H. W. Hellman, No. 850, be referred to
the city assessor for examination and
In the matter of the petition from M.
Cnrran, No. 790, the police commis
sioners having approved the ..'laina, we
recommend that the sum of $50 be re
turned to petitioner, demand to be
drawn upon the salary fund, for the
reason that he paid one month's license
when his place of business was closed.
Recommend that petition from T. F.
Joyce, No. 849, be filed.
In the matter of the petition from W.
A. Field, No. 810, the city assessor has
reported to this committee that the
property described in tax sale certificate
No. 736, tax sales of 1889-90, is a double
of 129 "T," and we therefore recommend
that said certificate be marked can
celed and redeemed by the clerk, and
upon the presentation of a demand
drawn upon the tax ÜB9O-91) fund, the
sum of $9.1(5 be allowed petitioner for
the foregoing reason.
A Girl From the Pyrenees and Her
In department two of the superior
court,before Judge Clark,a tale of man's
perfidy and woman's frailty was yes
terday unfolded. The case lasted all
day and needed four languages to have
the court know all of its ins and outs.
English, French, Spanish -and Basque
played hide and seek and gave the court
room the appearance of a second hand
tower of Babel.
In 1880 Marie Etcheto, a girl of eigh
teen, reared in the Pyrenees, came to
America to seek her fortune. Upon her
arrival in Los Angeles, she went to stay
at a lodging house kept by countrymen
others near the Commercial street depot.
II ere she made the acquaintance of a
pushing young Basque, who was making
money in the sheep business. He was
named Arnaud Duhalde. This young
man laid scige to the maiden's heart,
and after a long courtship seduced her
under promise of marriage. So says
Marie. The result of this illicit love
affair was a little girl now twenty-three
months old. The man acknowledged
hi 3 paternity to a number of people,and
Erovided for the child and its mother, but
c refused to fulfill his promise of mar
riage, and she thereafter in herjturn re
fused to allow him to live with her.
Marie commenced a damage suit for
breach of promise, and Duhalde fled to
Mexico. He came back later, and the
suit was dismissed and a compromise of
some kind patched up between the man
and the girl. Early last year he left
again for Pinos, in the state of Zacate
cas, where he died. At the time of his
death he was possessed of an estate
valued at $5,000. Marie Etcheto, whose
child had been baptized Janne Duhalde,
yesterday appeared to be appointed ad
ministratrix of this estate for her infant
daughter. A brother of the deceased
opposed the petition, claiming that the
child was not his brother's, and cer
tainly never was acknowledged as re
quired by the statutes. Judge Clark
reserved his decision.
A Variety of Business Attended to
The county clerk was yesterday in
structed to appoint two registration
clerks in the Seventh .ward. He was
also empowered to procure a quantity of
election blanks.
A proposal from the Los Angeles
Lighting company to heat the new
court house by means of gas was taken
under consideration.
The clerk was directed to ask the
secretary of state for 500 copies of the
election laws. It was ordered that the
semi-annual statement required by the
government act be prepared for publica
The district attorney was authorized
to take steps to recover damages from
Isaac Johnson for the destruction of
trees along Nevada avenue, near the
Soldiers, Home.
The Pass and Covina road was de
clared a public highway, 40 feet in
width, and the county surveyor was in
structed to locate it and file a map.
The resignation of F. Edward Gray as
horticultural commissioner was ac
The petition of C. M. Phillips to have
a dam removed from Santa Anita ave
nue, on Baldwin's ranch, was referred
to Supervisor Martin.
The claim of Jesus Aldano, who wants
$150 for injuries sustained by his "horse
by the breaking of a bridge on the Ca
huenga road, was tabled.
The hearing of the matter of theLagu-'
na and Florence road, was ordered set
for October 21st.
The Programme Arranged For the
Various Days.
