Newspaper Page Text
f PRINTED AND, PUBLISHED EV JOHN HEISKELL, At three dollars per annum payable in ^ advance. % n ~" -‘ AN EXTENSiVE SUPPLY of FUES H DYE ST U F F S, Fur Sate by V CHARLES L1TLE, siitolhecary Druggist. Winplicglor. On. l.i. FOR SLE. ILL he sold on Wednesday tli41 V * 20th uf February next, at my Louse, hear Berry’s Ferry, 1 VIARI1', 1 GIG, BEDS and sundry BKDDInG, together with other articles ot Furui. lure, belonging to the estate ol Air*. L, M, B. Dangeriieli!, deeM. Nio•• months credit will Lt> given for a?i sums over fiv e dollars, the pin chaser giving hoed with approved security. JOHN DANGLUFIKLD, Aim,-. Fi b. ‘J—Ids ruii 3ALL, LRMIE IlMl'SK & IjO'L at present .JR occupied by Mr. Janie* Graham The publicity of ibis stand and it bei»:t so well known renders it unnecessary lo dilate upon its advantage*.—The subscriber will sell the same, at private naif : but if a Mile is not eHeeled pre vi»o* to the 20th of March, ii will he sold at Public Auction. Possession will h< given on the lirst of A, ril.— Deference L.r further particulars to ^lr. N. Fitzsimmons. I) . i ids JOHN HAHKKLDT. Messrs. Samuel Edgaj' and j .John Rowland, G E » T I. K M K N. PLEASE to take notice. That on the twentieth day of l<\ brua* ry next ensuing, ir, the county of Wood, in the state of Virginia, between the iiour of to o'clock ami Sunset of the same duy, I .ahull proceed to toke tfit* depositions of Augustus Slone and o ther*. at the house of H. Hook, to be reud in evidence in a suit now depend ing in the Chancery side of the county court of Wood, t:i which I am plaintiff and you are defendant. JOSEPH SPENCED. Parkersburg, Jan. t'J. Machinery Jbr Sale. f i'* If E sii senber having inure Cnr- I S ding .Machines than arc neecssary in his factory, would give tin- clmec of three on accommodating terms, if up- j plication is fhorlly made. Also, for sale, a JVarrow Shearing .Machine, and two pair of llnnd Shears—tbey have not been in use for some time, but are considered good. Apply to 1 DANIEL ANNIN. Opeqnnn Factory, Jan 26 — tf OPEQAJON FACTORY FOIl SALE (lit ItE.N'T. npHE undersigned being doimii* of M changing his business ori account of the labour attending a manufactu ring establishment, would he ple&ged to sell on ea«y terms, or rent his es tablishment, (the best on account of situation, custom and other advanta ges in Virginia,) provided it cun bp effected before the first day of April next, to a person well qualified to con duct such an establishment.—If not dis posed of by the first of April it will be continued in < eraliim as heretofore. (f^’This property is very susceptible of being converted into a Manufactu* ring Mill, if mieli should b • esirahle lo a purchaser—in this resp its lo cal situation is perhaps inferior to no other. DANIEL ANNIN. Jan. 26— tf £3rThe editor of the Torch Light, Ha. gerstown, is requested to insert the above seven times, und send his ac eount to this cilice for collect inn. Virginia to wit: sit rules hohlcn in the Clerk's office in the County Court of Hampshire, on 1/te first •Monday in December 1821. Thomas Taylor, Plaintiff AGAINST Jacob High, Defendant. IN CHANCKKV. Defendant not having entered 3. his appearance and given security according to the net of Assembly noil the rides of this court, and it appear ing by satisfactory evidence that bo is no; «n inhabitant of this Common, wealth. // n nrdvrvd, That the said Defendant do appear hero on ti:e first Hay of ’r:dr(h Court n^tl, auil answer the hill of the Plain!itT: arid that n co py of this order be forthwith inserted * 1 » r.ew-pap-r published i;i Win. * ber, for two mop;|:i surcessivciy, ai d another copv posted «♦ the front door «>f th% Cti- ri Honss of tite ecunty o Hampshire JOHN B. WHITR, r. *t. c. ■><». •».1 _ .’jt*- ; i_\ n o rVPPtTO FOK SALE. j F WISH TO SELL I HE TRACT I H Oh LAND on which 1 lire, eon* , taming between 470 and otto ACRES. • This land is inferior to no tract in (he j County. No money will he required • in hand. For terns apply to )o*rph I'idball, J no* Ma kv. or the subscriber WILL!AM SNICKERS. Woodberry, July 7—tf. marshal s sale. 3m V virtue of a Decree of the Win Chester Chancery District Court, pronounced die 28th day of November, th-'t.iii a suit therein depending be tween George William Cainpb if and William Victor Campbell, infant cliil dren and heirs of William Campbell, dee’d, by (ie.rge Reed, tlieir Guardian and next friend, and Jainc* liicly and tin* heirs of William Campbell and olhers, will tie sold before die door of ■ ames Riely's Store, in the town of •' inchesler, an Friday the ticeffth da// >■!' -Ipril lauvt, ike foil awing propet iy, :u wit : A HOUSE $ LOT, ■ hi the town of Winchester, on the west • idt* of Loudouu-Htreet, adjoining R0 iiert; Gray—now occupied by J nines Riely and John (Foster. A Half-Acre Lot, on the South side of Ficcadiliy-atreet, adjoining the lot of Andrew Bush. 2i-2 Acres of Ground, an Out Lot, udjoitiing the lots of Ar chibald Magi I i and Mrs. Overtime. 20 Acres of Land, ncur iiiche-ter, on ii,e East side of the road leading from Winchester to Charlestonri, udjututug the lauds of Will :um Davison s'Ji Acres ol Land, situated mi the North side i.f Timber Nidge, in fii— county of* Hampshire, i.eur lln< rend lending from Winchester "» Noniney, patented to George Mi. chaH L-tuliioger 14th September, t?sy. 'Perms of sale,—Oae-hulf of the purchase money to be paid down, ihe residue in two equal annual payments, with interest from the day of sole, ilic purchaser giving a deed of trust on the properly to secure the payments. Sale to commence at it o'clock M. fc. M. BECKWITH, D. M. FOR Jonh S. I'Erros, „v. ir. c. d. January t j- tds. a Merchant Mile AX'D ULXD for SALE, ’L’3~ILL he sold at PUBLIC SALE. V V on the premises, by the heirs of 1 homos Mauzy, dec'd. on Fridav fhe lbth day of March next, a valuable MERCHANT MILL, M ini ABOUT 110 Acres of Lund attached to ii, situated in the countv of Rockingham, V a. on the Shenandoah Wiver, ah' at four miles lielow the town of Port Republic. 'I Ins Mill possesses perhaps as many advantages as any other in the county. The neighborhood is populous, the people wealthy, and I the soil fertile. The Miil is drove by ! the River, whose navigation to the | towns of Georgetown and Alexandria ^ will soon hp completed, and generally 1 has as much grinding to do a« it cun } perforin with two large pair of stones running both day and niglit, There arc on the premises a good two storv framed DWELLING HOUSE, a DISTIL. LERY, and many other improvements. J About 25 acres of the Lund is River Rot Inin ; the upland lies well and a dnpted to Clover and Pluisler, by the use of which it would soon become fer •ile. ALSO. /si me same time ami place, will ho ""Id, in like, manner, another TIJACT OF I.AND, containing upwards of 600 Jlcrcs, which lies immediately opposite the former and scpirated only by ihe ri-. pr On this tract thpre i* about 1 Acres of cleared I,arid, a Considerable p«r» tinn Wiver Bottom, and the residue lies well ; the wood land is heavily clothed with timber, which is convenient to must of the fencing. The improvements area good DWKLINO HOUSK. Barn, and almost every necessary building, together wi'h an Apple Orchard, awl the best of never failing wnler. Any further description of the properly is deemed useless os if* presumed that Hiiy person disposed to purchase will first view- if.—Thu terms of s-i|e p,r both places will be one third io hand {ft the residue in fort equal n ni> I 1 payments, hood wi<h approved *e it. • fv & deeds of trust on the lands to se cure the payments will he required, i I l.e sale will be conducted by MICH AM. \I.\UZV, A N’P J03EH1 MAUZV. I V V /a , t I if cb. 2— KJH SALK, • At II AC I' OF LAND containing ab- ui tU6 JlCMiS, lying on th» nioici road leading from Winchester to llomney ami Mooreiield, within four mile* of (be former place ami whereon the subscriber now lives, ihe laud i* fertile, with two comfortable 1)V\ f I,. Ll\(» IIUUSKS, Kitcutn, !