Newspaper Page Text
BE CAREFUL! A sore or an ulcer that resists ordi nary treatment is a very serious mat ter. It is cither of a cancerous na ture, or it is the result of a very bad condition of the blood. Don't tam per with it Take The Great Blood Remedy ■PVOan and got rid of It. Don't ' ' ::: i' of Colum bus, Ga., -writes: "A ■woman with a cancerous Ulcer of years' standing, and five Inches in diameter, has been entirely relieved by 6 bottles of Swift's Specific. I consider its effects wonderful— almost miraculous." This is the record of s. s. s. Books on Blood and Mi in Diseases Free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. Ladies Think then Act. That Wolff'sACMEßlacking IS CHEAPER than any other dressing at any price, be it 5 cents, 10 cents, or 25 cents, you can convince yourself by wearing one shoe dressed with Acme Blacking and the other shoe dressed with whatever happens to be your favorite dressing. While Acme Black ing WW endure a month through snow or rain, and can, if the shoe is soiled, be washed clean, the other dressing will not \ast a single day in wet weather. \ Your shoes will look better, last longer and lie more comfortable if dressed with Wolff's Acme Slacking. WOLFF A RANDOLPH, Philadelphia jit <f% MBJ y and other speolal- Effl %J w m ties for Gentlemen, ▼ m Ladles, etc., arewar fanted, and so stamped on bottom. Address W. 1,. DOUGLAS, llrockton, Mass. Sold by MASSACHUSETTS SHOK HOUSE, 129 West First Street, I.oh Angeles. t BEFORE ORDERING YOU» SPRING SUIT, Call on GABEL the TAILOR 34/5 2V. St. BtHmo Eotal Building, LOS INGELJS. 1000 PATTERNS to SELECT i*M SUITS TO ORDER frorc $15.00 Up. PANTS TO ORDER from $3.50 Up M . SHORT, Late of Short Bros., we-fr-su MANAGER. HIGH CLASS FURNITURE —AND— ORNAMENTAL GLASSWARE AT AUCTION WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 1891 At 158 North Main St., opposite old Court House, SALE COMMENCING AT 2:30 O'CLOCK. Exhibition Tucßday and Wednesday. Theße goods were brought to California direct from England by Mrs. E. F. Peyton Carter, who j* co«i»eiled to dispose of them now, on ac count of her Immediate return to Europe. C. A. SUMNER A CO., Auctioneers, 107 South Broadway. Catalogues on application. 5-3-lt 432 ASSORTED TRUSSES And a large consignment of Pure Drugs and Chemlca's just received.. We are now prepared to tell you a finely fitting Truss, and also, if necessary, nut up your prescription, from the very best of drugs, at New York prices. Remem ber the place. OWL DRUG STORE. 129 N. MAIN ST. WM. 11. JUENGER. 4-28 lm TENTS, AWNINGS, FLAGS, TRUCK, HAY AND* WAGON COVERS. A. W. SWAN FELDT, 115 E. Second Street. Take Notice—l have removed from No. 202. East Second. 4-7-3 m PHOTOGRAPHER. Finest finished Cabinet Photos only $3.00 per dozen. Guaranteed first-class. 127 WEST FIRST STREET. 4-19-6 m «»K, JORDAN «fc COS MUSEUM of ANATOMY Pomm/oH to their New Building', 1051 riGIIIUVGU market St. bet Gth& 7th. Enlarged, where 10,000 instructive objects may be seen, collected In Europe at a cunt of $80,000. This Is the only Museum thli k side of the Mississippi. Established here |P* twenty-five years ago. Go and be taught \p how wonderfully you are made, and how to avoid sickness and disease. Entrance for ladles and gentlemen, 25c. Private Office, No. 211 Geary- St. opposite Union Square. All diseases of men quickly <"uhed. Consultation free. Bend for book. * NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. SAN BERNARDINO AND EASTERN RAIL w«y company—The annual meeting of the stockholders of the San Bernardino and East ern Railway company will be held at the office of the company, in the city of Los Angeles, on Thursday, May 14,1891, at 11 o'clock a.m., to elect a board of directors for the ensuing year, and to transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting. FRANK H. PATTEE, Assistant Secretary. Los Angeles, Cal., April 28,1891. 