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4 DAILY HERALD. PUBLISHED SEVEN DAV9 A WEEK. Joseph D. Lynch. Jambs J. ayers. AVERS St LYNCH, -- PUBLISHERS. | Entered at tbe postoffice at Los Angeles as second-class matter. | DELIVERED BY CARRIERS At SOc Par Weak, or 80c Per Month. TBBMI BY MAIL. INCLUDIS9 POSTAGE: Daily Hbbald, one year 18.00 Daily>, six months 4-26 Daily Hbbald, three months 2.2(4 Wbbkly Herald, one year 2.00 Wbbkly Hbbald, six months LOO Wbbkly Hbbald, three months 60 Illustrated Hbbaxd, per copy 1* Office of Publication, 223-220 West Second street Telephone 156. Notice to Mail Subscriber*. The paper* of all delinquent mail subscribers to the Los Angeles Daily Hbbald will be promptly discontinued hereafter. No papers will be sent to subscribers by mail unless the same have been paid for ln advance. This rale I* inflexible. AVERS & LYNCH. TUESDAY MAY 19, 1881. THE LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Persons who take the Los Angeles Daily Herald in Southern California and most localities of Arizona and New Mexico get all the important local and telegraphic news from twenty-four to thirty-six hours in advance of the San Francisco papers. A WAIL FROM OUR "BACK COUNTRY." Amongst the ether regions naturally tributary to the present metropolis of Southern California, which is perhaps the future metropolis of the Pacific coast —it is scarcely necessary to say that we mean Los Angeles—are San Diego and her beautiful harbor. The Herald has never attempted to under value either of these propositions. We are glad to have them near us, and shall chronicle their advances with pride, and with that degree of cordiality which re- Bults from neighborly feeling and the certainty that their growth will result in the advancement of Los Angeles and ail Southern California. It its true that San Diego has a harbor whose beauty almost rivals that of the Bay of Naples. It fulfills all the condi tions of that "irridescent dream" which Bob Ingersoll applied to purity in poli tics. But dreamland and the prosaic nineteenth century are really strangers. They scarcely speak as they pass by. Quite forty years ago people locat ed lots in Oldtown and Middle town in the confident belief that a great city was soon to spring up on the borders of that ex quisite hay. Many of these devout believers have paid taxes on their lots in Middletown from 1850 to this year of grace, 1891. In Middletown the records of San Diego county will Bhow the name of nearly every distinguished officer who afterwards served either in the fed eral or confederate armies as purchasers of lots. They were inspired with the faith that afterwards energized the inde fatigable A. E. Horton, the creator of Newtown —the present San Diego—and the Kimball Brothers, tbe energetic founders of National City. They passed by Los Angeles, which they did not deem worthy of any attention, to concentrate their investments on a beautiful bay, which possesses the de lightful climate which characterizes Southern California from Point Concep cion southward. And yet, to the surprise of these gen tlemen, Los Angeles has forged steadily forward to the position of the second city on the Pacific coast. According to Mr. Robert P. Porter's census, one has to go as far east as Denver to encounter a city ss populous or as wealthy as the city of Los Angeles. There are to-day in the six square miles which comprise Los Angeles as many handsome resi dences as are to be found in the great and ojrilent Golden Gate. Of course, there must be a cause or causes for such a state of things. For tunately we have not got to go far for a solution of the problem. When Colonel Thomas A. Scott was in the heyday of his power, and had concentrated all his splendid executive abilities on pushing the Texas Pacific railway to completion, he came out to Southern California and looked over the situation for himself. He was accom panied by Senator John Sherman, Gov ernor Throckmorton of Texas, Colonel John W. Forney, and many other distin guished gentlemen. He spent some time both in Los Angeles and San Diego, and he and his companions were dined and wined in both cities. He put sev eral parties of engineers in the field. One of them, under tbe charge of Mr. Reno, surveyed a route to Yuma by the San Gorgonio pass. Another, under the direction of Colonel Joseph U. Crawford, ran the lines of the direct route over the formidable range of mountains which were traversed by the old stage route. Still another party traced a line through Warner's pass. When all the surveys were in, Colonel Scott an nounced his preference for the San Gor gonio route, and founded his decision on the fact that it was commercially the shortest. Here was undoubtedly an unbiased judgment. San Diego had given him everything he asked in the way of lands and depot sites. Los Angeles had given him nothing. On