Newspaper Page Text
T li c ti a / e 11 e . \V im !ii> riiii: .svj ruiaur. juw ut» 1823. *r fh»* kale rl M, 11 Kern* pro. peris ('Homilly «o ctllert.J uiil Hike • <m Monday lU'H. Hie reader ii ri'^rrel t«» tin* Mil !'•«r several intcrnstin;» article*. Fourth of July. Yesterday* llie. amisveriiry »l she >liv which t»av« m rank amnn^m 'lie i.'ulions i>f (lie earth* the morn w *s (i-liored in by the di«rUiir'e of Cn’inon Vru.a Fort llul by C-’.pi- Hreritt rumpit ijj of Artillerist*. \t til nViock an •'ie:»«ul and appropriate Oration w a* delivered ity \Vtn. 1.. Clarke, Kitij. nt {He i’re-by leriau .Vlrcttn^ House, the Declaration of our independence hav ing been previously read try Col. A. C. Hmith. A llarbacin*, in honor of the gt.hsio»i,wu« aim ^ivett nS th» Spring of I.j lev linbtusnri, Km|. near thin place. Tli«> so j**ef which lint employed I lie j non ’.l‘nor correspondent “Itoivlnvd^'* is .n? ol Jeep inierti In every in.livid- i n.nI in ilr» f*eetiun of Conri'ry.—The | v*. hietj lie fits thrown in m entitled to «eriniis consilient inn, nod is perhnp* the only practicable an ' cer t.iin mi'ii by which lli-j iiliiinittl puli cv of iialiiinore cm In* |,n»ii«l>ed— <^.j*-re: w i.i") it not to* proper in call a m cii!i< at «n early day, and nilopi ao u ■ s »iuti ms u(ia i till* important j li L) e c * t n>r VV11 under*iftii'J ihtt :u eonsprjJience nf the • e»ol. ( .if Hu* Northern itniika 11 rmt-ive im-eim di Vrcnii-cn Cents only, ill*- V alley H-tJik, at th<* !u>l moot ing uf the Dirct'di<*, also the ..(l ii" — t’hrt value <•' tin* 10 t't i ! i'li t* i beta.; liv'd by vj >fibres* tv * I:, 1 «• . r :, i i '■ e ii eCd by the regnl tli *:i njjvd mentioned* N >1 wilh«tnn<fi»is5 «!icer> i;<*nernl complain!* wliiclt re nilcr-d in rhe early jmrl of the pennon of t ■ » injury done la if.e growing crop nf • .-’ut tty the Honxiau Fly ami Cl'itieii !i „■ the ftt eoMtitK from every pm! of (n- Conn* try iVom whence tliene rnmtitni'.U upre wade ( Vir^iriirt 5: Maryi . :• j ire now imire diet nut*. I iie ilifje/ent jinii-'r* •t fiich we received by the 1 ito Mu1*, contain tunny obnerv.itinns »« I px trft-ls of teltoi« ti(io.i the sint<* of iJj» crops, an • ale concur in saying ihai a.• t(loiii'lt ">e primp fti some week slice ivtr* Vriy Jnomy, thwt the tat tei rnn.r in line -ensoii with wli'lh we llu- hr-o fn n.-ed, Imp produced an Aston’* >t ft ,.^e in the appearance oi thi .< • i .tut a very saving crop r-in in j lei ai tie <n »de. TOt' TUB Wl.NCltKiTP.n ii V/.KTTE. t ft <»ry o< the world it will • p p“ r, a , in-x* to in* ...ohi'inn it Kings and .ne ,.i lit I Uomjut! it .Merc«ntile ctipull'y heh o n i he m..»i pro! r. router ni rr.ib'ry m »' • I* lias en»! ivp'i nations, embroiled Stiles tod Kl< groins, nil . prari'i'. d wan, nevds.-a .a a «1e®ru»f>e. to i;*in a rronep.-lv, or .r'ltn the p; elrrritee to buying and Milling ce :ai.. art'cifs; Anti even m thes*- United b'u'*- < * ..up iur republican inftMtuliom have tsuan , a .j no continually teach, the sJlut*. iv d >ctri. p oi restraining the •••fish passions O' (.'idivnliials or »raa ! vornniiimii'-s, in atib ftt i v rrii e to tti« gi k er ^ .>/.n nt he whole, u, n* donbi, ha* het a p-rnictooft Iniiuence in i irt.trs of oor (Jountiy, But such an to* c «te ed o-'csr o.