The third annual union fair of the
Woman's Relief Corps of Los Angeles
will begin in Armory hall on the 20th,
closing on the 25th. Extensive prepa
rations are being made and a pleasant
week and profitable results are antici
pated. The design will be a tented
field. The tents will be of white, with
drapirigs of red, white and blue. A large
headquarters tent willlgrace the center of
the hall, which will be for the use of the
officers. The fair will open with a
grand ball on Monday night, and there
will be dancing every night from 10 to 12
o'clock. On Wednesday and Friday
evenings the ladies will give the trades
men's march, preceded by the W. R. C.
grand march. The badge worn by the
members will be white satin ribbon with
gaslight-green lettering. The wheel
men will have charge of Thursday even
ing, and Tuesday will be known as
Union day, when all four of the corps
jointly will have charge and serve
lunches from 11 to 2 o'clock. Wednesday
will be John A. Logan day, and Thurs
day will be Gelcich Post day, Friday
Frank Bartlett day and Saturday Stan
ton day. *
The Second Street and the Pacific
Cable Companies Agree.
The projectors of the Second Street
Cable railway are rapidly overcoming all
obstacles and meeting with fair treat
ment from all concerned. Yesterday
Mr. Witmer, president of the Second
street road, and Hon. J. F. Crank, pres
ident of the Pacific Cable company, held
a conference, the result of which was
that an arrangement was made by which
the former company will be allowed to
use the tracks of the latter from the
junction of the two lines at Second street
and Spring, to Fourth street.
People Who Want the Courts to Settle
Theis Differences.
John McGuilkjn yesterday sued the
California Warefiouse company for labor
and services. Hfta claim is $681.20.
Robert W. Gardiner sues Jan Jacobson
of Pasadena for $2,w00, on foreclosure of
mortgage. \
James G. Johnson & Co. of New
York sue Jean Delen of this city for $1 ,
-293.02. for goods andY merchandise sup
plied him iv February, 1889.
The Board of Trade Wants Another
The board of trade held a meeting on
Thursday evening, President Webster in
the chair, when officers were elected for
the ensuing year. The committee on
railroads, which was appointed at the
previous meeting, made a report, which
in substance was that they had seen Mr.
Luitweiler of the Los Angeles and Pa
cific road, who said that if the subsidy
of $70,000 demanded by the Westing
house people was subscribed, they would
take the line and in connection with the
Pullman company push the road to a
successful completion, and would have
trains running hourly or oftener if the
business warranted." When asked about
the probability of the subsidy being
raised, he said he believed it was an as
sured fact, stating that the promoters
were perfectly willing to take land along
the line at a fair appraisement. The
committee next saw the officials of the
Santa F6 system, who gave them no en
couragement for their road building in
the near future to this place, much as
they desired a line. They next saw
Col. Hewflt of the Southern Pacific, who
stated that his company was thoroughly
prepared to build the wharf at a mo
ment's notice. The order for them to
stop until further orders was not an
abandonment of the wharf, which he
believed would be built by the company
soon. AVhy the order was issued he
knew not.
A committee of three, consisting of
Messrs. Kenney Sweetser and Fisher,
was appointed to wait upon the board of
supervisors and to try to induce them to
open a road into the Cahuenga country;
also a committee consisting of £. D. Suits
and Mr. Fisher to go over the old Lan
kershimroad up to the San Fernando
valley, and see what could be done to
open it again.
Street Superintendent Lohman is
clearing up the streetß and making
them attractive for the many eastern
visitors Santa Monica expects this win
The young people of the town had a
dance in the opera house on Thursday.
On Wednesday the last polo game of
the season was played. It was very ex
citing and closely contested, the sides
being: Whites — Waring, Young and
Carter. Blacks — Haigh, Proctor and
Woodhouse. Whites won by the score
of 6 to 3 goals.
Mr. Jackson is waiting for bids to be
put in, prioj: to enlarging his hotel.
A Number of Legal Incidents Noted
Evan E. Waiters, a native of Ireland,
was yesterday naturalized by Judge
Van Dyke. Joseph Scharfer, of Ger
many, was made a citizen by Judge
McKinley, while Judge Cheney per
formed a similar service for Robert
Daniels Newby, also of Germany.
