Newspaper Page Text
2 BLAINE MUCH BETTER He Expects to Be At His Post in a Few Days. lively Interest in His Illness Taken in England. President Harrison Accused of Steal ing Jingo's Thunder. Killing Frosts in the East—A Fatal Gas oline Explosion—General News Gleanings- Associated Press Dispatches. Washington, May 18.—The president received a telegram from Secretary Blame today, saying his health is much improved, and that he hopes to be about in a few days. New York, May 18.—Reports from Blame indicate that he is much better. Although his gout had not left him this morning, he was able to leave his bed, and he will be able to leave for Wash ington in a day or two, if his condition continues to improve. At 2:15 this afternoon, it was said his condition was still improving. He was resting quietly then. London, May 18.—The state of Blame's health continues to attract great atten tion in the newspapers in Great Britain. The Daily Chronicle, today, in discus sing the presidency, says: "Harrison is a protectionist pure and simple, and opposed to Blame's policy of reciprocity; and yet while on his tour, he endeavored to take credit for the first fruits of this policy, which is most significant." A GASOLINE EXPLOSION. One Man Bnrncd to Death and Several People Seriously Injured. San Francisco, May 18.—A gasoline stove exploded in the rear of No. 519 Post street, late this afternoon, setting fire to the house. One man was burned to death and four men and two women seriously injured. The cause of the ex plosion is not known. Olaf Erickson and wife, the occupants of the house, were preparing supper at the time. They saved their lives by jumping from a win dow, but Erickson broke his hip and his wife fractured her leg badly. A lodger named Eric Anderson was severely burned about the head. Charles Peterson, a visitor, refused to jump from the window, al though every effort was made to induce him to do so, and he was burned to death. Carl Lindquist was also badly burned, but escaped by jumping from a window. John Mahony also jumped, and was caught in a sheet. He was not injured by the fall, but had been severe ly burned before jumping. Mrs. Louisa Sanstein was also burned seriously. Later—The second floor of the build ing was occupied by a Swedish tailor shop, owned by Charles Peterson. Charles Locks, his assistant, was pour ing gasoline from a five-gallon can into a gasoline stove, when the can exploded, Betting fire to the building. Peter son was burned to death. Vic tor Anderson was most frightfully bamed and will probably die. Carl Lunquist, Mrs. Sangsten, who is Peter son's mother-in-law. Mrs. Anderson,/ Olaf Ericson and a man named lie re strain, were more or less burned. Lund quist and Erickson each also broke a leg in jumping. The entire interior of the building was destroyed, but the fire was extinguished without spreading further. KILLING FROSTS. The Strawberry Crop Blasted In Mich igan—Damage in Other States, Washington, May 18.—The signal office furnishes a special bulletin which shows universally low temperature for the season, Saturday morning, through out Michigan, Ohio, West Virginia, Western Pennsylvania and Western New York. Killing frosts occurred throughout Michigan and Northern Ohio, and light frosts in the other dis tricts named. , Racine, Wis., May 18.—Trie entire strawberry crop of this county is blast ed by the recent frosts. Racine county ahips more strawberries than all the other counties in the state combined. Winsted. Conn., May 18. —There were heavy frosts in this state and Massachu setts last night. Fruit trees were much injured. - BONYNGE SUES MACKAY. The Fend Between the Two Mlllion *tire« to Be Dragged Into the Courts. New York, May 18.