OCR Interpretation

Los Angeles herald. [volume] (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1890-1893, September 21, 1892, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84025968/1892-09-21/ed-1/seq-8/

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United States Weather Office.
Report of observations taken at Los Angeles,
September 20, 1892:
Time. | Bar. I
5:00a.m. 29 »*,
5:00 p m |29 .88;
Max. tern., 7(>; mm. tern., 53.
Wrathfr forecast for the 24 hours ending at
midnight, Beptember2l»t, for Southern Califor
nia: Fair weather: westtriv winds: nearly
stationary temperature, except warmer in the
northern portion.
Every Democrat in Los Angeles
Bhonld turn out tonight to hear Colonel
In a war for passenger rates to the
world's fair, there should be no diffi
culty about, the Santa Feline coming to
the scratch.
The October issue of the Californion
Magazine will contain a very fine arti
cle, handsomely illustrated, on the New-
Los Angeles, showing the cily's great
improvement the past three years.
As an expounder of the Democratic
view of the tariffque stion, Colonel Irish
is excelled by no orator in tire Demo
cratic party.
A man who gave his n..m 1 as John
Jones was arrested by Officer Goodman
at 11 o'clock last evening, on Main street
near First, for assaulting a Japanese, to
whose personality he took exceptions.
An old soldier, who, with bis six-and
a-half foot frame, and an enormous jag,
managed to create a disturbance at the
Democratic convention last evening,
was arrested by Officer R'nkenbach and
locked up in the city jail.
Col. John P. Irish, one of the first
orators of the west, will address the
people of Los Angeles tonight at Haz
ard's pavilion.
There are undelivered telegrams at
the Western Union telegraph office, cor
ner North Main and Court streets,
September 20th, for Amos Sewell, Earl
B. Coe, A. R.Gilmore, and Mr. Newman,
Yesterday's'morning Thomas Taylor,
of Utah, addressed the hoard of super
visors upon tbe project of a railroad be
tween this city and mines which be
owns at Iron City. He set forth the ad
vantages which will accrue to Los An
geles, and stated that he desires to raise
about $100,000 in this vicinity. He
wished the supervisors to extend a
helping hand on tbe part of the county
to the enterprise. Owing to the absence
of members of the board the matter was
laid over until a full meeting.
A grand time is promised to Knights
of Pythias at Illinois hall, at 8 o'clock
this evening. A rennion of all the
Knights in this locality is to take place,
and visiting brothers -and those who at
one time held membership in tbe order
are especially invited to attend. Several
Grand Lodge officers will be present.
The thirty-ninth degree will be con
ferred. Music in abundance and re
freshment without end. This is a "stag"
party for Knights of Pythias only.
A correspondent in the east, having
read Judge Enoch Knights letters in the
Portland, Me., Transcript, on tbe land
and colonizing subject, writes to know
if land in large bodies for settlers can be
had, with water, at reasonable rates?
Speaking for himself and others, he
saye : "We propose to organize a company
of active, energetic men, who will begin
at once to prepare for the taking up in
your region of some of your large unim
proved acreage, as you suggest in your
letters. In addition to fruit raising and
some all-around farming, we think some
of tbe party, who are acquainted with
itruibering and also all kinds of building
material, can turn their experience tQ
Once lost, it is difficult to restore the
hair. Therefore be warned in time,
lest you become bald, root
hair grower stops falling hair. Sold by
The Los Angeles Fish company have
pleasure in informing their customers
that the oyster season commenced oh the
Ist inst., aud that they have made ar
rangements to secure a large quantity of
the various different kinds of game for
the forthcoming season, which com
mences October Ist. Epicures will be
glad to know that grouse and prairie
(thickens will also be in tbe market.
Montefiore Orthodox Cd'cre 1 "' *'
Holiday services wilt De ueiu at Ma
sonic hall, 125'v> South Spring street,
commencing Wednesday evening, Sep
iember 21st. Dr. A. W. Edelman will
officiate. Seats can be had at Henry
Kline'B, 104 South Main street.
