Newspaper Page Text
THE RAILROADS. A Few Errors Made by Con temporaries. Another Case Where Hynes Takes the Cake.. A Funny Explanation of the Santa Fe's Cut, from the " Call." A Statement from San Francisco About Mr. Wade'a; Cut of the Orange Rate—The Minnesota Bate. News Notes. The railroad reporter of the Express is a good mate for the funny reporter of the Times, who has the same detail. The Express of last evening contains a railroad item which proves that the reporter cannot read any better than he can write. He asserts that the Herald stated that the Santa F6 company paid $50,000 for the Santa Monica Wharf and Terminal company's property. The Hebald never stated that, but the Times did some months ago, when some schemer of Santa Monica deceived that paper's reporter. The full etory of that fake will be given in the Herald in a few days. The Herald's item to which the Express attempts to refer, stated positively that no money was paid for the property by the Santa F6, the only consideration being an agreement to build the line. The Times man claims the credit of announcing the deal first, because of the $50,000 fake story ! The Expreßß further states that the Southern California officials denied the story of the purchase. They did noth ing of the kind. The deed is a matter of record, and cannot be denied. Fur thermore, the Express is herewith given the information that the Southern Cali fornia railroad has no general freight agent named Haines, but that the gen tleman's name is Hyneß; also that there is no such person us General Manager Ward of the Santa Fe, but that Mr. K. H. Wade is general manager of the Southern California. uynes's siiabpness again. It appears that General Freight Agent Hynes of the Southern California road made a double play in his cut of the time of going into effect of the 90-cent orange rate. The circular of the Trans continental association announcing the reduction exempts Minnesota territory, but states tbat local rates must be paid to points in that state. Mr. Hynea, by his Napoleonic coup, has had a week in which to take oranges at 90 cents, while all the other lines bave had to maintain the $1.26 rate. The local rate to Minne sota points is 18 cents, which enables the Santa Fe to put the fruit in that state at a maximum of $1.08, a very nice little advantage. To paraphrase an expression popular in the Salvation army, "There are no flies on Hynes." A FUNNY EXPLANATION. The San Francisco Call gives the fol lowing explanation of the Santa F<Vs. cut on orange rates, which was laughed at yesterday by the officials of the line here, though Mr. Wade was not seen about it, as he was not in hie office at the time: The action of the Santa F£ in putting the 90-cent orange rate into effect be fore the time specified by tho Transcon tinental association has "kicked up a big row," which in all probability will result in a withdrawal of this line from the association and a rate war which will shake things up generally. The rate referred to was made at the solicitation of the orange men of South ern California at the recent meeting of the Transcontinental association, which convened in New York on January 14th. It was ordered to take effect on Febru ary Ist. But the Santa F<s saw an op portunity of hitting the Southern Pa cific below the belt, and was quick to take advantage of it. Tbe reduction went into effect yesterday on the Santa F<i alone, and other lines assert with much sorrow that this road has violated both law and precedent. The Santa Fe's action is undoubtedly a violation of Transcontinental associa tion rules, but according to an explana tion which leaked out yesterday it was a forced put, and ordered to cover the •mistake of a high official of the compa ny. Several months before the associa tion met, K. H. Wade, general manager of the Southern California railway (Santa W6) assured the orange people that the .desired reduction would be granted. He impressed them with the greatness of the Santa F6 and its mighty power in the association of western roads. He said in substance this: "Don't mind the Southern Pacific or any other line. The Santa Fe will stand by the orange growers and see that their pro duct ib taken to the eastern market at low rate. The Santa F6can get you any rate desired. Stick to the Santa Fe and make money on your oranges.'" Of cource Wade knew the 90-cent rate would be granted, but he did not know when it would take effect, and before the association adjourned the Santa F6 com menced to take shipments for Chicago at 90 cents. When the time for this reduction to take effect was fixed as February Ist, Wade found himself in a box. He had some heavy shipments on hand, taken at the 90-cent rate. They must be moved at once, and