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' TUB WINCHESTER G So. 663 _WINCHESTER, (vZ)’ SATURDAY, PRINTED AND PUBLISHED §00tt ijicisfcerr, Jit 1 hrce dollars per annum, payable in I advance, L\ 1/ ISr/C.YSM L K COVDJ TIOJS’S. II. No papers will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid. III. Advertisements not exceeding a square, (17 lines printed matter or 12 lines common manuscript matter, inserted three times for One pollar, and Twenty-Five Cents per Square for every subsequent insertion, and, when not specifically directed to the contrary, will be inserted until forbid , and charged accordingly. 1A . Advertisements from a dis tance must be accompanied with the Cash, or be. assumed by some respon sible •person, or the Postmaster most convenient to the advertiser. V. Advertisements will, in every instance he charged to the person or dering them, unless particularly sti dtilutcd to the contrary. VI. Chancery Orders inserted as other Advertisements and charg'd to the Attorney, whose name is indorsed Ly die Clerk on the order. % I. The Postage on all communi cations to the Editors, must he paid hy the writer, or they will not be at tended to. N. H. It. is distinctly to lie under stood by Advertising Customers, that no Advertisement will henceforward be directed by tiie Editor of this pa per to he inserted in other papers, unless the same be prev iously paid for. ■r2i "S- “ * ■ '•*- ' ' _ J_ Morgan County to wit: MAY COURT, 1S20. Adam Hiugle, I’laiutifT, T.9. Eiiz.'btth Ream, heir at law, and le gal representative of G*mrge War. ner, deceased, Defendant, IN CHANCERY. THE defendant not having entered tier jv'Hranc and given security ac cord i.jg t-i ilir Act ul Assembly nnd tl). nil s f tills court, ami ii appear ing l:» tit * s iU*.l«4.r.i o nf the court that *1) i**n•>! a*j inhabitant ot‘ this C‘tin tnoiMvruidj— ><n ill** i ib «• #-40 vi of* dir plaintiff t.y hi council. It jst ordered, tin. th** » *.i I defend* it «.<i appear heie On h hir.t Thursday in A gust r»;*xt. ami ,:1 wer he hill >*f the pi .imilf, and tht .i i-'. iiy >1 ihi» order be forthwith sfi.«** ed in ■> une now paper, publish- >| i:i Wunh -s er, for Imt moii'h* aucee» ftiv ly, ami that u;i..(hi*r c. py |j posted «i be front dour of the Coyri. House of this c .mry. A C >■ v- T.*sfe. C. OR RICK, Clerk. Juno io —J iS Virginia to wit: *0' fi>sr<'s fioUlcn in the Clerk's a fire of the siiorrior Covri f I'hnnrcrit for the Wi :c heifer district the firstMon day vi .Time, I82J. Lewis R lsey, plaintiff, against Dii' id Williamson ami Charles B,*n np*. defendants. THE defendant David Williamson not having entered his appearance, and given s curtly according in the Act of Assembly and the Rule* of this C .urt. ani it appearing by satisfactory evi dence, that he is not an inhabitant of this country — It is ordered,—that the said defendant do appear here on the fir^t day of tlit? next term and answer the hill of the Plaintiff^ and that a copy of this order lie forthwith inserted in sou.e newspaper publish*' d in Wj»i cheater, for two month* successively , am* posted of the front door of the Court House in the said town of Win Chester. A Copy,—Teste, DANIEL LKK,c. c. c. June 17—W C 5EW «ooS grttttcs ^cuthutt I ft ESP EC t V UI.LY inform* liis \> customers Rnd the. public general !y 'hat he has just received nnd is now opening a largo and general amorl inr.nt of SPRING ft SUMM KR GOODS which he is enabled to sell unusu ftltv low prices, being selected from 'he 1st' *i European import iii*r.