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THIS WINCHESTER GAZETTE. -|,Q- 756- WINCHESTER, VA. SATURDAY, mT\ a5th, isas. Vol ,X)I HINTED AND PUBLISHED BY JOHN IIEISKEEL, f 'ace dollars per annum payable in advance. ijISPli.VSIHLIi CO*YJjrriOJ\'S. *. No papers will be discontinued * .1 all arrearages are paid. * *. Advertisements not exceeding .* •:are, (V lines printed matter or ues common manuscript matter, • i ted three times for One Dollar, ! Twenty-Five Cents per square : every subsequent insertion, and, u not specifically directed to the ! rary, will he inserted until forbid charged accordingly, i t. Advertisements from a dis c must be accompanied with the !(, or be assumed by some respon person, or the Postmaster most mient to the advertiser. •*. Advertisements will, in every uce he charged to the person or c.g them, unless particularly sti sted to the contrary. . The Postage on all communi ns to the Editors, must he. paid • >e writer, or they will not he ai led to. !. Chancery Orders inserted as c Advertisements and charg'd to Attorney, whose name is indorsed lie Clerk on the order. . B. It is distinctly to be under d by Advertising Customers, that • Advertisement will henceforward directed by the Editor of this pa *o be inserted in other papers, ;atl»c same be previously paid for VII. The Postage on all commu nions to the Editor. must he paid . !:e writer, or they will not be at Vd to. - i Wanted Immediately. X apprentice to the Printing Rti n siness of respectable connexions industrious habits, aged from in ! 7 years. One of the above descrip. > will meet with a good hir'h ut J !oy4. THUS OFFICE. j A CARD. R. TOGNO, a native of France, . proposes opening a school, in • -irbestcr, to teach (Its French and ' ■ uin Languages. Subscriptions are with Mr. John tiruee and Alex. Vidball, to whom a reference is re ••■■•tfully requested. May 4—it P. C. M’CABE, ATT O RATE F AT LA IF, FFBRS his professional services v ! to the public. Ur will attend the \ • ts of Charlestown, Winchester and ' •rtinshurg. lie may be found at ■.c-n’s Hotel, or at his olfiee oppo - i Fulton’s. All communications o Pressed to him shall meet with im* tate attention. 7'Conveyanciog executed at his *o. harlestown, April 27—fit. FOR SAt.E, A TRACT OF LAND containing / V about 196 JiCllKS. lying on. the • * in road leading from Winchester to «' uir.ey and Moorefield, within four < es of the former place and whereon 'iibscriher now lives. The land ia i)e, with two comfortable L)W|\L HOUSES, Kitchen, Smoke an excellent Bam, an Orchard .nice fruit, and good water. The place has been occupied and kepi * Tavern upwards of 20 years, and sought to be one of the best country Is within a large circle. T he terms oe mode accommodating on appl • o to the subscriber. % b. 2—tf JACOB WEAVER. NOTICE. , 'ME Subscriber having resumed the Flour and Grocery Business in • indria, begs leave again to offer 1 • rvice* to his country friends.— ill purchase and sell Hour—or ve it on Storage.— Ho will keep nntly on hand a stock of Groce* . ''.nd transact any bnsines* which ' y may he disposed to ennlide to him SAMUEL THOMPSON. r irnh 16—tf. P LAND FOR SALK. “ ^ ■ K TKAOTOK LAND »here» ho late Sigtsmund Btnbling resi *i'hin four miles of Winchester, ir.g the lands Col. K'ger and Dr. ndcr and others, and containing POUR HUNDRED ACRES, i* d for sale by private contract.— person disposer] to pii'chnse can ;tain the terms hy application to r of the subscribers. •*R ANCIS STKIBLING, sen’r. •JOHN MACKEY, ALEX. 3. Til)BALL* f pril 6-—2m 6 9 MISS ELIZA L. PINE I St E I URNS her thankful aeknow ^ lodgments to the Ladies and Gen ilemen of the vicinity of Berry ville for t!i« patronage she has received, end pledges her unremitting attention to the improvement of children committed to her instruetirn. She engages to teach the following blanches, viz: Orthography, Heading, Penmanship, •Hr it lunatic. Fnglish Grammar, Com. position, History Geography with tho tis* of the Maps .