Newspaper Page Text
TO C.iriTAUSTS. By virtue oi :i decree ot b'redcr\ri' ' county co 1*5. si! mg acottit of' enquiry, w will ofi‘i at puU.e S .ft*. >11 til pl l III;. l s. On i'nurstittij. ti/i ir H> piembt r ri‘.xf. hat highly v. limbic pr-.pirh, well nowii liy the name of lAttain tr Mtilsy I fate the properly in'dame-. l,ol>:a ’ il(Ti'iiH"(|,— I Key consist ill ;i vs•< I i )• ant. phistrr & •. w mills. all n c» i.tlv built of tin* best .. alcrials and h, the u ost substantial manner, and sifnas d , at the mouth of l/uigaimrc cre«k i " re it eu jitie* into the M«nuv:ri,* about half a mile dislant I «,m tV‘| urnpike road leading from I. elmg to Maliimore; three miles from bred- t eri. k J own, forty I min (Georgetown, ! : id • /I’ly two froni 'hiltimoic. The mercloiiit mill is 7«. l-et by 5 1, i lour stories high, the basement stoiw 1 oi stone and three upper stories of brick, ii h;,ssi\ lioor.% throe, water w heels, about 12 hit in height am! S feet in diameter, with * regular head oi 5 IV ct water over tir* wheels. I he pii gears are mM of cast iron with the c\-option of the loonier wheels; all the other gears, throughout. are of cast iron, it contains all the p tent n ariilnery and unproven >• oi < u,_ T Kvai .with fom pa.rofli\e f. u ! stones el' which are ti e i>rs. kind of I ri neb bun s—the other pair me Cologne hm i v f r coiim work. ( v tltiuee pair of him h burrs t>.'> barrels Hour may i.e m;nuf.r<ur<o • er day , at an average tin I, t| >. year an the i oiiutry work is ctiiiM;l enah. The repatati ,i of the I our stand high in l!a! imorr, an w iili:». five days at er wheat is ilcdxeieil at the n.ill. ii can lie maunlm tur. d, sent 0 marl.f t and the ca-l» refueiied—hi 1 ne, it is ronsidcred as tin* lu st, am possesses greater ; d\ant.iges than . n\ other water mill in the state of xtan - anu. The plaster mill i< built of stone, <$ an g* in 'tii*- ton plaster per hour — '! !u- Saw X' ill is in com; . :«■ order, * surrounded by a fine • i- iminti-v. whirl; give s it * onstant employ near ly the whole >ear. I m* iinganojt-’s a stream not sur pass* <! by any other in tin stair, am: 1). s never been known to fail rvni in the driest s* aeons, as wa«. fully li sted ti c last year, admitted by the oldest inhabitants in be one of* •mire or. n me •nought than ever was known Hcfon ; \«t at that time, *». iien nearly all the n ills in the < ountry ceased their npe r ti- ns for t‘ e want of water, the gaiiore mills were well supplied. The mid (lain, which is about a rpiarter o| a mile front !ii» mill, is constructed in such a manner as to i dure the. belie I that it will withstand the effect a of the greatest frt s ct. i he Monoracy enters the IVrtom r riier I ' miles fr ni the Ungutioiv mills, and is nnv igalde part of | he \ eai >" Washington. It is believed to I* both praeticnlde and prohablr, that the cnideri)plated ranal Ironi iViniiii t to Raltinioro will pass through feei - a i(k. in which case, a rhci-j iv «hort passage will he opi ned for boats (V. m tli' mills to either Kahinmn or \\ ington, I he country i round it i~, p-i haps, one of the finest in the A - lactic states for the Mrodmiioti of "beat, r\e amt corn ; and when if is considered that there is an ahuridmd an! never failing supply ,,t- ivadi. no spot in th s state, ccrtaiiih n.un to the county, affords so good a h t-the, erec tion of a mnnutiu turn establishment, or wattr works of a!" kind. mh io is attached to these mill.