Newspaper Page Text
8 LOS ANGELES HERALD United States Weather Office. Report of obaervaUoaa taaen at Los Angeles lannarv 29. 1882: Bar. t>r. a. m. UKavi. torn ,68: mln. tem.52. Rainfall for past 24 hours, . 17; rainfall for season, 2.89. Weather Forecast. Forecast till 8 p. m. Thursday—For Southern California, scattering rains. NEWS NOTES. Members of the Y. M. I. are notified to attend the funeral of D. £. Garner, on Sunday afternoon at 1 o'cloch. Patrick Ryan, who is a native of Ire land, was yesterday made a citizen of the United States by Judge Van Dyke. Get a new map of Los Angeles city by subscribing for the Daily Herald and paying one month's subscription in ad vance. Bishop J. W. Hott, D. D., will preach at Union hall, corner Grand avenue and Seventeenth street, Sunday, at 11 a. m, and 7 :30 p. -n. The alarm turned in at 8:40 last even ing was for a fire on Twenty-third street, East of Main. A cottage was partially destroyed. Loss about $500. Thousands of people visited China town last night. The eastern visitori found much that was amusing and in teresting in the ceremonies. One fare for the round trip on Pomona traina over the kite-shaped track of the Southern California railway (Santa Fe' route), Sunday, January 31st. Dr. Mary Wood Allen, the eloquent lady lecturer, will address a meeting for men and boys at the Y. M. 0. A., at 3 o'clock tomorrow. Subject: Co-workers with God. Professor Tyndall will appear at the Pasadena opera house Thursday even ing, February 4th. The professor will give a test in Pasadena previous to the performance. The attention of Street Superintend ent Hutchinson is called to the condi tion of New High street, between Tem ple and Sonora streets. The mud and manure ought to be scraped off. The Rev. A. W. Edelman will deliver an interesting lecture to Royal Arch Masons this evening at Masonic hall, 125>i South Spring etreet. An off night in a Masonic lodge will be the subject. Coroner Weldon held an inquest at Verdugo. touching the death of Del fina Flores. The verdict of the jury was that she came to her death from giving birth to a child without the attendance of a physician. R. C. Carlton, the well-known attor ney, died very suddenly yesterday. The post-mortem examination showed that he died from heart disease. The de ceased was about 66 years old was a native of Arkansas. He came to Los Angeles about seven years ago. There will be a grand balloon ascen sion and double parachute jump by Miss Hazel Keyes and her pet monkey, Van Van, at Westlake park, on Sunday aft ernoon, January 31st, at 3 o'clock, pro viding it does not rain, in which ease it will be postponed for one Week. The revival services at Trinity M. E. church south were well attended last night, notwithstanding the weather. Bishop Haygood spoke on the character of Psuiel and the Hebrew children, to the delight of the hearers. The meetings are - increasing both in attendance and inter est. Judge Ross in the United States Dis trict court yesterday administered the oath of office to Matthew T. Allen as United States district attorney, and on motion of W. Cole, Esq., ordered that the oath aud Mr. Allen's commission be spread upon the minutes of the court. In Justice Stanton's court yesterday Mr. J. Shea was arraigned on a charge of battery, brought against him by Ah Chow. The defendant Bhowed tbat he had been found guilty and fined for the same offense by Justice King of Bur bank one day before the present com plaint was sworn to. The prosecuting witness was not present, and an attach ment was issued for him. The case then went over until Monday. Last evening there was quite a little scrap on Spring street, near the Wilson block. A young man attempted to mash a lady who was passing by, and made some remark. A friend of the lady heard the remark, and he at once chastised the offending party. Several blows were struck, and the affair was getting interesting, when several friends came to the rescue of the masber, and they succeeded in getting him out of the" hole. The bureau of information of the chamber of commerce held a meeting last evening, Messrs. Dan Freeman of Los Angeles, G. C. Welch of Santa Bar bara and George M. Smith of Ventura county being present. The technical details of a proposed pamphlet Betting forth the advantages of Southern Cali fornia were discussed. The manuscript of the text of the pamphlet was read by the author, Harry M. Brook, and the meeting adjourned until thia morning. Js»rian Bros., the Leading Tailors, IIS South Spring Street. In otae" t0 make room lor our large spring and sum"m<? r stock, we will make suit and pants to order & greatly reduced prices. Per fect fit and flrst-c'aas workmanship guaranteed. Dr. G. Beaumont, Specialist, treats all chronic diseases. Office South Spring. When you want a nobby hat, go to the Los Angeles Hat Co., 119 North Spring street. B. D. List, notary public. Legal papers care fully drawn. 