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fe-— POETiiy^_ *'llO>l THE ALBANY Pl.OUCU aoV. THE l ARMKR. Al! the toiis of summer o’er, Peace and plenty round his door, Wboon edrib so blest and free, As cue Farmer? —Like the bee, All the tweeis of life are his— Large and full his cup of bliss— Who can envy thrones to kings, When the plough such treasure brings. See his works with profit crown’d— Barns, with hay stacks huddled round, Like a family whom fear Draws within a circle near,—. Stately steeds and cattle neat, Cribs of corn and mows of wheat, Thickly crowded is his fold— II armies) sheep and lambs behold, Like the Christian ’midst the din Of a noisy world of sin— Fowl oviparous cackling sound, Pois’d with one foot on the ground, Meet their master as he comes, Ciuck their wants, and shake their plumes; When at midnight ail (a still Hear his geeie with voices shrill, At the silliest thought of harm, liaise the tocsin of alarm; While from the barn yard round, Echoes back the streaming sound. Sar the lofty turkey cock, Monarch of the feather’d llock, Like a haughty potentate, Strutting round the yard of state, l illed with anger tierce and dread, At the sight of daring red, Swell’ll and gobbling as he goes, Dire destruction on his foes. 13m, like other tyrants, he Soon will lose his head, you’ll see. Ere the morn unlock* her doors, Whence a stream of d«y light pours, lire ihe bacchanalian goes From his cup so seek repose, Hear the game cock's clarion peal, Breaking sleep's mysterious seal, Like a summons from the skies, Calling mortals to arise; While each faithful centinel Answers aloud that t‘all is well.” Industry obeys the call, Rises, hastens to the stall. And replenishes with food, All his stock and all his brood, Who around him gladly fly To a bountiful supply. Back the husbandman returns, Where his fire now briskly burns. Where the partner of his joys — Rosy girls and healthy boys, Kneeling with him round the chairs, Seod to heaven their matin prayers; Thus the year with hiui begins, Thus the race to heaven he wins . MISCELLANY. Peter Pindar's opinion oj Cats and Dogs. I do not love a cat—bin disposition is meau and suspicious. A friendship of years is cancelled in a moment, by an accidental tread on his tail or foot —He instantly spits, bis back, twirls his tail of malignity, and shows «ou, turning back as he goes off, a star ig vindictive face, full of horrid oaths and unforgiveness, seeming to say, “Perdition catch you! I hate you for* ever" But the dog is my delight; tread on his tail or foot, he expresses for a montent the uneasiness ot nis feelings ; hut in an instant the complaint is end ed. He runs round you; seems to de* clare his sorrow fo- complaining, as it was not intention*. ;v done, nay tn make himself the . agre<« >r; and begs, by whining* and Si kings, .hat bis mas ter will think no more of it. Many a time when Ranger, wishing for a little sport, has run to the gun, smelled to it, then wriggling his tail, and w ith his eyes full of the most ex pressive fire, leaping up against me, winning and begging, have I, against »ny inclination, indulged him with a scamper tlunugh the woods, or in the fields; for many a time has he left a warm, among theso nvg of winter, to start pleasure for me. Thus there is a moral obligation between a man and r dog. —— With by much the greater part of mankind friendship means absolutely nothing;a trafic of interest or \anity • a league of knave* and fools—of shar pers; a party of pleasure, made in tlie morning, and broken olf with disgust at niglil; bo agreement to travel in a pCst chaise dissolve'll a» tlie first ion by a squabble abont the reckoning; a the atrical exhibition where (he tw«. heroes strut about, and mouth thsir parts, and then retire t>; undress and abuse each other io the green room. But the worst is, that men of more ingenuous minds nod liheiul character ure not entirely exempt from the general laws, 1 f neither interest nor any other pas. fcioti intervenes, still there wiIi be dif ferent points of view from which they consider the same object; and dissimi lar perceptions can never he reduend to aujr common measure. Even men of this description are subject to their passions, though of a noble nalnre, and their passions, are continually busy to alter the colors and magnituds of eve ry object tlrep consider, Negroes for Hire, i A 8 Age>.t for Mrs. Mary Carter, of . a ttu hmoocj