Newspaper Page Text
No. 78 3. WINCHESEK, VA. SATURDAY, OCTOBER oth. 1821 Vol PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY - g*>0tt ifetsfcecc, Mthree dollars per annum payable in advance. 1JYDISPEJVSIBLE Cl)JSl'DITIOJ\'S. A I. No papers will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid. II. Advertisements not exceediug a square, (17 lines printed matter oi ls lines common manuscript matter, inserted three times for One Dollar, and Twenty-Five Cents per square for every subsequent insertion, and, when not specifically directed to the contrary, will be inserted until forbid and charged accordingly. III. Advertisements from a dis tance must be accompanied with the Cash, or be assumed by some, respon sible person, or the Postmaster most 'Convenient to the advertiser. IV. Advertisements will, in ever} instance be charged to the person or dering them, unless particularly sti dulatcd to the contrary. V. The Postage on all communi cations to the Editors, must aid by the writer, or they will not he at tended to. VI. Chancery Orders inserted as other Advertisements and charg'd to the Attorney, whose, name is indorsed by t lie Clerk on the order. VII. 'The Postage on all commu nications to the Editor, must he paid by the writer, or they will not be at tended to. N. B. It is distinctly to be under stood by Advertising Customers, that no Advertisement will henceforward be directed by the Editor of this pa per to be inserted in other papers, unless the same be previously paid for. AN ACT, ■Authorising the horronin^ of a further sum of money for the completion of the J\'ew Market House. He it enacted, by ilie President and Common Council of the Corporation of ’Winchester, Thai the P-eudi-nt of the Conimon Council, in conjunction with the Committee appointed to •uperin tend »he building of the New Market House, lie,and they are hereby author ised, }.> borrow* from either or both of the banks in this place, a sum of mo ney nut. exceeding two iIioiuhh.I tJ„|. Jars, payable in font years, in ins'al jnent* of five linudred dollars ouch year: and that the revenue of the Cor poration, and faith of the same, be pledged to the said President ami Com mittee, to indemnify them for their re sponsibility in relation to the said lout:. Passed September 10th, 1321. -■ XEMUKI. BENT, Cl'k. PUBLIC SALK. rg'HE subscriber will oli'f*r for sale J|[ at the Court House, in the. Town of Komtiey, on Monday the 15th day of October next (being tb« first day of Hampshire County pBggv Court) A HOUSE &. LO T iaWy 1*1 in the Town of .Springfield and ah ut 27 ACHES OK I.AM) ad joining the land* <>f Abernathy and o (her*, now in tho occupancy of Mr. John fi. Maxwell. 'T he Lot is *i»ua led nearly in the ventre of 'he ♦own fif ie considered to he the he: t s‘aod for &ny kind of business. Of the Tarda* bout sixteen acres are t:i Teu, part of winch is excellent •-♦oa.b,w. Any per son dirpo cd to piuma e, it is presum ed will wi h to view the premises, which cbn he dene on application to John IT. Maxwell T wiU »tii;e good bond* in payment; other terms made known on the day of *al». tames m. bush. July28—f20o Virginia to wit: JIT Rules hohlcn iu the Clerk's Office of the Connlif court oj Hampshire, the first •Monday in August, l8t?t. Isaac Beail, f'laintiff, AO A INST James Tomlinson. Dome! Worlev Tlw mas Lush, and John Piper, Uef’u. IN CnANCRRY. THE Defendants, Tomlinson and Worley, not having entered their appearance and given security according to the Art of Assembly and the Holes tf this Court, and i* ip peering by satisfactory evidence, that they arc not inhabitant* of tbi Com mon wealth : It is ordered. That the said Defendant* do appear here on the first day of November Court np>t and answer the hill of the Plaintiff; and that a crpy of this order he forthwith inserted in some newspaper pnliludied in Winelipster, for two months succes sively, and another copy posted at the front door of the Csnrt House of the fJounjy of Hampshire. A Copy.