yet he was not allowed to handle them on the reduction until the Ist day of February. The"orange men said: "Why don't you move our fruit aa per contract?" and Wade replied, "The Transcontinental aeaociation won't let me." The position was not a pleasant one, and the general manager had to choose between two courses. He could either let the oranges rot in the cara and pay damages, or break the Transcontinental association's rules. He chose the latter, and down aouth the Santa F6 is handling the or ange crop. The Southern Pacific is "not in it." NOTES. Assistant Superintendent J. A. Muir of the Southern Pacific company will return today from San Francisco. General Freight Agent Hynes of the Southern California was out among the orange groves yesterday at Riverside and Pomona. General Superintendent Fillmore and his associates in the operating depart ment are still holding their daily meet ings and discussing the new rules, says the San Francisco Chronicle. The fol lowing gentlemen are in attendance at the sessions, besides Mr. Fillmore and Assistant Superintendent Richardson: A. D. Wilder, western division; J. B. Wright, Sacramento division; James THE LOS ANGELES HERALD: SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 30, 1892. Alger, Shasta division; J. L. Frazier, Truckee division; S. W. Knapp, Salt Lake division; J. H. Whited, San Tnnqnin division: J. A. Muir, Yuma division ; J. S. Noble, Gila division ; W. H. Haydock, coast division; L. R. Fields, superintendent of the Southern Pacific lines in Oregon ;D. Burkhalter, Los Angeles division, and L. Fillmore Santa Cruz division. The rulea will be ready for printing today or tomorrow, but will not go into effect until May let. They embrace a complete change of signals. James Horeburgb, Jr., aaaiatant gen eral passenger agent of the Southern Pacific company, said yesterday, says the Chronicle, that his advices from the east with reference to California tourist travel for the remainder of the aeaaon, were very favorable. In apite of the fact that there is far more aickneßß than usual in the eastern states, and, conse quently, many cancellations of engage ments, the excursion agents report that there is still an increase over the num ber of the persona to come during Feb ruary and March aa compared with last year. It is difficult to make an esti mate of the total, but Mr. Horsburghis satisfied that it will eclipae last year's figures. THE HILL CLUB. The Declaration Which Is Signed by the Members. The following is the declaration which precedes the membership test of the Hill club: "We, the undersigned, believing that it would be to the best interest of the Democratic party that David Bennett Hill, late governor and now the United States senator of the Btate of New York, be the Democratic nominee for president by the national Democratic convention to assemble in Chicago, June 21, 1892, and not expressing our opinion aa againat any other peraon or persona who might aspire for the same nomination, do hereby organize ourselves into a Dem ocratic club, to be known and designated as the Hill Democratic club, No. 1, of the Btate of California. "Los Angelee, January 23, 1892." CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. PROCEEDINGS AT THE DIRECTORS' MEETING- YESTERDAY. The Rain Makers Not Wanted—H. Jevne Elected as a Director—Secretary and Superintendent Elected. The board of directors of tbe chamber ot commerce met yesterday afternoon. There were present Directors Wells, Johnson, Baker, Shatto, McGarvin, Hellman, Franciaco, Graff, Johnson, Braun, Hazard, Klokke, Edwards, Lan kerahim and Freeman. C. M. Wells occupied the chair; C. D. Willard acted aa secretary. A communication was read from A. Bordera, one of the rain makers at Tu lare, stating that they were ready to contract with the chamber of commerce to furnish rain for a given area in a given time, or no pay for services ten dered or expenses incurred, provided the thermometer does not go below 40 degrees in the time specified, in which case they would want extension of time. Director Klokke moved that the secre tary be instructed to inform them that their services were not at preeent in de mand. A communication from the New York board of trade asking tbat the chamber urge the national government to sub mit ail differences with Chile to arbitra tion waa read and ordered filed. A communication from E.S.Cleve land with regard to a division of the state fair to two sections, one for the north and one for the south, was read and referred to the committee on agri culture, with instructions to report at the next regular meeting of the cham ber. The secretary Eubmitted the financial report, showing a balance of $681.40. The report was referred to the commit tee on