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No. 722. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY gotju igtteun, Jit three dollars per annum payable in advance. I.YD1SFKXSWLE COXDITIOXS. I. No papers will be discontinued until ail arrearages are paid. II. Advertisements not exceeding a square, (17 lines printed matter or 12 lines common manuscript matter, inserted three times for One Dollar, ami Twenty-Five Cents per square for every subsequent insertion, an;!, when not specifically directed to the contrary, will be inserted until forbid and charged accordingly. II!. Advertisements from a dis tunce must be accompanied with tin Cash, or be assumed by some respon sible person, or the Postmaster mos' convenient to the advertiser. IV. Advertisements will, in ever instance be charged to the person <.i dering them, unless particularly s;i duiated to the contrary. \. 1 he Postage on all comtnutu cations to tlic Editors, must he paid by the writer, orvthey will not he at tended to. VI. Chancery Driers inserted as other Advertisements and charg'd to the Attorney , wh ist um.v* is'indorsed by die Clerh on ti e older. VII. I he Postage on all commu nications to the dloj*. must he. paid by the writer, or they will not he at tended to N. 1J. It is distinctly' to be under stood by' Advertising Customers, that no Advertisement wifi lienceforwaro be directed by the Editor of this pi - per to be insert-ni in other paper.;4 unless the same be pr'.viously paid IV e. Ground \lhmi & Blown Salt. Bryan Hampson Son Have, just received /wr ship m ru der, from Liver out, 8000 Bushels G. A. Salt. 800 Suck* Blown ditto. Which they offer lor snta na the ntos reasonable term*. Alexandria. Aus*. 25 — (it Piildic Sale. For Bent for one or six 'Year*' MpHE Tavern s.t Snicker » JL Ferry formerly eccipied by thn subscriber and kite in the possession of Steed Skin Jit r; the publicity of this stand and the ttdvx 'u^es which it holds nut «n a per qualified f“«»r the bnsinr*« are too obvious to require comment.—The {»Vr ry» which at sonio sens«ns of fhp voar is very lucrative, will r.No ho r^tit — -T with fhe House, possession will be given the 1st o<‘ Oct* be-. BUSHBOD TAYI.OR. j August it. i Puhiit Sale. V vir'ut of o !<•< d < f 'T'rtjMt exc^t* J! .5 ted to I he‘•uhscriber by firncrnl John Smith, for <lr bmieOt <.f lii i c r «1 ito»■** v i• J b» (>}i Monday the firs* dr.ij of October beirit: ■ !»p timt day of rii• Superior Com-t, A Tract of Land containing <50 \ C RV-">, -T unfed on Red Hud lion.—On »lii3 I rant ther' are an Oil Mil! nn'1 < *r • t '.‘ill, with about 20 feet f ill of water—-The pnr chns- m«*ney *0 he paid tn three instal ments, the la-t 'n»tn5ment to hr paya ble in not les» than tw > s^ars. Bond arid security will !»r rujnifrd, nod nUt a deed offrilst on the irremisres To v - eufR the ptirohn*!! mehc y. The *nle will commence at t 2 o'clock. For further parfi/Mil -r* apply to (|- »■ subscriber in Winchester. or in !>i« ub senee, to Oen. John Smith, < r t. 111 • n ni Hftvi»nn. A. C. S tn it I . Trustee. September 8*h—f,,s. LTJ BMC SALK. HK subscriber will offer for sale J tit the Court House, i»> file Town of Romney, on Monday the t3th du^ of October next (being the i'.'