OCR Interpretation

The Abingdon Virginian. [volume] (Abingdon [Va.]) 1849-1883, September 25, 1863, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84025980/1863-09-25/ed-1/seq-4/

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From the Richmond Sentinel.
Hardee thrown in tbe Shade.
There is a story in circulation in the army
of Northern Virp'it ia, which runs as follows :
A well known Confederate Major General',
was stopping for awhile, in a Georgia village, I
sometime _fhce, which fact coming to the ■
knowledge of the Captain of the "Home
Guard"—a portion of that arm of service, as
1 heard a friend remark the other day, gene
rally* formed with the understanding tbat
ihey are 'not to leave home, unless that home
i. mLvaded' —said Captain resolve, to give tbe
General an opportunity of witnessing the 're
volutions' of his superb corps. In due time,
Capt. 's company, having 'fell in/were
discovered by the General, in" front of bis
quarters, in the execution of the command,
_n two ranks, £it/ fee. During the exhibi
tion, by some dexterous double quick move
ment, only known among militia - officers, the.
Captain, much to his surprise and chagrin,
found the company in a 'fix/ best described,
I reckon, us a .olid circle/ In stentoropho
nic tones, he called to them 1o 'halt!' The
General became interested, and drew near, in
order to Fee in what way things would be
righted. The Captain, in his confusion.turn
ed his head to one side, like a duck when
tdie sees the,shadow of a hawk flit past, and
seemed to be in the deepest thought. At -last
an idea seemed to strike him: a ray of intelli
geuce mantled his face, and, straightening up,
he turned to the company, and cried out,
'Company, disentangle, to the front, MAKCEf!' '
The company was 'straightened:'-and the
General gave it as his opinion, tbat it was'the
beet command he had ever heard given.
1 ■» ♦ ♦
Gen. Howell Cobb is now in Atlanta. The
Confederacy learns that be was President of
the Court of Inquiry, charged with investi
gating the Mississippi campaign; but the.
Court, after being transferred from Montgo
mery.to Artlcnta, WaPj it i. said, postponed in
definitely. If it took any act On it, it is not
known to the public.
<ion. Cobb is now assigned to the duty of
organising the 8.000 troops raised for service
in Georgia, and will command the entire
SiatO force.
A letter from the army of Northern Virgi
n's _hy« that ex-Brigadier General Pryor and
all the members of his late staff are now in
Hi? ranks of tbe 3d Va. Cavalry, of Fit- Lee's
Brigade. Says the writer, Gen. P. Was put
on d >üble duty; not long since, for mjssing
'i-'Hcall." Lieut. Col.——, of a Virginia
regiment, is also a private in the 3d Virginia.
This war has conclusively shown that distin
guished politicians do not always make suc
cessful warriofs. *
A letter from General Hampton, dated Co
lumbia, S. C, August 24th, says he will soon
be with his brigade again.— Richmond Wltig.
Gen. F-tzhugh Lee and Capt.
The Fortress Monroe correspondent of the
Philadelphia Inquirer writes as follows to
Hint paper, under date ofthe Gth inst: ■
Passing within the, fortress, I saw Col.
Fitzlrugh Lee, son of the rebel General, and
Captain Winder, who are held as hostages
f«r hanging in retaliation, provided Jeff Davis
bungs Capt. Sawyer and his companion.—
Kb one would suppose, from tbe appearance
of Lee and bis. friend, that they had any idea
of being "run up" or swnn'g off. They have
liberty to promenade inside tbe walls of the
fort during the day under military guard, but
are closely confined at night. *Fhey often
are seen reviewing the dress parade.
1—» ■» ♦ .—
Skirn.lKl._ng in the West—Cap
ture ot" Prisoners.
Atlanta, September 14th.—Advices from
G.n. Bushrod Johnson and General Forrest
represent t-kir .lishing with the enemy near
Dalton, Friday, evening. General Forrest
was slightly- w< uncled, but still in the sad
dle.' '1 '.ne Yai.kee advance .was at Tunnel
Hill Friday pij. ut. Our forces are concentra
ting to meet them. It is reported that Gene
ral Wheeler had a skirmish near Lafayette
Friday. The enemyjbeing too strong, Wheeeler
fell ha.l Saturday. Buckner took three
hundred prisoners at McLemore's Gap. A
General engagement ix- thought to be immi
nent. '
A c illision occurred on the Western and
Atlanta Railn ad,.Sunday, near Altona.—
About 30 were killed aud wounded;principal
ly soldiers.
