Newspaper Page Text
THE RAILROADS. A Possibility of Fruit Rates Being Lowered. The Transcontinental Associa tion Will Reconsider. Interesting; Statistics About the Earn ings of the Southern Pacific. The Greet Syatom's Earnings for April and Soma Comparative Figures. Notes and Personals. The meeting of the Transcontinental association will be held at Chicago on Monday. It promises to be one of great importance to fruit-growers and shippers of this state. General Freight Agent C. F. Smurr left on Thursday evening to attend the meeting, says the San Francisco Chronicle. lie mentioned as tho most important business to be considered the reconsideration of rates on dried fruits, raisins and canned goods. Last November these rates were ad .vanced from all California points to the Missouri river common pointß, as well as to places beyond. Since then peti tions for reductions to the original figures have been sent to tho secretary of the association in such numbers that the freight men cannot afford to ignore them. SOUTHERN PACIFIC FINANCES. Gerritt Lansing, secretary and con troller of the Southern Pacific company, has returned from the east and issued the financial statement for April and the year io May Ist, with comparative statistics. The gross earnings for the Pacific system for that month were 12,871,753, and for April, 1890, amounted to $2,888,008. On the. Atlantic system the gross earnings were $871,574 for April of this year and $064,017 for April of last year, making a total for the entire company of $3,743,327, and so a decrease of $110,108 from the earnings of April, 1890. The gross earn ings for the first four months this year were $14,618,327, and last year $18,547, --060, a gain of $1,071.256. The operating expenses of the Atlantic system for April, 1891, were $1,744,044, and for April, 1890, $1,928,143, a decrease on the right side of $183,179. On the Pacific system the operating expenses were $755,011, and for the same month last year $712,108. For the company's two systems the operating expenses for April, 1801, were $130,376 less than those of 1800. The operating expenses for the first four months of 1891 were $9,875, --122, and for the same period in 1890 $10,383,449, a saving of $508,327. The excess of operating expenses over earn ings for April, 1891, was $1,126,808, and April, 1890, $060,765. General Superintendent J. A. Fill more, who has been visiting his home in the east, will return after six: weeks' absence on Saturday. T. B. Benton, auditor of public ac counts and insurance commissioner, arrived yesterday over the Southern Pa cific in a special car of the St. Joe and Grand Island railway. O. S. Putnam, fdHnerly Southern Pa cific train dispatcher in this city, is in a Mexican jail at El Paso del Norte, charged with smuggling. T. E. Gibbon, attorney for the Belt railway, has been tailed east by the severe illness of his father. Wells, Fargo & Co. have for several days past sent east by express over the Southern Pacific seven and a half tons of Cahuenga tomatoes. PUBLIC WORKS. The Report Adopted Yesterday by the Board. The board of public works met yester day morning and decided upon the fol lowing recommendations: That petition of Alexander Weiss praying for the establishment of a grade on Alameda street, from Sixth street to Fourteenth street, be filed. That all street car companies be made to repair the pavement between their tracks, and on all other portions of paved streets subject to their control. That the specifications for street pav ing with bituminous lime rock, or as phalt surface, upon a porphyry founda tion, herewith presented, be adopted with the amendments made by the city engineer, and designated as Specifica tion for Street Paving No. 17, provided that the article at the end thereof, rescinding Specification No. 16, be stricken out. That the amended specifications for street paving No. 1, presented by the city engineer and accompanying this re port, be adopted. That petition fromK. Cohn be filed. That draft of ordinance authorizing the property owners along the north side of Aliso street between Los Angeles and Alameda streets to pave the street in front of their property, be passed. That petition from Jacob Starr be referred to the city engineer. That the property owners on Yale and Adobe streets be required to put fences around the excavations on such street that the traveling public be protected. That the street superintendent raise and repair that portion of Alhambra avenue south of the lake of the East Side park, with dirt taken from said lake, and to put in in its proper place an overflow pipe of cement of 22 inches in diameter. POSTOFFICE BURGLARS. The Duarte Office Rifled on Wednes day Night. The Duarte postoffice was entered