Newspaper Page Text
6 LETTER BAG. ttueiia timii-BiTflet Bridffs* A few interested individuals from East Los Angeles want the council to allow the Electric railway to lay their tracks on the Buena Vista-street bridge, claim ing that it does no harm but a heap of good, and further base their claim upon a contribution of $7500 by people in East Lob Angeles toward the construction of this bridge. The intention of constructing a bridge between Pasadena avenue (Hoff street) and Buena Vista street, was to divert the traffic from the country east and north of this point over Buena Vista street as a safer inlet to the city than through San Fernando Btreet, where the South ern Pacific railway are running their trains. This was the main argument in favor of constructing this bridge, and the east sidere were familiar with this fact and subscribed the $7500. As the traffic since 1886 has grown considerably so has also the necessity of this bridge, and for the council now to permit the Electric railway to lay one single line of rails on this narrow bridge would be very unwise. The roadway is but twenty feet wide, and, allowing for the width of the cars and at least one foot clearance on each side of the same, there would be at most but ten feet left for the ordinary traffic. The Electric Railway company have had ample time to construct a bridge of their own if they were in earnest to do so, but for the sake of some $16,000 or $20,000, for which sum we are informed a bridge can be constructed, they are and have been trying to steal a march on the public and entirely destroy the use of the bridge for ordinary traffic, for which it was exclusively constructed. Moreover, this company wants to lay a "temporary" track over this bridge, without specifying for what length of time. When this is not specified it means a grant forever, and it will be forever an injury to the traffic. When Mr. Cross petitioned the coun cil for the right of way for a single track over the Macy-street bridge it was de nied on the ground that it would be an injury to the travel; now what more right has the Electric Railway company to cross the Buena Vista-Btreet bridge", over which there is twenty times more traffic than over the Macy-street bridge ? It is bad enough as it is, with a double track on Buena Vista street, but when it comes entirely to stop the traffic over the bridge for ordinary travel, then it is time to cry "Halt." Citizen. REDONDO. The largest number of wild ducks seen here for some time was noticed on Thursday. They flew over in one im mense flock, and settled on tbe water about a mile out from shore. They must have numbered thousands. Your correspondent was shown yes terday a splendid crystal found on the beach here, and which had been beau tifully cut and polished. It is pure white, exceedingly brilliant, and would easily be taken for a diamond of the first water. The stone is now on ex hibition at Hall's news stand on the pier. It is quite worth one's while to search on the beach for such gems, if only one be found by each person. The first payments were made this mouth by the subscribers to the stock of the Mutual Building and Loan Asso ciation of Redondo. There will be a meeting of the stockholders very soon to adopt the by laws of the association. Arrivals at the Redondo hotel yester day include the following: Mrs. Frank Sharp, H. E. Wilcox, San Francisco; F. M. Gibson, A. M. Petty, Mrs. A. Brunson, Mrs. S. K. Wilson, Los An geles; Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Nolton, Sacramento. COVINA. Mrs. S. A. Miller of Glendora died last Saturday. Mr. Neil is building an addition on the south side of his house. Mr. Fessler moved back into his house Saturday, it being finished. William Hauson is building a neat frame barn on his property, north of the old hall. I notice in the Pomona papers that Covina's friend, A. Wells, of Azusa spent a night in the "jug" for imbibing too much Azusa forty-rod lightning and try ing to run the opera house in a style not acceptable to the managers. The entertainment at theM, E. church last Saturrjfcy evening was a very en joyable affair. At'its close a collection amounting to $10, was taken for the benefit of Rev. F. L. Morrill, who is yet in Los Angeles, in the surgeon's care. Last Friday evening over 100 people gathered at Sooks' hall to witness the entertainment given by the Normal school students. Through the negligence of the employees their