—Teste, JOHN IT. WHITE, c. b. o. _ August 18. 1821—T 9 ft • rcrens Military Orders. I BY order of the Comd’t* of the 81«t Kegt* Va. Militia, the training • of the 1st Battalion will take pUee at Winchester, no Friday the 2nd of Nov* at 10 o’clock—the 2nd Battalion at Pugh Town, on Saturday the 3rd Nov. at same hour. Officers composing the same are directed to appear fully e quipped. The Battalion Court of Enquiry for the 2nd Battalion Mill ho heid at Pugh i'ovvn, on Tuesday the 13th Nov, at ■fo o'clock* The BaUnlion Court of Enquiry fur the 1st Battalion, will he held at the Court House, in Winches ter, on Wednesday the i nil Nov. at same hour ; immediately after the ad journmeut of which, the Regimental Court of Enquiry will ait at tho same place. Officers are commanded to a|>» pear in full uniform to onliile them to sit in said Coutr. MICHAET COYLE, Adj't. J 1st h'^t l a. Militia. Winchester, Ansrsml t, 1821 Virginia to wit: AT Tittles holden in the Clerk's Office of Hie Superior Court of (' \ for the r District the fust j Monday in Sept. ) 8v> I. Johu Nichols and Samuel Nichols. ex« ecutors of Amos Nichols, deceased, riaittlilVs, i AGAINST | Samuel Light, exn ntnr and devisee of j Peter Light, deceased, and Henry ! Bedinger. Oefendauts. | Defendant, Samuel Light. 3L not having entered his appearance an.I given security according to the Act of Assembly and the (lulus of this Court, and it appearing hv satisfactory ev denee, that he-is not an inhabitant •:f thi» country : It is ordered, That the said Defendant do appear here on the fi-*t day of ihe next term and m>.« Hwer the hill of the Pluiuti(f« : and that a copy of this order lie forthwith inserted in some uewsptvper published in Winchester, for two months succes sively, and another copy posted at the front dor>r of the Court Hous^ in the ► aid town of W inchester. /- Copy.—Teste, DANIEL LEE, c. September 15—1>. W, Ci c» Virginia to wit: JIT Hnlcs hnhlen in the Clerk's Office of the Superior Court of Chancer if far the 1i mdiicfev District the first Monday in .hignsf, 1821. Anihro'o Barnett n« administrator tin* 1 5 in ri^ht of 5'i* deceased wife Mnr garct Burnett, Haiutiff', AGAINST Frances Bpim, executrix of Mcridith Heim, deceased, who was an execu tor of Thomas Heim, dec’ll, and Jo seph Helm u!so, executor of Thomas Helm, deceased. Defeodnnts. * £ 4ilh. gunpoena scireiaetas awarded to revive (t*i^ suit in the name of sail Ambrose Barnett as administrator of his deceased wife \Iarf»aret, tmt he i»5 executed un the <lef*'ndant Joseph Helm, and he not having entered his nppraranca and given aecuri ty according to |lie Act of Assembly ami *he l«ulr9 of this 1’juit, and it appearing by «u:i-sfactory evidence, ! lie is not no inhabitant of this \ country : T? is ordered, That the said | DtlVudanf do appear here nn the fust i day of the next form and answer the J bill if tho ph.intin ; and that a ropy i of fhi» order he forthwith inserted in ! Home new spaper published in Winches ter, fur two months successively, and another copy posted at the front door of the Court House in tha said (own of Winchester. A Copv—Te.’-:c, DAM HI. v. u. Au<*nst 23. Virginia to wit : JIT Rules h olden in the Clerk':; Office nf the Superior Court of Chuncenj for the ff inr.hrsfer District theJtrst Monday in September, 1821. John Ksthef, administrator of Petpr Esther, doe’d, IMaintilf, AGAINST Daniel Fetter, administrator of Aurpis McDonald, dee’d. Defendant. rS^llF. sulipocna scirefacias awarded " to rpvjve this suit in the name of John Esther, administrator of I’eter Esther, deceased, no* beinc; executed on the defendant, and it appearing by salisfae’ory evidence, that he is not an inhabitant of this country: Jt is ordered. That the said Defendant