Newspaper Page Text
6 THE CURIOSITY SHOP. " jjjiia.Siiii That Mother! Sing ♦? Lull Their Little Ones to Best in Many Lands. I Every country has its mothers and babies, { and therefore every country has Its cradle , songs, ami from the unrhythmical lines with f which the Chinese parent strives to woo ' the spirit of rest to her little yellow faced | treasure to the poetical verse of the Italian > mother rocking her bambino there is a | thread of connection that winds its tender ! way from ocean to ocean and from conti ! Dent to continent. What can be prettier than .the simple Scotch ditty: Ba-ioo, ba-100, my woe thing Oh, softly close thy blinkin' e'e. Thy daddy now is far awa, A sailor laddie o'er the sea. The following is of Gaelic extraction: i Heigh-o, heugh-o, what'll Ido wi' ye? | Black's the llfo that I lead wl' ye. | Many o' ye, little to gie ye, Heigh-o, heugh-o, what'll I do wi' ye? Our old familiar, Bye Baby Bunting, Thy father's gone a-hunting. Gone to get a rabbit skin To wrap his Baby Bunting in; and the Hibernian, Hush, baby dear, weep not awhile. And o'er thee shall bright treasures smile. As did thy royal sires once own In the green land of Conn and Owen, j Will bear comparison with the crooning verses of most countries. One or two are particularly melodious. Among these we must quote this bright lyric which you will hear in every hamlet and every village of ■ong loving Brittany: Go to sleep, you little darling, ' Go to sleep, dear little Pierrot; I'll sing sweet and low. And rock to and fro. The crib of Pierrot, Whom we all love. Then there is the pretty Italian, Sleep, my baby, sleep, my darling. While I hush thee with my song; Sleep until the new sun rises, ' Sleep in peace the whole night long. Wgk Reference has been made to the rhythm - of the Chinese lulling verse; here is a speci men: Snail, snail, come out and be fed, Put out your horns and then your head, l And thy mamma will give thee mutton, . For thou art doubly dear to me. i Of all the soft motherly ideas ever incor porated in song there are none more so than those of the Hottentot who bends over her baby singing: Why dost thou weep, my child? Wherefore dost thou weep? Hush, darling, calm thee. And sleep, my child, and sleep. m ■ Size and Longevity. I Although there is some relation between » size and longevity—tbe duration of tbe K. period of growth and length of life being, II speaking generally, longest in the largest R animals —there is no fixed relation between I j the two. The largest, organisms live tbe [ longest, some trees reaching an age of 6,000 i years, and some animals, as whales, several L centuries. And after maturity is reached larger animals require longer time than j smaller animals to secure the preservation it of the species. The explanation of this, as pointed out by both Leuckart and Herbert Spencer, is that "the absorbing surface of | an animal only increases as the square of I its length, while its size increases as the cube; and it therefore follows that the longer an animal becomes the greater will : be the difficulty experienced in assimilat ing any nourishment over and above that which it requires for its own needs, and therefore the more slowly will it reproduce itself." We, however, find corresponding duration of life among animals of very dif ferent size, says Ijongman's Magazine. For example, the toad and the cat live as : long as the horse, the crayfish as long as the pig, and the pike and carp as long as the elephant. In an interesing appendix, from which these facts are quoted, Br. ' Weiss man n cites the case of a sea anemone which lived not less than sixty-six years. 