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PRINTED AND PUBLISHED §08 H \At three dollars per annum payable in advance. IvVDlSrEJYSIlt L K VO'N'UITIO'XS. A *1. No papers will oc discontinued ntil all arrearages are paid. II. Advertisements not exceeding a square, (17 lines printed matter or 12 lines common manuscript matter, inserted three times for One Dollar, and Twenty-Five Cents per square for every subsequent insertion, and. when not specifically directed to the contrary, will be inserted until forbid and charged accordingly. III. Advertisements from a dis tance must be accompanied with the Cask, or be assumed b> some respott sible person, or the Postmaster mos* convenient to tin*, advertiser. IV. Advertisements will, in ever* instance be chargfflTto the person or dering them, unless partic ularly sti rfulated to the contrary. V. The Postage on all communi cations to the Editors, must be pan; by the writer, or they will not be ai tended to, VI. Chancery Orders inserted as other Advertisements and charg’d to the Attorney, whose name is indorsed by he Clerk on the order. VII. The Postage on all commu nications to the Editor, must be p dd by the writer, or they will not h' at tended to. ^ N. B. It is distinctly to he ufmer ntood by Advertising t ustoniers, that no Advert is moot will henceforwni" he directed by the Editor of this p* per to be inserted in other papers unless the same be previous^ paid f* ; For ^ale or Kent, A WELL KIKI-RKP TWO.STO. RV BRICK HOPSK in \V?i ch-sler, opposite Mr. Sharpe’* Ac*. demy It has an aere lot attached *o tt and is well situated in overynspect lor a family. Inquire >** Chnrles Lille. Get; 13 WM R. \KU “ V BRADEN, MORGAN $ CO. Bare imported in the skips !i ilhehnina and Bclvitlmrfjrnm Liverpool, 57^ INK ann^S^ertine Chillis and _ Cassimeres P»disse and Ladies Cloths Double Mill’d Drab CIoilis Flushings, Blankets and Flannlft Bonjhnzett9 and Tartan i'uides Merino and Cashmere Shawls Rirli Printed C« **"D ditto Plaid Table Clcib>. Robes of' varion-^tiUerns Fancy Wftisip.>..*ing W'msted Hose, GIo- es and Caps Cords and Velvpl'em* 0-8 Apron Cheek atid Steam Loom Shirtings 9-8 and 6 4 Conibrick and India Book Muslins Fanrv Prints, Potent rl.reads, &r.&r. Alexur Ina, 9 h n orth !5<h. CHEAP SHOE STOKE. It K - 0 V I I. 8 DODDS Toupee!fully inform- hi* . friend* the public, that lie Iikh removed hm SHOE STORE in door South of }|>" r i-wii rnn, adjoining John & Abraham ''tore. whpro I), rontinups hi- assortment of Ladies, Gentlemen's and children’ll SHOKS* r.f RH low prices as the* H put. based tor in the stale. All the work offered is made firre-i and wn^'antPii to hp of the first qtiali’v. In- as-ortment is extensive, embracing every variety and size, the advert ner solicits a cor. responding patronage. Work will he executed "pnrraUy to ^der, on a few hour- notice. Sept 22. 'w) the Farmers of ’Mrjjnia. f|^IMl6E Farmers and riati'H^^hn ; -M »re dasirnns nf furnishing thi grounds with the host kinds of Grafted Fruit, mny bo supplied on very moderate terms, from the extensive Nursery of Daniel Smith, of New Jersey. Thu-, *lt small cost, may the i nrmer beautify his grounds and furnish his table with delicious fruit iu its season, and mny moreover he richly remunerated with the surplus produce of his orchard at the neighbouring market*. ISorely no ■tale of the Union has a climate better adapted to the growth of fruit, and vet the attention paid to its cultivation, is yet very limited. I have furnish.d Mr. Charles I.illc, of Winchester with a catalogue of the fruit of this nursery, who will distribute them gratis. Indi viduals desirous of procuring tree* will please forward their orders to my care who will see to their bring faithfully executed. It is expected the Trees will he paid fur on delivery, together with * small expence of freight. <;KOIIGP, DRIN KKIt, Jt^ent for I) -\N1KL SMITH Alexandria, 29:b vMo 182f. j 6 3 .1 w rn&s Military Orders BY orde of the Comd’t. of the 31st K<gt. Vt. Militia, the training of !