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WINCHESTER: SJITURDJir, .May -25lh, IB2«. J.xtract of a letter from the Comul of the Unl ted Statet at Fayal, to hit friend in Wine he: ter, dated 28fA .March 1822. “ The political state of Portugal, is, I be lisve, daily becoming more and more consoli dated. A considerable change has taken place in the Government of these Islands, of very little importance to the rest of the world, but very interesting an»l pleasing to us in this I.v IsnJ. A most arbitrary Governor General and Junta, established at Terceira. have, for centu* rics past, governed a II these Islands ; they are BOW divided into three districts ; St .Michael's, Terceira and Fayal are the three capitals, or chief places; The first has St. .Mary's attach ed to it ; Terceira has St. George and Gracia :a j and Fayal has Pico, Flores, Coir a annexed to it This last is the most commercial ami important of them all; our cbiei town, called Porta, or Garden, is to become u citv, and great ameliorations are expected to arise from this new s'ate of things. W'e have upwards of sixty thousand inhabitants, and send two deputies to the Cortes. Th.s town contains ! about eight thousand persons. “ Flour is so cheap in America, that in the districts where that article is the staple, and where I should naturally look for the best customers, for my choice wine, they cannot af ford to drink it. Nor do 1 see any prospect, ! for a long time to com.', that the nations of | Europe will set about cutting each others throats, to assist the Ff>ur dealers and me lt is true, the Greeks are so engaged, that a I part ial failure of the Grain crop in Spain or Portugal might help us k little ; but 1 consi der a market in Europe for bur surplus 1-1 j of bread stuff, aa almost hopeless, $; should re joice to see measoras taken in the U. States, to consume a part of the surplus, and diminish the residue, by appropriating a part of the wheat lands to the culture of Flax and Hemp, the raising of Sheep, &.c. tc- and thus cease to be subjected to the caprice of the persons, or 1 Governments of Europe.’* IMPORTANT OF WHEAT. The Vulcan, wldch arrived here yesterday from Liverpool, brought as part of her cargo a quantity of English ivhrnt, which it is said will bring a profit in our market. This cir* ciinisiaiice is conclusive as to the abundance ul grain in England, and shuts out all hopes ut the ports there being opened for our bread stud's. The most recent accounts represent the prospect of an abundant harvest through out Hri'ain to be very great, and if something ;s not done to protect the agricultural inter ests of this country, we ate much afraid that they will suffer materially by this new sort of importation. It would certainly be a singular occurrence if our congress should he compel led 10 resort to the ‘corn laws.*—[Jl'. T. Jidv. We are this moment informed, (says the Philadelphia Democratic Press o> Saturd .y the 18lh inst:) by a gentleman, that on his way to our >ffi.'e he w»s told that Col, Cumnungs and Mr. M’Duffie had met and fought at one distance, and lint they were both aho* dead a*, the first fire. We sincerely hope that this re port is without foundation* From the Alexandria Gazette of .May 18. ANOTHER DUEL. A duel took place in \V shngi.n on Monday evening last, between Mr. Cooke, ..f the United States’ Navy, and M”. William Gibson, of ‘he Treasury depar mem. > he «*-cond 9hot prov ed ialal to Mr Cooke* the b.dl entering his righ* side, just above the hip bone. When will there be treasures taken by our Government to prevent the loss of so many valuable officers \ When will men discard the mwtierous idea of setting themselves up as Tar gets to hr siiot at ? || would be needless to recount the many valuable * * Mi r ers* who have lately fallen victims to this barbarous prrctice. We would call to mind a Decatur, the bright C3t s’ar in tlie American naval annals. Not long since, we had to record the death of joung Worthington, who fell a sacrifice to .he phret.zied ambition nf honor. We would ask, who are to s-nsty for the many tears which have trickled down the cheeks of the almost comfortless parents, sisters and brothers, for these outrageous transactions against the laws of Go» and humanity. \eiD~ York. May 15. M e understand that orders have been re ceived from the Navy Department, for the U. S. ship Cyvne, Cant. Treochard, to pro oped to sea on h cruize, and that ihe will •ail as soon at she can be got ready. Alabama.