Newspaper Page Text
]\7cgroes for Sale. Ju HE subscriber* will r.ell, at pri Vatc sale, In good j 30 on 40 valuable Slaves, ' a part of the estate of Adam 5*. I) n» d ridge, deceased. A liberal credit Will be given. PHIL. C. PENDLETON, II. S . G TOCKKIi, JOHN It. COOKE. January 12— tin. Messrs. Samuel Edgar and John R me land, Gkktlkm___ PLEA E TO TAKE NOTICE, That ou site twentieth d y of E. tirsta ry next ensuing, in the county of Wood, in the state of Virginia, between the flour of iu ’clock and Sun i»el of I he same day. I shall proceed to take the depositions of AaiguMu* Stone and o tliers, at the h iusc of H. Hook, to l>» read »n evid- nee in a suit now depend ing in the Chancery aide of (lie county court of tVo«d, in which l nut plainUH' and vou are defendant, JOSEPH SPKNCEK. Parkersburg, Jan t«. Machinert) for Sale. npuE siioicriticr having more Car. _H ding Machines than ure necessary in In» factory, would give the chore of three ounce -nniodaliog terms, if np plie..ili»n is shortly made Also, for sale, a .X'arrijw Shearing Machine, ayici two pair of Hand Shears—il>e\ have n it been in use for some time, but are considered good. Apply to I) \NTEL ANNIN. Opeqnnn Factory, Jan. 2fi—tf OPEQUO\ FACTOR.Y FOR SjllJi Olt It EAT. rtpHrt undersigned being desirous of H changing >iis business on aeenuo' of the labour attending a niAiiufactH* ring establishment, would be pleased to sell on easy term*, or rent his es tablishment, ('lie best ou account of situation, custom and other advanta ge* in Virginia.) provided it can be effected before the fir*l day of April next, to a u'*rs n well qualified to con duct such uu establishment.— If not dis pos'd of by the first of April it will be continued in operation a• heretofore. &*?" Flits property is very susceptible nr it- iog converted into u Manufaetu ii”«r *«>•!, it * • «*li should he desirable to a nurcliase —in tld's respect its |., : :*l situ-ilioa i* I'Prtie.ns inferior to no ©if er* DANIE L ANMN. Jan. 20— tf tri" ' be editor of the Torch Light, Ha g •Slow I, is requested to i.inert tbr above seven io>.*j. nn.i send Lis uc count to ibis Dnc f**r c dleetinn. Taints. Oils. Glass Ground Dye Woods. A. P. COVER, "Jfyr A'*4 for rt!•• nop siie the Wash* J* \l mg' on Tarcru. King street, u ire.h an.f cinpletp assortment of Dry C) is round Paints Fine COLORS. Pulty by the too !ln. put up in blad der* ; glass of «11 f.iy.i-s, from 7 by y to 20 by 24; cr.j»;»! van ish , spirit, terpentine ; Imxeed oil ; Rummer, f,l‘ and winter sperm, iomu oil ; ground T< :1 wood ; nieare^tin ; camwood ; fus tic ; Campeacliv logwood; &c. &c. M x udria. J n 20*1). ts22—at. FOUND, £ October In*! between Kernstown _r ’A niebeaier, o Red Morocco 1* efcef Rook. Containing -umLy vain a’;1 * Paper* and a small sum of money — e owner can hare the Annie on ' Satisfactorily idi rt'ifyiog if, uuil pay ing lor thin advertismont . PHILIP HOOVER- j Taoit'i” 2f>th. is a st. TKUST SALK. TPV virtue of ft Deed fifTinot, P5jf»- J V J Ct ufed to 1 b ° f»ltbo<*ri')pr b- ,l< npnh j 'I hompg'ui to indemnify John Ham ! rt erk, and to secure to l>im a «mn »• ■ m met ieb be bi-eame Reentry to p-\ t-, ibe linn .f ilm IVJhr•>I nil, f>.r Kind J nr b I'bompRon, will be Ro’d r;i> ' V p'rrrhft enfh 'inif of March nr.vK In I re 11> Court |(ou>ie floor in tlie '1 HR of? iron V, (bei-^ Court fl y ) »'! ti nt TR ACT OT l.AN!) «i'a«ite. 1\ nj* > n 1 b tow n t b< '’mini y « f I!h.oi(> K lire. •>!> 'ortli River, rotiti*inii.i: 1 u n hundred ft nineteen acres. . rr b’-K, fin wbi-b ihe s*id Jogepb 'Jbnirp- ifi no v r*-ei f s. Tl.fg i* n lraef of exe-ll n» land and ha* upon j' a very fine SKAT for Mills nr M. c' inert/ In lie dfiven bv vn'.