-t day of Hnmpsliiie County Court) A ilOl HK & 1.0 r in the Town of Spri««gtiel t and about 27 ACRES OF CANO ad joining the Innds of Abernathy nn l o thers, now in the oeenpsney of Mr. John II. Maxwell. The I.nt is situa ted nearly in the centre of the town <$* is considered to be the b *t stand for any kind of business. Of the land n« bout sixteen acres are cleared, part of which is excellent meadow. Any per son disputed to purchase, it is presoni od will "wi»h to view the premise*, which can be done on application to John II. Maxwell I will take good bonds in payment; other terms made Known on the dav rf «n!c. JAMES M, BUSH. July 28—UOo ’ ' 113 Military Orders. BY order of the Comd’t. of the 3tst R'gt. V,i. Militia, the training of tiis* lit Ifn(.&2i»t> will t.iki plane ui W aler, on Vtidaj the 2nd .>1 Nov. at to o’clock—<he 2nd battalion at Pugh Town, on Saturday the 3rd Nov. at uaniH hour. Oliieers composing tfjo o'xn - are directed to appear fully e quipped. Vhe Battalion Court of Enquiry for the 2nd Battalion will !»e held ut Pugh Town, on luesday the 13th Nov, at 10 o'clock. I tie Battalion Court of Enquiry for t!»»* 1st Battalion will bo held at the Court House, in Winchos «cr, on Wednesday the ti’h Nov. tit same hour ; immediately after the ad .inurnment of which, the Regimental Court oI F,» qutry will tit m the main n'ooe. Officers ♦•.(••nmandtti to apt P ar in rull uniform to entitle them tv ‘it in suid C titr. , MICHAEL COYLE, Adj't. 3 is t Hgt. fa. Jilt ilia. Winchester. August i, ts21 Public halo. 33 Y virtue of a deed of Trust cseftu j2 3 ted to tl'c subscriber, by CJeorgo Albert and wile for the purpose of se curing a debt due Doct. >. Uald w’in, I idiall c:Ver l«r sole at i.nLtj.. nuet'^n, nr r.-s.7;, on the premist *, on J—_-Ta Monday, the «j.j. h ,„i. \ Ppfh AND LOT AND *•«.AtJivr.vlI l‘H ^HOPnnw M tn I!’*'' occupation of said Al t'- rt, • » :*o;it*nn street, in the town o< ' V me Hester, on which there t« a lease f»r tlr* lives o. -aid (iporge Albert ar*’ their oldest son .John, subject t*t an innual of U-r'v dollars i.avalile \ ''* n anHiinic iYjNCK>. QgvisV Also, hu; thor '.KHTSI’j AND f-'?! LO 5' adjoining the fir**! men figl ml XL tinned, now fbr orrupulinn of r'phraim Hawkins end on wlihb ’ »re. is a lr-\*o '‘or nine hundred and ninety nine yen nr, re- w«b> forever, nibj -ft to an a-mini >f twenty- dollars. t»»ynb!e to Mrs. Catharine Mnekv_ Such title a< vost -it in the b. r ^ thndeer] afon «;;Jd, xvtii he made the piKphnspr. The >nlc- will take place about 12 nVI ,-k A. M. A. S. Til)BALL Trustee. S«’p* ‘nilv: | —fds. Virginia to wit: AT Mules lioltien in the Clerk'? Office 5 of l HZ' Superior C'vrt of Chancery \ for the mil feeler Vjsfnct the first f JCruJini vi Sept. 1301. John Nielio?*. and Suinne} XieboD. ex* • editors of Amos "Nichols, de;*eas«-d, • Phi:;lii»k. AC MN«T SamTjoi Lisjht. pxoeuior anti devisee of I Pe'-r* Iosrht, deceased, and Henry ! Keilinc*!-.-,, Defendant* 'Ml! Defendant, S*xr*»»• «* 1 Light, 1 not ha»'ln:» onforrd hj - epnparanee and given security nee< r--ing to t!i Aet nt’ Assembly nr l the Rules nf thi* Court, and «t appearing by nfttisfaetory evidence, that lie i« not mi inhabitant of lb'-* country : Jf js onlt>rc<ty That tl’p * Defendant do Hr;-ftir }>ore on the ii it day of thn next term nml nn* •war tl.p bill of Mi' Plaintiffs ; and taut a p ry of this nidpr h° forthwith inserted in lomi) iieurjiuper published in " inehesier, Tor two months snei-ep “ively, anil Hnoth -r eoyv po»t-d et the front <?- or of tlie Court H> use in the said tnvVfi i f* \Yir.f->i.