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PfUNTED AND PUBLISHED BY JOHN HEISKELL, dU three dollars per annum payable iv advance. raai ■ -_ ■■■ . ■ -—-— PUBUC AUCTIO. CUE subscriber will otter fur sale, at Public Auction, before the door of the premises, on the l«t of May Bent, the HOUSE & LOT, iu Loudon street, occupied bj him. The house is of brick ; of modern construction, nrd ayell calculated to sui: a genteel fnniily The terms will be mode perfectly ac conimodatiug to a purchaser, so much so that no difficulty whatever oo that score ueed arise. Ap il 6. ADAM KURTZ. FOR SALE, 4 TRACT OF LAND containing | , about s.‘*ft ACRF&. ty»?'g **n tin j ,u«,.i rc’“*» t‘*i<4«rrg from VViiic.Y -‘rr to i Knmney and MooreBeid, wit. tour mile* of the former place at* : whereon tne subscriber now lives. I. > I*.id ii j fertile, with two comfort:.<i DWEL LING HOUSES, Ki* h n, Sm k* . house, an excellent Bai , an Orchard cf choice fruit, and gaol water. The said place has been occupied and kep* a» a Tavern upwards of 2<> years, an I ! is thought to be < L «,f the best country stands within a largi' circle. 'I b<* terms will be mad * ae < mm 'dating on appii* cation to th^Jpiscriher. Feb. 3—jjWJACOB WEAVER. IJkJyexv IVugon. >OR jaIJE, a new wagon, the most substantial ma terial tod mnishcd in the best manner. A Itc fedit will be given (lie pur ohe 4>*^ G uod notes of hand will bo recur -Ami payment—or Wheat sod tC-.-r,, n0wiR best *-uit the purchaser— ®r.uven £ jid bank paper wiil be re ceived to paytneut. Any per; o dis (i ■' to pi;, chase w l please ipply to j, lie* *11. at <he G.izctte Office. Vinehe.stei, March 16—tf ALEX. GIBSON, a vvii.uu, r£T>> ETCRNS bis ncknmvledg mpnts J2 J* to ins putrnrs f«»r :h-:ir eoeotir age;,,. ,.t mace h■ conomer.ocd business [ in this place, and respect.oily annoim ecs to then: •!n'l ib • public, that be has rp.moced bis to a part «f the cectrpi»>,i . Jv-«. I?....,?,;,, lieaily opposite the Ji’i'.chester Hotel. where he will always be ready t0 re ceive orders in his line of business, and will pay such attention, hath to de spatch and execution, as must g ve general satisfaction. He w*!l alwe\ keep employed (he best woiko.en, and will regularly ree.eive from *1 Itimore (where he has established a corres pondence for that purpose) the ne\*est fashions. His charges will be as mode rate as possible. Winchester, Feb. Ifi—tf PUBLIC SALE. BY virtue of a Deed of Trust exp. cutcd to the subscriber by Mat thew Montgomery and wife, bearing date the Bth day of October, 1821. Ho - of reeord in the office, of the County Court of Frederick, he will expose to »ule, to the highest bidder, for cash, on Monday the fith day of next rm.nth (May.) on the premises, a HOUSE and LOT, in Gainsborough, in the I County of Frederick, being the same on which the 9sid Montgomery resided. The nbovementioned House and Lot was eonveyed in trust, to the subscriber to secure the payment of a debt due "William Wood. Such title a« is vested in me ns trustee will be ms<'e th*’ por ch, er. JOSEPH SEXTON. April 6, 1822—-ids PUBLIC SALE. THE subscriber will oiler rn< sale on the first .Monday in May np.rt. before (he door of Fred’k Nadetiboosch in (ir.insboro* (Pnghiown) a certain TRACT OF LAST I), in the county of Frederick, bring tlie same which was sold by John Mi-Kee to Jacob Monmouth, and by said Moo. mou'h conveyed to ihe subscribe*- to secure a debt owing to said McKee: SAID TRACT CONTAINS 52 ACRES. Sneh title as is vested in me as trus tee will be made the purchaser. THOMAS FISHER. April 13—td*. NOTICE. f E Subscriber having resumed h JBL Floor and Grocery Business in Alexandria, begs leave again to oflW his serviec* to liis country friend* — He will purchase and *>**11 ftour—nr receive it on Storage.