—The export of cotton from this 'tate, the present year, i» estitnai'-d in the Mobile Gazette at three mill*.-ns of dol lar*. The increase the last thi year* ha* been computed at one third each • *r. The Berks and Schuylkill Journal in forms that great progress has been already made in excavating the 22 miles of the Uni on Canal, commencing below Heading. Jeme* D. Westcotl, late collector of the port of Bridgeton, N. has been removed from office; he is reported to be a defaulter to the amouot of some thousands of dollars. A beautiful meteor passed, in a nor'h wei'erly oirertion, over the city of N. Yirk, •beni 9 o’clock on Thurxisy evening »p»k. 11 »a» larger than • common rocket, ; ro ceeded slowly, was visible for ten or fiPern seconds, and it* explosion exhibited all th» colors of the rainbow The American Eagle reduced by a King An eagle measnrmg 6 fret b inches in ex tent of wo g». wn killed on the 10th in»t. 'near Salem, Mas*, by a lad 14 years of age, •on of capt. Daniel King, From Utlf's Philad. Gazelle of May 13. i IMPORTANT—FROM CANTON. | We subjoin a letter from Canton, with which we have been obligingly favored by a commercial friend._It announces a serious rupture between the British and Chinese, the couse nueuces or which cannot be readily foreseen. The situation of the place is described by other letters, as truly de. plorable. The withdrawal of the Brit, i-h, with all their treasure, had occa sioned a complete suspension of trade. I ne lower classes of people were Qutrageous aguiust the Vice Roy, thinking that lie had cnmpromit ted the honor of tile Chinese Empire, by y ield ing two of his strongest poiuts in his demand*, and by his enodesceudiug to seud deputations down the river, beg ging the British to return and resume their trade. It was generally suppo sed, that when the Emperor should he informed of the conduct of the Vice itoy, and ot the concessions he had of fered t>» the British, that he would or der him to ho decapitated These ad vices are received by the Ger. Hamil ton arrived at Providence, It. I. LATER. STILL From the Providence Journal. The ship General Hamilton, Bacon, arri* ved at this port -m the 18.h msl. 112 days from Canton. We are indebted to the po. ii'euesj of the S toe'-cargo, Mr Wm Cooke, for ihe foil >wing in'cl'Lence. Who the news reached Canton, '.hat the Britt h frigate had firrd upon and trilled sev. *’r*' Chine.e, tlmy, as usual * i such cates, dema ided an ,q ni number ol English to be delivered to ;h- m. 'o be put to death. This w»» irfused on the part of the English. The was imm dialely stopped. Deiermin* ed not to give up their men, as demanded, the company, ( up-reargoes) resolved to quit the factory, and lake refuge en board their ships The Chin-se did no' believe, at first, 'hat *hey were serioa*, and concluded that they were only making a IVini. Finding, however, hat their flag was struck, and that their wives and families had left M&cca, tl*t the treasure was earmarked, and all the ship ping had dropp'd d »wn to the second bar, they became seriou-ly alarmed. The Vice Roy had gone so far ■*» to promise that the trvde might g« on a* hefote, on condition, that when the English ships sh >uld have ar rived in their own country, they should relate the affair to their sovereign, and ‘“next year,” ■ h-y might bring the specified number of hngddimen, to bo butchered according to their absurd law* 'Two day* before the Genneral Hamilton sailed, the Hong merchants, in a body, had gone down to etide*vor to svttie matter*,- but, at the time of sailing, no settle mem had ta ken place. The Uriruh supercargoes have behaved with the greatest firmness and resolution, and seem determined to protect tin ir country* men from those unjust laws which cornider an accidental homicide as equal to a deitber* ate murder. The Editor of the jY^tr York Daily jUverliser speak* of the administration of law in mir country, a* b-ing too niucli (ike that of the English, and en_ tangled in a “web of forms.” To b • *ure, die " %/orious uncertainty of the. law” is *(.nietwres a iitile inconveni ent to tlio*e, who are cuvpeiled to re sort to practitioner* of it—but then, simplifying it would injure the whole concern, and member* have a right to reply iu any question on the reasons of the established forma wi'li Sir John Pats'ajf, *» ’ I’is my vocation, Hal ; wouldn’t thou nut have a man labor in his vocation ? A Nfw York paper mention*, that upwards cf one thousand houses are now boildir.g in that city; nearly all ore of a * pcc’nb'e cla**, among them several elegant churches. *■.