County, I shall offer for Hire, before my Office door, on Tuesday the \5fh day of January, 1822, •ib ui I11K l Y NKUROES, consisting •»f Men, Women. Hoys and Girls. In *11 cases bond w-iih approved seeuri'y will be required : and should any of the Negroes be hired to persons resi ding out of the couRty of Frederick, security living within the county will be required. A. 9. Til)BALL. Winchester, Dec. 15—tdh JOHN A. GEKE HAVING opened a school for in strnctiug the common branches of English erudition, with Grammar, Ge ography, etc. respectfully invites any j who may be disposed to favor him with their patronage, to eail at his room in Wtter Street, where Mr. Bed wick formerly taught. N. B. He will instruct an evening grammar class of young gentlemen, December 13—3t. .Little UiveJt Turnpike Company. TFIE Stockholders in this institu- ^ lion, will hold their annual meet ing at Caggett’s Hotel, in the town of Alexandria, on Wednesday, the 9th day of January, 1822, at which meet ing an election will take place for a President, four Directors, and a Trea surer. On the following day the su periotendants of the road and collec tors of toll, at all the gales, will be appointed. JONAH THOMPSON, Treasurer. Dec. 13—tdm. NOTICE. 1 ffMIE managers of* the missionary JL and bible society of Winchester circuit, are requested to meet at the Methodist meeting House in Winches ter, on the 23th instant, at !0 o’clock, to transact business of importance.— At 12 o’clocke there will be preaching at the same place. By order, ELY BEALL, Clerk. December 13. ~~ FDIUUiNTi A T It A C T O F LAN D, LV IJ\G in Shenandoah County, a bout five miles from Woodstock containing 230 ACHES; one half strong limestone Land. Upon this Farm there is a comfortable DWEL LING HOUSE, BARN &STABLES; an Apple Orchard and a grove of Sugar Trees, Any one wishing to rent would probably view the Tract; and the Corn now standing in the field afford evidence of the productiveness of the soil. We will rent this Farm upon reasonable terms, giving immediate possession. Apply to the subscribers. R. R. BARTON, R. W. BARTON, W. S. JONES, Executors of R. F. Uarton, deceased. December lulh—tf. 50 Dollai’9 Reward. FOIi apprehending REUBEN, a Negro Man, who absconded from the subscriber the r> h duy of the pre bent month ; he is about 35 years old, six leet high, not very black, several large scars upon his breast, one vert large one under his left jaw, not unlike a wen, which lie most commoniy keep* bound up or covered with a patch of some kind, as it is disposed to run._ His wearing apparel consisted of a do mestic Surtout Coat, a Blue Broad Cloth Coat, Boots, and a Wateh, all of which he may change, as he is uncom monly shrewd and artful. He will endeavor, it is prcbable, to pass as a free man under the name of Gcorgo Marr, whose papers ha may have_ I'he above scars are remit! kably large and upon the least examination will lead to his detection. His object is to get to Pennsylvania. The ubovo re. ward will be given if taken out of the State, and twenty-five dollars if appre. bended within the State. Any person In the State of Pennsylvania making a communication which will lead to his appreheusion, shall he liberally rewar ded. GEORGE F1CKLEN. Culpeper County, I)ep. 15— f Mr. Joseph Elisha W. Williams, one of the Execu tors of Frances Helm, decul. V8 yon nre no inhabitants of this state, 1 take this method of in forming you that I shall, by virtue of a commission,issued from the Winches ter Chancery District Court, in a suit depending in the said Court, in which 1, as Administrator of my deceased wife, am plaintil), and you, Joseph Helm, in your character of Executor of Thomas Helm, dee'd, are a defen dant, .and you, Elisha W, Williams, together with John Jollitfe, another Executor of Eranees Helm, dec’d, are defendants, proceed on Saturday the twenty-third day of February next, be tween flic hours of nine in the morning and six in the evening of the same day, at the Court House in Versailles, in Woodford County, Kentucky, to take the deposition of Thomas Helm, which deposition is intended as evidence 10 said suit* AMBROSE BAKNETT, December 15, l$3l — iw UNION FACTORY, OR THE Customer fitted out at once, HAVING removed my bool and shoe shop to the store in Loudon elreet, opposite Capt. McGuire’s Hotel, now occupied by four mechanics, I hope the convenience of my situation will procure me a share of patronage. In the same