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I --— l) AND I'CHLISIIKD ; BY N UEISKF.LL, per annum payable iv ; advance. papers will be discontinued arrearages tuv paid, dverlisenients not exceeding (17 lines printed matter or lies common manuscript matter, inserted three times for One Dollar, ;:iid Twenty-lvivc Cents per square £ar every subsequent insertion, and, ^Pien not specifically directed to the, contrary, will be inserted until forbid ciMw charged accordingly. lit. Advertisements from a dis. tanrc inuSt be accompanied with tin* Cash, or be assumed by some respon sible, person, or the Postmaster most convenient t«» ti.- advertiser. I\. Advertisements will, in even instance be charged to the person -*r del ing tir in. unless particularly sti- ; pointed to the contrary. V. The Postage on all communi < at ions to the Editors, must In* paid t*v the writer, or they will not be at tended to. \ i. Chancery Orders inserted as other Advertisements and charg'd to flic Attorney, whose name is indorsed by lit.* Clerk on the order. V If. The Postage on all commu nications to the Editor. most lie paid by the writer, or they will not he at tended to. N. B. It is distinctly to he under stood by Advertising Custoinrrr, that no Advertisement will henceforward he directed by the Editor of this pa per to he inserted in other papers, unless the same lie pre\ iously paid for AN EXTENSIVE SI PPLY OF FUKS II BY K STI' KFS, Juir Sale h'l CIIABLES Id PEE. siputf,tcary 4 Druggist. Winchester, Out. i.t. Mails and Iran. •rpiii: »ubsiMiber has far mle a large _3.. and general assort meat of Aails anti Iron nF lha quality, til his shop in Eon. don Sheet, the w hole ol which lie \yi*5 sell at lha must reduced oriecu for CrM*. JOHN IRWEV. January, 19. Mill SALF~ TTMIK HOIJSK St EO l at present B. occupied by Mr. James Gralmoi. i fie publicity of this stand and i! beine sd well known renders it unnecessary to dilate upon its advantages.—'1 he subscriber will *cll to same at privut side ; but if a Kale is not elf cteii pre vious to tlia 20th of fv'arch, it will be Sold at Public Auction. Possession will be given on the first of April.— H (erenee for further particulars to Mr, N. Fitzsimmona. Her. I tds- JOHN HA^FELDT. FOR RKNT, A T il A C T (> b L A N I)» J \ LNG in Shenandoah County, • - .U^j bout five miles from Woodstock containing 2*;0 ACHKSj nno half strong limestone Land. Fpon tliis Farm there i- a comfortable 1)\YKL RING UOITSE, IL\UN & STABLES; nn Apple Orchard and a grove of Sugar 1 ret*. Any one wishing to rent would probably view the Tract; and (lie Cora now standing in the field ulTord evidence of the productiveness of the soil. vVo will rent this Farm upon reasonable terms, giving immediate possession. Apply to the stlbscrilv »j H. R. RARION, U. W. BAIiTON, vv. S. JONES, * Executors of 11 /’. liai ton, deceased. Decembe* i.‘»th—tf. Public Sale, "7* . . — virtue of a Deed of Trust rxc« uted to t'jf* subscriber i>v Lewis. Inbnston, for the benefit of Join W<. Tar:! son, r nd recorded in the Office j of Frederick County Court, I shell of *r for st>1 e. at public auction, f-r cash. ■U Bennett Hall's Vliil, no Pjatv.rduy the '' l day of February next, tin* follow r p p«r<*nuftl property, to wit : Opr* till of ninety five gallons, on<* do. r.t ^ gallons, twelve Tubs, otic Waggon. tbr**w pair of Gpnrs, fifty head r»f H-rs. er a Bay Morse, one firry Mare, one Saddle, two Feather Ards find FejJdiog, one Bureau, two I '■'> -, and one half de/en Windsor Chairs, nr so much of the said properly •»* *•!»:»!f bo Sliliirient to discharge the. i'*1 •ir.tcad«i| to !