The Jewish New Year uegins this
evening, and is celebrated all over the
world with solemn services. At Temple
B'nai Brith the services will be con
ducted by Rev. A. Blum, assisted by a
fine choir under Professor Loeb. Ser
vices this evening at 6 p. m.; Thnreday
at 9 :45 a. m.
Ho ! For San Dingo.
Don't fall to attend t'"e celebration of
the 350 th anniversary of the discovery of Cal
ifornia by Cabrillo, at San Diego, on Wednes
day and Thursday, September 2Sth and 29th.
Special cheap excursion rates from all stations
on the Bauta Fe and Southern Pacific.
THAT the sun rises in the east and sets in the
THAT the stars shine only at night.
THAT one hundred cents are worth $1.50 (at our
THAT Jiinmie Corbett whipped Johnnie Sullivan.
THAT you should buy your new suit of us.
THAT election occurs on the Bth of November.
THAT we will save you big money.
THAT our bargains cannot be equaled.
THAT this city boasts of some fine corners.
THAT Main and Requena street is ahead of them
ING HOUSE is located there.
THAT you are invited to call.
Miss Tyler will address the Christian
Alliance at Gospel Union hall, 431
Spring street, at 2:30 p. m., today, on
Tbe Lord's Second Coming. Public in
Hotel Ammidon, Grand avenue and
Twentieth street, will open October let.
Applications received after September
King up telephone 44. Your goods
will be promptly delivered.
For your own convenience secure re
served seats for Riddle's Recitals at the
W. exchange, Potomac block.
Wanted—To rent, about 10 acres land
suitable for keeping cows, within five
miles of the city. Address V. Schmidt.
113 West First Btreet.
Bichloride of gold—Safe and sure cure
for drunkenness. Silver Ash institute,
Santa Fe Springs.
Papa Schurlz has succeeded in engag
ing the Venetian Lady Troubadours for
th* Palace, and will appear at tbe
Palace next Saturday evening.
Miss Cabriola, a native of Naples,
Italy, is If years of age, and iB a perfect
artist on the mandolin. She will appear
Saturday evening, Sept. 24th, at tbe
(ieo. Riddle will charm a large audi
ence at Turnverein hall, Friday even
ing, Sept. 24th, when he will read Mid
summer Nights' Dream.
Nelgen, the tailor, 116 North Spring
Btreet. has just recsived an elegant line
ol suitings, etc., which he will make up
at tbe tnoaj reasonable rates. Inspect
his splendid stock of the latest patterns.
Miss Spinosa, a native of Rome, Italy,
was admired all over the world which
she has traveled, and her instrument.
She will appear at the Palace, Saturday,
September 24th.
Parents wishing to place their daugh
ters in school will find the principal of
St. Hilda's Hall, Glendale, at home
afternoons until the opening of the
school, September 21st.
Gold-mounted mirrors, swinging mir
rors, bar mirrors, and mirrors in every
style, can be bad at Sanborn, Vail &
Co.'s, 133 South Spring street. This is
a leading feature of their business.
Miss Paravicini, a lady 18 years of
age, a direct relation from the doge of
the City of Venice, one of the most
pronounced artists on the mandolin,
will appear September 24th at the
Los Angeles to Long Beach and re
turn, 50 cents, and San Pedro and re
turn, 50 cents, on the Los Angeles Ter
minal Railway, good going Saturday or
Sunday, and returning Saturday, Sun
day and Monday.
Miss Trampinali, a native of Mantua,
Italy, is 21 years of age, and is a suc
cessor of a whole generation iv her
family, all of whom were nrtists on tbe
mandolin, and she will appear at the
Palace Saturday evening, Sept. 24th.
