Newspaper Page Text
WINCHESTER, VA. SATURDAY, APRIL 5, <823. Vol. XIII, i';;:NTKi> am> rpjn.isr.ED tv .i!. three dollars jjer aminm payable ii* advance. N«* papers will be. discontinued ‘ II. Advertisements not exceeding .1 Mpiare. (1 .* lines printed matter ui' •>I lines r .mmim manuscript matter, inserted three times for Oi:o l>ollu;\ ami Twenty-Five Cuds per square for every subsequent insertion, aiu!, when nut spec! lie ally directed to the contrary, will be inserted until forbid hjuI charged accordingly. s. ill. Advertiseiueiits from a dm tam e must be accompanied with t lie t’An:, or he assumed by some respon sible person, or the Postmaster most convenient to tin* advertiser. 1\. Advertisements will, in ev«Tj instance be charged to the person or dering them. unless particularly sti pulated to the contrary. \ . The Postage on ;.!! comrr.nni- ! cations to the [editors, must lie paid ; by the writer, or they will not be. at- 1 tended to. Vi. Chancery Orders inserted ns other Advertisements and charg'd to I the Attorney, whose name is indorsed by the Clerk on the order. IS. 1). It is distinctly tt> be stood by Advertising*’ ustomcis. thor no Advertisement will hence ?t:r\vp.rd be directed by the Editor of this pa per to be inserted in other papers, unless the same beprevi u;sl> paid for. VII. The Postage on all cuniinn nications to the Editor, must be paid by the writer, or they will not bo at tended to. M DI.'ii’IW/tntLK ( nj\‘J)lTJO«VS. until all arrearages are paid i-fti, friends ami the public generally that they have removed their Store iu the H-‘U*e formerly occupied hy Mr. Wirt* Worri', mu\ lulolu tiv Messrs. Miller <£' Grove, immediately njijtO' kite the Court«-Hnusc) where they will ha happy to rcrrive toe uctmnandf *>f their friends and cu tinners. They heg leave to tender their thacks to their friends for past favours, and h >«.p hy an unrcmitted til'ention and tlt*fir» to please to merit a cnii inuuiice ui their f.ivnuro. They will continue as here tofore to keep a complete assortment of Liquors, Groceries, Joiners and Cabinet Makers 'Fools, Paints, Dye-stuffs £jc. §c. "Winchester. March 19. Cultivation of the Vine. rTj^Ilh gentlemen o{ W inchcstcr. .SL iuid the farmers of its vicinity, ' . ho arc desirous of having their old vsues regenerated, or of being taught how to dress and plant t lie young vines or cuttings, may have it done at n v ery sma'l expense hy the subsrri hrr. Any person may by this means Da nish, in a few years at least, their able with that delight fi,l fruit, grapes. The subscriber, besides having been raised in a vine country (the south of France)—where he has a great deal of experience in all the departments of vine dressing, wine making, «\*c.—has had also four vears xperiencc in this country, in vhicli he has cultivated tin* grape, with Tent success: and the possibility of cultivating i‘ with great advantage ' on this continent) as fur north as the •!Olh degree of latitude, experience has proved to him beyond all doubts. : every farmer of reading or oh^erva • ion kno ws the advantages that would I ; sub from theeultivation of a few res in vine, wlm li would, in reality 1 . st. less trouble and expei -c, m.d af ; d leaf ild marc profit lh;*n t oe ‘.amber of acivs planted in gc; hd Tin- j "stern states have made ah: ginning 1 i this, and at already fully eeavia 1 of the advantages reuniting them .mi. Q }** Persons desirous of his services as) make an early application. For Tiber infoi ma'iou. rrfercur:* is maca ’he editor < the. Winchester (i - j i! F. I’ll Toe;\o. I i Hank Stock For Sale* I YV L'.N 2 Y ''bare* of valley Raek. «fack; for ii f.rnm'Min apply to the KJ. ilor oI tiie IJH/etic, March 22. ECLIL»Ste. * j /«’VHIM thorough-bred ! Eclipse, a hand /.t&fLlbSibJ*. some chesmit sorrel, rtdl sixteen hands high, eight years '»!