Newspaper Page Text
«**T' i3£,6< WINCHESTER. SATURDAY, November 9th. 1822. It is not our intention to reply, in detail, to a writer in the last Itcpuhlican. signed Cl/lir Voyant, who was pleased to animadvert upon our remarks in the Gazette of the 26th ult. in coma mendation of the Hamiltonian System of teach* ing toe French Language. —We shall only ob« ■fc serve that the opinion we then expressed of ^Mhe Hamiltonian System, has been strength ened by the best teat,—experience; which we deem worth a thousand crntmentt, pro sr con. For example, a youth of !■} years old, (a mem. her of the writer’s family,) whohas received but \ 8 or 10 lessona from Messrs. Hamilton & Wey mouth, already trantlale*. with facility & cor rectness, the various passages of French which occur in l)r Omearas* relation of hia conversa tions with Buonaparte.—We have also bad opportunities of witnessing the proficiency of other students, one of whom is now engsged in the translation of Cil Bias; these faett speak volumes in praise of the System, in sup port of which we offered our humble tribute, without designing offence to any otic.—Here we take leave of the subject. THE DUELLI3T8 AGAIN; We are informed by a gentleman just from Washington, that a letter had been received in that ci y, from the South, which announced a meeting between CUMM1NG Zsf M’DUF FIE, to have taken place near Augusta, Geor gia—The following are the particular* of the affair, so far a* we have learned them. After the parties had taken their position, and the second who ga>e the signal, was re. petting one, two, Mr. Cutnming altered his position of sending, from the erect to a corner like form, and was reprehended by >lr, MsDuffie for so doing, when the former before the final number had been announced by the second, straightened hia position .nd tired, but without effect. Mr, McDuffie im mediately threw down Ins pistol and refused to fire The second of the Utter became so incensed at the conduct of Mr. Cumming, that he w^s about to pistol him on the spot* When hia arm was arreated by McDuffie. [.Balt, Chr. McDuffie cumming—again. A letter from Hamburg. fS. C.J da ted 22d inst sny*. ‘‘M’Duffie ar.d Cura ming had another meeting yesierdav morning at Campbeltown, about two mile* from thin place. After raking their portions, the words, ‘‘are yon ready,” were given by McDuffie’* sec. und, at which M’Duffie inadvertently raised his pistol a few degrees from its perpendicular position, but instant ly aware of (he impropriety, returned it to his aide, saying, “I aoi not ready” But hi* second having hi- eye fixed in Col Cumming, did not observe this cir cumstance, & ordered “fire.’* At which Col. Cumming fired anJ missed; Mr. M’Dufti? declined firing, deemed it im proper to fire after stating that he was not ready; and her- the matter has en ded. It is stated, that Cul C. wanted an atlu-rjire. I. appeal* that tin* duel is ne er to terminate in the common way. Rumor further -ay*. that it will be left to a board of hon»r tn determine whe ther McDuffie is bound to fight again. The above aecouni is made up from the stateinen's of both parties, and I expect correct.” CUMMING AND M’DUFFIE. By last night’s western mail, we are inf rme l that these gentleman met on Monday morning last, at the Arsenal, ncai Augusta, They had «<»ken their position*, and the word* “ are vou rea dy,” given by Mr, M’Duffie’s~ second (who had drawn ihe choice and sta tion) when M’Duffie was in ihe act of raising his pistol • but finding h“ tva* in error, and at once, perceiving the disadvantage* under which he would labor by lowering again rais ing at the word fire, cried ••••« •stop',l at the instant the wt>rd 'fLre’l had been pronounced, at the umeM’Duf fie throwing hi* body out of the line of his position, end thereby avoiding Col. Camming’* ball* which had been shot at the word “ fire,'\ We further understand that neither party, at, tached eensnre to the other-usthe one (Col C,) was perf. ctly