-..■■» —vDicti— On Saturday last, William S.cifl Miller, sg-d two years and four months, an inte resting child, son of Mr. John W. Miller, M tch»n' of this p'ace. TRUST SALE. V virtue of » deed of trust execu _B i ird to the subscriber by Joseph Thompson, to indemnify John Ham mock, and to secure to him a sura of money which he became securi'y to pay to the lion. John Marshall, for sold Jos. Thompson, will be sold on Friday the 7th day of June ne.rt, on the pre mites, all that tract of land, on which there is a grist mill, situate, lying and bring in the county of Hampshire, on North River, containing tw-o hundred and nineteen aeres more or less. The snid Joseph T hompson resides on said tract of land, which is excellent, and has a good seal for mills or any kind of machinery to bo driven by water. The stream is large, and nevei fails, having a perpendicular foil of many ftet ' ILLlAM NAYLOR. May 23—ids 'I'rustee Wool Carding ' ILL be conducted at the Green } kiTMtg Factory this season by Thorns* Ogden, who is r. puled a first rate raider. The machines have ef.rds -f g >i.d quality, and the subscri ce flatters himself that those employ. it*g him will not be disappointed in go .d Rolls, provided their wool is de livrred in good order, divested of sticks and burs, and greased with one pound of elean grease to every ten pounds of wool. WILLIAM BAILEV. May 23 —If. N, II, 1 will receive wool to ma nnfac'ure into cloth or blankets up »n (lie following terms:—Manufacturing one half for the remainder, the owner paying half the amount for e&rding. T lie w ool must be clean and well pick* ed and greaieds W. B, Wanted Immediately. AN apprentice to tins Printing Bu siness of respectable connexions and industrious habits, aged from 16 to 17 years. One of the above descrip tion will meet with a good birih at May 4. THIS OFFICE. Trust Sale. BY virtue of a Deed of Trust exe cuted in John Thompson in hi* life time, by Joshua Pownail and Min ry his wife, there will be sold, at pub lic sale, all that Tract of Land, situate on the Town hill, in the county of Hampshire, containing, by estima tion, 335 Acres, and now in (lie tenure and occupancy of Joseph Powell. The sale will be I on the premises, at the Dwelling | I Holme of said Joseph Powell, on the ! 2fi) day of June next. The said Deed ! of Trust bearing dale the 8th day of June, 1807, and now of record ill the county court of Hampshire, was exe. cuted f.-ir the purpose of securing the payment of a sum of money due from J nshuA Pownal to John Pownail, and the said J >hn Thompson being d“«d the subscriber has been appointed by a decree of the siisremi' court of chauce ry hoiden in Wiocliester, to execute the said trust in tiie same manner the said John Thmnpsou might have daue had he survived. CHRISTOPHER II RISK ELL. May 23 Public Sale /ILL ha offered for sale on the 1st day of June next, before the door of OJenrge Nicholson, uo Water | Street, in Winchester, | i Negro Woman § ft Children, and a variety of HOUSEHOLD «fr KITCHEN FURNITURE, the pro perty of the late Mrs. Ann Shepherd, f erms of sale on ail suoi* under five dollars ca»h; and on all sums above five dollars three mouths credit will be g;ven. Bond mid approved security will be required. JOSIAH MASSJE, Jldm’r, May 25. A' VI ICE. THE Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of Frederick A* Corporation of ft inchester, are hereby notified to at tend a meeting of the said Overseer*, to be held at the Poor House in Fre derick county, on Wednesday the o'h day ot dune next, being the ;iine ap» point'd by law, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, tor the purpose of laying the County Levy, and transacting such other business as :nay conic before the Board. Per order. _LEMUEL BENT, Clerk. N aviga tioii of Capecapon £> North liiver. Qt BALED proposals will lie recriv 1 jted initil the 2nd Saturday in June next, for the clearing out the channel of said Rivers of Rocks from 35 to 40 feet wile to low Hater mark—the Capeaapon from it* mouth to the Har dy line—the North River from its con fluence with