on Wednesday night by burglars, and a large quantity of stamps, money and fiome goods stolen, says the AzusaPomo tropic. On *»ening up the store this morning, Mr. Beattie was surprised to sue all the tills upon the counters, and empty, of course. lie found that the' thieves had broken into the wareroom at the rear of the store, cut through the middle door and unlocked it, rummag ing through the building at their leisure. Mr. Beattie had carried home several hundred dollars and valuable papers that evening, which was a lucky point. The thieves took about $80 worth of stamps, $25 in small change, two dozen silk handkerchiefs, pocket knives and other valuables. Mr. Beattie states that two young fellows wearing blue suits, buttoned up full short coats, one of the men very heavy eet, had been walking up and down tbe street most all day and had been in the store several times to make small pur chases. They are undoubtedly the peo ple but did not leave their address, and the Duarte victims do not even know which trail to camp upon.. Woe! Woe! Unutterable Woe. Why endure it daily, nltjhtly, we had well nigh said hourly. They do who are tortured by chronic rheumatism. The remedy, botanic, pure, safe and prompt is at hand. Were the evldenoe in behalf of Hostrtter's Stomach Bit ter* collated, it would be found to teem with well authenticated proofs that the medicine is both a preventive and a remedy in this malady of varying agonies and ever p esent danger. To forestall Its chronic stage is the dictate of prudence. Renounce dangerous medication. Far more effective, more certain, more perma nent in the beneficent consequences Is the use of the Bitters. Experience Indorses, the rec ommendation of physicians sanction its use. Begin early, use with persistence and expect relief. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters relieve constipation, biliousness, kidney ailments, dyspepsia and malarial trouble. Our Home Brew. Maler A Zoeb.eln's Lager, fresh from the brewery, on draught in all the principal sa loons, delivered promptly In bottles or keg* Office and Brewery, 444 Afiso st. Telephone 91. A Special Sale of Carpets. Buyers will find it to their interest to inspect our goods and prices. No old stuff, all new, clean, fresh goods and latest patterns. W. E. Beeson, 221 S. spring street. Bakery. Ebinger's bakery and ice cream and dining parlors, cor. Third and S. Spring sts. THE REV. GEO. H. THAYKR, of Bourbon, Ind., says: "Both myself and wife owe our lives to SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE." For sale by Helnzeman, 222 N. Main, or Trout, Sixth and P»roadwav. SPECIAL NOTICE. TIIK HAMMAM MATH, 2:UJ S. MAIN ST. Turkish and Russian, sulphur, electric and plain baths, galvanism and massage. Gentle men's department open day and night. Ladies' department from S a.m. to 0 p.m. 0-0 it OTICE TO TAXPAYERS—TiiK TIME TO have all errors and excessive valuations in assessments corrected is during the meeting of the board of equalization. If you will list your property tmh me, I will furnish you with a statement giving description and assessed values, will see if tho assessments are equal ized and have any errors corrected. This will save time and trouble when you come to pay taxes. Charges moderate. Referouce: Los Angeles National Hank. GEO. MUNROE, Pub >>' At/\iUuuvuut| ■■ A 111 > sun 'ivvUV ua on, o fc/eOCSi Los Angeles. 5-0 2m IGHEST PRICE PAIL 1 FOR MISFIT AND second-hand clothing; write and we will call. M. MEYER, 404 N. Main St. 0-3 lm A~ KRUG, GERMAN DRUG STORE, RE • moved to corner Fifth and Wall sts. 6-2 7t EMOVAL NOTICE—THE PARISIAN Steam Dying and Cleaning Works, formerly carried on at 204 S. Main St., has been removed to No. 274 S. Main St., four doors south of the old s'.and. 5-13-1 m TT\R. CHAP. DE SZIGETHY HAS REMOVED U his office ana residence to 053 S. Hill St.. corner Seventh. Office hours, 9-10 a.m., 2-4 and 7-8 p.m. Telephone 1056. 3-31 tf OTICE—THE LOS ANGELES CITY WATER Company will strictly enforce the follow ing rule: The hours for sprinkling are between 6 and 8 o'clock a. m., and 6 and S o'clock p. m. For a violation of the above regulation the water will be shut off, and a fine of 12 will be charged before water will be turned on again. aul7-tv FOR. SALE. OR ' with house, honey, tanks and extractor, etc.; 120 stand Italian bees in fine condition, no disease; owner sick; can be seen this after noon at 416 S Main St., or .address BEES, Box 60. * C-6 1t F" OR SALE - FIRST-CLASS COMMISSION business la this city; owner wants to estab lish a business in San Francisco and ship to this house here, also from here up. Address P. O. Box. No. 1162. 6-3 tf TTiOR SALE—ABSTRACT, TITLE AND IN- F surance dividend paying stock. Go and see KINGERY 4 NKIDIG. 