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Cn’noratiau of U3i«ci)e£ter. VN~ACT~ Reducing into one, end amending the several diets for the regulation oj the Mai feet; for the regu lation euf Weights and Measures ; for the. rent, of Hatchers Stalls ; to prevent forestalling, and for other purposes. See. 1. He il d by Hit President, and Com mon Council of the Vorporu’ion of Winches! i r, That there shall be two Market days each week, to wit: Wednesday and Saturday.—That there shall be appointed, by the President ami Common Council, in t!i° month of February, a fit and pro per person to act as Clerk of the Market; and it shall be the duty of the person appointed to have the Market House kept clean, amt doe regularity observed; to keep the scales and weights in good order, and always in Market during Market hours; to weigh all articles of provisions which may be bought by any person, without fee or rc w rd; to attend at the Market House every day during Market hours, to enforce the provisions of this act, by seizing all arth les forfeited under the same, and to use his endeavors to recover all lines incurred; to make a regular return, once a quarter, to the Clerk of the Council, of all seiz ures made and lines recovered by him, and of the manner in which they shall have been disposed of; to pay into the Treasury, once in every month, the amount of all fines recovered by him; to rent out the. Stalls of the Market House, ami, after de ducting a Commission of five per centum there from, to pay the proceeds to the Treasurer of the Corporation, and, in general, to enforce such pro visions in relation to the. regulation oi llie Market v a* shall heivaiter oe esianusncu. v* See. 2. JInd l>c it further enacted, That the fol lowing boundaries are prescribed as 1 lie Market! square, viz: A line running from the South East corner «.f the wall of the Episcopal Church Yard, t the South West cornerofthc Lot ow ned by the Heirs of Daniel Conrad, dec’d. thence with the ; E ist side of Cameron Street to John Helps Lot,< to a point opposite the cornel* of the Lot owned by folia Linn’s lleirs; 1 hence crossing Cameron Street and with the line of the said Lot to a paint opposite the North East cornerofthc Court 31 ouse; with the East Yvall of ilie Couit House to the North East corner of the W all at the South end of <-u* Court House; thence with the sal-.! Wall and the end of the Clerk's Ollice to the Church Yard Wall; thence with the said Wall m the place of beginning; and it shall not oe lawful for any person, -during Market hours, t make sale of, or otter or expose to sale, nor shall any person purchase, any kind of Meat, Poultry, Butter, Eggs, Vegetables or any other description of provisions, at any place w ithin the Corporation, except at the Market House, or tfc within the Market square before designated_ Every person who shall sell, or offer or expose to sale, any of the articles aforesaid, and every person who shall purchase the same contrary to this act, shall severally forfeit and pay two tied la s. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That no per son shall, directly or indirectly, buy, during Mar ket hours, at the Market 1 louse, or in or about the Market square, for the purpose of being sold again within the Town, or elsewhere, any kind oi' Meat, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Vegetables, or other provisions. Tins restriction shall also ex tend to live, C»ni, Oats, Buckwheat and Corn Ideal, when the same shall oe brought within the Market House, or Market space, by their owners for sab*. Every person who shall offend herein shall, if a white person, forfeit and pay two Dol lar.-. for each ojTencc; if a slave, he or she shall re ceive not exceeding ten lashes, unless the master or mistress of ;;id slave shall pay the said fine. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted. That no Huckster, or d . t person, who usually purchase J provisions i ‘he purpose of selling them again, shall. durin,. Xarket hours, purchase at the Mar- | Jtet any gren r quantity of provisons, there ex posed to sale, ( iprehcndiug Rye, Corn, Oats, — £ik kwheat, or urn Meal,) than what shad be s .'orient for the us'* < f his or her family; any person so offending sliail forfeit and pay the sum of five Dollars for every offence; nothing con tain* d in this section shall he construed to extend to Cavern keepers or i onfec.loners; w ho .shall not b- rcsir lined in their right to purchase such ar ti l*‘s as may he m essary to enable them to pur sir' their respective occupations. See. 5. And be it further t uncled, That no per son or persons shall offer or expose to sale any blown, measly, tainted or unsound Meat at the Market House, or at any other place within the limits of the Corporation.