127 West Second. Telephone 165. W. C. Aiken, architect, room 12 Burdick block, corner Spring and Second streets., O. G. Johnson, notary, has removed to 213 West First street, opposite old office. Railway companies antagonize ticket brokers, but Anthony Schwamm, the responsible Asso ciation broker, will guarantee every ticket and save you dollars. My motto: "Square Trans actions and Reduced Rates vs. Arbitrary Ry Rates. Office, 200 and 206 N. Spring street, Temple block. _ The baby, also papa and mamma, prefer B. & 8. Homoeopathic Cough and Croup Syrup to any other. PERSONAL. Colonel Alberger of San Francisco is in tbe city. M. E. Ball, Columbus, 0., is at the Hollenbeck. Col. William Macdonald, general man ager of the London and Lancashire In- TELE LOS ANGELES HERALD: SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 30 1892. mrance company, was in the city yes terday. Miss Macdonald was with him. Judge W. H. Myrickof San Francisco is at the Hollenbeck. C. W. Parker and H. W. Topping, St. Paul, are at the Hollenbeck. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Robertson, Mon treal, Canada, are at the Hollenbeck. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Woodworth and Miss Maud Woodworth, St. Louis, Mo., tourists, are at the Hollenbeck. R. Ulrich, Mrs. H. L. Ballou, Miss A. M. Arnold, J. W. *Vandervoort, E. Kramer, Chicago, are at the Hollen beck. J. W. Armstrong, Alfred Monoth, W. Allen, F. A. Chrismas, C. Finnell, C. Zemansky and wife, U. C. Welch, of San Francisco, are at the Hollenbeck. Mr. W. C. Wolfe left yesterday for a short business trip to the east. He will visit St. Louis, Washington and Phila delphia, returning to Lob Angeles in about three weexs. George Roberts arrived here the day before yesterday from San Francisco. Mr. Roberts says that he will shortly become a San Franciscan, having ac cepted a position with Wellß, Fargo & Co. in that city. In this event, the resignation of Mr. Roberts as school director can be expected any day. Prof. Richard Weiler and Mrs. Weiler of 816 Temple street were surprised yesterday by the visit of their children and grandchildren, Mr. J.Clark Wilson, the well-known starch manufacturer and creamery owner of Westminster and Pasadena, his wife, Mrs. Blanche Wil son, nee Weiler, and their daughters, the Misses Edith and Flora Wilson. They intend staying a few days. Mrs. George L. Tucker, who has been paying a visit to this city for several days will return to San Francisco tomor row. It is thirty-eight years since Mrs. Tucker was a resident of Los Angeles, and the changes tbat have taken place here during that time have perfectly be wildered her. She says that the plaza with its old church, the St. Charles hotel (the old Bella Union) and the old court house, are the only landmarks that remind her of Los Angeles when it was a small Mexican pueblo. Hon. John P. West, formerly member of the state senate from Los Angeles and a member of the constitutional conven tion of 1878-79 from the Compton assem bly district, has permanently located near Glendora, where he is raising an orange orchard. Mr. West left Los Angeles in 1881 and removed to Wash ington territory, but after giving that country a thorough trial be concluded that there was no place like this section for a farmer to succeed. We had a pleasant visit from Mr. West a few days ago, and found him as full of energy and hopeful ambition as he was a score of years ago when wrestling with the dairy lands of Compton. AMUSEMENTS. There never has been a "Rosalind" on the opera house stage more satisfying to the eye and ear than that presented by Mias Gale last evening. Modjeska has played the role here; so has Marie Wainwright. Neither of them achieved the success that was Miss Gale's. No writer ever portrayed a more' loveable, delightful character