-, & i vnll he sold \\i* 11 |: ejn, dC Am s j l.nnJ» the greater pari cl* aivd. a | large proportion is fine in<a<n>\.. a| [ under good fence. I he oti er i,. - proverm r.fs an-, fvo <omfV r:al |< dwellings one of shine. rou.^h e;.s,. t! e other of brick; (wo he: , ||n s. a new frame bam (>:* feei I v . y. wit) j a shed 1 2 feet w ide : i< r In use, I,:,; i» i ami other cut houses. jilso a* the same hire "Vi! place A TRACT OK I.\ND. pari n! *.r>a tj’s Delight,*' *• > lit* re-sai \ e\ on Heatfy’s Range,” and “ Kills "aim Dales” Containing f i3 i-t Acres, imee or I In i g the land s<.|<| by V. ni. Cookeil; ai d \\ iliiam M. Hrali, jr» t?’ Jami s Rot 111 **n. d< • eased* aim situated m long; nore < n ek nhont i ndlrsahov* the n d-s; abe.nt fjOncic' •• ». * * . ii.r n t ime ;i timber. •81**}, r,t ir,*' sane tin.r niul place, All fin rig*j . title* ai.r! :}»•> res! < f ,f; Pohei Ison, deceased, to n tract of l»*tt:d called *,f 1 i < " rdi,** end «Mfd.*Je Plantain s containing in the v. hole * About ISO A cits-, being one huKnfsaid I. - I. at joitdly jnnv based by ,lames fiohufson and Ihnry MrCleary of.farms Keed. 0 js si*noted mi Lingaiiore creek, about H mih s above the mills—ahmd ft(» a fres are in \\ood, fhe hahitn e good ’and. 'There are uion tin** ho. * n ^oo«! dwelling house*two tobswtohnu iMlf house, good springs, a.i apple, or* liar. , ^.e. ic, liTiiKS ot ~>ale arc—One fourth of -‘is purchase iiimin in hand or upon reiirmtinn ol tin* sale, when pns s Wi!i be given, ami tin* balance in lour espial annual pay meiils, with, f!ie pm chasers giving bond "• ,:l,^lW,rovo,l uecui ity ;and ::s soon ,e. 1 ♦ it■ hole ot the puts base money is pad, g--od and snlhcient deeds will be vxeeuloU by the trustees e> ing the above properly to the purchasers._ 8a:e to commence a’ '«> o\ jock A. M. <A HI .- *,} \MZ, \r. \ ROBKUTSON. fruiters. rrnleid blown.. Md. Jnlv Mil st. Li-t ol I jell era mntiniiug m in. Pont Olhce in Winchester \ if u..t m ken mu before the ut October. v,ill •»e nerit lt> the Grjieml Pont liflice t\« ile«d ieMern. I'l Om. etnpiiriiig for letter*, ni]l jilt uh' any they ure ml. vertineil. A. Ivohcrt Allen, (Oorgv Albert, A hruhatn Adams, Daniel Annin, 2 t <|iiilla II. Allin, Win. Angus, Mrs. l.miisa Abbot, Mrs. .lane )C \nnin. U. „ .lames ISronKs, .Mary Ann Heevee, Messrs. M . t\ J. lii.nvji, .Satn’l Ben liatti, Charles Blue. Joseph C. liald wm. ;l. Mrs. Sarah Brook, George Blai unore, 2. Sampson iiliucoe, An lieew Bush, John Bniirn, Ahx.iiidir B. Buckiiunan. iMer Baric; \\ m. i . {•in k. Mar\ i’uweii, Thomas IJascy J... i! Bond. Mary r-,n,'o 0011 *•.. •’ *’ •••-. •orlti g. .1 no ,i. i,iown .Messrs. Cooper Baldwin. C. Thomas Campbell. John Cochran, M( ( ot mick <N Caslleman, fo!. Jas. Cl ipley. Mary C i.a’!., Kohl Cochran. <•««.. t ram* r. C. t., ( Com Tmss^n. is oft* e S i.ool ol' t' ri derirk i •janvs C ... ; hell, John Carrell, Clia*s. Cunningham, Aop.i.