128 West fcecond st. 5-28 tf Ir»OR SALE—CHE*AP—I PITTS SEPARATOR, 140 inch cylinder; 1 Ames engine, 15-horse power; Jackson feeder; In fact a complete threshing outfit; also other farming imple ments for sale, at Lagana Ranch House, 6 miles southeast Los Angeles city. J. GILBERT, Superintendent. 5-16 21t FOB SALE —THE MACHINERY OF THE Florence winery; 2 steam boilers, engine, steam pumps, 2 stills, crusher and elevator, hy draulic press, fermenting tank, etc., etc., the latest improved, all in good order. Call on or address JAMES F. MOONEY, 430 E. Beventh St., Los Angeles, Cal. 5-10 lm FOR SALE—CARRIAGES, BUGGIES AND wagons bought, sold and exchanged, or ad vance* made until sold. 128 San Pedro St., neiir Fir't. 5-5 3m FOR STOCK. F"(5 RBA fectly quiet and gentle for lady; buggy and harness. No. 330 Edgeware road, south of Temple st. engine house. 6-6 3t OK SALE—AT ALL TIMES. FINK WOKK horses, especially adapted for orange cul ture, low built; buggy and carriage horses, milch cows, young heifers. Apply at Rancho Rodeo de las Agflas, west of city. Take Pico, Sixth or Temple st.; either leads to ranch, where stock may be seen, or apply to Hammell A Denker. 117 Requena St., Los Angeles, P. O. Box 215, city. As soon as stock is sold ranch will be put on market in ten acre tracts. 6-2 3m OR SALE—THE BEST MATCHED CAB rlage team in Southern California, both single drivers; color black; stand 16 hands 3 inches high; one of them thoroughly safe for a lady to drive. DR. COWPER, California Sta bles, 373 N. Main St. 6-3 tf OR SALE—A FIRST-CLASS JET BLACK. stylish buggy mare; will work single or double or saddle; weight 1100 pounds; guaran teed sound: is as gentle as a child. Apply at 211 N. Main St., Temple bio 'k. 5-31 lm FOR SALE—FRESH COWS AT YOUR OWN price, one-quarter mile west of Santa Fe and Redondo Beach R. R. crossing. 5-19-15t ROOD MARE—THE ADVERTISER HAS a fine handsome brood mare which he will exchange for a good buggy horse. Apply at this office or at the stable of P. CLOS, Flower St., near Tenth 3 12 tf DENTISTS. First St., old Wilson block. 5-31 tf G. CUNNINGHAM, DENTIST, REMOVED • to No. 131 N. Spring at., rooms 1 and 2, Phillips block, Los Angeles, Cal. mlstf DAMS BROS., DENTISTS, REMOVED TO 208 N. Main street, opposite Temple block. Painless filling and extracting. Crowns, $5 up; best sets teeth, $6 to $10. Rooms 1, 2, 3. 4, 5 and j>. 1-17-tf DR. C. STEVENS & SONS, 107 N. SPRING St., Schumacher block, rooms 18 and 19; teeth filled and extracted painlessly; plates $4 to $10; heurs, Ba. m. to 5 p. m., Sundays, 9a. m. to 1 p. m. Je26-tf LW. WELLS, COR. SPRING AND FIRST • sts., Wilson block; take elevator; teeth filled and extracted without pain; gold crowns and bridge work a specialty. Room 36. m4tf R. TOLHURST, DENTIST, 108K N. SPRING St., rooms 2. 6 and 7. Painless extracting SPECIALISTS. seuse and Manual Thorapeutles. Consul tation and diagnosis free. Office 121 North Broadway. Hours, 10 to 2, sto 7. 5-14 lm ' R. ROBERT BROWN IS PERMANENTLY located at 3lt>4 S. Spring St., where he will diagnose all diseases without asking any questions. All consultations free. Women's diseases a specialty. 5-12 lm R. TOM SHE BIN, CHINESE PHYSICIAN and surgeon. Euclid, 361 N. Main St., op posite the Baker Mock. 5-27 lm DYEI| AND FINISHERS. street. Best dyeing in the city. 1-13 tf ETROPOLITAN STEAM DYE-WORKS, 241 Franklin St. Fine dyeing and clean ing; 1-13-tf simvvivhs. . First St., Los Angeles, Cal, Graduate of two colleges; Newland's college, St. Louis, St. Louis School Midwifery', St. Louis. Also prl vate Instructions in obstetrics. 513-3 m 1 meetings. 728, Royal Arcanum—Meets second and fourth Friday evenings ef each month, St K.o P. Hall, No. 8. Spring street; vlsttiii brothers cordially invited 8. X LEVIS Box 1175. Secretary THE LOS ANGELES HERALD: SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 6, 1891. gAIL BORDER your pbysiciexn &n6 {or of It?e A3 A fooP FoR INFANT} IT MA 1 ) No EQUAL. Johnson Locke Mercantile Co. Sole Agents for the Pacific Coast. CHILDS & WALTON, So. Cal. Ag'ts, 118 S. Main St. AMUSEMENTS. (-\ RAND OPERA HOUSE, \T McLain A Lehman, Managers. A- NIGHTS A AND SATURDAY MATINEE, Commencing WEDIIESDAY, JUNE 3 KATIE EMMETT! In her great play, Bmlitt»tE<C j THE WAIFS OF NEW YORK j A Realistic Picture of the Lights and Shadows in the Great Metropolis. A POWERFUL COMPANY and ELABORATE SPECIAL BCENERY! Seats now on sale. GJ RAND OPERA HOUSE. I McLain & Lehman, Managers. ATTRACTION EXTRAORDINARY! Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, June 10, It, 12,13. Matinee Saturday. Annual tour and first appearance here of CHARLES FROHMAN'S CO. OF NEW YORK. Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings and Saturday Matinee, DeMille and Belasco's Greatest Success, ! MEN AND WOMEN. Which ran for 250 nights in New York. By the authors of The Wife, The Charity Ball, Lord Chumley. Friday Evening, elaborate production of Sardou's famous DIPLOMACY. Prices, (1.50, $1, 75c, 50c and 25c' Seats on sale Monday, June 8, at 10 a.m. NEW LOS ANGELES THEATER. H. C. Wyatt, Manager FRIDAY & SATURDAY, June 12 and 13. GRAND FAMILY MATINEE SATURDAY. "No p?nl up Utica confines his powers. The whole world Is Lis." The idol of the Ameri can public. THE ONLY CHAMPION. i JOHN l_. SULLIVAN : And his own Superb Dramatic Co. in : HONEST HEARTS: ' —AND :WILLING HANDS.: ANGELES THEATRE. MONDAY TUE d sDAY, TT JUNEBRND 9. BCTTERFIELD'S BELSHAZZAR! j ;Under the management of Mr.Modlni Wood. 'The following well-known musicians will assist: Mrs. O. Haroldson. Miss Estellc Ken dall. Mrs. J. S. Owens, Miss Mollle Adelia Brown, Miss Alice Ausdermel. Mlsb Challie Burnett, Miss Pearl ie Gleason, Miss Grace Ko foed, Miss Minnie Baker, Miss Nellie Schaff ner, Dr. Manning, Mr J. A. OBgood, Mr. Mo dlni Wood, Mr. F. W. Wallace, Mr. W. E. Defty, Mr. Nay, Mr. Allen. A large chorus and orchestra under the di rection of Mr. B. E. Paulsen. Reserved seats, $1; can be secured on and after Saturday, June Oth. , VIENNA BUFFET. ■ THE ONLY FAMILY RESORT, j 114 AND 116 COURT STREET, Opposite tho Courthouse. F. Kekkow, Prop. FREE ENTERTAINMENT AND CONCERT Every night, and Matinee on Wednes day from 2 to 4 p. m. Family Entrance. Family Department. THIS WEEK—SECRET OF PYGMALION and MADEMOISELLE PAULINE CELLUTA of . Pari*, in connection with a fine Orchestra. MIBS JENASKY, Leader and Soio Violinist. Fine Lunch and French Dinners all day. The only place for imported beer, Letup's Extra Pale Beer on Draught. -jy/JEINE'S ORCHESTRA Can be engaged for Balls, Parties, Soirees, Re ceptions: can furnish any number wauted. —also — Music arranged C. Calvin on short notice. Office at 26b S. Main street, opposite Third street Office hours from 10 to 12 a. m.; and from 1 to 3, p. m. 5-30 3m FRED. MEINE, Manager. ANHEUBER-BUSCH CONCEBT HALL, 403 N. Main street QSAND FREE CONCERT! Every Evening by MISS ADELE GREVE'S LADIES' ORCHESTRA. Anheuser-Busch Beer on draft, 5 cents. Karlb Dutzler & Co., E. L. Sieweke, 4-8-tf Proprietors. Manager. ANGELES NATATOBIUM NOW OPEN FOR THE BEA9ON I I SWIMMING BATH! ■ Hot and Cold Baths for Ladies and Gentlemen in Porcelain Tubs at all hours. Large Dressing Room in connection with Ladies' Baths. W. J. McCALDIN, Pres'tand Manager. 3-19-Hm ABSTRACTS. p&ny of Los Angeles, N. W. cor. Franklin and New High streets. mt7tf ARCHITECTS. RB. YOUNG, 49 New • Wilson block. 104 8. Spring st. 1-29-1 FIVE GENTS A LINE WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS. ABOITT SIX rooms in southwestern part of city. Part payment—a choice lot on Sixth near Union aye , remainder cash. Address, stating price, loe tiion, etc . A. 11. 5J L Wall street. til! 2t \\T ANTED—HOUSEH TO KENT ALL OVER VY the city. J. WHITEHORN, 228 W. First street. 5-26 tf \\7ANTED—FOR CASH, 2000 TONS OF HAY »v and 200 cords wood. Apply at 417 and 410 Seventh St., corner Olive. VESPASIEN LACUOIX. 5-22 lm T\7 ANTED—HOUSES TO KENT ALL OVER n the city; special attention paid to renting. SAM N. OSBORNE, 227 W. First st. 5-9 lm \\T A TICKET TO CHI »r csgo. Address, giving particulars, Z. X. V.. Box 00, this office. 4-28 tf \X7TnTED—PICTURES TO FRAME, CHEAP TV est place at BURNS', 256 8. Mam St. 1-27-tf WANTED—HELP. Vl7 A VV my home place: he must know how to milk cows. S. A. WIDNEY, 555 S. Broadway. 0-lt" "\X7 ANTED—A COMPETENT BLACKSMITH i" to work on a large ranch; best of refer ences required. Apply to LESLIE F. GAY, 234 W. First st. 6-5 2t WANTED— COOKS HEADQUARTERS; AL ways a crew on hand for kitchens and res taurant; free of charge. GEO, LACOUR, 401 N. Los Angeles St., Los Angeles, Cal. 5-28 lm ANTED—CITY CANVASSER; BIG COM niission; before 10 a.m. or between 4 and o p.m. Romn 46, Bonebrake building. 510 ti WANTED— ALL NEEDING HELP FREE— Employment or aDy information, address E. NITTINGEU'S BUREAU; established 1880 Office, 319V£ S. Spring; residence, 451 S. Hope St., cor. Fifth, Los Angeles, Cal. Telephone 113. 11-20 WANXED—FEIUAI.E HELP. FOR and care of children; references. Call Room 16, Hollenbeck. 0-6 3t WANTED— A YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN general housework. Apply at once, 410 Broadway, near Fourth. 6-6-lt ANTED—COLORED WOMAN FOR SOLF. care of child. Apply at Woman's Ex change, 125 E. Fourth. 6-6-tf ANTED—GIRL, 15 TO 20 YEARS, TO take care of child 1 year old. Call 1 to 2 o'clock, or address 142 S. Main St., at salary of $12. 6-5 2t WANTED — FIRST CLASS TAILOREBSES. Apply at 400 S. Spring St.; room 1, up stairs. 