THE WINCHESTER G No. 81 *4. WJNCHKSI Kit, VA. SATURDA^JIJLY.#, <823. POINTED ANII ? U ii L,« 6.1 ‘A J JOHN HEISKELL, t/irce dollars per annum payable n« advance. J.Y iA/S T A.Vb’ / 'l l. R C !J.VU IIVOwVt*. I. N<> papers a ill oe discontinued ujuil all arrearages are paid. II. Advertisements not exceeding a square, (J7 lines printed matter or 12 lines common manuscript rauuer. inserted three times tor One Dollar, and Twcnly-Pivc Cents per square tor every subsequent insertion, and. when not specifically directed to ll. contrary, will be inserted until forbid auJ charged accordingly. III. Advertisements from a dis ancc must be accompanied with tie ♦ ash, or he assumed by some respon sible person, or the Postmaster most convenient to the advertiser. IV. Advertisements will, in even instance be charged to iho person or dering them, unless particularly sti pulated to the contrary. V. The Postage on all communi cations to the Editors, must be paid by the writer, or they w dl not be at tended to. VI. Chancery Orders inserted as other Advertisements and < barg’d to the Attorney, \vh jso name is indorsed by >he Clerk on the order. N. II. It is ui*. ne ily lo be under stood by Advertising » usiomrrs, ilmr n » Advertisement will h»*tn eforward b“ directed by ihe balilor of this pa per to be inset*'e>> in oilier papers, un ess toe same b p vioush paid for PUBLIC SALK BY > irtue of a Pe o> • rust, dated j llic29tUday of December lK2i,;tiul ; of record in ’.lie Clerks office of the County Court of Shenandoah* execu ted by Thomas Hunt to the su.iscri- 1 tier,as trustee for the purpose otsecu- , ring \Vm. Lane and Nt in. V anmeter, ‘ as endorsers for the said • iiomas j Hunt, in the Bank of the Valley, for 1 the sum of three hundred dollars, ! , shall proceed to sell, at public auc- ; tion to the highest bidder for ready j money, before the door of John Ja- j cob’s tavern in the town of Front Roy* , a), in the County of Frederick, on j Saturday the 5th day of July next, ; the following property to wit .* on**, gray horse, one. bay umre. one sorrel : mare, one sorrel horse, one bay colt, ! seven head of cattle, one road wag gon, five set of gear, one fifth chain, one jack screw, two pair of stretch ers and singletrees and one riile,— Sale to commence, at t2 o’clock. WM. M. ROBERTSON, 1 rustee. June i4—tils. "trust SALE. 1y Y virtue of a Deed of ’1 rust exe P ruled by Isaac.C. Dunn and Mary his wife. 1 siiull otter for sale on the premises, on Tuesday the 2*i\ day of.July next, a certain trad or parcel of Land, lying and being in the County of Berk ley, Stale o( Virgin ia, adjoining the Lends of r-enry lionsh, Martin Itoush, and Elisha l*ojd, being a share or part of th Band of Nicholas Roush, d-c’d. I »te of the County of Berkley aforesaid, and w hich was laid off and apportion ed by the Commissioneis appointed by the Court of said County of Berkley, Containing FORTY ACRES, be thesame. mote or less, . he sale will be for ready mobey, and will be made to satisfy sundry claims secured in Said Deed of Trust in favor of Lew is Dunn senr. Lewis Dunnjr. and K phraim Dunn, i he subscriber will convey such right only as is given by ! the trust deed aforesaid. A. KIND. Trustee. ' June i4—31s. FOR KENT. I HAT valuable Merchant Mill on the Shenandoah River, distant a boul three miles from Snicker’s Fer ry, It is not hazarding too nineh to < say that no mill in the \ alley is belter situated for doing a large and advan tageous business—The renter may get possession early in July, a't which time it will be set up t<* the highest bidder—For further particulars any person wishing to rent i-< referred to Mr. Joseph Shepherd who occupies flic property at present, JOSEPH SHEPHERD, JAMES SHIP. Jane 7—3t f£J° If the above property is not fen fed previous to »he loth July, it will be •fheted for Rent to the Inquest binder. | FOR SALE. IN DING