OCR Interpretation

Los Angeles herald. [volume] (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1890-1893, October 23, 1890, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

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Threats of Lynching Made by the Resi
dents of Both Santa Barbara and Ven
tura—Company D, N. O. C. Supplied
With Ball Cartridge-A Riot Imminent.
The feeling of the Santa Barbara pub
lic against Rarnon Lopez, the Mexican
who so foully murdered Mary Dezirelli,
a young Italian girl, on Monday morn
ing last, waa so strongly in favor of lynch
ing as to cause the officers to remove the
prisoner, together with Eduardo Espin
osa, who murdered William Keys on
September 29th, to Ventura for
safe keeping. On Tuesday, however, a
rumor to the effect that the mother
of the murdered girl was dying from the
shock she sustained on learning of the
murder, roused the slumbering indigna
tion of the Santa Barbarians anew, and
a crowd left for Ventura on the morn
ing train. On learning that there waa
a likelihood of hia receiving a visit from
an armed delegation from that city,
Sheriff Reilly of Ventura, accompanied
by Deputy Sheriff B. Wheelie of Santa
Barbara, hastened to remove hia pris
oners, and finally concluded to bring
them to Los Angelea. Accordingly the
officers drove from Ventura to a email
station several miles inland, where they
boarded the train, and on arriving
in thia city late Tuesday night, the two
murderera were at once taken to the
county jail. The Santa Barrarans were
terribly diaappointed when they found
that their prey had again escaped, and
the greatest excitement prevailed in
Ventura. Indeed, the authorities were
alarmed to such an extent that a tele
gram was dispatched to the governor
calling upon him to order out company
D, of the N. G. C, aa a riot was immi
nent, and yeßterday a supply of ball
cartridges was dispatched from this city,
in response to a dispatch.
Ramon Lopez was seen by a Hebald
reporter in his cell in the middle tank of
the county jail last night, but he was in
a surly mood, and refused to make any
statement whatever. He is of medium
height, dark, and has a moat repulsive
type of countenance. It was vtry evi
dent that he waa no stranger to the in
terior of a jail from the manner in which
he acted, and on inveatigation it was
learned that aeven years ago he killed a
young German named Henry Heitz, on
the Aliso road, in this city, by stabbing
him, like the coward he is, in the back.
For this crime he waa convicted, but of
manslaughter only, and was subse
quently sentenced "for four years in San
Quentin by Judge Smith. This term he
served out, and since his. liberation he
haa been comparatively quiet.
Eudardo Espinosa. the other Santa
Barbara murderer, who is in another
cell, but in the same tank, waa very
communicative. After detailing the
circumstances connected with his own
crime, in which, naturally, he attempted
to show that he did nothing beyond de
fending himself from a bloodthirsty Bs
sailant; whereas the facts arejthat he de
liberately shot and killed an unarmed
man, with whom he had picked a
drunken quarrel; Espinoaa denounced
Lopez as a bad man and a coward. He
said he knew the Dezirelli girl, who was
liked by every one who knew her. He
said that Lopez was scared to death al
most on Tuesday, and while being driven
from Ventura was in an agony of fear
lest the vigilantes should overtake him.
Espinoßa expressed no fear for himself
and appeared at a loss to understand
why he had been brought along with
Listen to Good Democratic Doctrine
From Good Democrats.
The Hickory Democratic club, of the
Second ward, met last night at the
board of trade hall on Temple atreet.
The regular business of the meeting waa
set aside in order that speeches might
be heard from prominent speakers pres
General J. R. Mathews, candidate for
assemblyman, spoke relative to the elec
tion of United States senator. The
speech was warmly applauded.
Judge Richard Dunnigan was then
introduced. He addressed the audience
as "my fellow sufferers." He explained
this by saying that "when Martin
Aguirre takes $53,000 a year to run the
sheriff's office, he takes as much out of
your pocket as he takes out of mine."
He charged that District Attorney Kelly
had run the office at a cost of $30,000 a
year more than its necessary expenses.
He declared that the Republican
party had forfeited all consideration
at the hands of the people of this com
munity. In the language of the Demo
cratic county platform, he charged that
the Republican party was responsible
for the conduct of its people in office
who have proved faithless to their
trusts. The speaker then spoke on the
state campaign, and his remarks elicited
much applause.
Ed tiiuson, candidate for sheriff, was
the next speaker. He promised, if
elected, to conduct the office of sheriff to
the best of his ability, and, would ap
point as his deputies none other than
reputable citizens and taxpayers.