*«ir-, A Co -.v —T"s»«, ll 'T-iFL T !'F., c. c. c. September 11*—O. V. f Virginia to wit: AT I'nfrs tiffrn ’u •> Clerk's DJpee of the Xvperior f'orrf nj Chancery /;*V the D vehesit' District Hie/irsl .Mart 'av in August1831. •\ •'hrocr Pte.rneif a» it«Tmi; i-irator nrd ! ir. right of hi* deceased «i*> Var. ! garef Barrett, Plaintiff, j ACAIN'ST France* hMm, executrix of Weridith Helm. deceased, who was on pxpco f f»r rtf Th'innt Hplm, ifpc’il. and do- j seph If^lm hUo, eXPC'ilnr of Thomas deceased.* Defendants, f j^'HE vihpppna spirefacin* awarded ” to revive (hi* suit in the name of j said Andiro** Barrett a« administrator of 1 i* deceased wife Margaret, not be ing fXecil*ed on I fie defendant Joseph M/lin, and he not having entered hi* appearance and given securi ty according to the Act of Assembly and the Hole* of (hi* ( turf, am! if appearing In satisfactory evidence, that be i« not an inhabitant of thi« country : ft is ordered) That the «aid D»f. ndent do apnesr |>p-r 'in ihn fir** day of ihe n-*x« t<Tm aod answer the i bill of the plaintiff: nod that n copy of (hi* order be forthwith irserted in some newspaper published in Winches ter, for two in'-nths successively, and another copy posted at the front door «»f 'he Court Ifo^jse in the said town of \\ iocbest“r, A f’npx.-v-fesfe, DANIKL LLK, c. c, c Augt at 27, Corporation of Winchester. AN ACT Respecting t'te rrcighir^ nf B’tHer, Whereas it i? n pre.,* nted that mu tt} persons have rifi;*. d, in deCauet of Ihy Law regulutiug the neighing of butter, to Stave ili•*ir butter weighed by Uib Clerk ut the Market:— Be it therefore enacted by the Pre scient uR<J Ct nittii/ii l_ou*u il nf the Corporation uf V'int he» er, Ths.*, provi ded any person khull hermfter, after b ing required by the Clerk, of the, Market, refuse to permi' Itim to weigh his or her butler, in whole er in purl; or shall use any mean* to prevent his weighing the Mime,it shall be the duty of i!.e said ef »rk t ttts; \1 <,rtc—t to ^viz the butter so refuser' to be weighed, & deliver the same to the Overseers of the Poor, for tin* n-e i*f the Poor. This Act shall l»e in force from end af er the pR**<t.~ };,.r. „f. Passed .September loth, 1821. < Tesie, • LEM17UL BENT, CVk. AN ACT, .V. f A*/JVC 1- appropriations for sinfei iig a icoli in (iertnav Street. BK il enacted by <h President and Common Ciiuit-il of the Corpoc/.tion t Winchester, that the sum of Fife Dollars be appropriated to aid in ih rnmpletkti of the well, now sinking iu Berman Street, and that Conrad Creps, William Helphistine, and tieorge ?*os tiuu, be appointed Coniini. ‘out rs and be accountable for the faithful dis I btirsement «t the said money. The I said V. li slit.!|, to all intents and pur poses, be deemed a public Well, and I the i (habitant* of any part of tit*? town shall have free privilege to u>-3 the ► ante without restraint. u* n Piini't n, i tiat ii»^ m»»n*v z* crs ’••till shall He paid by the Treasurer of the Corporation, out of the Corpora, linn 1 re»>nry.