4-28 td FINANCE AND TRADE. Financial. EXCHANGE REVIEW. Ni* York, May s.—The stock market opened firm and quiet this morning. London selling Its specialties precipitated a selling movement which soon wiped out the early gains. Upon the announcement In the after noon of the further engagement of a million and a half of gold for shipment, selling became general for both sides of the account. The final dealings were less active, and marked by a quieter toue, but the close was heavy at about the bottom figures. The losses include Lacka wanna, 1% per cenl, sugar, 1; sliver certificates, I, and Norlhorn Pacific preferred, % percent. Government bonds steady. SONS! QUOTATIONS. Ntw York, May s—Money ou call easy; Closed offered at 3 per cent Prime mercantile paper, 4%@6% per cent Sterling Exchange—Quiet, firm; 60-day bills, $4.85%; demand $4.tJß4<. London, May 5, 4 p. m.—Closing consols, money, 95 11-16: do account, 95>s ; U.S. 4s 11. 22%; do $1.03%. Money—3 per cent. BAR SILVER New York, May s—Bar silver, per oz. London, May 5. — Bar silver, 44% d. per ounce Ban Francisco, May s.—Bar silver, 98@ 98% c per ounce. San Francisco, May s.—Mexican dollars, 78%@79c. STOCKS AND BONDS. New York, May ft.—Closing quotations: 0. S. 4s. Reg 120% N. W. Preferred. .135% 0.8. 4s c0up...120% N. Y. Central... .102% U. B. 4%5. reg... 100 Oregon Imp't 31 0. S. 4%5. coup. .101 Navigation 77 Pacific Os 13 Oregon Short Line 28 Atchison 33% N. American 17%' American Ex 15 Pacific Mall 37% Canada Pacific... 78% Reading 33% CauadlSou 51)4 Rio GrandeWst'n. 41 Central Pacific... 31% Preferred 72% Burlington 88% Do. firsts 77% Lackawanna 37V,, Rock Island 78 Denver A Rio Gr. 00 St. Paul 03% Erie 21% St. Paul di Omaha 27 Kan. & Texas.... 15 Terminal 17% Lake Shore 11 1% Texas Pacific 14% L. A N 79k Union Pacific... 49% Mich. Central.... 94 U. S. Express ... G3 Missouri Pacific 7i Wells, Fargo & Co. 40 Northern Pacific. 2t% Western Union... 81% N. P, Preferred.. 70% Am. Cotton 0i1... 20% Northwestern 91% Boston May s.—Closing prices: A. A T. R. R 33%iHex. Cent. Com. 22 Burl. AQuincy... 88%|8anDiego 21 MINING SHARES. New York, May s.—Mining shares were as follows: Alice 1.50 Occidental 1.10 Atchißon 1.50 Sutter Creek ... 1.10 Adamseon 1.70 liould A Curry.. 3.90 Eureka. Con.. .. 3.50 Bale A Norcross 3.50 ABpen 3.50 Homestake 8.75 Bodie 1.20 Horn Silver 3.00 Belle Isle 1.30 Iron Silver 1.00 Best A Belcher. 8.00 Mexican 4.50 Belcher 2.50 Mount Diablo.. 1.90 Caledonia B. H. 1.05 Ontario 18.00 Chollar 2.70 Ophir 8.00 Colorado Con... 1.00 Phoenix 8.80 Commonwealth. I.On Plymouth 1.95 Con. Calif. V a.,..14.87% Savage 3.50 Crown Point 2.00 Sierra Nev 3.40 Deadwood 1.00 Standard 1.00 i'otosi 4.25 Union Con 4.50 Eureka 3.50 Yellow Jacket.. 2.75 N.Commonw'lth 1.25 N. Belle Isle. .. 1.00 San Francisco, May s.—Following are the olosing prices: Best A Belcher. 8.75 Potosl 4.45 Chollar 2.95 Ophir 8.87% Crocker 15 Savage 3.75 Con. Virginia...l9.B7% Sierra Nevada... 4.25 Confidence 0.62% Union Con 4.80 Qould A Curry.. 400 Yellow Jacket.. 3.00 Hale A Norcross 3.75 Alpha 80 Locomotive ... .05 Alta 60 Peer 20 Belcher 2.90 Peerless 10 Con. Imperial.. ,10 San Francisco Market Review. San Francisco, May s.—The produce mar kets were moderately active this morning, but as a rule quotations were unchanged. Shipping wheat is nominal at about $1.72'j per cental. Barley is weak. Choice feed sold this morning at |145 percental. There is no change in the potato market. New onions are doing better.and prices are very firm. Fruits of all kinds that are in season are do ing well. I'rices for choice citrus products have not weakened very much. Liberal supplies of strawberries are coming in, aud the price is a shade lower. Cherries remain about the same. All grades of butter are held firmly. The call for choice ranch eggs has picked up