5-8 lm ANTED—LADY CANVASSER FOR CITY; big pay and high class work; call before 10 a.m. or after 4 p.m. Room 46, Brrson- Bonehrake block. l-? 5 12m WANTED—AGENTS. AGENTS canvaser for city; big pay and high class work. Room 33. Call at New Natick from 10 a. m. to 4p. m., tomorrow, cor. Third and Los Angeles streets. 6-6-lt WANTED— AGENTS TO SELL THE PlN less Clothes Line; the only line ever in vented that holds the clothes without pins; a perfect success; patent recently issued; sold 'only by agents, to whom the exclusive right is given; on receipt of 50 cents we will send a sample line by mail; also circulars; price list and terms to agents; secure your territory at once. Address THE PINLESS CLOTHES LINE CO., 17 Hermon st . Worcester, Mass. 3-29 Bat-Wed 12mos WANTED— LADY AGENTS FOR A GOOD remunerative business. Apply between the hours of 10 and 12, at Rooms 7 and 8. THE ALBEMARLE, S. Spring St. 6-5 3t BUSINESS CHANCES. A GOOD CHANCE TO party with some capital. Call at room 33, New Natick, cor Third and Los Angeles streets. 6-6-lt WkK for sale —the refreshment «P«/U» privilege, including all the necessary utensils, milk shaker, etc. Good man can do well. Apply at Novelty theater. 6-6-1 w WANTED-PARTY WITH $2000 FOR IN terest in established and exceedingly profitable enterprise. Address OPPORTUNI TY, Box 20, this office. 6-5 tf OR SALE — % INTEREST OR WHOLE IN restaurant, centrally located and saving well. L. SCHMIDT, Room 48, Phillips OTock. 0-3 3t I7<OR SALE—SARBER SHOP FIXTURES, 3 chair outfit, as good as new, at less than half cost price. Call or address GEORGE FISCHER, Nadeau house barber shop. 6-2 3t FOR SALE—COUNTRY STORE—SPLENDID- Iy located, liquor business in connection; good reasons for selling; terms easy. Address BUSINESS, Box 80, Herald office, 5 27 lm FOR SALE OR TO RENT—THE SOUTH Pasadena hotel and about 4 acres of im proved land. This property is situated six miles from Los Angeles, in the city of South Pasadena, opposite the Santa Fe depot. The hotel contains iO sleeping rooms, and is piped throughout for gas and hot and cold water and fitted with electric bells. There are 120 orange, 44 apricot, 52 poach, 17 nectarine, 5 quince, 3 almond. 37 apple, 3 pear, 6 plum, 3 prune, 2 fig and 6 loquat trees, and a small vineyard, to gether with a beautiful garden of flowers and shrubs. For further particulars address or in quire of DR. H. F. PITCHER, 17 iN. Marengo aye., Pasadena, Cal. 5-26 12m FOR SALE—MY HOUSE AND STORE CHARLES PAMPERL, dealer in hardware; crockery and house furnishing goods, Ana heim. Cal. 5-19 tf for rent—houses. rooms. Will rent single or double. Broad way near Temple. Enquire of j. Mullally 11614 West First street. 6-0-7t OR RENT—FURNISHED OR UNFUR nlshed bouse with all modern improve ments, in this city, with or without 15 acres of land, use of cow. horse and buggy, included, chickens, etc.; fine water, under city Irriga tion ditch; very nice place. Apply to 1485 Mission road, corner of Haneenst.; take Kuhrls st. cars; only responsible people need apply. 6 5 7t IfOR KENT—HOUSE, BARN AND STORE: 1 good for saloon or grocery; on Washington st. road of Santa Monica. Apply to 429 S. Spring st. 6-4 tf FOR RENT—FURNISHED OR UNFuIT nished houses all over the city. J. WHITE HORN, 228 W. First St. 5-26 tf I7»0R RENT—S3S PER MONTH ; 1131 S. HILL ■ St.; 9 rooms; latest improvements. See from 9 to 11:50 a. m. For rent, $30; 13-room lodging house, Leon block, Wilmington st;; $10 per month; store same location. See from 2to3p. m. 5-13-lm OR RENT—HOUSES ALL OVERTHE CITY~ C. A. SUMNER &CO., 107 S. Broadway. mlO-tf FOR^RKNT—ROOMS. ijlOR RENT— ' room, with use of bath, cheap, for summer months 134 S. Olive St., near Second. 6-6 4t OR RENT-A NICE RESIDENCE ON WEST Adams St., near St. James Park. KINGERY & NEIDIG, No. 128 West Second st. 5-28 tf OR RENT—NICELY FURNISHED FRONT rooms at 512 Temple St. 5-24 tf l/OR RENT-DOUBLE PARLORS, FINELY JT furnished, with privilege of light house keeping. 730 Temple st, corner Flower. 5-10 tf FIVE CENTS A LINE FOR SALE—City Property. 1j»OR SALE—SO FEET near Vignes street, with small cottage. $3700. Lot on First street near drug store on Boyle Heights, f>o feet front, $1500. Lot on First street just west of Soto street, 50 feet front, fSOO Sixty-five acres at Wilmington, No. 1 land $75 per acre. Twenty acres about Vmile f rom tr , e beach at Long Beach,on California street, $150 per acre. Twenty acres at Fullerton; best of soil and water right; frame house, story, 7 rooms, plastered and ceiled; good stable, 24x40 feet with floor, stable, cowshed, chicken house and yard, corncrib, windmill, tank and tankhouse, drilled well, good water, cypress hedge in front, 2 acres alfalfa, about 5 acres in deciduous fruits in full bearing, gum trees enough for wood, balance in softshell walnuts, 2 years old last spring. On main avenue 1W miles from depot. Everything in best of condition. Price, $6000 Can't be duplicated for- the money. A. J. MEAD, 238 West First street, room 5. 