within the roles, and the other (Mr. M’Duffie). unprepared, either on accoQO1 of a de sire to fire quick, or from som* nbjec 4(hn which arose on discovering the position of the Colonel, winch h> af terward* insisted was incorrect, and in (his Combat, until the Colonel (who was unwilling to assume any oihcr, position) was obliged to consent to references, which i* to decide whe. ther or not his position was rnrre*,1, after which it is presumed the con test will be again renewed. | tfat? Itep Petersburg, Va. Oct. H9" The Great Pace -We are rnfo»med that the owner *>f Sir Charles has cl-. |Ptl w,,h the prnp'iflftl* forwarded by ^p owocr of Eclipse; and that the «ri speed between the elnrrpinn of Vir^Vra, and the champi-n of N'ew Vo*k, will tak* place at the Washing ton nurif, on thf 20ih of November: prpvioii* to which tiny, the «t«ik* whieh is StCOOOnu miking the handsome turn of £20.000 to be con. inndsd fur, it to he deposited in one of th B»nka at th*1 Sp«vt o* Oovcrometil. I h-* is certainly l-o much mrnpy to hp r:skr ! itp in a single race —but w ■ con. fess wr bud rather witness n ruti'psi '■>f lhi» nature ht^weea the horses of j&r. Virginia, and New York, than any -kind of political strife between the citizens nf the I wo Mates. On thin oeea. ■ioo we eould wish the Virginian* and New Yorker* to imitate the example of tha ancient Grecian* at the Olympia Game*-—let the contender* pres* man i fully for the prize of fame; but let the victor* rejoieo not Immoderately, nor the vanqoi»hed yield with an ill graee; all remembering that they are hreth. i en.—[ Intelltgencer. Captain Hull—We regret that the official proceeding* in the o*9e •( captain Hull, whxh resulted in the triumphant acquittal «>f every offence alleged against him are still unavoida bly withheld from the public for a few day*. There exist* net, however, the shadow of a doubt at to his having been completely acquit ted, or an to his haring, on alt oarasipns, con ducted himself in a manner justly entitling him to the unqualified respect, eateem, and confidence, of hi* countrymen, Daniel Webster, E-q. who ha* con tented to *ervo a* Member of Congress for Boston, if elooted, \vn* charged in one of the Ronton paper* with having pledged himself to vote for Mr. Cal houn for President. On this subject, the last number of Boston Evening Gazette hold* the following language .* We are authorized to declare this to be a eb&rgo without foundation. His elevated aud enlightened character for bid the supposition that he ean be pled ged to support, or oppose, tiny candi date for the Presidency.—tie has in deed expressed an opiuion that every northern statesman is bound to consult, in making up bis determination, the known sentiment*, and all but expres sed, wishes of New England «.n ibis subject, if any thing further than this is desired, let the electors consult the whole public life of Mr. Webster, and they will discover iu it the pledge, that his political conduct will never disap point their reasouable expectation*. ” In Massachusetts, the D« mocr&tic Republican voters of Norfolk refused to recommend the Hon. William Eustis, for re-election to CoDgress, until they hod ascertaim-d that he was nut 'tppu sed to Mr. Adams as candidate for lb ■ Presidency.—AVxf Gnx. A letter from Am<-r«cin gentleman a* Rio Janeiro, dated Aligntt 3t, to hi* friends in Philadelphia, states, tha* “Agems have been appointed,& will u •eui by ibi* government to the United States, as well as to England. Deputies arrived here last month from Pern-tin been—one white, one blade, and one mulatto,” Mr. Coke, the rich and ho?p'.tab!e Eng lifth Commoner, has discontinued his Annu s! Agricultural Festival*, where for 10 u.a ny yvars he had entertained many hundred ot the n.o»t ritninguirhed friends of Agricul* lure, and Practical Farmers oi England aod of Europe, to a letter to one of his friend* in America, he says, he has been competed to reduce hi* rent* thirty three and a loirn per c. nl. and