somewhat, and some particularly fine lots have been sold at an advance over the quoted prices. Over-supplies of asparagus have caußed that vegetable to weaken in price this morning, (ireen peas are yet in heavy supply, and cheap er. Rhubarb is plentiful, and very weak. Wax beans are now in, and sold at good prices. Sum mer squash has dropped. String beans are un changed. San Francisco, May 5. — Apples: $1,009 $1.25 per box for common to good: $1.5092.50 choice. Barley-No. 1 feed. $1,409*1.45. Barley brewing Barley—Oround, (1.31932. Bran—l 4 50915.00 per ton. Oats—lH.7oMl.9o. Wheat—Milling, No. 1 ship ping, 1.70^1.72%. Flour—Family extras, $4.75954.85; Superfine, (8.20#*8.60. ilav-wiieat, $139519; oat, 514.00916.50; clover, $8.50@511.50; wild oats, 11914.25; bar ley, 12915; alfalfa, 11912.00. Butter—Fair to choice 18921. Eggs—California ranch, 20922 c. Lemons—Sicily $ti.50957.00; Riverside, $2.50 93.00; Los Angeles, $1.0091.75 Limes—Mexican, (7.0U98.00; California, 50 995 c for small and $1.5091.75 for large boxes. Mutton—B99c per lb. Wool—Eastern, Oregon aud Washington, 14 920. Oranges—Riverside navels, $4.5095.00; Vac aville, 50c. per small box; Riverside seed lings, $1.7592.50; Mandarin, 25950 c per box; Los Angeles seedlings, nav els, $2.0093.00. Raisins—London layers, $1.7595 l 85; three crown, loose, $1.20925; twocrown. do, .7591. Cranberries—l29l3c per ponnd. Onions—Red, $1,809*2.10; silver skins, $3.50 94 25. Honey—Whitecomb, 11915; amber, 8910. Bananas—sl,so9* Pears—Oregon, $1.2591.50 per box. Dried grapes—3U9394. Green peas— String beans—s(olo. Pepper—Green, 18@25c. Potatoes-New, 2^93, l -ic $ lb; old, G0c@1.25 y 100. Mushrooms—B9lsc for common: 30c for buttons. Pineapples—s4.oo9ss.oo Sweet Potatoes— Tomatoes—Los Angeles, $1951.75 per box. Egg plant, 20925 c per lb. Summer Squash—lo <nl2Uc per pound. Marrowfat squash—s2s93o per ton. Asparagus—sl9*l.2s per box for ordinary, 91 50®2.25 for Alameda. Cucumbers—soc per doz. Rhubarb—so 7591.00 per box. Turnips—7sc per cental. Beets—sl per sack. Carrots—Feed, 40950 c. Parsnips—sl.2s per cental. Cabbage—soc. Garlic—D«2c <p lb for Italian, and 10®12Kc for California. • Dry Peppers—ls92oc ft. Dry Ultra—2o92sc f, lb Strawberries—9oc9*l. 15 per drawer. Chicago Grain Market. Chicago, May s.—Wheat weak and lower. The opening was !495hC lower than closing fig ures yesterday, then commenced to advance under active demand immediately from the start.and with only slight fluctuations advanced 1%92c for July; but at this advance offerings became heavy and a gradual decline set in, prices receding 191Ko, and then with a pan icky feeling declined more; recovered and then declined again quite suddenly, fluc tuated aud closed about 2/ 8 c lower than yester day. May closed about 2%u lower, August 2%c lower, and December 2J4c lower. Receipts, 708,000 bushels; shipments, 314, --000 bushels. Chicago, May s.—Close: Wheat, steady; Cash, 98999 c; June, 97998 c; "July, WMm 97*£ c. ' Corn-Steady: oash, 65900; June, 609 63; July, 59959%. Oats—Weak; cash, June, July, 465^946%. Rye-Dull; 85. Barley-Steady, 76978 c. OTHER GRAIN MARKETS. San Francisco, May 5. — Wheat easier; buyer season, $1.70 , / j; buyer, 91, sea son, '91, after August Ist, $1.72V£. Barley-Quiet; buyer, season, $1.41%; buy er, '91, after August Ist, $1.49; season, '91, $1.09-4- Corn-1.5091.70. Liverpool, May s.—Wheat: In poo. de mand. Kansas winter firm, Ss 6}£d per cental, firm. Corn—Demand fair for spot and good for fu tures. Spot, Ss 6%d per cental, easy; June, 5a steady; July, 655% d, steady. THE LOS ANGELES HERALD: WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 6, 1891. Maw York. May s.—Hops: Steady; Pacific ooast. 253032% Coffee-Options eloped dull and unchanged, to 5 points up. Sales. 