Newspaper Page Text
FINANCE AND TRADE. BXCHvNOB BBVIBW. Nbw Yobii. Jan. 29.—The Btock market today again showed the effect of continued hammer ing by the bears, but the opening was Arm. As usual of late a few stocks monopolized the most marked movements, "Q" being strong, and the others equally weak. Tho close was quiet and steady, there being a slight decline in most stocks, but some scored marked advance. The principal changes are: Distillers 2% percent less, Michigan Central 3 per cent better, Den ver preferred 1% better, Kdlson 4% better, and Lackawanna up 1% per cent. Government bonds firm. MONEY QUOTATIONS. N»w Yobk, Jan. 29.—Money on call easy; Closing offered at % per cent Prime mercantile paper-4®5% per cent. Steriin™ Kxohanae- Steady; 60-day bills, $4.84; demand t4.t6. BAB BILVRB. Nbw Yobk, Jan. 29.—Bar silver, per oi., 9 »am" Fbanciboo, Jan. 29.-Bar silver, 91%® <>lVilc per ounce. San Fbancisco, Jan. 29.—Mexican dollars, 72%@73c. " STOCKS AND BONDS. Nbw Yobk, Jan. 29.—Closing quotations were as follows: rj 8. 4s. Reg 110 N.Y. Central 115% tl'B. As. c0up...110 Oregon Imp't 2t% U. S. 2s. Reg 100 Navigation 90% Pacific 6s 100 Pacific Mail 38% Atchison ... 42 Pullman Palace.. BT,± Canada Pacific... 90% Beading 41% Canada Sou 61 Book Island 92 Central Pacific... 34 St. Paul 80% Burlington 109% St. Paul St Omaha 49% Lackawanna 14GV* Texas Pacific 12% Denver &R. G pfd 47% Union Pacific... 47% Erie 31% U. S. Express 48 Ean. & Texas.... 18% Wells,Fargo4Co. 140 Lake Shore 122V1 Western Union... 85 L. & N 74% Am. Cotton 0i1... 36 Mich. Central....loß% Terminal 14% Missouri Pacific 63% Lead Trust 20 Northern Pacific. 24 Oregon Short Line 30% N. P. Preferred... ii 7% Rio GrandeWst'n. 37% Northwestern lis 1 * Preferred 69% N. W. Preferred.. 145% Do.firsts 77% Eostoh, Jan. 29.—Closing prices: A. &T. H. & 42 |Mex. Cent. Com. 19% B'i- . :Ui:lnoy..llo ISanDlego Ben Telephone . 218 [ KTNINO SHAKES. ■■ »t» V ibk, J n. 29.—Mining shares were as l&Uutra: Aire 1.35 Homestake 13.00 a.spen 2.00 Horn Silver 3.50 Best <s Belcher. 2.75 IronSllver 1.40 Chollar 1.00 Ontario.. 43 00 Crow:i Point . 1.10 Ophir 2.80 Con. Calif. Va.... 4.95 Plymouth 2.00 Deadwood Ter 2.00 Savage 1.10 Eureka Con... 1.50 -iierra Nev 1.60 Gould St Curry. 325 standard 1.35 Hale & Norcrot,. 1,50 Union Con 1.50 Mexican 1.70 | Yellow Jacket.. 1.00 San, Jan. 29.—Following are the closing prices: Belcher 1.50 Peer 15 Best & Belcher. 2.90 Peerless 10 Ohollar 1.20 Potosl 1.80 Crocker 10 Ophir 3.15 Cob. Virginia... 5.62% Savage 1.20 Confidence 2.60 Sierra Nevada... 1.65 Gould & Curry.. 1.40 Union Con 1.50 Hale & Norcross 1.65 Yellow Jacket.. 1.10 San Francisco Market Review. Ban Francisco, Jan. 29.—The fruit business is dull, and the market is overstocked with apples and oranges. Six carloads of the latter and one carload of the former arrived yesterday. Dried fruit shows a better demand. Prunes particularly and choice peaches are firm. The vegetable market is dull. Receipts of potatoes and onions continue to accumulate, and only choice varieties command top quota tions. Green vegetables come in slowly. Some asparagus arrived today, but is not much in demand. The butter and egg market shows no im provement. The demand is light and receipts liberal. _ Chicago Grain Market. OHICA9O, Jan. 29.—Wheat slow and easy. The opening was %@%c lower, then rallied about %c, fluctuated slightly, and then became weak and declined %c from top prices, ruled steadier, and the closing was about %c lower than yesterday. Receipts, 482,000 bushels; shipments, 304,000 bushels. 