the contrary, it had just carried a subsidy in favor of his great rivals, the magnates of the South ern and Central Pacific roads. Every personal feeling was, therefore, in favor of his deciding in favor of San Diego. Of course the decision in favor of the San Gorgonio route meant Los Angeles, as that charming valley, rather than pass, debduches directly into this val ley, as do, by their physical configura tion, all the highly productive regions of Southern California. Railways take cognizance of natural physical difficul ties, expenses, construction and opera tion, and they also have regard to the amount of business which can be trans acted at a given point. These consider-1 ationa, together with the entire feasi- < bility of attaining at least three eligible shipping points near Los Angeles, which can readily be converted into secure harbors at small expense, were overwhelming. Tbe Southern California railway company, after having tried a road to San Diego through the Teraecula caflon, has al length concluded to give it up, and now does its business with that city from Los Angeles, through the coast road. Our esteemed contemporary, the Sun, says that Col. Mendell only contem plated a harbor at San Pedro with four teen feet of water. On the contrary, there is already fourteen feet of water in that harbor at mean low tide, and with a comparatively small expenditure of money it can be increased to the needs of a transcontinental business. What trifling expenditures can do on the coast immediately adjoining Los Angeles has been shown by the work of the Messrs. Ainsworth and Thompson at Redondo. A great business is already under way there, and Santa Monica needs but a small outlay to swing into line as a se cure and convenient harbor, equal to many European ports which do a busi ness ten times as large as now material izes at all the ports south of San Fran cisco put together. Our San Diego contemporary also finds it expedient to sneer at the Los Angeles Terminal railway company. It accuses that corporation of peddling Ub bonds in the eastern market. As a matter of fact, this St. Louis syndicate has not found it necessary to seek to interest any eastern capitalists in its venture. It has just placed $1,500,000 of its bonds at par with London capitalists. Its membership is highly distinguished in a financial line. Prominent amongst them is Mr. Rich ard C. Kerens, of Kerens & Mitchell, who has lived in San Diego, and who knows all about Southern California, Los Angeles, and her neighbor to the south included. As Mr. Kerens for years ran a Btage line from San Diego to Yuma and beyond, he probably has been able to form an intelligent judg ment of the two places, the bay of San Diego included. The fact is, there is no use of kicking against the pricks. God and nature have marked out Los Angeles as the southern metropolis, and there is no power on earth to alter the decree. Our contemporary, the Sun, and our charming sister city, may as well bow to the inevitable first as last. As a por tion of our "back country" we will take care of them, and see that they are taken in out of the cold. It is greatly feared by the friends of Mr. Hanchette that he received foul play in the streets of Chicago going to the Santa Fe" depot just after nightfall. The last seen of him was in the ticket office of tbe Santa Fe". This was about 7 o'clock on the evening of the 7th. It is probable he went there to see if he could change his route home, and found that he could not. The Santa Fe train for Los Angeles leaves the depot at the foot of Dearborn street at 7:55 p.m., and perhaps Mr. Hanchette started down Clark street to get the train. Clark is the next parallel street to Dear born, and is the worst street in Chicago. It is infested with footpads, murderers, thugs, thieves, and the refuse classes of a great city, and it is worth a reepecta bly-dreesed man's life to go through it after dark. If Mr. Hanchette fared down this street from the ticket office, he would just have reached, after candle-light, the danger section of a city which is alive with thieves and cutthroats, and which has the most un reliable and inefficient police depart ment of any city in the world. It is no uncommon thing for men to be sand bagged and robbed in that quarter. Even in daylight it is not safe to thread the criminal portion of Clark street, and if poor Hanchette was caught there after nightfall we dread to ihink what might have happened. But we still hope for the best. He may have suddenly lost his mind and wandered off to some place where he was not known. But even then word should have come from somebody about him unless he is held in duress for an ulterior purpose. Had he gone to Yellowstone Park, as one dispatch intimates, and been in his senses, he would have sent a message of his whereabouts to his wife. The disap pearance of Mr. Hanchette