‘ hi. principle, ami such c p«*n avowal oi its a:etui milje.icc it noi, p* > , to >t met with otien, «» waft made b 'he oily f iial'ininrc, duiine, the last srs of .he fJji'ii.’iiuie of VlaryUnd, with re ft i 1 l the Veto oi *c (.ana), in which t -a, i- • "nc .) admiit (J. in pnncipo, that it me p. spni y oi a nn^bo >ri*tj5 tection nl Uoun* ,r ‘i n n nog Cny, to tt » amount, we w it «av, oi one thousand, or ten thousand d- i; couid he f/ in i *, by the eft' oi one dol • i«r .n the C-t'.ij i’f Halt >n»rr, that it would t tcrifice li.a hivusauU or (ru tnuusamt of its oe atioors i » »->ve or *(»in that one ol its own. Nsy, n»i it would prevent Hie prosperity of a i. • <hts i a U, y . i Section ol Country, if it cuntd. eittiougb thut prosperity should not cn»t the Ciiy «>» Baitininre one. cent ,or do it any o her inyury except what w<» to be fear • d from itv»| wea.tli. The niaa«ure of the | rospsrity wtneh was to be prevented on Hie «>ne hand, and of the loss on the other, i« on ly supposed ; 'jut it. i« su(iicieully nt*cr the truth (o iliu«(r iie the pnn- .p'.e by which (t,at City pinlessed to be governed. A recent, or stih-Mptent transaction, gne* more tu!t' t. »h w tltc exc-. sft ol tics tittheral and inon.ipo* lizjtig spirit which prevails <n Baltimore. The b.i us ot that pitice, «hicii are under the con* tioiend di:ectii-n of the .i erca tile intcrnsi, f<>ve idtrrly eoicied tnlo an a^reemp'i( uinl Cjiiit.i .vu ,. t>, r.•(•.; ive the paper, or rut * • i» bank of P'i» \ •»It* y in Virginia ai par, for t:i* f*|>rrs< yu'p i*« >'t withdrawing 'hose r i e» from circcl >fion, thatrhry may draw III- «p-:('Tr 'rorn the vuiil* of t|m?e* t ank*. n r the pie tying, Hut r i* to He hnp'Mt '>iiia • ( antiripatior, that (•»•» e.»o comp ■) he**- | bvik* to rviie their • oration* or to clo.-e [ Tin' 'He IfmW of the Valley and i'» br»o-hr -. | «"d lha Hearten of «tv fum-rr’* lJt;k i i *N in- I Chester, »Soii|d tie the* singlet) net u the in »a 't%t-’-;l nbier't of hattiiliy, e-lihri no aueb ! rn*» • ir i> p ar*uerd 'owani? any <'t' er inland | hy.-k i- t> »• rnun ,yt i» wu ••el a tarn el in i the f'nied perlupa, aod jueVlie* iHr ‘ cb*' he retofore n ade. V. ha’ would we I fHtok. i* a number o’ rnrirli-n'» iver* i" rum j In ih-u e-aytial and m^-O'iiy »*• nnn or /1 • !•►•• i 'mernily, bee*dir *■«» p»i 11 ■•i^ateo • lb 'ra > and ***• a Cornet- lo t t o ♦ ’ art «• i « ar’vanlare*, «• o..<»i this purpo** l! inn *n< Id . r rrl *•« op lie* . ape tha th:-y m>th -k* a r.-n uj&’i h and, a ■ ! tVqi'tii be way able tr- . l.-’rrd to , a, tl -n ' in the not*-* til good srdeent F»i h-. that tiey ■ should refuse, under the |iitit»t that il was j lint a legal lender, lor thr |«.r^i>e of suing I him and to have it proclaim'd that tie hurt 1 stopped payment, and wit brv.!te, and itiu• destroy his err .it ? The conduct of »be U«N I 11more l>»nk- luwirdi the Dwelt oi the VaU ley and Ps ixAi.chet, and the truth ot the 1 firmer.. back in Winchester,’ is much the | .-ame «• iln» would be. Wa leave it to tn« public to u ply 10 tin* its prayer epithet. I'i>»i tl\e object of the U-Uwnire banks is whui !>.,. Been stated is proved iii this, ihat they r« » mi receive an thing in exchaage, i< r lie no nt tee banks thus assailed, but V'tcir. or the notes ol the Jiut(iinore barks, rejecting the mile* oi I he l>.ok« in ibe oihtr iSnportsor Ciiies,which Icy a-**, or aifothri cessions, (’•an lu Itvaive. v* hen w«i Ir thus d-claied it is ne.essary* it i* proper ti reta: | iiale, il ii can he um.o. It leh-n^s to ev- ry ciritllei Osiert person 1*1 view vvitis »•'*.- 4' ion such seifish,, mono. obiiin j p.