do appear here on the tst day ofthe next term and show cause why this suit shall not he revived; and that a copy of this order he forthwith inserted in some newspaper published in Win rhesler, for two months successively, and anoiher copy posted at the front door of th< C-'iirt House in tho said town of Winchester. A Copy—Tes*c, DANIEL I.EE, c. r c. September 13—C. M, To Brewers, Distillers, &>-c. A MAN with a small family, resi» (lent about three years in this country, from Europe, wishes a situa tion in either of the above line of busi ness, who conducted for several years, o«e of the moat respectable Brewery establishments in that country, and who has also acquired a most perfect knowledge of the mode und process of distillation since his arrival in this country. The advertiser hatters him self that he would be an acquisition to any gentleman engaged iu either of the above line of business. 'I he most satisfactory references can be given.— A liue addiessed to A. II, brewer or | distiller,at the Gazette Office, mention ing real name and place of residence will be most respectfully attended to. Sept 22d—3«9. PUBLIC SALE. ^k%/^lLL be sold on Tuesday, the y V 16ili of October at the reai • Cnee of James Mitchell decM, ne r f-inti Mill the following property viz: Ileus,'hold art.I Kitchen furniture., Jlor cons, hogs und sheep, a crop of a heat ai.d torn and farming utensils. A credit «;f nine :n »ut- will be givri on ail sums above, live dollars on giving hood with approved security; tinder that sum rta/t will bn expected. The terms nl tie wheat will however be tlilVcreut aid will be made known on the day c.l sale. Sule will commence at It) o'clot-L | WM. MITCHELL. Jlum. N. B. A'l persons having claims a. gainst the ‘stale will bring them for ward fairly adjusted agreeably to law; und those indebted w ill make payment ^ept. *Jd—atg. Messrs John Jenkins, Jacob Jenkins, and (Icorge Cramer, ^PLEASE Tu TAKE NOTICE,v 3. hat on Wednesday t!;« Ght day i»f October between mm ri«e and pun set, l stall attend at the office of Lemuel Bent, in Winchester, lor the pmpoto el taking the i!t*]i;>>iti*>nh of William Sherrtwd, (Seorge Keiler, -!f,hn II. Maxwell, Abraham Weaver, Tunis Tylus, Joshua (Pare, Daniel Lee, Hear) Murphy, nml others, to he offered as evidence on n>y behalf in a suit in the Supplier Court of Chancery bold ns at Winchester, depending, wherein I am plaintiff and jou are de. IcadanlS. ROBERT SO KRRARD. September 22—«■>:. Mrs. Catharine liriJgcs, TAKE NO 1ICE, that on the 2nli day of October nest, at the stone '1 a *« n kept by Abet Dunham, at Mill t icek, on the road from VVinchester to VJartjnvbnrg, 3 shall take the deposi tions of Owed Noland, Julia Brannon ami Edward Sarjeant, to he evidence in a suit now depending in the .Superi or Court of Chaneery hoiden at Win raaater, in which you am plaintiff,and 1 am defendant. WILLIAM pkNNVBAKER. September 22 31r»r> CHEAP SHOE STOKE. _ liEMOYAL, Ol DODDS respectfully informs 1m k3. fneud* ami ;hc public, ihat lie has removed his SHOE STORK one door South of the Town run, adjoining John Sc Abraham Miller's Store, where he continues his assortment of Lndiea, Gentlemen's and children’# SHOES* at as low price# as they be purchased for in the state. All the work oHVrcd is mailt' h. rr, and warranted to be of the first quali’y. As his ?