—* ♦■ « ■
«-__io Politics.
A te'egraphio despatch from Cincinnati to
the Times, "of August 18th, states
that George E. Pugh had returned from a
stumping tour, in Northern and WesterqOhio,
and reports "that the enthusiasm at Demo
cratic iiicetirij.B is six times greater then dur
ing the ca!iip-i;;ii of 1856 and 1800, and that
YiillauJighmn v.-ill carry the Stataby am im
mense majority."
The samej despatch says that "Mr. Pugh
has intimate ito tbe Central Co_amitM» that
he will cheefelh' accompany Messrs. Broiigh
and Anderson (Republican candidates) to the
army of the Cinuberlahd and discuss political
, measures before the .oldiers, prevous the to
election, lt is intimated tnat they will not ac
cept the Qliallenge."— Richmond Wliig.
I — -. — ■ —* ♦ ♦ 1
. A IVegro Conscript.
Among, the incidents of conscription in ne
gros worshipping-.Massachusetts, it ia related
that '-'a .colored conscript presented himself
fur examination, and failing to develope any
physical disability, inquired if 'age wouldn't
do nothing f-r a body?' 'How old are you/
asked the C-ptain. 'Forty -seven, sar/—
Well, if you can show that you are so old, you
are exempt uroler the law.' So the conscript
pulled out of his pocket a bill of sale of him
self dated at Richmond, which gave eaough
of his descriitive genealogy to warrant the
board in exempting him for over age."
'- .♦ * * ■ —
A lieutenant, chaplain, telegraphic operator
and a negro, all of the First South Carolina
negro regiment of Gil_iofe_ army, : and who
on Saturday attempted to obstruct the tele
graph wires between Savannah and Charles
yon, near Green Pond, S. C, were captured
Tuesday last, and will be placed in secure
■ " ♦■» t. -..,■- —-
A Yankee correspondent says that, "speak
k : within bounds," four-fifths of the contra
ban !s within their lines are anxious to re
turn ■•' their masters.
$400 REWARD. . I
JR > JIAN away from the subscriber, j
f&jk near Glade Bpring*Washington i
«&___ county, Va., on the night of the j
jffm l.th September, 1863, four negro
vf\sL boys, I.ije.Kutledge, Van
-. *__!-7 &« dII eriryv Li J e is 6 feet l ]
i T-__S__9K_i inches high. 24 years old, dark
'complexion, had on when he left, linen pants, ,
linsey bun ting -hirt and straw hat.
. Ruth-dee 1. 5 feet 8 or 10 inches high, 21
years old? 'lark complexion, had on linen pants,
short coat and -white wool hat.
Van is 20 veins old, dark complexion, 5 feet 7
inches high, .md on black cloth pants and jeans
coat. ,
Henri- is 5 feet "10 inches high, light com
plexion.' 25 years old, had on gray jeans pants
with yeilow cord on the leg., and a jeans coat.
I will give $50 each if caught in the State
and confined in jail so that I can get them, or
$100 er.cli if caught out of-the con
fined in jail so 1 can get them. -They came from
Hawkins county, Tennessee, and will probably
try to make their way back to that connty.
Address the subscriber at Glade Spring Depot,
"Washington connty, Va.
fe SAM. r. TOWEL.
Sept. 18th, 1863—gw i ■
Just Received,
8 KEGS Nails, 4 to 20 pe.,
1 M Scotch Snuff, ■
8 ,
6 Barrels Sugar, •
12 lb*. Superior Indigo,
4 L.ilcs Cotton Yarn. No. C to 20.
Brist-.1-Goodsou, Sept. 18, 1863—4w
THE undersigned have this day formed a co
pai-tiiership under the style and firm of
A. L. Hendricks & J. V. Fnlkerson,
for the purpose of conducting a general nsercan
, tile business in the town of
and have tak- n the store house formerly occu
pied by Ni I.•• McGinnis, Esq. We shall keep
constantly oil hand Groceries, Cotton Yum.,
Brown Densevtics,-Tobacco, Calico, Be. 1 .
