' llcctivtil (»'*r Amity from F.*er
pooi ut Nttv Y »k. 1
l.or Jon, Nov. 28.
The Paris Journals of Thursday, Friday
end Saturday, arrived this rooming. They
contain litt’e int llipen~e of importance re,i*
peeling France, bn* they are Idled with sJ at**,
inems and cmiiii'r-iiiTmctits of the v ir
beiweenthe Grt'-li* and the Turks. The
victory of Thernmpyl.c, and ti e capture of
'i’rippolitza, arc confirmed; but the Greeks
ere said to have sus'aiiietl a defeat at Patras,
in Constantinople every thing is agitation
and alaici; and there is as much pr*-cau i*n
tdten ag linst any sudden attack us if the
enemy was Rt the gate*. The cause of the
Fire Us is certainly etining mnJ in 'he
More*, where, it is said, their forces amount
to 28,<;O0 men.
These papers contain a variety of intelli
gence from Spain, which is far from b ;ing
of a consolatory nature. Party spirit run
high in the capital, and in the province#.—
A private, letter from Madrid ol the liiii
rf November, say# ‘••hat a di-snlution of
the Monarchy may be a1 most expected; r.r. 1
thai Valencia, Arrujjun. Galalonia, uod G.*l
liciaoreon ihe point of sepaialing from the
tapitd.'o form I'Vderd ileprbli
Addre**"* are enuring into the Fine from
Sever d of the provinces in lavor of I! lego,
whose name is associated with sed'Uous cries
in iin* enpi'ai. “ Fong live Uu.GO, F.mpe
roref the Soani-h Itepnbiie/”—ia said to
Jiave heen a tnonsand lime# repeated in the
nigh/lv pi oin“o <des cl the Clubbis**'
Frankfort, Nov. 12.— Acrm ding to letters
receive* bv several iiar-.kirg house* in our
town from llej-ia, thp Kr’peror Alexander
jiersis « in deina«:l'ng t laianiecs f>*r i»«e
fu ore -eeuri'y >f the Greeks, and hi# de
mands are supported by the Great Pow
A irnvn, Vu-. 6.— * .man !ia* nruc-reu
b hu-' ired and ?i\ G re»*l»- «f flvprin, arul
C?u •: Constantinople, to be beheaded.
Greek (1 etsure aeiiin tn lie seen in differ
ent parts of the Archipe'ajr*. The Greek*
have captured three Turkish skips in the
Bay ofihmntlrs, laden vvuli arms and mn
mu'»i;ion for the () l iman army. It i« as
eer ed that 65 li»pli»h olTteer*, nl<ulied us
Turk*, and inna .lews who purchased ihesr
arm at Corfu, have been found on board —
The tS**g'ish have L en sent In l!}’1ra, tn
be ei •"« ftp tn the ti«ver>im»nt of Corfu ;
ilia Jews were drowned.
Odessa, Oct. 23—The report? circulated
nhro-d o', the i.ra-ihihty of a rupture with
the Porte, ere not confirmed et present; pirj
altbi.uzi’. the npvvs is so often dated from <>•
Q-ssi*. set it is ce.-tain we are often quite i^*
n’irsnt of th ev.-r.'s which ere staled to
Ii«>e t»kee place there.
In Bm-arahia, »mi particularly in the town
of Kiscbenin’.V and i'r environ?, there ere
Ji 6 Greek? who arc waitin' far more ft
to i .Me circiun-’accpbut it i* not true that
Ih* I’ Yp*il»nti is organs zin;z a corps. '
Tim P' t ic<* S-jkzu live? her.1, hut the former |
II - rsrfur has been conducted into the inte* |
li Prince Cautacuzene has arrived in the !
I>V ttie hri^ Philadelohia, arrived at this
port yesterday afternoon, in 8 days from (!«
vannn, wc have the papers of that city to the
12'hin-t. Til • brie IScIlc-Indian, c:ij t. John j
I’rrt', «*-r wl t me <-n the 10th in--. :n .{‘J
d vsff'-m Ctdiz; ay which vs il they rcci.i/
cd dates from th. P-nir.-iila up to >hc 25th
*-Joc.— Rut the I i*e t ?« net* we observe in
our Havana papers are o »!y to the ;5rii of
that month
To se accoun s fully confirm tfie-e receiv
ed a ft w day- »:nre •>¥ a ' arrual *t Boston
from Gibra' er. Gr*-*' discontents continued
at C,i iz. Seville. Sin Lucre, Sants .Maris,
San F-run '«», and ther places, against th
ori’-ent Minis iy of Satin. Au ares*-* from
the imi-l re-je>‘tah!e pnrt'on r>t 'he irihitbi.
t-iois of the e. t»wns ha • 6e?n forwarded to
l!ir Ivio-r a> '.a.lri!, by de Miiatiorv*; and ihe
ar io;e vv w.i! !*- foot'd lui-w, iriirr iii»
S-ville hesd, throws sum* ’*!»« u< on the
tnann?r in which these r;:,*r mentations lu.i
been at'eo.-V’d to bt tip* sovereign.