—Any person or pe” S> s so offending shall, for each offence, forfeit and pay five. Dollars; and all Meats so exposed to sale shall bo forfeited and seized by the Clerk oi the Market and buried. S“r, n. And be it further enacted, That all But te which shall be exposed to sale shall be, sold by v eight.—All persons selling or buying, contrary to the provisions of this section, shall forfeit and pay the sum of one Dollar. AH Butter in pie ces. or iu cukes purporting to lie of a certain vv igld, and w hich shall he found, on trial, not to contain the weight pretended, shall he forfeited and seized by the Clerk of the Market for the use of the poor of the Barish; and provided any per son, tuning Butter for sale, shall refuse to have the same weighed when requested by the Clerk of the Market, or shall make use of any means to frustrate him in the discharge of his duty, hv s> izing upon and forcibly wresting from him the whole or a part of any Butler which hr shall he in the act of weighing, or by mixing the same toge ther, shall forfeit, and pay the sum of two Dol lars if a free pi'i’Hou; or if a slave he or she shall i’- reive not exceeding ten lashes on bis or her hare bark, uni . ° the master or mistress of such frlave shall pay the peru.lty aforesaid. Sec, 7. Am} he iffariher enacted, Thai it shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Market to ruler in a Hook t - be kept for that purpose, an account of all ihe Duller seized and taken by virtue of this act, together with the owners* names, if known to him, ami report the same to the Council at their first meeting in the month of February in every year, with a view, if the Council shall deem it expedient, to having the same published in the Newspapers of the Town. Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That in all causes of seizures made under this Act, the party affected may appeal from the decision of the Clerk of the Market, to the Mayor or any other Magistrate within the Corporation—The Ma gistrate shall hear the allegations of the parties, examine such witnesses as may be produced, and determine thereupon according to the true intent and meaning of this Act. Sec. 9. And be it further enacted. That all In dian Corn Meal which shall hereafter lie sold within this Corporation, (at Market or by Huck sters) shall he sold by weight ami not otherwise, allowing forty eight pounds to the Bushel, and hi the same proportion for any greater or lesser quantity.—Any person w ho shall offer any Corn Meal for sale in any other manner than is herein prescribed, shall forfeit and pay twro Dollars for every offence. Sec. to. And be it further enacted. That it shall be the duty of the Butchers and others, bringing the carcases of any slaughtered animal to Mar ket. to carry from thence the feet, bends and has lets, or other parts of such animals remaining un sold. Any person leaving iifcHv' Market ilouse, or Market space, any feet, hrSlk or haslet-, or other parts of such animals, shall forfeit ami pay the sum of one Dollar for every such offence. See. 1 !. And be it further enacted. That no per .»on Huai!'directly or mdirretly. self, purchase or contract, for any article brought to Market be fore early day-light, whirh shall he announced by the Clerk of the Market ringing a Hell Rvery person who shall offend herein shall forfeit and pay two Dollars. If a slave shall, directly or in directly, sell, purchase or contract for any article brought to Market as aforesaid, he or she shall receive on his or her bare hack not exceeding ten lashes, provided the master or mistress of such slave shall refuse to pay the penalty aforesaid_ Cite Market hours shall continue until nine o’ clock from the first day of April to the first day of October; and Until ten o’clock front the first day ot October to the first day of April. Sec. It}, .find he it further enacted, That the YV est side of the Market House slia^jfk exclu sively appropriated to the use ofMit^B ft tellers, who shall erect the necessary Stalls for the pro secution of their business, under the direction of the Clerk of the Market, subject to the following provisions:—For the two end, or double Stalls, at the North and South extremities of the Market, then* shall he paid twelve Dollars rent, each, per Annum; and for all other Stalls which are, or shall he, erected, (excepting such as shall hereafter be specially reserved,) there shall be paid eight dol lars per annum, each; to be collected "by the Clerk of the Market, in two equal semi annual instalments, viz: on the 1st daysof January<$* J uly of each year; and paid by him into the Treasury, first deducting therefrom five per centum coin mission, for collection; and in case of default of payment of the whole, or any part of tiie rent due upon any sstall or Stalls, the same remedy for the j recovery