>* secured by the said 1 •Ire*!, ;i,*>;I the < n«ts of *nle. A. S. I IDRaLL, Trustee. J.:nc.iM t — ids B * MAltSHAL'S SALK. virtue of a Decree of the Win cheater Chancery District Court, pronounced the 2slh day of November, 1821. in a suit therein depending be tween George William Campbell and William Victor Campbell, infant chil dren and heirs oJ‘ William Campbell, dce*d, by George Reed, their Guardian and next friend, and James Riely and the heirs of Wiilium Campbell and others, will be sold before the door of Junes Riely** Store, in the town of Winchester, on Friday the twelfth day of Jlpril Jie.vf, the following property, to wit : A 110 US K $ LOT, in the town of Winchester, on the west -ide of Luudoim-slreet, adjoining Ro bert Gray—now occupied by James Riely and John Voster. A Half-Acre Lot, •>n the South side of I’iecadilly-street, udjoinitig the I<»t of Andrew Rush. 21-2 Acres of Urouiitl. an Out Lot, adjoining tin* lots of Ar chibald Magill and Mis. Over acre. 20 Acres cf Loud, near Winchester, on the Last side of I (ho road leading from Winchester to Charlestown, adjoining the Lauds of Will iarn Davison. 29 l Acres of Land, situated mi the North side o| Timber Ridge, in tho county of Hampshire, near the road leading from Winchcstei to Romney, patented to George Mi chnel I. Kibinger l Ith September, t7*>'.b Terms oi sxle,—One-half of the purchase money to bo paid down, the i residue in two etjuui annual payments, [ with interest from the day uf sale, the i | purchaser giving a deed of mist on the ; | property to secure the payment*.- j Sale to commence at I t o’clock .\. M. h\ M. BUCK WITH, D. M. FOll Jons S. I'i.rTcs, m. ir. c. v. 1 January 12—tds. YOU SALE. 7T WISH TO SKLL I'llK TRAC T j H or LAND OM whir!. I li«.., on- J taiuing hotwecn 17(> and 500 ACRJ5S. . 1 his land i* inferior to no tract in the County. No money will ly reouirt'd ' in hand. For terms apply to Joseph | TidbalJ, Jnn. Maeky. or the subscriber. j WILLIAM SNICK, till*. ! Woortheriv, Joiy 7—tf. 2 0 7mm s Reward | | 9 , ; S.^ AV. A W A\ from the subscriber j on Monday, the HUh day Novem ber last, a Negro Woman named 15 L TTY, belonging to the Fs»a»o of the late .Limes Ware deed, between . >" and in years of age; delicately formed and <f common! eight,rather lightcnmpieiinu, tjuick spoken, lias a large mouth. I i, deemed unnecessary to describe her Clothing as she lias a variety with he.. The above reward of Twenty Dollars will lie given for her if taken or secur ed within the vtafe so that I get her a goio, or a reward of .id Dollars if ta ken out r.4 the statu and speared so that > gc.t her again, and nil reasona ble cbaiges in eitlicr case. D Aliltim’ M. W MIL. dan. 3th—if. 200 Dollars Rczcard. 2? .. -— s*. A AN.,\W A A fnun i !•. 2 subscriber on Jhe 2‘.Uu ultimo, tiring in Kougoier Count) u Negro Mr.11 tuiinri! MORGAN; lie is about thirty-five years „f ag*», I* v'• feet ten or eleven indie* high, of a yoUnwidi complexion, with n sear over oi;p of bis ryes oeeasioned by the kick of a horse when young; be is a smart aelivp fellow, rather over the comnmn d/e; he took with him a blue doth coat niMi a sive.psuown vest, lined will Jtllow flannel, hiuI (fin hark of the some; a borne made smtnnt of twilled dot ft, of a brow nidi cobmr, pantaloons of the sHine, anil a tolerable good fur red ha’: his other clothing imlitfVrcnl, hmiI not recollected. as bn went elf wi’houi flip least cause. (1 is expect ed he has written lor himself, or pro cured from sonic viiltitnn free |:i| *px I and will endeavor to gc» to llbin or Pennsylvania. (being informed lately • fiat Morgan i;nn both rend and write.) I he above reward will l»n given for i Morgan, if taken out of tin* state ntid secured in Gaol so that i gel him again: If laki’i mi 1 of the county of Kuu<|iiier or Culpeper, Fifty Dollars; amt m ei ther oi the ntiovo counties, 'J'wenty Dollars in r it In r ease to be secured »o that I gpi bun, and i (‘brought home all reasonable charges paid. THOMAS HUGHES. January 5—4t» f ’ Hip Editors of Tip Intelligen cer. Wushingtnn City, will please in- j sert l?i«' above adverti-fnient weekly I r four wo.l,-. and forward iluir ac- j count to this office fur collection. i VALUABLE PROPERTY F U It SAL F. pursuance of ilte last Will and Testament of the Rev. Joseph