baggage was .not put off, so the entertainment was very limited. The baskets were sold, sup per eaten and the tickets renewed for the night, when tbe whole performance was given. The following is a list of the participants: Messrs. B. H. Donnell, F. F. Bunker, A. L. McCullock, A. W. Everett, C. M. Fraisher, C. J. Diamond, JF. JI. Mosher and S. L, Fraisher. Are you thinking of buying a new hat? If so, call on the Globe Clothing Co., Spring street, near Third, and ask for their celebrated fur crasher in all shades, $1.00. ; JUBILANT OUTLOOK. The Santa Monica Paper Preparing to Put on Harbor Style. The Santa Monica Outlook hotly re sents the peeudo sympathy extended to the city by the sea because it was not recommended by the board of United States engineers as the place where the government should build a deep sea harbor. It tellß the San Pedro Times that the congressional atmosphere is not favorable to spending "big money" for the creation of artificial harbors, and is of the opinion that before the season goes round there will be many changes on this interesting subject. It then opens its ports and blazes away with its batteries of self-congratulation on Santa Monica's bright prospects. It says: Before the next session of congress is reached there will have been many changes. Two if not three transconti nental railways will have their termi ni at Santa Monica; the Southern Pa cific Railway company will have a 0000 --foot wharf in use, and perhaps there will be another wharf on the South Side. '•TheW-WtniS,- 'cotirse'of another yaaiv.wiU' hays d*awn *£übli<& partieaJarly to Santa Monica as a shipping point. Then one THE LOS ANGELES HERALD: SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 30, 1892 of two things will be patent to all who take the trouble to look into the matter. It will be demonstrated that those en gineers have reported upon an insuffi cient investigation to arrive at a proper conclusion, or that they are incompe tent to utilize the data within their reach. The student of history will recall tbe famous naval battle in which Commo dore Paul Jones engaged. After there had been a terrible slaughter and the decks of the vessels were strewn with the dead and dying, the old sea-dog was ordered to surrender. "Surrender h—l," he roared back, "the fight has just begun." Santa Monica mildly par allels this case. We have no thought; up this way of giving up the contest. miles's Nerve and Liver Pllla. Act on a new principle—regulating the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles's Pills speedily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles, con stipation. Unequalled for men, women, chil dren. Smallest, mildest, surest! SO doses, o cents. Samples free, at C. H. Hance. •' John Anderaon, My Joe," In the old Scotch ballad, was about to totter down the declivity of life with hlB aged wife. How it would have smoothed the rough places for the respected John and his venerable spouse could they have eased their growing in firmities with Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, that benign help to the aged, the weak and those recovering but slowly from ex hausting diseases. When the lamp of life Is on the wane man spe cially requires medicinal aid, a sustaining tonic, a wholesome coriectlve. The aged and feeble are particularly susceptible to influences which produce disease, convalescence is too often interrupted by a relapse. This standard American iuvigorant is eminently adapted to the needs of such persons, and it always "fills the bill." Dyspepsia, constipation, rheuma tism, kidney troubles and la grippe are among the troubles that it overcomes. The Elntraoht, 163 N. Spring Street, Is the place to get the Anheuser-Busch St. Louis Beer on draught. Ring up telephone 467 or 31C for the celebrated bottled beer. Best and cheapest in market. Look at our window display of men's and boys' clothing. Both of our mammoth windows crowded with special values in above lines. Give them a look over. Globe Clothing Co., Spring street, near Third. Try Helmet table luxuries, a dainty for the eye and appetite. H. Jevne. THE NEW ERA, No. 6 Court street. Fine wines and liquors. EdWenger, proprietor. Consumption carries off many of its victims need lessly. It can be stopped sometimes ; sometimes it cannot. It is as cruel to raise false hopes as it is weak to yield to false fears. There is a way to help within the reach of most who are threatened—careful liv ing and Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil. Let us send you a book on the subject; free. Scott & Bow ne, Chemists, 13a South sth Avenue, New York. Your druggist keeps Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil—all druggists everywhere do. $1. 