§• Globes. H7"“ Tuition, 8to per annum for the first four studies, and gt3 for the rest. May 18'h—3t» pd. Six Cents Keward. 15 AN-AWAV from the subscriber, \ in November last, an indented apprentice GIRL named PEGGY YOUNG, between 12 and 13 years o( age. The ahove reward will he given for bringing her home, but no charges. STEPHEN PHITCHARD. Mnv 1 8—,?ts pri. Wool Carding. rflEsubseriber respectfully informs hi* friends and the public gener* ally, that h*- has eomnienced / f ool Cat ding, nbrjut one n.ile south of Winchester, at 'I**1* Mills formerly owned by Edmund Smith. Having lately receive*! some new Cards, he hopes to render satisfac tion to those who will entrust their wool to his care, SAMUEL BROWN. May 18 — 30. Mr. John Gardner, (Pennsylvania,) TAKE NOTICE, TMI \ ! on ihe toih dey of Juue . next, at the Office of Lemuel Beni, Ksq. in the town of Winchester, I shall proceed to takt the deposition* of Al lred Parkin'., Joseph H, Barker, John 'V. .ViHer, ’Tlmmas Hollis, Nathaniel Cartmill, John Richardson, John Lup** Ion, and others, which I .hall olTYr a* evidence in my behalf in a suit depend ing in the Superior Court of Chuocery halden at Winchester, in which lam Complainant and you, aj'e. are Defend ant*. I He depositions will he taken by virtue of a commission from tho said Court. May 4. WTH AN’f. PARKINS. Pine-Grove Factory. Hi*' establishment is now in good i order and ready for the reception ! of wool, which will he manufactured i into cloth, cassiuetl, blankets, or lin- I 9ey, at moderate price*. 'Chose who send their wool early will get their cloth early; wool will be taken in part pay at a fair price. The subscriber* ! tender their sincere thanks for past fa vors, and every exertion will, as here tofme, tie made to render satisfaction to those who may favor them with their custom.— JCT’Carding & fulling done at the customary prices of this section of country. HOLMES & WaRD. Bruicetdwn, May 4 Commission Store. Nn. 56, Pratt Street, Baltimore, 1TIF0 subscribers have connected themselves in the commission bu siness, and offer their services to their friends aod the public. Their Ware house is extensive and fire-proof.— They will reeeive on store, and sell on a small commission, a’I hinds of coun try produce, and purchase any article in market,—cha.ging moderately, for setliog an] purchasing. From their general knowledge of the city and market, they feel confident they will be able to render genere.l satisfaction to all such as entrust their business to their care. The business will be conducted un per the firm of Baer 8c Mantz. (£lr Reference— Henry W# Baker 8c Sons, 8c John W. Miller, Winchester. WILLIAM BARK. May 11. HENRY M ANTZ. , SURA EYING. | THE snbscnber having come to the ! temination of Attending personally to 1 all bis business as Surveyor for the County, ( and not by deputy a* heretofore ) as sure* the people of Frederick that his unremiite t exertions shall be used to serve them in all cases of a private as well as public nature, with that promptitude and accuracy uhieh he hopes will merit a continuance of the confidence and patronage he has here tofore received at their hands. His fees upon public surveys are regulated by law aud of course must govern him: those of a private nature he will ren der as reasonable as ean posibly be ex pected. lO" On ring the sit ting* of the courts, he will he found at Capt. M’Guire’e j tavern, in Winchester j and at o« I ther times, letters may be addressed or personal application made to him either at BatMe-town or Winchester, WM, CASTLEM