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-X . . -a ff xx^ W* *W» ...... PKfNTKD AND PUBLISHED UY gcHjtt Jit three dollars per annum, payable in advance• j^ynisr k ys i r. l is co.vjh wlys. (1. No papers will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid. III. Advertisement* not exceeding si square, (17 lines printed matter or 12 lines common manns; ript matter, inserted three times for One Dollar, ami Twenty-Five Cents per square ‘ for every subsequent insertion, and. When not specifically directed to the contrary, will be inserted until foroid and charged accordingly. l'»r. Advertisements from n dis tance must be accompanied with the L C vso, or be r.ssmned by some, respnu :■ djt■■ 5v"-*ion. or die Postmaster *»••»«* »«_: ' . :: ‘ :-di er-> '• ' V. Advertiser nta will, in ever. i:,rtu:»cc lie' l to the person or* drring than, unless particularly aii pi da ted to t!*e contrary. VI. Chancery Orders inserted as oih t Adv •rtiseinents and charg’d to tin At*, irirv, whose name is indorsed b\ U. l< 11; on tho order. S i. Vh » Postage on all communi cations t.»’no Editors, must be paid by the writer, or tluy will not bo at tended ;•>. N, 1*. It is distinctly to bo under stood bj Advertising Customers, ha no Advertisement will henceforward b'* directed by the Editor of this pa per to be inserted in oilier papers unl >~>s tho same bo previously pai l for. F O II S A JU E A valuable JTJiGRO JULY. Ap ply to JAMES RAKER, near the White-Post, Frederick c) February 13. ^"Hh'or Sale. THE While-Post is *ti!l for sate hut if not sold i:i a »h >rt lit»o will b. ta lei fu>* a- term of years, as govern end stor», (lining one atora at the pt.’iee at |i^eseot.) A rea?»«*ctalde r>»- - clianic: at agio, ur plough maker, ivou!-‘. f very, w.*»; • >;• h! :.*.r' u *;!,—none h- ♦ • *. t'lr.t-t"-. r' .V" • »* - ■(. far ueed anj !y ■ V~M. ( AUN GY. A< ri! to ^ **■--___•_:_:_ _ Public Sale. I WILL SELL on Tuesday 5fip 2l)'i» »n<! ut» n e r •»! i * ot* 12 m mills at my residence (C< lur Grove) near Middletown, my l) list hold and Kit; hen Furni<ure, Farming utensHr a good Wr igg'*n 'w<> S'i'L, about 50 Hogs, and Sb.ep nnd Cattle. Tie sah .vi'l coaiujeoce at to o’cb-ck Pc »ons indebted to tho Subscriber aiv r!(i!u*«ic‘d to male * p .ymanl imina «fiate|\ • and tlic-e t« wh in ho m*.y b,v indebted are r* quested to pr#*eut Ih • ir rl.mus, as hv intends shortly to leave !be state. SOLOMO HO(ij>L April 10 !i- 2 For Sale, A F \R\1 within mu1 mde of I»er i A. ryville, Frederick County Va. CWiLuiuing 233 i-2 Acres, an which iv a fine Spring and Stream running through if : also a tolerable dwelling house : between y© and too Acre* i f this trr.ct is in line timber— *<he land will lie shewn fo arty cue 'T.posted t> purchase, by Mr. fii. hM. ni-h«a *-*r Ihj subscriber, win also •‘'a* for sale a Negro Woman, and tf.rce children ; tin* woman i-s about 2S years of age, and is an excel lent ouok. nijf'Hiian taylou. Snirkers* Ferry, April lOlh. The Bdi'ors of the Frederick town 11‘fali), & H gerslown Torch Light, will in'.crt Hie ubnv? there ii.ue«, and " : ar I Hr ir accounts to flii* office fur rillfclion, i oOtiCt', 1 IIM Stn(*kf| .I irT4 in ihe fiCe»horg Tlirnfit fori enmnsny. will plea** I»uk** n*.*if»*•, that 'ho fiTh inctal iiicm* f**', il'ilU's on p«rh Hi tre of * nk bv H:**tn subscribed G r< **1 *t*rc*T tr '* **.ii * n r !»p*’>rc rh c 2.V fi »!