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■ ■ —■—• -- -—' — ■ VOLUME 28 ®OT& . No subscription will be received for a less pe riod than six months, for which $1.50 will be charged. No subscription will be discontinued except at the discretion of the proprietors, until all arrear ages shall have been paid up. Any person procuring five responsible subscri bers, shall be entitled to a copy gratis., Terms of Advertising-. , One square of 10 lines or less, 75 cents for the first insertion, and 50 for each continuance. The number of insertions must be marked upon the margin, or the advertisement will be continued till forbidden, and charged accordingly. To those who advertise by the year, a liberal 'discount from the regular rates will be made, j All dues to the office may be remitted by mail, ,itt good and available Bank notes, at the risk of i the Editors, the person remitting taking the Post- For the Virginian. Tiae East Tennessee Raid. I do'hot offer myself as the champion of 'any one, but realizing, as I do, the manner in .which the great mass of public opinion is 'formed, l I 'feel it my bounden duty to say a 'few words'ih reply to the article promulgated by the Editor of the Advocate, assisted by the Post Commander at Bristol, relative to the re cent Yankee'raid in E. Term. First: So far as the editor is concerned, I would simply re mark, that being no General myself, 1 feel a delicacy in criticizing the proofs he has given to the world of his genius in that line. But unfortunately for a proper appreciation of his merit in the minds of some, he demonstrates himself after the difficulties he treats of have passed away. He is evidently, though, a great General, and if his fore-sight prove as good as his hind-sight, he is no doubt a gun that will drive the centre every shot. I can only regret that such ability,is lying in "cold obstruction," while our country needs it to command her armies in tite field. Had Gen. Marshall been aware cf his presence in our midst, I don't suppose he would have presum ed to have taken the command of his forces in his recent effort to capture the enemy.— And whilst I hesitate to offer any objections to the Editor's conclusions, I do not fear ranc« ing beside them a few truth", and I propose doing so in as brief a manner as possible.— When my own personal knowledge has been at fault, I have appealed for facts to officers competent to give them. I therefore speak confidently as appertains to my own, and ad visedly in regard to the statements of others. The enemy entered the State of Ya., through Crank's Gap, in the Cumberland Mountains, on the night of the 28th of December, and as was to be expected, their presence was not discovered until the morning of the 29th, and 'information of their movements was not re ceived by Gen. Marshall until about 10 o'clock ; the same night. Said information gave their force as 4,000, and located them at Pattons ville> fjoott Co., at 1 o'clock that day. The dispatch containing it was received from Mor ristown, within the military district of E. !., aud it was reasonable to suppose that uthorities of said district received iufor m at the same time. I have not consulted Gen. Marshall, and do not know what eas were as to the intended movements i enemy. I merely judge of him by how ted in the premises. He immediately aphed the information-to the Command >f his various corps, and began the con ition of his necessarily scattered forces. they were scattered in this eaten-out and provided country need not be explained • one. The intention of the enemy, when ews was received, was not known, and was no means of conjecturing it. That ne to do damage no one doubted, and were two points at which, from his then >n, he could strike a stunning blow— alt-Works, in the district of Gen. Mar aud the rail road bridges, in the district Term. Now, where was Gen. Mar first duty? According to the Editor Post Commander/ he should have ad l to the rescue of E. Term. his be the case, and Gen. Marshall is ed to protect the department of E. he ought to be so instructed by the Department, and have the force placed disposal to do so. A regiment of his j was posted only a short time since a les within the precincts of said depart ed directly in the line of approach taken by the enemy in their recent raid.— <Gen. Smith did not deem their presence of any importance to its military defence, and ■ordered them out—when the hour of need ar rived ithey were 50 miles away. Gen. Marshall's first dispositions were made by throwing a regiment of his cavalry forward so as to cover the approach to the Salt Works around which point a battalion of artillery ' was that night concentrated. A regiment of' infantry and two battalions of cavalry were I concentrated at Bristol, to protect that place I and the line of rail road intervening between I here and there. On the morning of the 30th, and as soon as the probable intentions of the enemy became known, Gen. xMarshall im mediately began to rush preparations for sending all his available force to Bristol , which point the Post Commander and others.' 