L. M. Grider, candidate for recorder,
then addressed the meeting, and he
promised a good administration of his
office if elected, and said that the office
would not be ruled by any abstract ring.
Mr. Bragg, candidate for assembly
man from the country, was introduced.
He said he had been traveling over the
northern section of the country for the
last twelve days. He spoke principally,
he said, for the other candidates on the
ticket, as the city people could not vote
for him. He declared that Judge Car
penter had said at Monrovia that if all
the rebels and dishonest men were taken
out of the Democratic party there would
not be enough left to make milestones of
from Monrovia to Los Angeles. He
declared that the Democrats should
feel this sentence sink deep in
them and they should register their sen
timent upon it at the elections. The
speaker referred to Ed Gibson as "a man
who came to this country for his health ;
he couldn't either talk or walk—he was
Highest of all in Leavening Power.—U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889.
born here." He also spoke kindly of
John Wolfskill, candidate for state sen
ator, and other names on the ticket.
A. J. King spoke next. He made a
warm and effective apeech, which was
much applauded.
Hugh Crawford, candidate for town
ship justice, waa present, and was en
thusiastically received.
The meeting adjourned with three
cheers for the ticket.
The W. R. C.'s Successful Entertain
ment at Armory Hall.
The union fair was well attended last
night. Music was furnished hy the
well-trained orchestra of Professor
Arend, and the programme, which was
well rendered, was as follows: March,
"La Pere La Victoire," Louis Ganne;
overture, '"Crown of Victory," Ripley;
polka, "Cry Baby," R. Bial; selections,
"Nanon," R. Genee; waltz, "Ange
D'Amour," E. Waldteufel; galop,
"Cyclists," N. J. Spring.
In the "Weekly World" booth there
ia a furnished bed to be voted to the
most popular county officer. Candi
dates are invited to be sure and come
for the conteßt of this piece of furniture.
In the raffle for the beautiful pink
plush and painted neck tie case from
the fancy booth, Mr. T. M. Wamsley,
of'De fnto, Missouri, was the lucky
man. This gentleman is one of the del
egates attending the convention in thia
city of the Brotherhood of Railroad
Miss McCay, who waa such a hard
worker at the Orphan's fair last week,
attended the fair last evening, accom
panied by the Misses Riordan.
W. H. Bhinn, Esq., was seen at the
hall last night, helping the institution
M. J. Aslimore, the popular clerk of
department two of the superior court,
was at the fair and did his best to help
Mrs. Spiers to sell votes for the banner
to be given to the most popular corps.
S. E. Wilkinson, Grand Master of the
Brotherhood of Trainmen, was a visitor
at the fair last night.
The following ballots were registered
at the fair last night:
For the awarding of a silk quilt lo the
most popular lady oi the trainmen's
party: Mis. Williams, 10; Mrs. John
son, 2; Mrs. Gard, 1; Mrs. Hay, 5.
For the awarding of Lincoln's speech
to the most popular gubernatorial can
didate: Pond, 62; Markham, 22.
to the most popular county of
ficial candidate: A. B. VVhitnev, 2; L.
Stanton, 10; E. D. Gibson, l"; C. E.
Roberts, 10.
Sunday World banner to the most
popular corps : Bartlett, 286; Stanton,
21)6; Logan, 308; Gelcich, 93.
Silk quilt for the moat popular candi
date for the assembly or senate: Car
penter, 15; Mathews, 13; Moore. lO&'j;
Marion, 5.
The Republican Party Playing {nto the
Hands of the Rich.
Editors Herald : —For many years I
have supported my family by peddling
provisions, vegetables, fruit, etc., from
my wagon. I laid off awhile, and the
other day I took out a new license and
went at it again, but was run out of the
heart of the city by an officer, who
threatened to arrest and line me if he
caught me selling there again. Thia
new wrinkle I had never heard of.
They took my money for a license to
peddle in this city, and then threaten to
put me in jail if 1 get caught doing just
what I paid them for the privilege of
doing. If that ia not puie meanness,
then Ido not know what meanness ia.
But it is Republicanism. That party
has no sympathy for the poor man in
hia struggle to support hia family and
raiae his children. It legislates in favor
of the rich merchants who want to
keep prices up and work off old stocks of
stale goods, and who want the city to
help them compel people to take the
stuff off of their hands to keep it from
rotting at their expense. I drove right
from - a car with fresh goods, but the
people were not allowed to buy from me.
