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THE WINCHESTER GAZETTE. No. 705. _WINCHESTER, VA. SATURDAY, JUNE and, 1821. Voi. XI. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY §O0tt fpiStUff, Jit three dollars per annum payable in advance. - - - ' - - TT " ■ ■ ■ —-« ^jXDISPEJWSIB L E COfTDlTlOJVS. I. No papers will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid. II. Advertisements not exceeding a square, (17 lines printed matter or j 12 lines common manuscript matter, j inserted three times for One Dollar, and Twenty-Five Cents per square for every subsequent insertion, and, when not specifically directed to the contrary, will be inserted until forbid and charged accordingly. III. Advertisements from a dis tance must be accompanied with the Cash, or be assumed by some respon sible person, or the Postmaster most convenient to the advertiser. IV. Advertisements will, in every instance lie charged to the person or dering them, unless particula. !y sti riulated to the contrary. V. The Postage on all cori; mi i cations to the Editors, must be paid by tbe writer, or they will not be at tended to. VI. Chancery Orders inserted as other Advertisements and charg’d to the Attorney, whose name is indorsed by ihc Clerk on the order. YU. The Postage an all com mu ni oat ions to the Editor, must he paid by the writer, or they will not be at tended to. N. B. It is distinctly to be under stood by Advertising Customers, that no Advertisement will henceforward be directed by the. Editor of this pa per to be inserted in other papers, unless the same be previously paid for. ' BERltYVILLE ROTEL~ HE subscriber having entered up on the above Tavern and.provided himself \vi h »'xcellent liquors and tbe most comfortable accommodation, for travellers, boarders, &c. respectfully invites a share of public patronage. it is the subscriber’s determination to render his establishment the resort of good compuny ; and to do all that lies within his power, by good atten dance, to secure he public favour. ABKAM D. LONG. May 10—4t PUBLIC 8ALE. WILL be sold, at public sale, on Saturday the 9th day of Jane next, at the residence of Moses Shep herd, ubout f> miles from \V im*he«ter, near the road leading from that place to Martirinhurg and Charlestown, one \V/VGGON,SlX HOUSES and GEEK, and all the apparatus belonging to a road team. A credit of nine months will be given on all sums above ten dollars, the purchaser giving bon <1 with approved security. PI El DING SHEPHERD. May 2f»—i:!s„ Opequon Factory. THE subscribe- i».rthat he is receiving wool to ina.iijfacture into Cloths of Various kinds, ami (rum the improvements made in his estab lishment, he has no doubt of being able to give general satisfaction. CARD ING done as usur.l. Wool will be re ceived at (be more of Mr. John W, Miller, (Morris's old stand,) vs here a list of priees may be examined. DANIEL ANNIN. May 12—flt. W Virginia to wit: AT Rules holden in the Clerk's Office of the county court oj Hampshire, on the Jirst Monday in May, 1821. William Cockerell, jr. Plaintiff, against 1 Peter Cockerell Defendant IN CHANCERY. THE Defendant not having entered his appearance and given seet.-r t according to the Aet of Assembly and the Kales of this Court, and it appear ing by satisfactory evidence, that he is not an inhabitant of this comm on wen lib: It is ordered, That the said Defendant do appear hereon the tst day of August Court next, and answer the bill of the plaintifF^ and that a copy of this order he forthwith inserted in some newspa per published in Winchester, for two months successively, and another copy posted at the front door of the Court House of the county of Hampshire. A Copy—Teste, j. B. WHITE, c. h. c* May 19—'T. naxwerv if. ■ . ■ **----&■_ JlLAXK DEEDS ten sale at mis office. 6 9 wrens T a General Meeting of the Mem bers of the Jlutual Jlssurance So ciety a gainst Fire on Buildings of the State of Virginia, held by adjournment, in the Hall of the House of Delegates, at the Capitol in the city of Richmond, on the 9ih day of February, 1821. The following resolutions were adopted: Resolved, that Alexander M’Rac, Branch Cheatham, Benj. Sheppard, James Clark, and Peter J. Chevallie, or any three of them, be appointed a committee, with full power to exam* ine into the state and condition of the funds belonging to the Country Branch of this Society : That they have pow er to examine into the existing Laws so far as the Country Branch of the Society is concerned : That the said committee report to the next General Meeting the result of their labors; and that tlsey recommend such alterations and amendment* as to them shall seotu expedient. Resolved, That when this Meeting adjourns, that it be adjourned In the second Monday in June next' A true copy from the Journal of the General meeting oj the J/. Society. JAMES RAWLINGS, P. Agt. .11. A. Society