115 PER CENT, j 515 PER CENT, j DISCOUNT 1 tlgyß DISCOUNT I I SALE. s s SALE. I I A FINANCIAL SUCCBSSiI i This sale eclipses any PREVIOUS ENDEAVOR of ours to give the Los Angeles public BARGAINS! Every SPRING we offer extra INDUCEMENTS to the i B PURCHASING PUBLIC This SPRING we've OVERREACHED any previous one by GIVING a clean cut of || I Hp"* 15 Per Cent Discount! I \m CONDITION we give this STIMULANT to TRADE by INFUSING a DISCOUNT on the ENTIRE STOCK in our house. Most merchants would consider this a ffl M foolish move; 'not so with US J we know the PUBLIC appreciate what WE have done for THEM in the past, and stand ready to ENDORSE what WE are DOING NOW. [ I OLD JUPITER PLUVIUS IS INDULGING JUST NOW! I P Prepare for him by purchasing one of our fine Mackintoshes, which are universally worn. Remember, the discount is the same on our entire stock of Rubber and Oil |j |l Clothing, Umbrellas and all wet-weather goods. Only 15 days more will this Great Sacrifice Sale run. || CHICAGO -:- CLOTHING -:- COMPANY! I The Only Strictly ©he-Price Clothing Firm in Los Angeles, I THE LOS ANGELES HERALD: SATURDAY MORNING JANUARY 30, 1892. Owicago, Jan. 29.-Close: Wheat, easy; cash, 86%; May,9oJ h ®Jl. Uorn-Easier. casn, 38%: May, 41®41%. Oats—Steady: each. 29%; May, 34%. Barter-Quiet; 56@58. Rye-Quiet; 80%. Flax-Quiet; 0581390. other obain markets. San Fbancisco. Jan. 29.—Wheat weak; buy er season, 1.67%; buyer August, 1 49. Karley—Weak; buyer season, 1 05%. Corn—l.3o Liverpool, Jan. 29—Wheat: Demand poor. No 2 red winter, 7s lOd, steady; spring un changed Corn—Demand fair for spot and fair for futures. Spot. 4s 7d, easy; January, 4s 6%d, easy: February, 4s sd, steady; March, 4s 3%d, steady. General Markets. New York, Jan. 29.—Hops firm; Pacificcoast, 20®27%. Coffee—Options closed steady,unchanged,to 25 points up. Sales, 29,200 bags. January, 13.15 ®13.40; February, 12.95@13.00; March, 12 30 (312.40; May, 12.20®12.25. Spot Rio firm; No. 7,13% Sugar—Raw, quiet, steady: refined easy. Copper 1 — Weak; lake, 10.62%. Lead-Firm; D0me5tic,4.25®4.30. Tin—Steady; Straits. 19.70 Chicago, Jan. 29.—Pork,firm; cash 11.72%; May, 12 00® 12.50. Lard—Firm; cash, 6 47%@6.50; May, 6.72%. Shoulders—4.62%®4.7o. Short rib5—5.75®5.77% Short clear—6.OO®6.os. Chicago, Jan. 29 —Whisky—l.l 6. Wool. New York, Jan. 29.—W00l steady; domestic fleece, 30@36c. Petroleum. Naw Yobk, Jan. 29 —Petroleum closed at 62. LOS ANGELES LOCAL MAEKETS. I The quotations given below are Los Angeles wholesale selling prices. The prices paid pro ducers rule a little lower, due allowance being made, of course, for wholesalers' profits. Provisions, Hams—Rex, 12% c: Ltly,l2%c. Bacon—Rex and Lily, ll%c; medium, 10% c. Salt Pork—Dry, 10c. Dried Beef—lnsides, 13%. Lard— Refined, 3's, B%c; s's, 8%; 10's, B%c; 50'b, sc; special brand, pure leaf, 3%c higher 11 around. Mill Products. Flour—Los Angeles XXXX, $5.20 per bbl; Capitol Mills, 85.20; Sperry's, $6.00; Crown, $6.00; Victor, $6.00: superfine, $3.50; Graham, $2.60. Mill Feed—Bran, per ton, $26.00; shorts, $28.00; cracked corn per cental, $1.40; rolled barley, $1.15; mixed feed, $1.15; feed meal $1 45. Grain and Hay. Barley—Brewing, $1.20®1.30; feed, 90® 1 00. Corn—Large yellow, per cental, $1.10@1.20; small yellow, $1.20®1.35. Oats—No. 1, per cental, $1.50. Wheat—No, 1, per cental, $1.70(31.90; No. 2, $1.55@1.70. Hay—Oat No. 1, $14; wheat No. 1,513: bar ley No. 1, $14: alfalfa No. 1, $13; No. 2 grades $1 lower all around. Straw—Barley, per ton, $8.00; wheat, $.800. Poultry and Iffiggs. Poultry—Hens, $6.00@6.50 per doz.; young roosters, $6 00&6.50; old roosters, $5.00; broilers, $4.00; ducks, $7.00; geese, $1.00 