Newspaper Page Text
2 A BIG FIRE AT SAN BERNARDINO. The Stewart Hotel Destroyed Saturday Morning. Property Valued at $200,000 Re duced to Smoke and Ashes. Cruiser No. 6 Successfully Launched at San Francisco — Kid and His B«nd Maraud lv« iv Old Mexico. By the Associated Press. San Bernardino, Nov. s.—Fire broke out this morning about 4 o'clock in the fourth story of the Stewart hotel block, this city. When first seen smoke poured out from three points on the roof, about 150 feet apart. The fire de partment responded promptly and turned on five large streams, but with out avail. There being no fire wall in the entire building, 150 feet front by 250 feet deep, the flames spread in all di rections, destroying one floor after an other in its descent. By 6 o'clock the entire building was a mass of ruins, and nothing remains to indicate where but a few hours before stood the finest commercial hotel and business block in ttie city. The total loss aggre gates about $200,000, distributed as fol lows : Buildings, $135,000; furniture, $45,000. A large part of the lower floor was occupied by the San Bernardino Na tional bank, whose loss is $60,000; Santa Fe ticket office, loss, $20,000; Connor & Draper's real estate office. $1500; Do ran's news stand. $1500; Utile's jewelry store, $6000; Wilbur & Chandlei's fur nishing goods, $6000; Barnard's saloon, $6000. LAUNCHING OF THE SHIP. Cruiser No. 6 Floated and Christened The Olympia. San Francisco, Nov. s.—Cruiser No. 6 was launched successfully at the Union Iron works at high tide, at 11:25 this morning. The launching was effected by an automatic device that liberated the vessel when a string was cut. At the same time a bottle of cham pagne was broken over the cruiser's prow as Miss Bella Dickie, daughter of George W. Dickie, manager of the iron works, christened the great vessel the Olympia. The weather was fairand the launching was witnessed by 15,0ut) per sons, a large number of these, including many civic, naval and military officials, being invited gupsts. Among the latter were Admiral Brown, Admiral Irwin, Captain Johnson and Captain Beiter. The vessel is of the protected cruiser type, exceeding in size any vessel of similar type in the United States ser vice and tbe majority of her class in foreign navies. Her length on the water line ia 340 feet; length over all. 344 feet; beam, 53 feet; mean draught, 21 feet 0 inches ; displacement, 5750 tons; guar anteed speed on trial, 20 knots, with a sustained sea speed of 19 knots The cruiser has a c lal-carrying capacity of 1300 tone, which, at a 10 knot rate, would carry her 13,000 miles without re coalipg. Her displacement haa been increased to introduce new protective features, including a belt of cellulose matter, which would stop to a great ex tent the flow of water through any open ing that might be made in her armor by a hoetiie shell. She has three decks, in cluding a protective deck extending the whole length of the vessel. The Oiyinpia has a double bottom and contains 150 water-tight compartments, the center ones being occupied by pow erful engines. The turrets and guns are operated by hydraulic machinery. The two masta of the cruiser are each fur niehed with two military tops, the lower ones carrying two rapid-firing guns, and the upper tops being provided with Margin search lights. The bittery of tbe Olympia consists of four eight inch breechloading rifles, 10 five inch rapid firing guns and Bix tor pedo tubes. Kighteen-inch Whitehead torpedoes are used. Tiie outer armor of the vessel consists of steel plates to a thickness of from 3 to 5 :, 4 niches, the barbettes having a thicknesß of 4 inches and the revolving turret of 3 inches. The cruiser will carry 300 men. She was constructed under the appropria tion approved by Congress September 7, 1888, aud will cost, when completed, in tbe neighborhood of $1,800,000. Her hull was built tmder the superin tendence of Naval Constructor A. W. Stahl, U. 8. N., and the engine and boilers under the superintendence ot Chief Engineer (i. F. Kutz, U. S. N. The contract for the construction of the vessel waa awarded Juue 10, 1890. The ctowe of people that attended the launching exceeded any which has been seen in that part of the city in which tbe Union iron works are located since the coast defense vessel Monterey was launched at the time of President Har rison's visit here in August, 1891. Several hours before .it was time for the cruiser to slip off the ways people began to travel towards the scene, and the s reets leading to the ship yard was filled with long lines of crowded street cars and carriages, and hundreds of pedestrians. A great number of special invitations had been issued, and there were prob ably 2000 people in the ship yard alone, in addition to the many more who oc enpied commanding positions on all the streets and hillsides in the vicinity of the works, as well as on the small Bteamereand tugs in the bay. A plat form decorated with the