«, and the greater part lioiv flie G mib received by the «ti*i* Franklin. just arrived at llylliin ir<* from Liverpool, He invites hi* f ■ nds to give him a call, and tr*k • this method to reMi*"* them hi* ih*" f*T ihe liberal encouragement hr ti. reeeived since he eomiiieueed bu«i'ie ’* Winchester, July 22—tf. Virgini to wit; AT tittles hoi den in the Clek's Of fice of the Superior Court of Chun ccnj for the tVinciusier District, the first Monday in June* 1820, Henry Shioeder. Plaintiff, Against James Dailey, Joseph Riddle, Th<»mas Jones, surviving administra tor of Thomas IIog>n dee*d. Thomas i Coilius and Daniel Collins, defendants. TI1K Defendant Thomas Jones, not having entered his appearance and given security according to the Act of Assembly aud the Rules of this Cturt, and it appearing by satisfactory evi dence, that be is not an inhabitant of this country ; It is ordered ; that the said D-lend vit do appear here on the first day of the n**xf-tprtn and an swer the bill of .he plaint-iT; and that a copy of this order be forthwith in serted- in some newspaper published in Winchester, for two months sueces. sively and po ted at the front door of tht*C*>urt House in the said town of Winchester. A Copy.— Feste, , DAN, LKK, e. r. c. June to.—C M. Virginia to wit. JmT lln'cs hnUlen in the Clerk’s Office of the Superior Court of Chancery for the If'hiehcsler District, the first Motility in June, 1820. Cornelius Frye ami Frances liis wife, James Ogden ninl Sar-h hi* wife and David Ogdeu and Rebecca liis plaintiffs, against Hannah Davis, late Hirinah Frve, Executrix of Heory Frye, jUn. dec’ll. David Harris-iu and Fully his wife, late Pally Frye, .leury Westfall Frye, Benjamin Franklin Frye and Elizabeth Frye, defendants. THE Defendant David liarrisou not having entered his appearance and given security according to the Act of Assembly and the Rules of this Court. 1 and it appearing by satisfactory evi | dence, that lit* is not an inhabitant of j this country: It is ordered, That the | said defendant do appear here on the first day of the next term and answer the bill of the piaintiif: and that a copy of this order he forthwith inserted in some newspaper published in Win , Chester, for two months vuere^sivelv, and pasted at the front door of the tJonrt House in the said t.-\*u of A'in. Chester. A Copy—Teste. DANIEL LEE, c. c. c. June IT—J. C. Virginia to wit. Jj T Rules holder in the Clerk’s Of. fee of the Superior ('onrt of Chan eery for the iCinchesfer District, the first Monday in June, 1 a20. \ Joseph Riddle & Tn. plaintiffs, against Prudence Marpole. widow of Eze kiel dec’d. William Pool and Sir oh his wife. J dm M'kee and Jane his «if**, Charles Flannogan and Han mh his wife, David Marpole. J.,ho Vfarp de. Thomas Marpole, (je«.rge Marpole, Francis Kiie ami Aon hi* wife. Theresa Marpnle, Hiram Marpole ami Franklin Marpole, heirs end Fgal representative* of Fzekiul Marpole flec’J. uod Adam Douglass. defendants, 1 HE Subpoena Scircfacias awarded in thi* cause, not being executed oh the defendants. Prudence Marpole, Wil li fm Pool and Sarah his wife, J.,hn M’kee and Jane his wife. Francis Kyle tu:d Ann his wife, Thomas Marpole, Therca Marpole, Hiram and I* conklin Marpnle* and said defendants not having entered their appearance and given security according to the Act of Assembly and the Hole* of this Court, and it appearing by satisfactory evidence that they are not inhabitants of thi« Country : It is ordered, 'That lltt said Defendants tin appear here on the first day of the next term and an swer the bill of the Plaintiff* j and • hat a Copy «>f this order be forthwith inserted in some newspaper published in Winchester for two months succes sively, ami posted at the front door of • he Court-House in the said town of Winchester. A Uopv—Teste, D\NiEii Lee, o. c o. •Tone so_V. M. CAUTION. rflE subscriber