21,500 bagß. June, 117.70r<v17.80; July. $17.00(317.65, August, |1(i.95f(J17 25; September, $16.40x0&16.55. Spot Rio. firm; fair cargoes, 19%@20; No. 7, 17® 18% C. Sugar—Raw dull, nominal; refined dull, un changed. Copper—Neglected: lake. March, 13.75. l/wl -Imill Domestic, $4 25. Tin—Steady. Straits. 120.05. Chicago, May s.—Pork: Weak: rash, $U.00<i811.87%; June, H2.40Ca12.60. July, 12.00®12.u5. Lard—Weak; cash. $0.00*6.55%: June,16.60 fj}6.67%. July, 16 72%. Shoulders—ss 2oYa!.->.25. Short clear— <856.00. Short rib 5—16.0000.65 Chicago, May 5 —Whiskey—sl.l7. Wool. New York, May s—Wool quiet, steady; domestic fleece, 24C<827c. Phii.adki.phia, May 5.—W00l quiet. Mon tana, 22@24c: territorial, 16(522c. Boston, May 5 —Demand for wool moderate. Territory wool, 62C<904c clean for fine; sS(a)62c for fine medium; 55f(857c formedium. Califor nia and Oregon woofs, choice super, 40(rf»45c; fair to good supers, 30C($38c; extras, 22(<?23c. Petroleum. New York, May s.—Petroleum: June closed at 71%. LOS ANGELES LOCAL MARKETS. The following report Is corrected daily: Flour—L. A. XXXX, patent roller, asked, $5.60, Capitol Mills, patent roller, asked, $5.60; Crown, $5.90; Sperry, $5.90. Mill Feed—Cracked corn, asked, $1.50; Crack ed corn by the sack, $l.fio; Rolled barley, asked $1.00; $1.50; Mixed Feed, corn $1.70 per 100 lbs: feed meal, $1."i0; bran, and barley, $150: wheat, No. 1. $1.80; No. 2, $1.10: shorts, $1.20. Smallhomony, $4. Hay—Barley, W. B , No. 1, asked, $17 to $18; Barley, U. X., No. I,asked $15 50; Alfalfa, R. 8., $15.00: Alfalfa, W. B, $12 to $13; Wheat, W. B , $10.50; Oat, W. 8., $14.00 to $16.00. Potatoes—Early Rose, L. A., asked, $1.00 to $1.25; Early Rose, northern, asked, $I.ooto $1.25; Peerless, asked, $1.25; Oregon Burhaak, asked, $1.35 @ $1.50; Early Rose, seed, asked, $1 00; River Red, asked, $1 10. Sweet Potatoes—Yellow, asked, $150; Red and white, asked, $1.00. - Green FBUITI -Bananas, $2.50 to $3 00 per bunch; Strawberries, 15c; Lemons, $2.00 to $2.50 tt box; Apples, $1.75 t052.25. Butter—Fancy roll, perroll, asked, 35@40c; Choice roll. per.roll, asked, 30c.; Fair roll, per roll, asked, 27% c; Mixed Stcre, asked. 15@25c. Cheese—Large, asked, 13c ; Small, asked, 13c; Small, 3d hand, asked. 14c; Eastern encese, 15c. Eggs.—Fresh, 15@lGc Poultry. — Hens, No. 1, per dozen, $4 50 C® $5.00; old roosters, per dozen, asked $4.50; young roosters, per dozen, bid $5.50, asked $6.00; broilers, large, per dozen, $4.00 to $4.00; broilers, small, per doz en, $3.00 to ; turkeys, per pound, 17c; ducks, large, per dozen, bid $5.50, asked $6.50: ducks, small, per dozen, bid $6.00 asked $7.00; geese, each, bid $1.00, asked $1.25, Live Stock.—Live hogs, bid , asked $4.25. Honey.—Extracted, bid , asked 6c; am ber, bid . asked 5%c; comb, bid , asked 12% C; beeswax, bid , asked 22% c. Onions.—6c per pound. Vegetables (mixed).—Chiles, string of 5% lbs, bid , asked $1.00; garlic, bid , asked 8c; cabbage, per 100. bid , asked 60c. . Beans and Dried Peas.—Pink, No. 1, bid , asked $2.75; pink. No. 1, weavely, bid , asked 2 25; bayous, bid , asked $4.00; Lima, bid , asked $4.50; Lima, small, bid , asked $3.50; black eye, bid , asked $5 00: Garavancos. bid , asked $4.00; Green Faile peas, bid , asked $3.00; Navy, bid , asked $3.50: job lots, No. 1. bid . asked $3.00: job lotß, No. 2 bid , asked $2.75. Raisins.—Layers, asked $1.50; ex-London layers, new, $2.00; loose muscatels,sl.3s; blue raisins, sc; dried grapes, 4c. Oats. —Surprise, bid, , asked, $2.25; feed, No. 1, bid, , asked, $2 15; feed, No. 2, bid, .asked $2.00. Barley.—Feed, No. 1, new bid, $1 17, asked, $1.25. Corn.—Large yellow, carload, lots, bid, $1.17%, asked, $1.25; Egyptian, bid, , ask ed, $1.50; small yellow, carload lo's, bid, $1.17%, asked, $1.25 Dried Fruits.—Peaches, 8. D. No. 1, bid, , asked, $0.10; peaches, S. I). No. 2, bid, , asked, $0.o8; Peaches, 8. D. peeled, bid, , asked, $0.25; Pitted Plums bid, , asked, $0.14; pitted Plums, evaporated, bid, , asked, $0.18; blackberries, bid, , asked, $0.15; prunes, California French, bid, — , asked, $0.10; apricots, bid, , asked, |12m2u. Nuts.