4-6-2t IT\OR SALE—3 BUSINESS BLOCKS ON 1 Spring St., bet. First and Fourth, paying a rental of from 7 to 8 per cent, on value; price today, $75,000 to .... $80,000 3 wholesale business lots, temporary improvements, on Los Angeles st., iv the midst of wholesale business; price per foot $400 to $650 3 good large business lots on Broad way, the best bargain offered, bet. Second and Sixth sts.; price tod*y per foot .' $300 to $650 20 feet, Spring, near Fourth $20,000 Handsome borne on Pearl St., very large lot $25,000 Large elegant resilience Adams st. . $11,000 Beautiful home, 12 rooms, large lot, Grand aye., near Washington » $9,500 Beautiful u-rnom cottage in a desira ble block on II ill st., lot alone worth price $(i,t)oo A desirable 6-room cottage on Flower. $5,000 A cozy 5-room cottage on Adams St., large lot covered with orange trees, windmill, burn, cement walks $2,200 A very desirable 0-room cottage on Grand aye., modern, gas fixtures . . $3,000 1% story 9-room house, modern impts, house cost more than price $3,500 A nice 5-room house near West Ijike park, lot 58x150, in good shape $1,800 Large beautiful corner lot, Bonnie Brae tract, 100x150 feet $4,500 50 feet on Grand aye., near Pico $3,300 50 feet on Flower, near Pico. $1,900 An acre lot with two cottages, corner Tenth and Union aye $5,000 Beantiful lot on Severance St.. near kA A ...J.l, »i *f\l\ .I■Hilil.. . . ' ' , CI 1 ' ' ....... n v. . . ... .... .. ftj v./ By MORRISON & CHANSLOR, 5-1 lm 139 South Braadway. I7»0R SALE —A SPECI AL~BARGAIN—A NICE ' 5-room cottage, lot 60x140 to alley, nice lawn and flowers, within the X mile circle; price, $3000 For particulars call on M. L. SAMSON, No. 217 W. First st, city. 5-17 tf I"j>Oß SALE—A GREAT BARGAIN—LOT 70 " feet front, house 6 rooms, bath and all mod ern improvements', finely finished and conven iently arranged. Inquire at premises, 22 7 E. Twenty-third st.; will be sold cheap; terms, ]/ 3 cash, balance to suit purchaser 8 per cent. 5-Ui lm FOR SALE—Country Property. F"o R^^alS^^ : V Choice alfalfa, corn, grain and fruit land; running water, fenced: cultivated; will pro duce $10 to $60 per acre annual income; 17 miles from Los Angeles. ]A mile torn railroad depot; price down. fJOWAN Admr. BAX TER, attorney, 175 N. Spring St., room 8. 5-13-eodtf OR" SALE—FULLERTON RANCH, 40 acres, I mile from hotel at Fullerton; 3 acres 10 year old oranges, mostly budded; 7 acres 6 year old s.s. walnuts; 8 acres 1 and 2 year old ss. walnuts; 3 acres 10 year old mixed or chard; 5 acres gum grove, orange and walnut nursery stock, enough to plant the balance, which is now in wheat and potatoes; house, 7 rooms, hall, large barn, chicken houses, wind mill, tank. etc.; everything in fine condition; a sure bargain; price, $12,000. PIRTLE Si HAWVER, 229 W. Second st. 6 5 7t OR SALE—S6O ACRES TWO MILES FROM Redlands: som* good valley land suitable for fruit, grain and orangos; balance rolling grassy hills, fine for stock and bees; plenty of water; $3 per acre; worth $10. J. C. WILL MON.23O W. Firßtst. 6-3-4t A CHANCE TO 9 GET A FINE HOME WITH GOOD INCOME. FOR SALE — A NICE 10-ACRE HOME place near Los Angeles; land highly im proved and mostly planted in navel oranges and French prunes all in heavy bearing con dition; good buildings; income, $3,600 a year; longtime if desired. KINGERY & NEIDIG, 128 West Second st. 5-28 lm OR BALE—ORANGE LAND, CHEAP; 10 and 20 acre tracts; fine water in abnndance piped ready for use deeded with the land; beau tiful surroundings in the midst of a fine class of people, close to railroad station, school, churches and stores; alsoa few choice bargains in improved orange orchards and fruit ranches. WOOD & CHURCH, 227 W. First st. 12 E. Colorado St., Pasadena. 5-8 lm 4£ 1 Kf\ FER ACRE—WE HAVE FOR SALE 3p lOv a few acres of the choicest prune, or ange and raisin land, with best of water; charm ingly located near railroad at La Canada, 10 miles north of Los Angeles. C. H. McARTHUR, La Canada; W. D. GOULD, Temple block. Lob Angeles. 2-26 tf LOST AND FOUND. T^OST^o^Y^Srli^ ±j set with a ruby and seventeen pearls. A suitable reward will be paid to the finder by re turning the same to this office. • 6-6.1t STRAYED OR STOLEN—3 SHETLAND ponies; 1 black stallion, 1 black gelding, 1 sorrel and white; anyone having seen or found them notify GEO. H BONEBRAKE, Los Ange les National Bank. 5-27 tf PERSONAL. by me to George O. Tiffany is hereby re voked. GEORGE A. TIFFANY. Chicago, May 30, 1891. 6-6 31 M. F. BROWN, JEWELER, REMOVED from Temple block to 425 S. Spring, for merly California Tea Store. 