—The Evening Sun says: The bitter feud between the houses of Mackay and Bonynge, the California millionaires, which has been raging on both sides of the Atlantic for several years, has at last taken a defi nite form. Bonynge has brought suit against Mackay for damages in propor tion to the magnitude of Mackay's pile, an amount which will make all other damages sink into insignificance. Bo nynge further charges criminal libel. Piatt, of the firm of .Piatt & Bowers, counsel for Bonynge, admitted that suit has been begun, but beyoud that would say no more. Fruit Canners Combine. San Francisco, May 18. —For the past few months P. Francis, who represents a syndicate of English capitalists, has been endeavoring to persuade the can ners of this state to combine. As the result of his labors, the California Fruit Canneries company has been incorpor ated, with a capital stock of two million dollars. The directors are E. B. Beak, Philip D. Code, A. D. Cutter, Isidore Jacobs, H. A. Williams, A. B. Miner, W. H. Wright, M. J. Fontaine and E. L. Dawson. Besides the directors, the other stockholders are: Irvine Acres, G. W. Beaver, L. P. Drexter and Joseph Elphelt. The new company comprises about two-thirds of the canneries in the state. Trans-Mlaslsslppl Delegates. Denver, May 18.—Seven hundred del egates to the trans-Mississippi conven tion have already arrived, among them President Frisback, of Fort Smith, Ark. Every incoming train brings on addi tional delegates, and by tomorrow it is expected over 1000 will have arrived, together with as many visitors. The congress is to unite the people of the states and territories west of the Missis sippi river for the promotion of their commercial interests. The Ticket Punchers' Convention. St. Louis, May 18.—At this afternoon's session of the Order of Railway Conduc tors, the committee on jurisprudence reported an amendment to the constitu tion, favoring the adoption of a section favoring amalgamation with the Federa tion of Railway Employee*. The mat ter of locating permanent headquarter* was laid over for one year. WIRE WAIFS. Much snow has fallen in the Alps. The Emma Juch Opera company has gone to pieces at St. Louis. Corle, the Italian consul at New Or leans, is in Washington, D. C. Gladstone has almost entirely recov ered his usual state of health. Disastrous brush fires are raging in the province of Ontario, Canada. The president has commuted the death sentences,of three of the Navassa rioters, to imprisonment for life. The New Albany, Ind., Electric Light company has assigned. Liabilities, $50, --000; assets about the same. Four hundred and fifteen thousand ounces of silver were purchased by the treasury department Monday, at prices ranging' from $.9805 to $.9820. At New Haven, Conn., while out sail irg in a yacht, Frank Webber and L. Lamphere, of Milford, Conn., were drowned by the upsetting of the boat. Professor George H. Little, a well known instructor in music, was found dead in bed in San Francisco, Monday morning, having been asphyxiated by gas. At a mass meeting of Italians in Bos ton, a movement was started to erect and present to that city a statue of Chris topher Columbus] to cost $10,000 or $12, --000. At Joliet, 111., the works of the Joliet Enterprise company were burned Mon day morning. Loss, $125,000; insurance, $90,000. Three hundred men were thrown out of work. Interstate Commerce Commissioners Morrison, Bragg, Veazey and Knapp will make a circuit to the Pacific coast and return, and hear cases and make investigations at various points on the route. The Jewish quarter of Corfu is still surrounded by military, for the protect ion of the Jews. The total number of victims of the Corfu riots is fifteen killed and twenty-five who died from privation. Colonel L. M. Dayton, a prominent member of the society of the Army of the Tennessee, and who was perhaps the closest to General Sherman of all his military friends, died at Cincinnati Monday morning. That the Italian government is en deavoring to check the tide of immigra tion to the United States, is shown by the issuance of a circular by the Italian minister of the interior, to the prefects of the kingdom, for the restriction of such immigration so far as minors are concerned. A tremendous cloudburst of hail took place near Saline, Ks.. Saturday eve ning; The district covered by the storm was two miles wide and eight to ten long. The hail stones were as large as hen's eggs, and almost completely destroyed the wheat. The total dam age will reach $50,000. Edward Pinter, alias "Sheney Al," arrested in London for attempting to swindle a jeweler in that city by means of a philosopher's stone, through which he claimed to increase the bulk of gold, is supposed to be the fellow who played the same game in Baltimore, swindling five merchants out of $1000 each. Presse of LaParis announces that a contract was signed early during the present month, between the Russian government and the Chatellerant arms factory, by