Owing to the large and increasing
business, and, as tbe commencement of
the game season is but a few dayß off,
the Lob Angeles Fish company, in the
Mott market, recognize the general
wish of their customers and the public
in general, and in future will keep open
until 7 p. m.,from Monday to Thursday,
inclusive, and until B.p. m., on Fridays,
and 10:30 p. m., on Saturdays.
Sanborn Vail & Co. of 133 South
Spring street now have in stock an
extra fine invoice of artists' materials,
mirrors, moulding, etc. They make a
specialty of frame pictures. They also
carry a full line of etchings, engravings,
iac-eimile and photogravures, etc.
They have a select line of screens, some
thing unique and odd. An invitation is
extended to the public to inspect their
elegant line of goods.
Miss Kamninoli, the beauty of Flor
ence, Italy, who is the leading of the
most and only existing Venetian Lady
Troubadours, iB 20 years of age, and has
spent all her life in perfecting the man
dolin to a degree whicii none ever could
expect ehe could perfect. Mies Kam
pinoli belongs to one of the highest and
leading families in Florence, and only
for tbe love of her instrument she
travels around the world, in show
ing her ability. She will appear at
the Palace, Saturday, September 24th.
K. D, list, notary public. Legal papers care
ally drawn, 127 West Second. Telephone 165.
If Ton Need a Truss
Call at Beckwlth's pharmacy, 303 North Main.
A fit guaranteed. Our book all about hernia,
or rupture, now ready, free at our store or by
mail. JOHN BECKWITH & SON, Druggists.
A Card of Thanks.
I, Concetta Ancona, wife of deceased Con
Ancona, wish to thank all those perßOns who
extended their sympathy and aid at the time
of my husbands Illness and death, and by
their efforts and money secured % ICO for me.
Special for a Short Time
Great American Importing Tea Co. are giving
extra double presents to everybody at their
storeß, 135 N. Main street and 351 S. Spring
street, Los Angeles. Their Teas, Coffees and
Spices are pronounced perfection. Visit their
stores and get the best.
New and Old Books, Magazines, Ktc.
Book Excharfge, Corner Second aud Main sts
Gents' Hate Cleaned, Dyed and Pressed.
H rtley, hatter, 264 South Main street.
Visiting Cards Engraved
vt Langstadter's, 214 West Second. Tel. 762.
Wallpaper. 237 S. Spring. Samples pent.
The Funeral ofKx-Mayor Bpenoe to Take
Place Tomorrow.
Tomorrow afternoon, at 2 o'clock, the
funeral of ex-Mayor E. F. Spence will
take place, at the residence of Mr. J. A.
Fairchild, on Burlington avenue, near
Ninth street.
Rev. Mr. Stevenson, of Monrovia, who
has been tbe pastor of the deceased, will
conduct the services, with Rev. J. W.
Campbell, of the First Methodist church
of this city.
After the preliminary services, the re
mains wil be given in charge of South
ern California 1 odge, No. 275, F. and A.
M,, and Worshipful Ma-ter James W.
LoDg will conduct the Masonic cere mo
nies at Evergreen cemetery. Coour de
Lion commandery, No. 9, K. T., will a> t
as escort, together with other organiza
At a special meeting of the directors
of the Los Angeles board of trade, held
yesterday, to take action upon the death
of one of its me/nbers, Hon. E. F.
Speuce, a committee was appointed to
draft suitable resolutions, which re
ported as follows:
Whereas : Tbe Honorable E. F. Spence
bas been suddenly called from our
midst, therefore be it
Resolved, Tbat it is the sense of the
Doard of trade of the city of Los Ange
les, that, in his death, the board has
lost a most valuable member; and the
community an estimable citizen, who
has never llinched in the performance of
any duty, or failed to be found on the
side of the weak and oppressed.
Resolved, That the sense of our own
loss adds to our sympathy for his family
in their bereavement.
Resolved. That a copy of these resolu
tions be sent to his family, published in
the daily papers, and spread upon the
records of thia board.