6-4 7t ERSONAL—HUMPHREY, 507 S. SPRING st, sells all kindsjof goods on weekly pay ments of 50c. 6-3 lm ERSONAL—MAGIC SOOT REMOVER. NO smoke! No odor! No soot to fall upon the floor. A small quantity of this preparation placed beneath the oven will in one minute thoroughly dean your chimney and stove and c*use it to bake better with less fuel. Price, 30 cts. a bottle. W. F. ADAMS, 304 S. Los An geles st. 5-10 lm ARGAINS in diamonds, watches jewelry and optical goods, or anything made to order or repaired in its line, at prices to suit the times; satisfactory guaranty. AtJ WOLTER. Manufacturing Jeweler and Watch maker, 122 South Main St., near Grand Opera House. 5 6-lm B. FROVR, CHIMNEY SWEEPER; * ranges and stoves cleaned. 605 Wall st. 5-9 lm OTEL AMMIDON. GRAND AYE. AND Twentieth st; summer rates. 4-25 tf PRICES-21 LBS. BROWN Jli or 16 lbs. white sugar, $1.00: 7 lbs. pink beans 25c.; 8 lbs. cornmeal, 15c.; 3 pack ages starch, 25c; 4 lbs rice, sago or tapioca, 25c.; gcrmea, 20c.; mountain coffee, 25c.: 5 lbs good tea, $1; sack flour, 85c; 6 lbs. figs, 25c; 4 lbs. peaches, 25c; 3 cans tomatoes, 25c; can corn, 10c; 9 cans fruit, $1: 9 cans oysters, $1; 4 cans sardines, 25c; 8 bars borax soap, 25c.; hams. 13Kc; bacon, 10c. ECO NOMIC STORES, 509-511 S. Spring at. m 5 tf PERSONAL — INTERESTING TO EVERY body How to make and save money. Read the classil ed advertisements in the Herald daily. A few cents spent In an advertisement may make thousands of dollars for you. You may procure a situation; sell your house and lot; rent your vacant property; buy a paying business or sell to advantage; loan your Idle money or borrow cheaper than from agents, and In a thousand different ways use these col umns to advantage. On this page advertise ments are only FIVE CENTS A LINE A DAY. TO EXCHANGE. F'^IT^XCHANGE ON Fourth St., near Olive; house 2-story 10 rooms, bath, etc.. gas and water in the house; price, $4500; for sale or would exchange for good house further out with large lot. A.J. MEAD, 238 W. First St., Room 5. 6-4 2t FOR EXCHANGE—3 HOUSES AND LOTS In city for well improved ranch near town. ROBERT D. COATES & CO., 228 W. First St. 5-23 lm ATTORNEYS. ACEY Fulton block, 207 New High Bt , Los Ange les, Cal. 12-14-tf CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. • Office and shop 419 East Seventh st. Tel ephone No. 306. 5-13-if FIVE CENTS A LINE FINANCIAL. $1,500,000 TO LOAN AT R G. LUNT'S LOAN AND INSURANCE AQENCT, 227 W. Second st., Adjoining Herald ome*. CHEAP MONEY. Agent for the GERMAN SAVINGS AND LOAN SOCIETY, of San Francitco. Jul tf ACIFIC LOAN COMPANY—LOANB~MON*TY in any amounts on all kinds of personal property and collateral security, on piano* without removal, diamonds, jewelry, sealskin*, bicycles, horses, carriages, libraries or any prop erty of value; also on furniture, merchandise, etc., in warehouses; partial payments received money without delay; private offices for cob, sulfation; will call if dosired; W. K. DiGROOT, Manager, rooms 14 and 15, No. South Spring st. m 3O ONEY LOANED— On all kinds of personal property and col lateral security or anythlng.of value, In sums to suit,' No Commission. Buy Notes and Mortgages. CRAWFORD, Rooms 11 and 12, Los Angeles National Bank building, N. E. cor. First and Spring sts. 11-27 YOU CAN BORROW MONEY ON AL|7 kinds of collateral security, as diamonds, jewelry, pianos without removal, libraries, bicycles or anything of value; private rooms for consultation, or will cult if preferred; no delays or commissions. SO. CAL. LOAN & INVESTMENT CO., Rooms 5 and 6, Stowetl block, 22ti S. Spring st; opp. L. A. Theater. 5-31 lm -117 E HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY tt and country property. Low interest. GEO. I). BETTB, with Edw. D Silent A Co., 108 S. Main St., Opera-house block. 5-31 lm 51.000.000 1 at lowest rate of interest. WM. MEAD & CO., 209 South Broadway. 5-24 WR. BURKE. NOTARY PUBLIC. 155 N. • Spring St. LoaDS money oto 8 per cent. 5-23 lm THE CALIFORNIA LOAN AND TRUbT company, 114 S. Main St., give special at tention to the making of large loans at low rates of interest. Also make installment loans payable weekly, monthly or quarterly. 5-22 tf ONEY TO LOAN—FROM 5 TO 20 YEARsT at 6 per cent; annual, senti-mutual or monthly installments, on city or farm property anywhere in California. For full particulars call or address IRWIN & STUCHELL, Room 7, S. Spring St., Los Angeles. 5-19 lm 6 7, AND 8 PER CENT. MONEY—BONYNGE & ZELLNER.IIS South Broadway. 5-19 last OTTO BRODTBECK, 113 S. BROADWAY. Money to loan on improved city and country property at 8 per oent. net. 4-5 tf <fcl AAA AAA-CURRENT RATES. S« -•©L'UUU.UIfU CURITY LOAN A TRUBT CO., 123 W. Second St., Burdick block, Los An geles. W. M. Stimson, Pres. E. F. Spenee, Treas. 