the Unpecapon to Alexan der Poston's Mill.dam. it is expect* ed to let out said work by districts, viz; — District No. from the Hardy line to Brunei* White’* Saw Mill Dam. No. 2, from Francis White’s Dam to the lurks of (Japecapon. No. 3, from the fork* *f Capecapon to Morgan county line. No. ♦, from Morgan county liae to the mouth of Capecapoti. No. 5, from Alexander Boston’s Mill Dam on North River to ike rm ulh of said River. By reqoest of many of the subscri 1 her*. ROBERT SHB2RARD. I Ulnnmery Mill*, Hump.hire/ c’ty. Va. May 25—2v». fc ALDUS MILLS. | TO be publicly let, for a term of year*, to the highost bidder,for a rent , in flour, or a mixed rent o! flour and [ money, at Aldie, in tha county of Lou~ don, on Mnnduy the 1st day of July next, the ! Aldic Merchant, Grist, Plaistcr Saw Mills, with their appurtenance*; amongst which are a GRANARY, STORE <fr eommodiou* DWELLING HOUSE. 1 hi* property i* *i»ualed at the west end of the Little River Turnpike Hoad. 3f mil*** from Alexanlria and Georgetown, and about 37 mile* from Winchester, the, public Stige from which pause* by it. Having *ix pair of stones, five 0f which are of French burr, an! driven by Little River, (hi* is tin largest fl *tir manufactory in the fertile grain country above mentioned, and offer* to an active man of good ertdil, and Rome capital, an eligible aituitiou for bu*ines*. Bond, with approved security, will be required for the half veitly pay ment of the rent. The term of the lea*e will, in all other partiftilars, be made known at the period atavr men tioned; when, also, possessing will be given to the tenant. c. f, me Acer, , Aldie, May 29, LIME. THS subscriber has for sale, a kiln of fresh bum* lime, of superior quality; eq ual, in e« ery respect to the celebrated J\ etrtown lime. May 23 JOHN HEISRFLL. Scythes § Herrings JlTST received aud for sale by the subscribers. Waldron’s Cradling Scythes 00, 33 & 34 inches. Do. ^ Grass do. 42, 44 46 inches. Prime Susquehanna Herrings— ALSO A LARGE qUANUTY OF BOMESTIO FLAX TOW LINENS. row do. twilled bads. All of which will be sold on the best terms. LANE # BROME. May 23. Caution. K hereby forewarn all persons V V from riding through the planta* tion, or auy part of the lands belong ing to Sally I Davis, widow of James Davis, dee'd. as we are determined to punivh such oUenders according to the utmost rigour of the law. STEPHEN DAVIS 1 4" > Ex’rs. JOHN GILKERSON.J may -23 TO THE KTOCKIIOLD »R$ OF THE LEESBURG TUHNPlKE UOAD. » -Notice ts hereby given,that on Sayub* dat the 15th day of June next1 an election will be held at the Court House of Loudon county, in Leesburg, for ilie choice of President, four Di rectors, and a Treasurer, to serve the ensuing year. " THOS. R. MOTT, Trea,r. I May 23—tl3j. i MRS. MORGAN. i> RESENTS her compliment* to the I allies of Winchester and it* V|. ctnity, and informs them ehe has re moved her JViilinary Eslablishment 'tom N?rs. Lupton*. to the house of u oepii GamLIe in i »«u>l*»u strcof.and the room lately occupied by Vtr. Clark, hsrj. ns a law ofiiee, where she will thankfully receive all orders in the Milinary or Mantum&Liog line. She promises every attention to execution and dispatch, and her chages as mode, rate us possihle, .May 25—3t. 1Hiblic~’ltenting of Mills. subscribers, administrators X. of the Estate of the late Dr. Peter i Seu-eney, will rent, on the premisesJ^M the highest bidder, on his trivinir uiid approved security, A MILL, near Middletown, for a Cash rent, Monday the 3rd day oj June, at wlJ time tiio Legatees and their ags ure requested to attend .IAMBS ANDKRSONj JOSKPH MILLER, I I). S. DANNKR, J JACOB DANNKR, 1 May 23. AdministratorI Concert § Musical Glass >V q It RICHARDSON respectf 1V J informs the citizens of Wine! ter, that he will hold a 3d Con this evening at Mr. Xaupi’s Room, I Mrs. and Miss Richardson will a variety of favorite Song9. i Sevrral favorite Scot* Tunes Duetts will be performed on his invented Musical Masses. Mrs* Richardson will dance the ce lebrated BroadSword Hornpipe. Ticket* 00 cent*—Children half price — te be had at Mrs. Pendleton’* Bnardin" House and at the Uoom. Performance to commence at 8 o’ clock. N. B. Piano Fortes tuned, repair i | ed and regulated in the most complete manner.