(!, will stand the ensuing season at my reside arc; half a mile west of \v in and be let to s til ;i:; mo derate price of SO tin*, season—poor * : Dollars rash the single leap—and in t surance 10 Dollars—payable as soon as tne mare is disco\< red to l>e with foal,or in case o{ death or dhange of owner. Twenty-five cents in every | instance to the gromn. Pasturage or j grain can be furnished the mares at | the usual prices; hut no liability for ac ; ( incuts or escapes. The season to | coimnenee (he 1st of April, and end on the 1st of July. [For Pedigree see , Handbills.] WILLIAM WOOD. i March 29. j A Valuable Farm for sale. f J; 'HE Subscriber withes to sell, at A. private sale, a tract of land, h« j *i:g near the read leading from \Vin ph‘*s(cr to Mart iusburg, vimiit r miles :roui the iorrrrrr plivet*. Thu farm cm trdzu vbaut 220 acres of excellent lime •tone land, about 60 of which is well clothed u itn timber, i!i • liiluno! m n good Ft.-\to of t*uli 1 - (iticn. 'I ha im» arovfrnentr, a comfortable Duelling 0‘ij n good Kilcle n and meat, boon-, a (; • ■ » burn biH stables, u oh other out ho \'3b, an excellent apple urrhard, a varietv of other fruit tries, uud a well °* good limes tone water near the h inse. The terms will be tnnde accom modating Persons wishing to przrcbuse are invited to view the premises, and apply to \Y zn. Harris, near Carter's Tavern, or to Sutton A. Harris, of 'V inchester. be::jamin Harris. March .;{) I notick. 1 iiE officers Training of {lie I2‘2d Regiment, will take m U'incli*^ trr on the i t'*l'» of May e.<;-! the Ile.,ri mcntal muster on the May/iiY ' ■ ill wood. Lj order of the Col. Commandant. S, «. JACKSON, Adjutant. March—- 2^ E ij $ a \ s O, i > Li priner t y rf Cn:. r*r^ U'SiL . ty, at the folt-twmj ’.die C*«»vi», Wm. 11u»«iK-r neighbor ho* 'errni p«<Ji hindbilia, JAMES BROOKS March — r. nd V unmet re, wilt ma kv *s enxuni" *pn*i»se/\. •••ori in }*V.'(J.-rielc noun t iz: Wlii p •uni in the. 1 of Front Royal. The 716, Sf?. '• ill be given in LEF.’S ORIGINAL IlIGIILY JI’Pi20 I) FAMILY MElJiClNES, L?e’s Truly Valuable .Medicivrs, have now s'ood ihc tes; ot about six'een ears, b t!,t.jr excellent qualities art- now well known *pd established. l.EE’S Famous Anli-Bilicus Fills. Price 50 ccn's per >, ■ *. They are excellently adapted to carry nfi superfluous bile, and prevent its morbid se cret ions—to r -tcre srd uricntl the a*> —produce a fr< e p. rspi-ut ...n, and thereby prevent color, wok:!, art'o( ten ot const ' Cl }■ t’kwe tr. .s’s Tor “Lee's dnli Bilio’ i l ills, With the signature ot N»»A11 TtlDOKl.Y, Late.Michacl J.-e, V Co. at> mnc o lirr are genuine. To Wr jYoc’i fiii'i'dy, Tiear Sir,— (laving made use of the various Pilis i.i my family, offered »o the puhhc f„r the last twenty-live years, and having round your celebra’cd tnli.lLlious P.lis the efTic; cions in cleansing the stomach and how chs, removing heads u hr«, sirk stomach, and hiving used them tor s tcfjl vrnrs past can Itave no hesitation <n stating,"that 1 behove the n fas r -pn s o-, T a • ' ('of I'itiui.uU: I'cr.iihj .McdichiC, , , J *CO» SMALL, ^.aujr. !.Is;l. f " ay*st. 1’ahin.orr, FcoAs Worm Fozcngcs, Pure 50 c'.s per bi*k. sin and powerful remedy fer destroy i -it ’i'cds of vr rtns, Wonderful Tape Worm. The proprietor of Lee’s Family Mediorres, ! o i»n in possession nt a Tape I form, pv.ii <1 by a Lady f. rty years old, expelled by t 10 use of Let’s truly efficacious Worm D s troying Lcfcenges, which measures eight feet 1 wg and contr •: , three hundred joints_ 1 ins Worm, *.v 11.1 t wo round Worms, of J;’, fiLcen inches long, and three fourths rf .