-r. I b< stream ii Uig# and never foil*, bnvirur a perpend- ’*nr f.-.JI nt rnsnj feet. 'VAT NaVI.OR, Trustee. jin 2m—id* NOTICK. HE Por.'!< ei V- n ' '|ip «afe »f tin* S I f pert* fit t-ie |«fe \1 • . |<reoeeR t Helm have e-nfiie lm> ; ai d imperimiR * eirc-im« .f,ce » quirn 11 it imnx dintr j p-ym"ill b-- fua p | f»- ip di rpr,-n)\c* l? i« no i-e mm i>»jiee» to l ave riptu ii.-i. i.U I tbf-m, tvifbont »!m* j ui iiiiirJU11#*n, rc?u» r '\Mc \ ^r»j» c«.nf f# .JOHN .»(>i J,JFF!„ * i E, W.jWiLIJAM.:. i Jan. ;f DT/UE DYING. I PETEK PR1N IZ *respeetftjlly io fortns the public, that he continue* til- business of BLUE DYING >n nil its varioit* branches, at hi* Columbian Inn, in LntidiituiKMreet. Winchester, where he will execute all orders with promptness, und on rea-unable t-rnis. He will also color RED uud GREEN in iIn* neatest manner, fi-j’I wi’k i not done well, no charge will be demanded. Fib. 2—St Notice is fieri Inf ^iveti, » aHHA ! in conformity with on order J5_ of tin Co poiutimi ('oiirt, elec tions will be held in the several wards in this Corporation, on Tuesday the \2th day of lubruury next, for the election id Mayor. Ktcarder, Alder men und Common Coimciltnen, viz : I1 or the li»st ward, at IJ iiloughby JMayburry’s Tavern, under the mi pe» i1 i* tuiuaee of John .\1111 c r uud Ju. c».b Cooper. For the second ward, nt Tease Browns shop, under the superioten* dance of John Irwin, and Jesse Brown. For tlie third ward, at the Corpora tion Clerics office, under the superin. j tendance of Nathan Anderson, und Daniel Hartman. For tlie fourth ward, at Jlfrs. JV’ Sherrtf’s ; under the superintendance of C* e or go Heed, and Joseph Slagle. Teste, LEMUEL BENT,Clk. ./amiary 26. 1 unite bale. w ILL. RE SOLD on .Monday the noth day of February next ut ihe lute residence ul Solomon Cunningham, dcceM, all the PLRMtN AL fcS’i A1 li of said deceased, (Negroes excepted.) CONSISTING OF One Hundred Llcej Cattle, A NUMBER OF FATTKU HOGS § SHEET, which will lit* so'd for Cash. .1 number of valuable II rses. Stock Cuttle. Hogs, Sheep, household and I\ lichen Fu endure, and Farming Utensils. of every description, on which a credit I • I tireli'p months will be given on all over Live Dollars, the pureiiu'cr giving bond with approved security ,* the cash will he expected for live Dutiars ami under. Also will be hired a number ot V A LI ABLE NKGRORS ; anil tIt«• LANDS li- longing to the said ilee’d. rented for one year, the hirer or renter giving hand with approved security. Due attendance will lie given hv W M. CUNNINGHAM, jr. GFGRGR CUNNINGHAM, DAVID VANMKTHK, dan. an — t !« Jldmiuistra'ors. In the Superior Court of Chancery, holden at H inchester, in first nin. BETWEEN Ambrose Baineit, administrator of hi* late wife, Margaret Barnett, decM. Plaint ilf AND Joseph Helm, surviving executor nl Thomas Heim, deeM. am! Elisha W W i!li;utiH ami John JohiiL, execu tors of France* H'lm, decM. who was an execHlrix of Meredith Helm, dee.M. nnnther executor of Thomas Helm, dee. d. Defeuiiunts i I lie Defendants, Joseph Helm and ; Elisha V* . V> iilinnis, who are not in* habitants of ihe state of \ irgiuin,are hereby notified, that cm the m h day of February next, at the Olf.ce of Lem up I Dent, rommis(*i->n<*r, in Winches, ter, Virginia, the D* positions of Ma ry Messer, Mary MiUnrmiek. Call a rim* Print/, Martin Gaineff, Frunze* Garnett, Ann Al!rn, FAi/abeth BHr. nett, anil Benjamin Helm, will he ia» ken 0:1 ihe part of the plaintiff in said suit. And on the i>s» • Ji ih.j of the *nme Mont!', at Hie dwelling House of Ben jamin N. Barneti, in Culpepper emr. •). Virginia, »!»