his tenants are known to bt better able, than any others in England, to support the existing burdens on that class of the British population. THE GREAT AND LESSER. RACES We are informed '.hat the Forfeit* were yesterday deposited in this city t»y the parti-s to the gr-at match-race for tec thousand d >1 lars between the N*w York horm Eclipse and the Virginia hor.e Sir Chanes l»i»io be rar over -he Wa*bington course on Wed nesday the 20-h mtt. The following ha* been handed to .us for publication, antt may Ue considered »s offi cially confirmi/ig t»e fact. Office of Bank U. S. Washington. } November Id. IS22 f The forfeit mentioned in tb* «gre?rn^nt between C. \V“ Van and J. J. Har rijop. dete't gyth .October, 1822. amounting to tao thou.and (toiler*. has this d*y been deposited in my ha-ds. That, by Mr Van Ranst. in not*-* of the Office of Discount and Deposits, Washington; and that by Mr. Ilarri-*on, in note* of the bank of Virginia and North Carolina—each deposite being five thousand dollar*. Rif HARD SMITH, Cashier. The W ashington Jocky Clnb Races are fixed to like place on the three following days, viz: on Thnrtdav, Friday, and Satur* i day, the gist, 22J*»nd 23d instant. INDIA.— Young Ladles raffled for. ! We hear f wo have heard muchj rtf j l"»‘ about Eait India freedom, and Wept India slavery. To the trompet. {fire of the former, and the drummer* [ of the tatter, we rreotrmpnd the peru *al of the following document, and in a partieular manner we recommend to the serious consideration of such of otir fair reader* as may be looking anxious to “the O.ienl's ray,*’and h*rie almost earnestly to counsel and advise all such to get linked: even under the new marriage act, before they tak • ship pit g, left, upon arrival in *he Gangos, th**y m«y be put up and sold bv public sale to *omp wealthy N ibob, while, blacfc, or mixed, bis futufe plaything and slave. From Orinsby’s Daily Advertiser of th~ 3 t of September, 1818, a paper p iot-d ai Calcutta ; 'Females raffled for—Be it known, , •hat *ix fair nod pretty young ladies, I with two sweet and engaging ehiltlren. j lately imported from Eit'ope, huvi tg ! the rose* of health bl omiag on their ' cheeks, & joy *p<rkling in their eyes, I fiosiessiog amiable tempers, nnd high y accomplished, whom tbp most indif ferco "nnnot behold without expres sions of rapture, arc to be raflV d for next door »n the British Gallery — Scheme, lw< Ice tickets, twelve rupee* each; the highest ofthp three throws doubtless takes tb: most fascinating.’* r TEARING ROBBERY. f" La#t evening ibom 8 p’clnrk a unit"1 daring Robbery wai committed at t <e b *0*0 occupied by Mr. Livingston, io Market atreef, three doors above Tenth I lie front door on Market street being open, two men and two women walked boldl y in, securingthe door behind them went directly up stairs where the family were sitting in a back room—presented pistols, tied Mrs. Livmgstno fif a ser_ vant girl baek to back with silk hand, kerehief* they brought with tbem.& ti ed the arms of Mr*. Livingston's daugb- ' ter behind her, ahd while one villain ■ stood guard overthem with a horsemans ! pistol, the other man and woman broke : open trunk*, bureaus, &c. -nnsaeked the house.— After tarrying about half We noticed a few <l*y. since the destruc tinn of the Cspron Woollm Manufactory u Mew Hartford, in Oneida County/ we hsv since letrnt "hat the loss sustained amount ed to S20.000, an hour and using threats to extort mo- • ney and valuables, the Robbers secured the family in a back ronm\ & departed, taking with them a vatietyof plunder; . among which was a gold watch, enoir- j eled by two rows «f diamonds—a first 1 qnality feather bed with cheek outer cover—a rich damask bed quilt—a fe male work bag containing papers aud other articles —a purple velvet reticle with gilt clasp—a watch ehain—neck laces, and a variety of jewelry—with many other articles, and the keys from the uonrs, The Robbers were all white persons—the men