-.n inch round, expelled fr« m a child not 5 y.-arg J e»ld, by the use^of J.cYs f.vzrngc*, are now to j ne r- co »» L<-r s Family Medicine Dispense* . t , No. M IJ-ncvcr street, IlaHimor-, j[ LEE’S ELIXIR. Price gl per bottle. Ti.:s truly valuable Mediciic, lias For the l.itt sixteen years bien the most eflica rici’is medicine known, Tor spteddyar.d cf. factually curing the most viuient colds, coughs, asthmas, approaching consumptions, ami llonping Coughs. I filming! on, f W. C.J 23,1 May, 1821 Hear Sir—I wis attacked with a most vio lent head ache ntul pain in the breast, so that it was with tl»e utmost diflicujiy I could draw my breath, or utter a single sentence louder than a whisper;, l was advised bv try friends to procure h bottle of y«mr J'.dxir, which I did, and from two or th-ce doses found great relief, slid the use uf one bottle ejected my complete rnre. Your obliged humble servant, JOHN P WlTHlN'C I ON. To Mr. j\'onh Nitlrcfy, Uahiinare. Lee's Grand Restorative, or Nervous Cordial, Price J*1 per bottle, foimcrly fjl 50. Amongst the most common symptoms nt tending ties distressing complaint, are the following, tij> I. nviu sa of spirits, loss of eppetitr, impu» n’y of the blood, hysterical sfite.tion-, in. wtnl we knc-KS. vojent pains in the bead, back, loins, limbs, ci^c. 'I he principal operation of this remedy is "i the slnmarh, restoring the digestive pow» r"» and forth from that organ new he dtli and vigi r in every part of the sv.h tern. Lee’s Essence and Extract of Mustard, Price S1 per bottle. An infallible remedy for Cruizes, Rheuma tism. Sprains, Numbness, Chilblains, occ. £0. • l»r. .Yonh Ridgelcij, £l!t—It is with great pleasure and satisfac tion, I inform y<>u of the wonderful cure per formed m me by y*.ur truly excellc* t K%% s. "re nf Mus’ard. I have been so greatly *L tinted ‘.vitli iii uetutic pstns, as to hve un til, iv the use of my right leg, thigh and hip, indeed it extended to my shoulder—Uy the Ua:: °1 the Lot.Ic 1 purchased of you, l am perfectly curt.!. \oui!;> with esteem, THOMAS WOOTON, Smiles on the Washington road, i LEVS I'cver and Ague Drops, Pricer.? cents p<r ?v i I formerly . Sfulillrtoruu, [.V</.] a;,'. 10/A, i',-22. S "-We are now happy to ird'.rm yon, t.iit the result (itter » correct lri.d) of your Lee's -flgj.'e anti Ft*i>er //Vo,vs, it s been of the most fl .tiering kin», not only a !*w cases ! a-. I: rn r«».*:<] of that % > rv disa greeable and i ksome compUint, l>ut sir eve* til case,s-1 for as uv»r enquiries have react 'd has been perfectly cured, and snr.;c indeed hy a Je-r doses only. , Uc »o remain, sir. your's r<->pectfai ONF.AL, ttlcUMONU, Sc (JO ? I y .'7r. iC.Jgt ly, fialitinore. Fee's Sovereign Ointment for the ITCH, Price 50 cen’s, large boxes: si,vail do, 57 1 l- > cents per box—formerly 'large boxes?j j cts small <J>>. 50 cents. Warranted to cure by if"e rpplic.i'’ >ri f, •*.. 5 from mercury or any pern.r.inini mfjre'borjt._ This vegetable remedy i» so m id, yet eflica cit-ns, that it may he u>e4 w.tli the utmost safety on the most dchcae pregnant lady, or child of a week old* Lee’s Genuine Persian Lo '.on. Pr.c-. T 50 cents per battle. The Persian T.ntinn op ratesmiltllv, rovipr injj the skin d.