*• »>l Mi" " * by o'drr of 'ho board, s\V>U£L CAR it, Treasurer. April ir. b'<- EtiS his ser »»<•*•« to the in hubitauts of VViuchcsler nod it* nty, a* a practitioner «»t* MEUI Cl M E," SURGERY and MIDWIFE RY. Hu assures the public that there shuli be no dereliction of duty on his part ? he resides in Mr*. Edgar's house on Loudoun strpet, lately oc cupied by Mr. Tbo%. Peck, a few doors south of Messr*. Lane & Bronte’* st-*rc, and immediately opposite Mrs. B;. > kes. -H«.fpr. \n*-i! loth—3tp. biS OTIC K. loreby forward ail persons frntn HU tag an assignment on two notes •l .i. ‘ giveu by John Swa/uc of Alex ao !ri \ to Asa Mngre of Loudoun, for b >*e. .. six and seteo hund etl dollar* *.!; : dal.d ab ut the Is*, tf Jil tad nth < '.V r.n:* p \yablc, t b«lieve, in nine • • ’ I . , ». . by i. i ’.v • < • -,.1! ! V- t»d *ie of "Samuel S’.i-ync & C<>. !it fir the bunch* of Joint rSwavne *».ti»e ; tlio firm of E.unucl $wayn? ik Co. having hud no concern in the , r istiou out of which tins uoie- ! SVMUEL 8WAYNE. Winchester, A». -if to h. Information Wanted. ^ S (he month J *e.p last, Ai J !<: i i . I’ wloi **u mi( from this pljc • the Western Country, t*« e«ne •tonic* line la nv for • ntls sold, c< tles, a;;.j perform ai'ies1 duties ft*i< • vo to my property in llu* stains «. •Ihi), KetiiUcky, Indiana, and ti : tUvni parts >;»' Viig.nie, f» ::.ving heard of, or from him, sine, ah .tit the mi hi us *.f January Isis:, vheiihatvu* at fiOui'.Yillr. act! hud e ’n >irk ir.d confined lor uiora (K in live wr k->, hut was about to set ou' i r B.rre» County, induces me ! > fear • bus a pm fallen sick, ami perhaps • • dead or inurderud, as n i* b* lievtd tin had collected nvtin s and sold ..adi jhich be uat authorised in do, .ml ret.eive payment. A* Air Buy 1* r hut been employed by :a.* ups. ud* jf sir years, executing the ubov; tti'Miiitoed ami Im boon here tolVue pretty regular in bis cotnimini* ‘.itiom, tits present depas ture from his usual ii xbii*, can .alone be ascribed * o'T e such cause is is ubrre sugg-.-steii; 1 as he '.oust he ; ratty well kuoivi. j.- :<i*c slue., »n . in formation res . . _ /. v v, ’ .--A, . •' *rt j Bxiliei;»wpns . !n *e F ederick cy. > a. will b-* most thankfully icceivcd Ulill l i v JOHN HOPKINS. Hill £c Dale. Apiil loth. i'iio ftdi ir* of the Lexington tvy. lU.tnit ir—Lroiyville Public \d r-niser - C ncinuitti S«>y—,n I I'hil. i.c th Sup i trier; ivill insert tile ab ve •{ • i;n • ^ on i i«* vininit their ac iti-i's • 'nit ,.l-i .,* r r payment. Hardy Cow tty viz : Hatch term 1313. Philip Outline Pluibiiff, Against Hearge an J ^hriunphcr Lindenbergrr, Frederick Lindenbiii gt*r and James Du <*se I* D-fendanis. iv chavcedy. HIS 0 fiimi’s (ie*rgr* and Chris t<*p her Li a leub •« »er ai.J Fredrick Lmdin’n iger n>t having i n'.er d their appearance an.i given security rveccr ding to th - Act of Assembly and tile roles of this court ; nod i' appearing by satisfactory evidence ihatlhty ore nut inhabit*.its of this eouB'ry: Oi the m >'ion of the piaiu'ilf by bis Colin •el ft i? orJere.Ji (hat the said defect •i-infs do appear here ott the first day of Jane court next to beholden for i he •aid county and answer the bill of tire complainant : and ihnt a copy of this order be forthwith inserted in some newspaper published in