*- Depn-itiens of Btnja. min N. Barn* 11, r ml Milly Barnet*, will he taken to In* evidence ;n the same suit on ihe part of the plaintiff. AMBROSE BARNKTT. Jan. 19* ^ Midma to wij: At Hides />(■/'!■ n >n t/,e (Icrk's Offer rf the S n pet tor (ii'Tt „t Chancct y for the ii mrhesti r D/jtncl the fust Mcnday in Jitnnrn v 1822. Abraham Neil, Plaintiff, AGAINST •f'lui Block more, Geor^a Blnckmore, denies Black more, Thomas B’nr;^ and l/ticj hi# wife, William done# nod Ann his wife, and Ann Hiack Fn r*’» Defendant#, il.c Defendants John Bla< kmore, Janie# Black more, T horna# Braet;i and i.iicy I i# wife, and William Jones and •\» ri hi# wile, not having entered their ftpp Mirnnce and fiven security npeord* 'F,<s D *hp Ah * f Assembly and the Rub-# of this Court, it appearing by sm is factory evidence, that |h<y are not inhabitant? of this country; if is or ueretl, I hat the said Defendants do appear here on the first day of • he next uun and answer the bill of the plain tid; and ihut a pony of (hi# order hr fn'hwifh insrrteil in some newspaper published in Winchester, for two niMitl-.s ?iicrc»sively and ported «f the frontdoor of the Mouse in the said town of W'ini hi» er, A Cop>—Teste, r DAVlKLLKF, c. c. c. Jan. 20—t. 31, 1 j Virginia to Vvit: At Rules /widen in the clerk's Office of the Su/jetior cour t of chance yfor the Witt' Chester Oistridt the first Monday in January, lb.'2. Benjamin Chamber**, PI ntill, AGAINST Thomas Cromwell and Mary his wifi*, Leonard Dnbbius, Isaac Peebles and Samuel D'tv»»><D, Defendants. Mm- Defendants Thumtfs Cromwell 1 and Mary his wife, and Leonard Dub bins out Imvini' entered their appear ance and given security according to ‘lie Act of Assembly and the Rules of this Court, and it appearing by satis, factory evidence, that tli y are not in habitants of this enuntr>: It is ordered, ] I hat the said I)t fende.M* do appear ( here on the lii*t day of the next tern* | and answer the bill of the plaint ill; anti that a copy of this order be forth. ] wi’h inserted in some newspaper pub- ! lished in Winchester, for two months J successively and posted at the fr-.nt { door of the Court House in the stud J tow n of W inchester. A C*-|»> — Teste, DANIEL LEE, c. c. e. Jan. 2(V -R. II. L. Virginia to win At Rules hidden in the Clerk’s Office of the Superior Court of Chancery tor the V\ hi chestvr Dntrict the first Monday in Jan uary, 1822. Carl on >moot, administrator of Fredes rick Slarne, dee’d. I’lainuii, ern «ii ct John Slarne ami ,/o,eph Sterne, l)rli ndanls I lie Defendant .Joseph biunie not having entered Iiis appearance and given security according to the Act 01 Assembly aud the Rules of this Court, jiim! i» appearing by satisfactory evi dence, that lie is mi an inhabitant ol bis country: It is ordered, I hat the Slid Defendant do appear here on tlir first day of tlib ncx< term and uu. wet the hill of the piaintiH; and that a co py o' this order he ionhwith inserted m some newspaper published in V. in Cluster, lor two iimn'tlis successively and posted at the f ont door if flu Court Mouse in the said town Win- j Chester. A Cop\—i este, D VNl/th LEE, c. c. c. Jan 20 — \. Virginia to wit: sit Hates hotUta m the clerk's Ofjcc of the Supenor c art of chancery Jut the II inches ter District thejirst Monday in January Ih22 William iM’Coughtry. Plaintilf, against Nicholas Dick 4v John W ilk ins, Defies. I he Defendant John Wilkins not having entered hi-. appearance unit -'•ven security according to the Act of Assembly nod the ilule- of this Court, and it appearing by satisfactory evi« deuce, that he in n»f an inhabitant of this country; It is ordered, That (be -uid Defendant do appear line on the first day of lb;- next 'erui anil answer 