AN, Jim. i May 14—it, Sutr, F,Cty, FOR SAI.E. ,4 TRACT OP LAND*containing i J about 190 ACRES, lying on the main road leading from Winchester to Moorefield and Romney, within four miles of the former place and adjoining the lands of Joseph Baker, Esq! Jacob Weaver and other*, and whereon the subscriber now lives. The land is fer. tile, with a comfortable DWELLING HUU^fc, Kitchen. Smnke*bouse, an excellent new Barn, an Orchard of choice fruit, and excellent Springs of water. The terms will be made ac commodating on application to the sub scriber. JOHN WEAVER. Feb. 2—tf. Public Sale. ' 3 ^ HE subscriber, a» agent for Alex -9. anoer Fulton oflbe city of Rich* mood, will sell, at public auction, be fore the door of cayt. Edward Mc Guire’s Hotel, on the 1st dny of June Court next, at 12 o'clock. A Tract of Land, on the drains of Hog Greek, patented to Jacob Trout, bearing date the 27th of June, 1789. I bis tract contains 451 ACRES, and abounds with much valuable Tim ber, which, from its contiguity to a Haw Mill, (Mr. J ohn Cr.ickwr IPs) is very valuable—The terms of sale will be one fourth of the purchase money in hand; the remaiuiig three fourth* in equal annual initalineuts,—Bond and security will be required. ClIARliSH MAGILL. April 27. FOR SALE, A I RAPT OK I AND confaining /ft. 2.39 ACHES. Ling on both sides of 8aek Creek, whermn the subscriber now lives, a eona;i!erible pert of which is good BOTTOM lAM). The im prnvpnients are a eonfortable DWEL LING HOUSE, Kitdiert, Smoke-house, a good Barn, and in Orchard. The payments will lie mide accommodating aud the land sold on low terms. —ALSO— A TRACT OF LAND,! containing Four Hundred .9cres, lying on tbc uatc-g of Back Creek, a bout two miles from the former, and adjoining the lads of Wm, Bywaters, Joseph Dolby and others. This is fine land and well timbersd, but bt»s *jo im provements on it. A g*eai bargain will be given in either of tie ubnve lartn-, by applying to the aibscriber living near Pugh town. L M'CGOLE. Feb. 2—tf. INDIAN aUKEi IIOTEl7 | So. 15, South Fourth str-it, Ph'Uadeluhta) between Market uni Chesnut. IpHE subscriber respectfully informs -U- his friends and thepublir in gent ral, that he bus taken tie above estab. lisliment, where they any re-t assured ; that he will n-o every eiertion to give general satisfaction to such us may favor him with a eall. The House has been roath; fitted up. I and is well calculated f.r the aceom modal ion of gentlemen t iivelliog with their families ;—i* Js jtl tHe centre ot business, and eonverient to all the Insurance Offices, Baiks, Auction*, and Post Office ; liken i;** to the .Muse um and other places of fuhiic amuse rnem. All favor* w;il hogratefuily ac knowledged by their nhpf’ipfit servant, THOMAS H SISK ELL. Philadelphia, March 9, 1322. LANE § DROME t) ESPECTFULLY inform tlieir t». friends and the public, that they have received a large supply of NEW GOODS, ■elected with much oare from tho late arrivals; among which are Blue, Biaek fit other Cloths fit Cassi. mere* Cassioetts, Drilling, 8ilk, Toilinett and Marseilles Vestings Nankin 8t Canton Crapes, Silk &Cot» ton Hosiery Cambrick, Leno, Book fir Mol! Muslin* Ginghams, Calicoes, Kid, Silk fir Bea ver Gloves 4-4 fit 3 4 Irish Linens, Sheetings, Crape 8hwl* White Marseilles Quilts, Plaid and Striped Cottons Ladies Morocco and other Shoes Misses and Children’s ditto. <$*0. fie. AND AN ELEGANT AS»r»m MET OE LEGHORN BONNETS, very cheap.