— May 25, Trust Sale. V virtue of « Ded of Trust execti Btrtd by William Kail to the subscri ber, for the purpose of indemnifying Peter Lauek hi endorser for the said Ball in the Farmers' Bank of Virginia, and whose note was jirotested on Hie 30lh of April last, I shall offer at pub lic sale, for ready money, to the high est bidder, on Monday the 17th. da-j of June, Two Lots or Parcels of Land, or so much thereof as shall indemnify the said Petpr Lauek, endorser as a. foresaid. One of saitj, LOTS bring situated io the Corporation of Win. Chester on Cameron and Cork Streets. The other is situated near the said Town, southward thereof, adjoining the Lands of William T. Throekmnr ton% heirs, Joseph Brown, Charles Magill, and Mr Phillips; and purcha sed by said Ball of John Hoff, con taining about FOUR ACRES. The sale will take place at 3 o’clock, before the door of Capt. Edward Mc Guire’s Hotel; and sueh title as is vested in me by said Deed of Trust will he made the purchaser. OBED WAITS, Trustee. May 25—it, 10,000 DOLLAR PRIZE I SECimr.inrs oefiice, May 18th 1822. t C3" l)iS ! VN * adventurers tire here by notified the first drawn No in the WASHINGTON MQNUMhNT LOYTURr on Thursday the 6t|i of next month (June) will be entitled to a brilliant capital prize of TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS! Application* should be forwarded j without delay, in urder to insure their j arrival in tune. Besides the above i F'Z* of 10.000 Dolls, the capitals of I .10,001, 20,000, 2 of f»,eoo DULLS, ■ &e. &c. are all vet undrawn. I ickets onJj gi 2 •Halves s Quarters 3. Kiel ha f.eti Orders for either w bole tickets , or shares, from uny part of the United | States (postpaid') will meet with tba , the same prompt ulteotioo as if on per sonal application, addressed to , J. J. COHEN Jr. Sec'y to the Managers—Baltimore: ' May 18 — 2w [ TIMELY JS OTICE. f|vHK first drawn nun ber in the A Washington Monument Lottery on Thursday nth ot June, ( being the 16.h days drawing ) w ill lie entitled to f 10,000!! I'liis Splendid and Patriotic schema continues to draw regularly every week. Six Thnusuud numbers have i ulready been drawn and (lie SPLENDID CAPITALS OP [ 30,000 dollars SO,000 DOLLARS I 10,000 DOLLARS 5fooo DOLLAHS 5.000 DOLLARS 5.000 DOLLARS *2 of 1,000 DOLLARS &c. Ac. | ate still undrawn—Distant odventur J t'M Imte now a favorable opportune ty to secure chances for the above val uable prizes. Tickets are yet to tps bud at the. following low rateg viz. Whole Tickeie | 12 Halves 6 Quarters fo tifeliit i SO The Drawing of the Grand National Lottery continues regularly every week—Only nine drawing# mote and the following capital* a. r all undrawn viz. gl00,000 820.000 810,000 t of gft.000 39 nf 1,000 <J)"c* fie. prica of ticket# 820—Tickets also for sala in the Grand Lottery of Charleston, South Carolina at 811—Shares iu pro portion. K7* Orders for tickets or shares im, either of the above lotteries ( enclo sing prize tickets or cash ) will re ceive as prompt attention as if person, al application was made, if Addressed io s- 4**M ALLEN A*. Co. 1 Conrad Hie payment of a oonT^juru!!^ ted Si si November, 1017, and made payable on the 1st dsi of October, 1818, fur the sum of Eight Hundred & Fifty Dollar*—and also for securing the payment of one other bond, execu ted as aforesaid, and made payable oa the 1st day of October, 1819, for the sum of Eight Hundred § Fifty l)ol« lars, 1 shall offer for sale, at Public Auction, to the highest bidder, for ready money,’ the TRACI OF LAND described ia 1 said Heed, containing 278 ACRES, situate, lying, and being in the County of Hampshire, on the waters of the Great Capeeapon, adj *ining the Lands of the Esfate of Peter Larue, dec'd. and others, beiDg the same tract of land that formerly was the residence of James Conrad; ami now in the oc cupancy of the said Archibald Me Vieker—or so much of said Land as will be sufficient to pay oil* the balance of principal, interest ai. I eosts of suit of the aforesaid debt, ao«. costs of carrying this Tru. t into etlVei, due upon said Deed of Trust. The sale will Ink** place before the Tavern door of Captain Georgs Leps, near the Forks of Capeeapon, in the county aforesaid, on Saturday the \i9th dan of June nejit, between the hours of 11 o' clock, A. M. and f» o'clock, I*. A!.— The subscriber will convey to the pur chaser of the aforesaid lands such ti tle as is rested iu him by tha said Deed of Trust. ROBERT SHKRRARD, Trustee. May 29-—ids. BLANK HEEDS jEar Sale ni this