-u C* licgan, Jo nathan 1 ail lie, J oisii l i. \in, John l.V.KlIesnau. Abner . l.uke.Jos, ph Card, Jacob (. uoper, Levi i -velum;, Peter t tamer. Mrs. Margaret ii. t oi.ratl, Jt.d n < arier, Kv..cs Carpenter, Geo alamees, Win, 8. Curiett, Jacob Cat-pent* r. I). j uiuMiis. jaim s navis, snm iiu Davis, John J. Dean, Joseph I'hul l'\>» Reuben Dean. Isaac Daniel, J.,im Deck. >' hi. Dunlap. H. •T‘>H F.llis, Jamb Kllis. Robert F.w i»:r. Win. I vins, Miss >j;,i v hnrt. F. Mordrrju R. Frye. (,-■>. M. Fly, Ah xamb i* l msy the, 1 i«i Fnaselt. l.;\'1or (•rant. m, (*annaiu M:f\ Drnhani. bnrah ! . fiilkersmi, ptmii. < Wuss, i'oiiv. | (.tv.nlliant, Jus. D. <•iiiv* is.n. Samuel I'. (■( itiuii, .Iol<n «n* I- ii/.a (l.'fmi, John (iriihih, " in. ( xinloii. 15-try (tuiMuii, rreiic a k (toss, I’ I\ ira S. (•ib.son, Sarah . ('las-, .limits ( amble. Joint A llo •tttt'iM A. (w re. ' «‘ «'I*a flew an?. I lizabeth Has IVl', Ann t elm, Joseph n;i( k„ y. \\ litiin.Mcn* I hornas or (inlcon IS.n t y» )trs l sley i aiburt. Mathias ite, lienneti <.;•!!. \'m. Helm, > i < i.ael lit lies, *2. (leor^e W . Harrison, V. hi. tirniiinjr, 5 Horse Dill, Seii *■**'!• Dius'.i 't, . ;nes I Tamilf «>n. 2, l.ewis ::'il:!iii.s\r,t| t!i. Hurston, Naili.tii lu\< n, ralhanne Dawkins, v li:u lev, Dan is, \\ ni. 1 <. “arris, Ca '*t: rmr • nineton, Charles llemlin, Win Dm, • nan Harvey, Mums lit '. tm a Ful l- n, \ v< !)jlialil F<.1 l. iii, .Janes Henry. David Holmes, .an s li Hail. Dionah Hamilton, : m Hay, Saniuel Hanmiick. .1. V- iii. Jink ins, f>. Mary Jinkies, 2. ii.waicP . Jones. 2. Janies Iril nn!. 1 I J e« s. .Time Jones, C, Daniel Je~ t iter. I raid Jai! sot , V i 1!ian< J;-,; es, J' i n J. Johnson, Hizabcth Jackson, Ann Jenny. K. .'ianr;*n> krrcnirr, rotor KrtcmtT, Jnsrp!. krc klov , I lizabpth korlbot, John or Ailum Korns. I . Mordant A, korkhart, Josopli kon^m ro« Hn^h Lindsov, I I as L» ji;■, Jnonllnm I nkons, I » {}to\ Lourot, 1 linor l-; nn n-i, Jon |>li Leak, John Knot k, hlizaboth I it, M. ! owis Mooro. (inhrtt Morris, k "Olios Mi < ;.!!< 1-si;, 2, .Inlin Mitf in, Millrr. John M or ri.son, i <1 wonl Mon Is, Thomas .ViUrr, 2.lohi» Vimor; Sizithrtl) M rsi all, K. I). Minor. V» ;ttf« r1«.»> Mtn|)Ii\ I Jim iV ilh’i, 5 I»/;• l>« j|» Marinis, W illiam 'Ili. ids, 1 In ,\ ottrr, Joim Ma< - k‘.'. .!.iiiics \ arlow, t atharmo Mil. <• o. '• ci'pii Mai poh . Kohort M< \| i*- ' V. It . > rsc, ,W; siiji, lit> V.< Mahon, Mr. Mu scan Hi, lMiir\ Mail;. - \# • ni’n w ^p\« la»w|. r>onjoniin >n - h 1 t y, L lia A. Aoii.s, A u)smith * 0. i Arcpiiiiu Osmnn. P. .T'lhn Parker, Isaac Pidgeon, Wm. o. Peak. £mcah i*1.1 i. Joint ration’, 2. t liilips, Joseph Page, Thomas j 1’. Page, Jolm Phillips, Judah Pritoli > art!, W illtani li. I’age, I ilgritu i.eti i lamiii, .Michael I’ierrc, Joint Page | James M. Parker. Joanah Powell, I K 1 Joint lingers, Kli/.aheth Royster 2, i W tlii.nn Weed, John, William | liaiiMii. George Rryberl, David I Uidgway, Mathias Kilter, hluabetlt Uase\, .Michael Keatl, Margaretl k. liust, lieeil, Kli/.aheth Riley, V.rahain i.e< k. Martha Reed, Peter knst. James Kced, Hager Kagan, JJa vio Ru.