1 he hill of the plaintiff: and that a copy <>•'this order be forthwith inseted io some newspaper published in Winches 'rr, for two months successively and posted at t lie frontdoor of the Court House iu the said town of Winches, ler. A C-.pv Teste, DANIEL LEE,c,c.c. Jan. 25 — C. \ irginia to wit: Jt Hater hidden in the Clerk's Office of the. Superior Court uj Chancery tin the ft inches ter District the Just Monday in January. It»22. Els feweariugen, PiaintiH, AGAINST : Daniel Hayne, John Littlejohn and others, Def> ndutits. I he Defendant John Litthjohn not having entered his appearance and •riven .ecurity according to the Act of Assembly and tin Rules of this Court, and it appearing by satisfactory evi« deuce, that he is not an inhabitant of j his country: It is ordered, "I hat the •aid If. feiidant do appear here on the first day of the rex' term and answer (h<- hill of the piiiimiH, and that u copy of ibis order he forthwith inserted in some newspaper published in Winches ter, for two months successively and posted at the front door of the Court House iu the said town of Winchester, A _ rt* JIANiKL LKIi, c. c c. •fan. VS— Virginia to wit; ■J* hu'cs ho/den m t/n Clerk's Office of l/.c uf>erior Court i>J C /lancet y for the ll me heslet I district (fie Jn si Monday in January, IS22. John Gordon and Frederick } 9 Plaintiff'*, ac A 1 N*T Jo«htta Dfltvmn, Jehu Lang and Wil Jinm Ow i g«, |), fendaots. 'I III |)e tenon r« a .In-htia Rauaon and W illintn Owing* no' leaving entered llceir appearance and given aecority aepocdicig io Ili»» Act of Actar-tnlily ancl Mic* Rule* » f (hia I’onrf. and it appear ing l>y aati'fectory evidence, dial they are not ithahiinnia of thia country; It s ordered, 'I hat (heated llelndani. do appear here no the1 fir'd d»v of the »cxt I cm m and n;i«t»cr the hill of die plaintiff*; ancl that n copy of Ihi* order fee forthwith inserted in antne newapa. per ptihiialred in Winch*’•Irr. for two n;on{h> «*ne rea.ively at d povltrlnt tht front door of the Conn Motive in the *aid It wn of Winch eater. A Copv—Te.fe, IfAM'n, LKK, 0. r. r. Jan. 2f»—A. S. T, Virginia to wii: At Rules hoid<ii in the Cl edfs Office of the Superior Court of Chinrery lor the Wimh>#tii Di'iricl tbv first Vlonday in January 1822 Ditniel Ivaliel Plaintiff: Ac AIN*T Jacob Hi’ihwnkr Henry Howland and A hrah an. Good Defendants, The Dalei.tuni* Henry fowlnnd and Ab'ohan: Good, riot having entered their appemauce and given security according to the Act ■ f As*cmhly and the Holes of" this C'>nrt, and i* appear* »og h\ sa isfactnry e vide roc, that they me not inhabitant* of thi* country : If is ordered. That (lie said D» ft nd. an«a do appeur here ou the first day of the next term and answer the Idii of the plaint:!! ; and that a Copy of this order be forthwith in*ert» d in some newspaper published in Winchester, for two amuth* successively and poa* ten at tlie Irani door of the Court House in the said town of Winches ter. A Copy Teste, DAMfiL LE£,c.r,c, January 2<> —• \ irginiu to wit: At A'n/e.t holaen in the Clerk's Office of the fttijjciiut court yf chancel yjor t/it H \n cheiter District ihe j ist jfionaay i:i Jan unry 1822. David Ueese plaintiff AOA1N-T Andrew Davison und Mary his Wife und Robert bkcrrard, defendants 'I he deieoaoutg Andrew Davison & Mary his wi!» n.»i having entered their appeaitttue ai d given security accord ing to the Act ot Assembly und the i»ul«-s of this (Joint, ii appealing .by satisfactory evidence that tliey uiu not inhabitants ot ibis country : It is order, d. that the defendant- d«. appeal here on the firs day of the next enn ntid answer the lull of the plaintiff; and that a copy of -Ins ■ rd«-r tie iorth with inserted in some newspaper puh lished in Winchester, fur two tooirlis successively and posted at the front iloor of be Court Honse iu the said tow II of W inches tel. A Copt—Teste DANIEL LEE, c. c. c. .Titntiury 20—S Virginia to wit: At Rules hv/..tu 7u the Clerk's ( oj t Superior ( t urt <J Chancery for the II mchtsitr District the Just Movuay in January. Ia<:2 Samuel Darke Plaintiff, AGAINST Leonard Jones, Joseph Baker and Da vid Itiheoo, Defendants. The Defendant Leonard Jones not having entered his appearance und giv en security according to the Act of As sembly and tlic Rules of thin Court, and it appearing by satisfaefnry evi dence, that he i« not on inhabitant of this country: It is ordered. That the s-iiii D iemiutit do appear here on the iir»t day of the not t urn and answer the bill of the plaintiff: and that a copy I this order lie forthwith inserted in some newspaper published in Win • heater, for two nunths successively. And posted a' the front door ot the (•otirt House it; the said town o! Win Chester: A Copv—Teslp, DANIEL LEE, c. c. c, Jon. 2R—]V. Virginia to wit: At Rules It cl am in the clerk's Office cf the Super/ot court of chancery Jet the H in cluster District tin fust Monday in Jav uat y 1822. Martin Plaintiff. p gainst Joseph W ildman.Benjamin Shrove. Dan iel Lovett und James H. Hamilton, I)< fendants. The defendant Joseph \\ ildman not having entered his appearance und giv en security necording to an Act of As. scmhly and the Rules of this c« ml, and it appearing by satisfuctoiy evidence, that he is not an inhabitant nf this country: It is ordered, that the said j defendant do appear here on the first day of the next term anti answer the hill of the plaintiff, end that a copy of this order he fot titwitli ins ned in seme newspaper published in Winchester, for two months successively and postvd at the front door of tit<• Court House iu the feiiid town of W inebesicr. J* «- l HAMFL LKK, c. c, c. January 2f»—H. H* L. Virginia to wit : At HuhS'ftolaen in the ctcrh's Office of On buftcrioi (opt l oj chant cry for the t! rn c/ustern District the Ji,sl Monday m Jan vary, 1H22. Samuel McMechen, Plaintiff, AGAINST John Heinzman ami Catharine hi* wife nml other:-. Defendants. T I’p Defendants John Heinzman and Ch harine his \vif> nut having eti. tered their appearance and ^i\en se curity according to the Art of Assem l*ly and the llule* of thi* Court, and it ppenri- g by satisfactory evidence, llml they arc not inhabit) nt* of (hi* country: It is ordered. That the said Defendants do appear here on the first •Iny of tho next trr;n and answer trie! bill of the plaintiff; and that a copy of j this order fie forthwith inserted in ! some newspaper published in Win- ! chcsfcr, for two months successively j and posted at (he front door of tin t i-urt Meuse in the ‘.aid iowii of V,*in. j Chester, A Copy—T» »te, I)ANiF.lj,F!i, r. e.r, j •Jmitary 28—N. f j At Rules /(I. Superior (ourt of v.._ f , I' mcfirsier District the first Monday e,* January, 1822 John Moore \?a*-y Peters ant! lsan? Peters and Margaret Lis wile, Plaintiffs, AG A INS T I Abraham Moore Parrrtt and R. 1 i lizubeth his wife and peter Moure, Defendants. ( The Defendant# not having entered their appearance and given security according to llie Act of Assembly und • he Kules of this Court, and it appear* I ing by satisfactory c» idencc, that they ur? not inhabitants of this country: If. A I * ordered, That the said Dcfcndantr. ® | do appear here on the first day of the j next term mid answer the bill of the , plaintiff*; and that a copy of this order ; be forthwith insert*d in some newspa per published in