In an address to the inhabitants of Cadiz,
on »?ie I<>th S-<v by the •u >**ri r polricsl
rhi-f of tint city, be • jtes—i!mI ’he rr-si of
that day had brought r-o infor'iaai ion relative
to the esoosition n*a’*e to the kit g on the
2i)'h October, through their deputies to the |
n *rte;;Hoi recniri' rn is tb-m to remain irun '
t]tt'l, «ti>' r<"')nrt the public suitb tr»t;e».
An <u- .re ■ from the city of Cadiz to the j
kite, and another frrwn lf:e pro’-inriaf riepo. i
tr.ii -n m t!‘c rer'e-*. i« cop* ti vd in tb" p ipcr
©♦ 'he |0: • ie*t. In that ft run th'* ett v, which
is sizne | iv the inten lan., f,:wy in ve
rv ii ir-’u i-rins or the c.»n<Ji’t:* nf he g vetn
m 'of iew !» the idi.l of the people, gcr. itri- j
pn urg rt the. tnir-'.l ef the present ro* m- i
bt-ri r.'iv. i ’m'n 'be minis'rv who nr- repr".
fomitrti-l j, • i\rv n( straw: ’ and appear jianic
r'trlv desirous of getting rid of tka sreteta
ry if *v . r
Tv kb g i* reminded, on one adtJrc*?,
Ilia ''e mu** pti'-oe con. il l inn»l measures,
or h° m y pv.»'-rl"oce the 'ruth tf the chirr-- |
wi n. .h i' 'h»r>- is hot one step Jrom (he !
Throve to ’he Srnjl ild.
A p»'i ‘iei»t p ;,rr ridled toe Impartial., j
prilled at M drid, lnd b* en ptK-liriy burnt i
Et S” H'*. hy the popular'*.
ITo.'-r da‘ ■ rf ti'h November, fh" fit. S®»
Insti -n pap-rs h • ve n'> a"c ur' o‘ l!;c lot m •
irr situ it j n •> le-iii 'be Ion. who is re
pr- pr-'e>l -.n lh- etc rif •li*v.i'iti"n—bit
a* eur aeco'Ct< from i'aris are to the 10*!i
p( thai rr. -r h. »t d D’";» no 'O-n'ioi' of i»,
tbrrp i« i> hablv »o r %>!.'* in 'be rna'Irr.
A (litrl-Z, nr ml" rv t' e i h. g »••» •'.ill fur
f•-r anti sia n 'but th** h og of I’rarce as
dead We do r>o!. cr--r!tt 'h- r.»w».
A |ett»r bv 'If I'li i«'5 I I iu. det*d II li
in.t quo--s rir- a*. I l .1 ii'i!l; r .ft *■ l-l
rrn’i'v, 2 • !Jto 21 c>-n s; 2 ! quality, I'J a
10. in tl> I ni'.iajse• at. i <;r r.r.arce at
ll«t cp- af ».
Srii/Sr V '. Ii.-'iVp 't-y.» ij,' hear!
from >!,»’’•'!. 'but Hiehl'g! ’a Ordcied '.hit
the s rera! r pr* en a h* •* ethieh h we b“» o
r •rvjw».| fr.'*a the dill r • l !t*wt *hou’i) t.-»
i rn • e t p1'* Iv • '• ^ ’• ‘i| of * l ■*' **,
tvhjeh v. % t r> in s-**■ .1 r. It. op.
pejr^. |t .,> r- I'er (*'•*'ion l.f tfi« " on •
c;! ar f ' > • ,r •! idur •>!’ :l » mie'. trr«,
rtn Ot,’»” I ' ’ '' " b *e s r . certs ere known
In j «,'d *'• i;" Cp-'f i t"i’On! hylem,
t «r> e p r 31 ,”C i’aoos, ' 1« ‘ eep n nv<t lf>
f.. e- e-, •>•! (■“ i'e previrei' r>f
( ijr h r i.» Hi- '*». cj a! II" ' ■ n ' e ] <n t.
All t!..$ »r rl i' ce ts tr-ly f!*a.-r-g to us.
D:rguua llrgi.aiature.
Richmond, Js.maky a:6.