—Walnuts, new, $0.08; peanuts, Cal ifornia No. 1, $0.5; peanuts, Eastern, $0.8; almonds, S. S., $0.16: Almonds. H S., $0 10. Apples.—Evaporated, asked, $0 12; Hunts's Alrten, $0.14; sun dried, $0.10; sun dried, quartered, $4.08. Wholesale Meat Market. [Corrected daily by 8. Maier, 149 North L Spring street. 1 Fresh Meats—Following are the rates for whole carcasses from slaugterers to dealers: Beef—First quality, sc: second quality, 4to 4Uc; third quality, 4 to 4J£c per lb. Yeal —Quotable at 6 to 7c for large and 8 to 9c per lb. for small. Mutton—Quotable at 6@7c per lb Lamb—Quotable at 9 to 10c per lb. Fork —Live hogs on foot, grain fed, medium, 4 to t]4c; dressed, <> to 7 c per lb. Wool—Spring clip, Hams—Rex, 13K; Crown, 14U: Lily, 14Vi. Bacon—Rex, 11%; Crown, 12%; Lily. 12%. Lard—Refined 3s, 8%; ss, 10s, B'4: 50s, «',; tierces, 8c; pure leaf, 12J.£; higher all around. Dried Beef Hams—l3c. Salt Pork—lOe. To prevent fevers, keep the liver active and bowels regular with Simmons Liver Regulator. An Eye to Economy. Wife (to her husband, who is writing notes of invitation to a dinner) —Now, Karl, don't forget to invite Professor War aig. He is so ugly that the very sight of him will spoil the appetite of all the other guests.—Schlesische Zeitung. Then Two Men Had a Fit. "A man just had a fit up here on High street." "Did you look at him?" "Yes." "No wonder." —Columbus Dispatch. Three Laughs. His good right arm was around her waist, His Roman nose stole beneath her hat; Ho snatched a kiss in the greatest haste, Then told a story so very pat. That what could she do But blush clear through Paint, powder and veil, as she laughed "Te-tel He-he-he-oh my! Ho-he-he-ril die! He-he-hel Ho-he-he! To-he-e-eP' Then to pay him back sho related a tale Of a girl who wore her last winter's bonnel At an Easter crush, with a hideous veil. While her own was as sweet as a new spring sonnet; So he kissed her some more At that, and ho swore Twas all quite to utterly funny—"Ho-ho! Ho-ho-ho-rny dear! Ho-ho-ho-how queer! Ho-ho-ho! Ho-ho-hol Ho-ho-o-o!" But alas! Behind them the-old man creeps. As silent as death and as storn as fate, And ho kicks and kicks—while his daughter weeps— , That rash young youth through the garden gate; And ho rears and stamps. Like a mule with tho cramps- Bo savage and loud is his mirth—"Haw-haw! llaw-h»w-haw-he's quit! Haw-haw-haw-hell git! Haw-haw-haw! Haw-haw-haw! Haw-haw aw-awl" —Browne Perrinmn in Yankee Blade. In 1850 "Brown's Bronchial Troches," were introduced, and their success as a cure for Colds, Coughs, Asthma and Bronchitis has been unparalleled. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a. Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Hiss, she clung to CastorUt When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. WHY WILL YOU cough when Shiloh's Cure will give Immediate relief? Price 10 cts, 50 cts. and |1. For sale by Heinzeman, 222 N. Main, or Trout, Sixth and Broadway General Market. LUMBER TABD : KerekhofF-Cuzner » MJLL AND LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Main Office: LOS ANGELES. Wholesale Yard at SAN PEDRO. Branch Yards—Pomona, Pasadena, Lamanda, ' Azusa, Burbank. Planing Mills—Los Angeles ' and Pomona. Cargoes furnished to order. I J. M. Griffith, President. H. G. Stevenson, Vlce-Pres. aud Trea«. T. E. Nichols, Secy. K. L. Chandler, Supt J. M. GRIFFITH COMPANY, ; Lumber Dealers And Manufacturers of DOGRB, WINDOWS, BLINDS, STAIRS, Mill work of every description. 934 N. Alameda Street, Los Angeles. lultf J. A. HENDERSON, WM. F. MARSHALL President. Secretary. J. R. SMURR, Vice President and Treasurer. SOUTHERN "CALIFORNIA LUMBER CO. 350 East First Street. 