The Republican party ia always work
ing against the poor and in favor of the
rich. The Democratic party treats a
poor peddler just as Well as it does a
millionaire. It believes in an open field
and a fair fight—let the people buy
where they can get the best and
most goods for the least money.
The Republican party wants to
meddle with the laws of trade
and with people's private rights. In
the east it is used by the fanatics to
pass prohibition laws and Sunday laws,
and it will be doing that in California
in a short time.
If that party does not want to lose
thousands of votes in the coining elec
tion let it remove its unjust restrictions
on local trade. The people do not in:
tend to tamely submit to have their
rights taken from them. They have a
right to say who they will buy goods
from. There is a principle of civil lib
erty involved in it. If one right after
another is suirendered without resist
ance we will soon be abject slaves. Let
us assert our rights. Let us be free.
The Carleton's and Opera House Nine
to Cross Bats.
This aiternoon at the new Temple
street grounds, the great ball game be
tween W. T. Carleton's Opera Company
nine and the Grand Opera House club
will take place. They will undoubtedly
put up a fine game, as both clubs have
some good talent and each will play
their best to win. The following is the
list and positions of both clubs :
Hagnn Pitcher Phillips
Early Catcher Parker
Cohn Short stop Behaffer
Valder Firs', base Demesa
Coharan Second base Cloward
Griffiths Third ha»e Bigelow
Ryder Right field McCollister
Walters Center Held Huntley
Springer Left ti Id Dixon
Burkhart Subs Ehrenl
Those Nobby Suits and Ovorcoats for
Hoys and Children that Abernethy Si
Are selling At Cost will not last always; so
please call while you can be sure of sizes, and
secure bargains that can never be ottered again.
I)- n't forget the place, 117 Scuth Spring street,
Los Angeles.
$400,000 WORTH OF FRUIT.
The Fruit Comes I Here, the Money
Goes to California.
Leaa than cix years ago the multifa
rioua delicacies of the glorious climate
of California were almost unknown in
the New York market. Today they
adorn nearly every big and little-fruit
stand in town. They excel the finest
native products in beauty and size, vie
with them in rlavor,and are not so dear
that a workingnian cannot afford to bu\
some for his wife or sweetheart. Only
a few yeara ago Tokays from the Golden
Gate brought 50 cents a pound;
now they may be had for 10 and 15
centa. This is because California has
awakened to the fact that New York ia
the great fruit center of the world, and
pays the highest pricea for the best
products. At the end of this season she
will have poured from her marvellous
cornucopia into this and neighboring
states 10,000,000 pounds cf grapes, pears,
peaches, prunes and plums. That will
be just half of what she will unload at
Chicago this year, and ten times as much
as she sent to us only three years ago.
She haa got a grip on the affections of
the fruit-lovers hereabouts by offering
them only her best products, and she is
going to try to keep it. Our native fruit
is not holding its own against the west
ern invader. Thia is especially true of
pears, which are much inferior to the
luscious, clear-skinned California Bart
letts that may be seen on hundreds of
stands in tempting, picturesque pyra
mids of gold and rose. The peaches
from across the continent don't come up
to the best from near-by orchards : but
they are big and juicy" and fair to look
Nearly all the California fruit that
comes here is sold by Auctioneer K. ,L.
Goodsell at his store in Park nlace or
on the long, roofed pier at the " foot of
the street. Buyers from Philadelphia
to Providence are informed by telegraph
of the expected arrival of a train load
and come here to bid on whatever part
of it they may want. Mr. Goodsell is a
tall, nervous young man with the rapid
ity of utterance characteristic of a good
auctioneer. He is an eastern man and
a graduate of Yale, but he is as much of
a hustler as the wild west ever pro
duced. He defies everybody—even in
Chicago—to beat his record o"f selling in
four and a half houra, on September 2d,
fifteen carloads of fruit, comprising 3500
boxes of Bartlett pears, 4000 boxes of
peaches, lOOOboxesof plums and prunes,
and 2500 crates of grapes. Forty men
unloaded the cars and piled the fruit in
400 different lots on the pier. Fifty
trucks took the fruit away, beginning
to load at 11:30 a. m. and getting through
the job a little after midnight. Twenty
four hours after the sale occurred every
California shipper had the money he
obtained from it in his pocket or his
Many of the purchasers, who gather
on the pier when a train load is piled
there like miniature mountain chains,
are Italian jobbers, who sell to the ven
ders and stand keepers. Boxes in every
lot are opened, and buyers are allowed
to examine the fruit. Every buyer has
a catalogue, which tells where the fruit
is grown. Ihe Earl Fruit company is
the biggest shipper. There are half a
dozen Chinamen in the business, and
they dispose of their fruit to tbe big
concerns which send them here. One of
the lots sold the other day was made up
of two boxes of pears grown by Mr.
