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PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY IMtu -|vei£K.cH, Al three hollars per unnuin payable in advance. /A7//SPE«YSlU/,E CO.YltITIOJYS. I. No papers will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid* II. Advertisements not exceeding asquare, (17 lines printed matte oi ls lines common manuscript matter, inserted three times for One Dollar, and Twenty-Five Cents per square for every subsequent insertion, and. when not sjieciticaliy directed to the contrary, will be inserted until forbid and charged accordingly. lii. Advertisements from a dis tance must be accompanied with the Cash, or be assumed by some respon sible person, or tin* Postmaster most convenient to the advertiser. IV. Advertisements will, in even instance be charged to the person or dering them, unless particularly .sti d(dated to tin* contrary. A . The Postage on all communi cations to the Editors, must he. paid by the writer, or the) will not be at tended t<». Vi. Chancery Orders inserted as othci Advertisements and charg'd a» the Attorney, whose name is indorsed by he Clerk on the order. \il. The Postage on all commu nications to the IMitor, must be paid by the writer, or they will not be* at tended to. N. B. ft is distinct]) to be under stood by Auv rtising * ustemers, that no Advert is n.cnt v ill henceforward be directed by the Editor of this p. per to be inserted in other pap as, unless 11 c sann la-previously paid for. 1" «gRnr- i—» ■ m i he Subscribei* ISI! I.S to engr.^e an Gverse.r V V f"! the co nin'; year. Cnmjic teii! wages nil! |)t- given. A nil /1.* mi'ii WiiU'd l;e (itfi'i'rrrd, and proof i!I • ■ r|i;iti* i f*! j« h -nesty, indus Cry. sobriety hmI rrpprienefi. * lifc.NkY b. i UiiXi-H , Wheatland, ne-ti C^’iiiri• »nwn, £ JeflVrson ei> ' u. S»*|M. 1. ^ Ground Ailuni bt R'owii Salt. Bryan Hampson & Son, Have just received /? r s’; 1) Fair ra. der, from Litvrnoo(, 8000 Bushels G. A. Sail. SPO Sack* Bleun ilillo. Inch tin v ollVr for sale on the most ror.sorj'ihl • terms. Alexandria, Aug. 25—ot t Public Sale. B\ 'ill ii* of a deed of Trust exceti ted !o the subscribe r liy John Smith, fur the benefit of hi? cre ditors, wi»! he on Jflotulaj/ the first day of October being tiic first day of the Superior Court, A Tract of Land containing 150 situated on Red Bui! Unit.—On ibis '1 ract there are an Oil .\J ill and (Jii«t Viill, uitli about 20 fee! fill of wafer—'I’ll? pur chase money to lie paid in three in^ia). meets, the Ia*t instalment to b pnya. ble in not less l! an !*»•» ycar=. B nd and security will bn r< qnireif. and also a deed of iru«? on *!ip premium to si - cure the purchise monpy. The gale will commence at 12 o’clock, For fur'her pnrlleuinig apply <<> the snhfCiiljer in Winrhe*>U r, or m !,»• all rente, to Grn. John Snii.h, oi W-tiiani lMvi*on. A. C. Smith, J'riiftee. September S1 Ii— 11!». v irginia to w it: JIT Rules IxAilen in Ihe Cfcr Js Oj^cr of the Superior ( »urt n* (Shni-' rif jar the H incio ster Oialric* thfj.rst •Mondial in September, I3v>i. Leonard .Tone*, Joseph Bayern-.! D* "MIB Defendant Lconmu Jones r-ot having; entered hi* hppeirance anil given security accordin'; to ti"' Act rt A**emiily and flip Huie* of thin Court, and it appearing; hy sati*fr.e'.nr\ eii. dencp, (lint he is not nn irthnhilaM of fliij* country: It is ordered, l hat the said Defendant do appear h* re