1 It was placed by Sir John Balzell in a small glass jar in the Edinburgh Botanical gar ' dens in 1828, being then, as companions i with other individuals reared from the egg period, fully seven years old It died a natural death in 1887. Jocular Literature. Mr. W. C. Hazlitt in his studies in jocu I; lar literature shows by quotations without [• end the ancient descent of scores of famous [ Jokes and gems of repartee that bob up in I every generation, (garbed anew, perhaps, i fostered upon other parents, and regarded I by most people as entirely new. Some | American students of this matter pretend | that they can predict the exact time when > such and such a joke or story may be ex pected to appear in our newspapers. These Jokes have their orbits; they run through \l the press from New York to California, to disappear and reappear in a certain number of years, slightly altered, perhaps, but still the same old friends. I Mr. Hazlitt pins a number of the most I famous jokes of the last generation in England and traces them back step by step, showing in some instances that they were hoary veterans when the first Joe Miller appeared, 150 years ago. Even the mists of "m-nArm mythology do not escape Mr. Hazlitt, who thinks he finds the germs of sundry good jokes .lurking therein. The modern quatrain, The love hair, which Celia wears. Is hers —who would have thought it? She swears 'tis hers, and true she swears, For I know where she bought it, la traced to ancient Greece. Carious Marriage Superstitions. In the Vosges mountains the young wo men who dress the bride strive as to who shall stick the first pin in the bridal robe, as the successful one will be married the | same year. It was lucky for English bridesmaids to throw pins away. The bride must not look into the mirror after j, she is dressed for the ceremony, unless she puts on some article of apparel afterward. In Russia the bride must avoid eating the wedding cake on the eve of the cere mony, or she will lose her husband's love. The sneezing of a cat on the eve of a mar ■ riage was considered a good Omen in the Middle Ages, but the howling of a dog then, as now, was-especially ominous. Will Be Given Away. Our enterprising druggists, R. W. Ellis & Co., who carsy tne finest stock of drugs, perfumer- Si ies, toilet articles, brushes, sponges, etc., are If giving away a large number of trial bottles of if Dr. Miles' celebrated Restorative Nervine. D They guarantee it to cure headache, dizziness, nervous prostration, sleeplessness, the ill effects of spirits, tobacco, coffee, etc. Druggißts say It is the greatest seller they ever knew, and is universally satisfactory. They also guarantee Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure in all cases of ner vous or organic heart disease, palpitation, ; pain in side, smothering, etc. Fine book on "Nervous and Heart Diseases" free. French Tansy Wafers. These wafers are for the relief and cure of painful and irregular menses, and will remove all obstructions, no matter what the cause, and are sure and safe every time. Manufactured by Emerson Drug Co., San Jose, Cal., and for •ale by Off* Vaughn, The Druggists, N. E. cor ner Fourth and Spring streets, Los Angeles , Cal., and Apothecaries' Hall, 303 N. Main St., | sole agents for Los Angeles. Patronize Home Industry I And order your ice delivered by the Citizens* * Ice company, the largest Institution of the kind in the city; telephone to No. 000, or drop I a postal card to Citizens' Ice Company, Center and Turner streets. California Vinegar Pickle Works, Telephone No. 359, I Ketnoved to 555 Banning street, opposite soap factory, near Alameda and First streets, one ■ kail block from electric light works. Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant aod refreshing to tho taste and acts ■"entry yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the system effectually, dispels colds, headaches and fevers and cures habitual consti pation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever produced, pleasing to the taste and acceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, its many excellent qualities commend it to all. It is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading druggists. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY THE CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL LOUISVILLE ' 0/Mr - *• * ■ » j] any ffffiIifffSHEADAGHE EC I Jl PJr#l Ji m "WhileYcuWait," ■ n An nHHsi BuT cures i AW WLJ% B NOTHING ELSE. There is an Opportunity That Occurs Once in a Lifetime TO EVERY MAN AND WOMAN ! That once lost can never be regained. It may mean re newed health, prolonged life and happiness. IT MAY MEAN INCREASED WEALTH! THIS MAY BE YOUR OPPORTUNITY, For one or both of the above blessings, to be procured by mak ing a purchase of ALESSANDRO LAND ! *AT $100 PER ACRE. The Best Unimproved Orange Land In Southern California, in one of Nature's most lovely valleys, lying between Redlands and Riverside, with soil fully equal to either, where there are no rocks or brush, and requires very little grading; where nearly 9000 acres are already sold, mostly to settlers; where hundreds of families are now living in their own houses, and are today planting Oranges, Peaches, Prunes, Plums, and Apricots and Raisin Grapes; where WATER is on the tract, and is being delivered at the highest corner of every 10-acre lot as rapidly as men and money can do it. WHERE IN FOUR YEARS' TIME You will see a duplicate of what REDLANDS is today; where the ten acres you buy now at $100 per acre, will "improved," be rvprth from $1000 to $2000 per acre. Where else can you in four years time get like results, renewed health and increased wealth ? -5} NOW IS THE "TIME fc— AND Alessandro is the Place! Since the sale of town lots at Moreno, April 29th, where 2000 people, many of them strangers, who saw Alessandro and its at tractions for the first time, our sales have been large. Our ex hibit at the Chicago Orange Festival has also had its effect. Letters of inquiry are pouring in upon us from all quarters, re garding the promised land. PRICES WILL SOON BE ADVANCED! Moreno Town Lob Have Been Marked Up 25 Per Cent AGAIN WE SAY Today is Your Opportunity. For further Particulars Call on or Address, THEODORE CLARK, Manager Land Department, Bear Valley Irrigation Company, Corner Cajon street and Citrus avenue. Redlands, Cal. "TM)YI^JNDRY, Worki, 571, 573 and 615 North Jain Btr»t Mepbom No. 46 MAIN OFFICE, UNDER LOS ANGELES NATIONAL BANK, FIRST AND SPRING STREETS. Dress Shirts and Lawn Tennis Suite and Tennis Sfiirts Neatly Done. 3eod-3m THE LOS ANGELES fttittALD! TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 19, 1891- JOHN WIELAND, FREDERICKS BURG. UNITED STATES and CHICAGO BREWERIES. EXTRA PALE PILBENBR, STANDARD, KR I ANGER aud (UIMBACHER BEERS of high repute Also brew the beat PORTER and ALE JACOB ADLOKF, Qeneral Agent, Lor Angeles. TelepLone, 468. P. O. Box 1231, Button C. Corner New North Main, Mission and Chavei sts., opposite Naud, Wcyse A Co.'s warehousu 11 -l-6m DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE copartnership of Hill * Hart, heretofore existing between the undersigned In the city and county ot i/>s Angeles, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent All indebted ne*- of said copartnership will be paid by Hall & Hart. . , Mr H. fi. Hall will continue the business, slid 'cordially* solicits the liberal patronage heretofore extended to said firm, 11. C. HALL, 5-19*031 J. W. HART. ESTATE OF GEORGE WILSHIRE, DECEASED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN BY THE undersigned, executors of the last will and testament of George Wilshire, deceased, to the creditors o', and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to • xhiblt them with the necessary vouchers, within ten months after the first publication of this notice, to the said executors, at the office of Lee <fc rcott, No 21 Templo block, in the city of Los An geles, State of California, the same being the place for the transaction of business of the estate of said p WILgHIRE ALEXANDER MCDONALD, Executors of the last will and testament of George Wilshire. deceased. Dated April 24, 1891. 