3' COMPLEXION! TREATMENTS! MANICURING! And treatments for every kind of facial blemish are given with the greatest success at MRS. GRAHAM'S TOILET PARLORS, —AT THE— HOTEL RAMONA, LOS ANGELES. Ladies treated (and cured) for falling hair, hair turning gray for frecklee, for moih patches, for moles, for sallowness. for wrinkles, for coßrse pores, for oily skin, for blackheads, for pimples, and for every blemish to face or hands. Superfluous hair permanently removed by ELECTROLYSIS. Facial massage for the removal of wrinkles and invigorating the skin tissues. MiSBC. I. Weaver in charge. MRS. GERVAIBE GRAHAM, Beauty Doctor, Ramona Hotel, Los Angeles. 1878. " t ßaker & Co.-s Breakfast Cocoa >m which the excess of nl has been removed, is .bsolutely Pure ml it is Soluble, No Chemicals are used in its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health. Sold by Grocers everywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. MANHOOD RESTORED. fjlfifth. w A3 d A 'f J T t &" h!h _ sii Written Guarantee rl /"* EW to cure all Nervous Dls- eases, such as Weak jftfflm£%ffijjim hood. Nervousness, Las „ . ~ sltude, all drains and Before <% After Use. loss of power of the Photographed from life. Generative Organs, In »mmmmmmmi either sex, caused by over-exertion, youthful indeacretlons, or the excessive use of tobacco, opium, or aOmulanta, which ultimately lead to Infirmity, Consumption and Insanity. Put np In convenient form to carry In the vest pocket Price »1 v package, or 6 for 15. With every (5 order we give a written iruarantee to cure or refund the I money. Beo«br mall to any address. Circular free. H. Germain, Druggist, IK So. Spring St. MALIGNANT ABSCESS. (My little girl suffered for three years from a largo Abscess on her hip, the result of a fall and dislocation. The Abscess was large, with six openings, all of which discharged puss. I was induced by friends to give her S. S. S., and by the time the fifth bottle was linished the Abscess was entirely heal ed, and the child w:u well aud happy \ Mrs. J. A. WIEGNER, \ SlatiJioton, Pa. J Send for book on t'le Blond snd SWn. / Swift Spfoifw Co . A i"--" <">* * AMUSEMENTS. G lf AND * OPSEA * HOUSE R- McLain St Lkhman, Managers. Three Nights and Saturday Matinee, commencing THURSDAY JANUARY 28TH Engagement of -H MISS GALE fc- Supported by MR. CRESTON CLARKE and an excellent company, including the principal members of the late Booth and Barrett organization. Under the management of Mb. Theodorb Bromley. Thursday evening ROMEO AND JULIET Miss Gale as Juliet Friday evening A3 YOU LIKE IT Miss Gale as Rosalind Saturday Matinee THE LADY OF LYONS Miss Gale as Pauline. Saturday evening..: INGOMAR Miss Gale as Parthenla. GRAND OPERA HOUSE, McLain & Lehman,Managers. 3NIQ H T S 3 COMMENCING FEBRUARY IST. First appearance here of ; TYNDALL, j j THE MIND READER! : Who has astonished the world with his mar velous powers. Mr. Tyndall will give his celebrated Blind fold Carriage Drive from the Hollenbeck Hotel on Sunday morning, at 11 o'clock, TICKETS NOW ON SALE. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. McLain & Lehman, Managers. Three Nights and Saturday Matinee, Commenc ing Thursday, Febrcary4th. THE GREATEST AND FUNNIEBT COMEDY BUCCESS KNOWN TO THIS DECADE Assisted by CHAS. FROHMAN'S Comedians, in Wm. Gillette's greatest hit, ! MR.WILKINSON'S WIDOWS j All Laughter I All Shouts! All Screams! All Roars! A company without a rival! Joseph Holland, Thos. H. Burns. Thos. W. Ryley, Edw. Coleman, Jno. W. Thompson, Georgia Drew Barryraore, Emily Baucker, Mat tie Ferguson, Annie Wood, Adelaide Grey. Two hundred and fifty nights in New York. Twenty-five at the Baldwin, San Francisco Don't delay. Seats and boxes on sale Febru ary Ist. Prices—2sc, SOc, 75c, $1 and $1.50. jgABEBALL. SAN JOSE) tLOS ANGELES CHAMPIONS, ) ( APOLLOS. A series of Five Games for the :CHAMPIONSHIP : OF THE PACIFIC COAST! JANUARY 24th, 26th, 28th, 30th and 31st TAKE THE ELECTRIC CARB. ADMISSION 25 CENTS. DANCINO ACADEMY AT ILLINOIS HALL, corner Sixth and Broadway. Prof E. W. Payne, instructor. Organizing of Classes: Be ginners—Misses and masters, Saturday at 1 p. m., January 23d. Advance—Misses and mas ters, Saturday at 3 p.m., January 23d. A class for beginners will organize Thursday evening, January 28th. Assemblies every Tuesday evening. Invitations must be secured before admittance. 