Newspaper Page Text
17* WINCHKSI Kl% VA. SATURDAY. Jl LY IS, 1823 \OL XIII. AM;FI. IF.lMlftl) BV JOHN I! KitS/. KLI , .1' thru dollars per Uu.a.i,, m uaraner. 1'OU SALE Oli 11 E N 7. V I wed kin) mi Tavern ‘•land Ji in .M iilil|cf(»w m, (ui'iiutI* oi c «i|.*i <* I 1 \> »'mupin II, Aiustin, e»c *11111 for tin1 si\ \ears 1»> the subscriber— 1 In* House is |;o-»v an ! 1 otiicmdioiis, and the stand nth 1 s mail} anvnnlu_<s to a person disposed to cuibnik in he business 01 Tavern k.epin-;__ j .• #•; of the tnenitin0 tow in the house v :li fie re 1 it 1 <1 or sold w • t !i the I must — !• or l'urtlii r particulars applv to JA.MKS AiNilLUSoN. May 3 SCHOOL. % It/T1jL hr cjH iirii by tin suU'f ri v T her on Wednesday the 3uin in.-u. at the head of Opet|iiou about 5 miles tVo.n Winchester, .1 school in which will Ih* taught llie various ches of .‘duration, front Sj>« Hi .1 r. i.a tlini; and wriling, to a ronijdetr course ol’ academical and rolby^iaie science.— J he terms of tliil ion a ill lie Spelling, reading and wiiting, 12 dollars a year, to be paid (jiuulcrly. Arithmetic and English Gram mar, i .) dolls. Geography, Mathematics, bel les l,t tit cs, S;() dulls. Latin, Greek, and French Lin gua es, z.'> dulls. Jboai d 1.1.. v lie obtained in repuia titbK i.umiit s, on iiioth rate terms. i alia i.lar allenlioii will be paid to the ni; ials 01 youth. UniiKti 1 n. ( H A P M AN. May 3—if. April *>ti—* Lam I lor i^ale V ILL ..i moderate 1 f>r. very tennH, a f.k\- -■ Y? 2 r «»» ' fa. IH a-’j-'- I l* fc?; ijattletoivii, cuui..ii.iug about 175 ACRES, in point of IVriiliiy it i» excelled b.if by low farm* in tlio va!l.\v, Al.SO, A House and 1 ot, Adjoining tin* •miiic. 1 derm u unrir fessary t«i jp/e a desrripiion of lb ■ a* bovu property, presuming thi»*e v. h.> wish (o pure hu.e will fo-t \ ie.w toe preinir.e*, which will !:e shown them by Mr. Littleton, who re.-idm im ■!.. fart*-anil tbo ternu made know i t>> application to the • ubsonber, lr. mi*: near Daniel .Vlcl'her.oa’fl A/11:1, son county. & t mull Taylor. April l 2. V irgitiiu to wit. *]t Units /linden in tin (’IfiL's ‘j'i'e iH till’ cniirt "I i 'i(lm’fr/; f'ei Jhe Ji/• .•/;< >?.*•**/> s > let tiu’jirst nv d'ir/ ill June 1 Si), Peter liny to on IMuintifl, Against James SIm piioid and lam. -> Ship. !<• [l :!• 1«!I*IS. rl lIM Defendant, Janies bm ; In rd. not having (Mil cm .i Ins ap|)i. r.iiu i ami given st-ruiily acronling in T!»