*>m<.ke house, an excellent Btuu, an Orchard of choice fruit, ami g water. The said place has been occupied am) kepi us a Tavern upwards of 20 years, and is thought la be oae of the best country stai ds within a large circle. 'I ha terms will be made accommodating ou uppli* cation to the subscriber. JACOB WEAVE II. Feb. 2—tf A Negro Man, who calls himself CVHUlS; rays he belonged to John Nelhcring, of .A Ihe amrle county \ a. who sold him to a gentleman residing in (ieorgiu. {name unknown.) Saul negro is about Do years ot nge, dark complexion, about D feet 5 or d inches *'igli, ci thimt much worn. The owner i« rcipicsi to come forward, prove propeilv, pay charges and take him away, eUe hi will be d*-ult \» ith us the law directs CHrtULfcri HULL i’ Jailor F. C. Nov. 2L—-if. V A LLT t\ BL i'j rKOP12RT Y E 0 U S JI L E. JiN pur-nunee ofihe !lisl Will a,,,* I rsliio flit i,| (lie Rev, Joseph Cihfts, due'll, »■ e, the subscribers will „tre* for *.n! , „t Public \ut tiu:i, on tl.e ore inises, on Monday the 23th dai/ of F. /; rnartt next, if fair, it not. llie m xt fuir day, A l KACf containing i.';i Acres ol* excellent Far ming Luind, neatly ouc-ihr.'U of which i» in timber, ' a xo s»() leras of lfiiiFithij JWt'ndoTV: lyiog ill tl.e enmity of Berkeley, in the sla.i* of V.rginia, near Middleton and arjoiiiing the lands of William Wil ou. I'i ij, und others. There are on -Hid tract a NfciVKR.FAILING SI M ,,, i-xepi u»t'er, a mi* sM t’Zgk'.- COS h I) W Ki.L!;’Jv« Tf. Jr * sm*T hoi;sl, fe.-fr.f lM r.ns m,tN) mLlii with Stables uuderuiiuh the same_ — ALSO— a J OF in Middletown, in the enmity „KVtX nforesuid, with a large ami lillf C'linfortalxle BRICK liWKL INti MOUSK an ! a Kitchen JiAA&iL hereon, together with n g,.(.d Stable. '1 ho terms will be onmthird ot* the purchase money in hand ao:l the balance in two equal annual inatal. merits : tlm payment* to be secured l»v a deed ol rrxi»l on toe pnqiertv. A further description of the property is deemed unnecessary, a* persons dispo sed to purchaso will no doubt view it previous to the day of sale. Should the property not be sold on the above mentioned d;>y, ii will be KKNTLI} for a term of years. — ALSO— will he offered KOI* KENT, on Mon r/ay the I uh day of February next, i fmr, if not, the next fmr day, to the highest bidder, a valuable Merchant Mill $ Saw M ill. recently erected and now in compe te order I or business, consisting of a pair ol Burrs and Country Siones, together with about if ACHES OF LAM), Niluated in the county of Frederick’ near the head of Opcqiton Creek_ On the same day will be oil’red For Herd, a b ARM oi good limestone laud, CONTAINING UP'.VAKDS OK 20 0 ACHES, I »f which l.iO acres are cleared.—There '*“* m» 'he premises a comfortable i/w filing I hitler and a good Horn._ • ">• Him is sit on led within a mile and 11 ii half i»l ihe mill above mentioned, and adjoins the lands belonging in the heirs of Col James G. Itowdali & Gen. Jam>-s Singleton, dee’d. Bond and security will be required of the ' ants Also, for sale, ut private con tract, a large quantity ofCOOPKltS’ s rt FV nnd I A NN Kltb* HA H K, wlii' h a ill be delivered to purchasers immediately : and about 80 Bushels of CEOVKit riKKI). I’ ’ ^"Iis wishing to view the proper ty in Fred* rick can sntff'j themselves by applying to James M, Glass, at the lute risidcnee of iln said deceased. HOBKUT V ANCK, J ,, . JOHN (HLK.KRSOSS kx M> January .»—id* y'ie Edita, oj the jyjnrlinsbur'r Gazette wit/ insert the above odtertisemeut, o J *r as includes the lletlcely pro I’ert:/, until the dnj/ of sale, and Jur wurd his account to this office. NOTICE. \EL persons indebted to llie estate ol the late Jsane Lupton, are re» quested speedily to liquidate their rc speetive dues, and those to whom the estate may be indebted are requested to present iSw ir accounts, duly authen ticated, for adjustment. JC^EPH LEPTON, Adiu'r. Felt. 2— 3t JHI.UE liiixNis. > E I Eli PKINTZ respectfully in is. forms t!»e public, that lie continues the business of P.LL'M DYING in all its various branches, at his Columbian inn, in l.oudoun»streei, Wiaehester, where he will execute all orders with promptness, und on reasonable term*, ile will al*o col »r RED and GREEN in the neatest manner, G-O'if work is not dona well, no charge will bu demanded. Feb. 2—31 ];M) Dollars llexfcard' jj 2> AN AH AV from the subscriber iLst living near Paris, Fauquier eotui ty, ' u. on the -1th oi October fast a NEGRO MAN NAMED M A li ll Y. tiboiil six leel high, ;> 1 years r.!d weigh* I upwards ol 200, t. high honed, lias I I luck lips, and a Immpi/ luce. His j clothing coi.