Newspaper Page Text
THE WINCHESTER GAZETTE. No. 712. WINCHESTER, VA. SATURDAY, JULY sist. 1821. Yoi. XII. SPRING GOODS. ri'HK subscribers respectfully in ■ form their friends ami the pub* lie generally,. t at they have received a Irtish supply of very CHEAP GOODS, AMONG WHICH ARE Cloths & Cassimereg oi every quality Black Florentine W lute and colored Marsei’!es J’lack acid colored Nankin ami Cantor Crapes Superior Nankin and Crape IL>heg Plain and figured Book & mul Muslins Carahrick ami Jaeoneit no. Liuen Cainlirick ami C&mhrick Hand* kerchiefs Thread Laces and Edgings—well ag. gorted Elegant Ginghams and Callieocs Canton Crape and Lace Shawls Irish Linens and Sheetings 41-4-, 1 •?-•!> 13--4- and 14.4 White Mar. seilies Quills Power and Steam Loom Shirting9 Blue and Yellow Nankeens Leghorn and Straw Bonnets Plaid, Striped & Plain Domestic Cottons Ladies Prunclle, kv:d & Morocco Shoes Childrens and Misses Shoes, &c. &c. —ALSU— Fresh Teas—Sugar 6$ Coflee, ■WITH A UKSSR AI> tSS^rMISr VS GROCERIES, and an excellent supply of fresh PAINTS, Warranted of tlie best ij* lity~—»!l rr any part of which wit! or* *->id veij low tor cash. LANE & ilUOME. April 2S—tf. WHISKY FOR SALE. f 9 ^HE stiii»C! tlier hag for srile a few JL barrels of excellent WHISKEY, which he will cheap for Corn, \Y neut, Ilye, Are. or et>n ea»h. June i«. .1081 AH MA9SIE. Arkansas Land Agency. % K have opened an Olhce at the ▼ ▼ post of Arkansas, for the tran* nciion of land bunine**, Our aitenti«n will be more particularly directed »,» the Military bounty Land* within thi* Territory ; we will, however, attend to every de*cripti»n of Land agency.— The purchase anil sale ol land*, record ing deed*, procuring patent*, inve«ti gaung title* &c. We are prepared to furni*h the most accurate information, «* f» the aituation, quality and value of Land* in this Territory. The pro hablo expense of having a deed record ed. ineluding one dollar, our charge, will be about three dollar*, and, it is expected, that that sum will acc.ompa* ny each deed *ent to thi* agency. THOS. P. RHKKl!)t;R. CHARLES nUEAllLY. Post nf Arkansas June ud%— \ts. j Reference. :/udf,e It hitc. ? Winchester. I /mi nett tor Carr, y Chancellor Brown. Chapman Johnson. Esqr. . Staunton. I km. H. Eskridge Lsqts j PUBLIC SALE. 1T)Y virtue of a decree of tho Supe D rior court of chancery liolden in Winchester, will be sold at public sale, for cash, on the 18th day of August uext, A TRACT OF LAND, contain, iog ONE HUNDRED ACRES, situ ate in the county of Hampshire, on the East side of the South Branch Moun tain on both sides of the red stone road and on the waters of Little Cacnpehon being the same land which \>;*s con veyed to James Larrimore by Patrick Baker by deed of Mortgage bearing date the 22d day of FcL. (MO, now of record in the county of Hampshire, and is now in the pesspssion end occupation of Philip Devault. By which decree thesvid mortgage is fore closed and a ".ale of t^e premises is di rected, to raise the sum of one hundred dollars with wrerest thereon at the six per centum per annum from the 15lli day of April 1812 until paid an the cost of said suit. The sale will tak» p' *rt> cr* the said premises at 12 o'clock o:s the day first mention' d. JAMES GlUaON Confer. June COl«i 1321—tds. PUBLIC SALE. f iJSY virtue of a deed of Trust exeeu _wi.D to Joseph Norris, of tho county of Frederick, to the subscriber,,fo secure a debt due to the estate ofLewis Lumen, dee’d. the subscriber will otter for sale, for ready money, on the premises, on Saturday the first day of Jluzust ne r/, all the right, title, claim, interest and demand, which the ^ rid Joseph Norris has in and to a certain TRACT ‘>li PARCEL OK LAND, situate, ly ing and being m the County of Frede rick, aforesaid, n lease whereof was made and executed i*\ lndtTuture bear ing rlate Feb. 16. iTt;3, between Denny Fairfax, l>y Thomas L». Marlin, Esq.; llie said Tract being part of the Manor of Lands. Such mie as is vested in ( the subscriber us Trustee will be made ; io the purchaser. JAMES GREEN. | July 7—If pd. FOK SALK. fWISH TO SELL TDK TRACI . OF LAND on which 1 Jiv.