Winchester for two months eui ce«*i\ely, and i u-Y i !ii r C»»»y posted »*i cij< Ire ill dvr iif he Court house of th- said county. A Copy —Teste, KDWADD WILLIAMS, V. tt. C April 10th. „ • An Estimy, (1 AM ft to (lie Subscriber'* Farm, J sometime in Nov. la t. no lis'ray Heifer; was appraised to o,{> 5 sir* i« n li^bt hrind'e h'ifcr with -\hi!e «po«s ; a • it*“ in the under part *»f ihe right ear and a ernp * iVtlte left—suppos'd t » be ri ti rg :irre? spurs old. The • wner by by eotping forward, proviig pr,party, and pat in ' charge,* cao tnkp her «uay. VBUVtlV.j BIl \NSON. k?r\\ 3t. .V ' Iff. V Hxr.CVTKO 1 A T Tin S O F F1C E. I Superior t onrtoj’ Ghtsncenj Itoldcn in ff'inchealef > to re it: Oliver Funstenami Margaret his wifi late Mn-garet McKay, uii? o» ilu* Devisees aud L juices of Andrew McKny deceased, Plaintiffs, i.G\J>3T Moses McKay, oi:<* of the acting ex ecutors of Andre McKay deceased, * «ml devisee named in hi* will, Polly McKny, widow of .1 > c i> McKay deoe'd. Cn^aru,-«a Mt*K«y, Hay ul-s Mr Kay, Washit MiKny, Noah M.-Kay, Ann » McKay aud .V*:\di«on McKay, children ami !»**»ra of said Jacob McKay declined. Ruben Whitacre and Patience his wife, lute Patienco McKay .another duugh *cr, devise* and legatee of Andrew MvKuy deceestd. .Also Joshua Wood, an.! Kntn Mr*<_nv. v Defendant*. | ?ErJefppiiMn' r • nl Whitsere A A ?-p r. «r vit « rt side .ijj ds*' id to r4.»e thru VV the j tenth Jny m v \ ,!io it u*. anti Tavern kcji v ^'iIUjmsj WM hfiu, in iho Town ot ’• u nyoit. ur^ in Rockingh'.ra Com’iiM, the • ■ position of .1arm's Cii-tk "will It- i -km, 1 n> lie rend ah mid- >(•.- on btliaWufih plaiiititl- intfie st»i■ nVii-i nwniiouct: depending in •!Uotri. r Court 0f Chancery hold n v. V/i chmn>r. OLi Vi c 1 UMS ; EN. i April 10 i\V. i &n | ui > * t - v < v .c J tv„ /r i Of' LC'o frn.> u'-sCi i ht r, *.liv C> ■ , «n N o' .w..*iiip, ':.^ k* • gnoi county, 7 . ■ l<*i - f £ i.ats viilo, a Bay Mnre \ with a b iid fnca-— *0 year* old—t\vt» white feet, and iv*. ;«<l with gears. L.r Ms z v A Side Suddand Bridle (dated liend end e...fle|. Whosoever apprehends the?--\i thkf shall receive^ • he above reward ml reasonable char. g.‘s by be>: *vr suibees. April l«'h—3!. . * EbFFT’.l FU ; . iti his ■ -•*•• >• .... 'v;„ «; *t» h*j.I us • b . ; Li h is re-<(. tnni'i r d at uis ijiriiier riruu i*>n r* this tov lately eeenpitul by T'-. John M»llv n w lit:5 ha will ewii iuue to carry on e Tayloriry; Business ia hr m st IV..Hi ’i.iiblK n.aimer. Hi 1 ik>*« this oji(ii»r ir:i y r■> inform th public, ihai he >v !l always introduce m Philiitlilj.’, & cl Baltimore the hi * >-:.riy anil .rns'‘ir fashion*. G-T"AH order*. n a dulbuce shall he p-:.!>j j> ly a ' ;• * inl to. Winchester, At ril 10.h—3t. 200 DOLLARS L' O^ROTvlr a? J" 'on th® night of the TJD 6.1i October ist, a negro man wuo calls hitnseO) AM JLf i *10 S K> •ilia* Aribr >so F u; , about 26 nr 27 years old, of a d-ck complexion, n feet nr 8 inches I*, gh, has thick, lips, ! vrg,» full face, ind tolerable latga ey •*; he is a remarkably thick heavy tin vie fellow, cai: read and write; [ and will no doubt furnish himself with i pass; it is p-oKiljls he will make fer Alexandria, a-. I » ha» a free wo *71 s «*/ |fp ^ 4 * ^ ^ • rr» u J^rj, g’ish in that t?i e, or otherwise will iHtike for F«*n-.‘- Mtiia.