than Rosalind. She is naively wise, and wisely naive, sparkling with all the best qualities of young womanhood, and making of the weaker ones but addi tional charms. Whatever doubts as to the claim of the actress in question to the title of star may have been caused by her Juliet, are dispelled by her work last evening. There is but one word to describe it, and that is delightful. A very peculiar feature about Miss Gale's personality is the power she has of at once putting her audience in sym pathy with ber. So strong is the sense of personal interest she arouses that an opinion expressed immediately after hearing her is not apt to be unbiased, but putting aside all such influence it is no exaggeration to say that as Rosalind she has no superior. In the first place she is Rosalind. Miss Gale is never permitted to become apparent; she completely indentifies herself with the character in the specta tors' eyes. Again, she is evidently pos sessed of a very discerning judgment; she has studied the character until she has arrived at the stage of knowing that she knows it just as Shakespeare iutended it should be known. Another point is that Bhe adheTeß closely to the original text; 6ome of the grosser lines are cut, but there is enough of the civil, plain old imagery and free dom from mawkishness left to prevent any sense of mutilation of the drama to these who are familiar with the book. Too great praise can hardly be given Miss Gale in this part; it deserves praise throughout, and does not afford any opportunity for even a carping critic to proffer a qualifying or "it would by better if," The only re gret those Who saw her last night can have, is that she does not repeat the bill. Speaking from a material point of view, it may be said that in her doublet and hose she presents as charming an appearance as can be imagined. A most enjoyable feature of the play was Mr. Weaver's Jacques, a part which be made to share the honors of the mas culine roles with Mr. Clarke's Orlando, in which that young man was most ad mirable, and made a much better im pression than as Romeo. The other parts were acceptably filled, some of the minor ones, however, being filled by persons not up to the require ments, but so perfect, so thoroughly en joyable was Mias Gale, that she would bave been forgiven had she played with the other characters filled with dum mies. This afternoon she will appear in the Lady of Lyons, and this evening in Ingomar. The grounds at Athletic park will be in first-class condition for the game be tween Los Angeles and San Jose this afternoon. To and From Burope. Outward and pre-paid ocean steamship tickets, season of 1892. Chas. T. Parsons, agent, 129 North Spring Btreet, Los Angeles.' If You Are Looking for a Home, Or waul io invest in any class of real property or It you have property to sell, see Burkhard i ODea, 103 8. Broadway. Tel. 611. Hot Ben Water Baths At Hotel Arcadia, Santa Monica. Physicians recommend them for health and vigor. Another Suicide. Thls time it's the man that bought his lumbe before he got prices from the Willamette Lum ber Co., Redcndo Beach. Carriages, surries, phaetons, 210-212 North Main street, _____ Dr. Parker, dentist, formerly of Third am Broadway, has removed to 145 North Spring st The Stanford University —M—PU RCHABED-K -SOHMER PIANOS IN PREFERENCE TO ALL OTHERS. The Day & Fisher Music Co., SOLE AGENTS FOR SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, 106 N. SPRING STREET. BARTLETTS' -:- MUSIC -:- HOUSE -)|WILL REMOVES- To their new and commodious store at 103 NORTH SPRING STREET, NEAR CORNER FIRST, About February 1,1892. During the remainder of this month special inducements will be offered on their elegant line of Pianos at their present warerooms. 129 NORTH SPRING STREET -ti TH E 5- —. rpHE PABTEUR HOSPITAL X Is a Medical and Surgical |"| i rj • i 1 //^ Institute of Specialists, gradu- MnCtTAllTl NAPHltul // atesof the best American and f \ II N f I / IT**. >. European Colleges and Hospi -IUO It'll! 111/Uyl lUlli ( I - tals, who have devoted a life \ \/[/~{J time to the study of diseases 830 8. MAIN ST.. \Wj jtf P" 11 "^ to , MEN - . Q , , \ w stf This is an age of Special /X AN. ists. The field of medicine is ANiiULita. f/m i /. \ so extensive that the general (Over Hammam Baths.) f/iW y6**~Z\ practitioner cannot expect to /lltMI/s t vV*\ become proficient in all its -*) branches. . _ „ „ . fr/. 