We are determined to use every effort to keep
as near a general s-ssortment of goods as possi
ble, considering thetlifßcultv of obtaining goods.
Sept. Ist, 18CS. [Sept. 11—4 w
$.00 REWARD.
STOLEN from my stable on the night of the
27th of August, a large Iron Gray
Hare, 13 y.ars old. a little white in front,
one cap of the hip doVn, perhaps the right, a
.scar on the point of one hip, the right olio, I
think, of a form nearly of an X, barefooted when
stolen, and the hair round the hoofs en fore
feet.rough and shaggy.
I will give $50 for the Mare delivered or se
cured so that I can get her, and $50 for the ap
prehension of the thief lodged securely in jail.
yashingfonCn., Va., Sept. 11, 1863—tf
STOLEN from one of my servants, on Friday
last, the 4th v in~t:, when on his way to A
bingdon, by a white man, a .
Bay Horse, Saddle and Bridle.
The Horse is about fifteen hands high, five years
old, mane and tail black, round body—body and
neck long—lump on right side abont the size of
a goose egg.
I will give the above reward for his delivery
at my residence, 5 miles West of Abingdon, and
fifty for the apprehension and confinement of
the thief. ■
Stolen also, by the same thief, from the boy..
a large black Satchel, containing about jfoOO
worth of Lady's clothing, and Portfolio with
the name of Miss Nannie Montgomery cngraveai
on the back, for th" restoration of which, a libe
ral reward will be paid. The Satchel and cloth
ing were the property of Miss Nannie Mont
gomery, and it is probable some of the articles
are marked. JOHN F. TRESTON.
Sept. I}, 1863—tf
\7*IRG.I!_IA:--At Rules held in the Clerk's
office of the County Court of Carroll county,
on Monday, the 7th day of September, 1863:
Sarah Paul, Complainant,
_-_.XST '
Sarah Nettle, William Fidgeon and Milly his
wife, and Jacob Pant, '' Defts.
The object of this suit is'to obtain the legal
title te. several lot-and parcels' of land lying in
Carroll connty, and to have partition and the
rights oi; the parties established in the estate of
Abraham Paul, deed: The plaintiff having'mado.
an<f filed an affidavit, stating that Sarah Nettle,
William Pidgoon an t Milly his wife, and Jacob
Paul, parties defend mts in a suit how pending
ia the County Court of Carroll county, and in
which she, said Sa«ah Paul, is plaintiff,'and
| that diligence has feed used by and on behalf
j of her, the said- plaintiff, to ascertain in what
j county or corporation they, the ssid defendants
I are without effect, eh motion of the plaint iff by
her counsel, it is oracred that the said defend
ants do appear here within one month from the
due publication of this order and do what is ne
j oessary to "protect th ir interest; and that a copy
of this orde* be published in the Abingdon Vir
j ginian, a newspaper published in this Common
j wealth, for four weeks in succession, and posted
j at the front door of the Court House of Carroll
county, on the first day of the next Court to be
held for the said comity.
A Copy.—Teste,
Sept. 18. 1 w ' '
STOLEN from th<. -.rm-of Henry Garrett, on
the night of the 1 9th day of August, a BAY
. MaRE,- about siste v bands high, and _i_ yoar.s
. | old. She has a small white spot in her forehead,'
i and sinks upon .her pastures when walking or
j moving.
I will give the above reward to any person
'. who will return her-to the said farm, 11 miles
due Southeast from Abingdon, on the ' Laurel
1 Fork of Hol.ton ri. er.
Washington co., Vn.. Aug. 28, 1863—tf
A Substitute Wanted.
A LIBERAL price will be paid for a .substi
tute over 45, to -.serve during the war. Ap
' ply for information at the Virginian office.
' 1 Aug. 7, l-G-3—tf .
j .Sundries.
A f\ BUSHELS Timothy Seed;
I rtU 2,000 Yards 4-4 Brown Domestic;
Portmonaies, Purses;
Pins, Spool and Patent Thread;
£ and f-Inch Augers;
Landsidps No. 3 and 4.
- I T. G. McCONNFJX _ Go. .
March 18, 1863.
To be Permanently Stationed vn the Railroad,
Either at Bristol or Abingdon.