«• Art of Assembly and fin? Jinles: nl tins Court, and it appearing by satis far lory evidence, that lie is not an m h#l iiaut nl' this coiini r\ : I' is order ed, ’ilrat (lie. said Defendant do appear here on I lie lost day of the next term and answer* the I ill of tin plaint ill ; and that a ropy of this or der be forthwith inserted in se ne newspaper published in Winchester*, for two months sucrcssivel) and po»‘ fsl at the front dnoi* of the Coart House in the said town of \t inchest* i; \ Copy— > cute. Tune 14—1. D.VNIl.l, I.KK, r. c, _ Boarding, ^ll i K nub«c <V it, wli '•>' rn- idenff* »<• onmmodinu* I’ur Bourd r*, nisi u Ifti ly well »ilu<i*»l ’in l lie otinleni* of ill** \ edfiny tiv its pmvii.i y in i(, lot ing received l»«t year > li'.ir I Clieoora vjfMiienl, tmv* tsf i Ins nunns re»,»evtltiil'v to nj).:r tor * renin in ilif* purr nts mol guardians, why w nil to f.‘H't tiirir children nr mjjmU lo «clir.«l in tuna. Price for Boarding, lodg ier, Washing, Mending, fire-* rod and Candle*. Per »»-v',ion of r»S mootlm % 75 payable quarterly m advance. A KIA X A \ V A a J i 1X UTON • July Bib «t. A Li«i <•! I,fliers r» i. uinng in the Post ^ lMiirt in Wmrlie»i(?r Va, if not 'a- ' ki*o out before the 1st October,| - be sent to the General Po«t OUice a« d* < cl It tiers. I'erteou* eutjiiinir” for let <•(.:, will |.lea*e they art ad \ertjn d. A. 1 \lh n. George Albert. A [ iiraliuiu Ac I in.'S, Daniil Annin, v! .1 - | qtiilla lb Vliin. Win. Antics, Mrs. . Louisa \hhot, Mrs. Jam* h. Vinnn. ii. 1 Jam's llronks, Man Ann Ueever. Mcs-is. W. «yj. lirow . $am‘i ben Irani. C.uirles i*|c,i, Jus |»h C. I’.al.l win. S. Mrs. Sarah Crook. George i LI. cl in n , •:. >ani|’sun i-in.c oc, \n i'r" ii slu John Uotirn. Mcxunder i*. Ilu khanan* l*cter llarh ; >V m. ( . buck, M.irv lloweiu rI l:t>u.: s I ;.se\ .! »hic i c» i .. M a t ilusli, Solomon K. link r. Itilij? it iirluic, J no 11. ii town i Mcss.s. I oo^ei* «*. liaiclwin. ! ... . t. 1 liotnas (. r.nipbull. John Cot hran, ?tlc (uj ujif' \ I asih man, *'o|. .1 as. t ieijiVv, .iar\ Clark, Unlit Cochran, tic*.. ( rani«r. C. Cannnack. ( Com missioners of t be St bool of Freticri* k.) Janies j ;tin[>iull. oliii Cam'll. Cba*s. t uiiiiin^ln.m, Atcj .illa Coiiagan, Jo nat!i;.o \ ’.arttie. Joint Craven, John Castlem *n. Ann.'ft iacke, Joseph t 'ai cl. Jacob Cooper, Lc vi Cleveland, i’eter miner. Mis. Margaret K. Conrad. John c tiller, Kvaiis arpenter, Geo* ! . c alaiiiets, Win. S. Curlclt, Jaeob t aioicutcrr. 1). .irssj'c I ’ouijMts. .lames l»nvt?. Sam- I ud Davis. n J. I N'iin, J<is»-p|i Jjnii It > - li'.Mib, Isain Dan id, Joint Do iv, V* in. i Mini.!)). I\. .1 « ! F.His, Jaciilj KIHs, Iiobrrt !vv. [ ill!?, ill. 1— \ ins, .Miss Mary JM k ' hart. V. Mmdecai il. Fry*3. (ion. M. Fry. | Alexander For;.' th . Da\id i ns i;it. (i. I i''nstcr Grant, W m. Onrman, Ma.