thereof shall lie had as in ordinary ca ses of distress for rent, or by warrant, at the dis-1 crction of the Clerk of the Market; and it shall he the duty ol the Clerk of the Market to attach and sell (first giving one week’s notice by adver tisement posted at the Market Mouse) the Stall upon which any rent may he due, provided no o propeny snail ue tumid upon the premises. The. Malls erected under this Act shall be paint ed a durable brow n color. Any one fading to do so in one month after the erection of a stall, shall forfeit and pay one dollar for every week hr shall neglect the same. fcec. 13. And be it further enacted, That every person (Butchers excepted) who shall expose to sale, during Market hours, any Beef in less quantities than by the carcase or quarter, shall pay to the Clerk of the Market fifty < cuts lor every Beef so exposed to sale, to be re covered by warrant in case of non payment: no thing; herein contained shall he construed to im pair the right ot any one (other than a Butcher) to vend meat of any description (Beef, as before excepted) without any restriction or reservation whate\er, ami without, being subject to the pay ment, ofany tax or penalty.’ Sec. 14. And be it further enacted, That the use ot blocks, as heretofore, by Butchers, to cut meat upon, shall he discontinued; and in lieu of the same every Butcher shall provide himself with a strong Bench, not exceeding four and an half feet in length and two in width, which shall he removed under their respective Malls before tln ir owners leave the Market, and kept under lock and key.—Any one failing herein shall for feit and pay one Hollar. Sec. 15. And be it further enacted. That the Kast side of the Market (louse shall be appropri ated and set apart for the occupation of the ven ders, generally, ol Butter, Kggs, Poultry, and the smaller and less bulky description of articles.— l iie North and ^otilli Wings thereof shall he oc cupied by those whose Marketing shall consist of Buckwheat or Porn-Meal, Corn, Pork, or o ther Meat; Apples or other fruit; Potatoes or Ve getables generally, and such other Articles as are usually contained in Bags, and require the use of Measures or W eights.— In cases, however, where pers vs shall bring various artit les of Marketing for s. le. of which Butter shall censti ut- a part, the, owner shall have liberty to tala* a stand in the Butter Market: Provided such articles shall not, in the opinion of the Clerk of the Market, be so cumbrous or bulky as to produce inconvenience to the. comfort of purchasers ami other persons, by preventing their free ingress and egress: in which case such articles shall be removed into either of the Wings of the Market House_It shall bo the duty of the Clerk of the Market ! exercise a proper discretion, as regards the ar rangtmoni and disposition of all articles which j may be brought to Market; having a view, as far as maybe practicable, to the due execution of the provisions of this act, ip. order that Lite gene ral comfort and convenience of all parties con cerned may l»e promoted: and, provided any per son shall resist the authority, or neglect or re fuse to obey the lawful commands of the Clerk of the Market, in all matters appertaining to the proper distribution of the articles of Marketing and of their owners* lie or she shall, if a white or free person of color, forfeit ami pay the sum of one Dollar; if a slave lie or she shall receive not exceeding ten lashes, provided Hie owner of such slave shall refuse to pay the penalty aforesaid. The space included between the arch of the main building and the wall of the North end, shall he appropriated to persons of color having Mutter for sale; subject, however, to the same re servations and the same penalties as are before provided for. "*cc. 16. Jnd be it further enacted, That it shall he the duty of the Clerk of the Market to keep the avenue, running lengthwise with the West side of the Market Mouse, including an interval of twenty five feet from tin*. South West corner of the same, Northwardly, clear of all obstructions by Waggons, Carts or Morses. If any person or persons, who having placed their Moral's, Carts or Waggons in said avenue, shall neglect or re tuso, immediately on Bein£ required, to remove tliesamc, he or she shall, if a white or free colo red person, forfeit and pay the sum of one Dol lar; it a slave he shall receive not exceeding ten j lashes, unless his master or mistress Shull payi the afroesaid penalty. tore. 17. Jlml be it further enacted. That it shall) be law Oil for a single row of Waggons ;• d Carts! to occupy the avenues between the Market-House and the lot owned by John Linn’s lleirs, and be tween the South end of the Market-House and the} Gaol ; Provided, however, that it shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Market