WmWVVXX WN vvx wvwx NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given, j2L to the members of the Mutual As. suranve. Society, that a Generul Meet ing nl* the said Society, will be held, in pursuance of the above order of adjournmeut on the second mondatt iu June next, at the capitol, in the City of Richmond, when the Report of the Seleet Committee, appuiuted an above, I will be made. As business of the most interesting and important character to 1 the Country Branch of the Society will be before the meeting, it is ear nestly hoped, that the members there I of will be punctual in their attendance, cither in person, or by proxy. Lists of the Membets and (he form of a Proxy, will be forwarded to the Clerk of each Couutv, wherein there ore buildings insured, with a view to facil itate the making nf powers. JAMES RAWLINGS, P. Agt. .M. A. Society. May let. 1821. wx vwwvw\w\ wxvw Form of a Proxy or Pouer of Attorney. -, the subscriber—, member—-of the Mutual Assurrnce Society against lire on Buildings in the State of Virginia, do hereby constitute and appoint -of---true and lawful attorney for-, and, in behalf, to attend the General Meeting of the said Society, to be held in Rich mond on the second Monday in June 1821, and for- and in u a me ant! behalf, to vote and act upon any business uhiuhinay come before the said meeting, as fully as-\v personally present. In testmony where of, -ha—set—hand—and seal—-the -day of- -1821. Witness, (seal.) A. B. THE undersigned conceives that a regur to candour and fair dealing, re quires him on the present occasion to make a brief expose of the situation of the funds of the society, that the members thereof may be fully inform ed of the condition of their institution, mol that they may be the belter pre pared to suggest any measures w hich the exigency may require. Lie deems this expose, in this way, the more necessary, because he is a warc that notwithstanding the usual efforts to diffuse information through the medium oftlie annual reports which are printed and distributed, that many members, particularly in the. country, are not advised ofthe state of their funds. Summary Statement, shewing the. condition of the Country Branch of . A. Society on the first oj May, 1821. The whole amount of funds and of debts due to tl:a Country Branch of the Hociety as per report of the 13th Jan. 1821, was 838,78* 38 The quota or reqe isitiou on the members for the year 1821, amounts to 13,803 09 852,687 97 I z___ The losses, &c. reported due and unpaid on the 12th .Ian. were 8*1,990 03 Since (be 12th .Tan. losses have happened amount ing to about the sum of 22,600 00 864,590 03 Leaving, without reference to the expeaces, fee, of the institution, a probable deficiency of the funds of 812,000 06 Summary Statement of the condition of the funds of the Towns Branch of the hi. A. Society, on the first of May, 1821. The whole amount of funds belonging to the towns, ns per report of the 12lh January, 1821, was, clear of all demands, including • he quota of 1821, esti ] mated at 8173,600 00 I There has been received since that time, for urn premiums and additional premiums, about 00 • ‘ gl78,OCO 00 Prom which deduct losses by fire which have hap. penod siuce that time, a bout 18,000 00 — 1 » ■ -mmmmmm Probable Nett Funds of the Towns, cu the 1st May, 1821, 160,000 00 JAMES RAWLINGS, May 12 P. Ag’t M. A. S’y. WVW\WUV\W\W%VV\ To the Members uf the Mutual Jlssu. ranee Society. IN compliance with the request of the special committee, named in ihe first of ibe preceding resolutions, 1 take the liberty to remiud the Mem bers of the Mutual Assurance Society against fire on building* of' the Stale of Virginia, that scarsely any of the uu. portant business of the Society wns completed at their last general meeting, ami that it is therefore, in the highest degree, interesting to botti branches of the Society, that the general meeting proposed to be held <>i the second Monday in the next nwntlit should be i<s full as possible—indeed, a general meeting cannot be It-gulh formed but by the attendance of the members, as well of ihe town as ihe comtry branch; besides, while ihe rt port if the speci al committee will, among other things, suggest amendments of th» rules and regulation* of the Society, deemed es sential to the welfare of he country branch paiticularly, yet, the plan, and such are the principles of (he institution, that the idoption of these amendments will iouvitably eft'-ct Ihe interests of the lawn branch al*o. It may not he improper here to re mark, that the stated general meetings -f the Society huppeuitig annually, du. ring ihe session of the General Jjssem* bly, those members of the Society who have heretofore found il iueouvenient to attcud iu person, have generally failed <o appoint proxies, knowing as they did, that «t such general meet