-isied, in part, of n home- i nuuie cloth Coal ol a while ami black mixture—'wtiU-d Puuteiootis made of cotton and yarn ; but it is p'obuble thill he may, since the time of Ins e» lopeuu'iit, imve obtained other cloth* mg. The ubove r« ward, if taken out <il the stale, and all reasonable charg es, will be paid lor apprehending him and securing him in any Goal *• tin.I j get him again ; or & jo nod reasoiin !»lc charges will he paid if tak< n up in j • tie stute and secured so that 1 agaiu recover him, JOHN ASHBY. I Near Paris, Fuurpiier couuly, 1 _ February U,— Jt. " j r. ■! esse McK ly, S AkH NOTICE, that on Monday j -H. the italh day of Fehraaiv, is22, at the Office ol Christopher Neill, in the town of Alexandria, District of Columbia, between Die horns r>f nine o'clock in the forenoon and live in the afternoon of said day, we shall, by virtue III it commission train the county Court «: Frcdrriek, Virc niu, take the depositio . of Lenus 01 Zj us, vvliicii, when taken, we shall oiler is evidrnc.e »o a suit now depending he >ore the Couuly Court of Frederick 1 irgiuia, where'll we are fhiiiiiiih ai.d you ere deienilant. Yours, ike. KXliA k INSKY, Y il.UAM PATON, •Ic-N VI H AN BU I CHUR Survivors of 11 zrtt A inset/. Urn, J'a. tun. ,/it/rn /hitcher and Jonathan butcher, trite partner s, t r tin ino mi dcr (he Jtrm of Azru Kinsey % Coe January t 1S22. trust Sale. H . . — fc £ ' irtue of a Deed of Tni.t exeru* i‘d to the subscriber, to secure c debt due by Jos Lewis, jr. to John Mil ler, (who has since assigned the same to A hie I Jennet*,} 1 shall oll'.v lor *ale, before the door of (.'apt. K. Me (jnire’s Hotel, in (h'.- town of Winches, ter, on Sulurday the 16th day of March next, for ready moii.-y, a certain Tract or parcel of Laud, lying and being in (ha county of Loudon, in the Common wealth of V irginia, being a part of the / it tin.out <Jfr<Hor,now in the occupnnev of Jeremiah Portion. Tenant to said Lewi*, containing about ho ACUKS. I hi* land lies in vihativ usually called the Dutch Settlement, and is said to he very valuable. Such title H* i* vested in mo a. 1 rustee will he made the pur JOHN HE1SKKLL, Trustee. January 12, 1822—ids Virginia to wit: A T Mules Holden in the. (di rk's Office of the County Court, of Hampshire on the first Monday in JJecewber, 1S2(. 1 David* Long, Plaintiff, AGAINST M.Mahon ft Thomaalias William M‘Malion und Samuel Thomas, Defendants, IN CIIASCKRT. Defendants not having enter H. ed their appearance and given se curity according In thp Act of Assem lily and the Holes of this Court, and it | appearing by satisfactory evidence that they are not inhabitant* of this Com. nmnweal'h: It is ordered, that the said defendants do appear here on the tirst day of March Court m xf. nr.d answer the hill « f the Plaint if)'; and that a co py of this order be forthwith inserted in some newspaper published in Wm« chester, f*>r two months soceessjvely. | and aooher copy posted n( t|, front door of the Court House of the County 10f Hampshire. JOHN II WillTF., r. December C-, ib ’t—C I | NO I ICE. | f'M'MIOSE indebted to the estate of Ji. dip late T lumas Neill, are re* qu**ted to ninkt immediate payment, and those to whom the estate of the said Thomas Neill is indebted, me re quired to produce their nspiv.