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F OTI SALE. IN DING iiij si'll’ too inti JC entirely unable to attend dimes of a Karin ; desirous o ing into rl own for (lie education infant children, and, moreover, quidate my engagements, 1 have determined to offer tor sale the In and plantation whereon 1 reside, getherwith the NEGROES, Stock of all? kinds, PLANTATION U I KNSILS, a niRKSHlMi MA CH INK, ami most of tne Furniture, there is nearly 1000 ACRES, in the t ract which can with convent- j cnee, both as to wood and water, of | which there is an abundance, be divi- | dedinto two or more suitable Fauns, j The soil is good df peculiarly adapted to the culture >f our win at staple and other crops, whether of grain orgrass; ami I run no risk in say ing it ia one of the most, if not the most,productive Farms in the Valley, since many years experience and the knowledge of the snirounding neighbors will prove and * admit it, l desire also k sell about 1000 Acres ofl and, In Jefferson, lying about S miles from the Shaimondale springs, and live or six from » haHestown, Which may be l ’;d off in lots to suit purchasers—al so 3000 A C R E S, in the Counties of Mason ami Wood, I'in" between the two Ranhawa’s, partly tenanted for 15 years—and 8 or 9000 Acres of military Lands in the states of Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana. THK sale of all personal property will take place on the premises, Mon day the SOtli of October next, ifl'air, or the next fair day, at which time the terms will be made known. All or a ny of the lands will be sold at private side an' time before that day;—one third of the purchase money to be paid in hand ami the balance may be di\i ded into three annual instalments, beating interest from the day of sale ami secured to my satisfaction. l*os session will be given S“ tar J*s may bo Her* ssnry for seeding this fall ; and entirely win n the growing rrojw an nmoui, A.l persons at a distance, toot knowing Uk premises A desirous ol investing Capital in this farm alv Invited to view it, 't liose inthesur founding country know it. I HI Cllui OluA lit enl I »\ I <1 ofro jjll w (Oillll^iuil am tv an ian AunmiHy formerly my residence anu now occu pied by Joint Lloyd Esq—Reference lor the purchase of this House w ill be made to Janies L. Mt kennie Esq. of the Bank of Alexandria who is fully aut lion zed to sell the same. Letters directed to me will be promt* ly attended to and every information given. . Hill Dale, Battletown Post Ullicc, Frederick County, Va. April 19—tds. A Valuable tarn, for sale. ? fc ' ll E ^bseriber wishes to St*II, ai ■ private sale, a tract of land, lj* ing near the road leading from Win. • heater t« Martinsburg, about 4 miles from the foro-er place. This farm con tain* a boy 5 520 acre* of excellent lone •t»oe land, about 60 of which is well clothed with timber, the balance in a good Mate «f cultivation. The im» Ernvemantft, a comfortable Dwelling ou*e, a good Kitchen and meat- boure, 8 *ood barn and stables, with other out bouse*, an excellent apple orchard, a Variety of other ftuit tree*, and a well of good limestone water near the house. The term* will be made accom modating. Pernor* wishing to purchase »re invited to view the premise*, nnd apply to Win. Hants, near Carter * Tavern, or to button 1. Darn*, of \> luchesler. JOHN HOPKINS BENJAMIN HARRIS, March S?9 Land for hale 1WILL «elI on tpry m iluftie term*, a •nu • Farm adjr mini; ttaltletowo, eontaming ) ACRES, • erlility it i» exeelled but by ,i» in llnr valley. ALSO, A Mouse and l ot, adjoining the iimr, I derm it irone ce«>»n<ry 10 ^ive a deaeriplion of the a* bo*e pro; arty, pripnming those who wjph lu i-wreliHiP will tirst Mew the premise*, whirl will be »hn*u lltfm by M r_ Fittletor., «ho rptidfi notlie fnrm—»mt the term* made known by e|>pii>-aiinn Ire the subscribe!, living Hear Daniel fcfaPherson’a Mill, J tUcr* s*n county. SAMUhL TAYLOR, , April pi f&rt, in the |d «U the shor custom* icitetl to con* test tionbe—his frimv vrs are respectfully^ linues their patronage. AprlM9- t Valuable Box lost! TIlK subscriber forwarded from Albany, in the montii of Octo ber last, a Box containing a large I collection of seed, some very Valua ble