In department one Alf Anderson is
on trial on charge of having falsely im
prisoned two sailors on Catalina Island.
One of his partners in thecasewas found
guilty on Thursday, and will be sen
tenced on Monday.
The cause of Tuffree vs. Brock, rela
tive toTimms' point, wason trial yester
day before Judge Van Dyke and will be
resumed today.
James M. Napper, who pleaded guilty
to two charges of forgery in department
six, was yesterday sentenced to two
years' imprisonment at Folsom.
The district attorney yesterday moved
to dismiss the charge of assault with a
deadly weapon against Police Officer
Dorsey on the ground of insufficient evi
dence, and the defendant was discharged
by Judge Shaw.
In the case of Jean Delbasty, charged
with having openly cohabited with
Marie Villemer, who was not his wife,
he being a married man, the jury dis
agreed after having been out twenty
four hours, and they were dis
charged. Delbasty was ordered to give
a new bond for $500 and his new trial
was set for the 23d instant.
Diedrich Bruns, of San Pedro, Sues
Charles Dillman.
On the 25th of September, Charles
Dillman, of the firm of Dillman Brothers,
wholesale liquor dealers of this city,
caused the arrest, in Justice Savage's
court, of Diedrich Bruns, of San Pedro.
The complaint upon which the arrest of
Bruns was based alleged that he had
obtained goods from the firm of Dillman
Bros, to the amount of $161.85 by falsely
representing to this firm that he had
two lots and a house in San Pedro worth
$850. Bruns was arrested and after
being confined for twenty-four hours,
gave bonds in the sum of $500.
When onj;he 7th of October, the day
set for his examination on the felonious
charge, Bruns was present, but Charles
Dillman failed to appear, and the man
from San Pedro was discharged.
Diedrich Bruns yesterday brought suit
against Dillman Brothers to obtain dam
ages for their action against him. He
wants $20,000 for the injury done to his
good name and reputation, and $105 for
attorney's fees and other costs.
Which was Soon Transformed Into a
Mr. A. Melsted at an early hour yes
terday morning was driving down
Third street on his way to his place of.
business on Second street, between Main
and Spring. As he neared Beaudry ave
nue, the earth disappeared from beneath
him, and in a moment he found himself,
his horse and buggy at the bottom of a
hole, at least twenty feet deep. He
hardly had time to realize what had
happened, when a great body of water
rose about him, and in an another
moment he and his rig were floating
about in a small lake. Mr. Melsted
managed to swim to the bank and ex
tricate himself, and catching his horse
by the bridle, held his head above water
until by repeated shoutings he succeeded
in attracting help. Mr. Melsted escaped
without serious injury, but his horse
was badly hurt. The cave md inunda
tion were occasioned by a hroken water
pipe, which has been Leaking for several
days withoui ieceivi>i>,' the attention of
any one of the large army on the salary
list of the superintendent of streets.
J VJJLiNeurr *ia.
Salt I it.'' <®.
I suffered six w. i alf
Dottle ol St. Jacobs t$
pain la three years
and have yet to hear .... ( ape ! l < ■
relieve or permancnuv oun
Q. JAY Tl'.M KIN. , Li; .« n-.
» Green Island, X Feb. U, 1889. I
I suffered with ceuralgia in the head, Wat i
fcund instant relief from thu application of
fit. Jacobs O.TTvrhlch cured mo.
E. P. bSll&geb. Clv fi
MtAKii, o'. «r * CO.
Grand Opening
new :• mm^mi
The residents of Los Angeles and vicinity are respectfully invited to attend our Grand
Opening on
Monday, Oct. 13th, '90
As we will then have on exhibition the largest, choicest and most complete stock of
DR Y GOODS over shown °y an y house [at its inauguration] in the State of California.