to oblige the owners of such Waggons, Cares, or other carriages, to ar range themselves in regularorderdengthwise with Linn’s lot and as near the fence thereof as may ; be practicable ; and also lengthwise and in regu-1 Jar order with the Gaol wall, and as near to it as ! may he practicable ; and the interval between the said range of Waggons and Carts in the avenues aforesaid, shall in no case be obstructed bv hor ses. Any person offending herein shall, if free, forfeit and pay the sum of one dollar : if a slave | lie shall receive not exceeding ten lashes, unless j his owner shall pay the penalty aforesaid. Sec. 18. And be it further enacted, That it shall j be the duty of the Clerk of the Market to make j such disposition of the Waggons, Carts and other vehicles sis may occupy the space in trout of the County Court-House, as shall enable purchasers i to have the most convenient and ready access to them. lie shall oblige the owners to arrange their Waggons, &c. in regular order, so as to leave an interval of not less than ten feet between each row ot Waggons,—the heads of the horses, in every instance, fronting to Water-street. Any person neglecting or refiling to obey the directions of the Clerk of the Market, in the premises, shall, if u, free ]>crson, forfeit and pay the sum of one dollar; il a slave he shall receive not exceeding ten lashes unless bis owner shall pay the forfeiture aforesaid. Sec. 19. Amt be it further enacted, That upon the removal of the materials which at present ob struct the free passage of Cain'ron or Market street, it shall he the duty of the Clerk of the Market to oblige the owners, or persons having charge of Waggons or Carts containing articles ot marketing, who shall take their stand therein, to hack the same within four feet of the kirb stones next to the market,’ it shall also he his duty to oblige the owners of such waggons ami carts to arrange them in proper order, leaving an interval of at least ten feet between each. Any one offen ding herein shall, if a white or free coloured per son, forfeit and pay one dollar ; if a slave he shall receive not exceeding ten lashes unless his owner snail pay the penalty. Sec. 20. And be it further enacted, That the person appointed Clerk of the Market shall also hold the place of Sealer and Adjuster of Weights and Measures. It shall he his duty to take care of the weights and measures belonging to the Corpo ration. lie shall at least four times in every year examine and try ail scales and weights, and all cloth, dry and liquid measures, made use of within the Corporation, and adjust the same to the stan dard of the Corporation, and when so adjusted shall stamp or brand them with the letters \V. B. in some conspicuous place, unless they should he already stamped and branded as herein directed ; for which last mentioned services the adjuster and sealer of weights and measures shall be entitled to demand anil receive the following fees : that is to say : For every pair of scales ad justed and stamp ed, twelve ccnts;-for every dry measure, adjusted, branded or stamped, seventeen renfs;-for c\ery li quid measure adjusted K branded or stamped four cents;-for every weight, adjusted & stamped, three reiits:~forevery yard-slick three cents.-For trying •Vexamining any of the aforesaid scales, weights or measures, whic h had before been stamped or brawled, if they be found to correspond with The standard, and not to require any alteration, he shall not receive any compensation ; but in all ''aftes and in every examination where any scales, weights and measures, which had before been stamped or branded, shall require any alteration ; to make them conformable to the standard, he shall he entitled to the same fees as air before al lowed for adjusting and stamping or branding. Sec. 21. And be it further enacted, That if any person or persons shall refuse to shew to the Ad juster of weights and measures, his, her, or their weights, or measures on demand, whenever he shall call to examine the same: or if any person shall, in any manner, obstruct the said Clerk in the examination of the weights and measures within Ihc Corporation of Winchester, or shall prevent, him from examining the same, every such person so offending shall, for each otTVncr, forfeit and pay two dollars, Sen. 22. ArJ be it farther enacted, That if shall further be the duty of the Adjuster of Weights A Measures, to adjust the weights and measures of every jierson requiring'him to do so, and tendering the fees allowed for the same; A to brand and stamp the weights and measures so adjusted according to the provisions of this act: And if he, at any time, shall have just cause to suspect, or if information shall he given him, that any person makes use of false weights or mea