11 <<y &l •. The Hospital is equipped ClTifflfiT 1 I TCirPfl A/V Al <V" kl wl «»» u appliances for success \rHlil/lll\l\ W rlXstir cSV fully treatmg the most compli " 111 IJU 1 ill ilk. II L 1 " Vf/ VN \\Oy cated cases,and patients with ' / X Genito urinary disorders or un z. i. natural drains and weakness — 1 "~ Ik / t& can depend upon STRICT pri , _ "/*7f \ ✓ajrJSUw vany wnether consulting PKR- Prirats and throne Diseases of Men, I'/fr pjkfj'yi (tSgr I *®, SONALLY OR BY MAIL. V \ I • • Examination and consul including / /-wKaiHfe" tation free. Medicines com — / I ""~Jgf ' piu ded in ourown laboratory SYPHILIS, Gonorrhoea. Gl'et, tzy and free to patients. Ulcers, Supermatorrhoea, I'ri- l TsrS-'»M|~ = Office Hours— 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. nary Disorders and Plies. — Sundays: 10 to 1 only. THE TEMPLE BLOCK. THE CITY WANTB TO SLICE FROM ITS FRONT TEN FEET. The Case Now on Trial Before Judge Van Dyke—The History of the Claim—Pro ceedings Which Were Had in the Case Yesterday. Id department four of the superior court yesterday before Judge Van Dyke, the case was opened of the city of Los Angeles vs. Cohn et al., for possession of a atrip of land ten feet wide, now oc cupied by the Temple-street front of the Temple block. This building, aa any careful observer must have noticed, now extends a material distance beyond the continuation of the Temple-street line, so that the street is thereby marred. The city claims that the building was thus constructed on ground to which the owners have no right nor title. The defendants, on the other hand, claim that the building which originally occu pied the site covered the same ground, the ten-foot strip having been used as a kind of veranda, covered by an exten sion of the roof, ao that, although pedestrians could pass through it, the structure yet was a part of the building. If the strip were now cut off it would slice away a fine piece of all tbe rooms and stores therein occupied, including the law offices of the Hon. Stephen M. White. The latter is at the head of counsel for the defense and is trying hard to establish a claim for the strip. During the trial yesterday the city in troduced the evidence of George Hanson, Stephen 0. Foster, William Moore, W. E. Dunn and Harrison Newmark, and rested its case. The Hon. Stephen C. Foster testified that he had executed the original deed and held that the city is in the right. The defendant's wit nesses examined yesterday also included some historical experts, there being in the list C. Ducommun, Harry Leek, Charles 11. Forbes, E. Bouton and J. G. Nichols. The case was continued until today. The Kossmore, No. 416 W. Sixth street, facing park. Pleas ant rooms, good board, and a comfortable home. Rates; SI to ?2 per day. Special rates for families. EAW AS BEEFSTEAK. Baby'a Fearful Suffering from skin ur ease Covering Kntlre Body Cured by Cuticura. My baby was taken very sick when he was three months old, and in a few days began breaking out. We employed both of the home doctors, and they could do nothing for him. Then we sent for the best doctor in Eaton Rapids, Mich., and he doctored him for two a weeks, and he got worse all the time; and then I took him to Jackson, to a doc tor who attends espe - dally to skiu dis eases, and then he got worse than ever. Then I told my hus band we had better try the Cuticuba Remedies auy way; did not have any idea they would do any good, but in less than two montns trom me time we began giv ing them to him he was entirely well, and not a spot on him. His hair began growing right off, and we thought he always would be bald headed. There was not a spot on his whole body, face, and head, only his nose and eyes, but what was as raw as beefsteak. So poor there was not anything but bones, and so weak he could raise neither hand nor head. Mas. FRANK BARRETT, Winfield, Mich. CUTICURA RESOLVENT, The new Blood and Skin Purifier, and great est of Humor Remedies, cleanses the blood of all impurities and poisonous elements, and thus removes the cause, while Cuticuka, the great Skin Cure, and Cuticuka Soap, an ex quisite Skin Beautifler, clear the skin and scalp, and restore the hair. Thus the Cuticuka Remedies cure every species of itching, burn ing, scaly, pimply and blotchy skin, scalp and blood diseases, from pimples to scrofula, from lnlancy to age, when the best physicians fail. Sold everywhere. Price, Cuticuba, 50c; Soap, 25c; Resolvent, tl- Prepared by the Potter Drug and chemical Corporation, Boston. for "How to Cure Blood Diseases." D M QV'9. and Bcalp,purlfled and beautified dHDI ohy Cuticuba Soap. Absolutely pure. m . RHEUMATIC PAINS. 