— 1 his act n’irtll lie ia force from am! after th; pugj;ji.r thereof. Passed September tO'.h, 182!. Teate, I.RMIJKl. RENT, Cl'l-. Jhdhorls'np; the bv'"'owing of tt further sum of money fer the completion of the JVew Market Firms*. IF’ it enacted, by the President and Co mm oji Council of tin Curj oration of NV inehester, hi Jmt the. President of the Con'inon C-unril, in conjunction with the Committee appointed to soperjn h'-nd tlie building of the New Market House. He,am! <he% are hereby author isi d, tr. harrow, from either or both of th*> banks in thus place, e sum of mo ney not exceeding two lhou«and d»l I irs, pflyu’do in four year-, in ir.sta! menis oi five hundred dollars each yr art and that the revenue of the Cor poration, am! faith of the same, he . h'd"fd to the said President and 0>,n i.itttee, to indemnify them for their re. spontihiliiy in rotation to the said loan Passed Soptendu r 10th, 1321. Testo, LKMI I-.L HR.NT, Cl'k. The Annual Meeting T'TiKihp \nxunry Bible Society of T. > Hamj's' ir" County, Virginia, nil. bp held at 'li- Chnreh In Rnn.ncy on ’ londaj tin* first day < {‘October hpxI. Romney Sp Member 22:!_tdm. NOTICE. Manag-r* an<l Member** of .fir the Femnle Auxiliary Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal church of fheWinehester circuit.arc re« n* * sted Ip meet at the Methodist Meet ini; H"U*e In Winchester, on the ffrit Monday in October nest, at 2 nVIock P. M. to tniswnc* hnsines* of impor tance to 'lie sneiefv. M \RV ORIUCK, Cor. Sec'ry. Fe;*«. 1 r., Virginia to wit; AT Hole* holden in tr<r dirk's Office nf the Count if court of Hampshire, the. ftrsi Alov4aif in August, 1F01. Isaac B ull, Plaintiff; acm Inst Jamc* Tomlinson, Daniel Worlcv Tho me* Lash. and John Piper, JUef’ts. IX rHAXCKWV. Delentlan's, Tomlinson and r. Worley, not. having entered their appeoranee and given security oreordint; In the Act of Assembly and the Hides cf ihi* Court, and it ap pearing by «ati*farfory evidence, that they are not inhabitants of this Com mon wealth : It is oroerp'f. That the «ai<' Defendants dn appear her** on tlie lir*t dnv *>f November Court nest and answer thf* bill of t!i*» rinintifl'; and that a ropy of this order be forthwith inserted in some newspaper published in Winchester, for two months succes sively, and another copy posted at th IViinl door of tb« C-»»rt House of the Coiin;y of II vmp«hire. ( A Copy. — Teste, JOHN B. WHITE, c. h. c. , Adjust is, fs^t—T j To Brewers, liislillcrs, ^c. A MAN with a tumiij, resi* xft dent atnut three jemn in thi* country, from Europe, wishes h situ*, ti'jn in either of the above line of busi i-es», who conducted for *eieral year*, ere • t thu most respectable l*rewer> establishment* in tliat country, and who bun also acquired a most perfect know 'edge of the mode and process u| «s»eii!lotion sinco his arrival in this coun’rv. The advertiser flatter!* him* ! sell that he would beau aci|*ji-iti..u to [ :‘n> gentleman engaged in either of the ali >ve line of business. I he moat i sati»|Meto*y references can b»* given.— A line addressed to A. B, brewer nr i distillerfat lli*'. Gftzr'tt* dffice,'mertion ing re rl name and plane of residence mil be r:n *l respectfully attended to i S^-pt. «2<1—3ts. PUBLIC SAUK. V ^ - i* L be sold on Ttusdav, tin V ¥ l'> h of ber at the iesi* ! dmee of .fiitne* Mitchell dee’d, ne r /i-'D Mill tin f.How it:g property * iz: Household «ml Kitchen furniture, lfor~ \ St* cotes, hogs and sharp, a crop of wheat Rud corn ana farming utensils. A pr. dit of nine months wit; lie given nri ;• 11 huivn tihiiTi1 live rliilliirH nti giving him] wi'h approved sccuritv: under th a »iihi'cj>/i will be expected. The terms oi i!i< w liml v.ill h> never be dilibretti and will be trade known on the d..y oi sale. Salo will commence at to o'clock. WM. MITCHRLL. wWtji. N. B. All perrons having claims a. gainst the estate will bring" their; for ward fairly adjusted agreeably to inw; mid those indebted will make payment J?eptN 22d—Sts. .Messrs Jojhn Jenkins, Jacob Jenkins^ar.d George Cramer, rrpiiEASK TO TAKK NOTICE. on Wednesday (tie Slut day of C?t ber next, lie tween .