9-19-5 m Los Angeles, California^ CLARK & HUMPHREYS, Dealers in all kinds of L U M B E R! YARD—San Mateo and Scventh-st. Bridge. General Business Office, 125 West Second it, Burdick Block. P. O. Box 1235. Telephone 178. 12-27-3 m PERRY, MOTT <St CO'® LUMBER YARDS AND PLANING MILLS, No. 78 Commercial Street Jul tf DOCTORS ARE HERE. The Staff of the renowned European Physi ciaus, Surgeons and Specialists, DR. LIEBIG & CO., the Original and Only Genuine European Specialists, from San Francisco and Kansas City, will visit LOS ANGELES, And open offices for One Week Only, at 123 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Between First and Second streets, opposite Grand Opera House, —FROM — May 4th to May 9th Inclusive, 1891. The doctors treat every form of disease and deformity. Incurable cases will not be taken, but will be told tbe facts of their case, so as to avoid fur ther expense. On account of enormous increase of special practice all over the coast, Dr. Llebig & Co. cannot visit any of the smaller Southern Cali fornia towns this trip. All persons desiring to consult with the great specialists must come to Los Angeles. Can only spare one week in Los Angeles, May 4th to May 9 - .h Inclusive. Call early, as the doctors' offices will be crowded during the afternoon and evening. THE DAVIS Automatic Inkstand! JIL PURE INK fjHß'j CLEAN AND FRESH. MOST ECONOMICAL STAND IN THE WORLD. Because, in the open stand, evaporation and waste is about 90 per cent; while in the Davis Automatic the ink, after springing up and inking the pen, returns to the reservoir, where it is kept perfectly air-tight, thus preventing all evaporation and waste and preserving the ink as bright and clean and pure as when first put in the stand. . Placed on trial anywhere in Los Angeles. Send for circular. G. G. WICKSON & CO., 346 North Main St., Los Angeles. Telephone 012. 4-15 C. F. HEINZEMAN, Druggist & Chemist No. 332 N. Main St., Los Angeles, Cal. Prescriptions carefully compounded day and night. roil-tf Cl^^ s 'Q Others in "iEjj S—^comparison are slow or AHU int. If suffering try §kDE A wood's plaster. Syy)**-- tf'-'vXsSS Penetrates, Re •y//y/j7TT*ff?WV\\vv lieves. Cares. '7V'/I|HtV\\ All Druggists. 4-22-ly Notice for Publication of Time for Proving; Will, Etc. , IN THE SUPERIOR COURT, STATE OF CALI -fornia; County of Los Angeles, ss. In the matter of the Estate of Christina Rln toul, deceased. Notice is hereby given that Tuesday, the 12th i day of May, 1891, at 10 o'clock a m. of said day, at the courtroom of this Court. Department Two thereof, in the City of Los Angeles, County of Los Angeles, State of California, has been ap pointed as the time and place for hearing the application of R. W. Poindexter, praying that a document now on file in this Court, purport ing to be the last will and testament of the said deceased, be admitted to probate, that letters testamentary be issued thereon to said R. W. Poindexter, at which time and place all persons interested therein may appear and contest the same. Dated April 27,1891. T. H. WARD, County Clerk. By F. E. Lowry, Deputy. Samuel B. Gordon, attorney for executor. 4-28 IQt NOTICE TO CREDITORS. INSTATE OF NANCY MILLER, DECEASED. li Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, executor of the estate of Nancy Miller, de ceased, to the creditors of, and all persons hav ing claims against the said deceased, to exhibit the same with the necessary vouchers, within four months after the first publication of this notice to the said executor at the law office of Jones & Carlton, rooms 3 and 4, Fulton block, in the city of Los Angelts, the same being the place for the transaction of the business of said estate, in the county of Los Angeles, State of California. Dated this 7th day of April, A. D. 1891. T. F. MILLER, Executor Of the estate of Nancy Miller, deceased. 4-8-wed4w AMUSEMENTS. MOVELTY * THEATER, fc -1 North Main, near First Street. 