-;. ' iM.rali t). l-ru, j-snn, h,v, jjatii:n t J.-ss. i t.l:1 < r < »rautli:»!n, ,j„ I ! liu> .-..IJMld 5*. i mrii.. j .mill tu . (>.<!*; ft!. «1.>}iiit. I h til* lioi . . liiaili.i). i 1-t-ti.* j i iciv F*;.s, i > ,r.i t •iii.n.’i. Sai • i. I .< .ai.SM, Jan cs <>aiii!;ie, .itjS.ii i In. ; ralju A. inTf. 1 i. ; (ndia How i;!. J lizdidu Has-] 1 ! . Vim 1 .dm ; •. '. :n kn y. V. m j i lit lv • liJl! I'll. i n..S iji’ ( • .itCi/ll dill-- 5 ' ■ ' ♦ j'< I S. \ ai .Mu ii: ;s J <> il., i'»t‘Ills i'll 11... j. \, ,u i \ j. i i ii:i*.• I iiiiics. . irvi.r-i- v'. . I’laj-i is;?n. I • in. 1 • minin^', a i j'i sc t.iJI, )*((';. ! i a h i'ui si.ui, Situis -".',in, [ ‘.ijiin.^-wiMi... itn,| ** il l.I it2\i>M. ;•*.-» ;;it* I 'i'\ki!l>. | v-lii.riis »i in. , j liiii-Mii 11as *;,. 11. v li - !; s Men lirv, , <* i'- 111*; . • nodi •;ii-v }•, : • *»v - lniL.ii, t rdiihaM I : i .mi. .la.n. s Henry. *avtd Holmes, 'inns li. i i i;i ii.j. .->1). j .1 i/.-i hay,,in. i auiiiii. k. ! i 1 >V i»i. Jin ins. .I. Mary -linkin'3. Cl. I i *** tS-'it.'il - lours, H. James In am. » .i.a l lnin-s,. iK .lcin s. Iliuii. I .lc-j ■'ii'k ? !•' if • . « I s, I . V- iliiai). .li.jia-v, | ■ i.n.i .;oliiisf/,1, i J./iilicth Jackson, j Vn:i jiany. | K .»K*llC;»ni Kirin, j, rt( r Kiv* )'ti. • )x(‘( kli \ Iv<‘l i oi1 Attain Kn ii>. L. l A. I,<i(kliiivfi T i-Tpli I .nil n , } h;^!> 1 iin!<-r\, I liaI/"ii,;. ! .In!'; iluiH ! iiKi’iis, i.rilicv r< % , ii>: >;• i.i V.n ut «•, «l< m Jill la'als, Jolm h, H'r/.ali.-';• it . Iil’W’8 ' on it NJoi’ii*** •<; natiiis ]\j< < «!; . John A! art hi, Jacob »*: * I;.• it i’l(.| i hiii, (| W ' 11 I! M (11 , i s t 11., i ‘t I i! i, | •. -z , I (;) 111 IViifti* rn, I ii Marshall, K. II. j Mi.or. Win.. > “i. A t • i j! • > Kofiert A’ ill*t, Kii/.alu !it i\i;,r *.iis, V, iiliam ! '' illi in'- ' It Aln'ti .}i ! n >. \Ja - | J. Inf'' AI ill I • .Ml.;,! inn \Jif. ti ", Mi il-'d .Vnrjn.o. I.V( < r* >J, \r. is or. Min. \ r-, . ; ii i - At ;.snii, i * i.ini,** V1 ?a)"ii, v. Mi.H’ajrlli, i i f * a t'y A * a 11\ A, tk*l*« \\ No*'h int, 15'’ ! ;ti in Nor j folk. Join Mutton, \ mi, j, j i,i : A Non is, Ai in Nil siiii'li. it. ArqioIJa Osinon. r. John l’iit k(')', Isaai I’"*!?;-on* A1 in, \ lV Sm ali I'm i .i no I'attoo, 2, liinn*** ?>inl!|»'i. .I •'•■ iiii i i .