The rnj>ro5»ed b>ll concerning the sureties
or lolin Preston was tsltef? rip, rend u third
time and po*« ?d, by tl«e following ’"ole. ayes |
iii, n»e*61. This bill empowers ibe Ti«a
-orcr to re a n io hi* n'^ice m* execution •* 1
gHin-t he sureties, who are a lowed to pay
th** debt, for which ih y were bound, in
three equal aonutl i iSlalmcnts. Power is
given to th- Treasurer loenforce the execu
tion. ;• ',r -r.vr ii his opinion, cod that of ‘he
»-x-*t g ivc( or if lout body cutout be convened
to express an opinion, with the concurrence
of the Attorn* > (irnertl, the interest of the
commnnwcrequires it to b-; issued and
| enforced. 'i’fier** i* to hi uo necessity fur * .
revival of tl>« judgment* in the event of dea it
or cry other accident. The sureties and
John Preston linit'eif ar- retired with! <J‘J !
days to in the General Court OlTice, j
I a release of all error* a> law, an I a remotci- j
I atiijn of aii right or pretence whatever to ear- i
I ry tbn ciuie into chancery, l- £**t«ier wi It an
; acceptance of th- conditions of 'he act. It
! is provided l!.«t the judgment shall bind the
| reai estate of the parties, and all alienations
i thereof are to be hi Id void, until the payment j
of the amount of the iudg:n“nt. Should an
! execution t.e issued, it is 'o operate on the
goods, chattels, lands and tenem-nts of the !
parties, which are exprts-ly made liable j
therefor. It is provided that the claims of
the sure! ies agiin»l John Preston shall not be .
aiieweu by the bill.— Uniiiftrr.
J A N C A Itv 29. j
Vesterd *v. ibe House of Delegate* wa* |
more titan utirui praduciive of interesting f
me tiers.
'0«._ Cl, „ _ .. i ..J,,.;.. i
oru*, tiie -i*i'ori! acis (••mci'roing slaves, tree
negro"* and muiattoes” w.j» returned from
Ike Ser.a c with f.»ur amendment.*.—The I'i ]
Rnrl JHamendmenis vvorr on ..rlioris seve* i
ra!iv rnade hy Mr. Wymt soil Air. Drown of [
Bath, rcjerted—when Air’ Pattrsnn ol ,\u> (
gutla, moved that 'he farther coutide. alion ■
of ill* bill and a nendment* b • postponed un
til t'ic. .‘Jl.'f an; of March.
Mr. Mortis of ISanovvr, From tiie Com .
railtee of Schott's and C-dleg'-H, presented a
ReS’l'ttion tif ifutl Committer*. upon the lie* |
port* and IvesMuttons of ilia Legisla ure» ol 1
Maryland nml Wrmnn:, relative to a;>prn. j
oriilienr, bv Congress, ol public lands lor I
tiie purpn-e; of Mdooati m—We undergian-l, I
that the resolution of me <:ofn*n;tt**e is unfa
vorable t*> the proposed upor-ipria'ion.
Mr. l/oyail sninniiti'd a Preamble and Re
solutions, touching the two Acts *if Congress
re* rioting the trade with (Iir British \V *i |
India Colonies.— The Preamble goes at l«rge |
into the reasons in opposition to these laws ;
—and concludes with the three following ;
I. Resolved therefore. That t!:e above re
cited a<’ts of Congress, tiy which Dri'ish ves
sels are p roll mi ted from bringing tbs pro
duedons of the British colonies i.,to our ports,
and tailing away lho« of our country in re*
• urn, operate must unequMly upon different
portions rf the l*nio», and to ike seri.-.-.s ,:i*
jury cf Virginia, and the "eignbnting S at>-»
Id Resolved. That the Senator* from ibis
H'atc, in the Congee* s ol the L'r.i rd S'a'.e*,
he instructed, and the H»;>r s« i ta ives re.
u'!"»ted to u*e i:i-ir votes, and best etiorts to
procure a repeal of the said acts of Con
Resolved, Tint the Governor be re
quested t» transmit copies of the foregoing
preamble cod resolution*, to eirii of our Se
nator* and Representatives in Congress.
On motion <1 Mr. Crump of Cumberland,
t’>'* paper ■»! bv Mr. Loyall was or
dvred to be printed. — Compiler
January. 31*
l he J i vise r.f Delegates yesterday had
t! .*U*ual pnr' of current business heturc
them—The following is a sketch <d other ;
matter*, of n mure general character :
A motion was made by Mr. Ashby, that
t'.-’U • isa d.> crime to the fo lowing resolu
tion :
ftHSM cc<:. i ''.at tnr r onimutre »>: i.nods
and Internal Navigation, beinstrurtco too-.,
quire it.’o the ,*,;p»di^ncry of rcnopsli-g the
Boar ) of •’ i‘‘! r Works, to direr* their 1. n •
ginep.r, when *in h:s route In view the Chest,
Misver tinrf Tiger's V ali y Kivet*, io view,
and mark owl a road, from the nearest point
ot the lliver in Tyler County, or
from Si*tetsvi'le in said C mnty, to the Wert
end cf \l-ry|,»>ii, or to ih h.gliest print o!
the North Mrinr'.t of I’ntomvr lliver, which
in dm opinion of ;-atd engineer is susceptible
of nivigatiin;—and report thereupon to
this Si w-e, as ••n.'ly a« practical)>•
And to" owes• iiT., h put upon a-;rep.
iii;: In the said resolution, was determined
in the negative.
