Newspaper Page Text
ry,. fcwiw.i'ftwc-wi ■ i PUBLIC SALE. •JTJUR'U \NT lo a .•«rei- of tlu Sn J3 pe.ior Court of Chancery, holder) nt Winchester, th< istli day ofNivem bar, ts.'l, in the case of Oliver Fuusten an.' Margaret his %vif-.\ late Margaret M.-K •iy,' one of «he daughters, dev i»ecs arid legatees f Andrew McKay, dee’d, agiinst Moses McK.iy, one of the art. sngvXerutor« vf Andrew M JC-y, drrM, aud a devisee and legatee uam.d i» his w I : William Cook, administrator of J v-ob M Kay, decM, who w 13 another a ling r*eeutor of said Andrew McKay dee’d, and oilier-, l shall sell, at pub lic auction, to the highest bidder, ou a 3'edit of one; two, aud three years, the purrhaiers giving b mil with good per sonal security* several 'I RACTS OF LAND in the enmity of Shenandoah,to i wit : A TRACT situate on the norlh *.v*ist side of the Slicnaudonh river, ad* . joining <he lands of H*rflhb&rgcr,0gel, arid others, containing nzt ACRES— about 279 acres cleared, too acr.s of which is river bottom—the wood laud tolerably well timbered. On ibis tract are two Dwelling Hmires, two Barn-, two Stables, one Corn House, and a Still lloa-e, Fora more purlieu, lar description apply to David Bum. gardner, who resides on the premises. ANOTHER TRACT, called Robin /son’s Tract, on the north-west Ode of 8h<Miandonh river, adjoining the lands of John Wood and others, supposed to contain 700 ACRKS.—A good portion of this tract is river bottom. The im provements are a Dwelling Hnusej Barn, See. For a particular descrip tion apply to Benjamin Wood. ANOTHER TRACT, on the north side ut Shenandoah river, distant about half a mile from the river, containing 25Z ACRES, unimproved, adjoining Burner and Dumgardner. For a par ticular description apply to Christian Bumgardner. ANOTHER TRACT, in the same neighborhood, near Isaac Harshber ger’a, containing 230 ACRE''—wood land. R efereuce to Knot McKay. ANOTHER TRACT, adjoining the land of WiUiam Tyler, containing 23(5 ACRES—woodland. Reference to Da vid Bumgardner. AXO THER TR ACT, adjoining the laud of Jeremiah MeKay, containing j j260 ACRES—principally woodland.— j Reference to Jeremiah McKay. The HALF OF A TRACT of 2fl! j ACRES, on Mill Run—all in i woodland. Reference to Enos McKay, j ANOTHER TRACT, containing S3 | ACRES, adjoining Matthews and Ja». j Stinson—woodland. Reference to Jus. ■ Ciiiwon and Enos MeKay. ANO THER TRACT, containing 85 ACRES, adjoining tlie lands of Wm, Tyler. Reference to David Bumgard iter. ANOTHER TRACT—woodland called Andrew McKay’s Location, quoted at 102 ACRES. The 85 acre tracts, 260, 256, 250, and 25 2 acre tracts were granted to Andrew McKay by patent*, copies of which will be furnished on the day of Kale. 'I lie sale will ctunmpnce before the door of Mrs. Sperry’s Tavern, in the town of Luray, on the 2.3th day of April next, and continue until all the lauds are sold. FANCIn M. BECKWITH, Rlare.h 16, 1822. Commissioner. LAND for SALK. * virtue* of a Deed of Tru*t exeeu. J2J)ied to the subscriber by »» certain Samuel Williamson, he will expose to Bale, to the highest bidder, for cosh, cn tnonday III > 15rh dnv of April next, hung tile day of the ailticg of the County Court of Hampshire, before the c'lift Hufise door, in the town cf Romney, TWO /TRACTS OF one of which, containing jicres and a half, and thirty four Poles, lie* on the v/3iei t ot N.irih River, a branch of Great Caeapbon, whereon the said Samuel lately resided._ .Hi* II TIIER TRACT is situate on Crooked Run, a branch of Little Ca» Caph^t , and t 'i*t*i;.* One Hundred Acres more or lea*. Moth if the above de« scribed tracts of lumL lie in the county c>t Hampshire, end vver* conveyed to the Subscriber in trunt to secure ill • payment of a sum of money to John jvri^ht, to rail* whi'h the sale will b' mule. Such till- will he made to ths above land* a* is vested in the sub i^riber by t! e ibi'-p menfi mod deed of tin*f. RAM'L. KKRCIIRVAL, jr. Romney, March ig — td«. TAKEN UP. ^A'S f .tind in th« stable of the Vf •'ib*criber. li»io? on the floe, quon, below tf|p FVtnrv, on (he niirht of Monday Jj«t, a ROAN NORSK • supposed in be 13 y.