—-ALSO—a large snpnlvof HARD WARE, CUTLERY, fic. Fresh Teas, Loaf fit Brown Sugars, Coffee Paints, Dye Stuffs, Spermaceti Candle* Carpenters fir Cabinet-makers Tools i And a complete assortment of the best | I warranted BOLTING CLO THS, See. i I &0. fire- April 20—tf. | DOCTORS COOKE & BARTON, MAYING united ill partnership, will, in future, keep their Shop in the Room now occupied bv Doctor Barton, fronting the Clerk’s Office, and near the Court House. By this arrangement, one or the o. ther will generally he found at home; ant! any cull, whether in town or coun try, will be attended to without delay. May 11—3tp. NOTICE^ THE Stockholders in ASHBY’S GAP TURNPIKE COMPANY, are requested to attend at John Upp's Tavern in Middieburg, on Friday the 14th ttf June, to elect a President, four Directors, and Treasurer, and to trans act such other business as may be laid before them. By order of the Presi dent & Directors. A. GIBSON, 'Treasurer. May M — tdm. Ten Dollars Reward. STRAYED or stolen from the suh i>enber, living on Apple-Fye Ridge, near Welltown, od Monday night the 6th inst. A Dark Brown Horse, with yellow stripes around his legs, black inane and tail mixed with fray hairs. Hu paces well, and is in good order. The subscriber will five the a bovc reward, with aM reasonable char ges, if taken out of the county and brought homo ; or five dollars if taken in the tctiuty. STEPHEN RITTER. May 11—3lpd. Dissolution of Partnership. rrMJE partnership heretofore Cnn ducted by Harmer & Seemcr was on tba l**t of May last dissolved by mutual consent, Thngn indebted to the firm will please make sneedy pay - meut. The business will hereafter be conducted at the earns place by Jacob Harmer who trusts that by his know ledge A attention to business to merit a share of public patronage. JACOB HARMER, WM. SEEMER. May 18—3ts. Dancing School. JOHN A. XAll PI jp KSFECTFULLY informs the Ladies and Gentlemen of Win chester and its vicinity, that, depend ing on a continuance of (heir former liberal patronage, ho will open bin Dancing School, on Saturday the 18th inst. in the house lately occupied oy Mr. Heteriek, op posite the Republican Printing Office. Those who desire taking lessons iu that elegant accomplishment, will please to subscribe their names to the List, containing the terms, fkc. left in Mr. Davis’ Reading Room. Inde pendent of the particular attention that J. A. Xaupi proposes dedicating to the improvement, in dancing, of the pupils entrusted tn his care, pa re.nts may rest assured that proper re gard shall be paid to their deportment. May ll—3r. Frederick Limestone Land for Sale. ’"B’MIE Subscriber oilers for sale, on JL accommodating terms,his FARM, which lies on the road leading from Winchester to Millwood, und abrut e qui-distaut from those places. This Farm contains 6 9 3 AC R E S, a large proportion cf which is in tim ber of good quality; and there is on the land an abundance of exeollent stone for building and fencing. If wished, the subscriber will divide the Farm to suit purchasers; bnt will not sell a part, unless the ballance can be sold at the same time. For terms ap ply to Francis B. Whiting, of Clay Hill, Frederick eonoty, Va. or to the subscriber in Aldie, Loudon eonnty, Va. LEWIS BERKELEY. May 11—If Manufacturing, Dying £5 Dres sing of Cloth. THE subscriber respectfully in. forms the public that he hits rent, ed the woollen factory at Cheater-gap, near Front-Royal, lately occupied by Messrs. Thomas Buck and ti. Bayley, Hiving put new cards in the carding machines, and the fulliog mill being pnt in complete order, and having a perfect knowledge of the business, he engages to manufacture wool into cloth of every description for custom ers. vi*: Sattinet, Cassinet, Blankets, and negro Cloth: al<o Cassimere and narrow plain Cloths —The subscriber has on hand a quantity of superfine (’loth* and Cassimeres, which he will sell low for cash or wool, or any eoun 1 try produce that he may want. | ^Carding and fulling will be done 1 on the shortest notice. 