-lion-ly soft and smooth — proving the compkxion. Lee*3 Indian Vegetable Spc Cl lie, [’ \rr £,! per bniilr am’ box. A certain mid effectual curj fur ilia vcnc* real and gonorrhae*. Lee’s Tooth-Ache Drops, Price 50 c's. per phial. Which give iTnmedia’R relief. Lee’s Tooth Powder, Price -5l> cents a box. Which cleans-: s an<l beautifit s the teeth. f Lee's Eye Water, j Price 51 ren’s t phial. j A certain cure fi r sore e cr. Lee’s Anodyne Elixir, Price a hr>ltic. per ihr cure ni head-aches. Lee’s Corn Plaislcr, Price 50 cents » packet. For removing and destroying corns. Lee’s Lip Salve, Pnre 50 o-nts a hnx. 1 .:c shore I'txm'i'i* Fnmilv .ore for s?le by WM.M1UEI1, 1) iijrgist, Winchester. Please to observe nhatrrrr, and -where txv yoti b*ty, nort can be K (huir.e Fa• miftj Mttlicincs. without t!ie sig.catnru of the proprietor. tg, NOAH 1UDREI.Y. tleC—28 — CO!—- L«te Michsel !.*•«: O*. Toad Eaters. From an English publication. There nre «.n many *i<nn(ions of life, in which Tend Kiting becomes a prn« fifablo prnfoesinn— it gain* 114 olject so easily, and requires sn few rpiniifi. cations, that we bate I it t lo reason to bo sorpriz"d nt (l»e numbers who embrace d. O!«1 bachelors without heir«, and whose frequent visits to the Hunk have induced a belief that they .ire warm, attract a host of Toad Eaters around them, who are ready to submit to any degradation, for the chance of r. corner in their will. Their peculiarities me studied, their opinions subscribed to, & their peevishness humored; in short, all that is grateful to one party, & degra ding to the other, is put in practice, for remote prospect of a legacy which they may never receive; nr 10 the hope of profiting by that friendship which they may. never secure. It i« a musing to ob serve the attention thev pay to the crabbed C, when they have the good fortune to have him under their roofs. His predilections and antipa thies are carefully studied ; and they luy wait beforehand for every eipress *on that may enlighten ihcaumjhe sub jects of his likings and »vmns. On that day the children are unSf a tem porary banishment, lest their prattle should distuib the comfort of their guest, who remaiked how much he hat ed the squalling of brats. The snug arm chair is placed by the lire with an extra cushion & a footstool ; & he i- listen'd to as a Sir Oracle, with a giavity and a deference (hat would provoKO the ri sibility of a Stoic. Let it not lie sup' posd that these [‘reparations fur his comfort are regarded with the compla cency they would seem to deserve. It is not in his nature to be satisfied. Ha! a • isj key. Humph.' can't siij | like tur key. Never liked if, since Alderman tirendy helped mo to a tough drum stick, because he knew 1 was partial to the breast. Youv’e got n> soles, lla! I'm fond of soles. Never touch salmon, anil 1 lista torhnt.” “ lleally, I’m ve ry sorry that-“Dare sty yon are. Can’t help ii.y", you know.-— Never mind, I'll try next course.— Ducks ! ha ! never cut ducks. Ton strong for me. I’ll tiy your beef. Mint • rouble you again. Always eat it un derdone. Wuulil’nt give a fig for it without the gravy. Take peaso did vo:i say ? Cun’i hear pea«i; dnnt agree wit It a ruiv "jillf a* !£tis V oil muj help me to n noiatoe_ Very watery, though. Marrow pml *1 it»"? N >, 11><> ruh. Plain pudding ? No; not rie.h enough- Don’t tiislrc***' y Make h good dinner ye!.— I’ll wait f r the cheese. Cun inannge to fill i:;> with broad and cheese.