—-Ho will keep constantly on luind a stock of Groce* ries, and transnet any Immuu-s* which they may be disposed to confide to him SAM0EL THOMPSON. March 16—tf. , BANK STOCK. 1 /A Shares of Valley Bank Stock fur j 1 u side. Jipply ul the Gazette Office. April 20—3 ». LAND FOIt SALE. * t* TRACT OK LAND whereon JR the late Siginmut.d Kfribling resi ded. within four mil*** of Winchester, adjoining the lands Col K g, r and Dr. Magradc* and others, and containing *h»ut FOUR hlJNDRKD ACRES it .ffered for sale by private contract.— Any person disposed to purchase can ascertain the terms i>y application to either of the sob»c>ibrrs. FRANCIS STKJBLING, sen’r. JOHN MACKEY ALKX. S. Til)3ALL. A prj| a - -2m French Biu r Miff Stones. % ** toon a* I receive written appli. jl V eeti-m#, '■■.ffv-i n$ M* unit- •••akiiig, I in*i-nd to c> ntmence the m-ki st -f FRENCH BURR. MILL4 9 TONES,at Dt*ct. Straith’s mi!], near Charlestown, Jeff*. rson County. They will be warranted end delivered at the aforesaid place at Baltimore prices. Whoever may wish to sec a sample of my work, can h** gratified by calling at Mr. pitcher’# mill, near Harper’# Kerry, or at Mr. U. Worthingtons’ mill, near Ch»rle*fown. PATRICK M. RYAN. April 20—itt. PL BMC SALE. BY virtue o! a Heed of Trust from Peter Krenter, u the suh'eribpr, for the purpose oT securing the pav ment *»f the sum# of money therein mentioned to Lane & Brume, will be *ol at public auction, for ready mo. ney. to the highest bidder, LOT No. lfio, in Fairfax’* addition to the town i of Winehes’er, with a TWO STORY FRAME BUILDING thereon, reser ving fro to the said L;,t twenty-five feet fr-til on Canieron*8tree|, belonging to George Kic-iner. It i» the name pro- 1 perty that i# now occupied by Conrad Kretner. The sale will take place be* f ire the door of Cnpr. R. McGt;ip’« Hotel, on Saturday the. l\th day of Mry ne.x't, and su<*h title cot,vej ed to tin- purchaser us is ve*ted in tlie sub scriber l»v the aforesaid deed of trust. THOMAS ALLEN TIDBALL. Apiil 20—td Trust Safe. 3 3 Y virtue of a deed <>f trust, execn* 3 .5 ted by Adam Hamhaugh <5jS* Caro line VJ. Isis wife to me, for tfie purpose of indemnifying Jacob \ nnnort as the security of the -aid Hamhaugh, in a certain note due to William Canavan, I shall sell for ready money, at publie auction, before the door of Mr. John Jacobs, in the Town of Front Royal, on Monday the 13th day of May next, ONE HOUSE 6c LOT, undone unim proved LOT lying in said Town: «neb title a* i« vested in r:c os trustee will be made to the purchaser or pttreha* hcm. The sale will commence at li o’clock. \VM. LANE, Trustee. April *20. CLOCK MA KING 6«;c. ^c. i$c. EURGE ». GR AVES return* hi* If most g»*ateful acknowledgment# to he public for the liberal encourage ment he ha« received for ‘be last year. He still oecupie# the *ome shop on Piccadilly strict, and it afford* him pleasure to announce to hi# customer# that he ha# on baud a general a*.or?, ment of CLOCK ft M ‘THE.VIATI CAL INSTRUMENT ind every •>. ‘her a^’iclc in hi* line oi btt ine«». He n'»o informs the public that be i* ore pared to xerute all kind of \VA * »’P REPAIRING <y SILVER WORK on the most accomodating f> rms. N. B. Two good steady band* may gel employment far #ix or twelve month* at either branch of bnsincs* by iairm rtinte application to the #«th*eii ber. G B. O. April 13—tf. Hardy Lands for Sale. fWISH In aril a TRACT OF LAND. lying in I We cnun'y of Hardy, and State of Virginia, po.ifoining, by jia tent or suraey, FOUR. THOUSAND KIOHT HUNDRED AOBK9, lying on the bead whIcs, or as the patent expresses it, ‘'head drains’* of New and Pattersons Creek*. e.djoining 'he land* of Col. George Gilpin. The patent i« fluted the 3rd day of Deeem. her, in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-six. The