«*, I lioinns I . I'a^t*, John .hr!;*l I i in It •ml ' i!lhn. Ii. i'.t i', t il ri:n • n liltmM, Mi li.r’i ‘ birr. John , Jaant* >1. fiirktr* Joarub. Pow U*1 R. .Mi i Horn's, Elizabeth Royster 2, V 1 lam tiinl, John kelson, \ illiam Rankin, (ieorjro Rcyheri. David Uicj^vvay, Maflti s Hitler, Hizabeth Rns.y, Mil hat I i i ad, Va’-i^aieU K.. Ivlist» John Heed, Kliz. heih Kilev, A* l* ll.iiu <.i . k, Manli v Heed, . Ciir l/' S' James lieu!, Ha^ei Ita^an, »l,i vid Huvsell. Shavellear Swane, Haelie! Stoneri lei , ^tunnel Mokes, Snnln ».y i artel. David SteWiiri, lieoi-j;e >-itrs «V . <m in. Shepherd, it nr\ .Sni!i\an, John Sutherland, li* is| i..\ • ii. ,iai o!» Jankcr, Lowrte -ieadm. n, Haleiek Miners, loseph Sn.i.h, Margaret l • Smoot, 'J'iiomas Spi im. (iei.rge >u, onathan Smith, Joan launder.-., j Haci.el vnap, Sarah C, ^ 1:1»111. Jam "initli. Mart Siller, ><*« iienei, Uenhen >eal, V in. It. Miindl. t m. "e; hri^lit, W illiam Hu-j in id, Man.. Spencer, Kmili »S< Indtz. K Tljomas Tailor-, Win. Thornlmri. George l'aylor Alexander !. '!a\ lor, John L-. I'ilden. Hannah 1 n Jinas, James 1 a\ .or. John I rox* II. iu-iija min 1‘. liiorn, Walter lanipiiity. *ainue| i ;i}lor. Warner I iitorMnoi ton, 2. hivn 1 ii rir iier, Win. i i ler. V. Cornelias Vim eat. " * Bartiila Walker, Isaac S. Wood. ! Thomas i\ ulto, I fiza v‘» .nte, '1 honias ! .ileli, Wilson \\ as i in -on, David j V» addle, Tiiuiras \N i s- n. t.ii ... V\ a! e.. Si try Vidimus, J.tred ilha os. j ii/muelh V\ ilson. m. or. it n> ! iei-K ^.. nod, h ran* es V ,i;..: l 'v'ilsou. J.vdia Wood. A iii-. m W i-ilt, ! •VIrs. White, Josiit.a d. V> t.ile. X. John \. Xa.ipi,1'. i i»o \i ,o i.'dH-diTy, P. M. VV iiieti.*-Ur ;utt (i ' V n-giimi to \va : .it Huie.. n. to II / ti.v CItTL's I l f <•/ /.'<< J ‘II ‘ U rt ! I V, //{> 'll foil ^ 1. j i) ict l/icjnst aii>.tiuuv hi j Jtiafj;’. G .mule, ju r. I'i.uii tf i ii& u'll:-t i } H Ht: !|. .1 j * Iriidiinl r»'iJ i»V : t.;c rUifij :;«■« *. , cui mee .util ,;r. t-it icci.nii iw t ii ril I .1^ to Ml* All! l**M.'nt.iiJ ai..i, i ’ '-»•* this L..:lifi, it (ni li i-l.fLili.u ■ y !*i.ti-sHi*t.»ij- ft uiri.e^ tnat !.t- ;% it i a!; it)huliitHM 1 li.i... <■. t;iiirj. it ,\s <>r it-'tiM, i llftt I ill', -lilli li.i IK ;.>>• ,) Ht !l. If II', ilk’ llml I*..} I I lit IM-il ••:tn .ml i»t»«vver il»t* l>i!l .1 ihe {ilmu I . tr ; ;• ? *1 ■ . i H «• III \ l.f I l, l . |. r> . : l.f i»l;vi'Vlill III : liH, II, j'iiUH' !,<•« i uji( r iiOli»ilf(l lit v. Ill, ill . l-v, J.|l | It II •ii. *»**■ i<:n' ] y Mi'.ti >tt i l.f ’•• r. .. •>! iifo C m i L.H- it. iitc -.Hill i*. iv ti t*f t nr li *■ * ii* r» fi — if A ., I>.lN i 1-5. I,El*, c. c. ?.! iv ; 7, is ja — O. U . Virginia to wit: .i i. tm& holueu vi f/n r/f-r/,*- c’]!cc i'f l.'C ^Iijtrrior ( ourt .;/ Ulimnmj ft'r tin- ll inchesttr Ifrstr ct Lie jinl JiOuUuj ni .hnif !8^3. n.ini: 1 MfVicki’r jin-1 Mary ^ Ann .'It \ i'.