-ar- old ; if, hands Mti I upward* high ; has a siar in hi* fort-h•ml ; i< rub'ied cnn«i<!rre hly with If,1' Geers;—-appraised at 40 dollars. I he horse was probably stolen from itorn- WH^on and ptt iola my stable. The owner is desired i« come forward pro*e propertr. pay eh rges, and take fim aw«y JOHN CI.liVKNGEK. Match 16 —it. LANE $ So!vtH IXAV^'. .IUCI R RCEIVKD AN ASSORT MKT Or SPUN COTTON, From No. 1 to 17, » f the best quality. —ALSO— Direct the Manufactory, 400.000 fpu,n 100.000 ^.“K8 r™“ CU I' NAIUS fj BRADS. Which the y a*'* (leUrnuned to sell very cheap. They have also 25 Ml-- <4 ODD V/ II I S K E V, •Some of which is old uod very line, wlnrh they will sell cheap by the liar rel. &c. February 2d,—if. ”’Fou sale, \ TRACT OF LAND containing about 190 JCHKS, lying on the main road leading from Winchester to Moorefield and Romney, within four miles of the former placenta) adjoining the lands of Joseph Baker, Esq. Jacob Weaver and others, and whereon the subscriber now lives. The land is fer. tile, with a comfortable DWELLING MOUSE, Kitchen. Smokehouse, an excellent new Barn, an Orchard of choice fruit, »nd excellent Springs of , water. 'I iio terms will be mode ac commodating on application to the sub scriber. JOHN WEAVER. Feb. 2—t f. FOR 8ALE, A TRACT OF LAND containing 38® JH'ItFS, lying on both sides ol Back Croek, whereon the subscriber now lives, a considerable part of which is good UO I rOM LAND. The im provements are a comfortable DWEL LING HOUSE, Kitchen, Smoke-house, a good Horn, und an Orchard. The payments will he made ucc jimiiuduling and the land sold on low terms. —ALSO— A TRACT OF LAND, CONTAINING Four Hundred Acres, lying on the waters of Rack Creek, a bout two miles train the former, and adjoining the lands of Ww. Bywaters, Joseph Dolby and others. This is line land and well limbered, bill lifts no ini proveinents on it. A grt at bargain will be given in either of the above farms, by applying to the subscriber living n ar Pughtowu. L. M'COOLIO. Feb. 2—tf. “ PUiilJCMLE. ON Thursday the lnh day of April next, if lair, if not, the next fair day, will he offered for sale, ueur Ber ry’s Ferry, ail the personal estate of Uaehacl Morgan, dechl. consisting of 1 Mare Sf Curt, Household dj- JCitchen Furniture-, amongst which are some val uable Beds. Nine months credit will ba given on ail sums over five dollars, the purchaser giving bond with appro ved security: all sums under live dol lar* cash. Sale to commence at 10 o clock, when attendance will be given by 1SHMAEL VANHORN. March 28. INDIAN UUEEN HOTEL, A’y. 15, South Fourth-street, tPhiladelphia) between tharhei and Chesnut. f | 'HE subscriber respectfully informs JL his friends and the public in gene ral, that he has taken the above estab lishment, where they may rest ussured ■hat he will use every exertion to givo ! general satisfaction to such as may l favor him with u call. The House has hem neatly fitted up, ! and is well calculated for the accom modation of gentlemen travelling with ' their families ;—it is in ttye°cenlie of business, and convenient to ali the Insurance Offices, Banks, Auctions, und Post Office j like wise to the Muse- j um and other places of public amuse meni. All favors will be gratefully ac knowledged by their obedient servant, T1IOMA8 HKIUKELL. Philadelphia, March t», tH22. Machinery for Sale. Nubieriber having more Car. ® ding Machines than are n c c es • a r > in Ins factory, would give the ciioee ol three on accommodating terms, if up plication is shortly made. Also, for 8aU*, a Narrow Shearing Machine, and two pair of Hand, Shears_tb>y have not been iu me for some time, but are considered good. Apply to DAMfcL ANNIN. Opcrjuon Factory, Jau. 2*>—if 'MUST SALK. \\ be sold on Saturday the 6tl» '[ April next, at (he residence of Mm, Anna Page 0f Fairfield in Fre ,fr,Kk comity, by virtue of a Dsed of I rua. executed hj W illiam B. Page to the soh-criber, t„ secure a debt due to Bnshrod lajjnr, htl the undivided right, title, .otcre t, claim and demand of.he-aid W t Ilian, B. Pag* of. in and to th.e;tnte. boil, real RTl(| naJ *hrreofhis father William It Page, late Of Ibe em,0iy of Frederick, died seized) including hi« revprsionary i:i terest in the Dower of Anr>» VnaS, n i, ! dow of Il,o said William B. Page, dc ••eased, and mother ofihe Dranior.