< t*t liut<ali»n will take place at Winehenler, on Friday the 2nd <>f Nov. at to o’clock—the 2nd Battalion at Pugb Town, on Saturday the 3rd Nov. at name hour. Officer* composing the tame are directed to appear fully e* quipped. **he Battalion Court of Enquiry for the 2nd Battalion will be held at Pugh t own, on Tuesday the I3lh Nov, at to o’clock. The lia'talion Court of inquiry for the 1st Battalion will be held at the Court House, in Winches ter, on Wednesday the I4;h Nov. at Same hour ; immediately after the ad jouroment of which, the fi'-gitucntal C urt of Enqti" y will sit at the same place. Officers are Commanded to ap» pear in full uniform to entitle them to sit in said Coutr. MICHAEL COYLE, Mj't. 3 tsd Rgt. Va. Militia. Winchester, August 4, 1821 Virginia to wit: IT Rules lioldtn in the Clerk's Office of the Superior Court of Chancery fur tin D inchester District the first Mmnday in Sept. 18-21. John Nichols and Samuel Nichols, ex» ecutors of Amos Nichols, deceased, A O A IN*T ' . muel Light, executor and devisee of Peter Light, deceased, and Henry Bedinger, Defendants i'll IS Defendant, Samuel Light, al not having entered his appearance *n I given security according to the Act of Assembly and the Uuieg of this Court, nud it appearing hy satisfaetoi} evidence, that he is not an inhabitant of this country : It is ordered, I'hnt <he said Defendant do appear here on the first day of the next term ar.d an* a'ver the hill of the Plaintiffs ; and that a copy i.f this order he forthwith inserted . some newspaper published in Winchester, for two months succes mv“|v, and another copy posted *U the front door of the Court House ju the said town of Winchester, • A Copy.—Teste, DAMKL l EE, c. c. o. September tfl—O. W. Virginia to wit: ,57’ Kates holden in the Clerk's Office of the Superior Court of Chancery jor the Winchester District the first .Monday in September. 1821. John Esther, administrator of Peter Esther, dec’d. Plaintiff, AGAINST 0r»iI Fetter, administrator of Angus MeD nald, dec’d. Defendant. ^SMIE subpoena scirofaci«i* awarded a »o r vive this suit in the name of John Esther, administrator of Peter Esther, deceased, not heing executed on the defendant, and it appearing hy satisfactory evidence, that he is not an inhabitant of this country: It is ordered, That the said Defendant do appear hero on the 1st «l»y ofthe n»xt term and show cause why this suit shall not he revived; and that a l copy of this ord-r be forthwith inserted [ in some newspaper publixhed in Win- \ Chester, for two months -.uccessiveiv, I and another copy posted at the front . dooi of the Court House in the said town of Winchester. A Copy—Tpsfe, DAMKL LEE, e. c. c. September 15 - C. M. Mr. James Scott, TAKE jS<n I UK, that on the .loth day of October next, at t lie late Tavern stand purchased by yon from Jae-.b I'Jpary, anti <*«»i«l by you to me, in (lie 1 own of Newmarket, in the county of Sbena .doah, I shall Ink- the deposi tions of.Tame* McCann, George Kips, Lawrence Pitman and Caleb Morrison. And on the third day of Novenriher next at the office of Lemuel B nt in the town •of Winchester, I shall take the tieposi* lion of William Abbott to be evidence in a -nit -dependin'' in (be superior Court of Chancery holden at Winehes. (er, in which I am plaintiff and yon and others defendants. •TAMES KU83EL. Sept 29»h—idm. Notice. ri'HE OVKRhLKRS OF THE B POOR of Frederick croonty and th Corporation of Winchester, are hereby notified, thal their adjourned meeting will be field* at the Poor Hon e, on Wednesday the 7th day of tlie next month, for the purpose of settling with the Collectots, and trans acting snrii other business as may I come before them. As a g-ioddeai of important business w II be before the me-ling, (he mem bers ol the hoard are requested to In i punctual in their attendance at II o’. ! clock. Per order , LEMUEL BENT. CVk. October 13, TRANSYLVANIA UNIVERSITY. MEDICAL LECTURED. 