LOS ANGELES HERALD. VOL. XXXVIII.-NO. 166. 3TFJNWAY PIANOS! TUB ONLY RECOGNIZED STANDARD PIAIO! In All Parte of the World. Tit X STEIN WAY PIANO HAB NO EQUAL. GEO. S. MARYGOLD, SOLE AGENT.. Sal South Itroadway, Log Angeles, Cal. MATLOCK & REED, REAL- ESTATE AND GENERAL AUCTIONEERS, OFFICE: 120 1-2 South Spring- Street. Personal attention given to household sales. Furnished houses or lodging houses bought in their entirety, or sold on commission. moihoSei'ii LO3 ANGELES COUNTY.JCAL., A branch of tin Cmven of Our Lady of .the Sacred Heart, Oakland, Ca).; f his institution, conducted by the Sisters of the Holy :•'antes, occupies one of tbe most pic turesque sites in the 3tn c time to get a cheap home. Only $1.50 an acre. DAY ,fc HALLOMBY, 237 W. First Street, 0-14 lm Bole Ag. nts. PERRY MOTT «3t CO.'S LUMBER YARDS (AND PLANING}" MILLS. Wo. 318 Connierclal Strwr. ni SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 24, 1892. WEAVER ROTTEN EGGED. He Cancels His Engagements in the South. Very Bad Treatment Accorded Him in Georgia. Even Mrs. c Is Afraid to Lift ncr Voice In Dixie. A Cleveland Demonstration in Brooklyn. St., vi m ~,0 Glveu an Ovation In Klchniond—MeKinley Speaks >n Philadelphia. By tho Associated Press.] Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 23—General Weaver, tonight, refused to address an audience of 5000 people which gathered at the state capitol to hear him. He declared there was no such thing as free speech in the south, notwithstanding the fact that the audience had assured him a respectful hearing. General Weaver tonight sent a lengthy letter to Chairman Irwin, of the etate committee of the People's party, in re gard to his treatment in tho south. He says he finds the spirit of organized row dyism, at some points visited in Geor i gia, so great as to render it inadvisable to attempt to fill his engagements at the points not already reached. Personal indignity was euppressed at Waycross only by careful management. At Albany, a howling mob refused a respectful hearing. At Macon, the conduct of the mob was simply disgraceful. Rotten eggs were thrown prior to the introduction of the spe/tker, one of which struck Mrs. Weaver the whip. McKinney came in the win ner, by a good head, in 2:15; Frank M. third, and Richmond, jr., last. The pools then changed, and McKin ney sold the favorite, at $100 to $32 on Richmond, jr., $30 ou the field. Beaury Mac, in the third heat, left hisfeet.on the first turn and was fol lowed by Richmond Jr. Frank M crowded McKinney to the half, trotting at hia wheel, McKinney going down in 1:06. Richmond Jr. settled down to work, and in the stretch passed Frank M, but could not overtake McKinney, who trotted in handily in 1:16, aud won the heat. Beaury Mac trailed in a poor fourth. McKinney then sold for $49 to $10 on the field. In the fourth heat he was pushed from the wire by Richmond, and reached the half in 1:08, with the others close after him. On the turn, McKinney puiled away, Bbowing re markable speed, but Beaury Mac waß coming fast and McKinney let out an other link, and won in 2:H}4; Beaury second, Richmond third, Fr-.ink M last. McKinney was awarded the race and fisst money ; Richmond, second money ; Beaury Mac, third, and Frank M. fourth money. McKinney trotted tbe three best and fastest race heats of the Pacific coast record. The next race waa for 2:30 class, 3-year-old trotters. The starters were Antiocb, Graves aud Belmont Prince. Antioch won in three straight heata. Time, 2:45, 2.-48 K. The last race waa pacing for the 2:35 class. The starters were Jessie P., Or land and Mount Vernon, who has a trotting record of 2:18. Orland ws-.a the favorite. Jessie P. won the first beat in 2:36}- 2 ', and Orland was given the sec ond heat in 2:B2>£, althoughMt. Vernon came in first by half a dozen lengths at a beautiful trot. Mt. Vernon was placed last for trotting. The race was then postponed on account of darkness. Lady Markham, a pacer, went over tho kite track early in the afternoon to beat her record of 2:24, and lowered it to 2:17%. . THE RUNNING TUBE. Yeßterday'* Races at Gravesend and Latonia. Gbavesend, L. 1., Sept. 23.— Track good. Six furlongs— Tormentor won, Chesa peake second, Gold Dollar third. Time, 1 -M%. Six furlongs—Walcott won, Adelbert second, Annie F. colt third. Time, 1:15. One mile—Mary Stone won, Homer second, St. James third. Time, 1:43%. Five and one-hali furlongs—Extra won, Sir Richard second, Japonica third: time, 1:09j4. Mile and three-sixteenths —Banquet won, Fedelio second, Lepanto third; time, 2:02%. Mile and one furlong—King Crab won, Now or Never second, Strepbon third; time, 1:56. Latonia, Ky., Sept. 23.—Track good. Six furlongs—Alphotee won, Hindoo gam second, Cyclone third; time, 1:17%. Five and one-half furlongs—Kindora won, Major Tom second, Minnie C. third; time. 1:10. Mile and seventy yards—Hiepania won, Happiness second, Harry Ray third ; time, 1 One mile—Excelsior won, Rebuff sec ond, Sir Charles third ; time, 1:44. Four and one-half furlongs—Hiram Argo won, Foreman second, Miss Hern don third; time, 0:57'- 2 . Five and one-half furlongs—Para matta won, Tim Murphy second, Hc-ppv Day third; time, 1:08. PRICE FIVE CENTS. RECORD BREAKERS. Double-Tea... Decor,! T, nwfre(l hy Bel ,. Hamlin and Honest Goorge. Providence, Bept. 23-The world's resord for a double team (2:13) was low ered yesterday by the famous trotters Belle Hamlin and Honest George. The * !al !'