ways and means. Bills to the amount of $408 were read, approved and ordered paid. Director Klokke called attention to tbe fact the two-thirds majority of tbe en tire board were present, and that in accordance with the proviaiona of the constitution the election of superintend ent and secretary could now be held. On motion of Mayor Hazard the board pro ceeded to the election, and C. D.Willard was elected secretary and Frank Wiggins was elected superintendent for the ensu ing year. Director McGarvin offered the follow ing resolution, which was passed: Resolved, That tho president of the Lob Angeles County Medical society be requested to furnish the leading medical journals of the United States, for publi cation, the meteorological report as fur nished by the United States weather bureau at Loa Angeles, and also the mortuary report of the city, with such comments as in hia judgment are neces aary to enable the citizens of other places to correctly compare the health fulness of thia place with their own The election of a director to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Gen. E. P. Johnson from the chairman ship of the committee on commerce be ing next in order, H. Jevne was chosen to fill that position. It waa decided that the matter of the delinquent list be referred to the com mittee on membership with power to act, and the matter of a canvasser for new names waa referred to the committee on membership. The matter of a reception to the dele gates of the National Poultry association waß referred to the president and he was given power to act in the matter. An application from the Tulare county board of trade to place printed matter regarding that section in tbe chamber exhibit room was considered, and the secretary wae instructed to write and state that privileges of ■ that character were only given to counties allied with the chamber, aud giving financial as sistance to ita work. The board then adjourned to meet again next Friday afternoon. Used in Millions of Horaea—4o the Standard. WORLD OF SPORT. A Great Tug of War Pro posed. Weil-Bred Stallions Brought to this County. Glenalvin Will Captain the Los An- geles Baseball Team. Dr. Wise Will Send a String of Trotters to Montana — Another Game Be tween Log Angeles and San Jose Today. There will be no races at Agricultural park this afternoon, as the track is a trifle slushy from the recent rain. The programme set for today will be carried out next Saturday. A feature of tbe afternoon's sport will be a gentleman's road race. One of the sensational 2 year-olds of this year in California waa Kebir, the big and strapping son of Alcazar. It is not generally known that the dam of Kebir is owned by Mr. Carhart of Bur bank. Doctor Wise will send a string of trot tera on the Montana circuit thia year. The associationa in that state hang up big money. The doctor will have a strong string. He will have Glendine for the 2:20 and free-for-all classes, Emm Bey, a slashiDg-looking 4-year old by Guy Wilkes, for the alow classes; the speedy Adelaide McGregor for the 3-year-old stakes and 2:30 classes; also the 3-year-old Bonny June, as well as a couple of exceptional 2-year-olds. Ed. Connolly should capture some of the money with this select string. VALUABLE PURCHASE. New Trotting Stock Brought to This County. 0,. H. Lockhart, proprietor of the Lockhaven stock farm at Burbank, and J. Warren Carhart, have returned from a visit to the north, where they in spected all the leading stock farms and also made some purchases of interest to the horsemen in this section. Mr. Lockhart purchased from Mr. De Turk of Santa Rosa the brown horse Anteeo Button. This young sire is by Anteeo 2:16)4, who is by the celebrated Elec tioneer, sire of Sunol 2 :08, and Palo Alto 1 :0H : > 4 , the fastest trotting mare and stallion in the world. Anteeo re cently sold for $75,000. The dam of Anteeo Button is Lady Button by Napa Rattler. The dam of Lady Button was also the dam of Alexander Button 2:26%, the sire of Yolo Maid, the sensational pac ing mare, and Rosa Mc, a trotting mare, who haa a record of 2 -.20%. Mr. Lockhart owns Ashwood.the only standard-bred Nutwood stall ion in Southern California, and with Anteeo Button is now well supplied with fash ionable blood for his stock farm. Mr. Carhart bought a brown 3-year old colt by Anteeo, dam by Union, he by Stockbridge Chief, jr. The dam of the brown colt is the dam of Ned Locke, 2:2 i% (trial, 2:18). Messrs. Lockhart and Carhart are to be commended for their enterprise in bringing this desirable blood to this connty. IT IS GLENALVIN. The Prediction Made in the "Herald" to Be Fulfilled. The announcement made exclusively in the Herald several weeka since, that Glenalvin would captain the Los An geles