sures, he shall examine the weights ami measures of such person, and adjust them to kf the proper standards. \nd if any person shall, knowingly, make use of false scales, weights or measures, he, she or they, shall forfeit and pay, for every pair of scales so used, the sum of five dollars ; and for every false weight or measure one dollar ; and the y said false scales, weights and measures shall be seized and destroyed by the Sealer and A juster of Weights and Measures. Sec, 23. And be it further enacted, That if any person, in buying or selling any article w hich is generally bought or sold by weight or measure, shall make use of any scales, weights or measures, not adjusted, and stamped or branded according to the direc tions of this act, the person so offending shall, for every offence, forfeit and pay the sum of two Dollars. >ee, 24. And be it further enacted, That »f i the Clerk of the Market, and sealer and ad juster of Weights A Measures, shall neglect or refuse to discharge the duty imposed up on him by this Act, in either capacity; or if he shall demand or receive any greeter fees j than are allow-d him by the Laws of the I < orporatmn; or it lie demand or receive any j fee when none shall be allowed, lie shall, lor j each offence, forfeit and pay five Dollars, ami shall, moreover, be removed from oilier. !v‘c. 25. And be it further enacted, That for the several duties to he performed by the Clerk of the Market, and sealer and udjus ; ter ot Weights and Measures, he shall re j ceive from the Common Council, in addi ti-iri to the fees before allowed, an annual sa lary, to be fixed by the Common Council. Sec. 20. And be it further enacted, That before the Clerk of the Market, and scaler and adjuster of ’Weights and Measures, shall | enter upon the duties of his office, lie shall j take an oath, before the President of flic j Common Council, faithfully and impartially j lo execute the same, and shall, moreover, l enter into Rond, with sufficient security, in the sum of two hundred Dollars; condi tioned, that he will pay into the Treasury j the fines and forfeitures collected by him un der this Act; and, in general, to perform the various duties required of him by the same* Sec. 27. And be it further enaeitd, That it any person or persons shall, after the pass ing of this act. in any wise obstruct the Mar* ; ket space in front of the Court House, or either of the avenues leading to the Market House, by depositing thereon any W aggon, Cart, or building materials, (without having previously obtained the: consent of the Coun cil) and Suffer the same to remain for a space exceeding twelve hours, he or she shall for eit k pay one dollar for every hour thereaf ter which they shall so occupy the same: Provided, however, that this act shall not he construed to extend to persons who shall attend the Market, or who shall, at any o ther time, he drawn to the place lor the pur pose of trade or other business. AH Acts and parts of Acts coining within fhe purview of this Act shall be, and tbey are hereby repealed. This Act shall bo in force from 6c after the first day of April next. Passed in Common Council, March 19, 1822. A Copy.—Teste, LEMUEL BENT, Clerk. AN ACT Directing the paving the footways on both sides of Boscawen‘Street,fromJLoudon-st. to ft'ashington st, 11F it enacted by the President and Com mon Council of the Corparation oj It in, hester, That the owners and occupiers of lots, or parts ot lots, on hot!i sides of Boscawcn street, from Eoudnn t *» \Y ash ingt on-street, do, and shall, on or before the first day of Ortober next, under the direction of the Commissioners hereinafter named, pave tho footways in front of their said lots with brick or good flag stone, to he regulated and gra duated as the said Commissioners may pre*^ scribe. JJvd be if further enacted. That if any per son 01 persons owning or occupying any lot, or part ot a lot, within the limits aforesaid, shall neglect »v refuse to pave their foot ways, as aforesaid, and have the same finish ed, on or before the said first day of Ortober next, he, she or they shall forfeit and pay the sum of five dollars, and for every week thereafter that the same shall he unfinished, the fin ther sum of one dollar, to he recover* <1 by warrant before ~ny magistrate of this corporation, in the name of the pre»dent of the common council, on the information of the commissioners named in this act. ft* Jtnd be it further enacted, That those whu are tenants, am! shall be obliged to make pavements under this act, shall have the same remedy against the owners, as tenants have in the case of other taxes. i’hilipStone, John \V. Miller »n*l Joseph Slagle arc apjioinfed Commissioners to car ry ibis Ar t into effect. Ca'ied in Common Council, March 12ih, 1822. Teste, I.FM1 Kf, BENT. CH:.