Newspaper Page Text
TAN YARD FO!t SALE. Tf/:; >i'JIl3CR7BER 'V'iTFS!dKS to sell his f*nt V f health,-and well kddwn plac , “ Oak-Him.,*' in tlse county of ra.iquirc, <ji\f,-en miles north-west lrom the c'ourt-iioufe, containing Six Acres of Land, Veil inclosed, a part thereof with stone, and in as high a state of cultivation and as productive*, probably, os any lots ii the sta e—Two acre* in clover for cut ting and seed, a second lot of two acre. i(iow ground) in I itnl'iiy, the resitlu. divided into two lots and a garden, which is 150 feet square inclosed with locust posts sawed, and sawed palings, with a delightful stream flowing through it, from which one halt of the garden can be completely watered, and on which is erected a p easant Grupe Bower. In dependent of thin btream, which yields a copious supply to the Tan-Yard, there are two never tailing springs within 30 and 4.0 yards of the dwelling house, which in point ot quality, are inferior to ■one perhaps in the world. A good DUELLING HOUSE 26 feet in length, two stories with a passage, and a Portico in front, at one end of which is a lo Igiog loorit. To the dwelling houfe is now ad di-'g a two story room, wnicn, vvnen completed, wi.l riiukc iLe dwelling house 43 *eri in length, around which ifl a de lightful grewi inclosed with locust pof s and .vnite-o ik plank, with gates, afford ing in and out.lets in various directions. Lruit and vaMou3 ornamental trees, v;z, Weeping V/iil >ws, Lombardy Popl us, Locusts, Maple, O-k and Chesnnt. The other buildings are a Kitchen, an excellent Bark house with a rati;, U;i Shops, a Spring House and stable, wi h oitv-r necessary improvements. The I’AN AKD con ains 20 vats in! Complete order, and pos.-e s:s more local advantages than any outer 1 knnur.j '1 Here is suffi icnt room and a beautiful clay omro.’i h»r \ large accession ut van With an easy and natural command of wj ttr to all. In snort, it is a desirable p.a.t, and may also, at j small expense, be rendered an eligible stand tor other public business, say more, tavern. Sad dling. iiuoi ana Sho-. . Waking, all of which might be carried on with advan tage nerr, i.ituat.d on the gteat roadie.dug Mom hredcticksburgii to Winchefter, and in ihe centre of a neigh, bourhood second t® none, perhaps, in Viigmiain point of farming and where property is increasing in value in an un cxampled degree. The puictviser may, at the same time, be accommodated with other property ; Hark, tools, materials for building a saddler's shop, House-hold Furniture, a pair of Horses- a few Servants, and a stock of Leather, chiefly Soul—Amount, sa./ 2,000 Dollars. If application he made before the first of August, a bargain may be had. JOHN H. CLARKE. Oak.Hill, Faiujuier Cowntu, > . ; Va. May i l. 1813. ^ * In 131b," from two acres fallow, I got 8t, bushels prune v*hea!. In 1811. from tin same two i.rr s, I received 29 1 2 b ,r • is corn an«l-'in 1312 i-galn yielded 6o i>;.sllels o; wiiekt. ediTc’vtio n. THE President and Truflees of the Berryville Academv, having elect ed Mr. Cornelius Dennon, teacher of the Latin and Greek Languages, ( vhofe re commerda ioni of his capacity as teacher, as well .s >t h.s morals arc highly satis, actory ) wish io inform thole perlons who are disposed to encourage the insti tution be placing their Cmfdreu under his care and instruction, that the depart meat tor the teaching of those languag $ ojiencd u Wednesday 21 sc msr. Terms may be known by application to the P’t. V. P't. or the Subscriber. JAMES WARE, Sec'ry. May 22. To ttw. Citizens of £i\‘4<.r<ck county <£* Borough of Winchester,! FS^HE committee appointed by tie subscribers to the tuncl for me re liet of the (ami les of jiersoiswho ate now m t w service )t" U States foF the county of Federu'k, enticr a* drafts or voiun eers, not li ving ■* perfect know-j led^c «>t the situation of ihe families to whom it w mid iic proper to exrend ralict requests, that gentleman residing in