1-5 tf CHURCH NOTICES. THE GOBPEL TABERNACLE—PREACHING at Temperance Temple hall, 11 a.m. and 7:30 pm, by pastors W.C.Stevens and J. M. Hervey. Sunday school 10 a.m. Young peo ple's meeting, 6:30 p.m, Prayer meeting Friday, 7:30 p.m. DISEASES OF MEN! /gh > Kidney and Blad jflf der Diseases. Aente and Chronic Organal Weak- Sexual Indiffer ilxmSlP \Wzj B i) o( * and Skin *' ,'.|Py Promptly and Per- manently Cured at DOCTOR WHITE S PRIVATE DISPENSARY, 133 NORTH MAIN ST., LOS ANGELES. The most successful Private Disease doctor In the State. Gonorrhea, Gleet, Stricture, Seminal Weakness, Nervous Debility, Syphilis, Skin and Kidney diseases and Sexual Weakness successfully treated. Med icines prepared in private laboratory. Both sexes consult in confidence. Dr. White has no hired substitutes. You see the doctor only Dr. White is the (only Specialist in the State who exclusively treats private, nervous and chronic diseases. Cures guaranteed in all curable cases. Don't waste time with patent medicines. If you have any ( sexual trouble, consult Dr. White. Scientific treatment. Reasonable charges. We have resolved to give the public the benefit of the following low prices until fur ther notice: 1850 ' Teeth extracted without pain, 25c, by lhe'use of gas, local application or freezing, on con tract. Sots of teeth, $3 and up; crowns, $1 and up; bridge work, $3 per tooth and up; gold fillings, $1 and up; gold alloy, $1 and up; silver, 75c and up: cement, SOc and up; cleaning teeth, 50c and up. ADAMB BROS., 239% 8. Spring St., bet. 2d and 3d, rooms 1 to 6 Painless Dentistry. Fine Gold Fillings. Crown^and^Bridge j AU operations pain (^tf^^j^^mti BKT TEETH ' f 8 ' 00, V\l£v a 001118 i*«adjii», ' WaWik k\\ laU 107 N. SPRING BT. WANTS SND OTHER CLASSIFIED JDS. Will be Inserted in the columns of the DAILY HERALD at So per line per day. 300 per line per week. 851 per line per month. Special rates for a longer period. IV Persons wanting situations, help, or who wish to rent, buy or sell property, will do well to advertise in these columns. WANTED—HELP. ra r A^£b^'crvC^>NE~olr^^ TV preferred; must I aye good school educa tion not younger than 18. Apply 179 N. Spring, Sunday, January 31st. Druggist. 1-30 It WANTED — TRAVELING SALESMEN; cash: no competition; big money to right parties Call Room 4. 341% 8. Spring st 1-30 4t WANTED— BARBsR. 502 B, SPRING BT. 1 30 3t WANTED-A GOOD BARBER AT 211 E. First St. 1-28 3t WANTED— AT THE U. S. EMPLOYMENT Co., all kinds of help, mole and female, sent to all parts free of charge, fare prepaid; always reliable. Office, 222% S. Main st.; tel ephone 399 (telegraph at our expense for cooks, waiters, farm hands or mechanics.) 1-21 tf ASTERN EMPLOYMENT OFFICE—KEAR ney & Rockefeller—Ladles' department conducted hy Mrs. Kearney, 129 S Spring st.; tel. 9f>l—79 girls for housework $20 to 130; 5 waitresses, $7 per week; 4 chambermaids, $20 per month' 9 ranch hands, $25 to $30; 7 fruit pickers, $30; 7 wood choppers $4 per cord; cooks, waiters and dishwashers, $25 to $60. Oall and ccc us and register your names free. Your orders solicited. 1-5 lm TXT ANTED —SALESMAN, $60; PORTER, TT nurseryman, Burleigh miner, $100 per month, fare advanced; 27 others, X. NITTING ER, 319% 3. Spring. 12-27 tf HOTELS, RESTAURANTS, MERCHANTS, mechanics, farmers, orchardists, in need of help, male or female, will do well to send their orders to the German American Employ ment Bureau, 107 W. Firet St., room 3: tel. 938. All orders promptly attended. L. MAVEK, Prop. 12-31 lm ANTED—CITY CANVASSER; BIG COM mission; between 10 a m. and 3 p. m. Room 45, Bonebrake building. 5-10 tl TaTANTED—ALL NEEDING HELP FREE— VV Employment or any Information, address E. NITTINGER'B BUREAU; established 1880 Office, 319% S. Spring; residence, 451 8. Hope st, cor. Fifth, Los Angeles, Cal. Telephone 113. __ 8-16 tf WANTED—FErOALE HKLP nurse, clerks, chamber, dining housework and housekeeper, wages $20 to $50. E. NIT TINGER, 31914 a. Spring St. 1-13 tl WANTED—AGENTS. TTITAIfrED^E^^ t t big pay and high class work; call between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Room 45, Bryson-Bonebrake block. 1-25 12m WANTED—SITUAI lONS-. care of children or light house work: best references. 