I AM authorized by the Secretary of War to
raise a C ompany to be permanently station- \
ed on the Railroad, and will 'in no instance -
whatever, be ordered into the field for active
duty—this assurance and guarantee will be gi
ven to each onc*on the mtwter roll.
Clothing;, Pay and Subsistence,
same as other -Confederate States Infantry.—
Comfortable quarters, and all necessary medical
attendance furnished free of charge.
system will be liberal; and the officers are to be
elected. This company is to be composed of
EXEMPTS, and affords an excellent opportuni-,
ty to young men approaching eighteen, as they
will not be conscribed after they become of the
conscript age, for you are then permanet mem
bers of the organization; and though your place
"in the picture".will never be near the boom
ing cannon or the rattle of mnsltetry. still you
will be rendering your country Valuable service.
The beauty vi:d nature of this service will
recommend itself to all, as there will be no duty
to perform, but-
is al*o called to this notice. Young nien from
fifteen to 'seventeen, and those "who arc not quite
eighteen, will be received, and will not be con
scripted after they become eighteen.
Those who wilh to avail themselves of this op
portunity, can do so by calling on nic at Camp
bell &, Lindsay's.
Sep. 3—6w.- Capt. 1. A. C. S.
P. S. Those living at a distance, or remote
from the railroad, can join' by letter.
Aprxeiiox, Aug. 2-th, 1868. /
Ge.. Oeoer,")
No. 1. ; f
I. By order Qf the Secretary of War, the un
dersigned assumes command of this Post.
11. It is made the duty of all officers and men
on arriving at this Post to furnish their- names
to this office, and their authorityjor being ab
sent from their commands.
111. .Officers who arc improperly absent.from
their commands, will be reported at ouce to their.
CommnndiygOfricers. The men will be arrest-*
ed and sent to.their respective commands.
IV.* Citizen* ou acriviag here, are required to
furnish evidence of their, loyalty that they may
obtain permits, or tliey will be arrested and so
retained until their loyalty can be, established.
'; .. "J. G. MARTIN, "
Capt.. and A. A. G. Comdg. Post.
i Aug. 28, 18(33—tf. j
i ££$0 REWARD.
!'.113 AJ* away from the undersigned in Abingdon,
JB_ on Sunday.night, the tyth inst'.,
Three Men.
Bob. a dark mulatto, about 80 years old, some
. 5 feet 10 inches' high; weighs about 135 lbs.,
and has one or two bait teeth in front.
Peter, a black .negro, about 3o years old,
| heavy set, near 6 feet high, good tCeth, and
; wears a goatee." . .
William, a black negro, about 4. years old, a
little bald, slightly gray,.heavy set, about 5 feet
10-incbes liigii, and a carpenter by trade.
These negroes were all pttrcb-sed in Rich
mond a month or six weeks ago. Bob-was rais
ed in Westmoreland county, Va., and Peter was
. vaised in North Carolina.
AYe will give fifty dollars for the apprehension
*nd confinement of each in any jail in Virginia,
!so that we get them, or $125 each for Uie'ir dc .
i livery to us in Abingdon.
.+ ' ,-KENJ. C. CLARK.
August 14.1813 —8t
j ~~~~ $50 K-lWA_lk
STOLEN from the subscriber, a BAY ROAN
MARE, about ten yanrs old, fifteen hands
i high, black legs, mane and tail, with a small
! star in her"forehead, and a little white on oue
I foot. '"*'-.
Fifty will be paid for her delivery to
me at. Tazewell C. 11., or to John W. Johnston
!at Abingdon. DENNIS IGO. ,
j Sept. 11,1863—tf •[ £
Stolen or ILost,
TWO Shares>f-Srock in the Virginia & T«nn.
Railroad Company, in the name of John "J.
i Buchanan, and transferred to me an the back'of.
j the Certificate of Stick. I willpay a small re- 1
ward for the return of .said Certificates, as they
are valiuvtd any one but myself, as Ibave
notified the office in' Lynchburc of their loss.
Love's Mill's, Washington county, Va.
Sept. 4,-1803— _w'
$100 REWARD.