-.icv. It belong* to thiiie immediate y lole. - otil, who 1 ore all the inhabitant# ol the V«i ;y 14* V.fgl. J nia. of <he C> un'iy in which tic- hoi k' •»> soiled are locat'd, to return open l>a' ■ 1 more ' her awn ineasui<■». A nnn-ir.teicour.-e should l e determine-5 opon w i h tlut k : y. A re« . . lution should be enleied into by ail thu»e re siding in that »roiiun ol tiie Country wun I h»>« hitherto dealt in Baltimore und carried < their commerce thiiher, winch no doubt a- 1 mounts to a sum much abovu two millions, annually, to do so no longer i b.'t 10 go to rhiiadelph:* an 1 Tseiv \ oik, where the jjrca ter cheapness of toe good- will pay tht cairi- i age, and mote, insomuch that many i«t the merchants ip-m this section do preter those markets a'. ;h» present time, shipping Uieir good- n ii'jil 10 A taantiria. It i> oret-sn-iy that these rc'aiiatoiy mciis-ires sn iuld De re •oiird to, hecauitt, although there :* not much .'.trier o' ar y permanent injury to the hank • of (lot ii!!-v. or those connected with them, thi-ir capital iM'trg mure snhu than »m it oth ers, ihes-s Baltimore measure* may «t: 4k'* it nec.-ssary lor the hanks mi the Valiey to err tail iheir dealers which would he an injury, are or less, tell bv every person in mis ?tc. tinn of the counliy at this prrser 1 time_ And moreover, 11 i» said one ob;»*cl of this Baltimore measure is to parul./e the elloris of th”! c: iaens in that fertile -rritorv «i • which the lisiiK of (he Valley and the branch of the Farmers iiank in nciie» ter are located, in aiding and promoting the disking of the I’otnrnac t)#oal_Ii i» recom mended then that me.nifes he Miiten !o <*rrne i to an under-landing on this read, that we may prepare for the trial of wi n ran do the other the moM be.rn. RO W l,A N i>. ! Mr- Ktlil >: I oiler the hjliivwinfj »up^-4. W.-vj to «.«r :.o* tire, which, though they *• na>.» • ?-, ,, ihc m-mlol t youthful advent uriv >o th-* *hei>tre of 'i'crscy action, yet perhaps they m- ncot with vour approbation, ami thereby obtain a place :n your paper. o.\ i\ynui run: Tha &rt of painting gist x fba mo*! direct and expressive rt-prerfotHf ion of 0 jo: l*: and the pencil may in troth lie ■•aid to write «n universal innguage : f»'r pvprv one cart instuotS understand ihe meaning of ft p.iint: r, pr tvided h '»e faithfm fo the rule" of njs art, g. this aM h is enahled to nt one siet* the different .«?pnr< «f nature ,• anti hi* depicting the st rikmg effect* of H«-inn, immediately penetrate* t!i« heart end agitates the soul of the spec tutor, ihipigh more prai-*? ha* been bestowed on historical painting* than ou paintings of any other kind, yet I tn Milling In e-pot:»e the ;Mt;*e o* 1 ortrniturr, and the'thy join in opiniun with the practice nf ihr n,inlets of the present day ; for portraiture un, be tom us t! e most tm;neni person*, ei* iher living or dead, mid tltseluses them f our view in almost reality ; ur, at I'-ast, charms I!»« iriiagiuatioo with their ideal presence, anil almost irrp. mutably forces us to recall to recnllcc linn their virtues, their actions and 'heir greatness, while tie contemplate ! their per* us, anti examine the ex, presrion* of their features. This spa etes nl painting, when duly considered and executed, is not, u» may he ima gined, a tame, dull, insipid business of mere I iboi ions exactness in copying the iilenticni form which is place i before the artist. .Mere like, ness is what i* produced every day liy the tlnllert nf the dull, nr by Ihusp wI:o may copy to deception the turn of hair or the folds of drapery : ami even if the. lot ores Hre of exjet form, yet, still tluy are often left without pin. per aninm'iou ami jo»t colour ; nnd. instead of exhibiting taste and grace, (the gram! crit' ri ns ) in the drapery they present us wit It u mere correct li*t of folds duly connecter! indeed, hut for* tunftteiv a: ranged i.i fh - mod* Is if tiiey coo-A y a just idea ot t f.