arreara gr* o< i .xes have i»*en paid npon this 1«»>d and an imdi«puted title will be tnnd'*. These land* have, by persons well acquainted with them, been repre sented to mi' as valuable, and well ndapt-d to cultivation and grasses— A bargain mny bo had if application b** speedily made Letters directed to iho subscriber will be attended to, and any further information aflorded, rela ting to these land*, that hr is possessed of. rilOMAfi GRIFFIN. York-Town, Vg. Ap(il 13—at FOil S ALE, ( A TRACT OK LA.M) containing about 190 • ICHKS, lying on the main road from Winchester to Woorefield and Romney, within four miles of the fortnpr piAtr and adjoining the lands of Joseph Baker, Esq. Jacob Weaver and others, und whereon the i subscriber now lives* The land is fer tile, with a comfortable DWELLING HOUSE, Kitchen. Snoke»ho use, an excellent new Barn, an Orchard of choice fruit, .ndixcpllent Spring* of water. The terms will be made ac commodating on application to the sub scriber. JOHN WEAVER. Feb. 2—tf. FOR SALE, A TRA*’T OK LAND containing «’9 JiCUkS, lying on both sides ol Back Creek, whereof. (he subscriber now Jive«. a consider* part of which I i a. i~v-rrw lup. Arsr r£ provemenis ur# a comfortable DWEL LING HOUSED Kitchen, Sinoke-h ouse, I i good Barn, and on Orchard. The payments will be made accommodatiug and the land sold on low terms. ALSO— A TRACT OF LAND, CONTAINING Four Hundred Acres, lying on the niters of Back Creek, a bool two miles from the former, and adjoining the lands of Wn, Rvwaters, Joseph Dolby nvl others. This is fine land and well timbered, but has no im« provements on it. A great bargain will be given in either of the above farms, by applying to the subscriber living near Pnghtown. I,. M'COOLE. Feb. 2—tf. INDIAN QUEEN HOTEL, A’o. 15,6 ut/i louTth’.'trtl, <Philadelphia) lt-(ZL'een Market aid C/itsnut. subscriber re^iecttul!) informs 5 hi* friends and tie pohlie in gene ini, he has takeu the above estab. lis ’ir*) r, where the*, may rest assured thiit lie wiii rise every exertion to give j general sa isfaetion * to euch as raay | fa\ or him w it It H call. i'he li'juse has been neatly fitted up, and s, veil calculate!! fl*..t i»>« accom modation of gentlemen iravelliog with their families ;—ii is in the eentre j of, hn■ 1 oi.uvenirnt to ihe j Insurance Office*, Banks, rtucTnftrijjM Of*.-!" ; -t^ . • r. ’* . ■" jEjji urn and other places of Tijh.'ie tvSiuso^ ineni. All lavors will |>.- gratel’plly ac‘ 1 koowledgeij bv their obedient servant, J THOMAS HE1SKKLL. Philadelphia, March 0, IS22. LANE fj I!HOME RF/SPEC1 FULLY inform thrfir friend* and the public, tlmt they have received a lar ;e supp y of NEW GOODS, selected with much care fmm the late arrival*; ntno> g uliieh nm Blue, Black & other Cloths & Cassi. mere • Casiinetls, Drilling, Silk, Toilinctt { and Marseilles V «iings Nankin &. ('union Crnprs, Silk & Cot* ; ton Hosiery } Cambricl*. L<*nn, Book A Mn!l Muslins J Ginghams, C.-.iiene*. Ivid, Silk & Bea. j ver Clove* 4-4 & 3 \ Li*h Linon^, Sheetings, Crap Hfi a Is W bile *»lar»eit|o* Quilts, Plaid and Striped Cottons Ladies Morocco and other Shoe* M?»sps nod Children's ditto S(e. Ac / N 1> AV KI.KOANT A'iORlMFT OF .LKGHOIIN BONNKTS, ve»v cheap ALSO—a l irgp sitpnlv • f HARD WARE. CUTLERY. Ac. h resit Teas, Loaf & Brown Sugars. Paints, Dye Htnffs, 8p«rb.nceti Candles C’arppnters St Cabinet-makers Tools And a complete assortment of the best wurrnnted BOLTING CLOTHS, See. &f> April 20—<f. Ten Dollars Reward. U I R A YF.D or stolen fmm the gub kT scriber at the Union Mills, in thp vicinity of Winchester, on the night of the 23tl March, a bright Sorrel Horse, five years old this spring, about 13 hands high, with white hind feet np to the foot lock, a star in his fore head, a snip