which the factory and its employees are at the disposal of Russia, who has given an order for 3,000,000 new rifles. The latest number of the Buenos Ay res Standard, referring to the politi cal situation in the Argentine Republic, says everything seems to indicate that General Mitre will be unanimously elect ed president. It is admitted by foreign ers and Argentines alike that if any man can save the republic, it is General Mitre. The Vienna correspondent of the Lon don Times says a marriage has been ar ranged between the czarowitch and Princess Helen, fourth daughter of Prince Nicholas of Montenegro. Com menting on this event, the correspond ent says : "Such a marriage would be of great political importance, and could not fail to be of the highest possible sat isfactvou to the Pan-Slavist world." A Murderer's Fiendish Purpose. Scranton, Pa., May 18. —Last night Joseph Moncke endeavored to kill Katie Burke, a young woman whose mother keeps a hotel in Old Forge township. Several men interfered, and Moncke fired on them, badly wounding Frank Rafferty and Harry Griffith. Moncke then cleared the hotel of all on the lower floor, and went up stairs in search of Katie. At this point a party of Poles rushed into the building. They were fired upon by Moncke, who fatally wounded Anthony Drovetski. The murderer then escaped, and has thus far eluded his pursuers. California Cherries ln Chicago. Chicago, May 18. —The first carload of California cherries was sold here Sat urday. The fruit arrived in first-class order and brought good prices. Boxes containing about eight pounds oi fruit sold for $2.25 to $3 for black varieties, and $2.10 to $2.30 for white. Porter Brothers company sold today one car of California cherries. Blacks sold at $2.45(« , 3; whites, $1.10@2.85. The whites were mostly of poor quality. An Interesting Question. Washington, May 18. —An interesting question has arisen at the treasury de partment in connection with the pres ent silver law. Treasury notes, aggre gating $43,532,000, have been issued un der the act. The seignorage on the sil ver coined is $2,545,000. The question that confronts the secretary is, whether or-not he can, under any circumstances, issue silver certificates against this amount. Blackman Must Stand Trial. San Fbancisco, May 18. — Albert Blackman, a private from the United States garrison at the Preßidio, arrested for the murder of Gottlieb Honneman, February 12th, last, demurred to the charge today in the superior court, on the ground that the court had no juris diction. The demurrer was overruled, and the case set for trial tomorrow. A Drop in Mining Stocks. San Fbancisco, May 18. —On the stock exchange this morning quotations broke considerable under the pressure of in definite rumors on the street. Nearly tho whole market was affected, but Con solidated California and Virginia suf fered most, dropping from 14% to 11)6. It rallied, however, before noon, closing at 11%. The B'nal B'rlth. St. Loois, May 18.—At ilie B'uai B'rith convention today, the report on the suggestion that each district have two representatives, instead of one, in the executive committee, was defeated. THE LOS ANGELES HERALD: TUESDAY MORNING,* MAY 19, 1891. A recommendation that the laws of the order be modified and printed was adopted. At Ip. m. the convention ad journed. lli-turned from South America. Chicago, May 18.—-General Thomas O. Osborne, who was appointed minis ter to the Argentine Republic by Presi dent Grant and held the position until Cleveland was elected, returned to this city today. He was heartily welcomed by his old army comrades. He is now connected with a railway enterprise in Paraguay, and speaking of the proposed international railway scheme expressed belief in its entire feasibility. Mnrdeied by Apaches. Clifton, Ariz., May 18.—Nat Whit tum, a rancher on Blue canon, forty miles north of here, was found dead in his cabin by Fred Fritz and William Boyles. He was shot through the body. The cabin was pillaged. Two horses, guns and saddles were stolen. Fritz and Boyles believe tbe murder was commit ted by Apaches. A party of men have left here for the scene. A Fearful Tail-Ender. Birmingham, Ala., May 18.