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FOB SALE, > HK subscribers oiler lor sale * IMiuw t,ttion within one and a half miles of Winchedei, Frederick county, Va. containing upwards of two hundred acres, well adapted to plailler and clover— There are on the premises a valuable Mer chant MiH» built of brick, tunning three pair of ftones-with the necessary machine ry to manufafhire flour and grjin ot ail kinds, a Saw.Mill and Tan-Yard, three | large Dwelling Houses and a large Birn, with other necessary out houses. This valuable property is situated on Abra ham's creek, which is a never failing ftream. It was formerly owned by Isaac Sittler deo’d. The above property will be sold oho. gether, or in such parcels as may suit the purchasers. The terms ot sale will be made known by applying to either of the subscribers. JOHN S. WIT.LIAMS, D AV J D C AS’l LEM AN, CHARLES M’CORMACIC. Nov. 27. tf$o 'The Editors of the Lancaster Journal, Hagetllown Gazette and Frcdericktown Herald will infert the above advertise ment in their refpective papers ftne Month and transmit their accounts to this office for payment. DANCING SCHOOL. rp'HE subscriber returns his thanks to A the inhabitants of Winchefter and its vicinity, for the liberal encourage ment ha has received from thein, since his residence in this place—He submits to them his intention of opening his Da ncirig School, on the firft Friday in April, in the houfe he occupies. Those persons who are de sirous of patronizing the undersigned, are requefted to enter their names prior to that date ; as nodeduilion will be made to those who may join the fchool after wards..—‘The molt fafhionahle fteps and Dances will be taught, and the greateft attention paid to the department of the pupils. Price of tuition 'Ten Dollars, half payable in advance. J. A. XAUPI. February 19. 621t BOARDING. r P'HE subscribe hereby notifies his A friends jud the public generally, that he will take four young Ladies, as Bonders in his family, to whom he will teach the French Language and Drawing, (ar a moderate price.) ftiould it be requi red by the parents. He occupies the house owned by Mr Wolfe, situated in the centre of Loudon .Si reet, and in the proximity of Mrs. Nichols* Academy. J. A. XAUPI. February 29._ 621!' Valuable limestone Land FOR SALE. W1 LL be offered for sale on the pra ctises, on the firft day of April next, if fair, if not the next fair day, a valuable tr.nA of Limcltone Land, con taining upwards of Six Hundred Acres, in the county of Frederick, lying on the main r03d leading from Winchefter to Millwood, about seven miles from the former, and four from the latter piece.— The above tra£f of land is situated in one <d the moft desirable neighborhoods in Virginia, adjoining the land* of MclTrs Robert Matthew and John Page. It lit* liandfoir.clv for cultivation, and is well a- 1 dapted to the culture of clover, there be ing <*e fourth of the cleared land n^ well fet in clover. . On the s«h«*e tract, there are upwar.L ,»f two hundred acres in wood, which is fo situated, as that the whole tract may be divided into two handforae fartrs, with a fufficiency of timber attached to each. Mr. Pierce bow residing on the land will fhew the premises to perfons wjdimg to purchafe. I he terms wifi be trade known on the day tif sale. Any perfon wilhing to pur chafe the above farm privately, may know the terms by applying to Mr. Robert Page, or to the fubscriber residing near the White Port. JOHN W. PAGE. February tq. 6ztds |C/*Th« Editors of the Frederick, town Herald* Alexandria Gazette, and - Lancallcr Journal arc requeued to infcrt the above once a week until day of falc, and forward their accounts to this office f r payment. Hat Manufactory, THE fubscriber refpcftfnlly informs his triends and rhe public in general, that I'c ha* removed to the houfe fouth of the R d Lion lr>u, and adjoining Lewis WoHeV Kfq. where he continues to car ry on the business of HATTING, in all its various branches, and will at all time9 have on band a. food iiflonment of coarse and tine H.-Vf , which he will warrant to be equal to any inamifaftuted elsewhere, He <> grateful for-paft favors and hopes, from h»« exertions to pleafe, to mctit. a continuance of the hmr. SAMUEL LAI CK. February 19, 18:4.. bztf BLANK i DEED 8 | for sale at this Office. FOB SALE, I WOULD sell on liberal terms, the following property in the town of PA RIS, Alhby's Gap, viz, A House and Lot, 90 feet front, and izi yards back , the h'ouse is large and commodious, and well calculated for public business, and now in the tenure ot Mr. Eti'dl ^curies. 