Glass, <lecM, ive, the subscribers, wi!! offer lor sale, ut Rubric Miction, on the pro, on Alouday the 25 th da if of Ft b mart[ next, if lair, if not, tin* next fair day, A 1'RAC T containing 1.31 Acres of excellent Far ming Land, nearly one-third of which i> in timber. ANI) 30 5eves of Timothy T\i, -aihnv: lying in the county of Berkeley, in the state of Virginia, near Middletown, and adjoining the lands of William Wilson. Esq. and other-. There e.r»> »»n said tract a NEVEILFA 1 LING SPRING of excellent water, a small t^kSTONR DWELLING met HIH.sK, fe&YifT ^|ju *ar~3 a,,,l c'lminodi with Stable* unileriipath the same.— — ALSO— a LO T in Middletown, in the county js: aforesaid, with a large and iurifij eomforiahle RRICIC IiWKL. ^9dlita*Ll NO HOUSE and a A’/tc/un dJL&IiU thereon, together with a good J Stable. 'The terms will be one-third of the purchase money in hand and the balance in two equal annus I iustal. meats : the payments to be secured by ! a deed of trust on the property. A j further descript ion of the property is i deemed unnecessary, :vs person* dispo | seil to purchase will no doubt view it | previous to the day of sale. Should I the property not be *«M on the r.bove I mentioned day, it will be RENTED | for a let rn of years. —ALSO— | will ho offered FOR RENT, on Aloa [ lay the 11th day of Febrvartj next, ■ if lair, if not, the next fair day, tu the I highest bidder, :i valuable | Merchant Mill £$ Saw Mill, 1 rpeently erected and now in complete order for business, consisting of a pair of Burrs and Country Stones, together | wi'll about 14 ACRES OF LAND, i situat'd in the county of Frederick, | near the head of Optquon Creek — On the same day will be o.T. red t or I Lent, a FARM of good limestone land, CONTAINING UP V \ U OS OF 2 0 0 A C R E S, i of which Herrs arc ch arts *.—'J here ' are on the premises a comfortable Dwelling House and a good Ham.— I his farm is situated within a mil'.* and ; on half of (he mill above mentioned, and ndj iios the lands belonging to the heirs of Col. James G. Ilowdali & Gen. James Singh ton, dro'd. fcond and security will 1,»* rtotiired of the Also, for salt*, at private con trad, a large rpinntitv ofCOOPMUS’ Siurr nod* It A UK, which n:l! ha delivered to purchaser* i nmedin'oly ; and about 80 iiatdit I* of Cfj»vi*:ii SKMI. Persons wishing to view the proper* ty in Kreileriek can satisfy themselves by applying In James M. Glass, at the late residence of the said deceased. KMUliUT VANCK. I r . John gii,ki<;rs0Nt,s '<s’ January a—itis. T 'he F.Jitoi of the Jllarl inshnyg Gazette will insert the above advertisement, *' far as include* the I lev lee 11/ pro. peril/, until the da>/ of sale, and Jar. ward ft>s arconnt to ibis office. Little Liver Turnpike Com pany. January vUs, tS22. A Pit I DENI) of six percent for /'4 the last twelve month*, on each share of flm Stock held in this iaslim* lion i« declared, and xvii! In* paid to the miuckholder nr their represents* lives on or after the fifth day of Feb* rnary next. f>y order of the Slockhol. tiers. JONAH THOMPSON. Tre'r. January I9fh I s22. ntusr s \iJk7 \ virtue of a deed of tru*t excel! jJ ])ted Uy Frederick light to the sub scriber, m trustee, to secure n debt due In Lewis MeCoole, I shall oiler for -ale before »he door of, Edward Met»usre*a Hotel in Winchester, on Monday the lib day of February, the interest which said Frederick Light lias in and to a certain Traci of Land in said county coni timing z\ V ACRES, it being the same that was granted by the late proprietor of tbo Northern A eek of \ irginia to Frederick Light sen. late of tin* county of Frederick and by hi:n to his eight children. The in forest of the above mentioned Freder ick light in *eid land i* seven share* which will he offered for sale, anil such i title as is vested in me ns Trustee will j bo made 'he purchaser. JOSEPH SEXTON by h s .1«\v | JOHN MrCOOLE. Jan. 5th—*di«. \ Mr. Jesse McKay, 1AKF NO I ICK, that on