'HE MEDICAL LECTURES in (hh institution will commence on the first Monday in Nuvetnber next, and will expire the first week iu March following. The faculty have the pleasure to in form the public, that their agent Dr. Caldwell, now absent for the purpose of purchasing additions to the Medical Library, Anatomical preparations and ehemiealapparatus, has shipped for the United States, most of his purchases which are expected to reach here iu the month of August, and the remain, der will be brought out by himself in October. Large and commodious a partnients separate from the College Edifice are engaged and fitted up for Lecture Rooms. 1 The following course of Lcctores will be delivered. B. W. DUDLEY, M. D. on Anato my and Surgery. CHAS. CALDWELL, M. D. c» the institutes of Medicine and Materia Medica. SAML. BROWN, M. D. on the Theory and Practice of Medicine t W H. RICHARDSON, M. D or. Obdste) rics and diseases of Women and Child, en. JAMES BLYTHE D. D, on Chem s' ry. R* order of the faculty, W. H, RICHARDSON, Dean. Lexiugtnn. Ky Sept. 4_29. Virginia to wit. AT Ilules liolden in the Clerk's Office of the Superior Court of Chancery Jor the Winchester District theJirst Monday in September, 1821. Samuel Parke, Plaintiff, AGAINST Leonard Jones, Joseph Baker and Da vid Gibson, Defendants. 1XHE Defendant Leonard Jones not having entered his appearance and given security according to the Act of Assembly and the Itule* of this Court, anil it Appearing by satisfactory e\i. Hence, that he is not an inhabitant of this country : It is ordered. That the said Defendant do appear here on the first day of the next term and anstrei the bill of the Plaintiff; and that a copy of this order be forthwith insert ed in some newspaper published in Winchester, for two mouths succes sively, and another copy posted at the front door of the Court House in the said town of Winchester. A Copy—Teste, DANIEL LEE, c. c. c. September \5—N. Burlington, Hampshire Co. UK frequent solicitations of many person?*, who have beeD desirous of establishing themselves at this place, added to the earnest desire of the sub scriber to pay his just debts, have at length determined him to lay oil'some 15 or 20 HALF ACHE LOTS at the above place, which will be ottered at public sale, on tbe premises, on Friday the 2d of Nov. next. Burlington (or Vandiver’s Store) in situated 10 miles above Romney, at the intersection of the main Western road leading to Clarksburg, Marietta, &e. aud to Pen dleton, Mooieficld, Frankford, &e«— Ah a place of business and for publici ty of situation it is not surpassed by any country place. Situated in a popu lous. wealth , and, certainly, the most fertile part of Hampshire County, it oftVrs many advantages to young Me chanic* who are ju*t setting out in the world. To the Merchant also it offers superior advantages; a store having been for many years kept here, expe rience has shewn that a capital invest ed in that business con'd not, at any o fher place, be more profitably employed. Tbe attention of Mechanics is particu. larly invited to the object in view ; so favorable an opportunity of permanent ly settling themselves will, in all proba bility, not soon again occur. I'h* re ore convenient to this place a Fulling Mill and Card mg Machine. There will be offered for sale, at the time and place above mentioned, an excellent SI TK for a FLOUR MILL, SAW MILL, or any other description ••f Machinery It may, withnhi exag geration. be obseyrtfd, that few situa tions in this country hold out greater inducements to the cajfci^plist who may be disposed to engage in the Milling