645 8. Lyell St., B. L. A. 1-28 3t ANTED—BY AN EXPERIENCED MAN, situation as driver, anywhere in city. Address 212 E. Eighth st, or H., Box 10, this office. 1-26 7t ANTED—SITUATION, BY TAILOREBS, small wages; housekeeper, lady clerk, typewriter and bookkeeper: also carpenter and 9 ranch men. Information Co., 319% S. Bpiing. 1-3 tf WANTED— SITUATIONS, 4 RANCHMEN, 2 milkers, 7 stablemen, 16 general men, 20 girls, wants of all kinds of work, all nations. Information Co., 319% S. Spring. Established 1880. 1-13 tf WANTED —MISCELLANEOUS. . i T with modern conveniences, near cable line. Address F. A. ODELL, 412 S, Broadway. 1-30 2t O CHARGE FOR TREATING CATARRH by Dr. J Bonnell, Aurlst and Phrenologist, 321% S. Spring st, rooms 19 and 20. Office hours from 10 a m. to 9 p.m. 1-29 2t ANTED-TO RENT, A 5-ROOM COTTAGE and bnth, close in: must be in first-class order. Address H. J. 8., box 50, this office. 1-27 St WANTED— HORSES AND COLTS TO EDU cate; best references; charges easy. Thir tieth and Graud aye. C. P. Wallace. 1-3 lm WANTED— COOK'S HEADQUARTERS; freeof charge; California brandy, sc; soup and beer, sc. GEO. LACOUR, 401 N. Los An geles st, Los Angeles, Cal, 11-25 to ANTED—PICTURES TO FRAME, UHEAP est place at BURNS', 256 S. Main st 1-27-tf PERSONAL. PERSONAL— A GENTLEMaIJ~oTgWh7ai£ dress and well-to-do, a stranger in the city, would like the address of a lady between the ages of 24 and 30 years; object, social advance ment or whatever may result. J. MANBON, city. 1-27 5t PERSONAL — MRS. PARKER. CLAIRVOY am; consultations on business, love, mar riage, disease, mineral locations, life reading, etc. Take s-pring and Washington-st. car to Vermont aye., go south to Vine St., second nouse from Vermont aye. 1-27-tf ••T7CONOMIC" PRICES.—2S LB3. BROWN Aid sugar, $1; 10 lbs. corn meal, 20c; Ger mea, SOc; self-raising flour, 15c; gall, syrup, 55c; 5 lbs. buckwheat, 25c; 6 lbs. rolled oats, 25c; mountain coffee, 25c; 5 lbs. good tea. $1; 6 lbs. raisins, 25c; 3 lbs. prunes, 25c; mince meat 10c lb.; 4 cans sardines, 25c; 3 cans peaches, 25c; 3 pkts. starch, 25c; Back flour, SOc; 6 lbs. apricots, 25c; 3 lbs. fig jam, 25c, hams, 13e; bacon, 12% c. "ECONOMIC" stores, 305 8. Spring st PROF. STEARNS, THE OLDEST ASTROLO ger iv tbe state, is at 423 S. Spring st. 1-24-tf ERSONAL—MEDIUM, 236% S. SPRING ST. Mrs. M. E. Weekß-Wright. 1-10 tf HE PLANIPHONE TELLS EVERYTHING. Answers questions, gives advice; all affairs of life: SOc. Call on the DOCTOR, Room 1, upstairs, 431% S. Spring st.; letters answered. 1-8 lm PERSONAL— HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR misfit and second-hand clothing. M. MEYER, 404 N. Main Bt 1-3 lm PERSONAL — RALPHS BROS — GOLD BAR Flour, f1.40; Olty Flour, $1.00; Brown Sugar, 20 lbs $1; White Sugar, 18 lbs $1.00; 4 boxes sardines, 25c; 3 cans salmon, 25c; 50 bars Soap, $1: eastern Gasoline, 90c, and Coal Oil, 85c; 2 lbs Corned Beef, 15c; Pork, lOo; Lard, 10 lbs, 90c; 5 lbs, 45c. 601 S. Spring st., enrSixth. 12-2 3m ' FOR RENT—HOUBEb. FOR RENT — COTTAGE, HOPE, NEAR Twelfth st; good condition. WM. 8. DE VAN, 211 W. First. 1-27 6t RENT—HOTEL BT. NICHOLAS— X 1 House of 47 rooms, all in good order. Broadway, near Temple. Inquire of J. Mullally, No. 125 W. Second St. 12-31 tf OR RENT—HOUSES ALL OVER THE CITY. C. A. SUMNER & CO., 107 8. Broadway. mlO-tf for rent—rooms. room, nicely furnished, suitable for man and wife or two young men. Call and exam ine. B I 1-29 3t F~OR RENT—LARGE, DESIRABLE FUR nished rooms at the Pleasanton, 530 Temple et. 1-28-lm FOR RENT—3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS; GAS and water; close in. No. 418 W. Second st. 1-28 4t T7IOR RENT—NICE 6-ROOM HOUSE, WITH V bath and modern conve >i en cos, near city limits; station on L. A. Terminal road: cheap. Apply toW.S. Waters, Room 91, Temple block. 1-26 tf OHIO HOUBE-511% N. MAIN ST., (FOR merly Plaza house), nicely furnished rooms; also rooms for offices; under new management; rates moderate. 1-10 23t HE ROCHESTER—NEWLY FURNISHED, pleasant, sunny rooms, with fine views; also unfurnished rooms; cable cars pass the door; terms moderate. 1012 Temple St. 1-6 lm FOR RENT—MISCELLANEOUS. YTTO^T^RENt"— — THE X 1 Lawrence Hotel; also dining room In tho Boetime Block. Apply tQ Geo.. Boehme. ..11 ;ifj,r-t lit ..! * Mmr./inT'-il j___ffl )I fj at industrial Exchange, 223 S. Broadway. 1-10 lm BARGAINS IN REAL, ESTATE, RES young, healthy, bearing vineyard at cost f unimproved land. Addres' H. N. Milligan, Rialio. or vail on 0. 