on the fn*t day ofihemxt term and ntum-.r the fill of the Plaintiff; mid that n copy of thin order he forthwith insert ed in some new *pops r published in Winchester, for two month* succes sively, and another eopy posted at the front door of thr Court House in the said town of Winchester. A Copy— Teste, DANlKL LEE, c. c. c. September 10—N, Samuel Parke Plaint itf, AGAINST vid (»ih*on Defendant . Virginia to wit: JiT Hides hot den in the Clerk's oj the Stipe: h r Court of Chancery jur the twhcsitr District the jirst Monday iu June* 1821. Itooorl liiadou, plaintiff, -Richard «!.*.* tiauirii Kixon and Marguret Mixon, L*teul».rs r.r Ti ^ inotliy Mix'j’i. ilrcM. d- fondants. r3 Ml E defendant Richard i i '> -jy not a. living entered In* uppeurauce and given seeurity according to the A«:f of* Assembly and the Kales of this Court, and it nj.peancg by K'ti«faeto ry evidence, that ha in jmi an inhubi fRct ol tin, ccu..t;^: It is vrJeitu, 1 hat the aaio uciuniaut do appear here ou did first of the next term and answer die bid ol“ trie jduii.tift; an 1 that a ropy of ;hi» ardor lie forthwith iuscmeil in some newspaper published in W inelieslcr, for two mouth* *ae Ci’ssiul y and j.anted ut the door “f^the Court House in the taid town of Winchester. A Copy.— Teste, DAMIJliL LhK) c. c. c. July 21—3 Virginia to wit* i hi the Superior Court of f'ftanccry | hot den ut I' inches ter the iGlh eon f oj Sprit, 1321. Abraham Neiii, plaintiff, 1 AGAINST John Blacktnote and others, | defendant*. <HE conditional decree awarded r .5. in tnis c.ui»e at Unit's hnlden in i!»e Clerk’s Oi»u<-. net being executed ! an ifie defendants I bourns Briggs and 1 ,M‘) h.s wit’, and William Jones and Ann bis wife, una it appearing .dram 1 he r. tu'onr the V .r^iul! that the *;."i«l di'lendaiits rc*i it the stale of . : H is ordered, That the :/» • r-.*i ij da a t’nfiy of the sik^il riiuditi.i’iiil d< cn.e to he published ior tv i inantlis in one r! tile new s-i’u*:ers priuied in Winche-ter >iv l iroet ana* iii> cv'-y at the Initi! ,-ir of tj * emrt house in the said town ,.}* Winchester. I) INI EL LEE, r. e. July 21 —»C. M. Virg.r.ui to v;it: Ji'i' Hides i.dden in l ;y Clerk's rCTiv of //.:■ County court oj Hampshire, the first .Ihni iuij in cingut, 18C1. Isuue ELuIJ, Plaintiff, A r, A T NST .Tame?, r( mlia-nM, I rau*r|_'\Vorlpy Tho HJ’i* Lush, r«r:t did >i i'i > • |-4 jJef't*. in' c;;\M’fuv. D< Lmiunfs, LumlidDuD ami t Worley, not Im in * entered • hair appearance and given security ftccorlir.g to (lie A if Astern lily sail flip Poles rf tl'-fl Court, and if ap pearing l»y «i-• -.'aetory evid-. .iee, that tlity are r.n» inhuliilanu of ll.i* C,m m»n wealth : a is ordered. That the *ai«i IJef. tro -iti do appear here on the first «!ay o' Movomber Court nor.! nml answer the ojJl of fi.<: Plait, .iff ; and that n ropy oft hi’ order he 'orlhwiih inserted income newspaper : d in V. inbhi*!er, fur tv.idYunr !,s miccc* “inch, and another copy touted at the front door ot «-he Court House of tin* County of ffainp*l>ire. A Co;>v. —Te«(p, JOHN !