the neignoourhoud <*f those families wou:d furms i the applicants with a certificate dirrcicd to eiiher of the committee, staring the number of persons in suen fa. roily that are unable to support themselves and mentioning >ar:icularly tliat tb • per son upon who n they depended for a sup port ha t been called into the service of h«s country either r» . V jiuutcer or had been The V-onwnif *ec req <’Sf the Sib - ribers to pay t ie hist instalment o e Ithjof tiifir sn >sc p-t.»ns, ro leacy Car ju. Esqr- freasurer, or tociincr oi 11» ■ %mm.ticc. fin rm list BE A Y 'l R;OV. hO * o. -l.’tjUikE, \ *4 I llL. , <■» OftCiEKEED. ^ JHN u^Li , Wvi, DA Vib•-»N. finoltester, May zz. Tovloring. THE fabsctiber Tespcclfully inform* the public in general, that be ha^ commenced the TALORING BUSI NESS in the (hop occupied by Mr. W. [■Jteytnmir, leather breeches maker, adjoining Mr. W. Cherry's and oppo tit-* Mr. Holiday's ftores ; where he will lie happy to receive the commands of th« public—His work lhall lie executed in * durable and fafnionahle ftile and at (bon notice—He hopc3, by his assiduity and and attention to merit a (hare of the pub lie patronage. VVm.AMES. May st, 1813. 3*5*4 NOTICE. ALL persens having claims against the theestateof Jasper Cather, de'cd. ate requested to exhibit them to the sub scriber for settlement.—Also, ail those indebted to said estate are desired to dis charge their respective accounts other, wise suits will be exhibited without rts nett to persons, DAVID CATHER. Executor of s’d Estate. May 18. 31314* I FURS FOR SAKE. TI1K SVBSC1UBER HAS ?OR SALK A GOOIJ ASSORTMENT OF —CONSISTING O''— UG.4FXR, MLTSXJi.W, /f./C’t’OO.V, kc. vhich he will dispose ol on reasonable renus. He is at ail times fop plied with j gjuJ alfnrtinent of H , I S, the quality >1 which he eng ines fl'.all lie Ulterior to none in.inutadured elsc.v.icre, and which ne wid dispose of on reutonabie terms b) »vh>.ef.i!e or re al!. \i3r Orders from a diflanee promptly attended to. JOolAjj MASS1E. Winchefter May 8. i» 70 cr 00 Likely iVegroes WriLL be fold for Ca(h at public laie, at buirtax Court Houle, our Monday itst day of junc next, being the! tirstday ol June court—Several Houiej Servants, male and female—a valu.ble Cooic and Blacksmith uwy alfo be pur chased at private f»le, by application to Wm. H. FI TZ iUGH, Oi Ravens worth. May I. rdsjn NOTICE TO FARMERS $ MILLERS. TO encoufage the ufe of BROAD WHEELED WAGGONS on the paved road, the following refolution was palled by the Stockholders in the LittieI River Turnpike Company, at their annual! meeting, viz. That ail waggons, the' breadm of the wheels whereof lhali be iix inches, (hall b permitted to pals the guts on Lid road, toil free, for the term ot two yeirs, and ail waggons whofe wheels iha l be the breadth of live inches, (hall he periT'itted to paft, toll free, for the 'term of eighteen months—all waggons, it he breadth of the wheels whereof thaii [be four inches, fhall be permitted topafs, toll free, for the fpace of fit teen months ■from the time they (hall firil pals the res gates, which lhall be fpecially no ticed by the gate keepers, and that this regulation fh.ill be extended to all who Bull avail themfclves of it within the fpace of two years from the ift January, 1813. JONAH THOMPSON, 2Wf. I L. It. T. C Jontpalig. j Jan. 30. 60198* ! DANCING SCHOOL { THE subscriber submits to the patron age of ti.e Ladies and gentlemen of Win chefter and us vicinity, his intention of opening a D ancing School in this place. From the liberal encour agement he has heretofore received, he is flatter d with success. His school will jcommence as soon as sixteen subferibersj shall have been obtained* He will tcarh, during three months, ever}- Friday and Saturday* Pi ice of tuition ^,1 JT79 Subscript ini papers rtre l ft at W'dftlr ■'.