'telegraphed bim was hourly expected to be j attacked. There was reported rolling stock j sufficient at this point in the morning to have ' forwarded. CoL Hawkins' battalion of infant ry at once* It was ordered- to tho depot, but 1 -Abino:do;n\ when the Col. arrived there, he reported to the Gen. that the transportation upon which he had relied, had disappeared in the direc tion of Bristol. The Gen. telegraphed to the agent at that place to have the cars/ immediate ly returned, who permitted an hour and a half to elapse before any reply was made at all; he then dispatched to know whether G. n. Marshall ordered them to return, and being answered in the affirmative, quietly ropli.'d to the Gen. that he must tivst get an order froai j the Superintendent at Lynchburg, before he could comply. After still furYlier delay, |he '■ order was procured from Lynchburg, but the transportation did not arrive until about 71 o'clock in the evening—Col. I£avrkiftj»' c m mand waiting at the depot for it from about 11 A. M. until that hoar. Col. Gilmer's re giment of cavalry had iv the mean time been ordered from its position iv the Deighb<»rlk»od i>f Lebanon to join the main force at Bristol with all possible dispatch. The cars *ot off from this point about 8* oVock, but were do layed by Incoming stalled on the wav from arriving at Bristol untii between li aud 12 that night. The enemy had then burned the ' bridge at Zollieofier and Watauga, and the last news received from him was that he was proceeding westward from those nutate with the probable intent* n of committing fari,,-r depredation* in that direction, GeiTkafehatj had with him at this time about 800 iuJauff v and 300 cavalry, with two batteries of aili'l- On the morning of the 31st, information was J received that the the direction of Blountviile, which made it apparent that he had begun bis retreat. To pursue Jiim with infant! v and arti!W\ was impossible; and to- pursue him f2*690 I strong) with but 300 cavalry with any horteV capturing him, was footfeh. Gen. JiareJ.aU therefore, waited for Gi.'tt-r's cavalry to come' SB, which did so about 2 o'clock in the .day aving ridden a distance of 37 miles without Vi'f f °' a m " ment - A " s, h»" as the horse,. QOVld be fed, the etmamand was again put in motion, together with Clay's and Julmwn's battalions, m ail abut 800 men. The ene my had about 12 hours the start—he w*s pur sued, however, a distance of SO miles, and his oT T Fuf oV9rt6ken a!,<,u ; wndoira on the immediarely Segan, ha; DeTore g"t possession of the town, night bad e&ged m upon us, and the edraaee ga**kih« ene my was pressing out at t;,e Gap by widen rhey entered the Depenuent; In tbkpunaH the major portion of the command had'travei ed a of about 12',: miles, and the whole with but a single mea! to eat. She course of the enemy was not ohfrheted in any way by the people of the country from the time they entered until they left the State and what is still more remarkable, not one ijrcrtic,* of information v.aa received from the 'same source relative to their' mnv»aier*s- — j General Marshall moved entirely by his own judgment, and from inf.r!imti..aderiv«d iV,>m hw own scouts. Much of the most maanxat information he received even from Oris latter powers that be" are not satisfied with his in activity, all they will have to do will bo toVi loose the shackles that are u.„n him, or place turn in some situation where h;s talents may have an ooportunitv to illustrate them selves He has, from first to last, beeniam pered down to a diminutive mountain district and what General, either of thi* or aay other country, ever distinguished htmkeU in' monn tain warfare? Gen. Lee, the present cyno sure of every eye, failed signally in his moun tain campaign—add Gen. Rosencrans the ablest of our foes, who was pitted agaiost him fared no better. Gen. Marshall revived a military education, and has had the military experience of a former war. At the breaking out of hostilities, no man enjoyed a higher re putation than he; and now.