*. \\ HlTfS. c. h. c. Ais is —T Virginia to Avit: JIT Hules hidden in the Clerk's 0‘jj r of t>>r Superior Court of f'hnncerif, j'r the Winchester District the first Monday in December, 1319. Vuralnini Neill, plaintifT, AG A l NS f John Dlaekmore an 1 others, •I? fentlar.f*. Subpoena awerde-' in «H$ A ««**«*• h ; g retort #4 ex ;ut« ■ 'ho defendant* George Lii- l.u: >n*. Thotntin D.ig^js anti fiiey hi* wife, tV nr. Jones ?;:• i Anti hi* w if*-, & Anne Blaekttinrp, ant! three month* since ti» linn- i*’e hi I, and the service of the Suhr;t eoit hiivintr elapsed, ai d they still I i'i’ :' to * 'e thfjr answer*: I he i.iil of t!it. plnintifi'i* taken for eorjl'es. *pd against them, and the Court w»ii propped at a future day to decree the j matter thereof, utile** the said defend, j snN on or lie lore the fifth day of 1I19 | term r.rxl nTter they shrli hove been served wish a copy of this order, show cause to the contrary. A C 'py.-—Trite, Daniel lee, e. c. —C. M. ,lu!y 21 I foi: SAM-;. JT Wl«ll TO sr.I.l. Tim TRACT 3 OF LAND on It 1 lire, roii • ainin^ between ironml COO ACRKH. Thi» land i* inferior in ni traci in the • Comity. No money will he require.I I in hand. For term* apply to Joseph Tidball, Jnlin Mucky, or the su-iscri . her. WILLIAM 8N1CKEUS. J Wootlhery, July 7—-tf. Military Orders ^ orutr of li-.e Comd’t. of (he 3t*' Kegl. N «. Militia, die training of the i»( ifalt&iion will lake place nt Winchester, on Friday the 2nd of Nov. nt 10 o’clock—the 2nd Rattclion at f'ugh Town, on Saturdej the 3rd Nov. ill name hoar. Ol.iicrs composing the wn»ne are directed to appear luily e quipped. . The Battalion Cojrt of Knquirr fCr the 2nd Battalion w|l be Feld .it Pu^h Town, on Tnrsday the l>;h Nov,lit to o'clock, flie fI ta! ion Court of huquiry lor l!ie 1st -LaUulioo v*iil be held at the C.url Mange, in Winches tor, cn Wednesday the lllb Nov. nt same tinur ; i«u;nr(!iajely r.fter (he ud j'.urn!.- *r* of which* the lit-imenial Conn ol K quity w I) m’i j the same place. (...iiaru con* ;.u> ,3 | j’our in fuW mi" rtu 10 enti ie them \u sit in said Cootr. MICH AM I. COYhK, Stiff.. 31st I'a. Jllilitia. \Vii:ehr:*-{er, J, lS-'i Public Sale. JTA \ virt •:e of a deed of Trust exeeiu ,4.^ toj to the subscriber, by Geortre Albert anil wife fur the purpose ofse d».‘bt dee l)oot. Itobt S. Hii!;! sliall oi'.or fur sole at public for a1 .•>/;, r.11 the premises, 01; (lull i IV. lh<* ‘2-1 !l ii .l A UCUSli AND 1,0 r AN!) JiLACKiSV-m? MKII’rrv mi <!.o ' (• •! ['ution of s«id Al Lotidon street, in the town el Winchester, on which there is a lea«-e for the lit c** nf -aid v.»ce,rge A inert and wife and their older t s in .lolin, snliipot l•» an annual of forty dollars ptvable MC~\ to Mrs. Catlmrino Mitky. hert, ** **n> u^oini*! iiwt >t\ AND F'ai1; it.’ng tha ;iot inen • ih -w in the occupation i f Ephraim ii*v\\!.ii»« ti:ul on , |’»ere is -I i a?-; tor nine hundred and ninety nine yefirs, i • new uhle I’ormr. HTihi ft to un aiKici.J oftv. i-otv doinrr, ;uy able (o Mr ■. (' Mr.ekv— Snell title r. ' ts vested in tl : subnet :» h?r by the r\ . J v.iil lie it::.fie the purchaser. The sale wiil take place about t i «>Vi- -k A. M. A. S. Tl it BALL Trustee. September l—ids. Virginia to wit : .77’ Units hoidta it: i c Clerk's Office of the Superior Court rtf i'hahctrrj ii.