A rtiolfn was made tv Mr. Patterson of
An; usi", that tfin iJnus" no c one to the fel
low>n" reF.i.lmion : —
/iesp/rt >. That hereafter, ro pe'iticn,
which has for i'« object, the removal < r to.
calico of the sca.t of jtisticc of soy c-ninty
within 'Jus comrr,onwfaltb. shall be ^r- sent.
ctj to the General Assembly, unti l rr.v ori
ly of the freehold-."'* in such county, v.itjng
nt the el’Ction for Delegate*, n*-xt prere.ine j
ruth applica-ion. »h:;'l h«vc ex ressed their
direct a-sml to such petition.
And h qnestor, being put thereupon,
v.’3 ■ determined in the n gativc.
The Mouse. «ce ><ii> g to the order nf (hr
day, rrsolved itself i-it • a Commiltee ni the I
whole II use, for i!,p pt»r, o»e f taking un
der :t* consideration sun tr\ hills her-tof .re
reported from the Comrni'tee of I'"Inane* ;
Air. Barbour in the chair ; ant!, after some
t:mc *f therein, the S;i»'itkiT resnm-d ih
chav, ami '*r liaih.tor reported, 'hat the
Cmtimi tie ol 'he vn,e ilnu-e, a*'d »cr rd 1
irv t i rri!, r, ha I under consiijeratio-., * a
ti ll imposing 'svrs f r thn 'Opiort ot g*>
v-rnment,*’ amt a creed to sundry emeu I
meets the* etc ; a!.", » lii|i, “ appropriati g
the ptt!'lie revenue'’ ;—a bill, “ t>i amend the
31 t to reduce } - t; <> one the s<- vrr-1 ac • fur «• n •
forcing t he payment of fi .-s mt<> the pub
lie treasury"; a hill. *• »o amend an net to
provide for t tie cnll-cliou cf the taxes on
license* to M*r”hrnts. n Jliwlteis apt; IVd*
lers ; to V.pejmr* of Ordinartc* and H u*°s
rd priva'» ei't-vtaininent; on lew more -
and c*"tan r.ihcr subset ts —a Id'., •• to
amen 1 -n .cl tor"diire into one, tie *ev» r
?il vc*« for vfi»)iehenriiog ■■>•><} «»coring rurn
way.;’’-- »t ti a h I, “ ter p-ying the "Ihicer*
->f the Genera! As'smKv —and tlirs'cletl
I., it to r Miert the >a'ns wilnoc! stirnifuifut ;
-r.!*o a Bill, “ to amend an art to reduce in
in one tV «'-vcral Acs concerning lischri
, 'nr-,'’ and Kgrcttl »o several a mendwonts
thereto, Ni which bi!’« ned amendments
tv» delivered in at the Cleric’s tablr.
T "• nm-wlme t*, proposed by the Coin*
m t' C rt l’ e V it. > e, to the hill, “ il-.
pn» " ti:.c* =. r i' e sut pett of governm-nt,” i
vere lartner amende i on motion nr Mr.
l iump of Cumberhin i. ; and, being twice
read, were on questions severally pat there
upon, agreed toby h* I loose
The said bill was father amended, on mo
t'oir* leveie’ly made by Mr. Uraden. Mr.
lVp , and Mr While ;
Ordtttd. Thu the raid bill, as amended, ]
be engio-s- d and r»-ad a third time
The remaining bilis and amendments were,
on motion of Mr, Morris of Hanover, or
dered to he Lid upon the table. - Mud.
Mr *4Iooe of I*. VV. moved for leave 10
bring in a bi'-l changing the time for the
meeting of the b-gisl aim e lie was admon
ished by 'h- vote just taken, of the inrj.po-i
t:on of the House to originate new busin-s-;
but the proposition was calculated to; ** '
such beneficial r-sint-, dial he felt himself
ri'led upon tn make it. II it rhould be tiie
pleasure of the I! i)ss to grant the leave,
some day might be fixed on, alter whicb gen.
tlemen had lin>id)i'd their business of the year,
and could leave home wi h more convenience.
I!e would suggest the ls» of January, as the
most 8*ii able period. Air. II. thought the
mea-ure would tend to retrench the public
expenditures; as it wa» a. parent that the
business of legislation ouglil not to occupy
more than two months. If th- business can
he done in tins tim*-, it would be a tavi- g of
front 20 to y'j.itt.COO a r.uafy As economy
was toe md r • f the day, lie thou,lit there
was no b iter mode of consulting i- than the
prop -srion which ft had «ubn.tiled.
Air Lovell opposed th<* leave. He said ii
tiie period designated were agreed to, and
the ses-ii.iis w> re Ju he shortened by the anx
iety ol the r• to gf l home in tiie i
spring of • !•»-. ;e»r. the bu-ine8s woilt'l be
burned over, aotf co- .«e,jueidL, done badly.