national colors was built around the bow of the cruiser, and on this were trie representatives of the navy and army, and the band of Ad miral Brown's temporary flagship, the Thetis. The ceremonies were very brief. After a short prayer had been offered the last, blocks which held the cradle in j position were knocked away, and as the 1 bull to move slowly down the j ways, a bottle of wine was broken over the bow and the band played a national air. Qreatehoutß and hurrahs Irom the Crowda of people and noise from 100 or more Eteam whistles commenced as Boon as the cruiser made the tirst move ment and continued until after she made a plunge in the water and floated easily, leß9 than two lengths from shore. Pronounced Hopeless, Vet Saved. From a long letter written by Mrs. Ada E. Hurd, of Groton. 8. D., we quote: "v\as taken with a b d coid, which settled on my lungs. Cough set in and finally terminated in con sumption Four doctors gave me up, saying I could live but a short time. 1 gave myself up to my Saviour, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth I would meet my ab sent oues above My husband was advised to get Dr King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. has cured me, aud thank God lam now a well ai.d hearty wo man" Trial bottles free at C. F Helnzemaii's drugstore, 222 North Main street; regular size »o\i aud SI. KID AND HIS BAND. Unrders Committed by the Maurandert ln Old MSB ico. Deming, N. M., Nov. 5.—A courier, ar rived here last night from Las Palmae, Mexico, brought news of more Indian murders and depredations by Kid and his band of Apache renegades. In view of the depredations in Old Mexico a de tail of the Fifth regiment, numbering 50 men, from the city of Chihuaha, has been ordered to the supposed hiding places of the savages in the Sierra Madre mountains. After hurried marches the troops reached tbe foothills on Tuesday morning. They were riding along unsuspicious of danger when attacked fiom ambush by the Indians. Capt. D. V. Dorantes and Lieutenant Garcia, who were riding in advance of the soldiers, were both shot through the head and instantly killed. When the troops recovered from their surprise battle was given the Indians, but after a short skirmish fire, in which several soldiers were wounded, the rene gades made their escape into the moun tains. The troops pursued a short dis tance, but fearing another ambush, re treated, aud the news of the disaster was sent to the City of Mexico, and the government has issued orders for 600 troops to pursue the murderers. IAMS JDSTLY PUNISHED. Hl9 TORMENTORS NOT GUILTY OF AGGRAVATED ASSAULT. The Jury After Long Deliberation Ac quits Them, but Assesses Them With Half of the Costs-A Damage Suit Next. Pittsburg, Nov. s.—When the court convened this morning the jury in the lams case came in and asked leave to submit in writing a question which they did not wish to ask openly. After read ing it Judge Porter told the jury that the subject of inquiry was wholly imma terial. Any other action between the parties could not enter into the case. The judge continued as follows: "As to the instructions given you to find that the defendants were not guilty in as sault and battery, I propose that you shall obey the court. You, of course, may ignore the instructions. You are the judges of the fact and the law ; not tbe law as you think it should be, but what it is. We have told you what the supreme court of the United States says the law is, and that is the law you want to take. If any man on this jury thinks he knows more than the supreme court of the United States, of course he will stick to his opinion. It is a shame, j however, that a man with such a pro j found knowledge should waste hia time I in the jury box." The court then warned the jury against tbe dangers oi being guided by feelings of prejudice, and the jury re tired, returning shortly afterwards with a verdict of not guilty. the verdict, however, adjudged the defendants, Colonels Hawking and Sfeator, to pay half the costs in j the aggravated assault and battery I case. Their counsel moved, in view of the judge's charge, that that part of the verdict be set aside. The court ordered it put in writing, but made no ruling on it. The attorney for the prosecution now depends on a suit for damages, to vindi cate his client. Ten thousand dollars is asked and a suit will be brought in the United States court, and will no doubt go to the supreme court of the United States, as both sides believe the ques tion should be finelly adjusted. Robbed and Beaten. New York, Nov. 5. —A dispatch was received this morning from W. L. Pol lock, of Pollock & Co., dated Omaha, confirming the report that be had been attacked and robbed on a train. The dispatch said he lost a case of diamonds, but was not fatally or even seriously in jured. Pollock had two cases or large purses. He lost only one. Ihe firm estimates tbe loss at $8000. Pollock was insured in the Diamond Surety company, and the loss will be made good. A Family of Four Lynched. Natchez, Miss., Nov. s—John5 —John Has tings, alias John Mahogany, was de livered into the custody of two agents of the state of Louisiana here Wednesday. They reached Jonesville vVednesday night. Yesterday morning while they were guarding him a mob of masked men overpowered them, took the pris oner and hanged him. Within a week one white man and four negroes have been murdered. The murderer, hiß two sons and daughter paid the penalty with their lives. A Negro's Terrible Crime. Ci'TUBEiiT, Ga., Nov. s.