-r the \\ incite sici Ihslricl the firs Cloudi:if in .l ine. 1S21. AI 'X under Stephen plain till-, A G AI N SI h'arrl-on Waite,'l lumas MiHcr, Dan iel Buildout, SpuIIIi**:* Ik MeCesnb, Willi >ni Long, and McD u-ivd a <} liidg. y. d e • admits 1 ii»* de endunti Spalding in. AftCninb and M Donald and Kiiigeley not lu-.v* ing entered their opnenroi ce and giv en security aceordit * to the Act of As sembly and the Rules of this Court, and it appearing by satisfactory tvi. dence, thr.t they are not ink ibifunts «.f this country ; I: is ordered. That >he said J)tfenJanes do appear here on the first day of the nt xt term and an swer i lie bill of the plaintiff; that O copy nftl >s order he forthwith in. soiled-in some newspaper published in V> inrhesltr, for itvo nur.'hx suc cessively nod posted »»t ike liont door of tie Court House in the said town of W incliester. \ Corv-—Teste, f>AS'1El, LKE, c. C. C. July £2t — Virginia to wit: O JIT Rale? hohlm in the Clerk's Cfr.e of iiic Superior Court of Cimuccry for the Hiwhfgter District the first .h'tnufnrf in Sept. 1821. John Nichols and Sumnei Nichols, cx« editors of Amos Nichols, drresi' il, i laintiil'-s AGAINST Samnr] t. ex'di'or nnth!evi<pp of Peter l.-ght, deceased, and Henry Bedinger, Defendants. ?Zi : HE Defendant, Samoa! Light, ,4. not having entered his appearance and given security according to the Act of Assembly and tht Holes of this Court, and it appearing by satisfactory evidence, that tic is not an inhabitant of this country : Jt is ordered, ’l hat the said Defendant do appear hero on the first day of the next term and an« swap the hill of tlifc Plaintiffs ; anti thstanupy of this order be forthwith inserted in some uewspaper published in Winchester, for two month.* succes sively, and another copy posted at the front door of the Court Douse in the said town of Winchester. A Copy.—Tp»te, IIAMKL 1 KE, o. c. c, September t.'»—O. W. M*J1AK DEL 1)8 ton SALE AT mis OFFICE. Virginia to wit: JIT Unit’s hoitlen in he Clerk's Office of the Superior Comt of Chancery for the ffinchesler Dish ict the jirsV Monday ih August, 1821. Ambrose Harnett as administrator and in right of hi* deceased wife Mur. g.irirt Barnett, Plaintiff, -AGAINST Pr inces Helm, executrix of Meridith lielm, deceased, who was an execu tor of Thomas Helm, dec’d. ami .Jo s' nh liehn also, executor of Thomas He!in, decerned. Defendants. rubpoenn scirefacins awarded -ml to revive this suit in ilio name of auid Amhioie Bui not us administrator of his dec. used wife Margaret, not be ing executed on the defendant Joseph Helm, and he not having entered hss appearance and given securi t\ r.reurdio’* &n* , v A- senii,!v i!.m ittticj of this Court, aru i*i appearing by satisfactory evidence, that he ss not an inhshilont of thi. I country : 1* is ordered, That the said Defendant do appear here on the tirst liny oTthe-’ext term and answer the bill of the piainii'.V; and that a copy of ibis order be forthwith inerted m some new-paper puuii-hed in Winches i ter, far t wo months successively-, ntwl 1 another copy posted at t!:o front door of tha Court House in the said tor. n j ui' V. iucliJbl. r. A Copy.—Teste, D.-VNiui. I. Li hi, c, c. c j August 2d. *10 Dollars Howard \ Bt'0ONi)hD troai the subscriber, j /W on Saturday last, an apprentice j in the Shoemokiiig c-sm, named JOHN MAUK1V, I about 1’.i years of age, 5 IVet •> or lu inches high, straight built, fair com- ! pleiion and a l.ittlo freckkd, durk brown hair will* u yellow look on me I r:^rh* temple, ‘harp voice,c^uick speech,1 j'iilt an occasional stammer. iii ciolStiug consists ol u dark bottle green fashionable coat, a -trip* d jean round- i j about, u | ii*t- yellow fancy vest, a ; I rotvn doll. do. a pair of brown cic.tli ! p-.ntaJi.-jiis, .; pair wiiite. linen do. 3 do- ! e-tie cotton shirts, a bluek ie.