* . <dr( <y nl this OjJicr. W inchef ter \hy t, i8ij. Mr.ULRICK CONRAD, Take Notice, r I i-1 AT on Saturday the jth June next, at the houfi of John tf. Pent iu fa, I will take the drm»'lno!I* o' |«»bn Hope veil and other,, which I will tfer as evidence in the suit now depend i g in Ctaneery in the x'outry ol Fendle t >n, v. iteietn you are plaintiff and my A;if a id othets defend tnts. JOHN CRAiGEN. May 8, iSij, 4t RUNAWAY. OMMlTTFiD to Gaol on the 10th April,a Negro man named LEW K Y, almut 6 feet high lehvctn twcr.t) ive and thirty years old, stout am. a ell made—had on when taken up a loincmade coat and pantaloons, an old •. ool hat,—lie says he belongs to .ieorge Smith formerly of this count) ml now removed to Kentucky. The uwner is desired to ennifc forward, prove property, pay charges and take him a way o'herwise he will dealt with as the law directs. C. SMITH, S. F. C. May 0. NOTICE. ^ Overseers of the Poor of Frede-, jL tick county and corporation ot Winchcttcr, aie heieby informed, that their annual meeting will be held at the Poof Hoafc in 'Wincheller, on Monday die 7th day of 'Jane next, it being the day appointed by law, in order to lay the levy and transact the ordinary business of the board. Members are requefted to be punctual in their attendance at Jo o’ clock, in the forenoon* t'er order, LEM'l BENT, Cl'k. May i. tdinit Mark This !! '1 HE subfcriber having been called in to the service of his Country, audio con sequence declined his ivlercaurile purfsits, rcquella all chofe who itand indebted to him to ferric their accounts, by passing their obligations, at leatt, with Mi G.Ur. rick with whom his Books are deposited — A prompt compliance is expected, o therwise toeteivc means will be reforied to. THOMAS ROBERTS. o For Sale or Rent. THE fubscriber will sell or rent two valuable Farms, near Stauntjn, alio, a very valuable flock harm, 15 miles from Srauuton, of hive Hundred acres, thirty or forty cleared, and 60 or 70 acres of Meadow can be made, a good dwelling houfe and young orchard. Perfons, desirous of bargains, may find it to their advantage to make application to the fubferiber. JACOB PECK. Staunton, Fob. 17. $3(0302 VIRGINIA, to wit: AT Rules holden in the Clerk’s Office of the Superior Court ol Cham ery lor the Winchester District, the first Monday of April 1813. Jonathan Scholfield and Eleanor his wile, late Eleanor Brown, one of the children, heirs, and legal reprefen tatives if David Bro vn dec'd. l:laiutrj}'s ACAtvsr Daniel Brown, Djvid Brown, Wil. iiaru Brown, Jonas Potts and Phebe his wife late Phebe Brown, John Ball and and Susan his wife, late bufan Perki s, widow ot Joseph Perkins dec'd, and for merl> Susan Browa, u hich faid Daniel, David. William, Phebe and Susan are ;chiidien heirs and legal reprefenrati ves of iDavul Brown dec'd—and Richard P. Barton.Defendants. j THE Defendant William Brown, not having entered his appearance and given .fecority according to the Act of AUern bly and the Rules of this Court, and it [appearing by Jatisfactoxy evidence, th t !he is not an inhabitant of this country: ;Ii is ordered, That (be faid Defendant dc iappear here on the liift day of next term .and answer the bill of the plaintiffs ; and that a copy of this order be forthwith in serted in some newspjper published in ! Winchester, lor months successively [and posted at the front door of the Couri Houfe in the faid town of Winchester, A Copy, left, April io. DAN'L LEE, C. C. C. NOTICE. ON the T9»h day of June next will be sold to the hijjhell bidder, at pub ic an-flion, for ready money, befoie the door of Edward M'Guire'a flotei in Winchcltcr, 2 certain Lot or half acre of Land on C i neron (tree: i 1 the n >r *ugb ot YV 1. chelcr, teno//n n the furvey of laid >0 r 1U^1 made by Join d<ynS, a* Lot No. 6-, formerly in .hi* occu, a>ion ol con fad tlrein-*r, with the exception ol thirty iTres tcei on the south side of faid lot, stud awl conveyed i>y faid is.firmer to Hen* iv H rover. . he atuiefaid fale is n.adc by of a iXred of 1 ruff executed b Conr d liremer to William .vl'Guire, a* titiftcc