—Dock and Howard Taylor, prominent negro farm ers, lived together, unmarried. It has jest been discovered that they quarreled a few days ago, and Dock killed his brother and tried to burn the body. It did not burn fast enough, and he buried the unburned fragments. The other negroes are greatly excited over the dis covery, and threaten to lynch him. CABLE FLASHES. M. Massicault, resident consul-general of France in Tunis, is dead. Florimond Ronger-Herve, a wf-11 known dramatic artist and French com poser, is dead. The death of Edouard Valery-Gres ster, the distinguished French states man, is announced. The Austrian budget for 1893 shows : Exoendi'ures. 608,684,794 florinß, and receipts, 609,572,085 florins. The French chamber of deputies has passed a bill prohibiting the employ ment of women in factories for one month before and after confinement, and ordering that half the wages usually earned by them shall be paid by the state and half by the department. PHYSICIANS. residence, 131 North spring street, ( ffi 'c hours, 8 to 12, Itos,Gto 8 p. m. Telephone 433. 11-3-tf MBS. DR. WELLS-OFFICES N HER brick block, 127 East I bird street, between Main and Los Angeles; diseases of women ner vous, rectal, Bterilitv and genito urinary dis eases; also electro therapeutics. Hours, 10 to 4, 7 to 8. MRS. DB. J. H SMITH, BPECIA TV MlD wifery. 1 adies tared for duriug confine ment at 727 Bellevue avenue. Calls promptly attended to. Telephone 1119. m2B tf HOTKLS. HAMMONDrsO WELL KNOWN ill as one of the former proprietors o 1 the Hollenbeck hotel, will open the Livingston, No. 630 South Hill formeily the Heathman, for the reception of guests on Monday, Nov. 7. U 4-lm COPYRIGHTS, ETC. HAZARD & TOWNBEND, ROOM 9, DOWNEY block. Tel. 347. Lob Angeles. 11-22 tf LOS ANGELES HERALD i SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 6, 1892. cnußcn notices. C CHRIST CHORCH, EPISCOPAL—CORNER .' Flower and Ptco stree's: Alfred H. Clark, rector: residence, 1516 South Flower Btreet. Sunday tervlces, 11 ay. and 7:30 p in. Boly communion first an< third Sundays of the month. Sunday school. 945 a ra Litany ser vice Wednesdays and Fridays, 10:30 a.m. Ser vices on saint and holy days, 10:30 am. Seats free. Strattgers are cord aly invited to all ser vices. Eletilrlc cars to Pico Heights or Univer sity statlonlpass the ihurch; (.rand aye cable cars pass two short blocks east, and spring and Washlngtoh street horse cars one block west of church. Your card left with any ef tbechurch officers will insure a call from the rector. HE ENGLISH LUTHERAN CHURCH, COR ner Eighth and Flower street* Subject for this morning's service, Tbe Atsurrtnceol God b Love; subject lor this evening. From Joppa to Jerusalem. Rev. M. H, Stlue, pastor. HURCH OF THE UNITY, CORNER THIRD aud Hill streets—Rev. J. S. Thomson, pastor. Services Sunday at tl a. m. Subba h school at 9:30 a.m. Subject Sunday morning, Woman's Hemisphere. Tnere wi 1 be no evening service. ST PAUL'S CHURCH—OLIVE ST., BET* Fifth and Sixth streets. The Rvv. Geo F Bugbee, rector. Services on Sunday, Oct. 30 at 11 a.m and 7 30 p.m. Sunday Bcnnol at 9:45 a. m. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH (EPISCOPAL) COR ner Adams and Figueroa sts—Celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 8 a.m. Second celebration and sermon at 11 a.m. Sunday school at 3 p.m. Full choral evensong and sermon at 7: Opm. Churcnmeu visiting Los Angeles aro cordially invited to Bt. John's. Take Grand avenue cable to Adams street, and walk one block west. Seats free. Vested choir. Rev. B. W. R. Tayler, Rector. /CHRISTIAN SCIENCE -BIBI.E CLASS, siN 3 p. m. odd Fellows' ball, N. Spring st. All Invited. 