*, <M>n i taimng between £71* and 50G ACHES. I This land in inferior 1 n r*c in On* f County. No money will h* required in hand. For ft. ms aj.p}v ♦? Tr*ej>h r«*® *JM* ] f .'■'■»* J . v v. O'*. the I|!‘)-nr|. I'er. W i H. .wS 1 Jivl’ {3. Woodbury, .’a';- 7—lA For Sa!o A *!A*J5K d OT, r.ji London ^ ■'• Winchester. The H-.nsc i? 3 by ;.:G »eet, built of Brit’" materi al*—it»~ rt neat at i 1 Bi-rtiibie dwel ling, ami we!! adopted fo,* .1 private family. The Lot ci .' »? r. mr-nb-r of f*t:e fruit trees, r.n. is ia eve'7 rp oeet desirable situntien. The terms' will be made easy and aceommnd ving, .!line -23—tf. AH \ M K URTZ. Trust Sale. virtue of a Deed of Trust, exe cuted by George liarrirk to the subscriber, to secure a sum of money •'tie to James Tittle, i shall proceed to **11, on I uosday the first day of Au gust nexf. or, the premises, A IIOLSK £5 LOT, si*(^a'e on W atcr Street, formerly oc cupied by the said George Itarrick, hm<! now in the oceupancy of Mr*, Me\ icker.^Possession can be given immediately — Terms to be made known nn the day of sale. DAN ID ML II DOC H, Trustee, Jo y 7—3t. 'J rust Sale. BV virftie of a Dttd of Trust, p-j. edited to the suhserihtr by Robert Monroe, to secure a certain sum <*f money therein mentioned, line to Lewis Dunn and Lewis Dunn, inn. will be sold, on I ufr».i)ty the 7th duy of Angus! nexf, for ready money, to the highest : bidder, the tract of Land w hereon the said Monroe now lives, lying and being in the County of Hampshire, on ,he road leading from Winchester to Rom ney, containing 0 1 Acrcf, more or less, and adjoining the L.r.l of John Brown anil others: if- ie will t«ko place upon the premia such title made as is vested in the c scriber a* trustee DAN. CAH MICHAEL, Trustee, .Inly 7— 1 tjd. Coverlet Weaving. OWING tr» tlie reduced price* of ilie market* the mibfcriber ha* lowered hi* price* to the following utandard, viz: double Coverlet* of double yarn double Coverlet* of • iriacle yarn f»o. Single Coverlet*, Counlerpain*, Diaper, Carpeting &.c. &c. proportional!v tow. lliCHAPD SLOAN. Mill Creek. Damp-hir** £ County, July 7—-«»t. ^ PUBLIC SALE. BY virtue of a decree of the Superi or Court of Chancery, bolilen at Winchester; will be *o!d on Monday, the (,th day of Jiu^u't neat, being the first day of August Court, before the Court House of Frederick County, at p’iblie taction to tho highest bidder, a Tract of Land, situated on Red-Bud run, About three cuilea from Winchester, containing 310 A/crcs; and also ANO 1HKR TRACT, situ ate on both aides of Red-Bud, adjoin ing the aforesaid tract, containing 24 Acres. On these land-* there ia a t^AW MILL, and the fall of the stream ia Z3 feet. Thia property ia a La highly valuable on account of its Wood-und vicinity to W inchester. The terms of sale are ns follow, vs:.;. Three thousand dollars «f the purchase money tube paid in j two mouths frmi llw <iny of sale, and It Le residue of the purchase money t <» be paid in two equal annual payments thereafter, taking bond and security for tho several payments aforesaid, and ulso a deed ol trust upon the pre mises to secure the purchase money. The foregoing lands were coo vet ed to the