STOLEN from the subscribers, living near the
mouth of Tumbling Creek, iv this couuty,
;on the night of Friday last, a large dapple-gray
! fctM«l Horse, and a Gray Mare. The
j horse 16 about 15£ hands high, very heavy made,
! about 0 years' old, with a small speck in the
corner. of-bis right eye, and bare-footed all
'} round. The mart is about 10 hands high, 7
f years'old, with a small sear on the side of
j her upper lip, .caused by a snake bite, is a little
' flea-bitt-ji on the neck, and is branded with the
letter F on'thVleft shoulder. .The above re
ward will be paid for the delivery of the horse
and mare, or'':#So for either of them. Any in
formation enabling us to get possession of our
nronerty will be amply rewarded*.
Septal BR3—tf. '
./ $i&<>. RERAR_>.
STOLEN from the subscriber, living.in the
Eastern end ofMVashington county, V a -> ou
the night of the 27th of 1863, a large
Iron Gray Horse,
five or six years old, probably upwards' of six
teen hands high, rather low in order, a blemish
or defect in «a. eye. If the part is examined,
it looks like lie had not been altered, Aiiuit is
believed he iseonsiderably marijpd with harness,
as he is a work horse. I will give fifty dollars
for the return of the horse, or a hundvecLdollai.
for horse ah* thief. JAM_ SP. STROTHER,
Gladc_.pring Depot, Washington
Sept. 4, l§fiS—4w
10,000 lbJ Tire'for two and four
horse wagons,'which we wish' to exchange on
favorable terms for any or all of the following
ar_ble§ :—AV'oo'f Feathers, Tallow, Wax, Bacon,
Flaxseed or Lard. Call early at
JuneS, *•' .■ < ._ '
TURIfIP $I_ED. 51.50 per pound, nt
July i;i. >>;;. B. W. CARNAHAN'S,
THE next session of-this Academy will be
opened for the reception of pupils on Tues
day, the Ist day" of September next, under the
superintendence of Mr. William. Farmer.
The following are the terms of tuition ordered
by the Trustees for the ensuing
Seasion of Ten Months,
One-half of which shall be paid in advance, and
the remainder at the end of five months:
First or lowest grade of pupils—Orthography,
Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography and
Declamation, - - - $20.00
Second or intermediate grade —Same
continued, and English Grammar, Compo
sition, the .Sciences, &c, " . " 30.00
Third or highestgrade—Above continu
ed, and Classics, Higher Mathematics,
or either, . - - - -' 40.00
Contingent fee, - - - 600
Mr. Farmer's qualifications us instructor of
boys and youug men, are too well knowri in this
community to need the endorsement of the Board
of Trustees of the Abingdon Male Academy—
but as far as any such endorsement by, or re
commendation of, this Board may be deemed
proper or necessary, I feel fully authorized by
the positive action of the Board at their last an
nual meeting to say, that "we regard Mr. Far
mer as a man of superior qualifications for the
position which he fills" with so mvch honor to
himself and advantage to the public.
By order of the Board, -" ,
John G. Kregeb, Secy.
Aug. 14. 180:;—tf
"WIS7ILL commence its next Annual Session,
TT the 13th Of August, 1803. The
President will be assisted by an efficient corps
of Instructors in the several departments the
College. The price of almost every article of
provisions havii advanced one thousand per
cent, above former prices, the Directors of the
College are therefore compelled to increase very
largely the rate of charges. The following will
be the charges for-the Fall Term, beginning the
13th of August, and closing the 25th December,
For Board and Tuition, ' - - $265.00
For Tuition in Preparatory Course, '.0.00
" ".- Collegiate Course, 40.00
« " "Music, - - 40.00
" Contingent Fee, <- - - 3.00
" . Matriculation Fee, - - 8.00
" Use of Piano, - - - 4.£)0
Each Boarder will be required to furnish her
own light., For this purpose, let each pupil
bring with her a few poundj of candles.
All pupils entering in the month of August
will be charged for Board and Tuition from tbe
beginning ofthe term. All pupils entering with*
in'the first two months, will be charged for Tui
tion from the b.ginniug ofthe term. ,
No deduction for Board or Tuition on account
j ofthe absence ofthe pupil, unless her absence.
[ is caused by protracted sickness. ' ,'..'.
Patrons w_,o w'll furnish the* College provi
! s'ions'_t old prices, can have board at 51© per
■ month, and Tuition at the same 'diminished rate.
For further information,
Address WM. A. HARRIS.
July 10, 1803.