— Voij’ve t no Stilton, I see. Ha! I lovo ! Stilton.” I'm sure if IM known never mind; l’il take a bit of yoor Che*;! sre. Ton new though;and t‘oth er's too nid ■’ Dear t*v !” exclaims tho hnstes*, ‘‘I’m very son v you’ve made “""•h nn iudilFerent dinner. And real ly I flattered my-'p’f l Imd hit your pi* late to a nicety ’’ “Dare say you rid, ! v7«diini. Can't help • hese things, you j know, (ienerally make a good dinner < at hem1', though. ’ We’ll snpp?»so tha ; cloth cleared, and the wine nidi do- sort j on t!;.■ table. 'I hese are honored \ ill: j a few encomiums; lint, t»v tlie tithe he ] has swallowed a bottle, his ruggpdness ! softens into a comp! teenl eeuti<m.— j “Suppose you've been at the bank, (a- j day, sir.’ says mine host, with n sim- j per. ‘ V u moneyed gentlemen are a! • way* at the hbitk.” “Oh yes ! dope a i trifle this morning; made a lew hun dred*, L he little exercise that "ay, .ju*tl,» keep one from rustier*. I.,3 a hit ol amusement fur me, an:; , t0 pa8H unity time.” “ Very protry'pag. time, *i.-, 1 think ” “ Hu ! he. f__ynrj are rig!)*—ym nro right. Conte, Vll give you the old lady of Tb'ree.dt -e ;?* street. I’ll drink her a hamper, tho* I oa;/l say much f<>r your port. Come lilt, li 11.” “With uli idv heart, si-.—! litre s to the good ■*<mofThr'sdr peedlR.streol. 1 wish 1 were \r. her good graces*"'—“ 'lime enough vl.— Hot a snug corner for you in a certain bit of paper. “ Much obliged to you, sir, I'm Mire. Don’t expect such a thing, l ashore y. a. Hope vmi m«v ii* e many y*-ur* to enjoy your w(•'>.!>b.” /•Hope i un»y. Daresay I 'hall. »t very old, you know. Only 09. Hear ty ,i« n liutk. IS’o uifo to perplex me; no children (o vex me. Free ns air.-— Can’t :Vet, you know. Care for noth. in~. so ns l can k-ep a hit in the. bunk, nc.d take n glurs w ith a friend. Friends ore better than relation*. Thank the Hold, I’ve none to (rouble tn».; and when I die”— Tray heaven it be many, ninny years first,” adds (he Toad Eat er, with a sympathising snivel ‘‘When \ die, I « y, thorn 1 most respected shall be rewarded. I don’t forget kind, ness.*’ ‘Nov, I’m sure you don't. Conte, sir, till. This is a gloomy snbject.— 'I ho idea of your dontli makes me mel ancholy.5' “ And me, too, I'm surp,” adds im spouse, lilting her handker chief to her eyes: Anlif there's noiling (here, She wipes that nothing hence. Thus, deceiving nod deceived, the man of wealth and his parasite cajole each oilier; nod when death at last carries him oil, nvd his will is exanti i ned, the francos are a hundred fo on*, l‘l**\ ho has forgotten his Toad Eater entirely, or left him five pounds for n mourning ring, as a tc-timony of hit rog i.rtl, TAMES RIVER IMPROVEMENT. By (lie very important law of (lie last Legislature of Virginia, it is declared tliat Hie Janies River Company “shall, without delay, proceed to borrow, from time to time, as they may decui it pm* , dent, at uu interest not exceeding six per centum per annum, as much of the , griu0,O()O, which they have been here tofore authorized by law to borrow, as has not yet been borrowed ; and, if the President and Directors should find it necessary to (he completion of the threo first sections of the. work described, fin the act of 1S21.) that is to say, to reu i dor the Great Kanaka navigable from the falls to the Ohio ; to improve the navigation of Jcmrs liiver from tide water to Pleasant Island; and to make the road from the mouth of Dunlap’s Creek to the Great Falls of Kauawha, together with the bridges provided by this act, then, and :rz that case only, they are hereby authorized and required to borrow un additional sum, not exceede ing SS0,000.” '1 he law then goes nn to provide how the certificates of stock are to bo issued nod transferred ; the interest paid ; and then proceeds