'Vk In one minute the Cuticura I9mM Anti-Pain Plaster relieves rheu fjn matlc sciatica, hip, kidney, chest / l\\ and muscular pains and weaknesses. / \ Price, 25c. HANDSOME CHARLES DOOLEY. His First Ball Game in the Glorious State. Charley Dooley, who is playing such an admirable first base for the San Jose team, played with the crack Loa Angeles club some years ago. The sporting ed itor unearthed Dooley. It was in boom days, and the handsome Charley waß then looking after the circulation of a local paper. The Philadelphias were scheduled to play one Sunday. Los An geles had a great team, which included such well known players of Joe Quest, Whitehead, Ebright, Jevne, Wilmot. The day for the great baseball match came around, but the pitcher that was expected failed to arrive, and after a confab it was ascertained that Dooley had pitched for a club in one of the minor leagues in Pennsylvania. Consequently Dooley was selected to do the twirling. The game was played at the Sixth street park. Wood was first up for tbe Phillies. He banged the ball over the fence for a home run. Mulvey repeated the operation. Poor Jim Fo garty was the next batter. He kept up the racket and sent the first ball clean out of the grounds. This settled tbe good-looking Mr. Dooley. Three borne runs for three pitched balls is the world's record. In justice to Mr. Doo ley it should be stated tbat he went into the pitcher's box without any prepara tion. 0 * DELICIOUS S j flavoring: NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS. Vanilla -\ ° f perfect purity. Lemon "I Of groat strength. Orange "V Economy in their use Almond - Rose etC.fl flavor as delicately and deliolously as tho fresh fruit. ■ iyjOSOKOVK'B DBEbSMAKINGI This department is under the manage ment ot tl c most experienced and thorough cutter and fitter on this Coast. For per fee tion of fit. style, and origin&litv of design, she is without a peer, TOURISTS can have their suits made in one day's time, and be assured of satisfaction. MOURNING suits given special attention. Bring your own material, or you can make a selection from a high and exclusive class of novelty dress patterns from my stock. Prices as low as any first-class costumcr. FURS ALTBBBD AND REPAIRED. All kinds of fur work done lv the house. The only place In Southern California. Sealskins refitted, renovated and redyed; short notice and at very reasonable prices. All work guaranteed first-class- MOSGROVE'S Cloak and Suit House, 119 8. Spring St., - - Los Angeles. FOR LA GRIPPE. Headache, Neuralgia, or any indication of the above, take KAL MPS A L_ ! W. H. JUENGER, Agent, 1-12 lm 129 N. Main street. I PECK, SHARP & NEITZKE CO., Undertakers and Embalmera. No. 140 North Main St., Los Angeles, Cal. Always open. Telephone No. 61. H. hillkr, Pres't. 8. w., Sec. ! Los Angeles lute Co., DHALEBSIN - Lamber, Cement, Fin Brick and Clay, Etc. t BAN PEDRO ST., Bet. Fourth and Fifth. Telephone 100. 9-89 tf P 0. Box 87. PEOPLES JS ± Ol<E. SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 1892. tad PRICE OUR ARGUMENT FOR YOUR TRADE: J3RICES have made our greatness, values increase our sway. | T is small profits that sustain us, onward day by day. JZTNDLESS variety to block competition's way. BOYS* CLOTHING. We have repriced thia atock and put it down lower than boys'clothing haa ever been sold for in California. Neat, dressy suits, ages 4 to 12, in grays, dark colors and brown and white checks, made of cassimere, all wool except the chain, at $1.50 a suit, which is not the price of the making and material of a cotton satinette. Boys' satinette suits at 98c apiece; nice, desirable suits, the same quality that we have sold heretofore at $1.60. Our prices popularize this department. Boys' striped, checked or plain euita, in light and dark colorings, well made, nicely trimmed, serviceable and satisfactory in every way, at $2.50, $2.75 and $2.95. At $3 you can buy a boys' suit from ua that we have repriced from $4. Boys' school suits in light and dark mixed stripes, inviaible plaids and figured