middle aged and of a middle size, one of them had on a blue short jacket with three rows of small buttons. The riien are described as rough-looking—the ivum ii w»re dis guised and had their faces muffled, hut there is no doubt they were well ac quainted with the boose, and acted as guides. Information has been given r . the Police, and we hope for the credit of our city, that so daring a robbery committed in a populous part of the town so early in the evening, when the moon shone bright as day, will not go unpunished. —Prompt nt-nsures should be taken to secure the villains in order that females may feel themselvs »e«Ure when dwelling alone. FRO BUENOS A YRES. Thuahip Ri>th mid Mary, from Bueno* i Avre*, bat arrived at I’lukdelphia Th* ’ Philadelphia Gazette «&ya, we are indebted I fo Mr. Richard B^Hey, pauenger in her, for 1 the following interesting article. Mr. B is bearer ot despatches for government from i our Commercial Agent at Buenos Ayres ‘-On tha evening of th* 23d of August last, ! previous *o my leavmg the city of Buenos Ayres, Mr. Rividavia. (Secretary of State, and member of the Junta,' lh«n ir* session,) ^id not make his appearance until a late hour wh.en he informed that body of a conspiracy which had been planned against the present gov»r»ment, and which was to nave been carried into execution that evening; but for tunately he had received ti.asly intimation ’.o prrvent it by ordering the arrest of Don Gregorio Tagle, (formerly Secretary u**der Puerydoo,) wbh several others He reques cd ard obtained she appointmen t of a Com mittee of insestigation. and strongiy urged the necessity of exemplary aod capital puo> nhment. Our agent, John M. Forbas, K»q, had an int-. view the morning alter with Mr. Rividavie, and in bis despa'cher, which are brought by the Ruth and Mary, he has no doubt given tha particulars to his govern* merit,” THE EVENING HOUR. FROM THE KSLEIGR REGISTER This is the hour when memory wakes Visions of joy, that could not last } Tins is the hour when fancy thkes A survey of the past She bring* before the pensive mind Tile hallow'd scenes of earlier years • And friends who long have consign'd To silence and to tears ! Tbe_/>w we lik’d—die one we lov'd— A sacred bard, come stealing on ! And many a form far hence remov’d And many a pleasure gone ! Friendship that now in death are bush’d And young' Jiffectinn'» broken chain ; And hopes that fate too quickly crush’d lu memory bloom again ! Few watch the fading gleams of dav. But muse on hopes, ts quickly flown. Tint after tint, they died «w»y Till all at last were gone ! This is the hour, when fancy wreathes Her spells round joys that could not test ; This is the hour, when memory breathes A * gh »o pleasures pas* ! 4Barneb~ On the 30ib ultimo, by the Rev’d, Thomas Kennerly, Mr. Anbury Garrett, Merchant of Baltimore, to Mis, Eliza hefex-e, of this PU LI ’SALE. ILL be sold by order of the County Court of Frederic k, at the Court-house’ door of the said County,off Monday the 8th dfty of December next, a o fnan stave, named CY'HUS, the said slave having been confined iu the said jail as a Rttn-away for more than f 2 months, and not having been claimed by the owner. OPEQUON FrCTORY. Manufacturing of all kinds, Fiiltic^, 11* df *1- most f fnrb, FLANTKl# OR BLANKETING, I * nimt October 25—DANTF.F, ANNIN. TOHN AMITII, sheriff. Nov. 9.— done ip a th -r! ufti. ffi her* mtnnsr at this e»ts»b’i*hmt «'* ... NOTICE. ALL person* uu; ing . laims against the ealatv nf ih» lai« Major Win Davison are rnqumed to prevent «h» «u$ ami those who, ace indebted to the e«. tate are requested to make imtn* Hiate payment, a* it is the desire of theuo tleriigned t#p ->»J , u ^andilyai pos sible, for paying, without suit, all claim* which appear to be entitled to payment, according to their respective dignities. SALLY E DAVISON, R. J. Me KIM HOLLIDAY. Administrators, Nov. 9. Public Sale. A PUBLIC »sl<*. . r til the person al Estate of John Ramey dae'd. will take