10-1 ft Sun tf TMMANUKL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. COR- X ncr Tenth and Pcitrl streets The pasior. Rev.W. J. Chtchtfcter, 1) D.,will preach at 11 00 a.m. and 7.30 p m. Youug People's Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p.m Everybody welcome. HE PE IPLE'S CHUKCH—;NON SBCTARI an) Illinois ha'l. Rev. J. H. Phillips, pas tor. Eleven o'clock sermon: subject, the Flesh Proflttth Nothing. Evening sub ect. Patriotism vs. Politics Seats i cc. THIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, CORNER J? Second street aud Broadway—Preaching 11 a. m. and 7;;i0 n. m., by Bur; Estes How-rd, pastor. Sunday school at 930 a. m. Y. P. S. C. E. at 0:20 pm. Prayer nu etiuK Thursday, 7:45 p. m. Strangers cordially iuvlted. O PI RITUALISM—THE PkOGRES-IVE SPIR- Io itual association will mett today as usual at 208 North Main street. Lyceum at 10 am : free test and fact meeting at 11 a m. I.fcture at 8 p. m. by Rev. J. Madi-ou Allen, the cele brated inspirational trance speaker ot Massa chusetts, followed by tests of s.»me kind. Ad mission, 10 cents. OPIRHU*L CHRISTENING AT CALKDJNIA O hall, on Sp.l'jgst , between First and Second sts, No. 119:4, »t 7:30 p.m . November Otb. Bhort lecture by Miss Susie M. Johnson, who will officiate at the chrMening. Test by Mm H. N. Read of New York city. Admission, 10 cents. HE LOS ANGELES SPIRITUAL SOCIETY meets every Sunday eveulng in Forester's hall, N. Main street. Protestor Allen 1-ctures tonight. Subject: Light, More Light. Followed by tests by Mrs Canwright. Admis tion, 10 cents. Free meeting at 2SOp. m. HE SECOND COMING —FREE LECTURE for everybody, at Temperance temple, at 3 S.m. f'day, by Capt J. L. Skinner, pres. L, A. w Church society. SPECIAL NOTICE.' ijERSONAL— WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED X a large lot oi solid gold rings, in addition to our baukrupt stock of jewelry, consisting of the latest styles and finest designs of any gold rings ever brought to this city. They are solid gold and set with the most b autifui stones, turquoise, amethysts, rub'es,opals, moonstones, et". aud are worth from $5 to $12. We shall offer choice in the lot fors2 commencing Mon day, until all are closed out. We have alsc re ceived a lot of rilled case watches, ladies aud gents, Boss, Fay s, Mont.iuk aud Victoria, guar anteed for 25 years, Elgin or Waltham move ment-, Wuith from $22 to $30; our piice, $13.50 to $14.75. J. A. WAKDE &CO., No. 123 Noith Main St. 11-6 It \TRS. ALICE BALDBIi ii : HAS REMOVED JA to 1042 Denver avenue, between Tenth and Eleventh strt.ets, where she will be pleased to receive her triends. Take the horse car to Tefth and Pearl, or the clectiic car to Eleventh juu Flower. 11-6 It HE NEW DVY DYEING AM) CLEANING works, formerly located at 330 West Second s-reet, waß not burned out in tbe Tecent fire, as it h»d removed to 308 West second street, four doors below tho old stand, where the prop-ie tors will be pleased to see all tneir old patrous, 10-21 tf M" ATRIMONIAL—SSOO AT MARRIAGE; particulars, 10 cents, including People's Advocate, showing how to correspond lor matrimony or amusement. Box 4SO, Chicago. 10-30 Sun 2t. "T f! rfi.OPEK, HOUSE MOVER. OFFICE iV. 112 Center Place. 9-8 tl VrOTICE-THE LOS ANGSLES CITY WaTK.i Com any will strictly enforce the following rule: The hours for sprinkling are between 0 and 8 o'clock a.m. and 0 and 8 o clock p.m. For » violation of the above regulation the water will be shut off and a fine of $2 will be charged before water will bo turned on again 817 'I WANTED—HELP. PETTY, HUMMKL & CO., SUCCESSORS TO Petty & Hummel and Martin & Co., 207 West Second sireet, and 131 aud 135 West First street, where atl people Wanting any kind of situations or help can be promptly and satis factorily supplied. The largest agency westol the MisßlBsipp. river Miscellaneous depart ment at 207 West Secoud street. Tel. 40. Hotel work. 131-135 West First st. Tel. 509. rirstc.ass household department ln each f office. I Crr to $15 per day at home selling IvO Lightning Plater and plat ng jewe ry, i watches, tableware, etc. Plates the finest of jewelry as good as new, on all kinds of metal with gold silver or nicrel No experience. No capital. Every house has goods needing plat ing. H. K. DELNO it CO., Columbus, Ohio. 9-4 sun lit W' ANTED—SHOEMAKERS, MEN EXPERI- Vi eaced in fuctory work; also one who un derstands running a Goodyear welt machine; also girls to stitch uppers. For interview ad dress SHOE MANUFACTURERS, this office 11 1 tv fri sun 3t TIT ANTED—GIRL TO ASSIST IN GETTING W meals for two and help at dressmaking. Must sleep at home. 240 South Spring street, ii-5 at \\T ANTED —~A FIRST-CLASS GENERAL VV tailor. JoS.QUINLAN, the Tailor. Po mona. 11-3-tf ANTeD—MEN WITH TEAMS TO CON tract lor hauling large quantities of ore to GofPs nation on the Atlantic and Pacific rail road distance, 25 miles; good roads, all <*own grade Call on or address 0. B. AMSDEN, of fice Needles Reduction Company, Needles. Cal. 11 1 7t ANTED—TEACHER,COUNTRY SCHOOL, Arizona; vocal and piano music reouirer* 5 pupils: $40 and home; 10 m nths. L.t AN GELES TEACHERS' AGENCY, S. Spriog. IITANTKD—AI.L NEEDING HELP FREE— TV Employment or any information, address E. NITTINGER'S BUREAU, established 1880. Office, 319!4 South Spring street; residence, 451 South Hope street, corner Fifth, I.os Ange les, Cal. Telephone 113. 8-16 tl wanted —situations. (refined and competent) a position as as sistant housekeeper iv some first-class hot' 1. Address, stating salary, MRS. GORDON. 433 South Broadway, Los Angeles Cal. 11-5 3t WANTED —MISCELLANEOUS. ANTED—PICTURES TO FRAME, t HEAP est place at BURNS'. 