—A fearful tail-end collision occurred on the Louis ville and Nashville road this morning, near Phelan station, between two freight trains. Engineer Edmunds and Fire man Brown" were scalded to death, and Brakeman Costello was killed and then burned. The cars, loaded with oil and merchandise, burned. Destructive Fore»t Fires. Terra Alta, W. Va., May 18.—De structive forest fires have been raging in the Cheat river mountains for a week. Many acres north of here have been burned over, and a number of farm houses destroyed. At Oakland village the greatest alarm is felt, as the town is almost entirely surrounded by burning forests. A Schooner Wrecked. San Fbancisco, May 18. —Word was received here today that the schooner Dashing Wave, which sailed from this port March 10th for Sand Point, was wrecked on Hair Seal cape April 16th. The crew were saved. The schooner acted as a tender to the codfishing fleet. COL. FAIRMAN'S PAINTINGS. A San Francisco Committee Compare Them to Carl Browne's Works. Some months ago Colonel James Fair man, preacher, poet, painter and soldier, arrived in the city, and exhibited a number of paintings. They were very startling in their coloring. Some peo ple admired the pictures, however, and today a number are hanging on the walls of several homes of people in this city who think they know what art is. These pictures brought good prices, for the colonel knew that they could not be easily equalled; so he asked and got figures ranging from $200 to $500 a canvas. After he got through in Los Angeles he went to San Francisco, and last week tried to get his pictures hung in the Art association exhibition in that city, but the committee rejected them. The com mittee said that the paintings were too much in the school of Carl Browne, the reversible landscape painter of Cactus fame; but Colonel Fairman, to an Ex aminer reporter on Tuesday, said: "There is nothing personal about this matter. It is simply a resistance in be half of real, recognized artists. Ido not really like to say it, but the actual fact is that they excluded my pictures be cause their admission would so raiee the standard that many of the so-called artists could not do work up to it." One of the rejected pictures, says the Examiner, is Bethel Meadows, Maine. In the foreground are two cows, one red and the other yellow. Those cows are as good examples of still life as any of Carlson's copper pots. Then there is a lot of foliage, beautifully green, and some blue sky and clouds. Those clouds are what the art commit tee stuck at, simply because the mem bers had never Been any like it. The other picture is Sunset on the Hudson, a view of New York harbor. It is beautifully red in spots and glori ously yellow in sections, and there is some green and various other colors. In the middle is a steamer, which, the artist says, is going away. The ground for the rejection of this picture is that the steamer has no already gone. THEATRICALS. An Effective Illusion—Comedy Com panies at the Los Angeles. There is a feature of the programme at the Novelty theater well worth see ing. It is called "Elfie, the queen of the air." A young woman appears at the rear of the stage, which is lighted by footlights as usual, and goes through all sorts of postures without, appar ently, any support. It is one of the most effective illusions ever put on the stage in thia city and so far no one has detected how it is done. FAUNTLEBOY. Lord Fauntleroy will wear his curls and sash and knickerbockers at the Los Angeles theater, beginning on Thursday and continuing during the week, the fakir. A farce-comedy jingle called the Fakir will be at the Los Angeles for three nights, beginning next week. The company contains a number of people well known as successful burleequers and comedians. Don't be Deceived By Newspaper Articles with Such Headings as '■Shady Business." "Questionable Transaction." ■ "Tests that are Tricks." These notices are not editorials. "Trying to Defraud." I but advertisements prepared and paid "Sneak Thieves." V ,or B r a company that makes an •■How Bread Is Raised." "ammonia" baking powder and "Tramps." I palms it off as " absolutely pure." "Bogus Tests." J Etc., Etc., Etc. If their baking powder were "absolutely pure" why should they be afraid to have housekeepers see or make the test; the fact is it contains the injurious drug ammonia, and every Official Report shows it. Not by tricky advertising, but by merit only, Cleveland's baking powder wins its way. Everything used