This Immense Stock will comprise all the latest styles and novelties in
Silks, Velvets, Black and Colored Dress Goods,
Laces, Gloves, Hosiery, Ladies' and Child
ren's Muslin and Merino Under
wear, Corsets, Linens,
Flannels, Blankets
And the countless other articles that go to make up the Stock of a Metropolitan Dry
Goods House, and which represents, in the aggregate, an actual investment of
Having the best connections in all the leading European and American centers of
trade, our goods are all purchased direct from the Manufacturers, with few exceptions,
thus doing away with the middleman's profits, and enabling us to place them on sale at
prices that other houses cannot hope to meet. In a word, we embark in the Retail Dry
Goods business of this city with
We ask a careful examination of our Immense Stock, and Matchless Values, at the
hands of a critical public, as both goods and prices will bear out our assertions in every
B.—We open for exh ibition next SATURDAY EVENING, between 6 and 9 o'clock, at which time you are ooj
diaiiy invited to be present, and see the largest and finest display of choicest goods, at LOWEST PRICES ever shown i
[southern California. 10-5-lm
Los Angeles Theatre Building, up Btairs.
Telephone 284.
Has just received an immense stock of Fall anc
Winter Woolens and is making Suits to order a
40 percent leas than any other Tailor on the
Pacific Coast. •
Elegant English Serge and Cheviot
Suits, to order, from 825 to ».'l5
Fine Dress English Worsted
Suits, to order, from S3O to S4O
(Cost elsewhere from $55 to $75)
Fine French Heaver and l'lque
Suits, to order, from 535 to 545
(Cost elsewhere to'o.oo to $90.00).
French Cassimere
Suits, to order, from 035 to 545
Overcoats, fine Silk Linings,
from 9tta to 940
And other garments in proportion. Perfect fit
and best of workmanship guaranteed or no sale.
Rules of self-measurement and samples of cloth
sent free to any addrees, or application to
JOE POHEIM, The Tailor,
141 and 143 S. Spring Street,
No. 6 Bertha (a 5-hole) Ranee $ 9.00
No. 7 Bertha (a 5-hole. Range 10.00
No. 8 Bertha (a 5-hole) Range 13.00
lam overstocked with Gasoline Stoves and am
selling them at
$4 Less Than Eastern Prices.
A fine line of Dry Air Refrigerators at very low
prices. A full line of Medallion Ranges.
Stoves sold on the installment plan at ]
ml2-2m 136 8. Main St., opp. Mott Market
President. Secretary.
Vice Presideat and Treasurer.
350 East First Street.
9-10-5 m Log Angeles, California.
Baker Iron Works
950 to 066 BUENA VISTA ST,
*(1 lo'nlnv the Southern Pacific Ground*. T"' -
Tie 124. as 2«
Has' Removed to
The Best Domestic Coal In the Market.
Oak, Pine and Juniper wood sawed and split to Order.
Importer of 8. F. Wellington and Foreign Steam Coal,
YARD, 838 K. Main Bt. Telephone 1047. m29-4m OFFICK, 130 W. Second St. Telephone 3
Eastern Parlor and Clamber Furniture, Carpefc
Oil Cloths, Linoleums, Window Shades, Etc.
New Nos. 337, 339 and 341 S. Spring St., Los Angeles, Cal
9-27-6 m
J. J. SCHALLERT, President. T. W- BROTHERTONTvice-Pres. jTHrBURKsTsecy. & Trees,
Cor. 3d and Spring.
CAPITAL. — _ $100,000.
DIRECTORS: J. J. Schallert, T. 8. C. Lowe, Geo. R. Shatto, W. L. Packard, T. W. Brotherton.
This company will soon be fully equipped to furnish the citizens of Los An
gele" solid ice, manufactured from water, free from all impurities. The ice fnr
pished by this company will be absolutely pure, so much so that druggists will vi
it n -»cad of the distilled water of commerce.
i'l.e Citizens' Company was formed to relieve the impositions of a monopoh
and they fully intend to do it, and will furnish ice at the lowest rates. Do n!
contim t with any other company. 9-13-tf
Q BDTTEBFED, Art ao**"****
*"»* Uiu«j crayon Portraits a Specialty.
315 S. Spring Street. TEMPLE BLOCK GALLERY

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