™ made by the pair was 2:l2J£. The sulky drawn had pneumatic tires. In addition to thia event, the bay stal lion Kremlin, in the 2:20 stake race, made the fastest single trotting record of the meeting, breaking ths rec ord for five-year old stallions, and mak •ng hie marks s tho fas test fourth beat ever trotted in a race. Nelson Fails to Lower His Record. Springfield, Mass., Sept. 23.-The stallion Nelson started to fewer his rec ord (2:10) this afternoon, but. failed in two heats, the fastest being 2:11 U, PASSENGERS FOR SAN DIEGO. Governor MarM.am'a staff Will Take the Ocean Iloute. San Francisco, Sept. 23.-Although Governor Markham decided at the last moment to make the trip to San Diego overland, arriving in time for the oreu ing of the Cabrillo celebration, next Wednesday his staff has decided differ ently, and eleven berths have been en gaged on this account alone, aboard the steamer Santa Rosa which will sail tomorrow. Today all the saloon deck berths on the steamer had been en gaged, and over 100 names were on the passenger list. EVANS AND SON TAG SAFE TOO MANY MEN TRYING TO CAP TURE THEM. The Pnrsncrs Misled by Each Other* Trucks— Uurlie and His Parry 1;„ --turn to Vlsalla to Take a Fresh Start. Visalia, Cal., Sept. 23-Detective Thacker end posse and Frank Burke, with hia scouts and Indian trailers re turned to the city, today. They said; there are too many men in the moun tains to do effective work, as the several posses are misled by each others' track*. No trace whatever has been found of Evans and Sonlag, and Frank Burke ie of the opinion that the bandits have left the hills. A council of war was held today in tbe city to determine on future plans of action. Burke and party leave again for the bills tomorrow. Al'Witty shot in the neck by the bandits, at \oung' B house, states that Burke did shoot at Evans on that, occasion, and it was that which saved his (Witty'e) life. VETERANS DEPARTING. Visitors to the Grand Xrm V Encamp ment EeaviiWashington. Washington, Sept. 23.-Commander in-Chief W'eissert. of the G. A. R., to day issued an official order assuming command of the Grand Army, estab lishing headquarters at Milwaukee, and directing that all official business should be addressed to Charles B. Gray, adjutant-general, Milwaukee* The com mander-in-chief and staff called at the White House to pay their respects to the president, but as he was engaged with members of the cabinet, they left to come nga;n some otlu;r time. Ihe veterans are rapidly leaving the city. The convention of the Women's" Re lief Corps auxiliary opened thia morn ing Mrs. Sanders, the national nresi dent, was the recipient of many hand some presents from all over the'country in honor of the twenty-fifth anniversary of her wedding. At the afternoon session the national pension committee was dissolved and its unfinished business transferred to the national beard. Mrs. Annie Witten meyer was appointed special agent to prosecute the claims of army muses at Washington. Mrs. Wiokin* was chosen national president. An appropriate finale to the social features of encampment week was a re ception by Ihe ladiea' citizens' commit tee, at the Congregational church, to- ? B' 1 , 1 - Addressee w "e made by Hon. - • v > • Foster, secretary oi state, Repre sentative Bouttlle, of Maine, and Mrs. Kate B. Sherwood, past natiounl presi dent o. the Woman's Relief Corps, and others. Patriotic Sous of America. Lkbanon, Pa., Sept. 23 —The national camp of the Patriotic Order of Bona of America today passed an amendment to the national constitution to eliminate the word "white" therefrom. This will admit colored men to immediate mem bership iv the order. The resolutions adopted favor compute) v and industrial education; oppose the occupancy of land by loreian speculators, aud favor the prohibition of foreign immigration which comes here to advocate commuu i in and anarchy. Don't Like the Ouurantlue, Washington, Sept. 23 — Seeretarv.of State Poster had a call today from Mr. Lauterbach, representing the Pacific Mail company, and a representative of the Panama railroad in regard to the action of the Columbian government in stituting a quarantine against European nr.d American trading vessels, the effect of which waa a practical stoppage to commerce. They desired the govern ment to take some action to relieve matters. It is considered probable that the United States will submit to the Columbian government a remonstrance. A Music Combine. Cincinnati, Sept. 23.—A combination of mußic publishers and musical instru ment manufacturers, has just been con summated in this city. The combined capital is $5,000,000, and most of tbe well known houses throughout the coun try are included in the combination. • A Millionaire's Fatal Fall. Dbtroit, Mich., Sept. 23 —J. H. Wicks, a millionaire of New York city, and president of the Wicks' refrigerator compauy, with headquarters in Roches ter, N. V., fell out of a second-story window of a house of ill-fame tonight, and was instantly killed. Your fall suit should be made by Get*. Fine tailoring, best fitter, large etock, 112 West Third street.