in it is plainly printed on every can, and it stands every test that can be made. SCHOOL MATTERS. THE CITY LIBRARY WANTS TO AB SORB THE SCHOOL LIBRARIES. Additional Rooms to Be Built on School Buildings—A Proposed Rednotion of Salaries—Other Business. The board of education met last night for the first time in the council chamber at the city hall. There were six mem bers present at roll call. After the reading of the minutes, a communication was read from the pub lic library directors thanking the board of education for vacating the room formerly in use by them for meeting purposes, and suggesting the delivery to the public library of all school libraries, the public library be ing prepared to care for them and issue books to the children entitled to the use of the school libraries. The communication was referred to the library committee. An application for janitorship and two for position of assistant superintendent of janitors, were read and referred to committees. Bills to the amount of $86.95, in addi tion to the usual salary demands, were reported from finance committee and ap proved. Dr. Barber, for the building committee, reported in favor of adding four rooms each to both Breed and Temple street schools, making both eight-room schools. Also in favor of moving the two-room building in the Happy Valley (First street) to a better location. These al terations to be made during vacation. On motion, the report was received, and the additions to Breed and Temple street schools ordered, and the clerk instructed to advertise for a suitable lot whereon to remove the Happy Valley school. On a supplementary report of the building committee four rooms were directed to be added to tho Garey street school. A vote of thanks was given Abbott Kinney for trees donated for planting on school lots. The title of superintendent of janitors was changed to superintendent ot school buildings and repairs, as more in accord with his duties. A motion was made to reduce salaries as follows: Superintendent of schools to $200; assistant superintendent, $125; clerk, $40; principal of four-room schools, $105; of eight-room schools to $120; principal of High school, $135; High school teachers to $105 to $125; drawing teachers, $150. The matter was referred to teachers' committee. The change in the rules proposed at last meeting came up, and failed of passage, on a vote of sto 4. Notice was given that the same amendment would be offered at next meeting. On motion, the clerk was directed to advertise for plans and specifications for the additions to the Garey-street school. Mr. Schnabel, in behalf of the Turn verein, invited the board of education to visit the Turner's gymnasium and wit ness the operation of the German sys tem of gymnastics. On motion, the invitation was accept ed for Tuesday afternoon, between the hours of 4 and 5. Adjonrned. INDEPENDENT FORESTERS. A High Court to Begin Its Session Today. The high court of the Independent Order of F'orestera convenes today in McDonald's hall, on North Main street. The session will last three days, and there will be delegates present from fifty-seven subordinate courts. The organization of tbe Independent Order of Foresters is twenty years old, having split off from the Ancient Order of Foresters twenty years ago. It is a fraternal, social and beneficial order, and numbers 60,000 members in the United States and Canada, with a re serve fund in the tieasury of $300,000. In this state there are fifty-seven subor dinate courts and one high court. There will be 200 delegates present at the high court, as well as many visitors from the six subordinate courts in this city. THEY CAN WED. People Who Yesterday Secured Per missions to Wed. Marriage licenses were yesterday granted to the following named per sons: Robert A. Menzies, native of New Brunswick, aged 25, and LibbieM. Bush nell, native of New York, aged 25, both residents of Los Angeles. Henry T. Lawson, native of California, aged 21, and Allice M. Carr, native of lowa, aged.2l, both residents of Los An geles. The "Herald" Ahead in News. The Herald, of Los Angeles, Califor nia, gives its Arizona readers later news than the big San Francisco dailies. — Prescott (Ariz.) Courier. The Delicious Drink, Pineapple Glace, to be obtained only at "Beck with's Spa," 303 N. Main. The Nadeau Hotel Is being painted with