256 South Main st. ' 1 -27 tf MEDIUMS, M~~RfL tations on business, love, marriage dis ease, mineral locations, life reading, etc.; tike University etectric. car to Forrester aventl", go we-t three block* to Vine street, second house Irom corner of Vermont avenue. ME! SIMMONS, CLAIRVOYANT AND magnetic healer. Past, present, future told. I also have the Egyptian charms. 23V>y, Springy 10-18 lm 188 NELLIE BARNEs, OF SAN FRAN cisco, trance test and bu-iness medium. 316U South spring stre. t. Sittings daily, $1, q-301m OCULISTS AND All KIHTS. R?3irsTjONKB, OCUI IhT AND jsMHIi aurist, northeast corner First aud Spring streets. 1017 3m Q£p*" CONTB.ACTOKS. C. YOUNG, CONTRACTOR. 459 V South F owcr street. 8 16 ly HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. • children. Office snd residence, 835 S. Olive st Office hours, 10 to 12 a, m.:2t04 p. m. Telephone 874, 10-0 tf BARGAINS IN RKAL BSTATB^^ Ii»OR tUM ' necessary to close an estate, I cfler special bargains ln the following property: 3 elegant lots, clean side Hope street, near Sixteenth. 1 elegant lots, east side Flower strict, near Sixteenth. Northeast corner Figueroa and Sixteenth; large lot. 4 oeKUttful lots, Figueroa, near Bixtentti. 8 room, two-story residence, clean side Hope, north ot sixteenth. 8-nom two-siory residence, Flower street, north oi Sixteenth 3-st' ry lodging house near East First street. 43 acres tine alfalia laud near Florence. 15 shares ($:0) each) California bank Block. WEsLEY CLARY, Kiecutor, 116 tf 248 Sou h Spring Btreet. SALE—NEW HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS, 5 clo'cf, bathroom, etc., lot 50x150 feet; street graded, cement walks, ou Maple-»ve ue electric car line, hetwueu Eleventh and Twelfth streets; price. $J4OO. Dr. JOHN T. 8' IIOLL, 1401 B. Main st. 11-6-lt f~ '"INK RKSID• NUE FiH SALE—uNE OF IMK most desirable in the city for locat on; Im proved grounds and comfortable house; tltian rlal ica-ons compel immediate sale. ROOM 28. Brvson-Hontbiake block. 11-0 It UOR SALE-4 ROOM COTTAGE: wTnF r mill; good water; at 1022 W. Eleventh st. Apply 113 W. Third st. 10-18-tf UOr""bAI.K-*SOOO buys a brick block P on Second st.; 2 stores ano 13 rooms; easy terms. See OWNKB, room TB, Temple block. 11-3 tl ITtOft sALE--$4OO-HOUBE AND LOT COR ' ncr Court and Patton streets; both streets graded. M. P. SNYDKR. 139 oouth Broadway. 9 13 tf 'OK SALE—HOUSES FUR SALE MONTHLY paymtuts. Allisou Barlow, 227 west Sec onds 9-11 tf FOR SALE—COUNTRY PROPERTY. tSTV|iitV*-H, BALANCE IN 5 YEARS, nrltH'V will bu a lOacre orange grove, near A.ntsa, set solid to navel trees, 2 j earo o it, will be riKJt season; price $li 00; lies level; choke neighborhood; best of soil; water right, ' etc. lis.l IS .v. SII.KN r. second and Broadway. 110 2t SALE—WE HAVE A tOO ACRR I ■ : ■:»•••> tot line orange land, with rail road rturnni through, which if taken at once Willi:- forsiSo. ANTELOPE VALLEY I.ANI) AND WATKtt CO , 184A4 8. Spring St., roum 1. 11 0 2t fTNOR SALE—IO99 ACRES OF FOOTHILL f iand 3 miles north of city limits; 25 acres in bar n* fruit trees 2 streams of water, plen ty of wood; the climate being unsurpassed— free from fogs—it is well adapt d for horn dfor lev-lids; price. $20,000. Dr. JOHN T. I SCHOLL. 1401 8. Main St. 11-6-lt i Jfc-.T'is ACRE—FORSALE.GOOD ALFALFA T«>v and cose in. Redlands orange groves, j large aud suiail. J. COLSTON, 209 South ' Broadway. 9-20 6m 10ACRE SULTANA VINEYARD: GOOD orange land; plenty of water. Only #.500. Enquire of ROSS it CLUTE, 130 Broad way. 10 9 1m FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE—AS UPRIGHT AND A SQUARE piano, both in first-class condition. Fl lI iER a) BOYD PIANO CO., corner Spring and Franklin. 10-14 tf SALS.—A TWO-WHEEL CART AND V harness, iv good condition: very cheap. Apply to MR-t. TURNER, 2533Gleason avenue, Boyle Heights. 10-1 t-tf SALE —OLD PAPERS IN QUANTI } ties to suit, at this office, BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED -PA hT.vER; GOLD AND SILVER mines: 200 tous oi Iree-milli g ore on dumps; assays irom $45 to $2000 per ton; houses up; stamp mill partly up; plenty wood and water; here is a fortune for some one 124 8. MAIN, room 2. 11-6 2t TT7ANTED—A PARTNER WITH A BM4LL VV capital for the biggest thing out. Address X T X, box 20, Herald. 11-5 3t U.-INESS CHANCES—WE PAlf CASH FOR second-hand upright and squsrt pianos. FISHER & BOYD PIANO CO., corner i-prlng anu Franklin. 10-14 if OR SALE —A FIKKT-CLASS F* MILY GRO cery store, centrally located; doing a splen did business; reasons lor selling; a thorough investigation solicited; stock on Land will in voice abont $2500. Address W. L. P., box 10 this office. ■ 10 13 lm FOR RENT—HOUSES. FOR RENT-IN THE CITY, ONE 7-ROOM house, furniehed or unfurnished: also cow, chickens, etc., with 15 acres of land,with plenty of water. Inquire at 027 Hansen street and Mi-inn road; take KuhrH-st. cars. None but resp tsible people need apply. 116 7t I7IOR RENT—4-ROOM COTTAGE, AND Fflß nilure for sale at a bargain. Apply at 1915 Bonsallo avenue, near Washington street. 