place at his late residence near Front Royal, on fu^siLy the 26th 1 inst. consisting of Horses. Cattle, Sheep Sc Slock Hd»s. Household & Kitchen Furniture ami farming irensiL. A credit of 9 in 'oth* will be given on all sums over five dollars, the pur* Chaser giving bond and approved aecu- ' rity; of that sum and under cash: I shall sell at the same rime and place a quantity of corn and fattening hogs, fur cash, the property of the said estate No property sold will be permitted to be removed until the terms of sale are complied wi'h. Persons having claims against the said estate are requested to bring them forward, properly authenticated; and those indebted are notified to make! immediate payment J WILLIAM LANE, i Administrator. I shall rfl*,r on the same day* oe a j credit of 6 months, some Horses, Colts. ' and young Cattle, my own property, on I my farm, adjoining the farm of the. said dcre-tsed. W. L. Nov 9 — MARSHAL’* SALE. TrjU,(sU '» rleeree of the 3. Winchestei Chance-^ Court pro nounced the 19 h day *f April 1822, io a -urt between the Mulnjj Assur* auce Sfi.'uriy against (ire, on huildiugs of the State of Virginia. Plaintiff*, and Rebeeca Hinry, administratrix, df Wm. Vaomt-’er -idm’r. of Daniel Hen. ry dee’d and he raid Rebecca Henry, widow, and Bryan Hampson Henry, Wm. H.nry, and Elizabeth Henry, heirs of *uid Daniel Henry dec’d. De. fend-tm* I nha.ll expose to sale, on the 30ih of November, * House and Kiirheo with the ground on which they stand, situate m the I own of Front Royal, h**tw*-en th** land* of Thomas Buck on the South, Solomon Vanmeter, Ea«t, and Henry Trout north, more particularly described in the proceeding-: of s rid suit, subject however to the righ of Dower of the •oiid Rebecca Henry—The sale wiil be made before the Court House door in Winchester for cash. FRANCIS VI. BECKWITH, D. for JOHN S. PEY ON. M. W. C. D. Nov —9 Negroes For Sale. A NEGRO WOM AN 35 YEARS OLD. AND HKtt TWO DtUGHTF.RS* OM R of whioh L 8 yea** old, the other tfi—The ntr.ther i« a good cook. wf.«h*-r. and *ninorr. Also a NEGRO MAN 34 YEARS OLD; he is well acqutint.d witu the farming hti-tines*: Any person wishing to par chase, fti*l be informed thf* terms, by applying to Col Henry Beatty, Win ohester, or to the «ubseriber, nine mile* from Town. WILLIAM A8ROTT. N » •?. Public >ale. WILL bt ottered 101 sa!^ at pub lie auction, <>n Thur*dny the 21*» in stant. at ill** re- idenee of Sigt mund tfiribling, de.e’d about four mile* nor*h w e»•' n Wi pb.rtUr, about 7o Barrels of Coin, (in lu » i.» our (mi;rh.i7i'tnine head of Horses, three Milch Cows, one stack of May, containing between two and three tons, one Wheat-F-vn, two Brils ond Bedding, a quantity of Household & Kitchen Furniture, and a variety of Farming Utensils, the property of said Higismund Stribling. On all sums over five dollars, a eredi> of nine months will be given, the pur. chaser giving bond with good security.* for purchases uuder five dollars, ca«h will be required The sale will eom rrienca at 11 n’elock, A, A 8. HOB ALL, Jidm'r. of 8. 8'ritfling. dec’d. Nov 9—tds. N B All persons having claims against the Estate are requested to bring them forward, properly authen ticated; when arrangement* will be made for discharging them as soon as praetirahle _ Valuable Slaves for Sale. IOJ'FKK for sb( 'It* t i|e«• mg val. u-ihle slave* viz; HAHkY. JACK, SCOtT, 8IBBY, (with her emlif about two years old) and ELIZA. If no sold before Christmas, they will be hi* red for the ensuing year. Those who want good ie'v&nin witl do well to make ea<ly application to the Rnb-cri her, renidiog near Middle-town, Fred erick County, V*. L RNKLIUS E. BALDWIN, i Not. 9—tf. G. W. SINGLETOH HAbj..