1 le contended that member- tr. m • t fie rent
parts ol ihe siate would not be at-le to get
hire in time, owing to the rnaos and watei*
courses which they bed to pas». It \va» not
uncommon for gentlemen travelling in the
in-mniaini-us and i ug»-d p-r s i f ifie r.<u try.
to be .'eiainetf eig 'l nr ten diy« by high wa
ter. Last year he said one of ihe judgt » of
the court wa» detained one month by
u river.
Mr. Moot- had thought llie tiarc'ling in
the itini.tli of December, when the rood- v,<-te
firm, i^c. w»s Oetlei than at an earlier petiod,
Mr. I,oveil was surprised that the sulijec
should be |T-s»>d upon the House, lie said
the rivers in tin wes' wefe not always bridg
ed by the ire,, anti that the gentleman was
nti* eken in supposing the travelling in De
cember was bciier than at an earlier period.
The distance of the ss*at cf goven irnr.t, and
the inconvenience sustained by the western
people on thwi account, hrd already caused
petitions to be presented for i's removal —
Me contended <hatif the piopcsed measure
be adopted, it would deprive some of the peo
ple in the western coun ry, nf representation
entirely. Members from that part of the
sta'c B'e now employed or.e month in travel.
Itng; and if required to come hers at the most
inclement season of 'hr y-er, it would he
itn rac irab e lor them in many instances to
r*-t»cb iIii« ci*y.
The Ilou «* refused to grant this leave,
At a late liout the Speaker laid b-lore the ■
House the following comnri-inica ton :
January o 1, ls>22.
Sir. I have the honor to lav before tl-.e ■
(»t-n»T#l Assembly, through you, the enclosed
I tier, this moment rteliv-ed to me in person,
by two highly distinguished citizens >>f Ken ■
lucky, who h-ivr b»en appointed by the gov
eminent ol that state, commissioners to opto J
a communication wi'h «!'e government of
\ irginii, concerning the meanir-t. and execu
tion id tile compact hetwt>n the two si ic.s.
I al-o end- se ••he regular testimonial of'heir
no-•ointment, which I h*ve t'>*» i:onor t re
ceive from tl»e bands of the commissioners,
along with t^p letter.
I have the hnnnr to he
i our om’'vv»ni
The honoruble the Sneaker off
(he of /Jetcgales \
Richmond, ! u .lununry, 1 |
Pin—We have the lic.nnr t inform jour
ex • lietiov that v* e are appointed by the rtBie i
of Km tuc-iv. ci-irmtf«i«»npr* to in vim t!ie a:,
iro.ion o'" the rta'e of Virginia to cer'am
prnvi*.nns of the »ct of it* legislature. Con
corn ng the erecton or tl-e district if Ken
tucky into an Indcpcndrnl Slate;” ami that
we have arrived hero, in order 'o execute tbe
public wur.. Confided to us. Ah interpreta
inn ( I t'.o-e provisions bos been intimated
different fr- r» that which Kentucky supposes
• o be their gpttuine import; nod believing
that their trim •'•nir may bp best ascertain*
►ti, ami th° fidelity wiifi wine1’ they have
b>*en fulfilled b" heft known, by a direct ap*
peal to the candid judgment of Virginia* the
origirnl a r< l a principal pir’v to then;: we
are charged with the duty ot making, and
receiving. h *p motn.l explanvtons which
are demanded by jua’tee, and aie due to the
amtcabie relation!, which have ever Itapoilv
sitb t ted between tire two states. |„ the ac
c.'o.plishm 1 t <’f this ob,eci. being pcrcuad> d
that we shall be f.<orc • w h the prompt and
c. co operation of \ntrr > xce ie.>cy, w.
Iiav respectfully to request that you w II
make such eornmunicotinn to the (ieneml
Assembly, op indicate to ns such oihc mo .c,
a« will pi.ah e us to execute the commi-sio'1 I
as*igm- I to n«. We have tl.e iioi nr to !nv
hprewith before you the testimonial ol our
With floe r"»pect,
Wc h • ve th- boner to l»e,
h ourrxce.h ncy’snS d’f servants.
fvliO. M. B!BB.
His F.xcellencv Th. \1 Uan.'o'pb, ^-e. &r.
’I’li.' letter is rcompa"ind l>y an stt-sted
cof-v »f tb“ It on w iii i was Rid befor- .lip
legislature of Uenlnrk» by Mr P •!>•, Chi r.
man of the (.'ommiilee, »nd which we luve
already published iu the Kmjoirer of th- ,Vh
.Ian. with a very few .neonsid>Tih|“ verbal
v-r' .'ions.—'I’he Resolutions. with which i>
conclnitrs. having been changed in some re.