1 here is live rooms and a pafsage on the iirft floor, and three rooms on the second, to gether with a good liable, a kitchen and smoke-house, a garden and grazing lot, ail wc-il enclosed,—Also, two unimprov ed lots ad’oining the same, 60 feet trout, and izi v.-rdsbjek: water is convenient, and the iituation ot the lots ROinWfot build ing on.— Mao. a Tan-Yard of or.c acre, le tic tor thtcc livcsj to C V rent, which might be Improved and ufed to advantage. ISAAC SETTLE. Febraary 5. 6otf PUBLIC SALE I WIL L be sold cm Thursday the y ▼ to ill of March next, at the farm on which I reside, (lately owned by (he heirs of Thomas Ctirlraell, dec. ami ly ing .it the head of 0;n*qiion, be ! tween 4 and 3 miles west of the town of Winchester :) all my stock, consist ing oT an excellent set of HORSES, MILCH COOS, SHEER, LOOS, §c. together with all my farming ntensihi’ and a few barrels of Corn.—ALSU— the whole of my HOUSE HOLD <$• EHTCHEJV furniture ; aud if not sold before, at private sale, a very valuable set of NEG HUES. Terms Cash. CORNELIUS BALDWIN, Jr. February 10. 62td9. Foi Sale 4 SMALL, but valuable and desira iSLble Tract of Land, about one mile from Winchefter, and : 4 mile from Perkin's Mill’s, on the Mam road leading to Staunton. This traft contains about too acies of limed one land ; 6o of which are cleared. T he improvements cons ill of a good two ftory ftone houfe with neceflary out houfes.— 'I hL property was formerly occupied as • a Tavern and is an excellent stand for a mechanic who wifhes to unite with his profession, the occupation of a Farmer j The quality cf the land is inferior to none in the County, and its contiguity to feveral valuable Mills and to the flourifh. ir.g town of Winchefter are objefts et no fmall importance ;—For terms apply to JAMES D. VANCE. Dec. 13, i8i 3. tf The Editor of the Fredericktown Herald is requested to insert the above three times and transmit his account to this office for payment. Public Sale. WILL be sold by public Sale, it the Court Houfe door in the town of Romney, on Monday the 14th day of March next, being couit day, a negro boy about i3or 19 years of age, ttrong and able bodied—faid negro is part of the eftate of James M’Alifter, dec’d, and is to be fold by virtue of a decree of Hamp lhire Court.—Twelve months credit will be given for price, the purchafer giv. i ing k><md and good fecurity. A. KING. Executor of the laft Will and 1 eftarnem of James M’Alifler. j February 19 6itd» | Land for Sale, r X HE fubfcriber offeis FOR SALE a Valuable Tract of Land, lying on the Shenandoah River, about 6 miles above Berry's Ferry, Frederick county and adjoining the •Mount Xhn 7’i act, formerly owned by Col. Thruftou, and at prefent by Capt. E. Way, con taining between 5 and 600 acres—60 acres oi which is valuable River bottom, the quality of the Land is limeftone ;—.< fufficiei r proportion of which is in timber and is remarkably well watered, having a number of never failing fprings, and a conifant flrearo running through pair of | it. The improvements are a comfoita 1 ble dwcllinghoufe, corn houfe, &r.—This property is situated in a wealthy and highly refpe£lab1o neighborhood, and from the many local advantages it poffef lir«, cannot fail to prove a highly desira ble property to any one wifhing to pur chafe ;—Its continuity to the Afhby's Gap Turnpike, which the Company are I taking mrafurcs to complete in a fhort time, is a circumftance which, to a per. fon capable of appreciating filch an ad /antage, is of too great importance to overlook ; independent of this advantage, the immenfe r.fe of property in this fee* tion of t!ie country, and the flattering profpeftsof it continuing to do fo for ma ny years yet tc come, cannot but render this a very valuable property.—For terror apply to» JAMES DAVIS. Dec. 1%, 'Si 3. 53tiflV1. fb- Printers of the Frederick town Herald and Lanca.fler Journal, will plcifc to iufert the above in iheir nfpeftive pa pers unlit forbid, and tranfmt their ac 1 counts t« this office for payment, NOTICE • ] THKCseditors of Walker Y. Page 1 deceased, are requested without de lay tocxhibit their respective Claims to us. From the eftim:u« which we have made of the debts due ftom the cflate, we consider ourselves now prepared to pay to cavh Claimant one hall of his demand, and the balance will probably be ready in the courfc of a month or two. Thole who arsindebted to the ellate are re nncfled to make payment immediately, ROBERT PAGE, > „ Wm. B. PAGE, $ rs* Dec. ij, 1813. - _4f* TO THE PUBLIC. 