Winchester, for twe months successively and posted at tho "* front door of tlie Court House in tho said towu of Winchester. A Copv—Teste, DANIEL LEE, c. c. c. Jan 2ri—O W, Virginia to wit; At Rules hidden in the Clerk's Office of the Superior Loutt of Chance* y Jo* the 11 inchestei District the first M ,n„ y irt January, 1822. Nathan Parkins, Plaintiff, AGAINST John Gardner, J seph C. Pnrker, Sam uel Peters and Alfred Parkins, breiciulantg. Tlio Defendant John Gardner not having entered hi* appearance and lmv en security according to thi Act »| As s*-n;i)iy and the Rules of this Court, unil it appealing by snlisfactcry evi dence, tiiai he is not an inhabitant ol' this c«nntiy: It is ordered. 'That tiio s;id D. tendant do upptar here on tha iiist tiny of the n* xl term and unswpr the bill of the plaintiff; and that u cn* Py tins order he forthwith inserted to S' me m wspnpi r published in W in cliesinr, ior two nuntin successively and posted ai the front door oi tha Coon House in the said town of \\ in Chester. A Copy—Teito, DANIEL LEE, c. «. c. Jan. 2f». Virginia to wit: At /lutes /widen in the Clerk’s Office of the, Superior Court vj Chancery for the Manchester District the jits! Monday in January, l822, Lewis Lunsford, Plaintiff, AOAINIT Burr I ripldt and others, Defendants, i ha Defendant ftiur Triplett not having entered his appearance and giv en security according to he Act of As. sembfy and the Rules of th»v Court, j and it appearing by satisfactory evi | dunce, that he is not an iiihaliitunt of j (bis country; It is ordered. That tha [ said Defendant do appear '.ere on tho ! hi»t dry of flic nort term ami answer i (he bid of the plaintiff; and that a eoj y | of ibis oriler be forlhwt h inverted in ! some newspaper published in \\ in cluster, fur two niuii'h* socoessively and posted at the f ont door of th« Court House in the st:d town of W ia ehester, A Copy- Teste, DANIEL LEE, c. c. c. Jan. 26—N. \ irginia to wit: In the Superior court of chancery holden at H iuclicsiCT (he oUth day oj Aoxtmber. 1821. Henry Beatty, Plaintiff, Jpainst The heirs of Godfrey Humbert, dec*d. the heirs i.f Tlmma* Smith, dec’ll, and the heirs of Lewis vv„|fe, dic’d. Defendants, «)n (he motion of the plaintiff by his counsel, nod it appearing to the court, that the conditional deerre awarded in this canse, at Rules hidden in tho Clerk’s Office, hath n. t hern served ou the defendant George Wolfe, and that lip Inis removed out of this common wealth: It is therefore ordered, T hat a copy of said conditional decree he pub lished for two months successive!* in ono of the newspapers printed in Win chester, and another copy thereof b#» pi sted at tho front door of the Court House of the county of Frederick* A Copy— i €*•«»*», DANIKL I KK, c. c. c, Virginia to wit: * .11 Rules hol(li n in the clerk's Offer of the Stipend court o f chance-1/ for the Ilium Chester l)istvict, (he. j sl Monday in Oc tober, 1816. Henry Beulfy. Plaintiff, dfcutnsf The heirs of (Godfrey Humbert, drc’rl. the heirs of Tlidinas Smith, riee’d, ami the hiira of Lewis Wolf,, dec’d! Ihfi nr)unt*. '! he Suhpmna awarded in this mi a being returned executed on the defend* ant George Wolfe, and three months since filing the bill, and the service of the Subpoena having elapsed, and I n still failing to file hi* answer: the hi:l of the plaintiff is taken f«,r confessed * against him, and the Court viill pro. ceed nt a future day to decree thr tuat ter thereof, unless the said dr-fondant, on or before the tenth day of »!je term rtex', nfti r he shall have been served vvitb a copy of this order, shew r»u-\i to the contrary. A Copy—Teste, I) WILL J,KK. e. r. <•. Jan; C Iff.