-' ■ •«' •• ’ *»? n. r il H - i id i>t ,,f BOORS AND STATIONARY, Comprizing ih'ne in the l*»u\ Vhiiu enl, TIi* ttlogictl, aneou*- nntl School Departments—toother with a •»rge assortment of Paper, BKnk Bunk«, Stationary, Quilt*, Ae. See tho whole of which shall be sold on tbo most favorable (crmi. Nov 9 ELIZA E. PINK. WB the undersigned, having been requeued to attend ao rxami. nation -«f Mina Eliza K. Pine, of Bor ryville, (which conducted in t.ur presence than day,) upon the branches of Orthography, English Grammar, Geography, Chronology und ihe ral principle* of Astronomy, do h^-re* by certify that she has exhibited an unusual promptitude in answering tha questions proposed to her upon those* several topics; and, therefore, we t.*ko pleasure in recommending her to iho public as a teacher in those several branches of education.—We were, al-^ so, furnnhpd with some specimens of her Writing, which prove her to bo well qualified In learn that branch Given under our hands this 18th of October. 1824. John m. blakrmore, JOHN HOPKINS. ROBKR “ P\GK, GKUUGK BLAKE »'.ORE, CKOR«iE H. NORRIS. S. f AYI.HU. MISS ELIZA E. PINE. OF BKaKYriXLE' WAS under .uy preceptorial c ir<S between four and five y n.r»p and I do hereby certify .hr h ><. >uchk a knowledge nf Orthog-aphy, l< • d* ing, Penman»hip. Arithi*. tre, !• ng ii*>h Grammar, History. h< »n« 'if? Geography, and the fundamental ;)■ n» ciple» of Astronomy, n* will ft.;!] tify her undertaking li> leach ihoti© branches; ami,, from her umfor b'lity and assiduity to business. I h*?n( no doubt to considerable Rdvan age. WILLIAM M. JONES. November 2. J RECENTLY wiineitrd at' exami nation nf Mi** Eliza E P'tir, at Mr. Junes** School in Mti* c untj, <§" was particularly gratified a> h-r profi ciency in Rngli*h lileratuie gcna-aily., From *he promptness and rarili.y of her antiwar* 10 a number i.f riffi-olt question* in English Grammar, Oro graphy, Astronomy, &e. a*,.ale.. I< itn the character which Mr Jones, her late instructor; gives of this Indy, I feel justified in recommendi-.g her, an a person well qualified to have *lie management of « school. EH WARD HUGHES. Charle Town. N .,v. 9. Public Sale. 1 WILL proceed to sell, at the ldta residence of Charlec Brent, dee’d. n ar Hamilton** Red Mill, on Thurs day the 28 It of the preaent month the* Personal Estate of «»id deceased, c .n *i«ting of Horses, Cattle, Farming U-' tensils, and a variety of House hut 1 8t' Kitchen Furnitnre: several valuable? Bed:< and Bedding will be sold >i,d from 4 <•» 0 valuable Milch C «w-,— Twelve month* credit will be givcj; on 'all sums above five dollars, the pur chaser giving bond fend goodsernriy autf under that sum emh will b* r^qrti red. 1 also wish to ren', for ■, tern, of years, the FARM, now in p;iane»sioa "f the Widow of said decease.’ p,,**’ *e«siou t hi- giverr on th** fir.t • f Jomu* ary; at \»h'/h !» s - I wish »o hire out Eight or ten Negroes. toms nt them s«c rrduih e li nils,— Persons wishing ' hue will ?all oa Charles Brent <. t ’h»* Subscriber. GEORGE BRLNT. i'io*. 9 Virginia to wit. Jll U-ult» /widen in the tic>/;\s t jpse of the county court of Htnmsh^p on thefirt 'wndny in iYuvr> b> r ) h22, Garrett W. Blue adminV 01' J«h!t Sarah Bl&e widow, and r*Mc: of aid John Blue dee’d, Jee«e Sim,,-rn« ocf Susannah his wife, late Susannah B»ue, a».d Ji-hn M>iuer, and John B \> lute, guardian ad litem for RIiz* Sa rah Blue, Nancy Blue, and Ktliony Blu**, infants. & Children r.f *, Id J hi* Bln*-, aid Sarah Ann Moiiser, a granrt Child of said John ifai. T11K Defendants, Sarah B: Jet« ! M Simmon* and Susannah his wife, , and Ji hn Mourer, not having enter. ed 'heir appearance and given secu rity according to the aet of Assembly and the ro'es ot this Court, And it ap pearing by satisfactory evidence ih*e they ire not inhabitants nf this e un try: /» is ordered, that the said il leo* i dan's do appear here on the fir.t day of January Court next, and answer the bill of the plaintii)/ and that n Co py of tbi- n-der he forthwith in«>r>e<f in some Newspaper pn'ili-hed 10 Win chester, for two mon'hs sneeesXively, afto posted at the front door of tbs Court H u«e of said County A Copy— l e»'p, Blue dcc’d, Complainant, Against Defendantsa Nov. 9 Nov. 9 OHN B. W HI-TR. r. *. e.