L. N. Breed,
R. H. Howell,
A. Jacoby,
The board of directors of the chamber
oi commerce met yesterday and passed
the following resolutions:
Whereas, E. F. Spence, a prominent
and efficient member of this association,
has entered on the journey to that "un
discovered country from whose bourne
no traveler e'er returns;" therefore,
be it
Resolved, That in the death of Hon.
E. F. Spence, it is the sense of the cham
ber of commerce of Los Angeles, that
this community has lost one of its fore
most citizens; that as a private citizen
hiß life was pure and spotless; as a
neighbor and friend, always kind and
faithful: as a business man, honorable
and upright; as a public official, true to
every trust.
Tbat is all the walks of a long, honor
able and useful lite be has left to the
community in which he iived, an ex
ample worthy of emulation.
Resolved, That a copy of these reso
lutions be spread upon the minutes of
the chamber of commerce, and pub
lished in the daily papers of this city,
and that a copy thereof be sent to his
bereaved family together with the sym
pathy of this body.
O. G. Baker and George L. Withers,
of Delano, are at the Nadeau.
J. L. Copeland, the well-known attor
ney of San Diego, .is at the-Nadeau.
Alex. Gandolfo, from Ventura, was in
the city yeßterday, and will leave for
Arizona today.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Rilay and daugh
ter, Miae Florence, who have been away
trom Los Angeles tbe paßt month, visit
ing Lake Tahoe and San Francisco, have
returned home.
Mrs. Alice M. McCoinas and Mr».
Clara S. Brown, of Los Angeles, and
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Yore, of Pasadena,
left for San Francisco yesterday, to at
tend the convention of the Pacific Coast
Women's Press association.
Judge E. R. Munk, of Tombstone,
Ariz., is in the city on a visit to his
brother, Dr. J. A. Munk. Judge Munk
will remain in Los Angeles- for about 10"
days, but will return to the angel city
October 15th, to spend the winter.
Robinson's great circus- will be the
attraction here on Thursday, September
29th. It consists this year of a circus,
menagerie, and great spectacle, based
on King Solomon's reception of tbe
queen of Sbeba.
a a,
On Friday evening and Saturday mat
inee, George Riddle will give his inter
esting entertainment, consisting of dra
matic readings, under the auspices of
the Woman's Industrial Exchange asso
ciation, at Turn Verein hall..
Terrible Sufferings of Little Baby.
Seven Doctor* and Two Hospitals
Fail. Cured by Uuticura.
My baby boy, 5 months old, broke out with
eczema. The itching and burning was Intense;
the eczema spread to his limbs, breast, face- and
head, until he was nearly covered; his torturing
agonies were pitiable to behold; he had no
peace and but little rest
night or day. He was
/ >•' \ under treatment at dlfler
/ \ ent times at two hospitals
/ \ and by seven doctors in
I I this city without the least
I — # benefit; every preserlp
-1 4Bei ft*. Al tlon of the doctors was
\W} idEM <f7 faithfully tried, but he
tri <BJ Rrew worse nil the time.
1 )* *r For raon 'bs I expended
V i*X about *3 P er week for
\ Vy-C medicines, and was en-
jfllfj^ tirely discouraged. Irmr
■- ■ chased Citticuha, Cuti
cura Soap and Ccticuba Resolvent and fol
lowed the directions to the letter. Relief was
Immediate, his sufferings were eased, and rest
and sleep permitted. He steadily improved
and in nine weeks was entirely cured, and has
now as clear a skin and is as fair a boy as any
mother could wi*h to see. I recommend every
mother to use it for every Baby Humor
86 W. Brookline St., Boston.
The greatest skin cures, blood purifiers, and
humor remedies of moaern times, instantly re
lieve the most agonizing forms of eczema 'and
psoriasis, and speedily, permanently, econom
ically and Infallibly cure every species ol tor
turing, disfiguring, itching, Burning, bleeding,
scaly, crusted and pimply diseases and humors
of the skin, scalp and blood, with loss of hair,
from Infancy to sge, whether simple, scrofu
lous or hereditary, when all other methods ana
best physicians fail.