room with me Mr. Stoue carries on the hat business; Mr. Au lick the tailoring; and Mr. Seymour the breeches and glove making; so that the customer can at onee on or. der, provide himself with apparel from head to foot, and on as good terms as can be had in Winchester. For my self I can say that my workmen are not excelled by any in the state, and that my stock of leather on haud will enable me to execute orders to any a mount with great punctuality. Dee, l.ADAM KURTZ. land for sale. ON Wednesday the 26th day of De cember uext, at the door of the Court House in Rockingham county, I shall as trustee proceed to sell so much of die PLANTATION on which Dan* iel Uagin now lives as will be suffi cient to indemnify Joseph Fawcett, for the amount he has been compelled to | pay, as endorser for said Ragia to the Bank of the Valley; together with the costs of the sale. By the Deed of Trust, executed by said Regin to the subscriber, and which is dated on the 24-th of January, 1820, the said Rngin has the right of directing what part of the land shall be sold, so that it em , braces a sufficient quantity to discharge the debt.— I his direction, however, ; most be given, in writiug, two days before the day of sale. Those who are disposed to purchase would do well to examine the whole tract, so that they may understand the character of the land they bid for. The plantation lays convenient to the town of Harrison, burg, in Rockingham County, ami the land in general is of excelleut quality; r but the purchaser must judge for him. self. 1 he sale will le for cash, and I will make only such title as is vested in uie by the said deed in trust. If ihe money is uot paid within two hours after the land is struek ofF, it will be again set up on the suine day, anti sold on the same terms. ROBERT GRAY, Trustee. Harrisonburg, Nov. 21—3tpd. SALE OF THE GLEBE. TVT O ITCE is hereby given that the 4-v GLEBE LAND of the Parish of Frederick huving become vacant by the death of the iocuuibent-, the Rev. Alex. Balmain, the same will be sold by the Overseers of the Pour of the county of Frederick and corporation of Winches ter, or a majority of them, on Tuesday the 8th day of January next, upon the premises, to the highest bidder, on a credit uj 12 months ; the purchaser to give bond with good security for the a mou nt ol the purchase money, payable in twelve months to the said Overseers or their successors. The said Glebe consists ’ ola TRACT contain. I ing about 156 ACRES j oi eicelient Land, in uie moat ferule part of the County of Frederick, lying near the river Slien* andoah, and adjoining (lie Land* of David Castlcman, Chute* McCormick, James Ilurat, George II. Norris and o* there. By orAer of the hoard of Overseers, Nov. t7 ids. LEML. BENT LV/c. Tho Editors of the Martinsburg. Charlestown nod Shepherdstnwn pa» pers, will plebse insert the above ad vertisinent in their respective papers, until the day of sale, and send their accounts to this office for payment. tVatch Repairing, Jewelry & Silversmilhiug. T»lE subset iber has just commenced the above business in all is vari ous branches in he home formerly oc cupied by Win, L, Campbell, & reeen ly by John Foster, where he will en deavour to give general salixlacion to to all (hose who may please o favor him with a call. He has just received from Philadelphia, a handsome assort mint of gold avd silver JValches, Jew plrj/t nil of which he olfers to his friends and the ptildic at the lowest possible prices. THOMAS B. CAMPBELL. Oct. 27—tf. Mrs, Sarah Jl'/ritc, Executrix of.ilex. If'hile, dec'll: Hubert Page, adminis trator of Lawrence lfutlcr, dic’d, and Joseph Tidbull, and Hubert White, anil the devisees of the said Alexander White, deceased, r|>AKK IS (MICK, that between JEL aun-ri9e and sun-set of the 20th, 21st, 22(1 23d, 24-th, 20th, 26th and 27lh days of February, or some of those day*, at the court bouse of Jefferson County, in the State of Kentucky, J shall take the depositions of sundry witnesses, which 1 shall oiler as evi< denee in my behalf in a suit depending in the Superior Court of Chancery, at Winchester, Virginia, id which I am Complainant and you are Defendants. The. depositions will bo taken by virtue of a commission from said court KL1JAI1 Cl ORE. December 8lk NOTICE. ' OMMITTKD io the Jai! of Fred* crick county Va. on the first day of October last an a runaway, A Negro Man, I who calls himself CYRUS; says he j belonged