— wnch title as is vested in me as Trus tee w»l! bo made the purchaser. M&rcbp. KBEN MILTON, IVlAltSHAL' i BY virtue uf a Decree of the Win chester Chancery District Court, pronounced the 2SJi day ofNuv.mher, tbit, in n suit therrin depending he tween Get»rg\> William Campbell and William ^ ictor Campbell, infant chil dren and heir* of Wiiliam Campbell, dec'll, by Ge<*rge Reed, tiieir Guardian and next friend, and Janie* Riely ami the heirs of William Campbell and others, will be sold before the door of ; James Riely'* Sloie, in the town of , Winchester, on Friday the ticc.lfth day 1 of April next, the following property, ' 10 wit; A HOUSE and LOT, in the town of Winchester, on the west side of Lnudoun-slreet, adjoining Ro bert Gray—now occupied by James Riely and John (foster. A Half-Acre Lot, on the South side of I'iecadilly-sfreel, adj.lining the lot of Andrew Bush. 21-2 Acres of Ground, i ail Out Lot, adjoining the lots of Ar chibald Magill and .Mrs. Overacre. 20 Acres of Land, near Winchester, on the Last side of the road leading from Winchester to i Charlestown, adjoining the lands of I Wiiliam Davison. | 2iH Acres of Land, situated on the North pule nl Timber i Ridge, in tlie county uf Hampshire, j near the road leading from Winchester * to Romney, patented to George Mi chael Laubinger 1 tth September, tTsy. Terms of sale, —One-half of the purchase money tn he paid down, the residue in two equal annual payments, with interest from the duy of sale, the I purchaser giving a deed of trust on tin j property Co secure the payments.- i Sale to commence at 11 o’clock \, M. If. M. BE0K.W1 i ll, D .M. HoK JoHX S. 1‘eJ‘I’OK, At, If, C, D. January 12—ids. IV A l. MILLERA (N«»xl door to Ctipt. Met. in’s Hotel ) IlJIS It liCEIVKI) from I’htladeljihia, and offers /or safe on cheap terms, the fMowing fresh garden seeds. Large i .ima -x Early Yellow Dwarf Early Brown Dwarf ^ Early While Dwarf c<l Early Cream Colored Buntil | -4 Early Pigeon j ^ White Soii|> Early Dwarf T Early Frame Large Marofat ! 131? A G Early Carlton j L LAu. Blue Prussian Glory of EnglantlJ Small Onions Large Drumhead" Flat Dutch Early York Green Savoy Yellow do/ j*CABBAGE. Early Sugar Loaf ! Early Cauliflower j Late do. j Ete st!} CELERY. Imperial Tennis Bali Winter Head Brown Dutch J __ Cabbage Heat. 'LEI 'I UCE. Green Coss Yellow Curled Ice. i Curled Endive Curled Parsley Sweet do. Long Green ") Early Frame [ CUCUMBER. Long Pickle J Early Sumni.r Early Red Turnip | Early While ‘ J>RADI)ISH. White Fall | Black Fall J Vt iiite Spanish Onion Parsnip Mangel Wurtzcll Long Grange Carrot Horn do Winter Cress Curled do Spanish Tomato Seed Sweet Marjoram fennel Seed Red fleshed Water Melon Cantaloup Nutmeg Melon Yellow kiitn Baga, or Cobbett’i Turnip Red Turnip Beet 1 Red Salmon do Spinach Saffron Leak Bunch Simhlin. Feb. 23_if. I Q^t &alc postponed to the 12th oJ Jlprd. trust sale. ^ virtue nf # deed of trust execti* trd by Mis, Elizabeth B. Colston. for the benefit of Jesse McKay and others, will }>e sold on the 12ih day of April B' xl, at the House where sh* lately resided, at public auction, to th* highest bidder, for ready money, sever al vciy valuable &EAVEM, and some articles af Hausehoid Furniture—Alt* a tjuantitj of COHN. OBfcl) WAITS Trwtes. March aih—tds. ECLIPSE. 