is one of the most unaccountable things imaginable, especially so on the theory that he has not met with foul play. The action of the American govern ments, in refusing the hospitality of their ports to the congressional vessels of war of Chile, is a positive fact of co operation with Balmaceda, whom the majority of the people of that country consider a tryant and usurper. Why should our government not observe neutrality as strictly with the forces of the dictator as with those of congress ? The latter body certainly represents the people of Chile, whilst it is not certain that Balmaceda represents anybody. The so-called insurgents have certainly maintained their cause with great pluck and persistence, andshown thattheyare not a mere mutinous faction. They are led by the ablest and best men of the republic, and have their emissaries at every court. Is it a fair interpretation of international law that the civilized nations should act in concert to starve these brave men into submission to the usurper? We think not. They have shown their strength and the merit of their cause sufficiently to justify every government to recognize at least their title to the rights of belligerents. The government at Washington is practically acting in offensive alliance with the usurper, who' is bottled up by the con gressional naval forces. President Harrison has commuted tbe death sentence of the Navaesa riot ers to imprisonment for life. Having done this he proceeds to give the cir cumstances in mitigation which led him to commute. These are that the men were held to labor on an island from which they could not escape and where there was no administration of justice, THE LOS ANGELES HERALD; TUESDAY" MORNING, MAY 19, 1891. and where they were subject to the grossest |abuse by the officers of the company owning the island, without any recourse whatever. In fact they were in a helpless state of slavery, re volted, and in the riot killed some of their oppressors. Now, if Mr. Harrison found that the men were forced into re volt by such acts of tyranny and oppres sion, he should have pardoned them out right. It is a mockery of justice in an executive to justify the offense of these men and at the s°me time condemn them to life imprisonment. The murder of George Miller, Satur day night, remains as great a mystery as ever. How this man could have been dispatched within a few feet of crowds of people in the card-rooms of the saloon, and the murderer escape, seems incom prehensible. If he was killed for re venge, it ought to be possible to trace his assassin. If he was killed for the money he was supposed to have on his person, the murderer must have been very familiar with the premises, and this fact ought to give a clue the.t might be successfully followed. A close inves tigation into the relations Miller held with p.'rsons who would have a motive for his taking off ought to result in something that would place the detect ives on the ritfht track. This city can not afford to have a crime of this magni tude and temerity in execution occur without exhausting all the detective finesse of our police department to fer ret out the person who committed it. If, as seems probable, the confirmation of. Walter S. Maxwell for chief of the horticultural department of the world's fair is defeated, certain Californians will deserve to be decorated with the un If Attend the Great Removal Sale of" JACOBY BROS. Fine Clothing at About 50 Cents on the Dollar. 11 ■ \-";'-r «»" 36 SI I A BARGAIN CARNIVAL I I THAT WILL PUT DOLLARS IN YOUR POCKETS. I II This week we inaugurate a Removal Sale that'll go thundering down the ages as the greatest bona H ii fide Slaughter of Prices and Values ever known in California. The architects notified us that our new ■ |1 stores that are to be greeted at No. 128 to 134 Spring Street would be ready for use in about 90 days— I I, and we are determined that hot one dollar's worth' of our present stock shall go into them—hence our |j| I present stock, amounting to over $100,000.00 worth of Men's and Boys' Clothing, Hats and Furnishing ■ J Goods must be turned into cash at once. Consequently we've cut the very life OUt Of prices in every |i department, and the values we now oner are without a parallel. This is not idle talk, but means that the ii cream of our elegant brand new Spring Stock MUST GO at lower prices than was ever named by any || I reputable house in America. We have cut prices so low that everything will march right along to a lively || money-saving tune, and our advice to all concerned is this: If you want to secure the Greatest Bargains 1 in Clothing, Hats and Furnishing Goods on earth, you'll miss it greatly if you invest even a nickel else- || where until you have paid us a visit during this our Great Removal Sale. . Bfl Ii wcSst* un your yes over ese p™ es ' en come anc * see elf I Goods and