-hiona- J l)*«j tor hut, a pair ol bouttees some v. liui worn, ami u pair of course shoes. His cif*thing was tied it) n pair yellow -tripod Madras# handkerchief. Said apprentice hud perir.i-r.ior. it* ha ab-Tui or» J*-.* \ nr day Inst, and availed himself of that opportunity to n’.«cond. He was seen on the same day at Middle town, and wiil prjhably make for ,k“tam*ton# I 111 dollars will be civ^n fo; his recovery within the county, if brought hone ; and if appiehcnded without the county and confined in j gaol si* that I get him again, the above [ reward t,l b'ortv Hollins. BKATTVCARSON. August 25—If. Mr. Mrs, Scott, 73 h.^rFCTFUI.LV inform their .<* friends uud 11;c public generally, that the \\ inter Session oi their School will commence on Monday ilie loth in*t. They return their thanks to their numerous patron* for the vrry libera! i encouragement they have received, and | trust l*y their assiduity and attention J to int ; if a continuance of the same. Winchester, September sih—his. PUBLIC SALK. V virtue of a deed of trust rxrcti ,j 5 ted to the subscriber by Samuel Davison and wife, for the purpose of securing a debt therein mentioned to James F. Kail, I will oflV r for sale at public auction for ra• t~ o’clock, before the tavern door ol Moses New batiks on the main rnp>J leading from Winchester to Romney. 1 n Tuesday, fhe25lh install the undivided interest and proportion of the said Davison ami wife in the following Tracts of Kami (of which George I^essinger, fa ther oi the said Mr#. Davison, died seized w hich inlere«t< consists nf one ! thiril part thereof subject to tiro wi j dow’s dower) to wit: One Traci containingTWENTY FIVE ACRES, One Other Tract containing TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY SEVEN AND A HALF ACHES, winch said two Tracts were contevcd to the said George Lessingcr by John Lupton ami wife. One Other Tract containing FIFTY ACRES, conveyed to said Le«singsr by Joseph Raker nnd wife, and the following personal pro perty, to wit: two fCnggonn, six Ilor• sre. fii'f vnir of lleers, two vew f ire Hint Is for a Waggon* one Cow and Calf, two rloughs, and a vnriety of Household nnd Kitchen Furniture.— A more particular description of the land will he furnished on tl.«* dav of *»!•». A. 9. TIMBALE TiWtee, September 1—td*. HHAI»HN, MORGAN ^ CO. Have hujittrled in lin■ ships t> Widmina aiul Bclvidertiyfrom Liverpool, Ij^lNK and Superfine Cloths uud ( n«#»u ercs 1 IVli'se nml LedicH Cloths 2?outvie MiM'djDrub Cloth* Flushings, Blankets xti«! Flannts Bmnliaz* t* -ind Tartan Plaidse Merino and Cashmere Shawls Rich Printed Cottou ditto. Plaid Table C!o-h* i Rohes of various patterns I Fftticy Waislcoating ^ oiHteii Hu$e, Gloves and Caps Cords and V lu ttcrn* 9 8 Apron Check and Steuni Loom Hurting* 9-S and 6 4 Cambrick and India Book Muslins Fancy Prints, Pa*ent Threads &c. &e* Alexandria, smIi month I5ih. mhMjSEi Av^rirnTrn ^iipHK subscriber solicits ihe offer.