0. On , 130 W. Second st , Loa Angeles. 1-29 2t JO ROOM BOUSE, NO. 1144 PEARL ST., I — second door from Twelfth st This prop erty can be purchased from owner on premises, l-*4 7t F~~ OR SALE-LIST YOUR PROPERTY, SALE or exchange, and houses to rent, with CHAS. VICTOR HALL, 223 W, First. 1-13 lm SALE—OR FOR RENT, A FRUIT H ranch of 34 acres at Glend*le, set in grapes und deciduous fruits; good house, barn, etc.; everything In first-class order; principals dealt with only. Address E. D., Box 50, Tropico. ' 1-9 lm FIRBT-CLABB FRUIT LAND, 12 MILES from city, near depot, your own terms and 10 years at 6 pr ct. if you ask It, but land must be Improved; a 'ew pieces 3 years without pay ments, if trees shall be planted. J. J. Gosper, 129 B Spring st 1-6 lm TO EXCHANUE. LIST RENT or exchange with J. H. CLAUDIUS, 136 S. Broadway. 1 30 lm Tj>oß EXCHANGE OR SALE—CHEAP X? orange, grazing and farming land, with springs; business blocks, houses, lots bee ranches etc.; big bargains. J. C. WILLMON, 230 W. First st. 1-1 lm FOR SALE—LIVE STOCK. T7IOR SALE —A FRE«H MILCH COW, 5 X 1 years old; good milker. Apply at 734 E. Sixteenth Bt , cor San Pedro 1 -27-71 SPECIAL NOTICE. WORKS—LADIES' and gents' hats cleaned, dyed and reshaped; the latest styles and first-class work guaran teed. Thurston Steam Dye Works in connec tion. Tel. 682. 264 8. Main St. 1-24 lm rpHK GREAT INDIAN RHEUMATIC ~CURE X is the greatest discovery made within the last 100 years in patent medicines. For sale by all leading druggists 10-17 91 I2m OTICE —THE LOS ANGELES CITY WATER Company will strictly enforce the follow ing rule: The hours for sprinkling are between 6 and 8 o'clock a. m., and 6 and 8 o'clock p. in. For a violation of the above regulation the water will be shut off and a fine of (2 will be charged before water will beturned on again. au!7-tf LOST AND FOUND. BE RECOV ered by applying at Room 19, 119% 8. Boring. 1-30 2t OST —SMALL GOLD RING, BLUE SET. Reward at baggage office, Santa Fe depot. 1-29 3t riNANUIAI,. TO LOAN AT R. G. LTJNT'B LOAN AND INSURANCE AGENCY, 227 W. Second St., Adjoining Herald office CHEAP MONEY. Agent for the GERMAN SAVINGS AND LOAN SOCIETY of San Francisco. jul tf PACIFIC LOAN COMPANY—LOANS MONEY in any amounts on all kinds of personal property and collateral security, on pian-'S without removal, diamonds, jewelry, seahkini, bicycles, horses, carriages, libraries or any pro v arty of value; also on furniture, merchandise, Bto., in warehouses; partial payments received money without delay; private offices for oon sultatlon; will call If desired; W. E. DrGROOT Manager, rooms 2, 3 and 4, Na 114 Bout? Spring st., opposite Nadeaa hotel. 7- 29tf MONEY TO LOAN— On mortgages; city property a specialty. Apply to MAIN-STREET SAVINGS BANK, I 29 tf 426 So. Mala. WE LOAN MONEY ON REAL ESTATE, stocks, bonds, warrants, mortgages and all kinds of personal property and collateral se curity in any amount without delay; private rooms for consultation. State Investment' Company, Rooms 37 and 38, Bryson-Bone brake block. 1-22 lm CITIZENS' LOAN OFFICE, 331% S. SPRING St., loan money on diamonds, jewelry and watches; old gold bought, H. Smith, Manager. 1-9 lm WE LOAN MONEY ON JEWELRY, pianos, without re n oval; also on city and county warrants, warehouse receipts, or any thing of value; private rooms for consultation or will call if preferred. So. Calif. Loan and Investment Co., Rooms 5 and 6, 226 S. Spring St., opposite L. A. Theater. 12-lOtl OTTO BRODTBECK. 113 S. BROADWAY, Money to loan on improved oity and coun try property at lowest current rate. 7-9 tf MONEY LOANED ON REAL ESTATE, DlA monds, watches, jewelry, pianos, seal skins, live stock, carriages, bicycles and ail kinds of personal and collateral security, Llf ? BROS., 402 8. Spring, mlB-tf TF YOU WANT MONEY WITHOUT DELAY X no commission, at prevailing rates Oi inter est, see Security Savings Bank, 148 8. Main st _______ 8-1-tf ATTORNEYS. DX. TRASK. ATTORNEY AT LAW, • Fulton blk, 207 New High st, Los A ngeles. 116 tf WII. BHINN, ATTORNEY, ROOMS 3 • and 4 Redick Block, corner First and Broadway. 1-16 lm M~~ERRILL, GSO. W., ROOMS 9 AND 10 Phillips block, 145 Spring st. 11-22 tf MARIc.N BROOKS, LAWYER. OFFICE: • Rooms 2s, 29, 30 and 31, Fulton block, near courthouse, New High st. Telephone 981. 8-11 tf DENTISTS. 