1 thorough bred j C&. horsa Keli|itt', a \ handsome chestnut sor* • rd, full sixteen hands I ins’1!, seven QiU uwji win stand the ensuing season at Romney, on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wedms <l-iy*; at William Vandiver's,' on Fat- ’ terson’s Cr;*k, ou ihutsduys, Fridays and Saturdays; and be let to mares at the moderate p'ioe ol Light Dollars the season — Four Dollars cash the sin gle leap—aud ensurunee Twelve Dol lars—payable ns soon us .he mare is discovered to be with foal, ur iu ease . of death or change of owner. -1 weuly j live cents in every instance to the j groom. A note fur the amount of tlio season will be expected with the umre, J which may b« discharged by paying six dollars within the season. Pastu rage or grain can be furnished the mares at Mr. Vandiver’s at the usual prices, but no liability for uccidents or escapes. The season 10 commence the tat of April and end the 1st of July. ECLIPSE was got by Mr. Hell’s well known ini' ported horse Engie; hi# dam tLavimu; who was also the dam of Adeline, Co ra. Znxa, &c. was got by Did Whistle Jacket; her dam by Old Rockingnim, grand dum by Old Cub out of the fa mous imported mare Lady Northum land. Whistle Jacket (the sire of La vinia) was got by the noted running horse Diotned, thorough bred son ol Did Flimnap; his dam (Loey Locket) by Hell.air, wa« got by Morion's* I ru vel'er, out of Did Selina, his g. dam by Othello, g. g. dam by DM Childers, g. g. g da in by the Duucing Master, ^ is S■ 5* dam was the noted imported dputiish mare. N. B. Othello, Childers and Dan cing Master were all imported horses. I he pedigree of Lnvinia is supported by tlie certificate* and affidavits of se veral very respectable gentlemen, which can be referied to. WILLIAM WOOD. March 23—It. PUBLIC SALE. BV virtue of a Deed of Trust from Peter Kremer to the subscriber for the purpose of securing the pay ment of the Minis of money therein mentioned to Lane and Brume, will be sold at Public Auction, for reudy mo ney, to (be highest bidder, LOT No. 16», in Fairfax’s addition to the town of Winchester, with a TWO hTOHY HIAMK BUILDING thereon, reser. *ing from the said Lot twenty live feet front on Cameron-street, belonging to George Kremer. It is the same pro perty ihat is uow occupied by Conrad Kremer. The sale will take place be. tore the door of Capt. McGuire’s Ho tel, on Monday the 13th day of Jlpril and sueh title conveyed to the pnrcha ser ns is vested in ihe subscriber by the aforesaid Deed of Trust. THOM AS ALLEN TIDBALL. Mureh 23d,—ids. " NO i 1CK. V]V acquaintance of mine wishes to liny from FIFTY to SIXTY ''LAV KS; boy* and girls from to to it years old would be preferred. They ore intended for the purchaser's own use, and arc w anted of good character. Any person in Frederick or the ad joining counties who may have such to dispose of, will receive a liberal price by bringing them to me. Those at a distance who have several for sale, if they will write & give ine notice where to apply, giving a particular descrip tion of the Slaves, staling their age-, &e. the lowest price for cuch, 1 will i come and see them. GEORGE W. KIGF.II* March 23. 30 J)olturs Reward. S’S AN-AWAl from the subscriber .^,in the 18th Juii. a negro maw na med IS ACE, about 5 feet to inches high, stout made; has a vary full face, and a scar on ona side of his mouth, not recollected which; of a very black complexion; when spokrn to speaks very low: hi* carriage erect; is about 2t years old.—Hi* clothing consisted of a pair of drab Pantaloons of fulled lincy, quite new: a fulled Jincy Coat, somewhat ragged; a fine blue cloth Coat; a new wool Hat, and a pair of half worn Boots.—1 will give the above reward and all reasonable charges, if taken out of the County, for his appre hension and delivery to me, O' secured so that 1 get him again; or if taken in miles from home, and gio if taken 20 miles from home. SHAPLEIGH FRENCH. Frederick C'ty, near Hamilton's > Lower Mill, March 24, at. $ JOHN W. MILLER 1JI El URNS hi* thank* to the pub* lie nnd I is friend* for the encour agement he has received since he com meneed business, and takes 'hit method of informing them that he has takt n into partnership Mr Henry Grove ; the business will in future bt conducted under the fi>rn of Miller & Grove. They have on hand a g.>nd assortment of DRY GOODS* and GROCERIES, which they will sell on r-asomsbh r.f • ms for cash, or to punctual cutty Mareh 1G—if r « T.'