league team proves to be correct. The great second baseman is now busy signing a team. A dispatch received in this city lust evening states that he has secured Fredway, formerly of Denver, as an out-fielder. Mr. Vanderbeck, the owner of the Los Angeles franchise, is now in San Francisco, but will return to Loa Angelea on Wednesday. The maguatea are to meet in San Francisco Monday or Tuesday, when the cities to be represented in the league for 1892 will be divulged. A GREAT TUG OF WAR. Los Angeles Americans Against the San Francisco Scotch. The Herald this morning is in a po sition to state that a tug of war will be arranged in the course of a few days be tween the American team of Los Angeles and the Scotch team of San Francisco. The meeting of these two teams ia Bure to attract widespread attention through out the whole of California. Tbe tug will in all probability take place in Sau Francisco. Captain Barmour is in com munication with the Scotch team, who are just aa anxious for the meeting as are the local rope pullers. Angelefios naturally want the tug settled in this city and the managers should not overlook the fact that they could pack Hazard's pavilion at even an admission of $1. However, the contest for supremacy iB more than likely to be decided at San Francisco as it would draw out 10,000 people if properly ad vertised. * —. — BASEBALL TODAY. The Two Crack Clubs to Play This * Afternoon. Tbe San Jose champions play their last games in Los Angeles thia after noon and Sunday afternoon. The state championa have played great ball in thia city, and every admirer of the game ahould help the national pastime along by turning out this afternoon. Darby will be in the box for Los Angeles, and a great game can confidently be ex pected. Los Angeles haß to win three ALL MEN Suffering from NERVOUS DEBILITY, LOST or FAILING MANHOOD, INVOLUNTARY EMISSIONS, IMPOTENCY, MENTAL WORRY, PERSONAL WEAKNESS, LOSS OF MEMORY, DEBPONDENCY, and all other diseases of mind and body, produced by youthful follies or overindulgence, quickly and permanently cured BY Dr. Steinhart's BlMiIE! THE GREAT VITEIZER. PRICE |2 PER BOTTLE Or 6 bottles for $10, or in pill form at same price. Call on or write to Dr. P. Steinhart, Room 12, 331 1-2 South Spring St., (Opposite Allen's Furniture Store), Los Angeles, .... Cal. Special and infallible specifics also prepared for Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Syphilitic and Kidney and Bladder trouble. BBP-All communications strictly confiden tial aud private. OFFICE HOURS: From 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Sondayß, from 10 to 12. 11-14 6m straight gamea in order to triumph in the series. If luck is not against them they are liable to do the trick. There will be two games on Sunday afternoon on account of the draw game. The firat game will be called at 1 o'clock. The admission thia afternoon ia 25 cents, but 50 cents will be charged for the two games on Sunday. MITCHELL SHIES HIS CASTOR. He Is Willing to Meet Sullivan In a Twelve-Foot King. St. Louis, Jan. 29.—The Post-Dispatch this afternoon says: Charley Mitchell has challenged John L. Sullivan to meet bim. This is an outgrowth of the declaration that Sullivan is credited with making in Butte city, that he would like to get Mitchell in a twelve foot ring. On reading this the English boxer telegraphed President Fulda of the California Athletic club that he would fight Sullivan in a small ring before the club, if it would offer a purse, and he would put up a stake of $5000 on the outside that he would win. Manager Thompson, to whom Mitchell and Slavin are under contract, ia au thority for the above, and states that Mitchell received a reply from Preaident Fulda that the California Athletic club will offer for the contest tbe largest purse ever given by an athletic club for a fight. Thompson regards the fight as made. San Fbancisco, Jan. 29; —President Fulda was seen this afternoon in refer ence to the press dispatch from St. Louie, and be acknowledged tbat he had received a message from Charlie Mitchell asking if the California club would give a purse for a fight be tween himself (Mitchell) and John L. Sullivan. Fulda said he had wired back to Mitchell the reply: "The California club will certainly give a good puree for a match between yourself and Sullivan. Go ahead and make the match." Mitchell in his message to Fulda named next September as the time for the contest. Fistic News. Maher and Lawaon should make a good fight. The local clubs should try out the pugs that come here from the eaßt. One of tbe local clubs is trying to get somebody to put up againat La Blanche. Jack McCauley went to Sacramento yesterday, where he is booked to fight Bishop. McCauley and Connor are