««ortment is exlpusive, embracing every variety and size, the advertiser solicits a cor responding patronage. Work will b“ executed generally to order, on a few hours notice. Sent. 22. \ irginia to wit; .5T R iles hohlcn in I he Clerk's Office of the Superior Court of Chancery Jor the Winchester District the first Monday in September, 1821. Samuel Parke, Plaintiff, AGAINST Leonard .Tone?, Joseph Baker nnd Da vid Gibson, Defendants: ^ 9 *HK Defendant Leon aid Jones not M having entered his appearance and given security according to the Act of Assembly and the Rules of this Court, nnd it appearing by satisfactory evi dence, that he is not an inhabitant of this country : It is ordered, That the said Defendant do appear here on the first day of the next term and answer the till of the Plaintiff; and that a copy of this order he forthwith insert ed in some newspaper published in Winchester, for two months sueces. sivcly, and another copy posted at the front door of the Court House in the •aid town of Winchester. A Copy—Teste, DANIEL LEE, c. o. o. Feptpmher Ii5—N 11UIJOC DEEDS roR ssr g /r rms orncr. Dissolution. tlE Copartnership In nelnfore sub A sisiing under the tirin of Graham & Barry is iliis duy dissolved by mutu. al eminent. All persons having elaiois against the said lirin are requested to present thtir accounts for settlement; and those indebted to make payment to James Graham who is authorised to settle the business of the concern. JAMES G HAH AM. JAMES C. BAlUiY. 3ept. 2iil—Sts. JAMES GRAHAM I7j espkctfullt informs his friends <L and the public, that he has on hand and will constantly keep a gene rnl assortment of DRY GOODS, GRO CKRIKS, HAKD-WAltE and CUT. UKKY, PRIME LIQUORS, &c. which he unit sell low for cash. He invites his friends to give him a call, and h-p - by his endeavors to please to me rit u shaft: of the public patronage. Sept. iJ2—If Land For Sale. "ill ,eH upon good terms A lU.Vc>I OI* LAM), eoulainieg COO Acres, l.ving on Bulb's run, in the County cf Frederick about nine miles from Win ehe-ter. ’1 he whole, except about twenty Acres, is heavily clothed with v I-1 low Bine, anti luts upon it Ill'S IT a newly . erectctl SAW SI Ml LI/, constructed upon the JLiLtl ^st plan, and built in the best manut-r. Winchester is near p. nough to alford a convenient market lor plunk and scautiiog, and the Impro ving condition of the town must ensure its continuance and certainty. There is also upon the land, a comfortable House for a small family. Leroy P. D&ingerfitdd, Esq. living adjoining die land, is authorized to sell, or to rent. THOMAS T. E AUI* TLEROY. Septe.-nper 8th—tf. APPROVED FAMILY MEDICINES, Which are relcbralcd for the cure of most disorders to which the human body i» H»bfe prepared only by the sole oroprietor, T. \Y. DYOTT, M. D Grandson of the late celebrated Dr. Ro bertson, oj Edinburgh, And for sale in Philadelphia, 077/y, at the pro prietor’, wholesale and retail' drug and family medicine warehouse, A'01 ( corner of Second & Race streets, Ami, ty retail, of hi. Agents throughout the United Stale?. DR, ROBERTSON’S CELEBRATED STOMACHIC ELIXIR OF HEALTH. Price one dollar and fifty cents. V'hich has nrovtd, by. thousands who hare experienced its beneficial efT'ects, to he the most valuable medicine ever offered to the pub lic. for the cure of roughs, colds, consumption, ti»e whooping cough, asthma, pain in the breaat cramp, and wind in the stomach, head-ache, loss of appetite, indigestion, etc. ho:’ thr By entaty or Lax, Cholera Alorbus, severe, and oilier diseases of the bo\v* els, a;,d the summer complaint in children, it has proved a certain remedy, and restored to per fee 1 health from the greatest debility. * rsons afflicted with Pulmonary complaints or disorder of the Hrr:-st and Lungs, even in the mobt advanced state, will find immediate relief. Common troughs and Colds, which are in general occasioned by obstructed perspira tion, will be found to yield to its benign influ ence in a lew hours. In Asthmatic or Consumptive complaints, Hoarseness, Wheczings. Shortness of Breath, and the flocping Cough, it will give immediate relief. ROB KRTSON'S VEGETABLE NERVOUS CORDIAL. Or, Natnre’a Grand Restorative. Price $1 50 Cents. Is confidently recommended, as the mo3t ef ficacious medirine for tlie speedy relief and cure of all nervous complaints, attended w ith inward weakness, depression