myself too iniinn, am! entirely nimble to attend to the unties of a I4 arm ; desirous of go* 11155 into I own for tlie education ofmy iiilam children. and« moreover, to li quidate my engagements* I have again determined to offer for sale the land and plantation whereon 1 reside, to gether with i he NEGROES, dock of all kinds. PLANTATION fJl'KNSlLS, a I'llRKSIilNG MA t’llINK, and most of tnc Furniture, there is nearly 1000 ACRES, n tiie I ract which can with conveni •iice. both as to wood and water, of •vhich there is an abundance, be divi n'd into two or more, suitable Farms, flic soil is good Sf peculiarly adapted to the culture of our wheat staple and other crops, whether of grain orgrassj and 1 run no risk in saying 11 is one ol the most, ;t not the most,productive harms in the Valley, since many years experience and the knowledge, of the sin rounding neighbors w ill prove and admit it. I d«‘siiv also t, sell about 1000 Acres of Lain!, in Jefferson, lying about 2 miles from I t ie Slmimomiale -prings, and live or six Irom Charlestown, which may he | laid off in lots to suit purchasers—al so 8000 ACRE S, «:i imi v olumes oi Mason ami Mood, I.virivj between tlie two Kanhavva's, partly tenanted ! »i* 15 yemd—and H or 9000 Acres of military Lands in the states of Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana. 'I'liK sale of all pei*sonal property wiil fake place, on the promises, Mon day the 20th of October next, if fair, or the next fair day, at which time the terms will be made known. All or a ny of the lands will be sold at private sale an3' time before that day;—one ]bird «*ft he purchase money to be paid in hand anti the balance may he divi ded info three annual instalments, heating interest from the day of sale and secured to my satisfaction. Cos session will he given so far as may be necessary for seeding this fall ; and entirely when the growing crops are removed. A 1 persons at a distance, 11 l ..nowing Lite premises A desirous o. inwsving Capital in this farm are i.i\ iieu 10 vi \v it. ( hose in the sur luaii.iing cooiilrv know it. i oesire al-o to sell a large BRICK HOUSE, on V» .•'•oinglon street m Alexandria, iornu-rlj m3 resident c anu-now occu pied 03 a oh 11 iiioyd Csq.— Reference for the purchase m this House will be made to James L. MctvCnnie Esq. of tin* if um ol Alexandria who IS tullv nnltioi i/cd to soil the same. Kellers directed to me will be promt ly atiended 10 and eveiy information &ivcn. JOHN HOPKINS. Hill \ inrhester Dintrict, pi _ notiiiced on the 19th day of April 1823 in the case of Robert Page, ad'mr with the will Laurence Butin V Against age, ad'mr-"I I annexed, of l I* utler decM.j JLAINTJFT Joseph Baker, late Slier- "t 3 iff*of Frederick County, I ” to whom was committed | tlic administration of the a Fata e of H. Me- i * Kearn deceased. Ad.mi | 12 Douglas and others. J ! I shall proceed to sell at pul.lie auc tion on the premises, on Mcuduy the 7th day of Jnl) next, a trad of lane with its appurtenances, King in Fred erick county, will,in about 2 miles of | Winchester, situated on both sides of t Parkin’s Mill run, and .tdjni .ing Jon. | atlian P.irkins, Janu s Smith, dumuel Pol vert, and William Cochrane's tracts of Land, containing about two hundred and forty eight acres. 'Hi soil of this tract of Land is good, and there is a never failing siit'ani pass ing tin ough it, on which there is a good seite for water works of any kind-.Should it be deemed an advan tage in the sale, the land will be sol in pain els—The terms of sale will b« one third <*t the pun base money in cash; one third to be paid on or before the expiration of twelvemonths from the day of the sale, and the remaining .bird part of the purchase money to be. paid on or before the expiration of two years from the day ol the sale, which two last mentioned payments are to be secured by bonds and