« form be nca'i., or display propriety arid beati fy. Inn ution is however the on I v true &, sound f mndstton of j> iin'iog; hut, m this brunch of the ar-, it ni s he necom panted |»y selection and «• ndiictrul tip on a system subjected to rue commands of character, of expression, of local IV"r m •* In* prn<J jc1i(»i)H lp»* inter com/ '• •■*? ho pr»n*i»*'r llit* ob|»Tt of hi* »■••'!? !!¥ aitarheil to the iire*«erva_ !i»' »! jiiHi remembrance h <• till love i" i of »|i:< »>fi<l 15001!; the wi’P ***‘l l»« uHifnl. T l.i* art m \ in* i c<! tie It r;ii<e many imoi< Mi»eiil4 lo vanity ami nut niation ; but 'h-y neverlhelenH pay nueli Tfnpeci to o!>cIm»ii, to I - it-fill? Si ip awl to lir!;, n* !ml 'n ♦**»*•?!» t!ic n<ont plo i.»ing erontions of *cim!>i!i!y, Vet! try the nimsliincn of the pencil alor.i*, * pre«erVi«l the r armMrtiieo oI the *>a eiii ne revere, t; e child vve love, the w 1 f«• v lio«e b- *om 1 rradio j •'here every earn w«* Inlfc! lo repone; ! ho frif nrf who**’ Cooftbrnce v.n« an e- I ernnl ornela **. h«t*}i m Idnm t'lcrivef. ( m'i thuf j»ero wa honor. Oh ’ )i<;v. i p{“',*ir4 i > lie **»»*, bosv end >-.n' it •* » lilt* Mil'll, how gl.uldenit.t* lo J It r it • .:{!, when l!«r» !i»» el v j’OtTrtiiis r»« our lrirnil,,> and the oIsj«• e i* of < ur tfytni, [ though separated by rxlro«i\c provin ces u(i<l vast ocean*, which toss th*. tempest a mis wave1* on liigfi, place 11-, a* it were, at once i*i ilieir company. What pleading,melaneholly r**Sl* ettous, what mixed seuaati na of sorrow and delight must the portrait ol a dueling parent, a kind hnnband, a wile, a dear and grat'-f .1 child, an atts*eti mate bru. t her, or a tender sister excite wi hm the fmnl, ll)<* orimi M of winch uave been cor olfby ilea h and are moulder in.; 10 the tomb! t’o. here tlieir beloved forms still retain the stm.bia.n-e ul‘.n:i» ina'ion : they Mill bloom in the ex. prt-s-ive eo«oHr« of tllO l-tgeillOUS ar tist, A th<-ir featuitN excite the recil‘ leclinti of tlieir disposition*, manners, and charneteie ! OMMb Corporation Prorecdin vs. j an a ;i To anti od I lie Art entitled -‘m Act fi r 'lie up* ...litmeot ot a super.M-n-tai.t <1 I’nbce, noil for mine mg into one and amending llie ~c ve- 1 r«l hCM respecting S'r«-» Alleys, l*av mem the remuvjd ot Nutsa ten, au.d for (itlier pur- j poses. He it enacted by tlr'* I’tesidcru and Common ! Council id the Carp nr tlii'i) of Winchester ' That so much nf the Act to which Huh is an | a • ciulnaut as pros'll, s for the Collection * from the owners at d occupie s of !ot», 01 t> ri, j of 1 -t*. which shall be situated upon any ol the j I p-ited strre'S. the sum ot one rent pi r toot ot j i grout'd vs Inch l.e r r sin.- shall ov.n ur s r 'tips, ! | to :>? expended in cleirsmg in d keeping m t ' proper order Hie paved Sti'v-t. alure.s.I cl, be, ' | die same m Inn by rtpeaieil, anil in lieu | | tficr ot the expend which shall ne i> cimed in ! cleansing and ketj ng the imd Streets m pn». j ! p oulir,sltah be | an! out ot the Corporation ■ Treasury. j Anil he it further enacted. The a Commit* I 1 t< e ol Supers unit's, t<> consist ul ' .11 e pi r sons, | ) sh ill be annually appuiiitut, vn>\ ti 01 1 I time to time, aa tin v, or a majority id tl., o. ! ) shall deem proper, l, »p direc 10' s to 1 !,t * I perinle<dant of t’oiire, whose do > t is ; made to obi y th did C'iOOs ot sun uipiMi S irs, or amijmiii <,• them, under .. pt-mii fue il • lata lor ev r\ otieiiee, . ..,s 1 ■ -\ necessary Sm 1 ur, to m-. -«*, 1 Sir- tis a in, ,1, id ,;i g. i,: •' {»„• i ibier tioi.s id >. • .1' >i| e vise 1 s m -,tl * oat - • lets uni l...i . ». ieifctt* to tl-- eh- 1.. ,.