per head; turkeys, 17c. per pound. Eggs—Fresh ranch, 17@18c.; eastern, 12@15c. Dairy Products. Buttbb—Fancy roll, 05®67%c: choice, 60® 62% c; fair, 50®56c; eastern, 35®40c. Cheese — Eastern, 13@15c; California, large, 14%®i5%c: small, 15@16c; three pound hand, 16® 17c. Honey and Beeswax. Honey—Comb, lit forms, 13®15c; extract* ed, 6%c. Beeswax—23®24c. Nuts. Almonds—Soft shell, ir>®l6c; paper shell, 18@20c; hard thell, 6@Bc. Peanuts—Raw. 3@sc per lb; roasted, s®Bc. Walnuts—Hard shell, 6®Bc; soft shell, 9®llc. Dried Fruits. Apples—Evaporated, 9®loc. Apricots—Bleached, 6®B; sun dried, 5@7. Figs—California, 14® 16. Peaches—Fancy evaporated, unpeeled, 7<3Bc; peeled, 14®16c; sun dried, unpeeled, s®7c. Pbunes—Fancy, 8®10c: choice, 7®B. Raisins—London layers, $1.50®52.00; loose Muscatels, $1 00®51.25 per box; Sultana, seed less, 8c per lb. Fresh Fruits. Applbs—Local, per box, $1.00®1.50; eastern, per bbl. $4 50®5.00. Cranberries—Per bbl. $9.«0®10.00. Bananas—Per bunch, $2.50®3 50. Lemons—Cured, $2.5C®4 per box: uncured, f1.&0®2.25. Miscellaneous. Beans—Pink, $2.25@2.75 per 100 lbs; limae, $2.50@3.00; navy, email, $2.75®3.00. Cabbages—Per 100 lbs, $1.00. ONiONs-Per 100 lbs, 90®51.25. Potatoes—Ordinary, per 100 lbs, 50@$1.00; choice Burbanks, $1.25(01.40. Sweet Potatoes—Per 100 lbs, 90c®l 00. Tomatoes—Per box, 65®75c. Fresh Meats. Beep—Per lb. 4%®5c. Mutton—Per lb. 7®Bc. Lamb—Per lb. 9@loc. Pobk—Per lb. 7e. Veal— Per lb. 7®loc. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Friday. Jan. 29. 1892. Mary A Twitchell to J F Twitchelf—Lots 1 and 2, bl J, and lot 22, bl H, Monrovia, 9-69; also lot 23, bICC, add No 1, Monrovia, 14-38; gift. Gibson, sheriff, to W II Perry Lumber and Mill Co—Leasehold interest in lot 15, Mills trt, leases 11-279: $5737.03. Kosedale Cemetery Assn to 8 M Perry—Lot 116, bl P, Rosedale cemetery, 6-31; $100. Daniel Freeman to John 8 Perry—Lot 14, bl ?,17, Inglewood, 34-19: $945. David Raab et ux to Mrs Annie M Gleason— Lot 12, bl B, Raab's sub, South Pasadena, 15 --81; $225. Eliza M Tibbitts and hus to Maria Lilley— Lot V, bl 194: $600. Thomas Thomsen to Mrs E P Mcllheny—Lots 24 and 27, Judson trt, 11-6; $1. B D Boyd, jr, to H D Boyd, sr, et ux—Tract 20, sec 8, T 2 N, R 15 W, San Fernando, 3-31; $10. John Ogden and forty-six others to Mty of Los Angeles—Deeds for widening and opening of Ocean street: deeds ranging in consideration from $40 to $250. Alamitos Land company to Mrs N Selio Mc- Cutchin—Lot 12, blk 77, Alamitos Beach town site. 10-51; $250. Prudent Beaudry et al, executors Victor Beaudry, to Richaid J Gerber—Lot 28, Beaudry Warer Works trt, 60—14; $600. 8 White to Cedella M Lovell—Strip of land off south side NE '/„ NE %, sec 17, T2 8, R 13, 8 B M; also E 10 feet lot 1 and W 40 feet lot 2, blk 18,0 W Childs trt; $1. X H Hutchinson, st supt, to II L I'inncy—Lot 6, Foreman's sub; $10. F H Perine to Daniel Freemsn—Lots 60 and 61, Kirkpatrick & McKee's sub N % NW %, sec 32, T 2 S, R 14 W, S B M: $2. F H Lowell et ux to Harvey Clement—E 10 feet lot 1 and W 40 feet lot 2, blk 18, O W Childs trt, 5—355; $1. United States to John H Thill—SW % sec 8, T 7N, RlB W, SB M: patent. S Crlpe et ux to M H Palmer— Certain 32.92 acres, as per decree of partition of Ro La Hullo na allotted to Francisco and Dolores Machado; $2978. --Melvin Mudge to W H Harbell—W 31 feel lot 1 bl 4, Compton; $550. Gibson, sheriff, to Elizabeth Owens—l acre in NW % sec 30, TIS,RI3W,SBM; $1715.63. John Brown to W R Hearst—Lots 115 and 116, sec 36, T 7 N, R 11 W, S B M: *10. John Brown to W F Baird and W R Hearst- Lots 113 and 114, same: $10. Same to same—Lots 109 and 