or Manufaeturirg business. Tbe huIi. xcriber will also offer at public sale, at the same time and place, a few valuable NJirGROlCS;—also CATTLE, HORSES, and other stock, upon tb whole of which a liberal credit will be given. As the design of this sale is to enable the sub her to pay his debts with promptitude, those to whom he may be in any wise indebted are in vited to attend. The terms and all particulars neerssary to be known will be communicated at the time if sale. JACOB VANDIVER. Burlington, Hampshire county, ) September 1st, 1*21. S Laud For Sale. Iwill sell u ji'-u giMil terms A TRACT OI L A.Nl), eobtsioi^ 600 Acres, Ijing on Babb’» run, iu ’be County of hederitk about nine miles from Win chester. The whole, exeept about twenty Acres, is heavily eiothed with yelh.w Pine, and lias upon it a newly erected SAW MILL, constructed upon the best plan, and built in 'he bust manner. Winchester is near e nuugh to afford u convenient market fur plank and scantling, and the impro ving condition of the town must ensure its continuance and certainty. There is also upon the land, a comfortable House for a small family. Leroy p Daingerfield, Esq. living I adjoining he land, is authorized to sell, or to rent. TIIOM AS T. FAUNTLEROY. •Messrs, 'Thomas l!. Hammond: Robey l O. Grayson; John U.Campbeil, survi ving partner of Poland «$• Campbell; James (toberts; Alexander Holliday, John Micky and George Orrick, lale merchants, trading wider the name and (inn oj Holliday, Mucky <y 1 o. ; Thomas Roberts and Evan P. Taylor, TO TAKE NO 1ICE, that on Saturday (he third day of November next, between sunrise aud sonnet, We nlialI attend at the office of Letn’l Bent iu Winchester for the pur p'.se ot taking the deposition o'f Hec • ' r Bell, Samuel McCormick and Mat hew tiu-t, to In offered a* evidence n a suit in the Superior eourl of Chan c ry bolden at Winchester depending wherein you are plaintiffs and we art defendants. ROBERT O. HITE. ALFRED H. POWELL. FKU'-U*ON BELL. WILLIAM COOKR. RICH. B. BECKWITH* Frederick county, Oct. bln—tdm. Septemper 8U— t APPROVED ' FAMILY MEDICINES, Which are celebrated toi tht cure of most dLorders to which the human body is liable, prepared only by the sole proprietor, T. W. DYUTT, M. D. Grandson of the tale celebrated Dr. flo* bertson, oj Edinburgh. And for sale in Philadelphia, only, at the pro* prietoi’t whnleaale and teUil drug and family medicine warehoo.e, North east corner of Second 4' Race streets, And, l*y retail, of hi» Agents throughout tbe United States. DR. ROBERTSON’S CELEBRATED STOMAC H1C ELIXIR OF HEALTH, Price one dollar and fifty cents. Which has proved, by iIcusmkIs who have experienced its beneficial effects, to be the most valuable medicine ever offered to the pub lic. for the cure of coughs, colds, consumption, the whooping cough, asthma, pain in the breast cramp, and wind in the stomach, head-ache) loss of appetite, indigestion, etc. For tbe Dysentary or Lax, Cholera Morbus, severe gripings. ami other diseases of tbe bow els, and the summer complaint in children, it has proved a certain remedy, and restored to perfect health from the greatest debility. Persons afflicted with Pulmonary complaints or disorder of the Breast and Lungs, even in the most advanced state, will find immediate I relief. Com;*,>n Coughs and Colds, which are [ in general occasioned by obstructed perspira ! tion, will be found to yield to its benign influ ence in a few hours. In Asthmatic or Consumptive complaints, Hoarseness, Wheezings, Shortness of Breath, and the Hooping Cough, it will give immediate ; relief. UK. Kumwvi duxva VEGETABLE NERVOUS CORDIALS Or, Nature’* Grand Restorative. ' 9 Price $ l 50 Cents. Is confidently recommended, ns the mostef- j ficacious medicine lor the speedy relief and cure of all nervous complaint*, attended with inward weakness, depression of