‘•tin rise and sun ?ct, 1 shall attend a( the oilice of Lemuel Kent, in Winchester, for the purpose of taking thb depositions of William Sherrarif, George Keitfir, .Tolin H. Maxwell, Abraham Weaver, j * unis * ytu*, Joshua Ci-ire,- Daniel ! Lee, Henry Murphy, and others. to be | offered as evidence oh my behaif in a j suit in the Superior Court of Chancery holder* a« Winchester, depending, wherein 1 am plaintiff und you are ffe» I fondants. ROBERT SHERRARD. September 22—.»t. Mrs. Catharine Bridges, TAKE Mi l ICE, that on the 24th day of October nex', at the stone Ta vern kept by Abel Dunham, at Mill Creek, on tlie road from Winchester to klartirishmg, I shall take the deposi tion* of Obed Noland, John Brannon ; and Edward Sarjeant, to be evidence in a suit now depending- in the Suneri or Court of Chancery liolden at Win | Chester, in which you are plaintiff, and : 1 am defendant. WILLIAM PENNYBAKER* September 22_3:pd CHEAP SHOT. STOKE. REMOVAL. 8 DODDS respectfully iiii«)rm<4 hi* . friends and the public, ih't he has removed his SldOS STORF* one doer South of the Town run, adjoining John 3c Abraham Miller's Store, where he continues his assortment of Ladips, Gentlemen's and children’s SHOKS* at as low priers n« they he purchased for in the htntc. AH the work offered j is mart? lwre, and warranted co be of : the fivst qtioli'y. A..* his assortment is extensive, embracing every vuriety am! size, ?he advertiser solicits a cor responding patronage. Work will he executed gpncra'lv to order, on a few- hours notice. Sept. 22. Virginia to wit: AT Halt's holdcn iu the. Gin k's Office rj the Superior Court of Chancery Jor the Winchester District the first •Monday in September, 18C1. Samuel Parke, Plaintiff, A GAINST Leonard Jones, Joseph Baker and Da vid tiibson, Defendants; Defendant Leonard Jones not X. having entered his appearance and given security according to the Act of Assembly and the iluies of this Court, and it appearing by satisfactory evi. dence, that he is not an inhabitant of this country: D is ordered, That the said Defendant do appear here on the first day of the n tt term and answer the bill of tl>p Plaintiff; and that a copy of this order be forthwith insert ed in some new-paper published in \\ mehester, for two months succes sively, and another copy posted at the front door of the Court House in the • aid town of Winchester. A Copy—-Teste, D WILL LKK, c. o. c. September t.’i—^ m "jiLAXlC l) 1. A DS ~ TOP. SALE AT "THIS office. I’LBMC SAI.K. virtue of iv Deed of Tiu«t, exe> jLieuteci to the subscriber by Wilfient >V r«ie, for • tie purpose of seeuring ti* Joinen M. Marshall tiie p:>ment of ^ debt, therein mcntinued, will be sold, an t/l* 23f/ ilay of Octobet nr.rt, at the house of the t*aid W roe, rear Front Hoyal, in. the county of Frederick^ 3 NEGUOES, two men and one woman. 'I lie terms w:l! be cash ; and such title as is vest ed in the trifiee bv the said deed will be made to the pun (laser. THOMAS MARSHALL. S pt. 15—41 Foil SALE OKkKMr A MKKCHA1V r MILL $ SAW * » A»ILL, ittiaie on (jtio e li* e sodth tf Leesburg. Loudua comity, it gather with 40 AtTes ofgood L,and. Appl. a'ii.u t.i be rnaue to Air. Isuae V uiutiver, near Leesburg, or to .tie sub scriber, Winchoier,Frederick e\y \'«. I lie still criber lias also a number of OL T LOIS fur sale, eonvor ent t<> Sind town. J. v.