♦ pect* hi the 11 'Mi -•«. e-.ft heddin" sr-mc light
upon the b.prt of the, arc herewith
subjoin -d:
I rrso/vtd. by the (ienrrnl Assembly of
the (.'nmrtn nuro/th of Kentucky. Thu they
c n*idtr an ad.jndic* i-n that thp laws m
question are void, s incompatible with the
constitutional powers of this -I tt». and high*
ly injurious to thp bc*t interest* of th. pen.
pic; aed therefore do, in the name of the
com • o-twcai h id K o!r rky, nnd of thf good
pen ,le here* role.only '■tn-ji.tirate and pro*
te*t aga n < any och a .judication.
2. lieudvcd, 'I’hat the governor of this
commonwealth he reqoeftr d to tran«mit co»
pm.s of the foregoing report and resolution to
each of our S nators and Repr*-entatives in
i Congress.
j. KfSOtv.ed, That itis renuxi.S\ irrr^ i.e
appoint d dh t!ie > art ol this Commonweal h,
who shad have full power aid authority,
jointiy am| several!if they shall deem it
netvs«ary or expedient, to repair to the city
ofRichn ond, m Virginia, and open a com
munication with (hat government, concern*
ing the meuning and ex*-cti ion of the com
pact between this nod th is ate, to obtain,
if practicable fr m Virginia, a declaration ot
her ssltaldc'to'i with the construction and
perform -nee ol said compact on die p-.rt of
Ins common lealtli. hr/J, if such declaration
C«n .1* be obtlined, In invite a disCUssi n if
her objections; and with a view to a final ad
j’lg'mersi, to co-epera'e with Vir^i- i« in con*
9 ituting a board of commiseinners, as pro
vitisd ft.r in if.e Uili article of the compact.
■!• /»Vvofttc(f, That the said commissioners
be rerjur?:ed to attend the supreme court of
the United States, at the next term, an., oo
pose any decision that may be at'err.pted to
be procured fr in tiie supreme conn, that
those laws ere void, in such manner us they
may deem most respectful to the court, and
most consistent wi’h the dignity of the state.
f> Ucso/vcd, That the election of thetivn
commissioners, contemplated by the forego
ing resolutions, shall be by joint vote ol both
1 fo'i-es.
To his Report, is subjoined the following
testimonial from the Governor of Kentucky,
authenticated by ihe seal of the slate;
E.nrutivc Depottnicnt. f
T. John Adair, Governor ol the Comrnon
wta tli ol Kentucky, do hereby notify, and
make known, that Henry Clay and George
t.. Uihh, Inquires, were, by a joint vote of
tb.e Senate and House of Kepresentativea of
said slate, duly elected commissioners, pur
suant to (evolutions atfop.ed by the General
A-si-rntily of the commonwealth aforesaid, ai
the October sea-ion, one thousand eight hun
rlred end tweniy-one, “concerning he occu
pying claimant hv;s of this slate and the
rieci.ion of the Si.preme Court of the United
I'liles thereon'*—Approved, December 17.
th; I.
it; testimony wnereor I have hereunto set
my hand 6tirt caused tlm seal ot the said
runintonweai h to beaOix-d a Frank' j
lort ibis twenty nii.'h day of December,
in »lie year of our i,otd. one thousand
eight hundred and twenty one. and in
t e thirtieth year of the comm hweald).
By the (inventor, .IOHN ADA lit.
J. C-Af.KLI. DiU.f KENr.lUCE, Secretary
On Mr SScrrare's motion, all th< $<• pa<
pert, were laid upon the t.ble and ordered to
be printed -
Yesterday, the most interesting business
before the Home ot Ik i-usles. grew out of
'he Kentucky miiwinn It gave rue to some *
di-en-si >n; hut we have time on'y to ‘ketch
the eharap'er of the proceedings adopted.
Mr. Morris of Hanover submitted the fi.J.
lowing resolution. — lie-solved, that the Cio
vernor's {'omniunt'-aiion Irorn Henry Clay
atidfieO'ge i\l. Bibb, Ivquirei*. on the part
ot the hiats of Kentucky, with the docu
merits accompany log tlie same, be re ferred
ton joint committee of both Houses of tie
titnerul Assembly.
A motion was mad** by Mr. Mayo of
Washing’, n, to emend this resoluth n hy
striking rut the words, "-a joint committee
of both Houses of the Heru-ml Assembly
and inierli t in lieu thereof the words, "a
select committee of the. House of fit/t^aics,"
which amendment was. utter romt; debate,
Some members svishetl to la" the rc*o!'j»
lion on the tbhle—others to refer it to a cam*
mitreeof the whole House —finally it tv*s ».
riap'sd hy the House, h ><] .Mr i myall was re
quested to carry u 10 the Senate for their
We understand, ti-e Seratc determined
fo l»y it upon the table. declining Co set upon
it until thes* hi» icceivurj ‘"me information
upon • <”i» through the son ments submit
ted to t’ e Home IViegHtts. — Hi:'uiter
A very interesting document was trans
mitted to Congress, a few days ago, consist
ing of staterreri., -},» v irg the corr metre and
n nvigation of‘he Ceiled States: for the year
ending tlie .'JO'h September, 1821. These
statements are prepared in conformity to the
provision ol what is familiarly Cslicd Air,
Santords1 liw — so termed because be was
the father of it. Tile document will make
almost a volume. The following letter,
however, presents the leading facts to be de
rived from it; the. most important of which
is that t he e.rpoi ts from the United States,
*or the year ending the 30th September,
JS2I. exceeded the imports by two millions
Jour hundred thousand dollars'
Treasi ky Department,
January '2M, 1822.