to John Neihertag, of Albe marle county Va. who sold him to a gentleman residing in Georgia, (name unknown.) Said negro is about 50 year*f of age, dark complexion, about 5 feet 0 or 6 inches high, clothing much worn. The owner is .request to Mine forward, prove property, pay charges and take him away, else he will be dealt with as the law directs. ’ CHARLES HULET Jailor F. C. . Nov. 24—tf. I tf WISH TO SELL THE TRACT i _fi_ OF LAND on which 1 lire, eon I taming between 470 and ooo ACRES. k This land is inferior to no traet in the County. No money will be required | in hand. For terms apply to Joseph , Tidball, Jno. Macky, or the subscriber, j WILLIAM SNICKERS. | Waodberry. July 7—tf. FOR SALE, .NOTICE, H|^0 all whom it may concern, that B Mrawder I* McNeill, of the couo* )y of Hampshire, has legally conveyed all his real and personal estate, by Deed of Trust, of record in the county aforesaid, and bearing dale the 27th day of September, 1621; which said Trust was legally acknowledged by ; ‘he said Strawder I. McNeill in the • ollice of said county; to the undersign I ed Trustees: therefore, all Sales, Bar > ters, or Contracts with the said Straw j der I. McNeill, for rent or purchase ! of |*a'd property, real or personal, o assignments of Bonds or Notes now due, or hereafter to become due, aud dated prior to the Qth Oct. last, and drawn payable to said S. I. McNeill, will be void aud oi ao effect, except the same shall be by consent of the said trustees or any one thereof. JOhlAH LOCKHART, ISAAC PANCAKE, DANIEL McNElLL, Nov. 17—tf. A VERY VALUABLE ESTATE Foil sale. 1 offer fo sale THIS PLANTA TION together with about Forty oj the (slaves and the Stocks of all kinds and Utensils. The Tract contains nearly 1 ONE THOUSAND ACRES, upwards of four hundred of w hich are heavily timbered, with two never-fail ing Streams running through it, afford ing much meadow Land now in Timo thy; the whole, forests and all, under most substantial fences, with the neces sary sub-divisions into convenient fields. TWO APPLE ORCHARDS capable in hitting years of producing 1300 gal lons of brandy, with Peach Trees just in bearing of the most excellent kind. Abuut 2DQ ACRES in fallowed wheat, with a sufficiency of Rye, are now seed ed and seeding. This estate cau be very conveniently divided ihlo three Farms, to each of which a sufficient quantity of wood Land can be attached, with running water and limestone springs. 1 should prefer dividing it. hut to any person who may desire to purchase the whole there would be no objection, and it might be desirable to such a purchaser to take the slaves, stocks and ulcusils: The slaves are of various nges aud sex es; from about 55 years to infants. 1 will uol attempt to describe the ad vantages of this situation for health dj farroiug, or the fertility of the soil, since ail persons disposed to put ^Lass will examine for themselves; 1 will however observe that the product of ibis farm for a series of y ears past, it is believed has not been exceeded by any in the valley. The buildings are not splendid but comfortable, with a STONE BARN recently erected of To | by 00 feet, having the stables under if. Twelve thousand Dollars will bo re quired in hand upon the purchase of the Laud, and in that proportion if di vided into different farms; the balance in convenient instalments with interest. Tho negroes will be sold io families, for cash. '1 he sleek, utensils, &c, &c. will be sold upou the following terms, viz: All purchase* under twenty Dol lars lor cash, and oil above twenty dol lars, bords with approved security, carrying interest from the day of rale, and payable nine months thereafter, will be required before the property is removed. i ns loregoing sales v.Ul take plpce on the premise**, on Wednesday the 2Gth day of December if fair, if not the next fair day; but in tha mean time I ► lutll be ready to nrgoimte privately for nil or any port of the foregoing property, and if sold privately, notice will l»e given in due time, 1 desire also to sell about 1000 Acres of Land in the county of Jefferson, lying near the Hbanoondale Spring*, and consul, ernble <]uar»titits « f l,and in the wes tern part* of Virginia, und in the states of Ohio, Kentuc ky and lodiat \. For further particulars reference may he had to John Hopkins.