subscriber by Gen. John Smith in trust to secure and indemnify John Macky, as endorser nf said Smith, iu the sum of 'Three Thousand Dollars. ALS O, V. ill ho sold at the same lima end place bv virtue ol a deed of trus t exer I cuted to the subscriber l>y Gen. John Smith, for the benefit of hi* creditors A TRACT OF LAND i situate on the Warm Spring road, a bout 12 miles from Winchester, knovvri by the name of MOUNT'S FAkJJ, which formerly belonged to Doctor K. W. Bull, dee'd. containing 204 Acres, Green spring run passes through the tract, ami uifords u;i excellent sea? for .i .Saw Mill, It is considered oneof the in -* stands for a public house on the a arm tins' road, particularly du. ring tlie ILtt,t season. t in* I• rr-ct;fioned 1 runt will be sold na reaar.siahia < »t »1»I, the purchase money to tie psid hi three instalments, bela-t instalment to be paid in not •"sh th hi two year I'miil and securi iy will be requited in ail cases, and u •cut ol t i si on tho printis*** to secure the purct.'rse i> utiey. t ti> Ir *s • commence at 12 o’ttoc!.. l or fur h . particulars apply !<> tin subscribe*, Winchester, or, ir> I i- absence, to Gen. John Smith or V’. ilij.un Davison. A. U, bMl 1 11, 7Wce June 2:>—ids, Fulling and Dying. TII?*< subscribe;- hereby informs his friends and the public generally, that be is about to Commence the ubnvr business again, at his former scut nn Mill Run, iwo eud a half mile- above Burlington, ![an.>p*!iir« counts-, Vo. '•■here fie will thankfully receive work from any oho are disposed to favor him with their custom: lie will, for the aeconunodatinn of his customers, re ceiio row cloths for dressing, and re turn them wTw-n finished, ntthe follow ing places: viz. at Messrs. Bright's & 1 ivsc t \. •tore, M or ft eld, nt Mr. John J tl’r store, Itomnei, at Mr. 'Sheetz s _ Store,* rson’* creek; elotlM left at Mr. James \Vi 14i■.rn••, Patterson’s creek, u it I he attended t*>, g-ing to ami returning from Moore ti Id; cloth will also he received at Mr. Moscly’s at the numth of New* c-c k. and reioro.d wlnn finished; it is ;>urticiil tr!j r i|ti*-«ted that written direction* he .eri will: the cloth, sta ting ‘hi- c-lor riqnind l - In dres-cd. I he subscriber <le* ms it unnec turn > to say any thing respec’ing I j. kr*.w« I* dge ot the by-inns, ns it is pre-nma ble lho citizens within <hc of his custom hounds, Hro generally acquaint cd with Vte joality . f his wi.rk __ Pos session is re had the 1st of H*-jtem j her .le.vfj a *Luh lime lie will he I rPf «err.• * i any ordt rs in his line: he v 11 at*o hue a pnir of carding 1 m»v3 inee started iu complete nrder^ jj * ' spring. JOHN T. HICKMAN. .Tur.<? 23, Once mo o and I hope the last time! T ■ •* K r,t' ort rr;«l received not ;_ J‘ : in© ask once more ; ami I hope no :o fr^k I respectfully re ijoest those indebted to me to come for ward and mnke immediate pnyment, a* I hove pressing & immediate engage ments to meet, upon ubii h the welfare and prosperity of my fnmily depend. If those indebted to me cannot dis charge their accounts in full, I hope they will, at least, make payment in part, ami I trust this invitation will not he slightly regard'd. A rnmpli anr.e niil oblige amt relieve a needy l. irnd. ADAM KURTZ, June 24—tf The only Lottery none Dr dicing, PENNSYLVANIA GRAND STATE LOTTERY. Five Drawing* are over ami the fi»|. lowing splendid list of prizes ate yet to be drawn, viz ; 1 prize of g*3.ouo 2 10,000 I 3 3.000 17 1,000 13 000 Besides a large number nf gtoo ard SiO. Draws again next week, when some of the above prizp* wit! be dr** wo, us they are (with the exception of two) all floating in the wheel, of course liable to be drawn anv day of dittoing.