Agricultural works, and eight or ! ten letters of importance. The Box was directed to Mr. McGuire, Wiu clirstei. Va. to the care of » in. V. C. Barton; 1‘hiladelphia, and to the fur ther care of Ashby and Stribling, Al exandria. It was received bv the last mentioned Gentleman, ami en trusted to the care of a waggoner for its delivery in Winchester. As it ne ver has been received by Capt. Mc Guire, the subscriber will handsomely rewaid the person that may give any information which will lead to its dis covery. WILLIAM M. BARTON. May 10. FOR SALE on R E N T. ^U Vr well known Tavern Stand •* in Middletow n, formerl) occupi ed by Campbell. MasLin, <xc. and for the last six years by the subscriber— I he House is large and commodious, and the stand offers many advantages to a pei-son dis|>osed to einbai k in the business of Tavern Keeping.— A part of the furniture now in the. house will he rented or sold w ith the house—For further particulars apply to JAMES ANDfcKSON. May 3 #20 reward. A N-A WAY from the subscriber named on the 21st iusL a Negro Alan LEVI, twenty years of age, about five feet 9 or 10 inches high, of a yellowish com plexion, has long straight wool, smiles ahen spoken to, has a stammering s eech when closely interrogated, had on when he went ofT, a blue frock mat, cut off at tlie tail, black twilled cloth pantaloons, a gray cloth waist coat, and wool llat half worn—It is most likely he is lurking about the neighborhood of l imber-ridge where bis parents live with a man by the name of Black; 1 w ill give the above reward to an} person who will deli\er said Negro to me at my residence, near Suit ktr's Gap.Loudoun County, Va, on secure him in Jail so th at I get him again, ALEXANDER GRAYSON. May S.— If. '\\J D.L be opened by the subscr ▼ ▼ her on Wednesday the 30t inst. at the head of Opequon aboi 5 miles from W rnrhester, a school i which will he taught the various brar dies of education, from spelling, rca ding and writing, to a complete cours of academical and collegiate sciencc. 1 he terms of tuition w ill be Spelling, reading and writing 12 dollars a year, to be paid f 11 ai terly. Ar ti metic and English Gram marv 15 dolls. Geography, Mathematics, Bel les l (ttres, 20 dolls. 1 atin, Greek, and French lan guages, 25 dolls. Hoard may be obtained in reputa table families, on moderate terms. Pat tirular attention w ill be paid to the morals of youth, KORKU l 11. CHAPMAN'. May 3—tf. April 2G—* NOTICE. The Stockholders in Ashby’s gap Turnpike C ompany, \HK requested to meet in Middle burg at John L'pp's Tavern, on the 2d Friday in June next, to elect a President lour Directors ami » Trea surer; and to transact sneh other bu siness tvs maybe laid before them. By order of tbe, A.-Ol KiiON, iKUHRiit, M ay i • —i<Jil CL OCR'S, heni&ticat instrument MAR b it, and Watch htpaircr. , ""I THIS* autocitber »nu u» ni» uol'ei-n X ed thanks l* lb. p u b > c for the liberal enqnUingen.en' tie h«s r*« . e«*ive*l tor the tW.i lam years. He still 1 eobilatles to cert)' on bu«iu>s« at the shop formerly occupied by tin lit-mi i it Cham]lee, dec’d. and has on Un i a • l#r|® "Ti'l eplendtd iioitortntent o* Sli It j VEYORS’ COM I’A'-Sh.S, and firm rate EIGHT DAY CLOCKS, all «t Which w ill be warranted to be *-qoaiiii quality in ever} reaped to mi} in the United Slates. Also, l.e will keep a c n«tant supply of KiRST It.A 11 I AV A • CHftS for sale, j Watches aud Clocks will be I Carefully repaired, and warranted to perlot in well for twelve mouths; if not, no pay will be required. He will reeeixe inpayment for any of the above mentioned articles, nn> kind of couutry produce at * lie market prices ; particularly plank, scantling, &c. aud give a reasonable credit, or e ven receive the eash in payment if con. 1 venient. Orders will be promptly at * tended to by G. Win-hester, M»v R. to. liR nVES, IS 13 — S» #20 REWARD. II AN A WAY from tlte subscriber, living1 in Jefferson (bounty on or a bout 1 be 5th Keb. last, a Negro Girl named ESTHER. She is about 18 y ears of age; rather ol a y ellowish cast, and stout made.— I his Girl is well known in Winches ter, having been hired out lor several y oats by the estate of Gen. Singleton; at the sale of whose Negroes she was purchased. She was last in the ser vice, it is believed, of VIr. Joseph u, Baldwin. 