to receive »ne pxyu ent ot a fum of m mey due horn faid Kcemrr to J Jeph Steer as in faid deed mentioned. ALKRhO H. POWELL, .Jtf’y. inj'a<:t J-jv IV. 0)1* hu ire. NLy x* tdtii ' EDUCATION. .MRS. SELJJWl NIC ROLLS ESPECTMJLLY intorms tho inha bitants ot Winchefter and its vici nity, that the intends opening her ^Lancaster ^rtjiool for the education ot terrains in the firft w eek ot June next. The difFeicnt branch es of JtHADING, 1FRJTING, ENGLISH GRAM. MAR, ARITHMETIC, GE OGRAPHY ami HISTORY will be taught at the rate of ten dol lars per annum. Boys not exceeding nine years old, will be admitted into the school, it tuch appear to be the general with. jftccble in its various branches, useful and orna mental, which will be taught in a diffe rent apartment, under the immediate in ftruftion of Miss FLOYD, will iotm a separate charge. Mrs. N. hiving provided a commo dious house, would lie willing to take a few young ladies as BOARDERS# and whilst file is thus fnliciting a thare of the public patronage, the feth a ftrong per suasion, that as soon as the inhabitants of Winchefter fhali have had an opportunity ot judging of the merits of this new and approved plan of education, they will be enabled to add to thcgreit wight ot teftimony already borne in its fivor in many parts of this country as well as Eu. rope. Winchefter, May if. 33 EDUCATION. .1 GESTTLEALifiT OF a liberal education wilhes to en gage himself ai a tutor in a gcoieel la..i.i), as little or no salary win oc re 4-i.rea—the situation muil be heauhy a .d the accommodations made agreeable and permanent. For pa-ticulars apply to j.'r. Josepn Baldwin, at his Factory neat ' Winchetter. May 15. Carding Machines. THE fubferiber informs the public thai he has erected a complete fet o CARDING MACrliNEb at Mr. Grit hn Taylor’s mill, in Frederick county, a bout eight mues from Gharleilown/ anC tourfioin Battlctuwii. Terms ct card mg eigiit cenis per pound. Unc pounc of greafe to be sent to every ,cn pounds of wool, when lt is not gieafed at home I he wool n,ult be picked clean of |3ur. and (ticks, A (hcet or blanket lor evert lifted* pounds of wool mull be fent to con tain the roll*. JOHN HGGELAND. May 15. ,3 s-S-r J AAr AAAA-r AA AAA A V A a- A a. Land for Sale. BY Virtue of a Deed of Truft execut. ed to the subscriber by John Housi for the purpofe of securing the pay ment of a certain sum of money thereit mentioned due to Chriflopher Hriskcil i will be fold for ready money on the 141! day of June neat, before the door ot th< Court.houfe of Hampfhire county, a TRACT Ot UIJS U lying on the north branch of Potomac whereon the f.»i«i John Houfe now lives containing 408 acres. I he title for fait! land w ill be fuch as the deed of truft au thoiises me to make. ISAAC HEISKELL. May 15. tdsi 3 /^AAAAAAA/AA^A /‘a/a/aa/aa/'A Hat Manufactory* THE subscribers beg leave so infcrrr the public generally, and theii {fiends particularly that they have corn menicd the above business on tlieir owi account in the house lately occupied b) Mr. John Davenport as a store, on tin cornet ol Loudon and Piccadilly streets directly opposite the stores of Mr Darnel Gold and Mr. Lewis Hoff undei tlte firm of IJiUCfC$ COYLE, where they intend to keep on hand < geacial alfortment of neat, plain, fashion able and substantial HA l'S. Those whe may he pleased to favour them with tiicii custom may rest affured that neithci pains nor attention shall be wanting tc render general satisfaction, by the pub be'*obedient servants, SAMUEL LAUCK, JUHNCuYLE. Winchefter, May 8. 