4 26-30t i '~"t * BEACH HOTEL.i(- SPECIAL RATES BY WEEK OR MONTH. EIGHTEEN MILES FROM LOS ANGELES via Redondo Railway and Santa Fe R. R. Hotel new, and supplied with all modern Improve ments—elevator, incandescent lights, etc. Hot and cold water and grates in all rooms. Halls and public rooms thoroughly warmed Beautiful dining room, commanding a fine view of the ocean. First-class Band for dluing room and ball room in constant attendance. I .awn billiards and other amusements. Splendid boating, Ashing and surf bathing. Average winter temperature, 01 degrees. The marine and mountain vlows at Redondo are unrivalled and tho sunsets beyond descriptien. Nervousness, irßomnia and asthma speedily and in most leases permanently relieved. Table unsurpassed on the coast. Management liberal and progressive. Terms moderate. For furthe information, address, K. W.. BOOT, Manager. NO COMBINATION. A Reputation Gained by Jus tice and Fair Dealing. I desire the public to know that not at any time have I entered the MEAT POOL. 1 sell as low as fair dealing principles will psrmit. Inspect my prices and meats, and en joy the benefit at the end of the month. Roast Beef.. 7c to 10c Corned Beef... .4c to 6c Pork 10c Cutlets 12J<c Mutton, Legs 9c Porterhouse Steaks, Veal, Roasts 10c best cuts.. . 12^c Steak 70 to 10c Boiled Beef ...,4c to tic Chops So to 10c Salt Pork 10c Sausage 10c Goods delivered to any part of the city free. TELEPHONE 702. JUSTICE MEAT MARKET. F. LEVY 4-30 lm Cor. First and Loa Angeles sts. Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Bkain Treat ment, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizzi ness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain resulting in insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power in either sex, Involuntary Losses ard Spermatorrhoea caused by over-exertion of tie brain, self-abuse or over-indulgence. Each tr? contains one month's treatment. $1.00 a tCJ or six boxes for (5.00, sent by mail prepaid ct receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received 1; us for six boxes, accompanied with $5.00, wo will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by H. M. SALE & SON, Druggists, sole agents, 226 S. Spring street, Los Angeles, Cal. WR. BLACKMAN, PUBLIC ACCOUNT • ant and auditor, fellow of the Ameri can Association of PubllcJAccountants. |C"_.CMITaX| Tg EXPIMSE " ff, t _*rT|( 'Mil INTTI - - I- HMfii' "' I i*i j f Books opened arfd adapted to special require ments, investigation and adjustment of books or complicated accounts. New books opened, kept and balance sheets prepared. Office, 218 NORTH MAIN ST., Los Angeles. 12-29-1 yr EVERYBODY! fiTj "gSra COME AND SEE THE IU&PERITinON ii ft* LOCKS FOB ALL PURPOSES If 9f No Keys, Letters, Figures *ii *K3l THE BEST LOCH lllgadl IJT USE. RUSSELL & CO., Agents for Southern Califtmla, 744 S. SPRING ST., Los Angeles. Testor Oil. BEST AND SAFEST MANUFACTURED. Water white, and guaranteed 150 deg. fire test. Expressly for family use Give it a trial, and you will use no other. Faucet cans fur nished free. MQRRIS & JONES, Sole Agents, 3-17 6ms 345 SOUTH SPRING STREET. GO TO L. B. COHN'S, The Pawnbroker's MainJ3tri[ET,;opp. Western Union Tel egraph office, for Money, Diamonds and Watches. 