| , tt*c .-ini' it i- li » .-re Lr he ••-« <. 1 j io presenting P.s nulls lr-r v ■ in, t.ried 10 surh ele.u s i t,', I t the ( *’’’• i-iin tor p*ymen;. p,vg-n». <oe -juu.r- tn i U-.e suit • nmidt.-e fi,' Su,,ervia , or a n a- 1 ;ort»y of th-m; who shall, it M.r •• »r?e be in ] 'heir .'pii.n n yti*-1 i. d proper, e vioree the ‘ »a 1 e. ttr.ii the Preas'itr, r iijnm such emlni-i. . tucoI being trade. sh .|i# m d he is Iter* v an. t' t tij ii 'ul rr-piin-t! is p y the sume out ot f re: si.rv thiol the (.’onv ratinr. At| a- •» and j ut t* of con u.g within flu | pur', it-si- ,1 (ms :;i, tthall be. und tlie Suite sie I hereby r •[ er. j ITiis arr Mi ll romrrscr.c.' ard be in force, I Iro-r and a1 »r the passing thtri r.I. j Passed in; h'. ti cil. .Itu , 2"d, 1H2.T. ! U- CA l<6bV, P-.-r,. Teste, j Ll.MLr.l. HUNT, Clk. A.v ACT to prohibit the Occupation nf :he Public suit li all s l<y I.< z,s and oih^r Articles, " 11 ri'.is d is rrj rt.-,ntt.d by many of :hr , inh ilntaii s » I tin Ctirjiuiv no, that gre»' i;i— const nieners arise from the | TfcCtit e o- p acir f, t'o.xe.-- will n'hc-i articles up.-1. the »nlr walks iheteot, whereby a free passage along the san e >9 olten rer.ilered difficult aiut ddiigeroits.- tor rem dy whereo!: Ih if enacted, That if slull nut be Uu-ful fur .ay owner or occupier m a tei.nnt-i t upon sny paved Street, or public an nue within s.,Hi 1 (J.Mpnr.9tion, to occupy, snt boles or other artic ea, a spare exceeding ib inches of any Pohlic sub Walk, or avenue, rneastir tg from the »ront at every tenement -s ahir Saul, .tndrr tlie penalty iif one dollar fori sen twenty-four lu-llrs, which said 31(1, W a-ks .1 al! bi or. ,.p * , eii m siol-tion of this law, tn b tecovertd by die ■Mipc n'etul-nt of Pnlire, in rn, name n't *hc Pie-idert ansi Common (j umcil ; .id tl,< fines collected h r die Hanie, l ad forthwith | be paid into the I'ublic I reas--.r\. a.} Ac s ur | s is ot Acts, con.i"g w:tlu- tne pnrtiew ol I is Act, shall he, arid the same arc herebv re pealed. ' ; I liiS Act sl uii commence and t.e m force from and Htfer die fust day oh Ju’y next f’assed in Cd.nimon Council. .11 1 r 25, 1 ri: If. C \UStlN. /‘res. Test-, ! LBMhfcl. 0F.NT, C k. An A< t lomtrnmg Cork Street. Tie it enacted by the I'rculcot md Coo. mori Council the Corporation of V\ inches* ter, that the HifU of litleen dollars he appro* - riatert inwards defraying the e.Xf.ence ot lt»el'ing - no reducing the full in ( 0rK street, between .lease brown's and l.evi A. W ir-t-' barn'*, and that the some be paid to Obed M site and 1)111)1*1 i,ee, out of any money not otherwise appropriated, wl o arc hereby sp, pointed lo superintend the exetutiun of the work. Push f >.n Common Council June 2 ;d 1823 A5. CARSON, P'rs Teste. CK.MUCi, liCNT, Clerk, LATEST FROM FRANCE. i be packet ebip .Montano, rap', j Smith, from Havre, arrived at N, ^ »»rk J ■! i>i uiM. brio:;** Puri* piper* and prr- | vatr- uitell octree lo th. ioih Way—be • tliftr flay a Inter than won feeervrii via London. Anting the piiKM'ii^ern who ramp in . Montano, w»i tbp Ij.irmr ,n|p I hert (la'lalm, American mmi-ftr nt i the court »»l St. ( |„n«L f’nrts% *V»»;/ is.