on the left nostril, a light switch tail, and when mounted carries his head and tail up. Is remarkably sprigh’ly, shows In great advantage, clean limbed,and paces tolerably well. Any person or persons taking up said hors© and drfrayipg the expense of de livery, shall receive the above reward, and five dollars for enmnt'iiiienting by ntnil inf<wm«l!nn where Its may h** ob tained JAMES S. HOGUKLAND, Moorefieid Hardy c’ty V*. April 20, St. WM. MILLKIi, v (N«*t door to Cipt. McGuire's Hotel,) JUS RECEIVEDJrom Philadelphia, and offers for sale on cheap terms* the following FRESH GARDEN SEEDS. Large Lima -j Early Yellow Dwarf i . Early Brown Dwarf j ^ Early hite Dwarf Early Cream Colored Bunch }W Early Pigeon 1 ® W hite Soup j Early Dwarf ~V Early Frame Large Marofat ■ TJ Tf' \ Q Early Carlton r *• J-jxxOo Blue Prussian j .Glory of England j Small Onions Large Drumhead* Flat Dutch Early' York r^vn T iv**y I Yellow do. ^GARBAGE. Early Sugar Loaf Early Cauliflower Late do. Ro,itc sr }CELERY. Imperial Tennis Ball Winter Head Brown Dutch [ , „^„ Cabbage Head r*L*E rTUCE» Green Coss j Yellow Curled ! Ice J Curled Endive Cul led Parsley Sweet do. Long Green ") Early Frame l CUCUMBER. Long Pickle J Early Summer "j Early Red Turnip j Early White J>RADDISH, White Fall Black Fair J White Spanish Onion Parsnip Mangel Wurtzell Long Orange Carrot Horn do Winter Cress , Curled do Spanish Tomato Seed Sweet Marjoram Fennel Seed died fleshed Water Melon PP * r-h'»trr;p ft utmeg Melon Yellow tiuta RCobbetPfi Turnip Rod Turnip Beet Red Salmon d.> Spinach Saffron Leak Bunch Simblin. Feb. 23—.t Alleghany Lands for Sale. A 'ILL be sold, at public sale, nn T T Monday the 2?th day of the present month (April.) at Alexaudt r Sanford's Tavern, in the town of Cum berland, Maryland, the following lots, or parcels of Land of fifty Acres each, lying in (lie county of Alleghany, Ma. ryland, viz : Lots No. 12s, 1*0. (60. 1C4, 199,203*327, 588,405,448,808, 809, 811, 850, 886, 190, 891, 900, 912, 919, 924, 938, 973,990, 1000, 1003, 1050,1068, 1125, 1139, 1158, 1 185, 1220, 1253, 1255. 1287, 1306, 1400, 1403, 1486, 1517, 1524, 1533, 1547, 1481, 1555, 1777, 1667, 1668. 1669, 1726, 1773, 1774, 1815, 1847, 1858, 1909, 1911, 1950, 1991, 2084, 2375, 2376. 2377, 2378, 5006, 5032, 3037, 3176. 317F. 5569, 4028, 4034, 4086,an ' 4048. AI.SO, Lots No. 18fi0 and lSfifi, willi the rcsnrvcy on them of 220aeres, making together 820 acres of land. The above lots lie dispersed through the glades of the Alleghany Mountain, in Ryan's, ,L hnsnn’s, and the Yough lilades, on the waters of the North Branph, Big and Little Yongh, Sleep Creek, the. See. and gnu»p are near to Armstrong's und Ingham’s Tavern*, on the slate road. They were all accurately surveyed and boun ded during the last fall l.y an experi. enced surveyor, and a particular de scription of the location, &o. of each can be given ; for which purpose the subscriber (agent for the sale, &C.1) will attend in Cumberland on the day previous to the sale, and will give every information respecting them to | person* disposed to purchase. They will be sold in parcel* or separately, if required. I he term* of sale are,— For all sum* of goo and under, eash j between 60 and 100 dollars, a credit ol two years j and over 100 dollars, a credit of two* and four year* will he givpn—- interest payable annually—the purchaser giving bond with approved security. Hitch title will he made as is vested in the trustee,to whom they were conveyed by Ji.lin Tcmpleroan, Fsq. in trust, to sell for certain purposes. Possession will be given immediately, and the ti tle* made on payment of the purchase money. \V. SMITH, 'Trustee. | April® J. M- MASON, -v — --—= 1>B. JOHN E. COOKE. 