* because he does not rise superior almost to fate jtssif, lie must needs to the petty criticism of eve- I ry popinjay Post Commander, maudlin editor or cross-roads critic, who chooses to appear in print. J enemy in and out of the State. I now however, the same apology sufficient for his false and contradictory abatements, since I have been taught in moral philosophy, that when a man makes an assertion as true, he should first ascertain it to be such. I skill be as brief in my extracts from his report as circumstances will allow. Eftrfftrie says "I learned on the morning of the 30th. that-'the enemy, instead of coming from Estilivi'lle to this place, had turned to the right in the di rection of Blountville, which satisfied me they were aiming for Hufeioo Bridge:''—Now if the Post Commander really did get this in- | formation, why did be not telegraph it imme- : diately to his superior at Knoxville ? There j was ample time to have ordered reinforce- ! did he not telegraph it to Goih Marshall at portant information, he telegraphs as iol- ' VIRGINIAN Friday, January 23, 1863 Again,_ alter i ailing the result dfa consul tation with Col, Momp relative to a dispatch that he (0«L Sie| | ) had received from Col. Clay, that the eamty were baying in the di rwrtion oi Boiatai Bridge, and'whi-h was veailv the first mnniation he (the Post Com- Oepot hurrying in toe twins, son'e urn el t, .hie cam* a and rep, rted the enemy withni three rjil-< of tliis piace, when Col Sleiftp Ui tr,e { ; . 0 f his dispatch from Lieut' detachmeut was moving upon Holston Bridge. travrfrooj a dispatch forwarded' bv'Yun/to ! Ueri. ■Marshal! a, the tiit.o, viz :—"We hive u->0 infantry cavalry—can you send u> two pieces of artillery wi;h canister and shrapnel,?" A d»ior.onee between the tr«e and b.ise statements-d'doO men. Again he continued—-ILur Col. Slemp done his plain duty, as I urged him, and gone to the Hoi siou, we would nave saved the bridges and probably captured the whole Federal°foree " lliis amnion I m./dly know what to think :>■ rt " '• l ; " i: •' tyaj 04 the very time h • Hmt Commando? was «/•,//;•<,■ Col. Slemp Jo *o to their protection; the bridges were hi the possesion .»f the iotomy ami in process of de -ruciion. To ue,..,.i,>t"rate thi»ooi>u bwtier, l have only to raafce an extiaet from his own writing, vjz:—-4 snort time after, one of my couriers came i:? with dispatches that the »>nlge (imird had been sm. rounded ; , a fie mommy ot' rhe 3G& by I km Federal cavalry, and had without firing a gun." Here it .will be'eon by his own showing that the bridges ##» captured on the morn iny of toe 3(>th, auU yet he was wtgivf a gar rison For their jtfotectioq betweeu 1 and 2 o clock .n the <. Again, he say* "On rue morning of the olst, Gen. Marshall was reinforced by * s,r,.ng remanent of cavalry. numbering mime w>6 to 800 men." A brief extract, but contains two falsehoods. _ lue regnnent wis <J,l. Gilmer's, and con sisted of about oOfJ men, and arrived about 2 o clock in the evehing. After detailing the result of a recono, ;,>ance down the railroad >n tie morning ,d and by which his scouts returned witli tbe information that "the enemy were then jll x. m.)enean>pedon Snapp's lariu, fopr mites bej >w Blountville"—lie conti nues: "I eoiutttmvieated to Gen. Marhsai! at j Ui n l^° ca y alr 3 i".the direction of Biount .Murshall at no time had more than Booeaval- j »7, and af II A M . the time the Post Coin to circumstances, was. unable to fill the Com' j a statement in one of his most fbr among the most gifted muste i .s°of the art of' schooling, couple] with a moiety of experience | liecesvaj-y, before even the greatest bound into 1 the arena where bale's are lost and won, hut ! IB this instaace, we have a full-fledged Gene- { ! ral suddenly appearing in our midst, who I pounces with astonishing ferocity upon one of j ■m> tetiow associate.*, and with a few dashes j j of the pen, when 'he events he would guide, j , antagonist, and writes himself down one of j the greatest Captains, of the age. For in j stance—"Hud n , ;l plans of operations been : i aaopted and carried out, the bridges would-; j have been saved au'j the enemy captured." Here we have a modest declaration of this ! h onderfuJ man's estimate of his own ability. j ,Us not given as a matter of opinion, but aY ' serted as a solemn "and much-to-be regretted ' and the Bjiofbnls—ever before stole the \ power which properly belongs to Divinity to | assist them in their military movement*. An ! appreciative comoiry should, and I believe in supreme ,• of our armies, this new- | sucii men as Lee and Johnston, but a moral certainty derived from a thorough knowledge 01 the great law of cause and effect. I for one ainwilhng to yield bm the palm—but only s i Far aa bia power ©f divining events is con j fined, f o £ I -rind that he. like most mortals, n«s been liable to be led astray in his state " ■ >■■; of facts, and still farther, like other toOr j :Is. when Ihey have been afflicted oy an inordinate amount of self-conceit.) has been prone to talk about things of which he knew notmng more than the man in the moon ... . T VERITAS. Abingdon, Jan. 11th. 1865. Synopsis «5 me President's Mes sage. Richmond. January 14. The annual mes sage of President Davis was read in Congress It a view of the military posi t.on of aflWirs, which are described as very satisfactory. The fourth great army of invasion has been defeated m Virginia, and General Burnside has experienced the fate of his three predeces sors, MelWeK, M.