11-5-3t I-<OR RENT—FURNISHED HOU.-E. APPLY 323 Twenty-third street. 10 23 tf REST—FURNISHED HOUSE, FIVE rooms and bi th: all modern improve ments, Inquire at residence, 204 Fast Filth Bt., or 301 West First St. 10-24 2lt RENT—HOUSES ALL OVER THE Ci IV JT C. A. Sumner A Co., 107 8. Broadway 4 12 FOR RENT--ROOMS. RENT—FINE BUNNY ROOMS. FUR nUbed. Hotel de Grenoble, 205 Aliso and Los Angeles streets 0-3 tf FOR EXCHANGE. I/OR EXCHANGE—A FINE NEW UPRIGHi' I I piano for a good lot noi too far out. FISH ER & BOYD IIANO CO., corner Spring and Fr r.klin. 10-14 tf LO9T AND FOUND. i Sound—s m. the ! clipper; Tally Ho "-'tables, North Broadway. 10-20 lm DENTISTS. * '-'- Spring ttreet, rooms 4 and 6. Teeth extracted and filled with ; flXfy out pain. 7-21 ly 1882—Established—1882. DR. L. W. WELL*, COR. OF SPRING AND First streets, Wilson block; take elevator. Gold crown and bridge work a specialty; teeth extracted without pain. Room!. m 4 tl R. URMY, DENTIST—OFFICE REMOVED to 124H South Spring street. All opera tions guaranteed perfeat at greatly reduced prices. Extracting and filling witnout pain. _ 4 16 tf DR. TUCKER, DENTIST—OFFICE NO. South Spring street. 11-25 ti D~~ R TOLHURBT, DENTIST, 10 a }4 N. SPRI VG fit., rooms 2, 6 and 7. Painless extracting. attorneys. "YaT3?lio^kh~^ttol^ rj Bryson-BotieDrako block. Telephone 528. Practice in all the coin is, state and federal. 7-1 tl M ALKX. RYAN, ATTORNEY AND Counselloratl aw, rooms 1,2,3, 115 West First sireet, Lob Angeles, Cal. Telephone 379. 7-2 Sly BEN GOODRICH, I.AWYJtR, NO. 2 LA«V building, 125 Temple Btreet, near court house. Telephone 108. 70 ti K. TRABK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, FUL . ton block, 207 New High street, Los An geles. 1-10 tf BOARDING AND ROOMS. A J\ in a handsome residence; large lawn and stultle; the best iv the market provided for the table; 2001 Figueroa st , corner of Adams. Rei erences. 11-0 It ? U >LUM Bl A—N EWL i FURNISHED ROOMS. \J clean comfortable and heal hy, with or without board; meals 25 cents. Old Postofflce building, near Blxih street. E. CUYAS, Pro lirl. tor 10-27 lm GOLDEN GATE GAS ENGINE. SOMETHING NEW AND EFFrCTIVeTn IO gai or gasoline engtu'-s—Anyone having trouble with their gas engine, or coutemplat ing putting up a plant o power, will do well to catl and examine Golden Gats Gas, Gas oline or Natural Gas Engine and Bee it and be convinced that It is by fai tie mot perfected engine in the market today, we except none. T. \i MARTIN, agent, 154-166 Nort't Lob An g-li-s atre"t 7-24 «m ARCHITECT. 132 80UTH \J» Broadway. 8-7 ly TM'RGESn J REEVE, ARCHITECT, EBTAB- J ) llßbed for the past 10 years ln Los Angeles. Ro >ms 7 and 8 (second floo ), Workman block, Spring St.. between second and Third. 3-2 ly A BSTHACTS. A" COM pany of Los Anceles, northwest corner ol Frtuiic-Jlu and New High streets. m! 7 U PERSONAL. PERSONAL— HOLIDAYS WILL SOON BE here. Look at my violins. 12 each; ban jos, flue make and tone, $7 each: 500 folios, 50 cents each, just received. FITZGERALD, (tho Muslo Dealer), corner Spring and Franklin streets. 11-3-8 m I)ROF. STEARNS, THE OLDEST ABTROLO . ger ln the state, 1b at 355', South Spring Btreet. 10-14 lm — FIRST-CLASS MUSIC F U fi nished f.:r halls, parties, concerts, reception aud picnics. X C. KAMM KRMEYER. teacher of violin and mandolin, room 38, 324W South Spring street. Loi Angeles, Cal. 10 14 ly PERSONAL- COALINE REMOVES OIL, 1 grease, pitch aud tar from all articles; blbo an excellent thing for flea bites, polion oak, f tiles, etc. Try a boUle aud be convinced of is merits. W. E. ROGERS, 125 East Third street. 10-13 1 mo IJKRBONAL— COFFEE, FREBH ROASTED O* our giant coffee roaster. Java at d Mocha, 35c lb; Mountain coffee, 25c; Peerless coffee, 20c: Bugarß, 10 lbs granulated, $1; 19 lbs brown, $1; 6 lbs rolled oatß or wheat, 25c; 4 lbs best tics, 25c; 6 lbs sago or tapioca. 25c; 3 pkgs starch or cornstarch, 25c; can milk, 10c: 2 lbs corned beef, 15c: 6 lbs Japan tea, $1; can coal oil, 80c: best bacon, 15c; nork, 12c; brooms, 15c; wooden palls, 16c. ECONOMIC BTOREB, 305 South Spring stteet. _ I PERSONAL—RALPHS BROS—GOLD BAR Flour, $1.15; city flour, 85c; brown sugar, 19 lbs $1: granulated sugar, 16 lbs $1; white sugar, 17 lbs $1; 5 boxes sardines, 25c; 3 cans fruii, 50c: 50 bars soap, }1; eastern gasoline, 80c, and coal oil, 80c; 2 lbs corned beeT, 15c; lard, 10 lbs, 90c: 5 lbs, 50c. 601 South spring street, corner Sixth. 12-2 tf IPERSONAL1 PERSONAL — *T, W. TAYLOR, LAWYER*, room 13 Bryßon-Bonebrake block. Pro bate and insolvency law a speclaltv. Advice free. 7 23 ly NOLK" BAM 8 WINE CELLARS AT E. FLEUR'S, wines and liquors. 404 406 North Los Angeles street. 6-3 tl MEDICAL PERSONALS. FOR Compound is the greatest medical discov ery of the age. Absolutely sure and safe. Every bottle guatanteed. Write to the Prophylactic Compound Company. Fresno, Cal., for a de scriptive circular, which contains information that may save you years ol suffering, and per haps your life. Circulars and the preparation can be obtained from all druggists. F. W, BUAUN A CO., distributing agents for South ern California. 