Sold everywhere. Trice, Ccticuka, 50c; Soap,
25c; Resolvent. SI. Prepared by the Potter
Druo and Chemical Corporation, Boston.
for "How to Cure Bkin Diseases,"
04 pages,so illustrations,anil 100 testimonials.
PIMPLES, blackheads, red, rough, chapped,
rliu an( j o iiy fitiu cured by Cuticora Soap.
Full of comfort for all Pains, In-
Humiliation, and Weakness of ihe
An-il is the Cnticura Anti-rain
Plaster, the first and only pain-klll-
Ww jmi'ig, strengthening plaster. New, in-
AsWjUP.stautaneoub, and infallible.
L " Absolutely the Best."
It is made of pure cream
of tartar and soda, no am
monia, no alum. A like
quantity goes farther and
s better work. It is
therefore cheaper.
Cleveland's is the baking
powder used in the U. S.
A;;riy and by teachers of
cookery. It never varies,
and always gives perfect
c; i':-' l 'K-.tiop. Try a can.
Drink Red Ribbon beer. Tel. 44.
Drink Pabßt Blue Ribbon beer. Ger-
main Fruit company, sole agents. Be
ware of imitations.
Try our Sonoma Zinfandel wine at 50
cents per gallon. T. Vache & Co., cor.
Commercial and Alameda ets. Tel. 309.
Fine liquors for medicinal use, at H.
J. Woollacott's.
Miss Luidige, « native of Venics, who
is now 18 yearß of age, when she was 12
years of age, was a star on the mando
lin. She will appear at the Palace Sat
urday, Sept. 24th.
R. G. Cunuingbam, dentist, rooms 1
and 2, Phillips block, H, Spring street.
Woollacott wants 300 dozen bottles.
Boye, bring them along. .
Blatz beer, Woollacott, agent.
Dr. C. Edgar Smith, rupture, female,
rectal diseases. Seventh and Main
streets. Telephone ICW.
Send a couple of eases of California
wines to your eastern friends. Germain
Frnit company.
H. J. Woollacott, importer of fine
Dr. R.J. Goes, corner First and Spring
streets, rooms 39 and S0 r new Wilson
block, makes a specialty of diabetes,
paralysis and rheumatism.
Napa soda, Woollacott, agent.
Pure California wine put up in cases
by H. J. Woollacott. Send a case to
your friends. 124 and 12ft N. Spring
Kiss Tagliani, a beautiful brunette,
one of Italy's leading belles, who is
noted for accomplishments on the man
dolin, appears at the Palace next Satur
day evening.
The latest novelties in the picture line
are those art prints on satin and em
bossed mounts, which have bad such a
trreat sale in San Francisco and New
York. The entire line has been im
ported from Berlin by Sanborn, Vail &
Co., 133 South Spring street, and is
now on exhibition.
George Roberta' Keinem .itiscu From
Wells Fargo A' Co
George D. Robertß yesterday received
the following letter from President Val
entine of Wells, Fargo & Go.'s express:
My recent protracted absence from the
office-on a trip to A'aska has prevented
me frtm taking up before now the sub
ject of your efforts to proteot tbe express
against robbery on tbe night of August
3rd, at Collis station, on the line of the
Southern Pacific overlauj. A careful
consideration of the circumstances con
nected with that affair, m reported to
tbis office, convinced me that you acted
with good judgment and pluck, before
reaching the point when resistance be
came hopelesß.
I take pleasure, therefore, in officially i
commending your action, and ex
pressing to you in ■ satisfaction,
with tbe results accomplished, though
not altogether what are- hoped for oa
such occasions; and to emphasize this
verdict of approval, I present you hera
with, in tbe name of Wells, Fargo &
Co., a gold watch engraved as follows :
»- • MS
: to messenger :
For cool and courageous conduct in tt» :
! : tralnrobbery atCo-U»,Cal,night
of Aug. a, 1*92. :
, •
to which is attached a gold »ham
and locket. In doing so I tender you
thanks, also, for the service performed,
and wish you a long and prosperous life.