perso nal security, payable at the times a bove mentioned, and in the event of the tail ore on the part of the purcha ser to pay the said bonds as they res pectively become due, a right is here by reserved to re-sell the said tract ol Land .vith its appur.cuanecs as the a ti.ivo mentioned court of Chancery may hereafter see prop'r to order and direct* hale to commence at 10 o’ clock. JOHN SKEVKRS, I). M. For JKtlSk S. PEYTON, m. w. d, June 7—Ms. COMMITTED. fNl* ti»c Jail of Frederick Count,) Va. ji negro lad who calls him self rus, and says he is the pro P<’rty ot a ^lr. Buchanan of Georgia— . he said la I i« about 17 or 18 years oi age. dark complexion, about 5 feet b or 7 inches high, clothing much worn, 't he owner is requested to come forward, pay charges, and take him away, or else he will he. dealt with as the law directs. CliAliCCS HtiLET, Jailok. May 24. flic Editors of the Richmond Fn quirer, will please insert the above ome a week, for three months, and forward their account for collection. Washington Tavern, Ino tauntori. THIS very valuableestablishment, once the property of James Fd nioinlson. and now occupied by Mi chael Garber, jr. is offered lor rent for one or more years, on very liberal terms.—rossession will be given on the 1st day of May next. For terms apply to JOHN W A YT, Treasurer, Washington Tavern Company. April 26. S'l RAY STEERS Wf AS taken up by the subscriber ▼ V living abotit two and a half miles from Winchester, on the but jiek Koad, on the 20th ult. two stray steer’s. One a Li indie Steer with a white mark between the horns, and white on the inside of his hind legs, and small white marks between the fore legs, about fun or five years old, a crop off the right ear, appraised to thirteen Hollars, the oilier a hod sieer with a short tail Ac sonic white spots under Ids belly, crop off the rigid ear, four or five years old, ap praised at eleven Dollars. The, ow n* or or owners aro requested to come forward, proVe property, pay fclmrgefl and take them away. WM. HAMILTON, June 14. Fol* Nale. V Likely Negro Man, about 21 y of age. He wiil be sold low f r c.isli. I WM. V UMSTUONG,jr. Knimnoy, J uue 28, ike 7th day of Juoe 18$9, and of li, . caTu 10 int UMrat gp*r»orihe County CouriB of Frederick M^, fr..m Htsphen A. KUsetl to tap8'ib»r: ilvr, f'jr securing the paymeonHlhe debtilicre m mentioned Hue fy i|.» hhiti St« |,l tn A. Kllxeii, to Simon .Allen-worth, nil] be sold on the 0>h day of Juty next, to the highest bidder for ready money, before the door oi John Jarob’s tavern ia the to\%n of Front Hoys', all the interest of Stephen a Elisea in the real estarv ot John ElUea dec*d. which by a late division of said real estate mud* by commissioners appointed by the Cnun. •y Court oi Frederick, for that purr pose, is apart ofth** lease tract where on the said John Kilsc.n dec’d. Iived> lying near the said town of Front Roy *t, iu said county of hredcrick, uud cumuina SO ACRES, as by r-fereuce 10 tii. rep rt of saH Commissioners will appear — also all tie inti rerl of said Stephen A. f.llsea, in el, ven slaves beinngi -g to said es ir.te oi Joiiii FUsea dreM a- couvi-vtd in said t rust. Such title as is vested iu me by said trust I will convey. iia liester, for tw o month* successively, and posted at the front door of the Court lioufle in the said town of YVindicator* A Copy—Teste, Daniel lek. c. c. r. May ir~W. Blanks Of various kinds for sale at this office. r— —— Virginia to wit. Jit Hales /widen in Hie clerk's Office of the Superior court of Chancery for the flinchcster District the first J4 ofthv next teini and answer the bill of the olaintid; and that a Copy of thisorder’l.c fortli 'Vith ihwrtcd in softie newspapri pub-, hshed m Wim faster, for two numbs successively and posted at the front doorofthe Court House in the said town ol Winchester, A Copy—Teste, bAMhhLtK, c c. c. June *4—N*