ing9, they might he law fully rtpresested l y the senate: s or delegates of their res pective districts, cities, boroughs, »n counties: hut absent members or sub scribers cannot be so represented at the general cr»ee‘.i;ig to bo held in the neu't mouth—because, senators or dele gates are authorized by the Art of As* sembly (passed the twenty.third Janu ary, 1800) to represent absent isemhers of the Society then, and thbi only, “whensoever any general meeting of the said Society shall be hnldes during the session of the General Assembly ’» It will therefore be iodisptnsibly necessary, that all members of the so ciety (whether of the town or country branch) who may find it inconvenient or be unable to attend in person, should appoint proxies according to the pre ceding lorm of a power of attorney, to represent them ul the approaching ge neral meeting. I will only add, that it is srith un feigned pleasure that I announce it to the members of the country branch as the opinion of the committre, that such alterations and amendments may he made of the rules and regulations of the society, as will unquestionably en sure to that branch the highest pros perity and finally the complete success, confidently anticipated by its friends, when, ill the year 1808, they resolved on a separation from the towns, ALEX. M’RAE. Chairman of the Special Committee. NOTICE. Stockholders in the Ashby’s .1 Cap Turnpike Company are re fpiesled to meet at John Upp’s, in Middlchurg, on Friday, the 8th day of June, i 821, to elect a President, four Directors, and a Treasurer, and to transact such other business as may he laid before them, By order of the President & Directors. A* UIBSON, Treasurer May 5—tdm FOR SALE. THE subscribers offers for sale, a valuable TRACT OK I AND. con Four Hundred and odd Jlcres, situated about eight miles from Win chester. within a mile of the main road, leading from tbenee to Berry's Kerry. About Three Hundred Jlcres of the said land are cleared, tolerably well enclosed, and in a good state of cultivation. On the premises, there is a good FRAMFI) BAWN,sufficient ly large to contain twelve or fifteen hundred bushels of clean wheat ; there are also HOUSES for the accommo dation of thirty or forty negroes._ This farm, though very level, com mands a most extensive and beautiful prospect. The above mentioned land may be seen, and the terms of sale made known, by applying to th*> sub scriber, living within two miles of the premises. MATTHEW PAGE. I Feb. io—tf Watch Repairing. THE subscriber has commenced the above business, and also silver, smithing, in all their various branch es, in tbe shop formerly occupied by William Campbell dec'd. and nearly opposite the Post Office, where Silver smithing ^ Watch Repairing will be executed in the neatest manner, and the prices proportioned to tbe tiroes; he also kecps.on hand an assortment of Jewelry, ICT'Jobs of all kinds done on the shortest notice. JOHN FOSTER. N. B. The Watches repaired by the late fum of Phillips Foster, are all ready for the owners, J. F« May it>: SPRING GOODS* subscribers respectfully in form their iriends and the pub lic generally, that they have received a Irceh supply of vety CHEAP GOODS, AMONG WHICH AKK Cloths & Cus-imeres oi every quality Black Florentine \\ h >(e and colored Marseilles j Black and colored Nankin aud Canton Crapes Superior Nankin and Crape Robes Plain and tigured Book & mul Muslins Cauibrick and Jacnneft do. Liuen Camtirick aud Cambrick Hand kerchiefs Thread Laces aud Edgings—well as sorted Elegant Ginghams and Callicoes Canton Crape and Lace Shawls Irish Linens aaJ Sheetings 11-4, 12-4, is i and 14-1 While May. seiiies Quilts Power and Steam Loom Shirtings Blue and Yellow' Nankeens Leghorn and Straw Bonnets Plaid, Striped & Plain Domestic Cottons Ladies Prunelle, Kid & Morocco Shoes Childieus and Misses Shoes, &c. &c. , , —ALSU— , Fresh Teas—Sugar 2$ Coffee, WITH A GBSLUAl JaSUUTMINT OP GROCERIES, and an excellent supply of fresh PAINTS, warranted of the best quality—all or any part of which will be sold very low for cash. LANE & BRUME. April 28—tf. PLOUGH MAKING. THE subscribers have the pleasure !n inform the customers of this estab liniment and the public, that they have an assortment of . PLOUGHS. Ready made, and will constantly keep a few on hand, made of the best mate* rials and workmanship, at reduced prices adapted to the times, as near as the price of iron, &c, will permit* MURRAY & DAVIS, Hagerstown, March 13th 1821. fCTA few of the above described celebrated ploughs are just received and for sale by SAMUEL H. LAUCK. Winchester March 31—tf certificates. On my farm near \\ invhester I have worked a two horse plough made by Mr. Murray of Hagerstown, and found it an excellent plough; it runs steady, turns a good furrow and is much more easily drawn by two horses than the common three horse plough