gives notice, flint he will prosecute, with the o»m »st rigor of the law, nil «ueh H« mar here ifipr be found trespassing on his land, formerly John Wrights, about six tni'es below tltp tow n of Romney, either b> fishing, fow ling, hunting, or in at.y o*ht>r manner whatever The injury ■ he. subscriber lias sustained by depre ssions, has rendefed this eourse abso lutely neee*«a-* SI ROTH Eft M’NEILL* C Jane 9% Virginia to wit. AT Rules/widen in the Clerk's Ofifce of the Superior Court of Chancery for the Winchester IHstrict, the first Monday in June 1320. Joseph Kiddie & Co. Plaintiff, Against Frndence Marpole, widow nf Fz- ki*d Marpole, deceased—William Foul, nod Sarah his wife—John M'Kee. and Jane his wife—Charles Fiorina g»r, and Hannah his wife — D.vid Marpole, John Marpole, Thomas M.,r pole, George Marpole, Francis K’1**, and Ann his wife-—Vhere.a Marp»lr, Hiram .Marpole. and Franklin Ma-. pole, heirs and legal representative.? of F.zekiel Marpole,'deceased—and Adam Douglas*. Defendants. IMtf2 Subpoena soirefaein* awarded in ibis chine not being executed on tlie Defendants, Prudence Mar pole, \V iliiain Foul, and Sarah his wife—Tlinma* Marpole, Teresa Mar pole, Hiram Mir pole, and Frar kiin Marpole, and the said Defendin'* not having entered their appear ance and given security according to the Act of Assembly and the Rules of tins Court, and it appearing by sati* ! factory evidence flint ih“y are not in I habitants of thG Country .* Ji is or | derrd. That the said Defendant* do appear In-re on the (Tst dt»v of the next ! term ami answer the hill of the P'ain ■ till'; and that a copy of this order be j forthwith inserted io some newspaper , published in Wiuehest^r, fur two | months successively, and posted at i «lie front door of the Court-ilouse in ; the said town of Winchester. A Copy—Teste. D VN IKD 1.1215, c. c. c, June to — A M. Fitszimmons and Gibson UKSPKl! I P'lJLLV announce In • heir friends and rutlnmprs, that fhes have jo«» received from Baltimore their SPUING FASHIONS for close.hndii d and frock coats &c._ 1 hey it «:st l hut they may, without in curring the charge of vanity, venture to pledge themselves that thev arc m •vhled to furnish gcn'lemm with work in 'heir line, »•»> ml, r* every point ot i view, to any sit ip on the continent; and J it shall also he * I* ir object to pra.ervt, j a cliarhcier »‘»r piineinniity ami ass.', j 'Ilt 'IM a<tl‘l:tioll to business. I • b y are fur j<«»t favors, 5 rod f 11or |ve,. that ih • (joali ; ty of th'dr vnuk. and disposition to please, will secure to tlcm a. a|nre of the public patronage. May 0. tf ! "kTA ^ ^ jit4* receii id and now epen ft handsome assortment of CttciAP nml fo«liii)n><hie GOOD?, which lie vs 111 »eil low for C \ •!!. To »• numerate the different article would he tedi< u*. H- flitters him,elf, that he will give generuj satisfaction to ihose who will favor him with n call. He has. in addition to his dry goods, an elegant a*snrtmP„t of Sugar, Ten, i Coffee. Spirits, brandy, Wine, Whis key. 6cc. V?Hv IS - — ■ ■■ « — - XNOTICE Is HEliEBY GIVEN, 1 l.a* applica Mill wii* ha mode to the President and Directors of the Little Giver I urnpike Company, for the renew.i! of a Certificate of onp shore of Slock in the said Turnpike Company, number dated issued to me, and stand ing in my name on the Books of the Company, which has been lost nr mis laid. WM. SNICKERS. July i«f_r>t, JAMES ENDEIiS, ("Barber,; RKHPKCTHI.I.Y inform. Tin. Cniz-n* of Winchester, that hr has opened Shop in .he House lately occupied hy Mr. .1 Campbell, Saddler, and adjoining the House for mony years occupied hy Mr. Henry Bush as a Tavern, where he shall he happy to receive t hp commands of Gentleman; he tru«ts, that Aven razors, close shaving, and close application to hit stness, will secure to him a share of the public, patronage — Hi?