Sir. In conformity with the provisions of
th* act of <he 10th of February, 1820, enti
tled *‘an act to provide for obtaining accu
rate statement* of ihe foteign commerce of
the l oised States,” I have tlie honor to sub
mit the following statements, shewing the
commerce and navigation of the United
S>'les, for the year ending the ,;0»h Sep
tember. 1821, viz.
1st. A general sfn!cnr.«rit of the qnantilv
»nd value of merchandize imported into the
Ui i’cd S'ates
2d. A summary statement r.fthe same.
• Id. A ttrnera: s'ntemenl of the quantity
and value of dnnes«ic »r tiejes exported.
1th, A general Mateo.ent r.f the quantity
end value of foreige articles exported.
5th & litb. Summary s'aterncnts of the
value of domestic ai.d for* i^n uriicics ex
7'h A general MMi-tir'i! view of the com
merce ard navigation of the United States •
8tb A geref''! ‘hl-mrnt of theamount of
American and foreign tonnage, employed in
the foreign trade of the Untied States.
From the fortyoing statements it appears
th it the imports have amounted to #62,586,
724, of \vh eh amount ^58,025 were
imported m American ve-s*!*, and $1,55P,
825 in foreign vessels: That • J» - exports
havramountrd to |6l 971332, pf which $11,
67t.8pF were don *-si>c. ao*l $2 .710,700
f r ign artir'es ; That f.)F, 155 272 were
exported in A me icen and ft?.206 622 in
foreign vest*l« : That #765,098 American e tore,I the ports of tTie United
State., and {80J.'i 17 cleared from them;
and Ilia* $81,526 for-ign tonnage entered,
nnd #83 373 clcatcd from the porta of tlie
United S at- s.
I have »he ho' or to remain, Sir, your
most obedient, served
\V 11,1,1A A1 H CRAWFORD.
77<e f/oTivtaldt the Sp at: n of the
Horse ,f f,epi r*vnt'i!n' S*
Gapi., arrived 8» rf.’tvpc:'
from Port a Piat, report* that the Ila>ti»»
j flag wo hoisted at that place on the 1st oi
i .fan. When Capt. (i. sailed, the place was
; in a state of fevo ution, and the were
| in daily fear of a m -s?acre from he black*.—
| The whole of the bpani*h putt «»f M. Do
i mtngo was in possession of the blacks.
I .V, 1'orA Gazette.
Philadelphia, January 29*
We understand that the gross amount of
the receipts last nght at the Walnut S reet
Theatre was 1571 dollars. TJirfnet pro
ceeds, which wilt be ebout 1200 mtflar*, go.
by the liberality of the manrgers, ben.
eiit of the O-phan Asylum. Of this »nm a»
bout 60 dollars can.e from tbe IS'avy Yard
We led peculiar pleasure in recording sticl^^
instances of private and public charity.
unknown gentleman has contributed one
thousand dollarstor the rebuilding and sOp.
port of that interesting inst tution ; Th~
officer* and clerks in the United .States [Sank
have given about 200 dollars ; the clerks in
the Rank of Pennsylvania 60 or 70 dollars - .
the medical students have also raised a sub.*
scriplion, and tbe Volunteer Guard* in
Penn To’.vnship have given fifty dollars.
Frank Gaz
The following is the precise amount of the
Receipts ot the Theatre on Alonday evening
Gross amount, SI 175
Net amount, IRij 39
Which was this morning paid by the Mnft»
agers t-> Airs. AIakkok. Treasurer to the
Orphan Asylum. Hclf's t Ini'a Cat
We are credibly inlormed tliat the amount
of collections received in this city and 11her*
ties, and all early deposited io the IJ-.nk of
Pennsylvania h»r the benefit of the Orphan
Am In reaches to rear!) I went) .five I hon.
smii 1) llais — I l»is, w tii other*cun.s to l><*
expected, added to the State I tonal ion. and.
the Insurante, it is supposed will cuustitu-r
an aggregate of Forty thousand dollars_\v.»
record it ms a fact truly honorable to the feet
ings and liberality of our fellow citizens.
Washintok, Ff.url’ary 5.
The Supreme Court of the United States
me< at the Court Room in the Capitol, on
yeit*rd»y, pursuant to law, a t) commenced.
tt»s s-ion. '('here were ptesen' Chief jus-*
tice Marshall, and Associate Judge* H ash
ingtun Livingston, Toda, Story and
liuvall, Judge Johnston, we lean, is ex
pect- d ev-rj day, so that the bench will be
full,— I. IS at. Jut.