is by three horses—If the plate or the land side were of w rought, instead of east iron, and let ioio a socket, it would bo a I further improvement, HUGH HOLMES, Winchester, Feb. 23d’ 1821. We have seen one of Mr. Murrey’s Plough’s at work on Judge Holmes’* Farm near Winchester, and think it eqnal, if not superior, to any Tlough we have hertofore used. EDWARD M’GUIRE, JOHN MACKY. February 23d, t321. TRUST SALE. VlJlUi be sold at public sale on It the ninth day of June next, a certain Tract of Land in the county of Hampshire and state of Virginia, situ ate on the South Branch Mountain within six miles of Romney, belonging to Absoiem Hbingleton, containing 34 ACRES, to be sold by virtue of a Deed of Trust executed by the said Shingle ton to secure a certain sum of monpy due to Elizabeth Cool, W’illiam Ely and George Carder. The sale will tuke place on the premise*. RICHARD BIUE. i May 2P..-—2wpd W. G. Singleton 2$ Co, HAVE just received their Spring supply »f GOODS, which comprise a very general assort* meat, and will be sold low for cash, or to punetua customers .* they re*fret fully solicit the .dealers to call aod judge for themselves. May 19—3t Thirty Dollars Heward. RAN-AWAY from the subscriber living in Leesburg, Virginia, on Sunday the tst instant, a negro man named TOM; he is about five fi et y or 10 todies high; had on wheu he went away a dark cloth roundabout; panta loons of the same.—Tom is about twen ty-two or three years of age, broad shouldered, small lega, and large feet; he is ready to give an answer when spoken to, and of an uncommon lively turn: has a propensity for gaming; pro* bably he has a pans, as be was in thd practice of vi-iting free blacks who could write. The above reward will be giveu if taken out of the state, and teu dollars if taken in the state, and all reasonable charges for biinginij him home, or securing him iu jail eo 1 get him agaio. JOHN >V. COE. April 28—tf. Heel Lion Tavern. ^JT^HE undersigned has United that .SL well known Tavern stood, sign of I the RED LION, long occupied by Capt. Peter I.uuck, but recently by Mr*. E. Pendleton as a house of pub lic entertainment, situate at the south end of Loudon street, in the borough, of Winchester, where lie invites the former customers and the public in genera! to call and test his abilities to please. The hr.usp is large and com modious, and undergoing repuirs, anti is well calculated to accommodate private parties that may he travelling. The stables are new and well con structed, having large end spacious • tails. The Buhsetiber pledges him self that iio eyertions on his part shall be wanting to render satisfaction to all who may be pleased to call; he there fore flatters himself that he will be found to merit a share of public patron age. k^Eight or ten gentlemen can be aecommodated with hoard and lodging or boarding only, if preferred, by ap plication to . WILLOUGHBY MAYBL'RRY. April 28—tm. PORTER THE subscriber respectfully in* forms the public that she has on hand, and wii! continue to keep during the summer season, a large quantity of excellent PORT FR, which she will warrnnt equal in quali'y to that made in. Philadelphia- She tenders her sincere thanks to those who have so liberally patronized her, and ear* nestly solicits a continuance of their custom. SUSANNAH SLAGLE. May 19—tf NOTICE. HF. STEAM-BOAT POTOMAC, will leave Alexandria for Norfolk on Wednesday morning, the lftth inst. at 9 o'clock, instead of Thursday the 17th, her nsual time: this change i« made for the one trip only; and tho Boat will, the next week after, start ont Thursday morning at the usual time oS 9 o'clock. May t§—-3t.___ Wool Carding and Spinning,, THE subscriber respectfully inform* bis friends and the public generally* that he continues to carry on the a hove busiues* at lhr> Friendly Orova Colton Factory .—Hi* priee for earding is 8 cents per pound-the wool in eve ry instance must he well picked and greased, or accompanied with t lb. of clean soft grease to every 10 lbs. of wool.—-Those who wish their wool spno into any number of cuts, can ha accommodated on the shortest notice, and on the lowest terms.—As he haa employed the best workmen he trusts that he will he enabled to render satis faction to all who mny favor him with their custom. KT W anted immediately, to the a bove business, two boy* at the age of to or 16; none need apply but thoso who can furni*h good recommenda tions. JAMES COLLINGK. May 19.__ Mr. John Parkin. IF MR. JOHN PARKIN, late of How thorp. in the Fact Hiding of the County of Y ork, England, Farmer, or any of the Bainlon family, late of YVansford, in the East Riding of tha same county, hot now, it is pifiemsd, residing in one of the YY eslern State*, should see this advertisement, he or they are desired to send thii: address It o the Editor of this paper a* speedily as possible, A'ay 12, 6 f)