7-10 TTENTION LADIES!—"EMMA" BUST DE veloper will enlarge your bUBt 5 Inches Guaranteed. Sealed instructions 2c, or 24 page illustrate d catalogue Oc by mall. Emma Toi let Bazar, Boston, Mass. 10-9 sul2t ADIEB—INFORMATION FREE TO ANY lady suflerlng with leucorrhea or Bnv form ot female weakness or ulceration, whereby she can promptly regain her health. Addiess MRS. MARY HOWARD, box 912 Station C, Los An gelea, Cal. 11-1 lm ARRIED LADIES—BEND 10 CENTS FOR ' Inialllble safeguard" (no medicine, no deception): just what you want. LADIES' BAZAR, Kansas City Mo. 7 8 Om EDUCATIONAL. street, between Grand avenue and Olive •tsaat, on electric and cable routes. Miss Par sous and te.'.-s Dennen, principals, lately prin cipals of New York Avenue Institute, Brook lyn, N. Y. A thoiough and attractive school. Prepares for college. Corps ol twelve teachers in English studies, Latin, Greek, French, Ger man: music, piano, violin and voice; art, and physical culture. Special students admitted. Afternoon classes for ladies. 10-4 lm SUMMER SCHOOL AT THE WOODBURY BUSINESS COLLEGE, 245 S. Spncg st, Los Angeles. School in seSßtoa all summer. Thorough training in the commercial and English branches, penmanship, shorthand and telegra phy. Call or write lorour new illustrated cata logue. G. A. HOUGH, President. W. G. FELKER, Vice President. 7-5 tf E. C. WILSON. Secretary. 108 ANGELES BUBINESS COLLEGE j AND ENGLISH TRAINING SCHOOL, (Incorporated) 144 .-om h Main St. Largest and best equipped business training scbool on the coast. Thorough and practical courses iv the commercial, shorthand, type writing, telegraphy, assaying, and all English branches. Large, able, and mature laculty of instructors. Lay a d evening sessions. Terms reasonable. Call at college efhee, or write for elegant catalogue. E. R. sHRAdER, President; F. W. KELSEY,Vice-President; I. N. INSKKEP, secretary. 8-16 91 tf H. MERRY—TEACHER OF MAN . dolin, Italian method, 500 Hope street. 10-80 lm. N WILL GIVE lessons at 50 cents a lessou. Address MU SIC, Box 00. this office. 11-4 2w TjM.OOUTION —I'ELS ARTE SYSTEM. HELEN Jli MAX BENNETT, Seventh and Main, Rob arts'block. 1018 1m QCiHOOI. OF ART AND DESIGN (INCOR k? porated), 137 South Main Btreet (Chamber ol Commerce). Ccmmodlous new studios. L. E. GARDiiN-MACLEOD, principal. STBURY SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING and Business institute Take elevator by Peoples store, Phillips block. Send lor cata logue. 1012 12m RS. NAN NIK CATCHING, TKACHER OK Piano, Voice Culture, Guitar and Banjo. ARDMOUR, Bruatlway and sixth st. 9-24-if OS ANGELES CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC j aud An; opeu all tbe year. MRS. EMILY J. VALENTINE, president, 648 South Olive street. 8-14 ly AWILLHARTITZ, MUSICAL S>UDIO, • room 37, California Bank B'ld'g. 8 13 ly INDERGARTEN 'i RAINING SCHOOL WILL reopen October 6tn. Address MRS. N. D. MaTHEW.67O W. Twenty-thlid street. 7-9 tf EACHBRS' CL/18S PREPARING FOR county examination. Positions for govern esses and t-setters, 8. 3: ring. 12-25 tf FINANCIAL. PACIFIC LOAN COMPANY—LOANS MONEY in any amounts on all kinds of personal property and collateral security, on pianos with out removal, diamonds, jewelry, sealskins, bi cycles, carriages, libraries, or any property of value; also on furniture, merchandise, etc., in warehouses; partial payments received, money without delay; private offices for consultation; will call if desired. W. E. DcGROOT, Manager, rooms 2, 3 and 4, No. 114 8. Spring St., opposi c Nadean hotel. 7-29 tf OANS, 7 AND 8 PER CENT. BRADSHAW BROS., 101 South Broadway. 8-16 6m 8. ROBINSON, LOANS; 7 PER CENT; vT« city and county property. 213 West First street. 8-13 3m ONEY TO LOAN AT 8 PER CENT; ANY amount. M. P. SNYDER, 139 South Broadway. 8-13 6m VfONEY TO LOAN ON COUNTRY AND iVI city property; lowest rates. W R, BURKE, notary public, 169 North Spring Siret?i.B-13 6m ONEY TO LOAN ON DIAMONDS, JBWEL ry. watches, pianos, sealskins, live stock, carriages, bicycles and all kinds ol personal and collateral security. LEE BROS, 402 8. Spring. IF YOU WANT MONEY WITHOUT DELAYj no commission, at prevailing rates of Inter est, see security Savings Bank, 148 S. Main st. , 8-1 <f MONEY TO LOAN ON MORTGAGE. MAIN STREET SAVINGS BANK, 426 South Main street. 10 26 tf OIND'XTER & LIST. BROKERS, 127 W. Second St.. loan money on good security at reasonable rates. Farm loans a specialty. II you wish to lend or borrow, call on us. 8-17 6m ONEY TO LOAN—A. R. ERASER AF: D. Lanterman. 139 B. Br adwny. 8 17 6m AND BUILDERS. C ION RAD tIOHBREB, GRANITE, sUTOMIM / ounand asphalt paving. 