—T he above reward Will h - gi'mi For said negro if taken and secure } in any jail so that I get him Hu was raised in Frederick County. Virginia, by lVlojor Hite, (where he ha-, been sron linking f.r some lime) on * ras sold To me by John Bell Esq. his place. "V FUVNKLIN. Win V*ter, Feb. 13—tf. NOTICE IS hereby giv- r, ihat no other per. s *n is antlioeisrd t, net as Agent un der me fur O iv, r Ex an-', wihrn th* limits of Viiginii, except T imothy Milhurn, of K iuqiT r conr.ty—and a., r.n.» ha* had ^tis*L awiloirilv since \n gust last, hut the **• I Milburn nr Wil j liain 3. Mooqi y. f.JlDV LOVE. Agent an It omry at l.uw for r LI VKR EVANS. April 17th, ! » j Apprentices Wanted. ' 5MIE • uhtcaiber, next door north of the lied Lyon Totem, on Lm do»» street, wit ben to t*ko immediate. ly» ttvo apprentices to the Hutting Business. Boys of respectable con. uectinns, from fourteen to sixteen tears of age, would he preferred. SAMUEL il. LAUCK. March 20- at SKETCH OF THE LAWS, Passed by the General Js>c:nh’i; at tbs Session which commenced on *Uo.c day, the 7ta vf December, 1318. [continued.] i »• r* A .. _ . 1 • “ UUIJ IHVM U ill j II CUirl p.xny to improve 'the navigation of Middle-Ishktkd Ureek in the ejua.y of T> i r, cod for other purpose*. 1 > <•. /\*i act, la r'iluef in;t* v? V/ * , * >. .i* •' • «*.•• ^ % *’-> -ideal • i * vgulitnuu ui the ui±aui\c\Ciy „» ! tr*5 An act, farther to amend and (Xf.l iiu thr; act, entitled, an act far rr«ng ng 'he cnuntic* into districts ■'">r • h * »l etion of senator*, and for -qnalizig h* land tax The Kxecu ivc, witii*iii waiting until all In* a— -i-ititni assessors shall have riui«he<l tiseir asessmenis, are forthwith to ’ ik1 «ln- proper step* for the speedy ass-mining of ’ha several boards of ass-sor*; and the said iicduU. or no many numbers of each a* shall constitute a majority, shall, a* sm.n as p-aetienble, enter upon the j-i n •ritiunef of iheir duties ir. the se v r,.l counties where the assessment i a- bee:* fi it died and completed agree *• y to !.,o provisions of the above re •'n! art. If any assistant assess «r s’t ii- have tailed from any cause, to u»i lett his asaevir.ent, or to commit aic.iie th*> fact to the Executive before he time required by law, the. board > of principal assessors for any county I may nevertheless receive such as»p».* meut, if it shall appear t<> theui that ! like law has been sutstantinjiy complied | with, and such assistant assessor tna^ ' by ihe Executive be exonerated from ; all the penuitiei incurred bj such f.ii i lure. And where it shall have hap pened, in any county or part of a cnuii I ty, that ho assessment has yet been made out, tho executive-hall, with as little delay a* possible, appoint, either from the county in which sueh asses rvfiient is to be made, or froth any other, £tn as** *ant n^essor, v hn sb-if'. imm * •», * I * ~ -- 'VC vi the dutii-s of the < and make out r mi the commissioners’ books *f the hist year, an assessment of.tli3 lands in th- county or district for which the appointment may be made; and, in •oii»!<leralion of a prompt and faithful performance of the duly in time to lay •he asses*meat before the board of principal a»sossi rs when it shall fit end, the <aecuti?e may make him a;i additional allowance not exceeding two dollars par day: and, in the event that, in any county or part of a county, an <i'»s?