«cv, onlv shi n •- j v it nr r))?!i!rrn of Daniel >lc- i \ ii kvr I'tiM. juu! "raiid nr jtiicw i*.nil iii'ii i*. oj' jvjary j y i Moinji'.iin, <u:il hosier Air- | ^ V •»'lv»*i* ih'cM. and son i\ ing !m»1 !i<T i'k! sister ol \ liVed j Z Mi N i Ai r drt’il. am! V ii!i- | -s .•.ni - lit’* vo and Margin'd | * liii will-, only survhini' si>- J NT ot •'..iil Mary 1 limn;'.son j and I'i .‘U r Mi \ i> kt r Hir'd. J \nhibald Mr \ it ker, JuPmr. of J|e<*. in .Mc\ i< Kit dcc'u. and ode i<;t I mlanfs. The d« fet duMs I lietSnuth, >alliaii .'•loon*. Joshua i,. 1 Van, Anitr Krnnt - d.ij not ii«i\ in^ rni« : ed th«u: ;it hiht & gn* n s« i \ «i- I'o' dim; i<> f • ie ■•etui' Asstnilily (V 1 in* rules i this rum t, awl it ajip* '>.riii£ by • dislarfo ry v\ nit iii r limy are not inhab it. jits ul’ this country : 1/ /« vriicred, tlilt, the s.*i i iH’h'in! ,s 'Jo appear here on ‘lie day of die nt *i I tci m* and i.nswc*’ (lie 'oil ul In plain | tilt; \ tl at a ci.j»v ol tin • I J*tIjr |i,rlh "ith insertril in a,am m-wnpapn jmli I -In d in \\ mi In *tn\ for t\\ o own h mkt f-mi aiM* jnisnii at the fro in I door of tin- t on:' Muu-i m {Lit inud tO\V n ol S' irn Im’hi* r, A i |*v— ! < mp, I> t ViKL LI,E» c. v. c. Ma\ 1" — xv. K»r >ale. A Lih-Iy \**£»•» M.m, about 21 >- ariofiig. p He mil in sold low for ash. 'VM \:«MSlUUNG,jr. Rouiti y, June >. t, MEW GOODS. WII.l.IAM RiCRiilS. HAS just received. an Klcpnt assortment of £uprrfin& Cloths, Cassimeres an>l Vestings, to<_:< ther with evcrv discrip-, tion ol I,at lies wear, suitable for tlu* present season, of tlicv latest lashicus, which will he disposed of on the lowest terms yiJ.SO, Vn elegant supply of verv Superior VlNFS of all hinds# French Brandy 4th 1'roof, Jamaica and Antccjne Spirits, ^cw Fngland do. Old Apple Brandy, JI. fir, \\ Jiiskcy from ± to 7 years old, also, f> months old. Loaf and Brown Sugar. Best Orcrn CoflVc. Do. \\ liitc do. Imperial, Onn|)owder, ! TK AS, of Very Superior qua* Hyson. plity and of the Latest Imports Yeung Hyson, and j lion. Sou. hong or Black, j (hee. 1 epper. Allspice, &c. &c. Together with a very general assortment of Hardware. Queens &, Glassware, Which will he sold, on the most reasonable terms. His IVicndjj and the public generally are particularly invited to euli anil examine May Si. 1S23. FOH SALE. 1 > i -1 -N <; too in (inn, ami 3L. utii'el} iinalile to attend to tin* ui es it a ! arm ; deslrn ;s «>i' in-., ml 'i I ow n {*•>!