-* M lion ol his friends and the public to the Academical institution, imdw ! is superintendence. He is averse from making uny appeal which might justly subject him to the charge oi c. gotisnt and pedantry. Alihencii be i< permitted to make reference* u. gen tlempn of the first respectability in Hampshire and Prrderiek counties; and, although lie possesses most un exceptinnable credentials, from several .scientific and literary gentlemen, with v horn lie iiHs had intercourse, in the l nited States ar.ii in England, (he sub scriber would rather have his pro res. sional qualification* tested by the mental progress of the pupils* t< 1 to nis cure, at the Academy, since l.;st Whitsuntide. Short as the term bus been, I»e feels well assured, from • ho testimony of intelligent and impar i tiftl witnesses, that -Uie result of his i teaching, ha; not disappointed the ex. pec: at ions of Lis numerous friends and patrons. rvs me suuseriufT i:ue introduced m ; t«» I'is Academy some miv rr-d<?s of instruction, lie would Ice I hirr,gti r.bli I gi d by on occasional vi*:it from Lis Irii'uiljj in oroer lu lln ir ascertaining, front personal observation, (lie nature ar<l advantages of the new inelbods a bove alluded to. In teaching Orthography and Fn fz/isli Composition more especial** , subscriber has not contented himself v ilh the use of the Gtamr ar and tho Spelling 1'ir l, only. 1 Iir mmooxiiou of themes and letters on svhiects level to the capacity of the learner, has bet a uniformly practiced; ar.d no means left unemployed, to impart t». each pupil, a thorough knowledge, of the J.n^tish language. As the Latin and French' languages are also taught by the subrerihei, oa well ns the art of Stenography: ami as he baa spent a considerable portion of bis time, in attempting to improve tho minds of adult f upi’*: it in presumed, 'bat young persons, intending to qua* My li. preceptorial duties, would find it f.j lucir advantage, to apply tc the subsetiber. The. village of Romney is remarkably pleasant and healthy._ Board and Lodging nray be had there in, on reasonable terms. To jouDg persons desirous of Academical in structions or mental improvement, it presents several advantages, not to be inct with in larger places! There is a good subscription library in Romney, tonir.ining many valuable woiks, as History, Biography, and general life* rature; also a vvell regulated literary society, by w hose member, que stions are discussed, at stated intervals, with considerable interest and animation. The pupils sen* to the Academy will have an opportunity of attending a course of Lectures (ddivired monthly) by 'the subscriber, on literary subjects; Of these lectures Inn have been alrea dy delivered to numerous and res^iec. table auditories. The subscriber will uv ami- in niToiTuiincBTe Tour young gentlemen with hoard and education, in commence. next October. Trrmii ?,t 10 per annum—first <|i;nr(«r in ad vance. Should Rny of the young gen llcnirn, sent as hoarderrand pupils, be students of the French language, they will be trained to apeak the laufrnagc, in familiar dialogue* vrflh the subscri bcr. References:—James Early, W. Naylor, and W. Throckmorton, F.sqr*. Knn.ncy; John Heiskell, Ksqr. VV in eheater; O. S. Lane, Fsqr, Rat'letown. N. It. The Hex’d. Mr. Black would accommodate, with board &e. in hi* bouse, a young lady, whose friend* may he disposed to rrud hfr to the A~ eademy for instruction. One young lady, a pupil at the Academy, is at present a hoarder with Mr. B. * There will he a publie examination of the subscriber’* pupils, in the Acadfn y, on \% crimsdny the 19th o< Srpt. next. Home original piece* will he recited on that occasion—.particularly rn Fu« logium on the no mory of th«* late |)r. Franklin. At the close of the exomi u«ti<*n, the subscriber purpose* to deli* ser an appropriate addre**. W. THOMPSON, Komcfy, Scot. 1 — It,