gooda at $3.25, $3.60, $4, $4.50 and $6. Boys' suite, ages 12 to 18 years, in very pretty patterns, nicely made, at $3.75 a suit. Boys' light and dark colored cassimere suits, agea 12 to 18 yeara, very well made and trimmed, repriced to $5.50 a auit. Boya' all-wool light or dark mixed suits, ages 12 to 18 years, exceptionally handsome styles, repriced to $6.25. MEN'S HATS. All our fall stock has been wonderfully repriced. We have made a reduction of fully 25 per cent, and in some cases 75 per cent on the prices of our fall goods. Men's $4 derbys, best quality, repriced to $2.25. Men's line fur soft or stiff hats, repriced to $2. Men's fine fur crushers, in all shades, repriced to $1.50, $1.25 and 98c. Men's wool crushers, repriced to 50c. MEN'S FURNISHINGS. Never in the history of our business have prices been as low and values as good as in thia offering of today. Men's laundered shirts on display in our show windows, SOc, 75c, $1 and $1.25, the best value for the price that money ever bought anywhere. Men's embroidered night shirts, made of good muslin, at SOc apiece. Men's handsome style of silk scarfs, four-in-hand and Windsors, at 35c apiece. This line compares with anything tbat you buy in town at 65c. Men's full finished, striped, imported socks, 12%cn pair; usual price 25c. Men's fast black, Hermsdorf dye, imported socks at 15c a pair; usual price 26c. Men's superfine silk clocked Balbriggan hose, 25c a pair, repriced from 45c. This is the finest article in the Balbriggan hose of the character that is made. Men's fast black. Hermsdorf dye, imported hosiery at 25c a pair, a quality or dinarily sold at 40c. Men's fast black hose, full finished, Hermsdorf dye, imported socks, double thick and super stout, 35c a pair; regular SOc goods. Men's domestic, seamless hose, B' ; ,e a pair; splendid value at 15c. Men's solid colored seamless hose, extra fine, good value at 25c. Men's linen collars, coon and anchor brands, 8 1 ~'c apiece; usual price 16c. Men's anchor cuffs, 12% c a pair; usual price 20c. Men's silk embroidered suspenders,' 25c. Men's fast black sateen shirts, with pearl buttons, and made of the finest black sateen, extra long and extra full, made to order for ua, $1.25; each shirt warranted. Odd lines of underwear in shirts, only 35c apiece; formerly 50c and 75c. Special lines of underwear in natural gray placed on sale today at SOc; gooda worth 76c; the best value that 50c ever bought anywhere. Special aale of underwear in white or natural gray wool, at 75c apiece; our regular $1 goods. Special sale of underwear at 98c apiece in white, gray and scarlet goods that cannot be duplicated at $1.50. Special Bale of red, white and gray underwear at $1.25; goods that are worth $2 apiece. Special sale of men's full finished underwear at $1 and $1.75; goods that are worth $2.50 and $3 apiece. SHOE DEPARTMENT. Children's shoes, sizes s's to B'a, patent leather tip, spring heel, fine dongola dd, extension sole, $1.25 a pair. We have been outof these goods for six weeks —can- not get enough to supply the demand—have only two dozen paira in the house now. Children's sizea H% to 10% of the Bame ahoe, $1.50. Misses I I'm to 2'a of the same 5h0e,51.75. This is tbe finest shoe for the money ;hat has ever been placed before any public. We guarantee every pair. It ia so Sne that we cannot get enough of them to supply our trade. A special sale of ladies' fine French dongola, glove fitting, patent leather tip >r plain toe shoe at $2.50. This ia the best wearing and best fitting shoe for the money sold in this country. At $4 a pair we have a special sale of ladies' lace and button, patent leather tip, linest French dongola shoe, intended to be the best shoe manufactured at any price. Hanan & Son's fine French calf, Goodyear welt shoe, $5 a pair. Hanan & Son's fine, patent leather, hand-made shoes, cloth or leather uppers, $7 a pair. Men's kangaroo button shoes, sold specially at $3 becauae they are button. Men'a extra wide and comfortable French calf shoes at $3 a pair. Boys' and children'a shoes at our usual unequaled prices. DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. Special Sale in Black Goods— Black Berge at 50c a yard, repriced from 65c. This ia the best quality we have ever offered at this price. French, all-wool goods. Black serges at 70c a yard; a superior quality for the price we