110, same; $10. Same to same—Lots 111 and 112. same; $10. Gibson, sheriff, to Pnciflc Bank—Lots 2 and 3, bl 3 Monrovia, 8—69, and water; $2300. Gibson, sheriff, to same—Lot 18 bl P, same; $1500. Lettie Brittan to John J Keenan—Lott 66, Goodwin tract, 11—42; $300. W W Holcomb to Emma Holcomb, his wife lot 6 bl B, Shafer & Lanterman's sub Montague trt 19-76; $800. Whitney, tax collector, to J H Spines—l6o acs in SE % sec 35 T 1 N R 9 W; $25.43. C M Stimson to C B Fair—Lot 5 Bonth Gar dena trt 43—39; agreement to sell. Emma J Wlnslow to Mary E Haynes—Lots 6 to 10 sub Cunningham trt 14—22; Si 1000. C T Harris et ux to Joseph Howe, Lot 1 bl D, Hughes sub bl 160 Pomona: $1. J A Donnell et al to P F Shumacher—E 100 ft W % lot 60 Watts sub Ro San Ralael 5—200; $1000. Albert Buckingham to Frances McDonald- Certain trt commencing at E line of Primrose avenue; $50. summary. Total number of transfers 79 With nominal consideration 60 Total consideration $20,772 09 Note—Figures separated by a dash represent the book and page of miscellaneous records. Do not lay back and wait, but make your purchases, since good times has been assured by the fall of rain. Fall goods ut n due ed prices. Globe CI othing Co., Spring street, near Third. THE COURTS. United States Dlstrlet Court. V 8 vs Geo W and Henry C Beekley—Perjury; from San Diego: continued from January 25th; argued and submitted. U S vb Mary Gregory—False post-office returns from Viegas, San Diego county; remanded un til Monday, January Ist, to plead. ÜBvs Thomas X Murray—-elllng liquor to Tndiansat Porterville; pica of not guilty; set for Man h 31st at 10 a m. U 8 vs Felipe Lastra—Selling liquor to Indians at Los Angeles; plea of guilty; sentenced six months to the county jail. U ► vs Manuel ValeugueU-Selling liquor to Indiansat Porterville. Defd't held by Com missioner Owens. Superior Court. DEPARTMENT ONE. Adjourned until January 30th. DEPARTMENT TWO. Est of Maekie vs Lamb et al—Foree lofiurc; decree ordered as prayed for. Joughln vs McFarland—Foreclosure; decree ordered as prayed for. DEPARTMENT THREE. Russell vb Pacific Ry Co et al—Order signed and filed granting the Hazard Mfg Co leave to sue the defendants. German Savings and Loan Co vs Healtman et al—Continued for argument until Monday, Feb lßt, on account of illness of Judge Chap man. German Savings and loan Co vs J T Robarts et al—Partially tried and contd until Saturday, Feb 6th. DEPARTMENT FOUR. Harrolson vs Barrett et al—Ten days further time granted to prepare statement on motion for new trial, Stein vb Stein—Decree signed and filed. Clarke vs Barciay et al—Decree signed and filed. City of Los Angeles vs Cohn et al—Od trial. Craln vs Palmer et al—lnteilocutory decree ordered amended to supply clerical omission Temple-street Ry vs Hellman—Twenty days stay of execution ordered. DEPARTMENT FIVE. J. T. Sheward vs Citizen's Water Co—Testi mony closed, and case submitted without argu ment. J. Mullaly vsOxnard Beet Sugar Co—Find ings and judgment for plaintiff. DEPARTMENT SIX. M. K. Brown vs J. O. Whiteside et al—Fore closure; judgment for plaintiffas prayed for. J.Davis vs. B. T. Tilden et a'—Foreclosure; judgment for plaintiffas prayed for. People vb A. R Meserve et al—On trial and continued until Tuesday, February 2d Today's Calendar. BUPERIOR COURT. Departments 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6—Calendar clear. DEPARTMENT FOUR. City of Los Angeleß vs Cohn et al—On trial. New Suits Filed. Charles Lautz vs J. F. Jackson et ai—Suit to determine conflicting claims to a lot at Whittier. Elijah Moulton vs Uri Embody et al—Suit to recover