'The above reward will be giyen lor apprehending and securing snid Girl, in any goal so that 1 get her again. BATl'AILK MUsK. April 5 Bell Tavern. TUB subscriber respecfolly inform* his friend, and the public that he liag removed to his former establish' meat at the sign of the BKLL ; where he is prepared for the reception of those who may think proper to favour him with their company. The house has un dergone a thorough repair. The room are so furnished us to promise comfort and convenience; to thia he pledges the addition of his own services to renilei the time of those comfortable who may favour him with a call. M. GARBER. Jr. Sraunton May 3d. Washington Tavern, In Staunton. Tills very valuable establishment, once the property of James Ed mondson, and now occupied by Mi chael Garber, jr. is offered for rent for one or more years, on very liberal terms.—Possession will be given on flic 1st day of May next. For terms apply to JOHN WAYT, Treasurer, Washington Tavern Company. April 26. I ---- Earthenware, China Glass WARE. Hugh SMITH $ Co. luive re ceived per ship Pioneer, just arrived from Liverpool, 223 Crates & hhds. E. Ware, s§*c. Tliis supply, added to their stork on hand, g:ves then, a very large and general assortment, which they offer for sale at the lowest prices, current m the United States, either repacked,! or in the original package. They have also, and will keep con stantly on hand a general assortment of excellent STONE WARE, made by John Swann, which they will i sell as low as can he had of equal u.ia lity* Also, window Of„vss, of the sizes commonly used, either repacked or by the box, pipes in boxes, black quart bottles, in hampers or repacked. May 3.—6t Thread Laces, 6jc. I HE subscribers have just rcreiv- ' ed a large supply of the best English I Thread Laces and Fdgings of an en- 1 tirely new and elegant st^lc of work. ' —Aeso— Gunpowder r ^ Fresh and linja rial 1 TEAS > »f the first Young U) son t J quality Cheese, Ac. Ike. LAAL <y DROME. April t6. VOCAL | and Instrumental Music. MR • MUsCARELLli t’uui Jtuiy—Fttjt'Stn unu Composer l.I ^ST respectfully returns his 1 thanks to tlinSc ladies and gen- i tleincn who patronised him the 1 last summer, and informs them and Hie public generally, that he w ill. on the first ot June next, rc-cnininenre a course of instruction in the followfog branches : Fashionable singing, in Italian stvle ; I iano Forte, accompanied with singing; Violin; tiuitar; Harp, jjjr. Mr. M. will teach in Winchester and its vicinity; in Charlestown, and at the Shanondalc Springs. He w ill have a I’iano boite at Major Stephen son’s, at tin* Springs, for the accom modation of ladies w ho choose to take < 5 > n \ tl c V I> »' 111 IV' ill Ik w V i’l er SI S i»>wy sV I'mUIIWJUua, with care & at tention. They respectfully invite thier friends and customers to call and get their supplies, as they feci assured the goods and prices will be pleasing. rl hey have amongst their assonnent English V Cotton and French and C silk. India 3 GOODS. Irish Linens, Lawns $c. Leghorns for Ladies and Gentlemen, And a — Very extensive choice of Doinest c Plai s, Stripes. !> cached & : It row n Co<tons, uncommonly cheap, logether with ('hina, Queens and Glass ware. —-A I,SO GROCK.KIKS of every inscription, amongst which are Superior, imperial Gunpowder amt Young Hyson TEAS,—& a choice selection of1 Liquors, w a ran ted pure. On hand, as heretofoie, Iron, Steel, Castings, Ccdur w are, £>jc. May 10—Sts. NOTICE. I do hereby give notice, that I am determined not to pay four mites un der seal or single bids, for pay m-ii: of money executed by me to John Loy, two of said single bills call for one hundred dollars each, one oilier for upwards of Ninety Dollars & the other for a smaller sum, amounting the whole four notes to the sum of three hundred dollars or upwards_ I have lately discovered that, the said John Loy had no title to the land for the price of which the said notes wire given. I am therefore determined not to pay them or any part thereof anil I forwarn all persons not to take an assignment on either of those n tes. JlJ&MitV ii.ttj2A.tlV May 3i .