* Terms arc, For ^having 3 limes a Week, ?."2 per qr. Twice a We*k, i MJr. pr do. On«e a Week, i per do. M »n"*>e.»prt ^-2, buUA W ATE if. yI*HK *tih-crih»-r has opened his H fonntam of this healthy beverage, for the ason, CHARLES LI ALEi I July 1—if V iigiuia to w it : /IT Hides holden in the Clerk's Of fice uf the Superior Court of Chun ccrti for the If inchtster District, the first „Monday in June, 18*20. Mi S'veareugen A'iinini trnt'tr of George Noble, deeM. j Plaintiff, Jigaitisi Piisanna Bishop, Executrix, and George Bishop and Dkniel John Bi shop, Executor of Jolm Bi-hop dec’d. un«l I h oim- W hite, defendants. I ME Defendants no| having entered Iheir appearance, and given security according to the Art of Assembly anil the Rotes of this Court, and it appear ing by satisfactory evidence, that they are not ii>Iiabiiaiil* of ibis country • jt i> ordered : I hut the said defendants do appear here on the first day of the next term and answer the bell of ibe pii intifl } e.od that a copy of ibis order Iih forth with inserted in some newspaper pohli-h-d in \\ incliester lor two months successively, nod 'last ed at the from door of ihe Court-House in the said town of Winchester* A Copy.—Test.*, DAN. IJiE, c. c. c. June to —C. i\i. Leesburg Turnpike Hoad. 'V'PMit K t> HliiifcBY GIVEN, tf. i.X h’’ itncklmlderh ot tIt's' i • rnpike U-iruJ, (nut a third in-Ci .. "f «EN DOU.VRS ,,n euci* i-hare «f stock, jsuii-oiih.d »i n ee tlie 1st October, ISIS') is required to be p ud on or before the 1st day of Octo ber next. IN. Those who have not paid up their first ami second instalments, I hope will enM and do so. h fire 'lie fiist nay July n*-xt, as longer iudul geace ctnnol bi given them. By order of the B-.ard, Ti-iO.vlAS R. MOTT, • Treasurer. June 24—tf cautionT T.MI'. ?:ib«oribcr will prosecute with ' »<»»-*’" rigor of the law, any persou "I'" htreaftcr he found harbor, tog his negro boy ^reth rick. . PKIEK LAITCK. July 1 /i-tf B. 1 he above nnred hoy eloped a f»*w days since.— A reasonable t-otn *'i u«a< tun will lie v £In* d^liv^ry, P L. FOR RENT. 72 — jT ARr of the PLANT A TION call i Oi ti.-\li 1111.L, belonging to the h' irs of Daniel Sonera, Junior, dic’d, containing 300 ACRES OF GOOD FARMING LAND—200 •Veins ot w hieh are cleared and in prime order for Fa-mirg, lying in Fre derick County, Yitgioia, near (he c bile ? .St is to be let out to the high est bidder on the 14 th day of August next f«r two y ears}—die tune In t- mi metice »he l.»t dav of .lanuarv. 1821 ; privilet’grt will be givm to seed this toll. k"v from sixty t. eighty aces. J,fHN KKlifOOT, Guardian. •July 22—3 nil. #50 REWARD. ri'< — JL UR ABOVE REWARD uhh reasonable expanses will be paid for (be apprt hen ion and recnierv of SALATHAEL DAVIS, nn apprentice to »lie subscriber to lenrrt the trade of Tailor—be left home on Wednesday lest, took with him two blue fonts, one of them neatly now, with vcl*. t color, pocket facings made of silk, one pair blue cloth trow-serf, nne pair drab, and one pair bine striped j-an trousers, sundry other clothing not recollected, black fur hat. Davis is about f 3 years old. well grown, per haps 3 feet s inches high, fnir com plexion, has a mark representing «n oyster on his right leg between the knee and ancle, leans a little forward when walking. 