12 Wanted Immediately J Tvri Joupnkvmkj Tan'krus. For forthei iufVr.n ti<.n s tlii O.Tice. M;;j mix. I I Blank ("hecks Notes Power’s of Attorney Con stables Warrants & Ex ecutions and a variety o other Blanks for sale a this Office. VlROf INIA, TO WIT T ltules holden in the Clerk’s office of the superior Court of Chancery for th'i Winchester District, the first Monday of Mareli, 1813. MAKGKUY 11EALLK, widow & legatee of Isaac Ltealle dec’d, wh . was a paitner of the house of iWebb und Bcallc, and ltobcrt Vane® and Mary his wife late Mary Beallc, only daughter a»:d u legatee of said Isaac Bcallc dee’d...Plaintiffs. AOAINST jllawleigh Colston, administrator of llio ua* Webb dec’d, who was surviv jilig partner of the house of Webb and bcallc—John Wclib a brolher nml le gatee of said Thomas WeLb dve’d— .Samuel .Smith and Mary his wife late Mary W ebb, a sister and legatee of said Thomas W ebl» dec'd—Philip Vnss & Elizabeth his wife iutcLliz'tli Webb and the sister and legatee of said Tho mas Webli dec'd—James Webb and W iiiiaui Webb, sons aud Executors of 1W iiiiaui WeLu dec'd who was a bru it her ami legatee of said Thomas Webb dee’d—James Gray and Lucy his w ife, late Lucy Webb, William 1. Toust nil and Jane his wife lute Jane Webb, and Albion Throckmorton and Muiv hi* wife late JM^ry Webb, which said Lu «V, Jane und Mary are daughters of James Webb dec’d Another brother of sai t 1 hontas \\ ebb dec'd—James Webb, William Webb and Georgp •V ••>», s i is ii* i 11 J i n *3 Webb dee* —• • ho mas Webb adminislrutor of . Erancis Webb dec'd another son of said J urn W • »b dv'd 1-.gat‘as ol* said Thomas Webb dee’d—and John Minor, Executor of Overton Cosby dec’ll, anoi her legatee of said Thomas M ebb dee’d.Defendants. The Defendants John Webb, Samuel Smith aim! wife, Juincs Webb und Win. Webb son* aud Executors of William Webb dec’d—J.mcs Gray And Lucy his wife. Willi;, n I. Tunstalc and J tile his wife and William Webb and Geoigc \\ ebb, »ous of James Webb de ceased, not having entered tfieir ap pearance utitl given security according to the Act of Assembly uitd the Holes lofthis Court, and it appearing by sa tisfactory evidence, that they are not i ihahitants of this country: it is order ed, That the said Defendants do ap : pear here on the fust day of the next t term and answer the bill of the plain tiffs ; anil that a copy of this order be forthwith inserted in some newspaper i published in Winchester, for two mouths successively uml posted at the i front door o’ the Court House in tlio l said tow n of Winchester. I A Copy, Test, I DANIEL LKfe C. €. C. .! March 17. 306. Notice. . TFlE Ofi'equon Manufacturing Com pany Mill racrivr wnol und Munufac .ture it into cloth arroidingtn ihcquali* |ty of the v.col, or directions given.Fnr attention shmld hr paid to tho : assorting of wool lor nice cloths, &. in all cases must he prepared lor th<3 i cards, otherwise it will not be recciv —iinjr' information will be given on 1 application at the Factory,' where FULLli\G, DYING & D:*< F.S.SlNtt i done with neat urns, and at the sliort r >t notice* 'Iho lm;h: st price gives* for woo! well handled, or Cloths gi ven in excln n ,e. , Jons 1)At vNponr, .Tr. Super. I N. 15. \\ out well wad e 1 before it is shorn, wfl! be prfteired. Hams and Lambs wool should not Le mixed with any other. May i. 3 i 1 , Mr. Jacob Shobe, Messrs. David St no h'?\/, Abraham S’outer end Mr? Magdalene Stnol?y, Take JNo’icc, 4 THAT on the loth day of .June i.ect, between the hours ®t ten o'c cc'i in the forenoor and five in t! e afternoon, ;it tur tavern of John B. Fcr.tiy in the Town of jMoorefi« :d, Hardy county, in this com iroiwealth, (Virginia) I fhall take tU® d positions of feveral persons, wfich de , positions will be offered as evidence in my beha’.f at-he trial of a suit now de . pending in the Oillr t\ Court of Charce , ry held at VVinchefier, in which fim 1 am plaintiff and you are defendants. JACOB HYER. April if. __366. JSoticc. "pHOSE who are difpofed to enroll j A themfcJvca in the tioop ot C AVAL |RY attached to the 31ft Regiment, are 'hereby informed, that f (hail’attend the next Battalion VJnficrs at Pugh,-Town •'and in Wincheflcrfor thepurpofe of mak ing up the Troop H. f t. G TUCKER, Cvpt. uj III? Troop of t’.nvnhy at tached to the 31s/ ibgt. March 6,^ Blank Deeds of the most approved form for sale at this office ’ 61