Monday flu* 23iIt day *>f February, 1822, at t!ie Oflice of Christopher Neill, in tlit* town of Alexandria, District of Columbia, between the hour* of nine o'clock in the forenoon and live in (lie ! afternoon cl‘ said day, we shall, bv J virtue of a commission fiom the county i Court n! Frederick, Virginia, take the J deposition of Delias or Zona* kinic.i, j which, when taken, we shall oiler ii* ev idcnce in a suit now defending be fore tlie County Court of Frederick, > irgiuia, wherein we are plaintiffs and you are dclendai.t. Yours, &.e. KZItA K. INSKY, WILLIAM LA I ON, .lONATIIAN BU'ICHKR, Survivors oj Ezra Kinsey, H'm, l*a• ton, John Eutc/iev ami Jonathan /iutc/ier, /ale parttTers, trailing nn. tier the firm of Ezra Kinsey Of Cos .January 12, IS22. NOTICE. COMMITTED lo the Jail of Fred- j crick county Yn. on the first day of'-October lact as a runaway, A Negro Man, who culls himself CYUUS»; says he belonged to .hdsn Neiheiing, of Albe marle county Ya. who sold him lo a gentleman residing in Georgia, (name unknown.) Said negro is about DO years of age, dark complexion, about | ft feet D or 0 inches high, el thing much worn. The owner is request to come forward, prove prnpertv, pav charges and take him away, else he will be dealt w itli as ihe law directs. CMaKLES HULHT Jailor F. c. N v. c «—tf. I_ ___ 'h ast Sale. n _ fl3Y virtue of n Deed of Trust ezoeu • ‘d to the subscriber, to secure a debt ifot- by Jos. Lewis, jr. to John Mil icr, (who h:*.* siiico assigned the some to Abie! .lonner*.) 1 shall oiler Ini sale, before the door of Cdpt. F, Mc Guire’s IDitei, in the town of \\ inches tcr, on Sulurtlay the fGth day of Mareli next, for ready money, a certain t ract or parcel t'f Land, tying ant: being in the county of Loudon, in the Common- j wealth of Yirgima, being a part of the | Piedmont Manor ,iia\v in the occupancy «»t Jeremiah Pardon. Truant to said Lewis, containing about 1 10 ACRES.. 'I his luud lies in what i* usually culled (lie Dutch Settlement, and is >-it* to he ' cry valuable. Such title a* is vested ir. me r* Trustee will be made the pur chaser. JOHN I!RISK KI.L, Trustee. January 12, is22—tds Weaving in all its Hrandies. C.dUTEIl k L1PSIT.M11 1' SI LL I FT LL\ inform the pnh ki «?. lie, that (hey continun the V.’eav. | ing IDi-iness in the shop helonging tr Mr. John Price, and lately occupied hy him in a similar way. They are prepared to weave double and *i!• l'l Coveilets of the newest figure now in fashion; Diaper ond Damask table li. ricriB, elegantly flowered anil bordered; f onntei pane* of every description— lor which (hey have some new fash, i ions; Carpeting, both double and sin. I —the newest e.iul r.iost elegant li ! htirps now in fashion: Girting Carpet, ! with any kind of stripes required; h!I j kinds of plain cloth—such as linen, cotton, hed lichen, liney anil tow. All o| which they pledge (hemaelves to do wilh expedition, nod in a manner not to bo surpassed by any slinp in V» in J Chester. Their prices will also be te doped lo suit the limes. kinds of prodoee will bo ta* ken in part pay ut the uiaiket prices. Jan. . _ I Virginia to wit: •J TRules holden in the Clerk's (\ffice of the County Court of ftnwpshire on the first Monday in Itecemb, r, mat David Long, Plaintiff*. A C, A I NST M.Mahon fv, Thomas;, alia* William M'Muhun ami Samuel Thomas, Defendants, IN t’lTANCF.RY. TDK Defendant* not having enter ed their npppnrntiee ami given se curity according to the Act of Assem bly ami the Utiles of this Court, and if appearing by satisfactory evidence the, they are not inhabitants of this Com. monwealth: /! is ordered, that (he said defendant* do appear here on the first d«y of March Court next, and an*tter the hill of the Dlaintiff’; ami that a en py of this order be forthwith inverted in some newspaper published in Win* chester, for two months successively, and anoher copy posted at the front door of the Court Ilouvc of the County of Hampshire. JOHN R. WHITE, r. n. r-. December ,’i. is*f-—(’ nr.:, w * DKhDS i f'. ?