4 9-3 m E. FLEUR, Wholesale Wine and Liquor Merchant, 404 and 406 N. Los Angeles St. Telephone 224. Family tradesupplied. Goods dellvered to any part of the city free of charge. Orders for the country promptly attended to. Agency and depot of Uncle Barn's wine vaults at Napa City, Cal. 12-31 ly NORTH REDONDO! A Home by the Seaside! Fertile Farms Where Cool Breezes Blow! Superb fruit aud vegetable land, with the advantage of the perfect climate of the ocean beach and a view of ocean, beach, landscape and mountains unsurpassed ln the world B. C. Wright, John I. Redick and J. F. Coßd have subdivided 1,531 acres of the best land ln thejiousal Redondo, and adjoining the town of Redondo on the north, into 5,10, 20 and 40-acre lots. A street runs all around each 40-acre lot. The railroad runs through the land, and a station will be placed at a convenient point Thi< is all fine land, and most delightfully situated. Seekers for homes should see it. Prices reasonable. Title perfect, certificate furnished. For further information apply to B. 0. WRIGHT, Redick Block, Room 2, city; L. M. BROWN, 213 West First street, city; ROBERT McGARVIN, South Spring street, city; Room 2 Redick block, city: or to BRUNBON & EADS, Redondoßeaeh P.O. ask YOUR RKTAILBK FOR TllK S3 Sflflfi JAMES MEANS $4 SHOE 3ss^fM\ e<*iiuino unlets stamped Xt f__L_L___H on tne sole-, "James S± '____9_S' —OK THE — Mean»'»3 Bhoe." X" B HBF J. MEANS & CO., AJ? ! mW^r^\ JAMES MEANS $3 SHOE g^^^SS ACCORDING JAMES MEANS $4 SHOE is neat and stylish. It tv like a stocking, and I<EQITI KISS NO "BKEAKING IN," being perfectly easy the first time it is worn. It will satisfy tbo most fastidious. JAMES MEANS $3 SHOE Is absolutely the only shoe of the price that has ever beeu placed extensively on the market in which durability is considered before mere outward appearance. JAMES MEANS |2 SHOE for Boys, JAMES MEANS FARMER SHOE and JAMES MEANS QUARTER EAGLE BOOTS FOR FARMERS are all staple lines that always give satisfaction. Boots aud Shoes from ;our*celebrated factory are sold by N. BENJAMIN, (Sole Los Angeles) BOSTON SHOE STORE ?.-i-i2m COR. MAIN AND SECOND, LOS ANGELES. CARPETS! CARPETS! Over Fifty Pieces3ooo yards, Bi«elow and other standard makes of Body Brussels for eale at axtremely low prices. WE ARE OVERSTOCKED IN THESE GOODS. Also a complete line of other Carpets, and all kinda of Furniture at Lowest Price". New Goods constantly arriving from the Kast. NILES PEASE, 337-339-341 SOUTH SPRING. 4-12-3 m ECONOMICAL FUEL. /~A 8. F. WELLINGTON; n LUMP =:= COAL \_} WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, \_J AT REDUCED PRICES. All your dealer does not keep it RING UP TELEPHONE 36, or leave your /\ orders with , _C~__ HANCOCK BANNING, Importer T 130 W. SECOND ST. «J. Oak, Pine and Juniper Wood sawed and split to order. RAMONA I The Gem of the San Gabriel Valley Only Three Miies from City Limits of Los Angeles. Property of San Gabriel Wine Co., Original owners. LOCATED AT SHORB'S STATION, On line ol 8. P. R. R. and San Gabriel Valley Rapid Transit R. R., From 10 to 15 minutes to the Plaza, Los An geles City, CHEAPEST SUBURBAN TOWN LOTS, VILLA SITES, or ACREAGE PROPERTY POPULAR TERMS. PUREST SPRING "WATER Inexhaustible quantities guaranteed. Apply at Office of SAN GABRIEL WINE CO., Ramona, Los Angeles County, Ca_ 10-26U Or to M. D. WILLIAMS, Ramona Naud's Warehouse. GRAIN, WOOL., —AND— General Merchandise Warehouse. ADVANCES MADE ON WOOL. ml2-tf C. F. HEINZEMAN, Druggist & Chemist No. 282 N. Main St., Los Angeles, Cal. Prescriptions carefully compounded day and night. mal-tf ILL-lOH'S • RESTAURANT. Everything New and First-Class. 146 and 147 N. Main Street. ap29-tf JERRY ILLICH, Proprietor rm GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 187* *s£f BAKER'S #»l!it'akT;L\t Cocoa Warranted absolutely pure JfiHWa Cocoa, from which the ex- A Ha < ' ess Oil;hasbecn removed. ■I fl|_ It has three times the Hill MB strength of Cocoa mixed km IB I B ,vith Starch, Arrowroot and Mi Will— Su K ar > and is therefore far Sfi w**i M fe more economical, costing* II 111 l"ss than one cent a cup. It HI 11 nil lE, 18 delicious, nourishing, mm lllilHlm strengthening, easily dl ~ Rested, and admirably adapt •» ed for invalids as well as for persons in good health. Sold by Grocers every where. . W. BAKER i CO, Dorchester, Mass. 12-in-12m Baker Iron Works 950 to 966 BOENA VISTA BT, LOS ANGELES, OAL., Adjoining the Southern Pac'.flo Grounds. Teler' phone 124, m 22