* I lie education ol'n:\ inl.m; i liiiitn n. and, moreover, to ii (j’ltiSitt• 1113 engagements, I h;i\c again determined to oit'er lor sale tlie land and llaidii!mn whereon i reside, to gether w if It I he ■V f' Tl / 1 T * C'* iV i j\jf Li U ‘•for’, of all hinds, !’I.\VI A i’IDX U it a I iHi.M j JMi \1 l’5i».\I\« .oid niasl of Int* i‘ tin; i? tire, 11n re is m ar!} K.'OO' ACRKS, in Hie 'I'raet which ran will: <onteni mire, 1'oih as lo wood and water, <»t w hi* h there n an aiiuiii am < . he ri\ i ded into two tu nioie snilal.le 1 aims'. The soil is j*oo,i ,y \.ei i ii;.i •> sn'aj.'Ml to liie ru)ture I our \\ I > at s .iple and ot her rroj.s whether ol tr«ai>! or;/ins; and i * an in» risk in s;\\ing i' is i:ne ol t'l 'iiiosi. jl not the most,ne>.dtieilve I* arms :n > In \ alhw , «dn< e man} } ears e\jierirm • am «he know ledge <1 the snt r oiimliiig neighbors will (iron and admit it. \ des»r also t sell about 1000 Acres of, in C fVr.^n. lyntj; l? miles (Vein tlit* Shnn.nondnlo *j*rin i;'s, nml live nr m\ Irom ("•:•, riesCovn, v.hioli may he hud oil iii lots in suit purchaser?—al oo sooo \ ni k s, in Hie CoMiiljis of Mason and Wood, M»>£ between 1 !ie two k'lil.'wa's, partly fen no* | •• j-, >(•,>.'s—anti 8 or 0000 Acres of military i nnds in the staus.'d'tJbiO} Kentucky , in! Indiana. I lift s;c «>C nil per:.toed prvpctfy will t ! c p icon the pieinis‘«. .M n hiy the 201 o( October 7U’\t. iffair, >r tlirwvf ; ii (hr., at who it line tin terms will •• made known. All or a m id the lands v. id s,>hl i i\. »,• ‘•a’e ;:m time before th-it ih:>;—one. *loi (1 i,f the ptirclisis:'ilititii \ i.> It | id :n liatid and tin- hal::inc • i, i\ it i.ivi (It'd info throe annual iust; inn i:f beat ins; inti rest I't«»m :h< iie.\ ol side and seenri /! te n \ safist'ai t'u n. i os session will he gin n so far as n;;i' in necessary for see !?n« this ‘all ; and < ntirrU when the tcio\\in#» c ro] > are minned. A.I |ci".ons at a di-i..;ice« not Knowing tin |inini;.iH <\ de^ni ie. ol invest (i|o- 1. opilal in this farm are mute:! to > i w it. Iiu .se in the stir lining i onntr) know it. * tUMir also to sell a lai r" r.KUJv u i/ns R "it \\<«)i» st*vet in Ah xatu ; i i. i rm< <S mi' iTsn!t"i('c anil now o« i n i»i-,*tl t»y I.IomI Ksi|,— li< !. ii imt »t»r tin- |niriliasc of iIi'h House will !>'• made to 1 anu s I., Mi ki nnir K*(|. of tlie Hank of Alexandria w ho i* fully authorized to sell the same. laMters I'.irn toil to rue will bo pr rut |> ait n/ied to and cun ndoiniatte'v JOHN HOPKINS. Hill <5* Hale, ISattletown Pn t Office, Frederick (/minty, Ya Aynl 19—Ida cojiJMrrrED. ^ g ^11 tlif -Inil ol Pt'c‘(M'r;ck County R V a a negro lad w lio calls hiiu srlf C yras, and says lie is tin* pro I cr'.v <>r a Mr. Buchanan oft.corgia_ I he said la.I is about \ ? or 1 \ears <‘i ago. dark complexion, about 5 loot: • iic lira high, clothing much, v.