237 W. First st. °-t tf CARRIAGE WORKS. WANTED -EVERYONIirTO~KI«OivTIiATI am manufacturing all kindsof spring wag ons, buggi»s and carriages at greatly leduced prices. BJaeksmithlnif, painting and trim ming done promptly. Leather top buggies from $125 to $ 50. RICHARD MOLONY, 323 Aliso street Lob Angeles Cal. DYERS) AND FI*>I«HEKB. 13ARISIAN DYE WORKS 274 SOUTH MAIN street. Befit dyeing in the city. 1-13 tl ETROPOLITAN £TK IM DYE WORKS. 241 Franklin street. Fine dyeing and cfean lng. 1-13 tf REPULIC AN CITY NOMINEES. D. WADE, REGULAR REPUBLICAN NOMINEE FOB CITY LICENSE AND TAX COLLECTOR, AMI'SKMKNTN. fJWm LOS ANGELEB~THEa"te'iC ' " H. C. WTATT, Manager. 4 NIGHTS I 4 NIGHTS I 4 NIGHTS I COMMENCING WEDNESDAY, NOV. 16. * THE ROMANTIC ACTOR, rfc ALEXANDER' SALVINI ! Accompanied by WM. REDMOND and bis oom pany of players under the direction ol MR. W. M. WILKHON, In elaborate and artistic scenic revivals of the romantio drama. "Not since the days or Fechter have we had an actor who poses-cd the spirit oi the highest sind of melodiama as Alexander Balviui."— San Francisco Chronicle. Repertoire— "Don Cnejar de Kazan " "The Three Guardsmtn," "L'Ainlco Frltt" and the dramatic version of "Cavallerla Rustlcana." For exact arrangements see future announce ments, n GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Under the direction of AL. HAYMAN. McLain & Lehhan, Manager! EXTRA I TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER Stu and 9tii. THE T. C. DUFF OPERA COMPANY IK OAVALLKRIA RUSTIC ANA | : and trial by jury. And the Great London, Paris and Now York Success, MISS HELYETT Sale of seats opens Wednesday, November 2d, GRAND OPERA HOUSE, Under the direction of Al Ha yuan. McLain & Lehman, Managers, MAKGARET ATHER ! And her own company In the follow ing repertory: Thursday, November 10th, THE HONEYMOON. Friday, November 11th, ROMEO AND JULIET. Saturday, November 12th—matinee, THfe LADY OF LYONS. Saturday, November 12th~nlght, nance oldfield nnd the Egyptian. BBf Seats on sale Monday, November 7th. NEW LOS ANGELES THEATER, H. c. Wyatt, Manager One performance only of Planquette's mas terpiece, THE CHIMES OF NORMANDY, IN THREE ACTS. FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 11. Superb Chorus, f elected Orchestra. Great Ensemble. A Brilliant Cast, — including 0. S Taylor, Mlts Grace Mfltimore, O. W. Kyle, Miss May Hawley, J. P. Dupuy, Miss Maud Cullen, J B Logle, Mrs. Carli le, T. H. Longley. Mis. einipson. Positively the greatest production of light opera ever g yen by local talent in Los Angeles. Prices ss usual. Retervod so, ts at the box otliee Friday, November 11 th. Tickets at the music stores and by members of the company. NEW VIENNA BUFFET. 114 nnd 116 Conrt street F KERKOW, Proprietor. Fajlly Entrance. Family Departments. FREE, REFINED ENTERTAINMENT AND CONCERT EVERY EVENING. First appearano- on this cosst of PROF. A. L. GLEASoH with his $10,000 CHALLENGE DOG CIRCUS. MISS LENA HOLT and MIS- LI Na CREWS. THE BERTH FAMILY, Miss Marguerite Berth; directress. FINE COMMERCIAL LUNCH from 11a.n..W 2 p m.. and from 5 to 7 p.m. A LA CARTE AT ALL HOUIB. The only place for imported Bavarian beer on draught, and Berlin WelBS beei; also Letup's Extra Pale. 4-3 tl ATHLETIC PARK, Seventh and Alameda. ;" "'BASEBALL'!j 108 ANGELES VS. SAN JOBE. Last appearance of tbe Dukes this season. WEDNESDAY | THURSDAY | FRIDAY, SATURDAY | SUNDAY, November 21, 3d, 4th, sth and 6th. GAMES CALLED AT 2:30 P.M, LADIES' DAY FRIDAY. Don't miss the last Aye games of champion ship ball. LECTURE AT TEMPERANCE TEM ple, SUNDAY, NOV. 6, AT 3P. M. ON THE SECOND COMING. • By Capt. J. L. Skinner, President L. A. New Church society. A hearty welcome to all. EXCURSIONS. T EHMAN'S JL< to all points; tickets bour-ht and sold 213 South Spring street, Hollenbeck Hotel block. Member American Ticket Brokers' Association, GIREAT OhN. RAL ROUTE EXCUKSKHS. * sxperieneed conductors; thrnu»n from Los Angeles to Boston; only six days to y ew York or Boston; tourist cars. F. E. SHEARER, man ager. Office, 220 fcouth Spring st, Los Angeles. 10 16 6m JC. JUDSON & CO.'B EXCURSIONS EAST • every Wednesday vis Salt Lake City and Denver. Tourist oars to Chicago and Boston. Manager ln charge. Office, 212 8. Spring St. 0-1 tf IMPROVED EXCURSION CAR SERVICE; the Santa Fe route, shortest through car line to tho east; dally through trains to Chicago; special family tourist sleeping car excursions for Kansas City, St. Louis. Chicago and New York personally attended through to Boston by Santa Fe excursion conductors, For cheapest tickets and full information apply to any agent Southern California Ry, and City Ticket Office Santa Fe Route, 129 N. Spring St., Los Angeles. HILLIPS' EXCURSIONS VIA DENVER AND Rio Grande railway and the Great Rook Island route leave Los Angeles every Tuesday. Personally conducted through to Chicago and Boston Office No. \av South Spring St. Itf HONOLULU TOURS—HUGH B. BICE, BPE elal agent Oceanic 8 B. 00. Offloe: 124 W. Seennd st! P O Bm B7Q 1 g-4 tf ~~s~^^^CJßji£OJ>n^l>lBT^ MISS C. STAFFER, PROFESSIONAL CHl roDodlst. 211 We»t Firßt street, opposite Nadeau hotel, rooms 6 and 6. 10 23 lm