|r. of Winchester or the subscriber on the premises. JOHN HOPKINS. Hill &. Dale, near HottUtcwn, Frederick c’ty, Va, J Sfpt. 25, 1991, WM. A. BAKER Respectfully anr.uanceo to hie fnenda and customers that he ha* removed to hi* old Stand, south of tha run, and within one door of Mr Priutz’a Tavern, where he offers for sale a -oo<i assortment of 3 MERCHANDIZE, ‘ Also PATENT MEDICINES of eve ry description, on as reasonable term* as they can elsewhere be obtained. He trusts that although he has chang. ed his local position, his friends who had been accustomed to eall upon I him at his late stand, will not on that account forget now to give him a call. Every exertion to render satisfaction to his customers shall be made; ha i» thankful for past favors, and respect* fully solicits a continuance. N. B. Piano Fortes tuned and re paired at the shortest notice. Nov. 2*—tf. Jtirs. Sarah W kite, Executrix of Alex. Whitt, dec'd.; Robert Page, Admin istrator of Lawrence Butler, dec’d, and Joseph Tidbull, and Robert White, and the devisees of the said Alexander White, deceased, TAKE NOTICE, that between sun rise and senset on the £Otb, £tst. ■J3d, 23d, 24tb, 25th, 26lb and 27th, days of February, or on some of thoso days, at the Court House of Jefferson County, in the state of Kentucky, I shall take the .depositions of sundry witnesses, which 1 shall offer as evii dence in my behalf in a suit depf nthng iu the Superior Court of Chancery, at Winchester, Viiginia, in which 1 am Complainant and you are Defendants; and on the first Monday in March next, or on the Tuesday,. Wednesday, or Thursday following, I shall proceed to have a survey of the lands in question in said suit made by some surveyor of the said Couuty, and to take his de« position. The depositions will be ta ken by virtue of a commission from thp said Court. JOHN CLOttE. December 1st,1821—-it In the Superior Court oj Chancery hol den at Winchester, Lewis Neill and Lydia Neill, Lewis Neill, Thomas Huck and Mary his wile, which said Lydia, Lewis uud Mary are children of Joseph Neill, dec’dj and with others are heirs of Thomas Neill, decM, Plaintiffs, AGAINST Lewis Neill, (son of John) Jonah Lup® ton, Ann Lupton, Elizabeth Carter, Joseph Carter, John Lupton, Sarah Lupton, Samuel Day and Isabella his wife, and Amos Lupton, Defendant?*, TIIE plaintiffs Lydia Neill, Thcroa* Huck and Mary his wife residing out of the Commonwealth of Virginia, are desired to take notice, that on tho tilth day of January, 1825, between the houts ol ten o’clock in the morning and thiee in the afternoon of that day, at the Office of Lemuel Bent, (Commis sioner for taking Depositions,) in tho 1 own ot Wtuehesler; the Deposition* oi Joshua Lupton, John Clevidger, James W iggeuton; and Doctor John I humpsoii, will be taken on the part , of the defendants, in the above suit, to be read as evidence therein. AMOS LUPTON, [ Tor himself and the other Defendants December 1st, 1821, hi the. Superior Court of Chancery hoi den at Winchester, in Virginia, Joseph Foitaan, ‘ Plaiatifl*, ACAINST John Boivman, Benjamin Bowman, William Bow man, James Bowman, George Hall und Ann his wife, late Ann Bowman, Andiew Bowman and William Maxwell and Elizabeth his wife, late hlizubeth Bo a man, heirs of Andrew Bowman, deceased—and Abraham W. Inskeep and Nancy’ his wife, late Nancy Fcrrman, and John B. Kereheval, infant son and heir of Catherine Kereheval, dec’d, late Catharine Forman by Samuel Kereheval, jun'r. his Guardian ad litem, and flm said Samuel KercLe val, late husband of said Catharine— said Nancy and Catharine being heiresses of John Forman, dee'd, who wns son and heir of William Forman, dec’d, aud John Swann, lserenunntg, ^TMIE Defendant* {<»r Mich of their* JL as reside out of the Common wealth ot \ irginij*} desired to t>:kf> notice, that on the atM day of Decem. her* 1821, at the House and 'I'ni-pm of Frederick Steinbec k, in the loan of Komney, in the County of H.iiu| » ehire, A irginin, between the Ii.mcs of ten o'clock in the morning and tfiree in tho afternoon of the said day, 1 shall lake the DepoepfiiRs of Nicholas Casey, nnd John Illue, to ho in the soil above mentioned : anil ii from any ratise 1 lie Deposition of the said Nicholas Cr.sey. shall not he taken at the lime and place abnte* mentioned, the some w ill be 1<skcn u( the House of ^daui Slump, at Cheat Hiver, in Preston County, Virginia, near King stood, on tho third diy of Junuary, 1822, between the tnme> of that day. JOSEPH FORM AN. December 1,1821 — 4fpd Jl UUYk' It K E its * For Stale at it. is office* A