Sherwin-Williams paint. P H. Mathews, agent, cor Second and Main sts. Choice Fruits—Finest Cherries. Handled by Althouse Bros. Telephone 157. :: LADIES :: ATTENTION! We beg to impress upon you that we are NOW carrying a larger and more complete stock of the BETTER GRADE OF DRY GOODS THAN EVER BEFORE. YOU WILL FIND A GOOD ASSORTMENT IN DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS. KID GLOVES, LACES and CORSETS! Hosiery, Mreino, Gauze, Lisle and Muslin Underwear. INFANTS' AND CHILDREN'S WHITE AND COLORED DRESSES, SUN HATS, SUN BONNETS MP APRONS. OUR NOTION DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE IN EVERY DETAIL. The assortment of Parasols and Sun Umbrellas is very large. You should see our elegant stock of Purses, Ribbons and Handkerchiefs. We will not allow any misrepresentations, and refund money for all goods not proving as represented. We want your trade, and will leave no stone unturned to keep it. EXTRA. Mention this "ad." this week and we will give you an 8-button length Mosquetaire Chamoiskin (wash leather) Kid Glove, all sizes, for 75 cents a pair. *CJfne6i/rchf 309-311 SOUTH SPRING ST. GORDAN BROS. THE LEADING TAILORS. (3 GRAND \ °™ G Ml 1 SUMMER 1 STYLES, Bffi Wo invito the public to inspect onr large and fine stock of Suitings and Pantalooning which we make lip at Moderate i'rices. First-class workmanship and perfect fit guaranteed. Respectfully yours, GORDAN BROS. 118 South Spring St., Los Angeles. BRANCH OF SAN FRANCISCO. 3-31 2m Your «5| N J3;Jj Hair Turning / Y J *~f~ t A Gray? MRS. GRAHAM'S HAIR RESTORER WILL restore it to Its Original Color. You can apply it yonrself and no one need know you are using it. It has no unpleasant odor; does not make the hair sticky; does not stain the hands or scalp. It is a clear liquid and contains no sediment. Guaranteed harmless. It requires about ten days' use to restore the color. Prices, fl. Get your druggist to order it for you. If you have any trouble with rour hair or scalp, call on or write to MBS. GEKVAISE GRAHAM, "Beauty Doctor," 103 Post street, San Francisco, who also treats ladies for all blemishes or defects of face or figure. Lady agents wanted. RAMONA CONVENT, Los Angeles county, Cal., a branch of the Con vent of Our Lady of,the Sacred Heart, Oak land, .Cal. 1 his institution, conducted by the Sisters of the Holy Names, occupies one of tbe most picturesque sites in San Gabriel valley. It has features of excellence that specially recom mend It to public patronage. The course of study embraces the various branches of a solid, useful and ornamental education. For particulars, apply to the 3-3 LADY SUPERIOR. FOR SUMMER! Fisli! Fisli! OF ALL KINDS I Fresh from the Water. RECEIVED MORNING and EVENING. SPRING) CHICKENS! Young Domestic Ducks, Turkeys, Lobsters, Mussels, Crabs, Shrimps, Oysters. LOS ANGELES FISHING CO., Mott Market; Branch, Broadway Market. Wholesale and Retail Dealers and Shippers. TEETH Extracted FREE FROM 8 TO 9 A. M. — crowns, fr>. Best sets of teeth, upper and lower, $14. Best set of teeth, upper or lower, $7. Teeth filled with gold, $1 and up. Teeth rilled with gold alloy, 75c and up. Teeth filled with silver, SOc and up. Teeth rilled with amalgsm, SOc ana up. Teeth filled with cement, 50c. Teeth cleaned, 50c and up. Teeth extracted without pain: gas, $1. All Work Warranted DR. C. H. PARKER, Corner Broadway and Third Street, (Entrance on Third Street.) 5-1 Riilfo Still Leads the Procession! THE SEMI-TROPIC M and Water Co. Best Orange Land, $100 Per Acre! Location, 5 miles north of Riverside and 4 miles west of San Bernardino. Think of it! Fine Orange Land at $100 per acre. Tf you go to Riverside or Red lands you must pay $300 to $600 per acre for land inferior to oure. Long time. Liberal discount for cash. Li M. BROWN, Agent, 213 W. First at., Lob Angeleß, Cal. Seei Potatoes, FIRST CROP, The best in the market; early and late varieties.. CASH OB ON SHARKS. H. J. HASTINGS, Room 10,108 N. St., Los Angeles. 4-18-dAwtl ASSESSMENT NOTICE. AT A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF' Directors of the Los Nletos Irrigating Co. held at Los Nletos April 13,1891, an assess ment of $1.00 per share was levied on the capital stock of the company, to be due from date, and delinquent May 30,1891. By order of the board. J. H. MARTIN. President Chas. Lane, Secretary. A-21-td