.c Large ami foWC'td JviCA* JiS.s the EMPEROR, Tt ^1/ ILL. slam! ut the lyrm <. f D at ii! V 7 H. Allen, iu Fremiek county,. ' I’gioia, 1 miles from Htlletown mid S Horn Charlestown, at ! Itill |' Df)|, !j \ll5* jn-r marc for the i iuou, which tviil c< maionce an tin■ |i st of March, and etui on the (ir«t of September ucx1^, but he will not he let to «i»cs. W" THE EMPEliDR. ■ a one of tlie most pnweiii Jack Asses iu America; rising s year! old; aud n!» thongh exceedingly gcntU, is remarka bly vigorous, and is a sure foal g Mtet* —every mare put to him last season l proving in foal. He was gotten by Columbus, who was by Cbm pound, out of a Jenny by the ICidgkt oj Alaltat who was out of the ini^stried Maltese Jeouy, presented by tho Marquis de la layette to Gen. Wpsbing'on. Tins Emperor’s dam was bred by ihe Gen» ral.—She was by the Knight ot Malta out »t Compound's darn—Compound by the Uoyal Gift, out of the old Mai* tese Jenny. 1 he value of large mules may be es timated from ihuir being so easily rais ed and kepi; from their not b» mg liable* to the common disorders of Morses; lrom their capability ot working logger iu eiie.h day, and undergoing far greater fatigue aud hardship than a hor.e, and Irving, as good labourers, till sixty year, of ago! If broke and treated with gentleness, they are us tractable us horses, and will out travel, us well r.s, any horse. rhe Emperor belongs to Doctor i'liorntoii, of the city ut Washington, who ,vas favored by Gen, Washington with the best breed of his asses. February 23d—ll»: M. 'l'he cell bulled JHjWLIjV HOntiE auabarb ly at ten Dollars the season; Light Dollars the single leap; and Twenty Dollars nisurauee, i his noble uni. nial was sent from Algiers by our ia;e CoiiMii General at that place ^ Tobias Lear.)—He is tevealeeu hands anti oue inch high; and is thought, by good judges, to he the finest Arabian ever breitght to this eouutry. A cer liticate from gentlemen of the highest respectability, staling that he is oue ol the best ion! getters, (hat iius ever been amongst us, together with other vouchers, certifying his character, £c. are iu the hands ot the groom, he stands—Good pa&tuie at a low price.—tor further puticuiara refer to Laud bills in every instance. CULL UAN AiLWIS, Marsh 9—at. 50 Dollars lieward. 33 . JiALA N A W AY irom the subscriber, living io New-Market, Shenandoah county, Virginia, on the night ofthb inst. a Negro uiau named HARRY i* ho culls hin.sell Harry liacchuSj a distiller to hade, a» also an excel lent baud (u work ou a lurin' He is about Jo or 15 years of Hgc, b feet 7 or 8 inches high, stout n:ude, has a con siderable scar on the :eil cheek «ouue, Ins legs arc deformed, the left inclines in, at ihe knee, aud the right out. Ho has hitherto worn his beaut long. Huriy had th« following clothes, viz. a yellowish twilled domestic cout, bottle greeu cloth pantaloons, a red figured vest, an old iur hut and sundry other clothing not recollected. Harry is nn artful fellow and can read very well, ulso write u little. H* professes Christianity and is f*,nd of conversing on the subject. 3t iu pre sumed he bus obtained freedom papers and is making for Philadelphia or soiud part of the states of Pennsylvania or Ohio. 1 will give (he ubove reward of hity dol.ars it taken out of the st-»to of Virginia, or TWENTY DOLLARS if taken .n the »L'e and eeeored in a jail so that I may got him again, and io either case all rcnsonalfctf NOTICE. ^ ISubscriber leaving re-nmcd (lie Hour arid Grocery Business in Alexandria, begs Ipuve again to nfler r!,< services to his country friend*.— He will purchase and sell flour—o? reeerve it on—-Hu wiil keep constantly on hand a stock of Groce ries, and transact any bn*ineM -w hich they may be disposed to confide to him. SAMchh THOMl'bON ^ Mifrli if,— (f, KOTICE. A IT. persons having legtl claim* against the Estate of Raphael Morgan, dee’d. «fe reqaested to prp„ kcnt thenr for adjustment—those in. debted to the Estate are r< rprested to O' ft 1.8 immediate payment as no longer indulgeuce enn be given. 1SI1MAEL VANHORN. March 23.