of the spirits, head-ache, tremor, fafiltr.css. hysteric fits, de bility, seminal weakness, gleets, and various complaints resulting from secret impropriety of youth and dissipated habits, residence in warm climates, the immoderate use of tea, the unskilful or excessive use of mercury, so often destructive to the human race, diseases pecu liar to female* at a certain period of life, Flour. Albus, barrenness etc. Under the denomination of nervous disorders, are included several diseases of the most dan gerous kind, and are so various that a volume Would hardly suffice to complete a description of them. It pervades with its baleful influ [ cnoc, the whole nervous system, writhing the ; heart with inexpressible anguish, and exciting [ the mo9t dreadful suggestions of horror and 1 despair. To this demon have thousands fallen a sacrifice in the direful transport* of its rage. The most common symptoms of its com mencement, are weakness, flatulence* pslpita* tions,watchfulness, drowsiness after eating, ti. midity, flashes of heat and cold, numbness, cramp, gidd'ness, pains in the head, back and loins, hickup, difficulty of respiration and de« glution, anxiely. dry cough, etc. The vegetable Nervous cordial is also a great Antiscorbutic Medicine, at»l iaof infinite service f»r purifying the blond and curing those foul disorders of the skin which com monly appear in she form of scurvy, surfeit, red blotches, carbuncles, ulcers, etc. etc. A dose of Dr. Ifyott’s Antibilion* Pills, tak'-n occasionally with this medicine, proves of ad ! ditional scivicc in the last mentioned case*. OB. ROBKRTSON'S CELEBRATF.DGOUT AND RHEUM A TIC DROPS, P'ice f: 9 Dollars. A safe siul effectHtl euro for ihr pout, tlitunii* tism, lumbago, stone and gravel, swelling ansi Weakness of joints, sprains, bruises, and all kinds of green wounds, the ciamp, pains in tbo head, lace and body, stiff ness in the neck, chil blains, frozen limbs, etc. OK. DYOTT’S ■ PATENT ITCH OINTMENT, j For pleasantness, safety, exptuitior, esse and certainty is infinitely superioi u. any other i nr.cdicine for llie cure of that rrosi diiagreea* ble ami ^ormenting disorder, tfit. Itch. Price 50 cents per 6 ox. DR. ROBERTSON’S PATENT STOMACH BITTERS, Price one dollar. M hich are celebrated for strengthening weak stomachs, increasing the appetite, and a certain preventative and cure tor llie fever and ague, etc. For the fever and ague, a malady so preva lent throughout the southern Mates, and af flicting tofamilits residing in all low countries redundant with marshes,, lakes, stagnated pools, rivers, these celebrated and universally esteemed Hitters have surpassed every remedy ever administered lot the relief and cure of the most obstinate oppressor of the human frame ; numerous instances of their efficacy hive been testified, after the barks and various i other extolled prescriptions faded, they proved successful to the admiration of those who experienced and witnessed the happy cficcu. DR. ROBERTSON’S INFALLIBLE WORM DESTROYING LOZENGES. A medicine universally esteemed for destroy ing every species of worms—prices 50 cent’s Symptoms.—The common symptoms of the worms are paleness of the countenance, at other tunes flushing of the face, itching of the nose and about the seat, starting and grinding of the teeth in sleep, swelling of the upper lip, the appetite sometimes bad, at other tiniea voracious; looseness, disagreeable breath, » hard swelled belly, great tfiirat, the urine frothy and sometimes of a whitish color, griping or cholic pains, an involuntary dia charge of saliva, especially when asleep ; fre quent pains in the sides, with a dry cougb and unequal pulse ; palpitations of the heart, swoonings, cold sweats, palsy, epileptic fits, ClQ. I hough numberless medicines are extolled for expelling and killing worms,none are equal in efficacy to Di. Robertson's ftorm lJesivoo in" Lozenges; fhey are mild in their operation and ruay be given the youngest infant with safety. CIRCASSIAN EYE WATER. . Price 50 ccntt. A sovereign remedy for all disorders of ib« eyes, whether arising from cold, inflammation, weakness l<c. I)R. DYOTT’S ANT1*B1LI0LTS PILLS. For the prevention and cure of Bilious and Malignaot Fevers. Price 25 cents—large boxes 50 cents. 