1882—Establi7h^o^iii£ LW. WELLS, COR. SPRING AND FIRHT • sts., Wilson block; take elevator; teeth Biled end extracted without pain a spocialty. mat DR. TUCKER,DENTIST-OFFICE, NO. 120% 8. Spring st. 11-25-tf TTtRANK V. McBEATH, DENTIBT, 230% S. X I Spring Bt., Room 1, Workman blk. 11-14 tf G. CUNNINGHAM, DENTIST, NO. 131 a N. Bprlng St., rooms 1 and 3, Phillips Los Angeles, Cal. mlfttf R. G. KNEPPER, DENTIST, NO. 126 W First St., old Wilson block. 5-31 tf R. TOLHURST, DENTIST, 108% N. SPRING St.. rooms 2. 6 and 7. Painless extracting HOTELS. HOFFMAN HOUSE— STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS. Conducted exclusively on THE AMERICAN PLAN. Best furnished rooms in tbe city. Rates from '2 to $3 per day. 421 and 423 N. Main St., Los Vngeles, Cal. JOHN BRENNAN, 1-15 lm Proprietor. BOARD AND LOSOING. ROBBMORE, NO. 416 SIXTH ST., FACING 81xth-st. park; transient and family hotel; >oard and rooms, $1 to $2 per day; streetcars >ass the door. A. M. Wilcox, Proprietor. 12-22 2m DYERS AND FINISHERS. \TOTICE-A. LORRAIN, PROPRIETOR OF the City Steam Dyeing and Cleaning works, md office have removed to 343 8. Broadway. 11l work guaranteed free from spots and treakß. f-2i lm PARISIAN DYE-WORKS, 274 8. MAIN street. Best dyeing in the city. 1-18 tf \f ETROPOLITAN STEAM DYE-WORKS, ItJL 241 Franklin st Fine dyeing and clean ng- l-l 3-if ABSTRACTS. A BSTRAUT^SID'Tmi^ rt-pany of Los Angeles, N. W. oor. Franklip indN ew High street* ml7tf CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. CONRAD BCHEP.ER, ous and asphalt paving. 227 W. First St. 8-1 12m NURSERY STOCK. FOR at C. R. RINALDIS, San Fernando.l 1-24-lm MUSICAL. AD. BIBSELL, PBOFESSOIToF MUSIC. • Piano by method Khrlich; lessons in har nony Studio 314 S. Hill. 1-14 lm ■ j *!, :3 - u f l MASSAGE TREATMENT AN»t3Sßtt&o»' 3 ' tricity. Room 11, Postofflce building. 1-14 lm BUSINESS CHANGES. FOR paying hardware business of several years' standing, with an excellent trade; the store is well stocked and located In the heart of b&u ja» cinto, one of the best small towns in Southern California; population about 1100; for sale on account of ill health. Address J. O. Rein hardt, San Jacinto. 1-28-lm IST YOUR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY, houses for rent, real estate, etc., with A. H, Statham A Co., 155 N. Spring st. l-28-3t BOOT AND SHOE STORE IN BEST LOCA tion, established 6 years; stock will invoice 15000 or $6000. Inquire at this office. No agents. 1-28-lm FOR SALE—LEASE OFBMALL STORE; FINE location. Call at 427 8. Spring St. for par ticulars. l-28-3t OR SALE—THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED and best paying livery, sale and boarding stable in the city; poor health reason for sell ing. Box 1856, city. 1-7 lm OR BALE OR TO RENT—THE SOUTH Pasadena hotel and 'about .4 acres of Im proved land. This property Is situated six miles from Los Angeles, in the city of South Pasadena, opposite the Santa Fe depot. The hotel contains 40 sleeping rooms, ana is piped throughout for gas and hot and cold water and fitted with electric bells. There are 120 orange. 44 apricot, 52 peach, 17 nectarine, 5 quince, 3 almond, 37 apple, 3 pear, 6 plum, 3 prune, 2 fig and 6 loquat trees, and a small vineyard, to gether with a beautiful garden of flowers and shrubs. For further particulars address or In quire of DR. H. F. PITCHER, 17 N. Marengo aye., Pasadena. Cal. 5-26 12m excursions. t"m^>rovljd~ex^u^^ X the Santa Fe route, shortest through car line to the east; dally through trains to Chicago; special family tourißt sleeping car excursions for Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago and New York personally attended through to Boston by Santa Fe excursion conductors, For cheapest tickets and full information apply to any agent Pouthern California Ry, and City Ticket Office Eaita Fo Roue, 129 N. Spring st„ Los Angelas. HONOLULU TOURS—HUGH B. RICK, BPE cial agent Oceanic S S. Co. Office: 124 W. Second Bt; P.O. Box 1671. 12-4 tf HAMM'S RAILWAY AND STEAMSHIP Ticket Agency, 115 8. Spring St., in front of the Wieland. Railroad tickets bought, sold aud exchanged. 9-22 91 lyr HILLIPS' EXCURSIONS VIA RIO GRANDE route every Friday personally conducted through to Chicago and Boston. Office, No. 138 South Spring st. 1 tf JC. JUDSON & CO.'S EXCURSIONS EAST • every Thursday via Salt Lake City and Denver. Tourist cars to Chicago and Boston. Manager in charge. Office, 212 S. Spring St. 6-1 tf OCX ISLAND ROUTE EXCURSIONS leave Los Angeles Tuesdays via Denver and Rio Grande railway. Through Pullman tourist cars to Chicago via Salt Lake City, Leadvflle and Denver. For circulars, etc., call on or address) F. W. THOMPSON, 138 8. Spring St. 5-12 tf EDUCATION Alt. islbmTrsh^s^hT)^ The winter term will open on Thursday, January 28, 1891. l-24-7t HE LOS ANGELES BUSINESS COLLEGE (incorporated) and Southern California Col lege of Law, 144 S. Main St. Write for cata logue. 