->sell. S. Shavellear S\va: e, Parlie1 Shmeci ler, . amuel Slokes, Snutli <£* Palter, j David M w.n-t, lieorge ites At on, | W iii. .Shepherd, llenrv Sullivan, John [ Sutherland, lienjainsii Si,.well. Jacob blanker, Lowric Steadman, Patrick j S' liters, Joseph Muith, Margaret I I Smoot, Thomas Sprint, George Su . ’Halt, Jonathan Mtiitli, Jolm ‘•aiinders, i | Katvel Snap, Sarah C, Smith, Jane i ‘1‘iih. Maiv Silver, Ivli’/a Scrivetit*r, , Ketilien Seal, ’S in. It. shindhr, \\ m. j -e,t?.right. W iliiam sitepherd, Maria 1 spencer, kmilv Schulte. I j Thomas Tailor. Wm. ThoriJiury. I George l av lor, Alexander I . la\ j - ,l'* ;'>!.n li. I ddeii, Hannah I'liotnas. Janies I ay I or, John Troxell, heii|a min l*. ; horn, w alter Tairptary. sauiitel tailor, Warner I hrock'.ior* ion, 2. Kwin rhaicher, Uni. |\!er. V. Cornel, us Vincent. , . v/. Hartilla \\ alker, Isaac S. Wood, Thomas Wolfe, hli/.a V title, Thomas a eh h, Wilson Washington, David j \> addle, Thomas U i.son. Klislia \V a - 4‘t’, Mury Williattis, Jared U iliianis. Wilson. Win. Wilson, Kob ieri jWiiod, Prances w;Mselt, Samuel WiixMi, Lydia Woml, Willh,in White. '*i s. Sarah Wiiite, Joshua G. White X. John A. Xaupi,2. THOMAS liOMKUTS, P. \i. Winchester july .v NO I JCK. IJN'i Rli iht* du'hnrity of a deed of tii.«i in me dated liit* Knit d*.) tif \ ril. | ts?6, frt.m John Hopkins r.,r tl.e l»«. I ncfil of l» rue k il'» I - t I .* \ t.. t» s! ::n, ; Nathaniel Pendleton, 1 »haii, on I {’;il ■’ August » t*t. rt. ifie i» vf n ; ; •!» Mr. Rollon, m t** Tor,n n| Charles i ' nrM !:< the County Of .!effer*un, Vir- i ! offer foi »aie. nf public uUciioii, lor re«ily umoey, to (lie Siu?■. «• t bidder, i a iri.fti il !. nil, mi inale in the nuiii i enooty, &• • tat*-, emit nining about 11T-i Acrci*, tit-»»»•* ,i {.ari o! the iratf called KHAN NON I> A LI*, i 1 convey tti to ti.p dtsitl John licpkius iiy Kef'i*ii*»ndo Fairfax : a » articular de*» crij»ti:.o . I the. ftitiialion and bounta* r.. « winch nay be seen liy lliosy dis posed in buy, by reference «.• (he deed lion, \Jr. htur’a* to Mi. Ilu. k<ns, imh «' feconi in |he Clerk’s Oltiro of the County Cuiir' of Ji f|Vr*„n, The wholt of li t Raul laoil will he mild or so much j thereof as may be rrece»»aiy to raise ‘ *.»e *1,111 of -With interest ■ hereufi, offer ilie rale nf 7 percent, (being the New ^ mk interest) from She •'2d of February, JHJ'i fill the day of Ral*-, and also the i*n*is til recording rh • deed of trust, und all tusls attend id:' 1 he sale. The subscriber will nsehe na other erd to the purchaser or purchaiier<i, • tin a-* ruHfee, a:id v. TI nnl wairnn' i ill liile eirept 0"ain*l himself, and flit ! persons claiming under him ED.Vi. I. IA !•;, Trustee. Alexandria. July f»,— oin ; \ ji «inia to ^ it: t t Ikiitcx lioltkn in tin Clerk's Office oj tl* Sh[-tritiT Court rf C tut net r ij Jor the ft .nehester ttistnet the Jirst Jlonaay iii June James Anderson and Leah his wife, I | late Leah Scnaeitey. I’laintilfs. A(i \ INST ’ Magdalena Sonsemw. Kxi cu* lri\, and (died U aiic hxeni- | 3 ] *•>»’ of 1 ■«•»« i’ Srn*»ene\ j c\* the heirs of said l eler Sen- i jstneyi:* jsed. J * • ill-1 Pel relent John Brsn.e and | K'e Lift wile not having enin . Iln ir ;i|i)’t iu ;m( e and given sennit) j «rC«»niii./4 toll* \< » of issi ndity and the l.i.h • oi rim ( ( inf. ann if aj>i>ear- ; i>er in safisinrtm - < \ idem e, that they i iiir no! mint itant- < I iLis < onntrv : it i inifta. Ilia! the said IhlVmi.nN flf* appeal