1, tj R. WILLIAM M’CGRMICK, JLY_lL Jnar. having recently becu qualifi ed by the Couit of Frederick bounty, as Deputy Surveyor for said county; by and with my approbation, I take this method of recommending him to the public, as a your.g man who will execute a«y businefs within the limits of his official duties, which may be entruvted to him, with a due degree of fidelity and dispatch. Wm. CA.STLEMAN, Junr.S.F.C. T will attend regularly every Court, at the Hotel ofCapt. M’Guire, in Winches ter, to receive the commands of the pub lic, and will be grateful for any business commuted to iny attention. Wm. M‘COR MICK. February 6otf For Sale. r // e s u u $ c in n e r OFFERS FOR SA 1. E, BY PRIVATE CON TRACT, A Waggon 5 Horses, ' ready for the road, being supplied with tent, bags, feed-trough and geers. If required by the purchaser, the horses will lie separated, but a sale will not be made without including at leaft two of the hors es and waggon. Also two Colls tor sale. For terms apply to the subscriber living near Jacob Weaver's, at the toot of the Round-Hill. JOHN WILSON. January 8. tfjfi Notice. HAVING been appointed to repre sent the abfent heirs of Alhford Violet, late of the Parifh cfSt. Martins, Hate of Louifisna, deceafed, l hereby no tify ti:e heirs of said Violet, to make known their pretentious without delay, fubftantiated by proper documents, other wife (he proceeds of the fale of the eftate of the dcccafed will be paid over to the Trealurer of the State according ro Law. JO. A. PARROTT, Attorney for the abfent heirs of Alhford Violet, dec'J. AttakapasChurch, 4th Nov. 1813. 3mS5» Vi rginia, to wit. AT Rules holden in the Clerk's Office of the Superior Court of Chancery for die Winchefter Dtllrict the tirft monday of December, 1813. The heirs and legal representative* -*f Andrew Waggoner, deed riaiutiffs. rfgatnft Amt re w Chew and Charles M'Donald, Defendants. j The Defendant Charles M’Donaid not having entered his appearance and given security according to the Act of Asscm I My and the Rules of this Court, and it appealing by satisfactory evidence, that he is not an inhabitant of this country: it is ordeted, That the faid Defendant do ap. pear here on the first day of the next term k answer the bill of the plaintiff; & that a copy of thij order be forthwith inserted in some newspaper published in Winchefter, for two months successively and polled at the front door of the Court Houfe in the faid town of Wiiichcftet. A Copy. Tcftc, DANIEL LEE, C. C. C. January 22._ lm.g For Sale 150 acres of LAND. 1MIK fubscribers offers fr.r sale a Tradt of Land, within half a mile of Newtown, Frederick County Vn. con taining one Hundred an^ fifty acres, about one Hundred a.res clc.iied, of w hich thcic is about ten acres of meadow, a tolerable Dwelling House., Barn, orchard a.c. In is deemed onrieceffary to give a farther description of the I mod. Any persot defitiou3 of purchasing on terras which will be liberal, apply to Francis T. Mas tin in Wi.ld.letown who will (hew the pacaiifcs, REED WRIGHT. SALE [) Y VIRTUE of a DECREE, made 3 by the County Coar^1 of Frederitk in Chancery, in December laft, betw een Thomas Frizzle, Plaintiff, and Stephen Auftm, Defendant, the fubscribers Com. miflionera, named in the laid Decree, will sell at the Tavern of Samuel Kt rcheval, in Stephenfburg, on Saturday the ^thday of March next, at iz o’clock for ready money, to the higheft bidder, a i net of Land lying on the Wcfternaide of Crook rd Run, fS containing ten acres, being the fame land that was eonveyrd to the said ! 'I homas Frizzle by James Moore Ik wife, and now is the occupation of Warner : White, LEMUEL BENT, JONATHAN Ca^LILE. Itbrnary *>-.4s NOTICE, ; I WISH to make known to thofe gen tlemen who have not paul for the fcafon ot their mares to my horfc, that my fitua 'tion in life will not admit of more than a few weeks longer indulgence, other wile I (hall be vifited by a clafs of men that I am unwilling and not able to fupport, and confcquently have to adopt the fame mea furc for felf prefervation which 1 Ihall not fail to do without refpcil to perfons. I will give a great bargain in my young and valuable dud hcrle DOMESTIC, (for Calh, good paper, or faitable tradee with part in Calh,) who is now rising five years old, sixteen hands