Manager Wade freparlng for tbe San
Dieg'i.. Festival.
At the Santa Fe offices all energies are
being directed towards making tbe San
Diego celebration a success. Assistant
Passenger Ageai Gregory, when asked
yesterday, if there was any.news, had,<
his operator call- up Agent Keeler, at
San Diego, and asked him the situation
there, the following reply coming ovai
the wires:
As the date for the great celebration
approaches, and the work ofrthe commit
tee becomes systematized,, tbe results
begin to show themselves. Visitors are
already beginning to arrive, and the-ho
tel managers are being kept busy, an
swering letters and telegrams from
those who will arrive later. Manager
Babcock, oi the Coroaado, announces
tbat tbe hotel and grounds will bn finely
decorated and brilliantly illuminated
each night during the celebration. Tbe
committee on street decorations is
planning for numerous tsiumphal
arches, to be constructed of evergreens
and palms. The arrangements for the
great aquatic display on the bay on the
afternoon of the 29th, are nearly com
pleted, and the number of sailboats and
steam launches which will take part in
tbe races is being added to constantly.
Bureaus of information will be estab
lished at the Santa Fe depot and at the
headquarters near the plaza, and a large
reception committee of San Diego's beßt
citizens will be on duty, looking after
the welfare of our visitors. Much earn
est work baa been done by the commit
tee, and tbe great concourse of visitors
who will throng San Diego's streets
next week will find ample provision
made for their comfort.
General Freight and Passenger Agent
Will Address the People on the Issues of the Day.
Chairman Auxiliary Committee.
Teli 396. > , • Td
115 S. Spring- TA^OIICOOP£RAGEi and BRANDIPiG. mS. Fpriog
J. R. TAGGAFn r &, 00.
-* i ■
HON. WA.!<MKK' President.
Trust Loan fJ.ptr oeivttiold Bond*., (iusraute** by the yanhattau Trust Company «t New
A BONUS CF> 20 PER CENT In tie tuß paid and nuassessablo capital Stock ot the
MARITIME CANAL. COMFANT OF" NICARAGUA chartered by the United States
sovernmsnt) accompanies the aubscriMlon, Lnere*y mat tng afery subscriber to these Bonds a
stockholder of resord.
Subscrlptions-willl be received at Loa A igeles by tt c FARMERS AND MERCHANTS
BANK, and by the FIRST NATIONAL.-BANK ; al «>, at Han Franeisoo, by THE BANK
OF CAIaFOKKA. For further pasticulm, pieaso apply as above, or to
l'aciflc Coast Agent N. 0, C, Co.,
9.21-23-25-27 Hollenbeck Hotel.
S. B. Hynes of the Southern California I
railroad is again hard at work after bis-1
tussle with the Transcontinental asscei- !
ation in New York.
President Huntington of the Seuthevn
Pacific company is expected in this city 1
next week ; be is bow in San Fraaoisee. .
General Manager K. H. Wade of the •
California Son..beta will leave for a
short-trip to Chicago on Saturday.
General E. B. Hewitt, division.super- ,
intendent cf tbe Southern Pacific rai-1
road, will come near getting the solid '
vote of all the railroad employee in the
county for county tax collector.
T. B..Burnett,.general manager of the
Terminal Railroad company, returned
yesterday from a visit to St. IsHdt and
New York.
T. B. Gibison, attorney for the Ter
minal road, returned yesterday from
San Francisco, where, with M<rs. Gib
bon, he has been for a short trip.
Quick Rasuams from the Clm.Jfliid Col
uiiuis <»•' the "Herald.?'