In •• on the first «'a\ of |..e next term and answer the hiil id' the jd.i.ntii s; and that a i opv o' this ur fierlt forthwith insrrtet insotne new s l l'ei j id lisheil in Mint luster, |V,e two inoiiti snnessiieL and posied at :! i limit f'oor of the I’onrt i|ous» | in the said town of V in< hesiu*. A t OpV — I I Si e. I >AiNIhL Lf t- f e, c. c^ | June li— i Aliens’ Prize list, f)l the sd Day's Drawing oTthe MA: VLAN i ST A1 E LOTTEH i\o. *3289 *11486 23408 prizes ea of 1 si ‘Sold at ALLENS’ where theca call be had r«;r prize." as aoon drawn. The drawing will he eoiitin etlor. I'hursday, the 17*li of July. , On Thursday, the lOlh of Juiy, t price ot tickets wi.f b« advanced Adventurer*, particularly iho -it n distance, should lose no time securing eh » ces. All o tier. <)at previous to 1 e rise, will b>- supplied I * present pice*. viz. N\ hole Tickcta Sl£ no llahes G GO Quarters 5 00 Eighths I Capital Prizes jet to be drown sre 100,000 DOLLS. 1 '»l*. *0,000 DOLLAR; 2 of. 10,000 DOLLAR; 2 •>!'. 5,000 DOLLAR! 17 ot.1,000 DOLLAR: tn>uid» a large uurnbci of &100, fcO &c. prizes. Jf'ashiuctoii Jl ointment Lottery, Will draw again on Thursday, iht Ji 0 July. I'rily 12 mine drawings contph .e the lottery, and all the It 1 wi g p' izes are till undrawn, viz. 1 «*•'-- 20,000 DOLL 2 of- - 10,000 1)01.1 2 «t. 2,000 Dl LI s of. l3000 DOLL Whole :ckets $to I! a I * e s r, Qeaneis ^ go Eighths I 20 Also tickets in the University l.olw ty, now drawing, at Sio, shares l roporl ion. i i bets and shares in the above io t rtes (warranted undraw i ) to be ha at ALL I. NS Lottery ml Exchange Ollit e, I » i mi a .'imiu , M asinngtnn l_ ily. ■ Most kinds oi Fund., n Bank Note- i ie<lived .1, | aytik iiI at par. G3* < in I its lroin any paitoi >he l nited States, hy mail, cm losing I nic rash or prize tickets, in an\ oi ia- Hallimmv Lotteries, will meet'thi rsiial prompt and punctual attention addresed to S \ M. ALLEN, »V Co.' Feimsv '.vania A venue, usliington t ity. June Jl Virginia to wit: vj' kuies hulucn in till Clerk's OJfice oj the Snj,nun coert <>/ Chi,nr. ryJor the Winchester I) strut thejh st Jiutuia . \ m Jim/ 1823. With.,m C. Shaw and Ozniond C i idem v . int 11 hants and partners nn <’< f tin name and linn ot Shaw ami ,i,lV“ry riaihlifis Jlpainst Aijnilla D. StiiuhcomL*, and S. Boss ^n,i'd* Defendants. 'I IIK Defendant Aquilla D. Stinch-i rotnh rot having entered his appear- ; am e and giu i. senn it} accoi ctinu to i the Acted Assembly and it appearing !iy satisfactory evidence, that lie is not an inhabitant ofthis count!*} • /«' m urtlncil: I hat the said defendant do appear here on the first day ol the •text term and answer the bill of the plaintiffs, and that a copy ol this or der lie fm lliwith inserted in some nev spaper published in Mincliisltr. lor i w o inontliM stici'm h , ^ post ed at the Iront door of tin ( onrt-house in the said town id ini he.ster. A Copy—'| este, I>AMhL LKft, c. c. c, May T. Virginia to wit : *Qt Units hohlen in the clerk's ({[file ft the Superior court of chnnecrii for the Winchester District the first An minii in .Ipril J823, Carter It, Chandler I’Uiniift', Against htUvanl Adams a’a! Jemima his wife, end the heirs ami legal n jncseiita ves oi \\ in, Deneale, u< i d, I Meiidanfu. P* fpndant«, Jd-n !»