about third class men, and the fight Thursday night was about the worst ever Been in this city. Lawsou and Conley have signed arti cles for a light-weight fight. Lawson is a colored fighter from Australia, and he is pretty speedy, even in the beßt of company. ABOUT THE AMERICAN GAME. Hit and Miss Gossip About the Players. Jigga Parrott will pitch the first game on Sunday. Jack Fcgarty ia pretty sure to be with the San Joaea thia season. Mr. Vanderbeck should endeavor to. sign at least a couple of the local favor ites. There will be a ball game between the Excelsior and Troy Laundries on Sun day. There will be some fun when these laundrymen get on the dia mond. Every admirer of the national pas lime ahould attend the closing games between Los Angeles and San Jose. The game this afternoon will be called at 2 :30 o'clock. The Pennant Is Ours. Billy Edwards aauntered into the Hebald office laat evening. He wore hia English cap, and looked awfully British. "If it ia true that Vanderbeck has signed Glenalvin. Los Angelee will win the pennant," aaid the most ardeat aup porter of the game in the city. "Glen alvin is the brainiest player on the coast; and he will sign none but good men." The Annual Bench Show. There will be a meeting of the South ern California Kennel club on Tuesday evening next to perfect the preliminaries for the annual bench 6how to be held in this city in April. A judge will be eelected at the meeting and considerable other business will be transacted. MARRIAGE LICENSES. People Who Yesterday Secured Per mission to Wed. The county clerk yesterday issued marriage licenses to the following per sons : P. Fanucci, aged 25, a native of Italy, and Katie Marcutti, aged 18, also a native of Italy, both residents of Los Angeles. . . _ ~ E. M. Romo, aged 27, native of Cali fornia, and Juanita N. Contreras, aged 17, native of California, both residents of Los Angeleß. John H. Beenbloßßom, aged 37, native of Indiana, resident of Alhambra, and Jennie Gradras, aged 17, native of Cali fornia, and resident of Old Mission. "I've done my duty, and I've done no more," aB the dealer remarked, when he advertised a large supply oi Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup at the low prieo of 28 cents a bottle. WAGNER'S KIMBERLEY, 125 S. SPRING ST., Manufacturing Jeweler and Silversmiffl. The largest and finest selected stock In Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, solid Silver Wars, Ac.. in Southern California. Rome and get our prices before purchasing elsewhere. We hare to mmll over $20,000 worth of goods this month, and to do this we have got to sell at very close figure*. By getting our prices it will convince you that we are the lowest in the city; the best goods na* never misrepresented. Our standing in Los Angeles for the last twelve years will give you at guarantee to get exactly what you bought. We shall make some special sales before ChristnuM in some lines of goods, which we will sell very cheap and give our customers the benefit. Wo sell opeia glasses lower than any house in the cily, and have 500 pairs to select from, the cele brated Leinair glass, the best in the world. We will let the public know through this paper m what day we will make these sales. Come one and all. 125 S. Spring St., Wagner's Kimberley. ESTATE MENTiS- Of tbe condition of the MAIN-STREET SAVINGS BANK AND TRUST CO, Incorporated October 28,1889, at the close of business, December 31,1891t RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. Cash on hand and due from banks Capital ;>aid in coin I 80,000 OO and bankers ♦ 66,552 89 Reserve fund 4,740 97 Loans 399,110 11 Interest collected 22,293 73 Furniture and fixtures 1,428 15 Earnings 12,422 8» Expenses and taxes 8,298 18 Due depositors 434,046 SS Dividends paid 3,359 43 Bonds 32,332 50 Interest due and accrued 12,422 88 $523,504 14 $523,504 14. State of Califobnia, j County of Los angeles,! James B. Lankershim, President, and Frank W. DeVan. Cashier, of the Main-street Saving* Bank and Trust Co. ol Los Angeles, Cal., being first duly sworn, each for himself, says, that the foregoing statement is true, to the best of his knowledge and belief. J. B LANKERSHIM President. FRANK W. DeVAN, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 31st day of December, 1891 . J. M. WORRALL, Notary Public. In and for the County of Los Angeles, State of California. -S STATEMENT X- Of lhe paid-up capital of the Main-street Savings Bank and Trust Co., January 1,1892: Amount of capita! paii] in gold coin of the Ualted States, Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00). State of California, ( County of Los Angeles.) James B. Lankershim, President, and Frank W. DeVAN, Cashier, of the Main-street Savings Bank and Trust