3-29 tf ONEY TO LOAN —AT THE— MAIN-STREET SAVINGS BANK & TRUST CO 426 South Main street, On real estate, stocks and bonds. No commission. 1-16-tf d&EAA AAA TO LOAN UPON IMPROVED V«JvrV»vvV city and country property; low est rates; loans made with dispatch. Address the Northern Counties Investment Trust, Ltd.. FRED. J. SMITH. Agent. Pomona. Cal. ONEY LOANED ON REAL ESTATE, DlA monds, watches, jewelry, pianos, seal skins, live stock, carriages, bicycles and all kinds of personal and collateial security. LSI BROS., 402 6. Spring, mlB-tf IF YOU WANT MONEY WITHOUT DELAY, no commission, at prevailing rates of Inter est, see Security Savings Bank, 148 8. Main st. 9-21-tf FH^ICIANB. DR. CHAPMAN, 223 8. SPRING ST., FOR merly House Surgeon City and County Hos pital, San Francisco; also Surgeon in Hospital for Ruptured and Crippled, New York city. 5-30 6m DR. T. L. BURNETT, FORMER ASSOCIATE demonstrator of anatomy, Hospital College of Medicine, and visiting surgeon to Masonic Widows and Orphans' Home and Infirmary of Louisville. No. S. Spring st. Special at tention to surgery and gynaecological surgery. 5-30 lm DR. ALBERT WILLIAMS, HOMEOPATHIST, 131 N. Spring st. (Phillips block): general, family and obstetric practice. Telephone 433. Day and night. l 10-tf ZABALA, M. D., FROM THE FACUL * ties of Paris and Madrid. Office and resi dence 310% N. Main st , Los Angeles, Cal. Telephone 278. Office hours—ll to 12, 2to 4, 7 to 8. 5-19 RS. DR. J. H. SMITH, SPECIALTY, MlD wifery. Ladies cared for during confine ment at 727 Bellevue aye. m 28 tf R. HUGHES, FORMER RESIDENT SUR geon to the New York Hospital. Specialty: Surgery and Genito-Urinary diseases. 175 N. Spring st. Hours, 9to 11, 2to 4. 2-22-tf MRS. DR. WELLS, "THE CLIFTON." 233 N. Broadway. Specialty, diseases of women. Many years of successful painless methods in rectal diseases. HAS. W. BRYSON, M. D.—l3BU BOOTH Spring st. Telephone: Office, 796; resi dence, 798. 12-17 R C. EDGAR SMITH-DISEASES OF women a specialty; rectal diseases treated by the Brinkerhoff painless system; office, corner Main and Seventh sts., Kobarts block. Telephone 1031. mlCtl R. M. HILTON WILLIAMS. DISEASES O? the head, throat, chest and blood a speci alty. Office 137 South Broadway, MILLER BUILDING. 9-5-tf EBECCA LEE DORBEY, M. D. OFFICE No. 7J4 N. Main st. Special attention given to obstetrics, gynecology and disease* of children. Hours 9to 11 a. m. and 2to4p. m. Telephone 513. jeSf-tt =3 educational. Woodbury Business college —AND— SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING INSTITUTE, 245 South Spring Street, Los Angeles, Cal. Tiie leading exponent of practical business education. For circulars and specimens of penmanship, call at the college office, or address HOUGH, FELKER & WILSON, Proprietors. 4-5 3m A. SCHOOL OF ART AND DESIGN,(IN • corporated). Corner Spring and Third sts. 0-3 lm OS ANGELES UNIVERSITY-FOR BOTH aexes. Collegiate, preparatory and train ing school departments. Music, art and elocu tion. Military drill and Delsarta. Send for catalogue. CALVIN ESTERLY, President. P. O. box 2893. 3 22 tf LOS ANGELES BUSINESS COLLEGE; Ex perienced teachers; complete course of study. E. R. SHRADER, I. N. INBKEEP, F. W. KELBEY, proprietors, 144 S Main st. 2-14-3 mo SCHOOL OF CIVIL, MINING, MECHANIC**, Engineering, Surveying, Architecture' Drawing, Assaying. A. VAN DER NAILLKN 723 Market St., San Francisco. Send forci*. culars. 12-10 12m TUDSON EXCURSIONS eTsT EVERY MON r) day via Rio Grande route. Experienced manager in charge. Tourist cars to Chicago and Boston. J. C. JUDSON A CO., 119 N. Spring st. jel2-U OCX ISLAND ROUTE EXCURSIONS leave Los Angeles every Tuesday via Den ver and Rio Grande railway. Through Pull man tourist cars to Chicago via Salt Lake City, Leadvllle and Denver. For circulars, rates, etc., call on or address F. W. THOMPSON, 138 8. Spring st. 5-10 tf HILLIPS' EXCURSIONS EVERY WEEE via Denver and Rio Grande railroad. Only excursions running tourist cars through to Boston. Office No. 125% W. Second St., bet Spring and Main sts., 3 doors from Spring st. :*4 SANTA FE ROUTE STILL AHEAD OF ALL competitors, both in time and distance, to all points East. Special tourist excursions Bast every THURSDAY. For full Information, ap ply to or address any agent, or CLARENCB A. WARNER, Exc. Manager, 29 N. Spring. l-13tf wanted— horses to pasture; abund ance of grass and water, at $2 per month, on Washington st. Office, 258 S. Main St. 5-10 lm "Vl" r ANTED—HORSES TO PASTURE; ABUN dance of grass and water; board fence; horses called for If desired. W. E HUGHES, rooms 86 and 87, Bryson-Bonebrake build ing; £i2iL_ & CLEVELAND, CIVIL AND hydraulic engineers, 121 S. Broadway. 4-14 3m 3