Quong Wo, who has a reputation as
a fine grower. One hundred of his
countrymen make a living as growers.
In exchange for her tons of fruit the
jobbers of this section will send Califor
nia about 1400,000, all of which will be
nearly clear profit.
Mr. Goodsell says that California fruit
has come to stay. He believes that we
shall be receiving within a few years
more fruit than goes into the Chicago
market. The cars that bring the fruit
here are run into the section where the
growers are and loadeddirectly from the :
orchards and vineyards. The fruit is
packed in such condition that it may
ripen at the end of ten days, the length
of the journey from the western coast.
New York gets the very best quality of
the crop, because she pays more for it
than the growers can get elsewhere.—
[New York Post.
The Additions Received to the Exhibit
Donations to the chamber of com
merce exhibit were received yesterday
as follows:
Max Schued, Ranchito, English wal
nuts; Dr. Witherspoon, Garvanza, flow
ers: P. K. Wood, Clearwater, carrots;
Clarence Munson, flowers; Daniel B.
Kingsley, Alhambra, orange quinces;
Juan De Tora, Tire Palms, olives on
branches; C. S. Swan, Los Angeles,
crude soda and marble from Inyo county ;
J, S. Calkins, olive trees; John Baugh,
Downey,English walnuts; Los Angeles
Lighting Co.. gold fish for the fountain;
Mrs. J. M. Dansmoor, star cactus; H.
,Y. Campbell, Vernon, apples; Mi's. E.
Ayers, Tropico, fruits and flowers; L.
E. Mercer, comb honey and queen bee
cells; 0. H. Judd and J. Pollard, orange
trees; Mr. Post, East Los Angeles,
pumpkin and quinces; H. N. Rust,
Yuma Indian bread; Woman's ex
change, case cufios; Los Nietos growers'
association, tower of Erurlish walnuts;
Bishop Loop Co., crystallized fruits; C.
A. Garwood, almonds and walnuts for
Chicago exhibit.
Nine cases of fruits, nuts, etc., sent to
Aberdeen, Kansas, with C. M. Wells, to
place on exhibition.
The regular meeting of the board of
directors will be held this afternoon at
half past three.
The City Council and Others Visit the
Yesterday the city council, city at
torney, deputy engineer, and others
paid a visit to the works on Washington
street, where the plaster used in the
new sewers and on the walls of the
schools and other public buildings is
made. These works have heretofore
been described at some length in these
columns. The various products of the
mill have also been highly commended.
E. 11. Hutchinson, superintendent of the
sewers, was one of the party. He made
tests of the plaster some time ago with
most satisfactory results. Samples that
had been under water twenty-four
hours and one hour in the air stood a
test of 358 pounds to the square inch.
The best results obtained with the best
Portland cement was 250 pounds. In all
the tests made the home product dis
played better qualities of all sorts than
the imported. The councilmen and
others were much gratified to find so
excellent a manufacturing industry suc
cessfully set in motion here.
Broadway Property Owner*.
All persons owning property on Broad
way, between Fust and Tenth Btreets,
who are opposed'to opening and widen
ing Broadway street as proposed, will
please call at the office of C. E. Huber,
No. 118 S. Main street. * i
Mr. Bullis Brings a Suit in a Justice's
Some people would rooner go to law
than eat. In the township justice's
court, Philip H. Bullia yesterday com
menced suit against C. F. Wagner to re
cover fifteen cents. He had sold thirty
nine pounds of dried pears to the latter
at ten cents per pound. Wagner sent
T 3.75 in payment for the fruit, but this
did not satisfy the seller, who claimed
that his bill was $3.90. Upon Wagner's
refusal to pay that small amount, Bullis
hired an attorney, brought suit, and
planked down as a first installment of
costs *5 in the justice's court. Whoever
loses the case will have to pay a great
deal more than the thirty-nine pounds
of pears cost.and whoever wina will have
a nice little lawyer'B bill to pay, and
only fifteen cents to do it with.
Domestic Trouble Causes Him to At
tempt Suicide.