1 hose Pills, it timely administered, will re move the causes which commonly produce In termittent, Remittent, Bilious and Yellow Fe vers. Bilious Cholic, Pleurisy. Dysentery. Worms, Bilious Vomiting, Flatulence, lndi* gestion, loss ol appetite, Costiveness, Fpifcp. tic Fits, Hypochondria and Hysterical afl'ec* tions, foul 5tom*ch, Colds and Coughs, Asth ma, Scurvy, Strangury^ Gravel, Rheumatism and Gout. They are particularly serviceable in female disorders, and especially in the removal of those obstructions which are the great source ol their complaints at certain periods ; they possess this eminent advantage over most pur gatives, that while they operate gently, they produce neither costiveness, debility, nor too great excitement ; whenever there is a predis position to a disease arising from marsh eiHii. vit, or a too copious use of ardent spirits, or a vitiated state state of the bile, they are sure to relieve. They are highly recommended to travellers, by sea and lane* as they may be made use of w ith the utmost safety without change of diet or exercise. They will be found peculiarly beneficial in the prevention of disorders inci dental to warm climate*.-—they deterge and cleanse viscid humors, open obstructions, promote the secretion of good bile, operating a* a cathartic aud powerful diuretic and diaphoretic. MAHY'S PLAlSTER CLOTH, Approved and recommended by all the moii eminent physicians of Philadelphia. This plaister cloth, *o well known in the United Stales, and particularly in the city of Philadelphia, is a sovereign remedy again** ulcers, however old and inveterate; also, can cers. erysipelas, wens, lumps, acrofuls, fistula, white swelling, sore breast, felons, whitlows, biles, carbuncles, etc. etc: It cures apramt, bruises, pains in the back, swelling and pains in the joints, scalds, burns, chilblain, sore legs, and wounds lending to suppuration : it draws cauterised sores or issues very success u lly and without pain ;dissipate! the pain of f'he gout and rheumatism in a abort time ; as it soltena the skin, it is used successfully for the cure of corns on the feet. This plaister is recommended to mariners and others who travel by sea or by land. DR. DYOTT’S INFALLIBLE TOOTH ACHE DROPS. Price 50 cents. THE RESTORATIVE DENTIFRIC, For cleansing, whitening and preserving the Teeth and Gams. This valuable preparation possesses the most salutary virtue in cleansing and beauti fying the teeth ; in its composition it is perfectly free from aetd or any other pernicious property liable to eorrode, or in any way injure the teeth, for which reason is attributed the safety of its use, and the preference it has obtained over other preparations intended for similar purposes / it strengthens the gum*, eradicates the scurvy, sweetens the breath, preserves the teeth from decaying, end pre* serves them from aching, and the necessity of having them drawn, Sec. Since th# above invaluable medicines were first discovered, upwards of torn hundred thouiawl perrons have experienced their happy and aalutary effects, many of whom from the lowest stage of their disorders. Take notice, that each and all of the above genuine medicines are signed on the outside covert witb'the signature <>f the sole prof rietr* t. Jr. nroTT. m. n. (t!TA freah supply of the above medicines just received and for sale by WILLIAM MILLER, Winchester, where pamphlets, con* taining certificates of currs, he. mav be bad r-a'fs. H'»’rvht 38' 1£>1