the spirit*, lieao-ache, tremor, faintness, hysteric fits, de* bility, seminal weakness, gleets, and various complaints resulting from secret impropriety of youth and dissipated habits, residence io warm climates, the immoderate uae of tea, unskilful or excessive use of mercury, so oi’^r. destructive to the human race, diseases pecu liar to femalea at a certain period of life Albus, barrenness etc. Under tbe denomination of nervous disorders, are included several diseases of the most dan gerous kind, and are so various that a volume would hardly suffice to complete a description of them. It pervades with its baleful infill, ence, tbe whole nervous system, writhing tbe heart with inexpressible anguish, and exciting the most dreadful suggestions of horror and despair. To this demon have thousands fallen a sacrifice in the direful transports of its rage. The most common symptom# of its com mencement, are weakness, flatulence* palpi!** lions,watchfulness, drowsiness after eating, ti. midity, flashes of heat *nd cold, numhneas, cramp, gidd'nes*. pains in the head, back and loins, hickup, difficulty of respiration and de* glut inn, anxiety, dry cough, etc. The vegetable Nervous cordial is also a great Antiscorbutic Medicine, and isof infinite service for purifying the Hood and coring thoae foul disorders of the skin which com monlv appear in ‘he form of scurvy, surfeit, red blotches, carbuncles, ulcer*, etc etc A dose of Tlr. Jfyott’s Antibilinna I’ills, taken occasionally with this medirine, proves of ad ditional service in tbe 1»st mentioned cases ElOux, DU. ROBERTSON’S CELEBRATED GOUT AND RHEUM A TIC DROPS, Price t-co Dollars As fc and effectual «tu< for grot, rheum* • ism, lumbago, stone and gravel, srciftrg »r.d weakness of ji'intj) Sprains* htnf»s >r.«* all kinds, i T greet. Vt ui cs the c.*i»| , p. • « n the head, i*Cf and 1m i.v, s'lHnrM in the nuk,cbil» blams, fiosei. tin be* etc. I»H. DYOTl’g PATENT HCU OlNlAtENT, pie-santncas* safety, rsptdiin., rase and cetlaintjr is infai-iltly s upturn <» any other tredicine loi the curt ■ t lhai n. si disagree*? ble and tom a* in), disci c?er, t> > Itrh. trict 51) cents per box. DK. ftlUifcUTat IVS PATENT &TOA» At. 11 bITTERS, 'Price one Uvtlar. Which are cileriattc. n r tnti ^ I rung Vt-k stomachs, ii.crraan.g the -pp« tih, and a certain preventative ard cute for the levti and ague, etc. For the fenrand ague, a malady so preva lent throughout the aouthem states, anu af* Hiding to tcai'hes residing m all iota ct unities redundant with marshes lakes, stagnated pools, rivers, these celebrated and universale esteemed Bitiers have surpassed eveiy remedy ever udn.iai^tered lor the reiiel and cure o> the moat- obstinate oppressor of the human frame ; numerous instances ol their efficacy been testified, alter tlu barks and other extolled prescriptions failed, they proved successful to the admiration of those who P mpftfnrurl anrl mi __ /l _ _ . _ DR. RODEKTSON’S INFALLIBLE WORM DESTROYING LOZENGES. A medicine universally esteemed for destroy ing every species of worms—prices 50 cents. Sumptomt—The common symptoms of the Worms are paleness of the countenance, at other times hushing of the face, itching of the nose and about the seat, starting and grinding of the teeth in sleep, swelling cl the upper lip, the appetite sometimes bsd, at other times veracious; looseness, disagreeable breath, m hard swelled belly, great thirat, the urine frothy and sometimes ot a whitish color, griping or cholic psins, an involunlaty dig* charge of saliva, especially when aaleep ; fre* quent pains in the Bides, with a dry cough* «i»d unequal pulse ; palpitations of the heart, swooning*, cold sweats, palsy, epileptic fits, &c. 1 hough numberless medicints sre extolled for expelling and killing worms,none sre equal in efficacy to Di. Kobertaon’s ft'erm Jjetirot* tnS Lozenget; they