—The chance of geitmg a rich prize in this Lottery is uncommon* ly good ; nil who wish chances should make early application for tickets, «■ the drawing will speedily he comple ted. The present prire of tickets is only S$tO, shares in prjj onion, to be ! ALLENS’ Lucky Lottery Office, t'ennsyl\ attia L-/i,c nuc, H'ushington City. Where the ca*h can be obtained for the prizes ns soon as drawn. Tickets for mle in the Maryland vitate Lottery, w hieh will commence drawing on the 15ih of next month, price to dollars. Orders hj mail, post paid, will mert prompt attention, addressed to S. Sl M. ALLEN, \V ashinglou City. July 1 1 —! w Wanted for llic Poor House. A NEGRO va OMAN w!iu under CiL stands plain cooking and wash in.,—for whom liberal wage* will he Mr. James Carter, AS you are not an inhabitant ol' this Commonwealth, I lake this me thod ol* informing you,that by virtue of a commission, ile b^ne esse, issued from the Superior Court of of Frederick County, I shall proceed, on Mondi-v tliet.-tth day of August next, ni the tavtrn of* Abraham i). Long, in Herryiillc, in the county aforesaid, between the hoars uf six in the morn, ing nnd six in the evening of the said day, to take the depositions of John Mus'in ami Muslin, which de •iisitions, w Jieu taken, will be offered as evidence, to be ased, tie bene t-.ssc, in a suit depending in said eonnty, in which you are plaintiff, and I am t!e» fendant. THOMAS C. WYNDIIAM. July 14, 1S21 —5t NHE subscriber respectfully in« forms his friends and the public that he has commenced iLp tailoring business in tl.e room occupied I y Mr. Philip Stone, ns a hat store, in London street,npiu ly opposite Capt. MrGuire’s hotel, where he will execute all orders with neatness nnd despatch. Having had on opportunity of becoming well acquainted with his business, the sub scriber assures those who may employ him that his work will be executed in the first style, and not inferior to that of any shti; in the corporation. given, Ju y 14 JOHN HI 1SKELI , Cli'n. Curt. Com. TAILORING* GKOIUiE AULICK. July 14—tf. Boarding. U FTOjV rr*|»p<*tf*«Ily an. It y. nonnees In I lie public that she bus rented ilie house lately oreuiiied by G. Ohundlee, and will arrcomrnodate. if offered, from 10 to 12 jour.g ladies as boarders; her honse i* very convenient In the two female Acmlemin of Mri. Stoll nitd Mrs. Conrad.—Her terms shall lie jeHSonable, ard every exertion used to render Ilie situation of her boarder* happy and pi infnrlabJe.— Boarders will be received by tbe Month, quarter, or session. July 1 I. 03“For rent.—one of Ihefront apart ment* in the above House; well caleu. lated for an nfbec. PUBLIC SALK. ^'L he sold on Friday the 10th ▼ ▼ of August, at his late resi dence, a part of the personal properly of Richard 1’. Barton, dee’ll, consist ing..! NEGROES, STOCK, p \H M TNG UTENSILS, A SMALT, WAG GON. A SINGLE and DOUBLE GIG, &<•. A credit of tirtlvf month* will he gi ven on all sums exceeding 'Pen Dollars, and a reasonable indulgence on sums of smaller amount. ROBERT R. BARTON. RlCfrO. W. BARTON, > A’.rTs. WM. S. JONES. ► '7’AI1 persons indebted to the a hove esloie are rrqneoled to come for. ward immediately and mike paymeit, a* farther indulgence will not be granted, July 7—st N. I )N, i Ex'i NOTICE. IS AN'A WAY from the subsrriher, ^ on flip »ir-»t of Mf.v Inst.jMlN ; UKKI), an apprentice to il*e Shoema Kin» Business, aged about IS yearn.— Whoever will apprehend itie Roeil mid deliver him lo the tubicri* her, in Kvmnej^fliall receive u no aid of one cent and no thunks. 'I lie pub lic are cautioned ii^ninst liurliotiriug bint. LEONARD HRIZKU. Romney, .In!)