-ivo claims, properly or. der that measures may he speedily ta ken toward a hual adjustment of the estate. !t is hoped this notice will l»a attended to, otherwise the execiton will be obliged,iu~relatinn to the debtors, to resort to a course which it. is their wish to avoid. j JON PH LUPTON,; . AMOS LUPTON, S iivr<’ Feb. 2—-Jt l>irQiiua ro unr .* iA* the Superior Court of Chancery holden at It inch ester the CSthdau oj November, 1851. Oliver Funston and Margaret bis w ife, lure Margaret MiTvoy, 'in* of tin* daughters, devise,** and legatees nf Audrevr McKay, decM, Plaiotifls, AG A NST w s mm ucivuy, one Ol tfte acting exec utors of Andrew McKay, dec’d. nml a devisee nnd legatee named in lm N* iii ; \x illiani Lot k, administrator of Jacob McKay, dic’d. who was another acting ext-cumr of the s.iul Anureiv McKay, dic'd. nml dcvi* name(| in hi* will; p„||j widow of said Jacob McKay. dec’d. nml Crt'-uimlra McKayj Dayoe* Mc Kay, Wash mg'on McKay, McKay, Amos McKay, and Madison McKay, children and heirs of th» s*iid Jacob M. Kay, dic'd, infams by He said lolly McKay, ihvir guar diun ndlitem ; Robert \\ hitaere ami l,;uicnee bis wile, late I’utKnco McKay, daughter, devisee and lega tee „} said Aedtew MeKuy, det’d. r.t.d Kuos McKay, Defendants. ' 1I3S cause came on to be heard upon lne Bill, unxxvers, exhibits ami depositions of witnesses taken am! liied in the cause, ar.d was argued bv counsel ; and the Court having nmiure ly considered the same, is of opinion ibiit tlie* sales made bv the acting ex ecutor* • i Andrew Mek-y, ■ of !iis lands, ure clearly proven to have been grossly fraudulent and ill, gal : l l.erefore she Court doth decree \ml order, and it i» accordingly this >s;h day < f November, tS.’i, decreed nml order*.d, that '.lie sale* aforesaid hi* set aside, except the sale of the einuli trad to Joshua Wood, which the plain* ii(V* are willing to ratify. And it is fur titer decreed and ordered, that Ft un eis M. Beckwith, the Deputy Marshal ol tliis Court, who is appointed a Com missioner lor that purpose, do selj (|>© said lat ds at public auction, to iho highest bidder, lor (he best price lliat can bo had, upon n credit of one, two, net] three years, that is to sax. one. third ol the purchase money pox *hle in one year, one.third in two years, anil the other third in three years from the duy of sale, giving loir weeks pre vious notice ol the times and places of such sales, hy advertisement in the newspapers published in Winchester, ttml taking bond* xvith good security for the payment of the purchase mo* nev, payable to Daniel Lee. the clerk nmt receiver of this court ; and that ho make report of his proceedings to the rourt. And it is further decreed and ordered, thut Master Commissioner Bent take an account of the rents, is sues and profits of the said lands since they were so fraudulently gold by ihn executors aforesaid, and of any lastin'' improvements which have been made thereon since such sale, anil noxv rc main thereon : And 'that lie examine, state and settle the executorial ac count* ot the said acting executors of the e-taie of their testator, Andrew •McKay, dec’d,and make report there of to the Court, staling specially anv matters deemed pertinent by himself, or required by either of the parties („ be so stated ; and he is authorised to proceed in the matters of the account aforesaid, in the absence of either par* ty, who having notice of his priinuv appointments or subsequent adjourn* incuts shall fail to at lend him. y .-1 t MU’, DAN1K1. I.lift. e. p. r. Commissioner's O[).oe, JI';>.cWsttr. > January Jt>, ^ Mlft parties to I ho suit in the Utrr i;oinj; decretal order mentioned. llf . I*‘ rrlij notdied, that, in nlirilirti, c (.> tlu- mid recited order, 1 nhnii attend at my ullipp aforesaid, an Monday llie tllh day of March dp*i, for the pur pose of taking the accounts mention**] in the sard order. Witen mid y«. here they will attend, nnd produce »urii voucher* ami li siimoTiy >-.s w ill rnnhli me i<> make up lire mid accouut*, and a* lii. y or ei her of them may deem e.senti»!\ l.KMI ft I, SiftNT, .V l . i • liruary J, 1 s — tdni I’KIM INC _V#r'N e. vei.f /*;. f .\ ft