On the second page of tbe 1 but a i v. ap
pearealistof bargains daily, which it
will-pay to examine. Now i> the time
to buy a cheap home and save-rent. See
what tbe real estate men o'er. Beside
real estate, there are business chances,
hotises aad rooms for rent, situations
offered lor all who will work, cheap
goods ol all descriptions, : uniey at the
lowest rates to loan, personal notices,
special notices, professional; cards, edu
cational announcements, exchange no
tices, cheap eastern excursions, and
much beside. A few cento will often
accomplish wonders when- invested in
the classified eolnmns of the Hebald.
The charge is 5 cents a line per day,
with lower rates by the month.
Messrs. V.RON I A BLA33U, manufacturers
of Native Wines and Brtuadlea, beg to inform
the citizens at Los Angelos and vicinity that
they are sow permanently located at No.
340 North. Main street (Baker block), where
they have opened an o,Tk)e and spacious sales
room for conducting iheii city and Jobbing)
Family trade respoetfully solicited aiu.
promptly attended to.
Pure wises and bratdles of our manufacture
for medicinal uses.
Telephone 836. P. 9. box 1077, Station C.
N. B.—Proprietors ot West Glendale Winery
and Vineyards. 7-3 3m
C. F. A. LAST,
13-* N. MAIN ST.,
Wholesale and Retail
line i Liquor Merchant
Finest stock of Old Hermitage, W. H. Me-
Brayen. Old Crow, Spring Hill, New Hope,
Blue Brass, Bond & Lillard. Mellwood, Ob)
Taylor, etc. Btralsht Kentucky Whiskies.
Family and medicinal trade solicited. G 300 m
Everything First-Clui and Ckargei Reasonable.
No. 140 North Main street, Los Angeles.
Alwavsonen. Tel. No. 61. 1
J jr /* Cancer Hospital.
Onro ornojmy nokntfn
* Hr) '"' I'l'iii. Lnrisf, exter
<SM xalor internal.. Testi
monials & treatise pent
free. Ofllee2ll W. Flrat
■ ; I \6t., Los Angeles, Cal.'
_3* V r 8. R. CHAMI.EY, M. D.
Repalxtag promptly attended to.
Old trunks taken In eacha
Manufacturer of and dealer In
Trunks and Traveling Bags.
7-3 3m 136 South Main street. Tel. 818.
A a articis needed in every family for wash
ing jlothek and all kinds of cleanlnir. Iteoo
Usid In the Bast with success for years. Uni
versally meful. Factories mills, printers,
housekeepers, engineers, and persons woikiag
; w.»re the hands become sore and strained. It
■ leaves the hands soft and white, and cures
cuts and scratches on the skin. Nc.scrubblng;
no muscular labor. In cleaning house, as
« Jelicate woman can clean without fatigue,
its saves paint. For cleaning paint, varnished
surfaces, window glass, mirrors, gold frames,
marble furniture, silverware, showcases,
bronzes, cut m vs. glovea and gas Sxtures. It
amoves paint,pitch or tar from tbe hands or
olmhing readily. Anything soiled by oil or
I grease, flies, pencil marks or dirt of any kind,
ilt will clean -*ttbont soap or waier. Vted in
I hotels and steamers for washlug dishes. For
! the bath it lias no equal. For cleaning false
; teeth, it saves that peculiar annoyance to so
! many. It cures tbe poison of poison oak, and
J removes sunburn, Directions on evtry bottle;
I 50e per quart bottle. W. K. HO«KKB, agent,
P. 0. box t#S,l26 East Third street, 1 os Ange
les, Cal. 9 11 lm
Continues to cure PRIVATK, NERVOUS and
CHRONIC DISEASES ol both sexes?
Gonorrhoea, Qleot, Btrlctnre, Syphilis, Im
potency, Night Losses, Varicocele promptly
cartd. blood, Kidney, Bladder and Nervous
d peases treated with remarkable success. Dr
White is the oldest specialist in the olty.
Rooms H, %a, 14, ;5,

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