-oni. The owner is requested to t ome forward, pay charges, and take* him awav, or else lie will be dealt with as the law directs. 1 HAlii.Kb l,Ll,|;r, Jaii.oRj M iy st. G‘J" 1 i c I'-ditmr. »»nije ituhniond F.n <j iier, will please insert the al»>v<* om e .t week, for ihrec months, andt forward their ac'ount for collet lion. W asiiingtoii Tavern, ]n8ta unton„ r]| Mis very valuable establishment,* * once the property of Janies Kdi mondsoti ami now occupied by Mi-. ‘ ha. i < ..iriji r, jr. isolf.-ml lor rent fy,r can or more years, or. very lib-rai n i ias.— iobsession will be given <„*• ,i,(‘ of May next, Fur urmy itpj Jy to \\ A\ i\Treasurer, Washington T avern Company.-. April OG. A 'readier Wanted. I !'»„ I rustiv 5 <>i ;}»*• Bcitv villa A« ra,lo,lJ.v u ,s!’ “»a IViichcr who ^ v ']'■ qualified to teach ih»* Lai-hi and to-cti/i- wit], a complete course of .h p durati n» Alt' I cat her j os*u ->,o>^ the requisite* quaMicati mis am! v i-hiug a prrma Dent situation would find the present! '\or iiv his attention, as the present innnnlirnt of l!r A. ademy wit! h ave it :.!c-r tin flpr of the present session which will l)> oil tin- first ot'.Tu|v n<\t* h is <!esir,iliie that application he mi* riiritinleh mm!e. ri.hei to tin* r.t.bsrrt* imr. v.ithin one iinJeoi* tin* Acadenn, or t . J i veil Smith sq. \ice I’r. si lient of the Hoard, residing i>. , w 1-i\vm of iJerrj'. i'!r. alias Battles.nv»u jori.v sf//p. J i sclent o’ ti\e Board o' ! rusteea, j lie I- V.N ») M>|{ .SALK. •’ !'>"• I Hk ! < In DMTIOVH to lilt w o«t tl.e Mi' .t i r.O r, f,.- -n|0 |„« n* t'AM* <• :ii>i- 7 01. ]>i, g •ilmiil t'.vo mi|f* i'r.T,i {v-mfi, |,j „n',j 'r'!"' Hi in i»» excellent |ii• n • j,,. „h«,*e j, ( vf'.' ■"? ri,M '1" V )i . noil, and * i. ii 1 |.V» «rr. , cl, .• t.» ; here i. on iC •i ft i'y t. f « i Iimi raio Mftilon a H'jck !>«,•,lir^ nod oili.-r T.r.-d H. y i • || ,||, . A large h ro, Ml h R f log ih». !(?'_• lluiMa sml bfill ** ,J • < » i< v r ) li< < Spring, i.’ie hnc; ir r.i1. !lpnt *'tp.»ir. | |IB t- r nr „„| i,(. Know,, by applying to flir buIum'MIut li»iug n the premie* .» vir-, °a r it,rsi>n, SPnP‘ .*i.(■ Kl>ri<I»• ^ 4 Carriage for Sale, \ ''•long ami mat secor ! 1 and i ?.r-» r ago Hack an:1. Harrcss f<»r salr. I'm v. an It .,'mh! Imm!'- jj Cattle will In; r», rived in j att, vv. Mt)i%;.: . june 21.