*-‘ni*iit shall not ba made out in time to be laid before >ueii board, and, in ai! other ca*es. wh-re, from the l ircutnstnBCc of nn assessment having been improperly made out, cr from •*<her causes, Mien assessment shall not have been acted on by the board of principal assessors for the county, it *u«y be laid before the general board "hen it meets in Richmond, to be in the same manner revised, corrected, modified or aftirmed, ft* might have been done by the board of th?* county. And, in case that, for any county, or part of a county, no assessment is made out, it shall be the duly of the audi tor, under such iiisti options, as, from a consideration and comparison of the assessment* of the adj doing counties, may ba given by the general board, and which they are hereby required to give, to make ou«, from the commis i »ner»* book* in his office, an assess ment for «tieh count) or part of a -jilni), T»»* absrup* of ihn a»»e«*oi* s'fiall no? prevent ?hs board in any county from proceeding in the execution (.fits duty, where he table, or (abb-* of assessment shall he laid before if. And i» shall be the duty of the commissioners i f the revenuu? to attend the said boards at their meet ing, and to continue lh-ir attendance ns long as be or they may be ri quirt if, for the purpose of giving such infor mation as thev tniy posses j o*<!, in the absence of the assistant ans-'.s»ors, they shall, if n n.fired, act as clerk to the board whilst in si s ioo, and re ceive in such c i«e the compensation al. lowed the assistant a»*-s»ois for such service. It shall be the datjr of the ! hoard of principal assessors, niter hav- f ing rrvt-cd, corrected, modified or hf- 1 Si; wed the original table or tables of assessment, ahieli slisM belaid before them by the ns istant as<evs rs, to cause such corrected table, or tables, t i be fuirl) tr*n«rribed by their el-rk, an I foivv -r led to the auditor by mail, retaining iht» origin*! in their posses* ( •it a. And tha board may, in addition ; - -rv to tLieir nthe** Contpeasaiicn, uj k« such ftlliiwuni*« to tile ttfiUtaat sors for the of lha table or tables of assessment, by them made oti>f h4 to it may seem jn«r. It shall bo thu duty of the connuiasiousrs of >iie re venue, in correcting tlnir land book, in conformity to the new tables of segment forwarded to them by (head, ditor, ta make£t»gree«ibiy to ‘ho loili section »F tho Ire; herein first recited, alterations for all transfers whicli have been made since tho table ta bles oi assessment have been made out by the assistant assessors, 'the 1st and 2d sections i he act of Or:. t?83 for equalizing the land tax are hereby revived, to continue in force until tLts 3lst of December, 1819. The buaid t'..r each courtly is authorized to n:„fcd to 4he assistant assestors, when in its opinion they shall have faithfully per formed ihrir duty, an additional i! 1 • wants of six per cen\ upon thw aut -iiul of iheir claim, from tho t;n> . cumi8‘JuU'<il ih** ta^i J.i tr^> r-:; c’:tjve that had pet formed ■ ‘ ^ V . y -a a acT, to reduce info on Of ue* the several acts concerning ih» luuti office; ascertaining the terms n:r*| inauner of granting waste ami or.up- ' propriutod lands; directing .h modes of procec-inntng and prescriui g tflf* duty of surveyors. The fulloninc-. amendments aro made to the law ou these subjects. Every