-.Clellan and Pope. In the West the fortunes of war have been vijv as. Battles have been fought with fear ful SArnage on both sides, but the hopes of the enemy of any decisive result Imve been baffl- On the Atlantic coast the enemy are still confined to the protecting cover of their fleets. A review of our history shows that the war has now entered its third and last stage. The first effort was to restore the Union,°and has been abandoned. The second vnu to conquer the .South and govern it as dependency of the North; this too has proven impossible and has bee i abandoned. The third clesigu is to de stroy and plunder what they could not sub jugate. If we continue the same efforts as in the past this design will likewise be defeated, and we may confidently expect that-thia is the closing year of the war. The enemy will pos sess nether spirit nor resources for continu ing it the fourth year in so exhaustive a scale. We ttestre peace, but will continue the war at any sacrifice until our rights to self-govern ment and the sovereignty and independence of tho States are vindicated and established. Our foreign relations ;.re next reviewed.— Our right to j 88 h own by reference to the past history 0 f other States, some of which were rewgnized ay independent by Great Britian in the treaty of peace of 1783, and had been previously allies in war with I ranee. When onr commissioners demanded recognition, they were told that foreign gov ernments ■could not decide between the con flicting statements made by our government and that of the United States in respect to our mutual relations, and that Europe could sim ply recognize us as belligerents and preserve a strict neutrality. This apparent refusal to decide was in reality ago/hast us. because we were then unjustly deprived of diplomatic in tercourse on tho same footing as our enemies. The question of the blockade is discussed at length. Its invalidity is shown, as tested by the principlesof the Congress of Paris in 1856. The whole conduct of neutral nations is sum med up so as to show that they have enforced all neutral rights that effected us injuriously, and refrained from asserting those that would injure the United States. The correspondence between the Courts of France, Great Britain and Russia, is adverted to. The language of the French dispatch is construed as a formal admission of our ability to maintain our independence, and justifies the hope of early recognition. The barbarities committed by the Northern troops are referred to, and the action taken in relation to the atr-.cities committed by Gene rals Butler, McNeil Tnd Milroy explained.— The (.pinion is expressed that the infamy of their superiors, who have, in no one instance, punished the perpetrators of these crimes. In relation to Lincoln's proclamation, the President says our detestation is tempered by profound contempt for his impotent rage. The action of the government will be confined] to4«liverhprg up -ill commissioned officers here after cuptured in the ten States named in the proclamation, to be tried by the States under the laws which punish those that excite ser vile insurrection. The proclamation is treat ed us possessing great significance in a politi cal view. It proves what were the designs of the republican party from the beginning, not withstanding their efforts to conceal them by false declarations. The proclamation is next considered as a guarantee against the possi bility of reconstruction. It is also treated as a confession of incapability to subjugate the South, which Europe will be bound to consid er as justifying our immediate recognition or an intimation to the people of the North, that they must submit to a final separation of tho States. The message, which is the longest yet issu ed by the President, embraces a comprehen sive review of the whole internal and external* relations of the country. It is confident, even. ■ant in tone, and closes with a tribute' omen, without whose sublime sacri eclares that our success would have nosssible. The Confederate Finances. Richmond, Jan. 15th. The report of the Secretary' of the Treaso ry show.* that from the commencement of the permanent Government, to JUst December, the receipts were $457, 855,000; expenditures 5i4:j,4U0,0()0,0W. Estimated amount to. be raised by Con gress, to Ist July, $4,000,000.- The of tho Government on the Ist inst. was 53aG,(K10#96 t including 88 bonds, 5G de posit.:: cerioieauvs, 272 general currency and ESQ et scvqq, thirty notes. No. 4&;