Patrons who will furnish provisions at the
old prices, will be charged, according to the fol
lowing diminished rates for the' term from the
13th of .August to the .25th of December:
Board and Tuition Collegiate course, $65.00
Tuition in Preparatory course, 15.00
Tuition in Collegiate course, ' 20.00
Music', 20X'0
and French,, each $7.50, 15.00
While. w«l ch%£ge_J^above order Ap
encourage payment in provision., we will allow
am advance of 50 per cent, above the old prices
for the articles of butter, bacon, meal, lard and
dried fruit. WM. A. HARRIS.
For Battery, raised for the defence of
■ East Tennessee and Soittkupsferd
Virginia,-stationed on the
"I. T. & VA. 11. R.
ALL Men between the 18 and 45 have
the privilege of volunteering before enroll
ment, and will receive a'bounty of $stt Meif
unable to perform long 'marches and active field
duty, will do well to join this Battery.
Persons wishing to join wiH communicate with
Ca.pt. J. T. LEVI,
or Lt. J. W. BARR,
July 24—tf. Strawberry Plains. Term.
Alum Well and Farm
THIS valuable property is offered for sale.—
It lies on the North Fork of Hulston, about
13 miles Northwest of Abingdon. The Ahvm
Water is equal to any in the State, aud Vould
■be extensively patronize-if opened for visitors.
The Farm contains about 360 "acres. It has on
ly tolerable improvements, including several ca
bins for the accommodation of visitors.
For further particulars, apply, to Dr. Ed. M.
Campbell, Abingdon, or Dr. J. L. White, Fdrm
ville, Va.
Aife. 7—tf. • . •
practice Law. in the Courts at Rich-
V V moud City, at which place he may be found
or addressed. Claims upon the Government,
which require attention before Congress, the De
partments or Beaureajus of the Confederate Go
ve'riimenf, will receivchis special care when cn
tnusteri to his management of them.
July 31, 1863—3 m
ggf 3 Knoxville Register copy 3 months aud
send bill to this office.
1 of Va. - ofG_.
into! C-ommfesion lttrt|aiits,
_A. tlairta, Greorgia,
Solicit consignments and'orders of all kinds of
To which they will give prompt and personal
July 24—tf. .
"\ $25 REWARD.
RAN away from the subscribers pn the 25th
July, from Glade Spring Depot, a negro
. man named ALFRED, about six feet high, weighs
about 200 pounds, has a thumb off either right
or left .band, don't., cco.lcci: whicl}, black,«and
# talks slow. - We will give the above reward for
his confinement in some jail so we can get him.
pr. M_BEACOME, Ajt.
Glade Springs, Aug. 14,1868-<-tf
TURNIP Seed at
June 26. 1868. , ■ .
S. M .OBK-E. S. k. M'COCKLB. WM. KINNttS*.
• M'CORKIbE, SCrf & CO.,
(Successors to M'Corkle & C 0.,)
Grocers & Commission Merchants,,
Chewing and Smokingr Tdbacco,
_€o. 113 Main Street,
iiYiirciißrßG, va.-
We will give particular attention to the sale or
! Tobacco, Breadstuffs, Frovisions, and all kinds of
1 Country Produce and Merchandize, at tbe old
I stand of McCorkle & Co.. We shall ende_vo_'to
I keep always on hand a'full stock of all articles
I requisite to the business, and from our long
1 experience in the business hope to merit ashare of
! the public patronage, and especially that so lib—
; erally extended to the former concern. Our Mr.
I Kinnierjvill givekispersonalatfentisnto the Com—
! mission Business, as he has been for some years*
| pursuing tjiat branch, and we feel confident fro Ms*
! his long experience and thorough knowledge ox?
J the business, will not fail to give satisfaction ts»
j all who entrust their interests to our hands.
I 3_|?**Will make liberal advances on approved
! produce in hand, and rem if promptly for all tim*
aud cash sales.
October 11,1861—1y. ■
(late ofthe firm of McCorkle & C 0.,) and
| WII.I.IAM A. --_.E_l.__R,
(formerly Commission Merchant and dealer in
Fertilizers on Basin,)
HAVE this day formed a copartnership under
the style and firm of 9
JO-NJE-S «_fc :->£l___-____l_,
For the purpose'of conducting a General Com
mission'and Grocery Business, and have takes*
the storehouse No. 107, Main street, two doom
above the old stand, of McCorkle & Co., and next
dooij to Lee, Rocke & Taylor.