John Dowlin, a compositor, who has
figured in the newspapers before on ac
count of the waywardness of his wife,
made an attempt on his life at 1:30
o'clock thia morning. Officer J. R.
Home discovered him at that hour try
ing to gain entrance to the house where
his wife and mother reside, corner of
Second and San Pedro streets, to see
his children. The officer advised him
to come away, but he peraiated in his
efforts, and being refused admis
sion by those inside, Dowlin
drew a pistol and shot himself in
the right shoulder, producing a flesh
wound, not fatal. He was immediately
brought to the polite station and Dr.
Wing called to attend him. At last ac
counts he was doing well.
New York's Flower Market.
New York ia soon to have what almost
every European city has—a market for
cut flowers that ladies may visit with
out seeing or meeting with anything
that is disagreeable. The idea of having
a general flower market at Union square
has by no means been abandoned, still
the project is at a stand still for the
present, and no active steps will be taken
in the matter for some months yet. In
the meantime the Market Florists' asso
ciation of New York is making arrange
ments for a temporary market for cut
flowers, which will be situated near
Union square, and which will be opened
early in September.
Hitherto the market for cut flowers
has been situated at tho foot of Thirty
fourth street, East river. No woman
would care to visit the neighborhood,
and it was unattractive in every sense.
In Paris it is quite the proper thing to
form parties to visit the flower market
in the early morning.
For obvious reasons parties of that
kind are not formed in New York. The
regular flower market at the foot of Ca
nal street and North river and the cut
flower market at Thirty-fourth street
are not attractive early in the morning
or late at night. The beauty of the
flowers is more than offset by the lack
of beauty in their surroundings.—New
York Mail and Express.
A Boston Epitaph. .
In an out-of-the-way corner of a Bos
ton graveyard stands a brown board
Showing the marks of age and neglect.
It bears the inscription: "Sacred to the
memory of Eben Harvey, who departed
this life suddenly and unexpectedly by a
cow kicking him on the 14th of Septem
ber, 1853. Well done, thou good and
faithful servant."—Chicago Times.
"I have heard some admirable ad
dresses before the agricultural society,"
says President Northen, of Augusta, Ga.,
"but a dozen colts on exhibition at the
state fair is a better lecture than 1 have
ever heard on stock, and a bale of fine
hay is a finer lecture for grass growing."
Pinions Are Wines, But
Bowles—Mr. Stiffany. 1 would like
you to fix the wings of this watch.
Stiffany—Wings? I do not understand
JiTwles—Perhaps I haven't got it right.
What are those appendages by which a
butterfly is enabled to fly? Pin—pin
Bowles—Oh, yes; fix the watch's pin
Stiffany—Ohl—Jewelers' Circular.
m raj Cures
8 IFn* sprains,
2 jt bruises,
From the noted —
Rancho Rodeo De Los Aquas,
II AM M XI. & nfcNKKlt, Proprietors,
. . .Consisting 6f....
Horses, Brood Mares, Colts, Fine
Milk Cows, Graded Heifers,
Farming Implements, Etc.
Will sell, on SATURDAY,October 25tb,10a.m.,
corner Ninth and Main streets, I.os Angeles, a
lurge number of horses and mares; some of the
mares In foul, some with colts by their sides
sired by theeelebrated trotting stallions "Prince
Edward" and "Jumbo"; 15 tine milk cows, 20
heife h, all high-grade short horn und Holsteln,
making excellent dairy and family stock. We
wish to call the attention of dairymen, stock
men, ranchmen and others to this important
sale of high graded stock, the first of the kird
ever put on the market in this county. 1 he
Rancho will soon bo subdivided into 10-acre
tracts; thus the stock must be sold off.
Sale will be posltiae nnd without reserve.
BEN. O. KHOADKS, ( Auctioneers
10 21 5t H. H. MATLOCK. i AUCMoneers -
ssi* Wure u .rs!! r
fIRjTfS »MIU 4 BMBAIM Of «"■■ RJrM
explains all. lUedvto. is Vital. Free tor Hmggl
1 wrafr ff?R WORDS!
Taking Things Easy
is simply taking Pearline to do
your work. In the laundry or
about the house it is a servant
in itself. It takes away drud
gery as well as dirt; it brings
comfort as Avell as cleanliness.