'I he above reward will be paid by the «ub«frib' r. Ji It. KELSO. No. fi S uth street. Bnllimnre, July t—22—stp. ICT* I HE Editor of the Informer, Shepherds!own, will insert thenonve 3 times, ami send hi* account to this offh-e for pr.yrm-nt. James J*i. Mason, ^ttotnctj at Jam, 3k*PK(’ TKI LEV tender* to the 3 ^i.nblie, hi. p -ifessionnl <en ices_ bis office a j- ins Mrs. Strei b >ard* tog house (Rltly occupied by John I Hopkins. E'q.J Juiy 221 yd9 Rope JVLanufuclory IN WINCIiESTER. T'jJ'MIE Subscriber rcpeetfuHr informs 5 ‘hi* public that h«» m»ki« ALL KLN |)S bb' JtUPE to order, and k«»t pa «n hind TWINE, BRD CORD*, AilLL, WELL, and FERRY HOPES, wholesale »»nd retail at the following priee*, viz : B»d Cord* from 3 dollars, to 4, fff G, & 9 dollars per d zen; according lo quality. Large Hope 1 shilling am‘ 8 penee, 1 shilling and C pence, and 2 shilling-* per pmud, according to quali* The subscriber return* his thanks to those wh«» hwve encouraged hi* bust* ness, and solicits all person* who deal in the aiticle of *Rope t0 give him a call, believing he can *up|Jy them oa HS good terms as any Manufactory in the United States. Reed Manufactory. The subscriber maiulaeturi « at ijjo tib ive place, Wenret'a lieeds of iho fir-f quality, nnd of every description, which lie will sell by wholesale or rcteil. N. B. Two Smart Bnyq of gnnd connexions from 12 to t* years of age, will b> taken 10 learn Itie above iraHes. JC7*The highest p.iee in ea-h or rope will be gi»en for II mp. THOMAS GiilVIsHAW* »m't t.l -4 . A GItEAT BAKGaIN. f l-SH TO ItI'.iW f fur two years; JL/lmt valuable e ST A BL1SHMKNT winch | now occupy near Linchburg, consisting of a Merchant Mill, a Saw Mill* and Distillery, WITH A LAliliE FLanTA’JION, and all nee.«sary buildii g«._«urli ,tg A good Dwelling House and Kitchen, Smoke House, £piing House, Miller’s house,Coopers shop, Stablsa and Barn. The Mill ban two pair of Burrs, and a pair of t^orn Stones—two water wheels of excellent machinery, nnd a stream ho remai kahle for its uniformity, that during 'he !nl? dfy ,Cn«of., <j;i* w„, the only mill lor «evera> miles «ocod that could grind. The terns for manufac turing in this ci nntry, arc five and & h;i'f iiu-hels of good wheat for a barrel « f ll .ur, and fifty ernu to ensure, if *u petfine. A large quantity of Fine and Ot.k nmj he had gratia for the Si-wr Mill, and a ready maiket in offered ‘nr Pl.wk and Scantling The STILL HOLSh is large enough to wa«h eight tubs per day, and in within a few steps of tLe mill door. Grain can be had in eny quantity, unit whiskey sold hj wholesale at fio cent* per gallon. About 1200 ACKKS of the land is in wood, all,.riling a fine range fur hogn and cult It*. Fifteen acres are in rye. I he tern s wiil he the very reduc'd p> ice of soo dollars per annum, fur 'he whole property. The Mill alone 8-00-the plantation Sioo—and the Saw Mi«l glc.o—each well secured.— Km further particular* apply to the hditor of iIt♦ Gazette THOMAS W. BARTON. New T.« wdnit. June 7—24—tf. JtLclucauon. AN examination of William \f*, Jonhs pupils will take place in Berry» ville, August 12.h commencing ai 9 o'clock, Frieud* of literature, s.% W". U tit- patrons rf >he school are re<u $1 eclfully invited to attend. Jujy w 2«p incliester Academy STUDEN I 5 foe the tall ,,rm, of this institution, may he ar-mitted on 1 oe«day next, the first of August. July 29 , Cut Nails, Li, ads and SPRIGS. I 'I*'1 Subwribrr, A--Tit f„r ihs Manufactory of Haxali, Brother*. * Co. of Richmond, Virginia, offer* for sale the above article* by the keg_ I he Manufacturer* arc very willing to put 1 hi ui in ci m net it ion, h»tb a*"* to (jtia.ity and price, v>i■ 1* any similar ar ticle* mnonfor'iirM in the United S.ate*, and hop-lnh«ve the errour. agcnent of ti-e d-l.Msand consumer* in their own State, hi |»a*f. John himKurs. ' 1 ’*•” d'h* •! tv 72 - 3m ^oc ^iUVj ‘ A VAl l \*U.E Nt.UlC) .v./.v l\ «nd fVOM.lN. Far particular apply at this OfFltli, July 1—if.