8-16 911 yr RENCH AND GERMAN BY NATURAL method. Prof. A. D. Blssell, 334 S. Hill. 1-14 lm MISS BOWMAN'S SCHOOL FOR DANCING, southwest corner Main and Fifteenth sts.; all the new and popular dances Irom the east taught; advanced class Tuesday evening; be ginners Friday evening; school children Satur day at 2 p.m.: can enter classes at any time. For terms and list of new dances cull at hall on class nights or address 117 E. Twenty-eighth st. 1-14 lm MRS. NANNIE CATCHING, PIANO, GUl tar, banjo and voice culture. 1031 3. Hill St. 1-5 2m TEACHERB' CLASS PREPARING FOR county examination. Positions for gov ernesses and teachers. 120% S. Spring 12-25 2m LOS ANGELES UNIVERSITY—FOR BOTH sexes. Students received at any time. Full regular advantages. Music, art, elocu tion, shorthand and typewriting. Military drill and Delsarte. CALVIN ESTBRLY, Pres ident. P. O. box 2893. 8-1 tl LUDLAM SCHOOL OF ORATORY AND Arts, V M.C.A. building. 7-8 tf WOODBURY BUSINESS COLLEGE AND SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHIC AND PEN MANSHIP INSTITUTE 245 S. Spring St., Los Angeles, Cal Ths leading commercial school of Southern California. Day and evening sessions. For caialoguo call at the college, or address HOUGH, FELKER & WILSON, 7- 6 3m Proprietors. PHYSIOIANB. MRS. DR. WELLS REMOVED TO HER brick block, 127 E. Third st, bet. Main and Los Angeles; diseases of women, nervous, rectal, sterility and genito-urinary diseases; aIEO electro therapeutics; hours, 10 to 4. DR WEST HUGHES, FORMER RESIDENT surgeon to the New York hospital; practice limited to surgery and genito-urinary diseases. 175 N. Spring at. Tel. 73. 12-9 6m DR. C. EDGAR SMITH. Established 1883. FEMALE AND RECTAL DISEASES A specialty. Piles cured in from five to fif teen days without the knife or detention from business. Office, corner Main and Seventh sts., Robarts block. Tel. 1031. 9-11 tf REBECCA UCB DORSEY, M. D. OFFICE No. 107% N.Maln st. Special attention given to obstetrics, diseases of women, especially nervous troubles and diseases of children. Hours 9to 11 a. m. and 2t04 p. m Telephone 613. ja2-tf M HILTON WILLIAMS, M.D., M.CP.B.C. • specialist in diseases of the head, throat aud chest; also females; compound oxygen and medicated inhalations used In all diseases of the respiratory organs. Office 137 8. Broad way, Los Angeles. RS. DR. J. H. SMITH, SPECIALTY, MlD wifery. Lad ios cared for during confine. meut at 727 Bellevue aye. m 28 tf WINES AND LIQUORS. HJ. • porter of fine liquors. Send for whole sale price lift, especially prepared for the holi day trade. 124 and 126 N. Spring St., L. A 1-29 tf T VACHE & CO., BUCCEB3ORS TO VACHE • Freres & Co., wholesale dealers In wines and liquors. Depot for the celebrated brands of Brookside Vineyard. Cor. Commercial and Alameda sts., Los Angeles, Cal. Telephone 309. Extra Zinfandel and Riesling at SOc per gallon. 1-3 lm LAST & FIBK, WHOLESALE WINE AND liquor merchants, 131 N. Main at., Los Angeles Cal. wines and brandies a specialty. Telephone 38. 11 lm GOLDSMITHS BROS., SUNSET WINE CO., winegrowers and wholesale liquor deal ers, 635-637 N. Main. -Telephone 842. P. O. Box 1088, Station C, Los Angeles. 1-1 lm AVIGNOLO, WHOLE3ALB AND RETAIL • dealer in wines and liquors. 116 West First St., Los Angeles, Cal. Telephone 222. P. O. Box 210. 12-31 lm ARCHITECT. BURGEBB~J. 34 yeurs' experience in all classes of build ings. Established for the past ten years in Los Angeles. Room 10, fsecond floor), Perret block, corner Spring and Third streets, Los Angeles. l-? 6 3m MACHINISTS. MANN & JOHNSON. MACHINE AND blacksmith shop, iron and braes casting, tools, models, patterns, pulleys, shafting, hang ers, etc. General repairing. Telephone 902. 534 8. Los Angeles st. 11-25-4 m PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, ETC. block. Tel. 347. Loa Angeles. 11-22-tf INSURANCE. ~~ DOBINSON 4 VETTER. 8- 4 tf 214 South Broadway. WAGON MATERIAL, HARD WOODS, I RON. STEEL. Horseshoes and Nails, Blacksmith's Ooak Tools,' Etc. m ; -ohhcu ji joa :iu. a Stiyt mom JOHN WIGMORH, 117, 119 and 121 South Loa Angeles Mt.