Prices side by side: H I Men's Durable $10 suits cut to $ 5.00 Children's $3.00 Short Pant suits cut to $1.50 1 Men's All-wool $13.50 suits cut to 700 Children's 5.00 Short Pant suits cut to 2.50 || Men's All-wool $15 suits cut to 10.00 Children's 6.50 Short Pant suits cut to 4.00 || Men's Tailor-made $20 suits cut to 13.50 Children's 8.50 Short Pant suits cut to 500 If Men's Tailor-made $25 suits cut to 15.00 Boys' Long Pant suits cut to 4.00 || ' Men's Business $5 and $6 Pants cut to 350 Boys' 9.00 Long Pant suits cut to 5-50 |I Men's Dress $7 and $8 Pants cut to 5.00 Boys' Single Pants going at Half-Price. II I This great Sacrifice Sale will be continued till every article in our store is sold. Come at once and |1 I secure the cream of these Great Bargains before our now many full lines are broken. S| I Our Guarantee: TAPORY A " M I II If you can duplicate U IJ X UluUUl Accompanied by the || any article we sell- cash . promptly and If H during this our Re- HEADQUARTERS FOR carefully fiUed . Posi . II ii moval SaIe—ELSE- n 1 ITT 11) ! tivCly n ° g °° ds Ii || WHERE at within 25 limit MM HOIieST I>argclinS ! charged at these Los- l| || to 50 per cent of our in S Prices - Strictl y || || Price, bring ba ck m m 225, 227 NORTH MAIN STREET, ■ your purchase and get marked in Plain I L'U your money. TEMPLE BLOCK. Figures. II The War Against Maxwell. feathered cordon of the Order of the Plucked Goose. If California was a unit behind Mr. Maxwell, no board of managers at Chicago would dare affront the state which is asked to contribute so much to the great horticultural show, by rejecting him. They are Californians who are responsible for Mr. Maxwell's and the state's ill fortune, and if the appointment now goes to Florida it will be the fault of our own people. There is really no objection to Mr. Maxwell worthy of the name.—[San Diego Sun. At the present time there seemß to be some opposition to tbe confirmation of Walter S. Maxwell of Los Angeles as chief of the horticultural department of the world's fair. Should his appoint ment not be confirmed California will not get the appointment. Such a thing would be nothing less than a calamity. —Whittier Pointer. Prof. D. Morgenstern, Chiropodist and Manicure, Late of New York. And Denver, Colorado, has taken rooms at Ham mam Baths. 230 South Main street, upstairs. Office hours from 9 to 4 p. m. Calls by appoint ment. Telephone, 374. Horse blanket and buggy robes at Foy's sad dlery bouse, 315 N. Los Angeles street, RED RICE'S. RED RICE'S—TUESDAY, MAY 19TH-TWO hundred bed room sets at Red Rice's to so lect from, and sush pretty ones. Why we can sell you a nice set, alt complete, tor $12; to be sure it is second hand, but it's good, been re varnished and made so that if we did not tell you, you would think it new. Then there are sets in ash and antique for $18 and $19; again walnut Bets for $20 to $30; yes, and nice mar ble top modern sets in walnut $25 to $35; cherry and mahogany sets, $22 to $100. We can sell you nice sets that cost $250 for $60. We can say, without boasting much, that there is no other place, anywhere, that buys and sells as Red Rice dees. Buy for cash, sell for cash strictly; great quantities coming ln and going out each day ft takes IS people to handle the goods at Red Rice's. All this trade has come to us from your good will. Your good will has come to us because we have honestly kept our compact with every buyer and every seller that nas dealt with us from the beginning, and so it will be to the end. We don't make as much profit as others on our goods, but we sell more Roods, and thereby make more money. We will welcome you at Red Rice's Bazaar, 143 and 145 S. Main, Los Angeles, atfany time, and treat you th* best we know how. St. IssA^qaZ gm- BETWEEN THIRD AND FOURTH BT RE BT3. ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST I FOR THIS WEEK. On looking into our window the following card may attract your attention: |" : THESE i j TABLE LINENS j < —:will be sold:— \ I Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 1 j May 18, 19 and 20, at \ j B3 CBNTB PEE YAI{D. j ) Large-sized napkins to match, 11.75 per \ ) dozen \ Medium-sized napkins to match, |1.35 per > S dosen. s S Guaranteed all Pure Linen. Undoubtedly t f the best value ever offered Your attention is also invited to our stock of LAD ES AN D CHILDREN 8 HOSIERY. Special values in Fast Black Hosiery at 200, 25 and 30c a pair. CORSETS -Th» best values and best makes in Corsets, includiug Dr. Ball s celebrated Corsets, and Ladles' a d Misses' Waists. QLOVES AND MITTS. —We are showing a large assortment of Silk and Taffeta Gloves and Mitts—reliable goods at bottom prices. PARASOLS.-Excellent values and choice styles in Black and Fancy Parasols, «bT-You are cordially Invited to inspect our stook. FIXEN, BAADE &. CO., 321 South Spring Street, between Third and Fonrth^treets.