You can use it on anything
with safety; you can use it on
everything with profit.
of imitations which ore being
KPH/irA peddled from door to door
JJCVVdI C First quality goods do not re
quire such desperate methods
to sell thera. PEA RLINK sells on its merits, and
is manufactured only by
■ 304 JAMES PVt.E. New York.
PETER CLOS, Proprietor.
Horses, Carriages and Saddle Horses To Lei
All Kinds of Horses Bought and Sold.
Horses Boarded by the Day, Week or Month
Telephone 255.
No. 952 Flower street, Los Angeles, Cal .
Milk supplied in sealed pint and quart glasß
jars, fresh from tho farm, morning and evening,
leave orders at office, 112 S. Spring street, or
10-4-lm CHAS. VICTOR HALL. Prop.
Or Selection of Lands Sold by the
Bear Valley & Alessandro DevelopmentCo
On Wednesday, October 15th.
The day itself was perfect. The new road (built by the company from the
heart of Redlands to Alessandro) was in splendid condition, and crowded with
teams of every description from early morning,
Arriving on the ground at 10 a. m., when they were met by delegations from
Riverside, Colton, San Bernardino and adjoining towns. There were from 500 to
(iOO ladies and gentlemen present when the selection commenced. The land had
been previously staked and laid out in boulevards, avenues and streets.
a large: map
Of entire 21,000 acres was shown under canvas. As the option number was
called, the holder came forward and made his choice. Everything worked har
moniously ; nearly every one secured just the corner lot he coveted. Scarcely a
word of dissatisfaction was heard from anyone. Everybody was delighted and
happy, and everyone expressed themselves as more than pleased with the
That will soon be the future homes of many of them. At high noon there was a
short intermission for refreshments, that had been abundantly provided by the
company, while the band played (Frank E. Brown) or "Hail to the Chief."
By 3 o'clockthe entire 7000 acres sold had been selected.
'Twus a Great Success!
A Grand. Day for the Company!
A Grand Day for tiie People!
The City of Alessandro
Is a Fixed Far \
"Take a note of it as it is today, and call again in five years." No better
or fruit land in Southern California than Alessandro, with a sure and neve*, -nug
supply of water from
The pipes are now being laid all along the line; contracts are all made and work
is being pushed as rapidly as possible. WATER CLEAR AND BRIGHT will be
on the land by March 1, 1891. The company have not as yet had time to call a
meeting in regard to future prices of the land, and for a short time the price will
remain at
$75.00 PER ACRE.
Selections can be made at the office of the company, where THE LARGE MAP
IS DISPLAYED, showing lots sold and unsold up to date.
A. P. Kitcuing, Gen. Manager. B. V. & A. D. Co., Redlands, Calif.
Work*. 871, 573 ud i% North hit Street. Telephoae Ho. tt.*
DresslShirts and Lawn TennisJSuits and Tennis Shirts Neatly Done.
Rhoades & Reed
Auctioneers and Commission Merchants,
Sales Room, Cor. Broadway and 2d St*.
Ben. O. Rhoades and H. 11. Matlock,
Will sell at AUCTION, at their salesrooms, oor
| ncr Second and Broadway, Tuesday, October
21st, 2 p. m.:
CONSlGNED—Consisting of $15,000 worth ol
men's, youths' and boys' tailor-made clothing,
hats, ladies' and gents' fine shoes, and ladies',
misses' and children's cloaks. Sale to continue
every afternoon and evening at 2 and 7p. m.,
until all are sold.
These goods were shipped to Los Angeles
through mistake, and are sold on acconntof
whom it may concern to defray expenses of
shipment and other charges. They are regular
goods, latest styles, and are first-class in every
particular. Sale will be positive and without
Real Estate,
At 11 a. m., sharp,
Cottage House and Lot, No. 229 f oath
Workman street, corner of ShefHln
aye. A neat cottage containing five rooms,
hard finished, bath, hot and cold water, barn
and bther improvements. Lot 50x150. Only
two blocks from the Downey avenne power
house, and the grandest cable systems on the
coast. Easy of access and in a first-class neigh
borhood. This is a splendid opportunity to
purchasers for a good home. Sale to take place
on the premises. Owner must sell and sale
positive. BEN. O. RHOADES, Auctioneer.
a branch of the convent of Our Lady of the
Sacred Heart, Oakland, have opened a boarding
school at Ramona, Cal.; the location cannot he
surpassed in beauty and salubrity; the course of
instruction is of the highest grade. For terms
apply to the LADY SUPERIORESS. The classes
will be resumed Sept. Ist, 1890. 125-11

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