"We solicit consignments of Merchandise and
Country Produce of every description, promising
our best personal efforts to make satisfac.ory
sales—and from the long experience we have
both had in business in this city, think we are
'justified in saying that we cah*do* as well for
consignors as any other house in the city. Ac
count gales with nett proceeds will be rendered
as soon as sales are made, and all letters on bu
siness promptly answered. .
We_hall keep, the best supply ©£ Groceries
that can be obtained, and as soon as fertilizers
can be procured, we intend peeping a good f,tock
of the most approved kinds—all of which will be
sold as low as they can be afforded.for cash.
W<j appreciate the patronage extended to u_
in other conr.e_iou_, and shall spare no pains-t©
merit it in future. CIIAS. J. JONES,
Nov. 1. 1861.
Slew Concern.
WILL Tan Hides on the shares, or pay Sbftoe
&Boofs, .lo_ey or Merchandize frr Hides,
upon as good terms as eaa be had in this coun
They respectfully .oUeit a trial. Their Shoe
Shop is one door east of the "Vtashing-on house,
where George W. _fc_ftz will be found ready to
accommodate all who may call.
Their Tan Yai-d is about eight miles Northeae*
of Abingdon, Va., where R. A. Lip.ord will be
found ready to receive hides, and pay for the
same, or take them to tan on the sha.es.-
Persons wanting Shoes and Boots made, er
money, inc_«l >rnge for hides, will call on Mr.
Mantz. M GEO. W. MANTZ & CO.
Feb. 27.T803.
: ■■.-,_ , .
Oloelt sin ci l?T_it<-_--__lake_r ! ,
If AS local .el in -Abiiag--^^
oxl ? immediately opposite
!_____ '"** Store, where he is pr.par-Xj.g7
_________ ed to repair
* WakJiesand C_oc__s
in the very best manner possible, and upon rea
sonable terms. Work repaired by hhn will be
warranted -for . tw.ki.ve mouths. Thoroughly
understanding his busiiiese, he hopes to be en
couraged, ami promises satisfac'ion to all.
September 28th, 1800.—Om.
Oliang-e of S.he*_Lvile.
ON and after Thursday, the 4th. of September,
the Mail unci Passenger trains on this road
will leave Lynchburg daily at 4 o'clock a. m. r
and arrive from the West at 4.30 p. m. *
Sept. 5, 1802. ■
lOG.tt ttG 'Fruit Trees for Sale.
gj&w PERSONS wishing to make a safe invest
&oj£ ment, would do well to secure a good
selection of Fruit (at old prices) now,
while money is plenty. I will furnish Apple
Trees of the most approved varieties at from
15 to. S2O per hundred, delivered - at the Depot
in Abingdon, packed carefully for transporta
Catalogues will be furnisi.d by mail when
applied for,. SAM'L W. CARNAHAN.
Oct. .1,1862.
~N. B.—No if is the season for planting.
Pr H. M. GRAIfT,
.JfGjjfik DENTIST,
|~\FFICE nearly opposite Martha WashingtOß
VrFemale College, west end of town.
Feb. 20th. 1803.
No. 147 Main Street, Lynchbubg, Va.,
WHOLESALE Grocers and Commission Mei
chants, and Agents for of Manu
factured and Smoking Tobacco, will receive and
sell Sugar, Molasses, Wheat, Corn, Flour, Ba
con, Leather, and all kind, of Country Prodnee,
All sales promptly reported and accompanied
with the nett proceeds.
Jan. 23, 1863—1y ' , .
_ fifofm LBS - Riavr Cotton,
lUUUS,OOO yds. 4-4 Brown Domestic,
1,000 lbs. ~-*•>" ,B *
800 yds. Fancy English Prints; .
2 ps. Bleached Shirting,
Black Sewing Silk, antf numerous other articles.
Call and see at , 3. G. McCONNELL & Co..
May 8, 1863. ,
*AJ\J 20 Pa-kagcs Smoking Tobacco •
5,000 Segars. - ~ '
Feb. 27, '63. T. G. MoCONNELT. ft c«
WE will exchange Leather fry Hi.
Ju»J 1- G. YY. -iAJN'J' _ o:

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