high, proportion, ably made, and well bcoke as a covering horfe, and works admirably in geers, lu Slice it to fay, that he is worthy of at tention, and well deferving a better mas ter- My capacity is the foie reafou that induces me to offer him for fale. JOHN CARRINGTON. Overfeer for Col. Magill, Opequon Farm. January 29, 1814._$gtf Virginia, to wit. AT Rules holden in the Clerk’s Office of the Superior Court of Chancery tor the Winchcfter Diftrict, the lirft mondav of December, 1813. Chriltopher Heitkell, Plaintiff, againft Frederick Steinbeck, Patrick Raker and Lucy his wite, ar.d Jacob Moufer, | Defendants. THE defendants Patrick Biker and I Lucy his wife, not having entered their appealance according to the aft of affembly and the rules of this Court, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Couii that they are nor inhabitants of this Country : It is ordet.d, that the said defendant do appear here on the first day of the next term and answer the bill ot the plaintiff, and that a Copy of this I order be forthwith inferlcd in fome newspaper publiQied in Winchcfter lor two months successively and ported at the front door of the Court houle of the • laid town of Winchcfter. A Copyr. Tefte, DANIEL LEE, C. C. C. January 22. 21058 Patent CHURNS. T* HE subscriber having purchased the only right of making and vending CLEVELAND’S PATEN . CHURN S for the counties of Frederick and Loudon takes this method of informing the public that he intends keeping a fupply at his houfe in Berry ville. He at the same time forwarns all perfons in either of said counties, from making, vending or using Cleveland’s Patent Churns, unless au thorised by him, as he is determined to proiecute allsuchasthe law directs. JESiE BROWN. Berry ville, Aug. 7. _tfz/j.. Winchester female Academy. ‘ r-|-*rfE public are herebynotified, that I the Schools which have heretofore been conducted separately under the care of Mr. Hill and Mrs. Ni chols, are hereafter to be connefted, and to he managed under the joint care of the same iotlruftors. The Lancafter School, that wonderful im provement in the art of teaching, the chief excellency of which,as yet,lies in teaching the elementary parts ot education,will con tinue under the particular direction of Mrs. Nichols, at the rate often dollars per year. Those young ladies who have made some progress in education, will come under the care of Mr. Hill, who will teach reading and parsing the Engliih language, (after the pupil has acquired some facility in plain reading) Geography wuh the uze of the Globes and Maps, Philosophy’, As tronomy, Hiftory, &c. at the rate of 20 dollars per annum. I r.ose pupils who may not be well grounded in the tlements of education, and can read plain reading tolerably, may di vide their time between the two depart ments so as to commit their rules, write ar.d cypher with Mrs. Nichols, and prac tice reading and spelling with Mr. Hill, at the mean rate of 15 dollars per annum. This at range men t is to be left discretion ary with parent-., who arc hereby requeu ed immediately to intimate their wilhc3 up on the subject; whether they would prefer their children <f this description to con tinue exclusively under the care of Mm. Nichols, or to divide their time as pro posed, that arrangements may be made accordingly. The only vacation in the school here after will be the month of Auguft, and a few days about the usual holidays. Itis contemplated to conduct the calterian School in the ensuing sprint? up on an extensiv e scale, so as to teach a con siderable ratnl»er cd rhe poorer children* gratis. Although this School if designed principally for females, small boys may, not vithftanding, be admitted ia the I-sn caftcr School. January 8. 56 tcTsI>inneus rT*MJK fubteriber having some time Tv since declined making Flax and Cot ton Wheels, takes ibis method to inform hio old coftoiners and the public, that he has ag ain commenced the business one and an hall times »Vom Newtown, on the road leadtr g iroin thence to Zane*'s oM lion Works, where he will make and tepair Wheeli in the bed fanner. D7xVJD 2-JEN1NG. February g, too ' TO KENT, f Fatm, on which Mr. James JL Rice lives at prefent, belonging to the filbfctibtr, and fitnated near the head of Opequan Creek; the land to be culti vated* in corn for the ensuing year,is of the very belt quality, being a meadow, con. taming twenty live acres, which has not been cultivated for Thirty years; there is a Ho on it a fme large Orchard of the belt kind of fruit. Any perfon wifhing to rent, will do well to make an early application, as it is expeticd there will be many applicants. Application to be made to Thomas Cra mer, living at the head of Opcqaon, or to the fublcribcr in Winchefter. MARGARET DOWDALL. . February 12. 