- —The report yes-! *i r day t* i r (• ij I a I ei|, ol the complete d<» r< ut of n rnr;.5 of Rnyn!i<«’ ‘■'junior *, J.ou i ptron^, r •tnituindcd by li-uno • a, by Minn, who ft-11 in unexprcMt dly i*potJ liiem, bee i.*’«•(< to-iNv m ire j.*„, it le. It M rrid .|,„i (J,,. p „f \| _ 1 r, «hc >• *t,t• k m '»r*r in iiji‘-’«c i ihi' tv . <!• y.-tifr* of y r. i •? Jtn-na- i lipf.i* * rmia* to lurid* with the j l reneh ami'. It i*'•aid t-t!«t general j E^iiimki! i, wliu i» i-i blockading Satituna j v. 111» 3 * r KiuO iiit n ul the aruiy nf the ! Fxtib, having uttemp'r'i to reuse some | »«»l ii..r« i«t be »h t, f r *' nr »»I iiiscip» j line was suddenly ab •douid by lit* ; wiio'i* t*i(r|»!i n'lirintt1. M ts even said I (bat there \va» a mrt of mutiny, au<i I that the ger.eral of the Faith »as u. , Miged to Oj , ueiM*fvjinn fit nn!y by a single aii!.tie*(>aii*|i.— A cording In ire ! same story •>ever<*l h'lttalinnn hud ban detscherl from ll.'j French army ui nr* j ilrr I keep iiji the block in t!l? vi-« i l initT ui* Santoiiu. it i* mid the Mm - J vliu-l »liike of Mlitif’-ra (SnelieD in a* bool to take bin departure for the ur my, A letter from I'erpignan of the 7ili M*\, i,i * en a* a report *' that ihe re teli c •» *i - 'ii ■* it < ■ >» a t of the town of I*: v;toae. to tiie commander of 'he iiirtt •*>« i. Il.ig, bogging luui uni to lire n*i *r; ti e city, u* il injured it v > n •. not ing him at (he same »ioi♦* with iignton* (i entmefi t, »lion captured, if iio si;o:ii<l p >i«i in hn n I lie Spain- h n inn i nter re ceived ihr llig, and inee*iig 9 lit hack the uic-tenger, tm<l immeiii .it.y ruin, menetrl a fire upon the town* l‘> r/*i“tmu .liny in. — hxtraet from onr private corre-pomletua : Uetieial Don ilieu ent ted V i«*h on thcGtli.— J iieie wtiinnly a slight skirmish in tin* wood oT 1 onei, ln:t a eon titol atnl I o«,irt-n«, whete ive had about .-to linn w oiiiuied. The neo.\ continued hi* retreat, j>a***i* I o\*;t he b oge of Kodu, over Die l\r, uiirrn he abandoned the left b-ink n! that river, untl retired i!jr>n 5 near***'. I he enemy appear* i:i no wi i ~e.«n certed by our entrj ;ni > Lot.ili tiia, lit i f ime of tin ir p ir* li*Hn< who r< tn a mi in tlie rilmgio whah mc .>ci iij , B):j ear mulshed wit’i nper riion>>. tinii-. *,ni/ him—invate cor• . re.— V e It rn from travel. 1 ni the e*-ns itu'ional govern. .• «’.»• l. jJdfM hn\ iutercourm, " <■ ‘»',m i ■*! with the i.i • «I t.y Uii- l- rent r. It ir > V I* hr. VI lli'p j, (hat tllC m l a* t ■ , . it the {'ii’iii’fu at ail ta-y tn I'fir circiiiii<t»ni‘i>.t fi\ . t nur up. . ; ic’i. >ego-. iu Hdi fvftcaateil live *. s >g*>. Excepting some tieid )<i • v* hi'*!t I he *c! n! sii he artillery >; *1 curiieil o*l ?o Uo.fngo, fill the M'Wiiiil w h< ftiiamiiiueil for want of rr. -iO'i r>f !rausportalien. Madrid i* vmii'i deeerteo. liver) bodv is rr. in the Aiiiliiluoias. The roads are i; ■ cumbered with emigrant*, eairy. i >g oil their most precious tthots, rhere ns, however,, no delvrtion a. *ii* riu the tro:*; «. end the i and* of th. h'lith *lii n»t increase. 1 he oecupa :wn of the rspi'al wax fore en. 1 h "r;si i y of escorting the e«*tt* «.ys i airtaey lelt, «■* eerta'n ;ufurmati<i" has been received ol- the IVroniia;. ot Several sjijer; ila ear pit ir» the *»( ov »11j»■ «. e krju-v that the prisoner* to th< numb . oi >.o inadt til si e uil«ir of 1,«» gi* tin, have arrived at \iit<ita. I!:** eo its, however, to incorporaie then, w i it 11*e hands of do hoi h proved tin. hv ailing : oil refuted, d*cta ng v. it): the giealeiit energy, that th* j prefer, red to he sfio'. /'</- s, .