as follows : *‘Th© tolls collected on Junes River, since the 10th day of AIareh,~i820, and thore which may hereafter ba collected, the nett proceeds of the tolls to be col lected on the Grea» Kanawha river, and from tbe road and bridges, all water rents, and rents of land, to which the James River Company is or shall ba entitled, together with the unnual stim of eighteen thousand dollars to bo paid out of the revenue of the fund for inter na! improvement, are her. by pledged ns a fund for the payment of the d?vi dends to the slotkholders cf the James River Company, and the payment «f the dividends to the stockholders of ilia James River Company, ami the pay ment oi the interest on the loans hcrec toiore made to said Company pursuant to law, am] hereafter to be made pursu it to this act : and no part of the said fund shall be diverted to any other pur pose : And the General Assembly, moreover, pledge themselves, that they will, from time to lime, provide such other revenues os shall he necessary to PaJ lha interest nn nc}- loan authorized -3 »uvv to earrj’ ir:lo elFecl the itnprove nu'.nt mentioned in this act.” Under this and the preceding act, a ,f*a» «*F SlOO,000 has hern effected «•{' the «;Auk ol' Virginia, ai d the Furrr*' ii.nih of Virginia ; each of (hsue ba . having agreed to loan goO.OOO v * rate ot c. per cent. per nnnum. ^ n“y the sinew” of internal tr n* '* un-r.t. as well as “(.f war ;*• ‘ :'r'} C~r'ccl *^^Fore a degr ,e "J ™ ‘•-SV M> the execution of the. • W(iri. re.-p- ndmg with this fitianr iQj i CoifipUer. 1 he fallowing udr» r,:3 . . "n Alabama news;>«v -r , *. ro,n v*!ty. A. tf„ l,.,eh‘t Mr O0 ;no;..iv,r , the publication of his advertise *"Mt "'*y al*'° be useful— vve therefore cojjy sU ‘“L*tiuru l o the Wbi.10—In making the foie lowing communication to the public i am actnau d by a disposition to rrmo’ve all suspiMon ivhu-h may result from mv present situation: 1 R Maiyland, ar.d was a resident in t|uf •hue «t.<i IS09 From the cecorrenco of inevitable, I Was rC(, e,! ‘« Pf«ury, involved in debt, and h*r' a,3e<{ unrelenting creditors. Mv properly |« W shilling had been s-cnheei. to Ur.eir claims, ami ihe ai 1 . ; wa9 u.e ulti. ir i.o of tlicir implacable prrse* p'nn. I utter these circumstances, I !eU lJ’; Hate, n::'1 rr»noved to Ken:,ie Ky» l’.m- young, thoughtless, and in e’xpfri nced, am! unwilling that ihc nb l‘‘W ’Hi tilling my departure from M« ryi.sml fh'iuld e 11V cl my character n mnng my new m q lainlunees. I asuim e,» '*»» M3™ of Howard. lJnder ,j,j, disguise, by persevering industry and rtgid economy, I acquired a fortune am ply sufficient to :r»t£t every pecuniary engagement. I returned to ,!,* place of i^y niltuly, discharged the deb hi wttich l had incurred, add reestablish ed the good reputation which had bein partially forfeited. I atn now a res:. •lent of Madison county, state of Ala bama. From 'he circumstance of nil the titles which 1 hold, and uil the transactions in which 1 have hern en goged Tor the lust fourteen year*, being under the name of How ard, I deem it necessary sill to retain it ; and there fore, though with deep regret for the imprudence that first imposed this ne cessity, y. l with feeling* of manly dig. n?*y and honest pride, t announce to ilie put l. n v dereliction nf tha nine of iiez-H /.. ~Itartt which 1 received from my jiueun; and I wjs], ti,dt I «huM he-eofter lie known by the namo of Juitji I4n\v(ird ; and thin a petition to that cf'-e,/ v.,i{ 1»*« preedited to tl.e neat Legi*! iu e * f tins 8'ate, -O.- KJ'H I lO WAKDf •Jadissn ' niuiy, JHcreh 5, 18*2. V