are mild in their operation and may be given the youngest infant with safety. CIRCASSIAN EYE WATER, 1‘rice SO cents. A sovereign remedy for all disorders oftha eyes, whether srising from cold, inflammation, weakness &c. DR. DYOTT’S ANTl’blLlQUfe PILLS, For (be prevention and cure of Bilious and Malignant Fevers. frict 25 cents—large boxes 50 cents. Those fills, if timely administered, will ffr* move the causes which commonly produce In termittent, Remittent, Bilious and Yellow Fe vers. Bilious Cholic, Pleurisy, Dysentery, Worms, Biljous Vomiting, Flatulence, Indiw gestinn, loss of appetite, Ccstiveness, Epilep tic Fits, Hypochondria and Hysterical aflcc* lions, foul Stotnach, Colds and Coughs, Astln* ma, Scurvy, Strangury, travel. Rheumatism and Gout. They are particularly serviceable in female disorders, and especially in the removal of these obstructions which are the great source of their complaints at certain periods; they I osses.v this eminent advantage over most pur stives, that while »hey operate gently, they produce neither costiventss, debility, ncr too great excitement ; whenever theie is a predis position to s disease arising from marsh t fflu vit, or a too copious use of ardent spirits, or a vitiated state stale of the bile, they are sure to relieve. They sre highly recommended to travellers, by sea and land, as they may be made use of with the utmost safety without change of diet or exercise. They will be found peculiarly beneficial in tlie prevent ion cf disorders inci dental to warm climates,—they deterge and cleanse viscid humors, open obstructions, promote the secretion of good bile, operating as a cathartic aud powerful diuretic and diaphoretic. MAH ■ 9 I'LAISTKK Ll.OTH, Approved end recomn>enried by elt the molt eminent physician* ot i'hiladd|.hia. Thi» plaister cloth, »o well known in tbe United States, and particularly in the city of Philadelphia, is a sovereign remedy against Iralcers, however old and inveterate; also, can P*er», erysipelas, wens, lumps,scrofula, fistula, ,'^Wpte swelling, sore breast, felons, whitlows, '-lolee, carbuncles, etc. etc. It curea sprains, bruises, pains in the back, awt Ding and pains in tie joints, scalds, burns, chilblain, sore legs, snd wounds tending to suppuration : it draws csuterised sores or issues very success fully snd without pain ;dissipates tie pain of he gout and rheumat ism in a short time ; ts it softens the skin, jt is used successfully for the cure of corns on the feet. 1 hia plsistcr is recommended to mariners and others who travel by sea or by land. DR. DYOTT’S INFALLIBLE TOOTH ACHE DROPS. Price 50 cent*, THE RESTORATIVE DENTIFRIC, For cleansing, whitenir g and preserving itnt Teeth and Gama. This valuable preparation possesses the most salutsry virtue in cleansing sad beauti fying the teeth ; in its composition it is perfectly free from acid or any other pernicious propetty lieble to corrode, or in any way injure the teeth, for which reason is attributed the aafety of As cse, and the preference it has obtained over other preparations intended for similar purposes ; it strengthens the gums, eradicates the scurvy, sweetens the breath, preserve* the teeth from decaying, and prer serves them from aching, and the necessity of having them drawn, &c. Since the above invaluable medicines were first discovered, upwards of teven Aurnfml thovtatu! />er»e»* have experienced their happy and salutary effects, many of whom from life lowest stage of their disorders. Take notice, that each and all of (lie above genuine medicine* are signed on the outside covers witLMlie sigr.atore of the sole proprirtre T. IF. nrOTT, M. />. A fresh supply of the above medicine* i”st received and for sale l>y M II.l.fAM v 1U.F.R, Winchester, where pamphlets, con taining certificate* of cures, hc. may he t<s4 .. ft rrrfirssrr, Jnty 28, Jh2L,