• I"' V *Jii< O;1" •!’, S\ AMI iN GT ON M O N t'MEN T LOTTERY. E I b T H C JL A S S, ’l a commence diaMn;* in ij.e City of Baltimore, on the U2i\ cl Ktb. ucx», /VushiT/gtoJi's h irth Da y. SPLENDID SCHEME. 1 prize of SSi.,too S>30,ooo l do 20,000 20,000 1 do It',000 10.000 2 do 5,000 10,000 2 do 3,000 0,000 2 do 2,000 4,000 20 do 1,0(0 20,000 50 do 500 5,000 100 do 50 5,000 500 do 20 10,000 GOOO do !() GO,000 GG70 prizes Sl80,000 13'21 blanks 20000 tickets Si 80,000 Stationary prizes as follow* First drawn three thousand Biat ks wit! be entitled to Ten Dollai a each. First riiavvn nun.her <,1000 f irst drawn tiun her 4th day 1000 First drawn number 6th day lU(X) first drawn run.her bill day 2t0t) j f irst drawn number lOih di»y HlOO j f irst duwn number 12th ri«y lUOO First drawn number 14th day ltOl> I first drawn number 16th day 10.000 first drawn number Ibth duy ItOO l'irst drawn number ‘JOth day ll'OO f irst drawn number L2nd day 5000 first drawn number 24th «fuy 1000 first drawn number ioth day ! 1000 First drawn number 2bth day 2*0, qOO I itst drawn number ,'i(llh day IfOO first drawn number 55th ray 80,000 M»T '1 V\ (• BLANkS'IO A PRIZE. 'Pile whole payable in cath, subject fo « deduction of 15 per cent. '1 lie object til the above Lottery be* *i*3 ^<,r completion nl h monument to the memory of If o/iitigion, will, without further coiisiileraliun, secure In it the best wishe* nl the American people : atltl in this the great induce* ment held forth in a pecuniary point ntview from the splendor ol the se/jeme, which will insure a rapid sale ol (ho tickets and a speedy completion ofThu draw ing. " hole tickets §10 j Quarters §2 50 Halves 3 j Eighths i 23 For sale in a great vaiielv of num bers at ALLENS’ Ljtlery iV Exchange (ffice.Fnwsiilra^ hiu Jh'ennr, ff aehmgton t'it;f. M ho Itnve sold within tivelr? months P&kI Capital I’rizts to n greutcr a. mount than tiny other tender* ui tho t'nited States. No. T39 a prize of §100,000 18412 do 23.(>()0 «!* 23,000 *628 do 23,000 £666 «lo 20,009 ucsuifS 12 nl §10.000, and n liir.M number §3000, gtooo, gee. b~- ’ * t-Ucrs i»y fit nil or otherwise, enclosing prize ticket* or cash, onler mg lit kcls ti> the above nr any of the Lot In ie* in this City, Baltimore, Phi ladelphia, nr New V..rk, will be atten ded In with the same promptitude as if personal application «». made, if p.r'di e*»etl to S. & M. ALLEN A CO. Washington City January 12—(f ! in the .Sit] trior Com t oj (lumen y bo?. | ill 11 at U inchest n, m Jnuii.ia, ; JoBer,‘ *'«»« ' Plaintiff, ACA INST •John Don muii, Benjamin Bowman, W illiam Bowm»n, Jumes I'.i.winan, George Hull ami Am. Imp wife, Icto Ann bowman, Auirew U. wn»«n r.nd William Maxwell and Fi'/nheili w ife, late Fliyebeth Don man, lu vrs of Andrew Bowman, At leased— am! A In alia m 'A. Imkrep end Nanev his wife, lute Nanry Forman, nn.l John B. Koreheval, infant son »,nd heir of Catherine erel.iv nl, deeM, lute Catharine 1 t>rn on ! \ St.innel Kerehevnl, jtn.V. Irs Cuardirn ml litem, and the »uid Samnr I Kereht val. hie husliaml, { said Cotl.urine Kiiid Nancy mid Ci t!.urine beim; heiresses of Join Forman, d.e'ii’ who was eldest son and heir m I *w of W illiam F, deeM. nod ,1, |M, Swann, Dt frndui i*. Defer.dr.nU, | In H Be».j ar.iin bowman, . man, Geori'e i la 11 nr.d v \ „ilV Wil.ium Maxwell nml i .* .t.*, «!: !»• . wile, anti John Swoon, v. I r* *i.!e fM t of the Common wee ]• h of \ ir:;ii,i^, „i« desired to take r.otipe, that «*» tho 1 » day of February next, nt ihe Rouse and of Frederick sieii bu k. in the | ow n of Romney, in the O.ot>ly of H shire, Virginia, between the hours of ten oVIink in tint Rioinin» nru? three, in tho nfternoon of t! e day, the DojiOMMoti* ui Joeob !•*r.r and John Blue, will lie fa ken, to Ue> evidence in said suit on hchnR ,.f th.. plaintiff. .HHI-.PIl tOR.VIAV Jaqusjy 12<fi.!V*w. f :!!i NTi.Nfr A e • •••' ! , t " n Vr ■ /