\\ BUSKIKK Sept, gad—tf. Dissolution. g^HL Coparinershi| heretofore sub JL sitting under the firm of ( rahatn Ac. Parry is this day dissolved b> nmtu.. til consent. Ai! person* having claims against the said firm are n quested to present their accounts fot hi ittt n;> nl; and tbu.e indebted to make pn>meut to JanitB Uraliam who is authorised to Kettle the business ot tin concern. JAM LS C» 1* Af:A M. JAAifce* C. BAItiiY. Sept. 22d—3te. <■ * JAME& GRAHAM Rtspj'.ci fully i< f«:i m« hi* ffiecJj* B»i«l (lie public, dial lie bn« o« >mn«l end will connUntiv kec|> u gene ral assortment rf I1RY GOOD*-, Gll()« CKRIES, H AillJ-W Alifc anil t,LiT» LKRY, PRilYiE LIQUORS, &e. w: oR In* will stll low tor ca li. He invites his frienus to give him a call, anti ep^s by hi ei deavors t. please ro me rit a »hure oi the public patronage, Sept. 22—if Burlington, Hampshire Co. rj 'ML frequent BoiieitatincH of many A persons, who have been desirous of establishing themselves at this place, added to the earnest de.-ite ot » sub scriber to puy his just debt?. Nvc at length determined bin to lay oil some 15 ur 20 HALF ACitt Lt/lS at the above place, which will be rife red at public sale, on tin premires, • n Friday the 2d ot Nov. next, huriicgtoi* (or Vandiver’s Store) is situated it. r. iles above Romney, at the iatersfclioti of the mail) Western rovd leading t> Llaiksnurg, Marietta, &c. and to Pen* dleton, Moorelield, h r&ukforn, &c.— A# a place of business and for publici ty of situation it is not surpassed by any country place. Situated in a popu lous, wealthy, and, certainly, the must fertile pari of Hampshire County, it oflt-rs many advantages to your g Me chanics who are just setting out in the world. To the Merchant also u offers | superior advantages; a store having been for many years kept^ here, expe rience has shewn that r. capital invent* ed in that business could not, a* any o tber place, be more profitably employed. The attention of Mechanics is particu larly invited to the object in view ; ro favorable on opportunity of pi rinanent ly settling themselves will, in ali proba bility, not soon again occur. There are convenient to ibis place a Fulling Mill and Carding Machine. There will be nlVered for sale, at f],o ; time and [dace above mentioned, an j excellent SITE for a FLOL’R MILL, | SAW MILL, or any oilier description j of Machinery. It may, without exaga geration, be observed, jhat few siton tioos in 'h:s «oun*ry hold out greater inducements to the capitalist wlm may be disposed to engage in the Milling or Manufacturing business. 1 he sub scriber will also offer at public sale, at the some time and place, n few valuable NFGUOKS;—also CATTLE, NORSKS, and other stnek, upon th« whole of which a liberal rr*dit will be given. As the design of this sale is to enable ihe subscriber to pay hi* debts with promptitude, those to whom he may he in any wise indebted are in* vited to attend. The term* nod all particulars lecessary to he known will he communicated at the tio»» of >»»*le. JACOB VANIMVRR. Rorlington, Hampshire county, £ Septenhrr 1*L 1321. > J^T'Tho Kditor of the Woodstock Herald will insert th« ebo*. A limes: the last insertion t . hr m*.de (in thw inner form) the week previous to the sale, and forward Ids account ti this office for eollfftirn