Uud warrant granted in pursuance of this act, and every part ctsuch warrant, not located? on waste and unappropriated land* shall be tak-'n and held as personal* e»’atr; and, trom the time of such en» try. until ilia same shut! be regularly withdrawn or vacated, such warrant* „r go much thereofvas shall be so en ured, shall be lakeif and held as rea? estate- T he omission ot any perr,*L, claiming better right to a tract t.f land, to avail himself of the remedy by caveat, to prevent his adversary from getting a paten?, shall in n-i wuo-. construed to har or hinder su; h per 3,vo iioui asaejticg such better rigiu in any ecurl of law or equity, in the as if no such remedy by caveat bail been given hiir.. 5t shall be the* duly of the register of the land office^, to cause to be usade, and in future to* keep, a separate index for all patents ihfti have or may hereafter issue for lands lying in each county within this Commonwealth, ascertaining the> county in which tacit tract of laud nay lie, from a reference to the patent.. All inclusive survey s, heretofore ir.adc, Urr s,!;<<?. her it h r.-*'or.fcd* -‘UMIIDj MX. VI • i. # » V* • . V 1 only, mill a*l grants which imve o»-t-ny or may lie, issued upon such sur^ys, sh ill be deemed good and valid in law,, if such surveys and grnnt9 were, iu other respects, pursuant to law,* not withstanding that the lands ot«im**tf. by entry, ivere never separately pur veyed; Hiving however, to all persons other than the Commonwealth tha full be nr fit of all right and title which. m<>y ha.e been acquired by them, tn> any such lands before the passing ofv this act. 1G7. An act incorporating R com pany for the purpose of improving tha navigation of Chii-kahominy fiver. 183 An act, concerning Archibald*. Thweatt, 1G0. x\u act; authorizing Benjamim Wilion, jtlh. and Josiaa Adams t»» sreet a toll bridge across the West fort of Monor.gahela fiver. 170. x\n act, to reduce into one acf» the sevaral actB for t!ie relief of per sons who have been, or may be injured, by tho destruction of the records of certain courts cf justice. 171. An act, to rt'iluce into one, th® several acts to regulate the solemni zation of marriages; prohibiting 9uclt as are incestuous or otherwise unlaw ful; to prevent forcible ai d stolen mar riages, and fir punishment of tlia erime cf bigamy. 172. An act, to amend tho act en titled an act for reducing into one, the* jS »s.7a' sc'; -- i. -- a «•'’”«» < <*» Appeals nctl Special Court of Ap peal*, 173. An net, extending tho juris diction of'ho magistrates of 'lie city of Itichmond, and for other purpose,* 174. An act, to reduce into one act, tho acts now in force providing for the appoin<men* of elector* lo choona n president nod vice president of tha United States. 173. An act to reduce into nne act, all act* and parts of nets concerning the office f f trustees nr directors « f 'ho severnl towns within this emmon walth, nrd f»r supplying vacancies in the same. <75. An act, 1o provide fof th* Ci lleetion of the I"**’* on licenses to merrhant«; to hawkers and pedlars; to Vetpeis of onltpatirs and lirpses <f piivatc eatertaii ment; « n 'aw pr» cr*‘j and on certain other subjects. 177, An act eon re ruing Gcorgu Wio*l<»n. 173 An set, in rnv-nd the act, en titled, an art concerning the town of Harmm.i but g, ia the t&URty t*i Ksck« iagham.