The late IIavakxa papers, (irans'aiion*
from which are made by the Editor of the
Charleston Ct'y Cazrtie ) furnish News of
sume mnmtni (ion» lVai ce and Spain. (In
lhe authority of a Cadiz Gazette, who pio
fvs-es to translate from a Fienrh Journal,
I they announce tlie sudden de?lh of l.ouis
NV ill,—an occurrence which from the ad
vanced age. infirmities, ns well as the known
habits of the French Alor-urrh, is rendered
very probable; and, which, if tt skos) he c-.u,
j firmed, happening oi tlie present momrtit,
j most he viewed as an event pregnant with
| impor’ant consequences to France and to
i Europe. l.ouis >. \ 1!I- dy ing, would leave
j behind h an no member if hi* family, of either
j quali'y nr capacity in amend the throne of
Fram e as his Mic«:e»sor—'hat lofty eminence,,
or« e the seat of an eagle, although it hu^
since support ri a meaner bird, would never
j bear the burthen of an ow l. 'j he simile will
I not appear extravagant, when we. lake a re*
j view of t'.s family Count D'Aktoi.h, ( bro«
I thei of ih*» b.i.f:) rnoid wooden headed de
j httochee, upwards of 60 year* of age_uni»
I versally odious for lus vices, and contempt!*
i Ms for Ins slnpidiiy. Duke D'Angouteme
| (too of .J Artois) a gloomy bigot, liated aa
i nme*. for hi* n olerini spirit, as his Ether in
0 Hp!5* n t ;r war*t <1 ppirit. The infant heir
nf De lierri (who w,« the brother of D'Ar*
gnulerri") even if gifted with genius surpass*
ing the endowment* of till its family, is at
j least some twenty year* ti o yooi g to feign*
; '1 In. Duche»s If/htgau/evie being excluded
] on account of tier sex, the persons we ha*e
j mentioned ro: s iiu'e t!te whole remaining
j slo,k °l *he reigning h< (inch of the linurbon
I family of France. It is true, ilnrr i» a ml
| literal brunch the I loose of Orb an*, wh - in
i oa-- ol default might hrir theciown—Cut
j the present hrad ol that hou-e, is the »< n of
i that — man shall we rail hinir*— nn won .etc f
ns he was—who. in the revolutionary period,
jo order to court favor, was bas** enoii; h tt>
declare the infidelity of his mother, a woman
i of stainless character, and to proclaim hi*
1 bastardy! In « xtenuation of this art of peril -
dy. some may he disposed to allege, that the
Duke of Orleans was purrued by bl f;d hun
ters, wh# sought his life—but we answer,
the xerefeh mtghl have died— better to have
peri-bed on the scaffold, like many othersof
the most noble arid virtuous i*f his coontrv
ni< ii, who even as the »xe severed thrir heads
from their bodies, exulted in their gior ous
martyrdom, \\i-h this *keti h of jnmihj
tihrncssrs before the reader, we forbrar u>
ask the question we had propose,-)_jt j. im.
p ssible I hat a people «o enlightened ns the
1 renc.h. can #vjr submit long to H- *t hewer*!
of wood a"d drawers of «a er"’ f r such a
race. We have then reason (n im I; tn dm
death of l#oni* XVIII. as the signal of fre*h #
commotion* ir* 1* rt*nre—*uch commotion* a*
ihall (hake Rumps from C*d:r. to St. jvt *r«
lititg I fie result* r.n roan ran calculate, a*
present-we hope however, as fri-rds <f
humanity, that coi»s<iiuiioi r.i Jibe ly, ami
not individual or family aggrandizement -siij
be the aim and enj i>f aoy future revolution**
. ary smuggle in France.
In Sca iv, the popular rry is lord and ir
ce««ynt against f!m minist# r* and measures r f
the court, 'J he former are alludeil to with
extraordinary license and boldness, under ap
pellations the most opprobrious and insult
ing ; while Ferdinand i* fdoinly told that fho
. latter ere hastening hi.* own ruin. YVe p.rn
surprised at the apparent unshackled state of
the Spanish press j formerly so seivilr aid
degraded, but now certainly approaching the
*he contrary extreme of licenrionsr et* ^
I l-r wei; ht of despotism rod ptitsterrh. re
moved, hh«rty ha* given a spring to the ho
roin inind in Spain—but its energies seem t#>
ns to he irregular and Home tiroes ill diirr».
ed. 1'fie extraefs from ,Spnni<h I’ap* rs, fur
nished by the (•azeilrs of lirui s, miow
tl.e public, ruled to he in a slate i f perfnrh
tion and intimate (hut a crisis is m h.»r»ri,
the n»o»t feurfiit that ti e friends of innrtitn.
»’o r! ftcerli m tn Serin have vrt er« (Vim*-i .