quote. Black Henrietta, all-wool French goods, SOc a yard. The finest quality for the money ever sold by anyone. Black Henrietta French goods, double warp, extra heavy, 65c a yard, special ralue. Black Henriettaa, silk finished, summer weight, extra fine fiber, 70c a yard; i special value at 85c. Black Henriettas, silk finished, 75c a yard; French goods; repriced from $1. Black Henriettas, $1 a yard, extra wide and extra heavy; the very best value jver offered in the United States. Henriettas are like sugar, they are staple articles, cost a certain price, and it is only a question of profit that one will content themselves with in making the sale. In quoting you prices for the qualities above mentioned, we have taken all the marrow there is out of the bone. These priceß certainly ought to be appre ciated by anyone in want of dress goods. At 75c a yard we are closing out a line of colors in silk faced velvets which up ;o today we have marked in stock at 98c, and we consider our line of velvets at 18c the best in town. The surahß that we offer you today at SOc a yard are unequaled in price or quality anywhere; it is a grade that is sold all over this town at 98c, and a quality that we have been getting 75c for. It will make itself manifest to you that this is iwfully cheap merchandise, the moment you put your hand on a piece of this silk. COLORED DRESS GOODS. Out of 200 pieces received on the Ist of January we have not six pieces left of this lot. This is a pretty good record for the dullest moDth in the year. The goods that we sold for 45c tvhen they first came iv we havo reduced to 35c, iv order to close out what we have ieft. We have on sale today at 49c a line of colored Henriettas, 10 inches wide, all wool, double told, in French goods. «. , . We have a line of silk stripes, French novelties in new goods, that we are offering at 49c :or the sake of increasing trade. You will find them the best values you ever purchased in nov ilty dress goods at this price. HANDKERCHIEFS. Ladles' open work and corded bordered white handkerchiefs, repriced from 15c. Ladies' corded border and mourning handkerchiefs, B%w, repriced from 15c. Ladies' corded bordered and embroidered, white, hem-stitched handkerchiefs, 10c apiece; repriced from 20c. Ladies' pocket-books, 35c: repriced from 60c. Ladies' hand bags, 50c apiece; repriced from SI. LADIES' UNDERWEAR. This department is hammering out stupendous values. Ladles' white wool underwear, 35c; should be sold at 60c. Ladies' angora wool underwear at SOc; should be sold at SI. Ladies' Balbriggan, high neck and long sleeved, jersey ribbed vests, extra heavy, with satin uont, pearl buttons, 50c; should be sold at 85c. CORSETS. The best corset that was ever manufactured in the known world for anything within 25c " at 85c that we have always sold for 11.25. and and auest Sl corset that you ever purchased or have seen sold in this town at tl; worth $1.50. Children's jersey caps, usually sold at 50c, are on sale today at 20c. DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT. Dress ginghams in handsome designs at 6J4c, that sell oralnarlly at 10c. heavy welght?'in both buck and damask, 35c, that sell ordinarily it 50 <£ 00 Qo?en y bleached damask napkins, $1-75. • Dress prints, Indigo blue or other colors, 20 yards for SI. KMlttffl of Fruit of the Loom and Lonsdale. 4 4 "Those ttne e ouUng you saw in our show windows the other day marked* spe cial sale at 15c together with a case of new ones in darker patterns which have fust arrived, are aroy ThVt°we have l left of polka dots and striped chuda cloths, the price of which all season WRB "neit of qualities, at at the CUBtom house in San F Wr l a C ppe < r' Znnels° W XBrfl yard, 75 per cent wool, of a very fine texture, and goods that NovelU™sirfe%eFdowns; latest creations, 75c to SI a yard. CLOAKS. Do not forget this department; you never, If you live a thousand years, will buy cloaks at cIXK .V*io° l%^nT&ffl^, trimmed with lynx, fox, beaver minx wild goaToua other furs at SIO a piece. The fur on them cannot be bought for S2O. KID GLOVES. Foster Paul & Co's genuine gloves, 5 hook, all colors, SI a pair. * 2 ™ a pair, selling in New York at ?3.50 a pair. Our values are prime and our prices are lower than we ever put the same goods before this public. We mean business and want to do all the trade we can. A- HAMBURGER SONS.