-wool. falduig and .Vuiiulucturins. ^ II» mi o< Tiber ii' uniN his sin rei-e'i hanks to Ins friends and tho public generally for the very liberal 4 ni uuraj'Oiuent they have external to him since Ins establishment, fcnt| j-cs pectluHy informs them tJmt he has «-ot l'i» WOuL CARDS in excellent «r der. so that (it possible) he will be able to execute his wool rattling busineas in a superior manner to that of last year. Per«„n* coming from a distance m y ilepeml on hating their wool curd, d immediately. Wool intended for rard ing O.UM be well picked and cleaned *nd accompanied with one pound o clean »ofr gren*e for every 8 or 10 lbs of wool. We prefer greatiug the wool nurielves. Carding wool in rolls at R p,i* l’pr pound ; Spinniog do 1 \ a cent* a cut for all under ten, and l i.* cenfe for allI overj Stocking Yarn spun, doubled and twisted in lbe bent man! ner. Als.r, Carpet clmio, both cot ton and woollen, doubled, twitted or |mgle, on ibe lowetl terms. Conn. PrP\ne tilling of (he lipst quality. I insev and coarse Cloths’ janufm tuml on shares, ns follows • ( rsons wishing to have tneir woo*! artletl cr.i shares to pay one half he pr ice of carding. (^p> | j,aV(. on land a large quantity of trXt’EL r U:\SbY that I Will e,change or wool, or sell low for cash. ***OuP kool carding is performed by our old aider. Mr. SAMtJKl, RYAN. may be,cf> at t,!c store of V; Holliday At Son, \Vi,„ |,ester, and nil be return d there, finished ac orn ing to order, with the utmost doS ’ar,‘* , J. Coi.i INGp, Uosnen cotton and woolh n manu ;r,°r> "W v lister’s Uu,~ bant null below Winchester* May 3—7. Valuable Potomac. Land, tor Sate. TV\ V irtue of a Deed of trust fmm liomas Eresap, Ksq 1 wjj| Si li oy nate contract, the follow ing drxiia c real estate, lying on the Maryland lie, m Alleghany county, about ten iWh *roni Cumbeiland. * li is in one art, containing upwards of TOO Acres of Arable Land, kli watenu—between three «V four milred at res arc in cultivation, and « greater parr Hrst-rate Liver Bottom, d about forty acre-; in meadow,_ be whole of tlie arable land is w<U lapted to the cultivation of tobacco, id grain of every description; and id(‘ is on the premises a '<double Merchant ^ Saw Mill uite convenient to the river bank, n a 8°«»l H’rcani of water, into whit h c water Irom the river may betaken with very little expense. 1 ho iiL Idling House is of jiBJ stone, tw;» rirs higu. with iMiiient apartments, the late resi ice of the elder Daniel t’rcsap. sit e on a beautiful eminence common g a fine view of mountain scenery ilh, cast anti west. The soil of the mdland is good, and is covered with "'•‘V "»•«» * oi goou quality, ana wdl wat« red, I have been told that Hour may be taken fr om the mill and delivered in Baltimore by water car riage for one dollar per barr el, a sura not larger than is usually paid for the carriage of a barrel o I flour from Fre derick- I own to Baltimore; and if the Potomac Canal should he made, of " hu h I think there is no doubt, the price for the carriage of a bam I of Hour will not probably be ihore than 57§ cents to Baltimore This farm j is also admirably situated for grazing, affording ample ground to supply hay for stock dui ing winter, and in one day eatilemay he drove to the Glades in the spring, where they may be kept during the summer upon wild grass free from any expense, and re tarn in the fall fit for market. By making one liberal ra h pay ment. thf balance may be put into an nual payments, giving an extended credit. 'I lie title is unquestionably good for further particulars apply at my office in Frederick-Town. or '* homsM t resap, Fsq. lining on the estate. ft. S. PHI MAN,'[ unxEE. May 24—4y\. FB *0 the Jail of f rede rick County 6 Va. a negro lad who calls hint self Cyrus, and says he is the pro perty of a Mr. Buchanan ofCJcorgit_ I he said lad is about tr <•»• JB y r*t3 of age. dark complexion, about 5 feet f> or 7 inches high, dot!.ing much worn. Hie owner is ieqnested Uv come forward, pay charges, nnd take him away, or else he will le declt with as the law- directs. < IIAKBBS HLi.liT, Ja:x.0v. M uy 24. Q^j° i he Kdifors ofthe fiirj;:;tri:d Fr qniicr. y\ill ] lease inset the ; hove once a week, for three m d.o, forward their account i'jr w»h <4.wr.