•ius: 17.— The Moniteur pi.b ii.* cd i.i-d.ty :!»« following telegraphic tils,, tel:* tra. -milteil t’roin lisyntme, tlu t 51 >■, f\ii<J a o’c! ■ k in the eveiling• head Quarters at hennu, \,i(h—II o\iock al mg.'it. 7he majo general to /ns excel lent y the vanish t aj uni. I he army c.mitiue* its movement up* i)u Madrid, It. k. 1 i• I*e dui-.e t.l A»’ gi.uleme, arrived here to-day, with ihr rmerve front f tir.og. 'Die duke ot entered Vallndoli*! yesieiduy. Hi* voi guard is on tlif lluer *-l>*:oe rat <Uteri was to have been on ti e thh a» A! it in/, or. I hr .Vlontleur gives in its rum ojfi» ciitl column, the following letter. *'\l/»n«eigneur—As 1 tint yesterday tlie honor lo state, f advanced niv troops upon VidiH, Wfiei) I learnt on the road the retreat of il,» enemy upon Btirgu ; t; >i.kt>g that the point of Vi hia would he I*.o distnut from h:s line, I directed inv force towards Pedro tie ToreUe, unit shv( possibly, push tnv right on to Rippoll—there t shall e.\ wait the determi alioti ol couot Cort hI »\n<l general Drmadieu. I |ihv»3 eom nmeicatsd n y opinio t io them, whioh is, that Mina should b» pushed 'nil he is destroyed, ntid 1 tin awme mur n> eeileney, that i* we pursue him v:j;!i vigt>r for 8 days, lie i« lost for wont Gtn'iiontttoo ar,I provi-;otig, “ I’o the gene* of the armies of his (’hristian niajes j , CSi B-knrN' PR.ILESI’ o r coms Kx'ract of a Irlfrr from nt. ihi’cd IJavr , Ma> j2(*. “1 ie»er )»ti >o paper# Iter•- v\ ifor fnit m passing in Spain. '1 !i-^ >» u ’Umnr that iiegnctafintri nr* coin? on. "o far, il> |>i eiuli hj\i* gauied notlnnt: *• ut ('round; him! drain# to In* *pt h licther 11 •»»* n n*.!, in fnet, a v n it I ifi il'cn.', Mine hit* isDeii or, m l.oijj itl In. room jiinn anil <*,• (fien. up at ii ni out rot th j llioi.^Iii linn lost/ (Commercial Aria* New Vn:k, .h;ne —If it Malar) Iih BupliMP Irmn*, who « .» mn i0 omen, «t I'tj.i.ioa, to ifnrij \>ar fiiirif Inhtir hi the Suit >iinee, } as »j pealeil in Ini m il cr conntis, hint wit. Ur *■<• * ' l» H*»ll r;'f for trial. It w.;> b rt-p*«!JettefJ that fliiiu* »uh wt.icti If vine w n eharj»etl, related M an :\. tciojil iiintie iijiom I'm | > Jticii, and ! i; r wliich he wan xei/.ctl iu a colouy o:i lcr the Iviug of ;hc AelluHaiid*. i< y Saw, or culnr of low, a malt, thiiri»t tf with rcbuiltoii* dtHnna m one country can ho ui).! ■ !>v a I tc said ut fencea in uniMli<-i, as.;! u imie,.* ud. at on*1, i* left lor il.e judicial liibuuuis ol 1‘uracoa to determine. At all event*, it li»ine i« sent to Holland 1 or tnul, Itts tif.joiUdl miiI follow, nut only from the nmviiiit ami jir» < edt*M ■> of law, hut til’ ROiliUKIU M?U»e o.*i‘l ju* fCV. } wVaf .Yew- JWa, .tune -i".— 2 ?'« i'nited S'uii*’ Conaltluiion noil Ontario, and schooner ^, mii* nl Mala, l^u May lfiili, t.t pail next day ou rk crnizt*. it w m staled m Malaga, utt till4 tltll, l li 0 t I aluli „ i n > x bad suddenly changed ititir etufi-o tor Madrid, and were marching lor Cal* rtlunia. I In.