1 OO) "AMUSEMENT FOR THE MASSES." J Week CommeDcini; Sit UIV 9 20CI Btopeiidogi Bdccsii Rewards Oar Efforts. /Matinees Sat.and Sun. fll "l « NEW ARTISTS! NEW COMEDY!! NEW FEATURES!!! _ __ _ _ IMIBS FRANKIE ROCHELEAU, Boubrette. A ' MX JAS. SNIDER, Dialect Comedian. IN J—l V V J7 *l MISS NORA WILLIAMS, Vocalist and Dancer. (MISS GERTIE HOYT, Serio Comic Star. Mr. F. BINNEY. Miss KITTY CHAPMAN. Mr. W. H. STANLEY. In conjunction with Prof. Catulle's masterpiece, THE MIRACULOUS BOWER ! j£— And the Hilarious Farce-Comedy, * CLIMATE * CIRCUIT!" {£— DoorH Open ivt 7::tO. Performonces at 8. Prices, lOc, 20c. LOS ANGELES THEATRE. H. C. Wyatt, Manager. A GREAT EVENT! Five Nights and Saturday Matinee, beginning TUESDAY, MAY 12. Bronson Howard's Masterpiece and Greatest Success of mis Decade. STHE MOST STIRRING AND 1 : MARVELOUS PLAY BY THE ! TT : GREATEST OF LIVING I ! DRAMATISTS. N D SHOULD BE SEEN BY : V_/ A : EVERY AMERICAN CIT- : /\ . ■ : I ZEN.—GEN. WM. T. : I—l : SHERMAN. Note—The Soldiers representing the Two Great Armies of the Civil War Personated by Men Who Actually Engaged in That Struggle. Original New York cast as displayed by this company 350 times in New York, and now turning people away at every performance in San Francisco. HEATS READY THURSDAY. DOCTOR WHITE S Private Dispensary, 133 N. MAIN ST., LOS ANGELES, CAL. | ESTABLISHED 1880.] ■MERVQUS DEBILITY, seminal weakness, impotency, etc., resulting Irom youthful indiscretion, excesses in matured years and other causos, inducing some of the following symptoms, as dizziness, confusion of ideas, defective memory, aversion to society, blotches, emissions, exhaustions, variocele, etc., are permanently cured. 1 KINAItV. KIPNKV and BLAfIDKB troubles, weak back, incontinence, gonorrhoea, gleet, stricture, and all unnatural discharges are quickly and perfectly cured. SCROFULA AND SYPHILIS, causing ulcers,eruptions, enlarged joints, rheu matism, swelling in groins, mucous patches in mouth, sore throat, fulling hair, catarih, and many other symptoms, are quickly removed and all poison thoroughly and permanently eradicated from the system, by purely vegeta ble treatment. §ssK"Treatment at office or by express. All letters strictly confidential. (Sid office, 133 N. Main st. 3-29 tf WTB Extracted FREE FROM 8 TO 9 A. M. Teeth filled with gold, $1 and up. Teeth filled with silver, 50c ami up. Teeth filled with amalg-m, 50n and up. Teeth tilled with cement, 50c .ml up. Teeth cleansed, s'Jcand up. Teeth extrneted without pain. Teeth filled without pain. Gold or porcelain crowns, $5 and up. Full lower or upper set teeth, the best, $10 and up. All Work Warranted. DR. C.H.PARKER, Corner Broadway and Third Street, (Entrance on Third Street.) 5-1 kl Potatoes, FIRST CROP, The best in the market ; early and late varieties. CASH OR ON SHAKES. H. J. HASTINGS, Room 10, 108 N. St., Los Angeles. 4-18-d&wtf WAGON MATERIAL, HARD WOODS, IRON. STE EC 1_ Horseshoes and Nails, Blacksmith's Coal, Tools, Etc. JOHN WIGMORE, 117 and 119 South Los Angeles Stree iul tf SPECIAL. NOTICE. I make a specialty of Pure California Wines, put up in cases of one dozen each, consisting of the following varieties: Port, Angelica, Sherry, Muscatel, Zinfandel, and Riesling, and DE LIVER two cases (24 bottles) of the above wines to any part of the United States oh receipt of $9.00. Telephone 44. 124 & 126 N. Spring st. Branch, 453 8. Spring. Respectfully, 1-12-tf H J WOOLLACOTT. sMpw ,dflpa 100,000 POLLS FINE.