- <4—at Mr. Tunis Peters. lute Situijj' uf lluwjrbhire C< until, Sir—\ (,u v. ill p’en«e take notice tbal by virtue of n Commission is sued from llm Clerks oCire of the County (ou»t of Hampshire, I shall, on (lie -ftili day of August next, between the hours of *ix in the morning and six in t lie evening of said day, ct the h*n«e uf Andrew fimiiiling, in the town of Hancock, W ashington County and State of Maryland pro w^ed to taketht deposition of Thomas Care end Nicholas Fawver, which w hen f<\k-n will lie off red as evid-nee in a suit now pending in the county ®"Urt of Hampshire, wherein 2 am piaiutiii and you are defendant. ’ BttALL DiMMITT. July 14th, !S2t. A T a Meeting of the Members of Standing Committee of tho Mut mi I Assurance Society against Fire '•n Buildings of (lie State of Vitgiuia, held p.t the Genera! Office of Assu rance, in IliehaiOD'J, on the 7th day of July, 1821 — Fre'Sfilt, JOHN D. BLA1P,, JOHN A.MBLEI1, O J. gj I'> N. NICHOLAS, | I ^ 3 JOHN imuCKENRltOUGfl: V § ~ c IJKNJA Vi in TATE, and I S "3 DAVID UULLOCK— j 7 lie follow trig Resolution s were niov ved, aud adopted by the Board:— “A re»pectahle number of this Soci ety having requested iheSlnndingCom tnilice to call a Central Meeting;— “Ordered, That notice be forthwith given in the two daily pa} ers of this city, that a General Meeting rf the Members of the "Mutual Assurance Society against Fire on Buildings of the Slate of 1,’* w»ll he held at the Capitol, in the City of Hichmoud, on the first Monday phe 6th) of An. guat next. “Ordered, also, That the foregoing notification be published in ti e Fnqui» t r* r and Expositor, and in the neuspa I per* in Norfolk, Petersburg, Frede« rick-burg, Lynchburg, Winchester, Staunton and Ahxanriria, “The Standing ( t mmiuec, adverts ing to tiie difLeuMy which Iihm hereto* lore attended the i litaining a General Meeting, Leg leave respectfully to re com < rid to the persons insured who cannot personally attend, to n fi t in their respective towns or vicinities, and to constitute as their proxies j Pr_ sons whose intelligence and standing in the community will afford an runce thi l th interests of the institu tion may be properly confided to their tare,*' J true copy from the Journal of ilL: Standing Committee. JAMES RAWLINGS, J*. Ag't. M. A. S’y, July 14—3t Opequon Factory. T^HK subscriber has on band a par? cel of excellent Broad Cloth w is it* li he will exchange for wool, or to uccommn date his customers,will receive wheat at a liberal price for manufae turing, from those who cannot pay with ensh, provided it is delivered io mills to he hereafter designated. Every disposition will be shown to nc commodate the customers of this estab. lishment. DANIEL ANNIN. June 9—3t*. Virginia to wit; JiT Rules hohlen in the Clerk*s Office of the county court of Hampshire, on the first Monday in'July, 1821. William Carlyle, jr. Plaintiff, against Peter Cockerell Defendant JS CHANCSnV. 1 fJR Defendant not hatirg entered hi» appearance and given terntilj according to the Act of Assembly and the Hole* of fhi« Court, and it appear, ing by satisfactory evidence, that he ia not an inhabitant of thin commonwealth* ft is ordered, That the said Defendant do appear here on the tat day nfSeptem ber Court next, & answer the hill of the plaiutifi; and that a copy of lliia order he forthwith inserted in some nettspa. per published in Winchester, for two montha successively, and allot)«er copy posted at the front (loot of the Court Douse of the county of Hampshitf. A Copy—Teste, J. It. W H1TK, c. h. c. July 14, 1 S21_T. I HLjXk' DICE 1)8 r»r s its *7 rrfj% errrer..