-! nio vemeiii, it xvas thought* hus lor iLe {>»r(iO«e ui giving 51 eater ia.'lli! it's to lb.4 pHl tiziiU* ol lliC ivlng. • Anr f.r.Vnn.c, .lime 1It u|>](«ari>r flum no tit 1 net trocn a Vent Lmz pu. f><*r, [tub ialttMl in the l.m iMUUa Adver line*, tiiul C'Hi'ftiis; iiiuem hove uiiivul io Mexico It 01,1 S iu9 xuih au~ thoniy 10 avUiiow'trt^e tl.e imiepeu* dence of Mexico, on the yen ol tl.» Cortei*, and to fmtn u eiun* alliance between tiie two j.oners. Ibis t» t\ wi*e measure of ibc looihet country, I and, nl llilj iMimrul, It wuuid tie at I once gimini* uni »oe t r Itc* gmerl\ ■ ineoi of Mexico tu a v cello to it, ! _____ \V A?111 lt\(J I ON', July il. j.ihn M’L.-n.i, laic commissioner of ill* Cieucrui hand Other, bus been aj; |>oiiitcii, uj the fn’Muiriii 01 the L nitcd Siait , to bo I'oui’iiui-ici Central, vice li. J. .Vikio>, reo non. Air, MrLeau i < stenl.ij i.-Oft lb- (lulu ot oliico, and 01.it4red . u iln discharge ol la, Uv;vt limits. Ltenrg* C ruhiiw i* appointed, by the President, in be Con uiiitimirr of the t*“i.t-ial l.and Crtict4, vice Ju/in *Vc Lean resigned. Jut. Hunk, ol the* Valley i:i ’ a. ^ July I si, 1»33. 5 1 HE i’renotut aud Directors tmv& lhn» day, declared a dividend oi liirte and u hull per cent; three per t trvt «.f winch will ut‘ paid 10 bluvkliohlers, or w.f-u r»Mjrc*friJtKtiTen on or after the* 2i:t i-v*t. LEWIS HOFF, Cashier, July 5, H—,r 1 he Editor* of the ^'liai icstow n Repository, und I.tesburg VYnulling— Intuitu. mil pit-use to tu-ett the n ■ oVe ^ree limns, and foi ward their acc. u-, k to tliin i-Diets for collection. Hoarliii" *■»»f * * s , ™ t till*/ su>ii>ci tot r, nume residence is comniodi u* lor Ponrdrr*. and purlieu*!} w t II oiMiatcd *ur the Muilens of ihc\<-ademy hv it* jrnxiini'y to it, & tdg receive.! lust 3 ear a Hfi.ura^rmtint, now take thin n.mtje respeeitully to oiler her services to tho parents nod guardians, who wish to send their ••Jiildren cr ward* to school in town. Price for Hoarding, Lt,(ig Hftj, \> oiling, Mending, tire-wood out* Pi r session of six months $5 7$ pnja le ijimrlerly in advene®. \ itlAN A YVA.-siUMJTON* July &ih r,t. ri'HLlC SALE. virtue u! s dei ■ I oi t. t j t ex ecu* ted to tho subscriber by Alexander Mr Hriuc, lor the purpose of seeming ths> 1 payment ol « sum of 0,01113 (herein I mentioned, will he m,M t„ the highest j bidder for ready money, before the door m t ie Courf.House tn the town oi | Romney, on the 18th day «f Angus! I i‘M«, (being court »loy. ) t»o certain | trai .a oi land now in try possession of jihcsaui Ali-zandcr Me3r,de, ono cf which contains 130 A l If KM, mure or I less (toil the other t7 At UI ?, more or ! .,eM* 0,r. much or sail] tracts a* will i •** eui,'t i i.t to pay the Kvi'iuiit of the j debt ar.d interest mentioned in sai:5 j deed.) I he land above mentioned j *" county of Hampshire, in tho m-.-htiorhoui. of Major John fligginV Tatero, • in- title in believed lo. be a good one, mil a M.nviynnre with epee ml wa? ranfj »m-!j will be made by the sab. •eri er acting oa trustee. S.WH M. KhKCHEVAL, Jr. Romney, July n, 1AM) hOK »SALF. !)!‘<SIlit)l’S in *r» the . e «ii' • rnWer nft i* for *>,le l.i* Uart 1 AM), fontfliniiip 337 crr?s hijtg wb'nii two null * from )• ttr. )j,• I/) cm) ;> ,""11 Hi f*vi n*bi:t s, in mi ex'f ilrii) nei^hborhoo— i rip sthove 11>r><J i* of vrr) “ifperior <juh iij, |i-> wp}}, and ii'nii |.»o ticti i eft fired ; there i« on it Urn ii'tc* of fi[«l rasp .Mtedni*, a. l)r»ck Dwelling Home b;ii] »»t};♦■ r >r* res*«r? out h> iiH'r, « I,,r-r- burn, w i h n % <1 !»• 15 '!»' iiiiiL' liulnd i,i>d .wli!?. H n-e on aonir Jsprm.i;, l!,r» " 1***1* Irrii.i, in t xi-t ileoi i epnir. ’I hi; irrn<« u irl bp made known h> eppivin* 1<» the atibfcriOer living no tJi« | Mtui*« IAMBS PA ITKRSON. srcr PO'tl’*>|; ijt ,»ul% - 4*;«