on a note for $600. William Hayes vs 'he County of Los Angeles —Suit to recover $325 allegedly due for delin quent taxes poid by plaintiff. Petitions for Probate of Will. Petition of Mary Cecilia Wilson for probate of will of Cathnrins Gallagbar, who died Jan uary 20,1892. Estate valued at $1600. Petition of Clarence E. Stoner for probate of will of Elizabeth Smith, who died January 10, 1892. Estate, (1500. Petition of Sarah J. Ball for letters of admin istration in the estate of Byron Ball. Estate, $1200. False Economy Is practiced by many people who buy inferior articles of food because cheaper than standard ?oods; Surely infants are entitled to the best ood obtainable. It is a fact that the Gail Bor den "Eagie" Brand Condensed Milk is the best Infant food. Your grocer and druggist keep it. O, What a Couch. Will you heed the warning? The signal per haps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease, Consumption. Ask yourselves if you can afford for the sake of saving 50c. to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough. It never falls. This explains why more than a Million Bottles were sold the past year. It relieves croup and whooping cough at once. Mothers, do not be without It. For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold wholesale by Haas, Barucb St I Co., and all retail druggists. for infants and Children. "Castoria iR so weU adapted to children that Castorla cures Colic, Constipation, Ireeommenditaasur.riortoanyproscnption d> known to me." H. A. Archer, M. D., gwrtlon, 111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. Without injurious medication. " The use of ' Castoria' Is so universal and " For several years I have recommended Its merits so well known that it seems a work your' Castoria,' and shall always continue to of supererogation to endorse it Few are the do so as It has invariably produced beneficial intelligent families who do not keep Castoria results." within easy reach." _ _ ' Edwin F. Pardee. M. D., Carlos "The Winthrop,"l£sth Street and Vth Aye., La to Pastor Blooiningdale Reformed Church. New York City. The Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, New York. m MANHOOD RESTORED IIiSSS ten trnarantee to cure all nervous diseases, Buch as Weak Memory, LiOSßof Brain Power, Headache. Wakefulness, Lost Manhood, Nightly Emis sions, Nervousness, Lassitude, all drains and lobs of power of tbe Generative Organs in either sex caused by over exertion, youthful errors, or excessive use of tobacco, opium or stimulants which soon lead to Infirmity. Con sump tion and Insanity. Put up convenient to carry in veßt pocket. »1 per pack age by mail; tt for 15. With every $5 order we give a writ ten guarantee to curs before and after using, or rcjuiut the money ■ Circular free. Address Nerve Seed Co., Chicago, UjU Agent for Southern California. BDWARD A. BABR, 116 N. Spring: street. DR. LIEBIG & CO. SPECIALISTS. Acnte and Cltroiiic Diseases - Men § Women 123 SOUTH MAIN STREET, LOS ANGELES. ARTISTIC PHOTOS. W A *r\ WHY PAY 15 OB $7 for a dezen Cabinet Photos, ■ J t—\ \ I ' • . w ' . when Dewey makes the very finest for $3.50. % M JL' I/% A V-A* /% A COMPARE RESULTS. J/a /% r Km Si First premium awarded Dewey over all competi- \S tors on Babieß' and Children's Photos at the last "i.«.lmi y District Agricultural Pair. T ' flur premiums and diplomas on best and fineßt ' m **^ m finished photos. Cabinet Photos only $3.50 per dozen. TYE'WFY' < n APT PARI ftP<\ We guarantee satisfaction. JJCVVCI O AIAI r/VALiUAO, Developing and finishing for amateurs. 147 South Main Street. —:— South Spring Street. 7