-. PAPER SEND FOR SAMPLES J. BAUER 237 S. Spring st. E. W. HOI'PERSTEAD. J. A.DENICK. E. W. HOPPERSTEAD & CO., Successors to Gust. Knecht, BARBERS' SUPPLIES AND CUTLERY, Wholesale and Retail, 123 West Third street, between !Main and Spring, Los Angeles, Cal. Diamond Festus Razors, Tailors' Shears, Barbers' Furniture, Decorating and Burning, Grinding by steam power, China Mug Decorat ing. 4-12-3 m JOHN WIELAND, FREDERICKS BURG, UNITED STATES and CHICAGO BREWERIES. EXTRA PALE PILBENER, STANDARD, ER LANGER and CULMBACHER BEERS of high repute. Also brew the best PORTER and ALE JACOB ADLOFF, General Agent, Los Angeles. TclepLone, 468. P. O. Box 1231, Station C Corner New North Main, Mission and Chavez sts., opposite Naud, Weyse <& Co.'s warehouse 11-l-6m Baker Iron Works 950 to 966 BUBNA VISTA BT, LOS ANGELES, CAL, Adjoining the Southern Pacific Ground*. Tele phone 124. m 22 GRAND OriCRA HOUSE, McLain & Lehman, Managers. WEEK COMMENCING TUESDAY, MAY 5, The Greatest Pantomime Spectacle ever presented on any stage. MILLER BROS. Resplendent Triumph. SUPERB n Unexcelled European Specialties. M'LLE HEKTOTO, The Famous Transformation Dancer. THE MARLANS. French Acrobats—Eight in number. THE MARIPOSA DANCFRS. Two Carloads of Scenery. Superb Costumes. Brilliant Tableaux. Costly Accessories. Complete Ensemble. now on sale. THE GREAT PHRENOLOGIST, j PROF. V. P. ENGLISH ! j Is in Los Angeles for a very short time. HEADS EXAMINED AND CHARTS GIVEN DAILY. He will tell you what profession to follow to make the most money, and what kind of a person to marry to be the most happy. DON'T NEGLECT THIS OPPORTUNITY; £S*~OFFICE, S. SPRING ST.-^» ILLINOIS HALL, Broadway and Sixth St. ! ROSE FESTIVAL! ; COMMENCING WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY OTH, At i p. m., and continuing THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, May 7th, Bth and 9th, from 10 a.m. to 10 p. m. GOOD MUSIC EVERY EVENING. Tickets, 25 cents. rpHE NEW VI^Wa^UFFEI\ j THE ONLY FAMILY RESORT j 114 and 110 COURT ST.. opp. Courthouse. F. KERKOW, Proprietor. Free Entertainment and Concert Nightly. Matinee on Wednesday from 2 to 4. BOHEMIAN ORCHESTRA, MISB MARY JENABKY, Directress and Virtuoso For one week only, the greatest novelty of Paris, L'AMPHITITE, the Angel of the Air! Fine Lunch and FrenchDlnners from 11 to 3 p.m. Imported Pilsner Erlanger. Lemp's Extra Pale on draught. 4-29 lm NHEUSER-BUSCH CONCERT HALL, 403 N, Main street. GRAND FREE CONCERT! Every Evening by MISS ADELE GREVE'S LADIES' ORCHESTRA. KARI.B DIJTZLKB <t CO., E. L. SIEWEKE, 4-8-lm Proprietors. Manager. T7»LECTRIC GARDENS. JCj Pico Heights. NOW OPEN! : ALL ARE INVITED. Lunches and Refreshments. Musical Concerts every Sunday Afternoon. Take Seventh-street cars. 'Busses at terminus of car line. Mrs. Harry E. Rose, Proprietor. 4-11-lm HE PALACE, Corner First and Spring; Sts. The most Magnificent and Popular Resort in the city. IKKK CONCERTS BY THE CELEBRATED PHILHARMONIC SOLOISTS In counection with the most celebrated CELLO -:- PLAYER -:- MEYER, Every night from 8 to 12. Commercial Lunch every day from 11 to 2 o'clock. Dining room epen day and night. JOSEPH BCHURTZ, PROPRIETOR. 4-stf J OS ANGELES NATATORIUM NOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON ! I WARM SWIMMING BATH I I Hot and Cold Baths for Ladies and Gentlemen in Porcelain Tubs at all hours. Large Dressing Room in connection with Ladies' Baths. W. J. McCALDIN, Pres't and Manager. 3-19-3 m TjiERDINAND MEINE, MANAGER MEINE BROS. ORCHESTRA Has moved back into the city, and is now going to attend to business very closely. I have opened an OFFICE AT NO. 268 S. MAIN ST., OPPOSITE THIRD ST. I can furnish Fust-class Music for Balls, Par ties, Soirees, Receptions. Can furnish any num ber wanted. 4-22-lm J. M. FRENCH, PRACTICAL Carriage Painter! 02-4- W. TENTH ST., Los Angeles, - - California. Good Work Guaranteed and Prices tO Suit. 4171 m ASSESSMENT NOTICE. AT A MEETING OF THE Directors of the Los Nietos Irrigating Co., held at Los Nietos April 13,1891, an assess ment of $1 no per share was levied on the capital stock of the company, to be due from date, and delinquent in 30 days. By order of the board. J. H. MARTIN. President. Chas. Lane, Secretary. 4-21-20t 9