4 . tFEk.s liis Professional service® jf to th*- inhabitant* of Winrlirsler, and it* vicinity—He reside* in Mrs, Conrad’* brick h<use, opposite tbo trial itet \»<o#e, formerly occupied by the Farm*-1’* bank. Apiil 13- 3f. UMfc. THE subscriber lie* for aa«e, and will con*iamly keep a large «jt:an . iity of excellent LIME, which he wilt di»po*e of on moderate term* for cash. — Apply at hi* residence opposite tho Gazette Office. March 30. JAMES MACK. BOAKDIKG. ^ W **HK subceriber respectfully informfl Jl bi* friend* & ihe public generally that he continue* to tnke Hoarders. The oitualiuu of hi* boose is one of ibe most pleasant and healthy in Wir.ehea* 1**'; brine retired shil \» ■ ♦^Ut the bustle of ihe 1 nn, is well ed for young p* r*n»» g. »ng to School. Boarders will be furtm herl w i It beds aud washing. His teim* wii be very moderate, and eontnte>-MJiale w 'It lha Cm*1*- PEIER LAl'CK. April 20—Gts. Public Auction. B\ virtue of a Died of Trust exe« cnied to the subscriber by John Anderson (Nells Town) to secure a debt owing to Ephraim Fenton, th* subscriber will sell, on Monday iho 29i h inst. between I he hours of 12 6c 2 o’clock P, M. on the prt mists, in Neffa Town, a certriii lot or tract of laud, lying on the road leading from Winchester to Harp-r’s Ferry, adjoin ing the lands of Robert Mucky, Dot i.v and others, containing ONE A* * HE; also another lot adjoining this above, containing I WO AkliEK,__ 1 here is on the piemises a dwelling House.—Such title a* is vested in we I will make the purchaser, April 6. DANIEL LINN. The Large and Ponerjnl JACK' ASS the EMPEROR, ILL stand at the Farm 0f David Tv R- Aslan, in Frederick rbunty, 4 irifti* lioir I'eiftriawR atui 8 from Charlestown, at EIGHT HOL LARS per nunc for (lie srhsnn, whichi " ill commence on the Fir a. of March ami end on ibe firsi r.f Septt tuber next; bui be will not be hi fo a**es. the emperor is one of the most powerful Jack Asses «n America; rising 8 years old,* and a*, iboucb exceedingly gentle, is rer.iarke biy vigorous, and is a sure foul getter —every mare pul to him last season . proving in foa!. He a as gotten by Columbus, who was by Compound out of a Jenny by tbe Knight of Malta, who was out of the imported Maltese Jenny, presenied by the Marquis de la Fayette to Gen. '\Vpghjngton. The Emperor’s dam was bred bv the Gen« ral.— She was by the Knight of Malta 1 I out of Compound’s dam—Compound by the lloyal Gift, out of the old Mal tese Jenny. 1 he valne of large mules may be es timated from their being so easily rais ed and kept; from their not being liable* to the common disorder* j>f Horses: from their capability of working longer in each day, and undergoing far greater latiguo and hardship than a horse, and living, as good labourers, till sir.ty years of age! If broke and treated with gentleness, they are as trnetaUo as horses, and will out-travel, as well as out work, any horse. I he Emperor belongs to Dnelor Thornton, of the city of Washington, who was favored by Gen. Washington [ with the best breed of his asses. February 23d—list M. Virginia,* Hardy County, to wit: MARCH TEHMj 1822. John Craigeo, Plaintiff’, AGAINST John Stump and Leonard Stump, Defendant*. IN CHANCERY. THE Defendant l.rnnnrd Slump not having enierrd appearance) and given security areor»'ing to the of Assembly and the rules of this Court, and it appearing by mlisfaerory evidence that he i* not tn ii hahitr.nt of this Coipituic.wealth; li is orrfri n/, That the »aid Defend, nt do appear hero on the second Tuesday in .tone npxt, and answer the bill of the Plain* tiff; and that a enpy of this order be forthwith inserted in some news-paper published in Winchester for two months • oeces«ive|y, and posted at the front door of the Court House of tbs caii County ef Hardy. A Copt—Tevte, EDWARD WILLIAMS, o. H.e. Marrh SD.