6itf Land lor Sale. THE subscriber offers for falc a valu. able FARM containing 1115 Acres, lying near the Bull Run Mountain, in Prince William County, Virginia, and' i about seven miles from the Little River Turnpike. This farm has many and ' ftrong recommendations.—There are from six hundred and fifty, to feten hundred I acres of arable laud, divided at ptefent i into live fields and feveral small lots, which are highly improved, and a mea dow containing about thirty acres, a considerable proportion of this land it laid down in clover and each field is wa tered by a beautiful and constant stream. The balance of the land is generally co vered with valuable timber. In a local point of view this farm is very advan tageously situated, being in a genteel and oppulent neighborhood, within a few miles of feveral manufacturing Mills and only thirty eight miles from Alexandria; his land is not inferior to 3ny in its vi inity and receives improvement frem the Plaister of Paris with great facility. A more minute discretion cannot be ne celfary a3 any person who may wilh to purchafe will, it is prcfumable, nrft fee the Farm. My terms may be known by application to Mr. Carter B. Fontaine, who resides near the laid Farm. LEWIS BERKELEY. Dec. 4. 51. IO~ The Editors of the Lancaster Journal and Fredericktown fJerald, are requested to insert the above advertise ment, . till forbid, an*! transmit their accounts to the Office of the Winches tcrOazette for payment. | Rich Limestone Land FOE SALS. BY Virtue of a DEED of TRUST, from George Dcnealc, junr. and Eli zabeth his wife, made 0.1 the zjih of Ja nuary, 1813, to the subferibers for secu ring the payment of the fuais of money therein mentioned, with the inrerctf ac-> crying rhereon to John D. Or, who hath aligned the fame to Charles Carter, Wc the underlined by the direction of the laid Carter, lhail proceed on the 7th day of April next, (if the weather (hall ad mit of it, and it not, on theenfuing day,) abuat the hour of op* in the afternoon, at the Tavern of George S. Lane, in Berry, vi!ie Frederick County, to fell to the higheft bidder tor Calk, the 1 raft of Land deferibed in the fa id Deed, or fo much thereof as (hall be fnflicient to dischaige the principal fuin already due, together wirh the intereft which ihall appear to be due on the day of fale, as alfo the charges attendant upon the tale. The faid Tract of Land by a furvey made about a year fince, contains two liun it.-ed and fitcy acres, is fituatc in the fai*l county of Frederick, in the vicinity of Berryville afore (a id, adjoins the Lands of John Milton, Thom* Jackfon and others, and is part of the Traft, which*for many jears had been called Gilmours. ROBERT PAGE, GEORGE BLAKEMORE. January 29._ jgrds Rich Limestone Land Y Virtue of a DEED of TRUST from Thomas Jackfon, and Ruth Ins wile, made on the 25th of January, 1813, to the fubferibers, for fecuring the payment of the fums of money therein mentioned, with the inte/eft accruing thereon, to ]olm D. Orr, who hath af figned the fame to Charles Carter, We the undcrfigned by the direction of the faid Carirr, (ball proceed on the 7tli da of April next, at the Tavern of George S. l.anr, in Burryville, I'rcderick county, to fell to thehigheft bidder for Cafh, the fra‘l oil.and cieferibed ir. the laid Deed, or so much thereof as fhall be futheient to difeharge the amount of the principal fums already due, together with the inter, eft which fnail appear to be due on the day of falc. The faid tract of Land, which contain* four hundred and forty feven acre* and « quarter of an acr**, is fit 11 ate in f rederick County, in the vicinity of Berry vide a* forefaid, adjoining the lauds of Matcher Page, George Dniealc and others, and i* part of the Tra^f of /.and which for ma ny years had be- .»called Gilmour**. The sale w*il commeace at the Taver* aforefaid, about the hour of twelve, on the Did 7rh day of April next, unlef* it (hall be delayed by weather fu ioclo incur as to prevent the attendance of pur chjfers, in which event it will be pro ceeded with on the enfuing day, at ibe fame place and about the same hour* ROBERT PAGE, GEORGE BLAKEMORF. January 29, l9i4.