1 May #. JOHN HOLLAND, i At DqCIOR HUGH H. McGUIRE OFFERS his professional services to the inhabitants of Winchester and its vicinity. His shop is one door north of the Hotel* May 18—3t*. Attorney at Law. Thomas Ragland, «r Rom ney, will practice Law in the Courts of Hardy, Hampshire and Cum berland; and also in the Superior Court of Chancery for the W inchester district. Romney, May H—3t, Bank Stock—Wanted. ANT ED immediate)?, FIFTY ▼ T SHtARK8 OF BANK STOCK, 0:1 Jim?* for the payment of which satitdactory security will be given. fcTJpply to the editor of the Ua-ette. May 4— if ROBERTS $ TAGGART Respectfully inform their triends and the public, that they have just rec’d their regular supply cfc Spring $ Summer Goods, comprizing a very general assortment, * the whole of which they will sell om the most reasonable terms for cnsA, or on a short credit to punctual custom _May 4. Capon Springs. MRS. HERON & 1). H. WAD* DELL respectfully inform the public that they purpose to open, a* usual, A House of Entertainment, tlm approaching season, at rttpon Spring*; and pledge themselves, that their accommodation* ahail be inferior to none other; not even the houses at the celebrated Shannondale, Bath, or Bed ford—The well known efficacy or the Capon waters in many com. plaints, and the salubrity of the Moun tain air, are points of too much impor* tanto to be neglected by the iuvalid or valetudinarian; and it may. without arrogating too much for these waters, lie proper to say, that their medicinal qualities excel -hose of any other_ But the man of pleasure, also, or lover ofgood living, shall not be disappoint ed; as every thing calculated to afford (nem enjoyment shall also be provided, l'o the lover of good Punch, or cold water, it may be well to remark, that a quantity of good clean ice is provi ded; and, in short, every other articlo • hat reasonable persons may require.-** Mrs. H. & w return thanks for the encouragement u»cj and pledge themselves that no exer tion vhali be wanting to merit a con* tinuance of the public support, 8T7*The road across the Mountain will be much improved. May It. Virginia, Hardy County, to wit: MARCH term, 1822, John Craigeo, Plaintiff, AGAINST John Stump and Leonard Stump, DefeudaBts, IN CHANCERY. FW HE Defendant Leonard Stomp JL not having entered his appearance and given security according to the aet of Assembly and the rules of ihie Court, and it appearing by satisfactory evidence that he is not an inhabitant of this Commonwealth; Ii is ordered? 7'hat the said Defendant do nppear here on the second Tuesday in Juno next, and answer the bill of the Plain tiff; and that a copy of this order bo forthwith inserted in some news.paper published in Winchester for two months successively, and posted at the front door of the Court House of the said County of Hardy, A Copy.—Teste, EDWARD WILLIAMS, o. h, c. March 30. VALUABLE LAND FOlt SALE, Cl (INSISTING of several eontign. /ous tracts, amounting in quantity tn upwards of ELEVEN HUNDRED ACRES, situate in the county of Hampshire, on Patterson’s Creek, a bout a mile above the town or Frank fort. Nearly FOUR HUNDRED A CRES of this land is elearrd; a large proportion of which is bottom, eieel leof for mendovr or corn; and the resi dua is fine for grass and small grain, with water for stock in every field. There is also a good mill seat on the premises. It would be an object to a. ny one who wished to have a large stock farm; or for one who wished for a comfortable retreat on retiring from business. A part of the purchase mo« ney must he cash, or it must be paid in a short time after the sale. Store goods would be received for another part, am! the residue at aceommoda* ting periods. Application may be made to William Naylor, residing at Romney: or to the subscriber, residing on the premises. WILLIAM ARMSTRONG, iris April 27. *