Co., of Los Augelcs, Cal., being first duly sworn, each for himself, says, that the foregoing statement is true, to the best of his knowledge and belief. thm J. B. LANKERSHIM, President. FRANK W. DeVAN, Cashier. Subscribed and Iworn to before me, this 31st day of December, 1891. J. M. WORRALL. Notary Public In and for the County of Los Angeles, State of California. VOLUNTARY TESTIMONIALS GIVEN TO DR WOH! The Eminent Chinese Physician. Dr. Woh's life work has been from early youth one of persistent and untiring observation, study and investigation, as fully as lay in his power to perfect him self in all branches of the art of healing human sickness and dieease. "Born im China, of influential parents, of a family whose ancestors bave been for genera tions deservingly renowned as leading physicians, Dr. Woh naturally followed in the footsteps of his fathers. In China he has practiced his profession foi several years, being at one time a physician in the Imperial Hospital, and in America for a long time his great number of patients, his wonderful and many cures, and tbe great list of letters from grateful and thankful patrons now prow him to lie a remarkable and Buweeßiul healer of sickness and all diseases. DR WOH — For a long time I have been suffering with I have doctored with the best physicians of bladder and kidney troubles. No doctoring or San Francisco for my heart disease, but received medicines seemed to do me good. I consulted no benefit. Thirty days ago I was recommended tho best physicians and surgeons in LosAn toyou and began vo'ur treatment, before this, gelescity. They gave me morphine and strong I was twice completely prostrated in the publio druts, but no relief could I obtain. After sui strcets, but today lam a well man. and I thank eriug great pain and anguish, and having my you ulone for my recovery. Respcotf ully. passage almoßt entirely clogged. I fourteen days J G. SIMPSON, ago began using Dr Woh'B medicines: today I 537 Gladys are., Los Angeles, Cal. am perfectly well. Ido consider Dr. Won the January 10,1892. most successful physician in Southern Laix ' foruia. C. A. BTEELB, 316-318 S. Main street, Oct. 13,1891. Los Angeles, Cai rn Cleveland, 0., many months ago I caught a severe cold which settled on my lungs, ter- I have tried many doctors for heart dliwswi, minating in asthma. The doctors said there but have derived no benefit until Dr. Woh, tha was no hope of my recovery, but that a change Chinese physician, of Los Angeles city, fac to California might prolong my life. February scribed for me. last I came to San Bernardino and doctored Two months ago I began his treatment, and I with three physicians, but obtained no relief, can now certify that he has done me great Finally Dr. Woh was lecommended to me by a good. I recommend Dr. Woh to my friends aa friend. I took his medicines and followed his an able doctor. directions, and today I am folly cured and per- it P. B. KINO, fectly well. MISS GRACE M. FIELD, , Justice of the Peace, October 30.1891. Saa Bernardino, Cal. Burbank. Cal. Dr. Woh has hundreds of similar testimonials, but space alone prevents farther publication g oldegt an( j best-known Chinese Physician in Southern California. Hia many cures have been remarkable, Involving Female Troubles, Tumors and every form of disease. All cpnimunications will be regarded as strictly confidential. Free consultation to every one, and all are cordially invited to call upon Dr. Woh at hia office. 227 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Between Second and Third street*, 4-5-su-tn-th-sa Los Angeled, Gm*U ~ ~ — .-i ■ , —■ '■ —■■ i ii ■ » Gpndest Event of the Year. Visit oi the American Poultry Association to Lob Angeles In honor of this visit the Los Angeles County Poultry Asso ciation will hold a mammoth Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock Show IN THIS OITY AT ARMORY HALL, S. BROADWAY, FEB. 10 TO 18 INCLUSIVE, 1892. /t)1/\AA Nearly One Thousand Dollars in Special Prem- /hi AAA V I I II II I I" 111 *- Tne beet Eastern judges have been V II ll II 1 V I I II || | secured. Entries close Saturday, February 6. ,\ I I fl jl I \) l\J\J\J Premium list now ready and can be obtained \J \_\J\J \J on application to * ~ JAB. T. BROWN. Pres. G H A GOODWIN E. R. TERWILLIGER, Secy. v *« **• WUDVVUD, H. A. BRIDGE. Columbus, 0., Supt. 137 S. BROADWAY, L. A., Cal. r*TTf*?ITT VHTII Universal Household Remedy. Mjj.n YKIW Used Inte rnally and Externally, on Juno i. 1892, LUUfIL 1 i Ixl Insomnia, Catarrhal Affections, of — " Hemorrhages, Inflammations, circular around bot- nVTDIiPT Throat Affections, Influents, Ask your druggist, f AI l\ Hll I General Weakness, Nervousness, ;60 cb. per bottle. twil 1 k\£LVJ 1 g pplkiMt TJleeW, PaißS, WoWMte. 3