#»..C and 1 Janette hi* wife, nod .Toxiiiti Mt.r -hnll h»i1 Killy t>i* wife, i of I it \ im; enter pd ll eir H|i|)eBfhPce md given *e. f-ur ity Breiif iling In the Art ot A»:.c ni hly anil the Rule* of if i* Court, r.r.d it •H'fi>rin« hy ratiPnclory ptnlen-f. thni ihey not itd »hi»un'n c>» ?h;> eixintry : It is ordered. 1 ha« if,.. „rtv» HfteulHDli iln appent here on llie tir«> 'hv of tfif> ii'r tern, ortd nervier tin 'll of th<- t liintirt , Hud ihat n ropt i ti »i i'id‘'r b»* forthwith in*eried in -i.siie ne»>|>aper |nihli«ln'.! in Wiijchei* er for 1*», mundo *nc«'t • >iv» ly, and j-'-ted m *|.e f*..»» door of the Court llnuie i’l ihe ■Hid town of \\ irrherlsr *—Copy Te«te, Alaj t<—«C DANILL Li.K,c* c. outlay in . pul lioniiisfrichoitt l laintifTj, Against Samuel Heed, Joshua Uu-d, tC- Sar !r ( Defendants,, >i»K l)ifenJant Samuel Reed, not haring entered 1 19 appfaruuee, ami s;•ren security according to the A -t of Assembly am? the Rule*. of lliis ( ourt, and it appearing by Matin* i-iory cvi leor.e, that he i* col no. uihumtmit , f thin country: It is trur vd 1‘ ot the »uid dcf.-ndciii do »i.i tar; iicre (ju the first day oi i he i.ext u m* amt aasrr the bill tf the plum litis and that a copy of thin order ot> •on It with inaerted jo ton e newM»i|er {» htished in v\ inehetler, f\,r two im.uihs -i-ecesa.veiy, and posted at the tlm.r ol the Court Homo in the 9 u 1.. town .. ? »\ inch ester* A Copy— 1>h t DAMhJ. l,y [ % e,c. c; May :>l — ft. Virginia to wit: At kutes /.eld in the Clerk's ofi,ct of liar* ay County Cvurt, on the first MmdatJ m June y John Mullin I’liiintilJV ,, Against .I?rr.|) Tevebongh Peter Hutton, A •> 1 .ill.tut I niton, iljsc.i l.i.itcn, itiiil Joh llutton. Di-fendaiits, t HE saul Defendant, J a no t s ve in ugh. rot having entered his aj { c;»r ant e, and .. iven sec m i:y arci)itlini; to ihe At t of Assembly and t?H. Holes of »..:s ( om't; and it appealing L,\ sat islartory evim nee that he is not an inhabitant i I this t oiimninv.cnlth : it is • ••■•leu ha the said Defendant do upp'-e- i ere on the hr-t <’:,v „t the m \t hi |>« 1. her ( ourt \ answer fh© !D1 of the \ au titi: and that .. tony oi . hisoioer lit' i> rihwith instiled in fcome nevspa.ei jnllisf.d in V in < In stei. lor f Wo nionths success!vt ly anti posted at tin front door of the 1 ourt House ol the t oun*v of Hardy. A Copy—I este. Imi. WlhLlAjlS, c. 11. c* June 14. T Virginia to wit: At Ruirs hoidtn ,n (hr ( U*/, s f fjre pf S"rn ; * CO"f‘ <’J < ^'U r, v /, r •\ht l, t “ ^ •^"*‘0 >n ^ Frcdern k ilcncliy, ifT Against Julm Moore and J, ‘?iu!i t‘r:,inpliin, -Ilf r . Iwfl Mli^ntHp IFF. I. eT.-mlf nt, ]n»inh C'r»»n.«>hf ,",,1 nlrrfll tl J 4 HM'fnra anr“ fiml mtpn mmm.mi, accord). V to , A —Pn.hly nnrf I't „f ! , L°' rl! lMf"‘ ” a|.pfrMr»«. f(> , ‘;U?-V f tha* ^ •» IM.r „„ ,n„ haliitKOt i.» tltu> Piiuiilrj; li h «.rJer^<l H».»t t'e .Hid |)Hei.rta.,i d0 R, ’ l.erenn tlir firm dm of t|„' , a...t,, hill r>< ,h |>'mir(*ii - that n i.f thin nr.ltr ho vnM. •'•erlcd in -M(„c Ii«*h**d hi A iiiHiPutpr, f r , j|9 •Mireermely »od u( ,ht. * fi. '* !"r ’•* u* <■'i.url lf„ii»e in tbs •.. ^ lowii of \\ in, hf*!*"*. A l. ojtV — T ' >♦#», M OaNI«i.lEB.«. g. l. —