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mmrnm m» m . — I'HINTKl) AM) ri/U./.SliiM Jit time dollars /j. r uiini.m payable ip adv (nct\ * tr T. M. 1! r/liKIlALO, 111XKN I Id lrmn iliciiinon.!, • ■ 1* *1 o !m or of iuhii'Mi"ig l.if ladies i id g .'U nu ■, pan hi. ami guardians ot children, i'i.t lie initiuls <>» poring * dancing scliml in 'his place, un a pioiciplc winch lie i rtrsUOi'■> In s nev.r In ' >ro been introduced here; by which plan tlie* p i|>:l hi., m a low IcSsnns rece-v* ninrr hem hi (in true accomplishment v"> indispcisa •!> i i c- so. Cy In a gelllcel dcpurlll.CIlt JO 1 fJ'O ill man ners) than in twice the number acceding i the ordinary nielli .>1. I' is noe In* proicipai rules to pay particular hii cut "in 'ei i'>en c*n i ngo and walking. and that every u otion wInn in the roam should be grai • fnl. H is principal dunce* arc cotillion* ol the newest fusnion*, alrnnaa in, contrc dance*, wuli/.es, and m ny oilier fane; da'icts. lie lias ai*o ini■- •ituce,'. as cati'iijns, « varie'y ul on.., airs m marches, HlliCh, ill COflsnpu nC ol being S*>", ten;* much i > impiovc the *ty » of . aiicm ., .tnu h .« H go »1 ellect I • g ive- tile pupil an idi i . . nilt T. .M, l bn g ivi e tire - r *i -r in W'm Chester, ( V no l>llOf,teg ar_V mil1 rj . • mu a du inn, l.i consujuencr o> n« t intending io CO a dlieCliy i. li ,) lelLlUr ‘ 1- line* O Ita K t.) those who he.« a.r«ajy pr miucii t if pa (.1 ullage; and .•et-ra trore who a»r suit utiai . quinicil wit* him to '>i*. him ?, diarl.ei street, where they will lit aide a *o to ohiaiii fm tlitr ini jru.atiun 4» 3ln»d->ysol tuition 4 term*, The school will commence on i'll ...y the Is'h instant, end those v shin./ >0 ent* 1 ore tovil d tc do oonii.i mv s his - gne men s in U iciiiauiiil n ijuira linn 1 • ti mer llie tiegi 1,[i 111 g el Oe*toO« f. I lioae woo Can. OH e.iliveiiK DM) lei A' ifie K' lUiiienc on n. o the term, w id oe ■ it.y eio. ;/u * 1 ■ linn the 1 a-teroeil. JN. Li. I H.bU.lglll Wit'll, the »>• tw 1 last yea;> a, h'.t bcig. Irene it Liilpeo'r and u >n .« cm.ii im'ises, ai.r i\ n tnun ; to t oe, » nhieh ^met «.a ^iv’cs the nan*1 .espert./ile ri ere li. \V mci esier. July I'd. FI 1HJC SALh. If Y virtue .if ti deed of Trust, date*.! J I lie 2'Jlh day ut December iSJ:, uii ■ ot record in ilie dldk* uliire <■* t, ^ County Court uf Siienaoii" It, e»Pfiii.--i by Thomas Hunt to the subs**! mer, r.* trustee for tkn purpnso uf «ei an. •• Wm Land hi.u Win. Vunitietr . h»*'. d.reri 'or I lie s lid Tllull. is tilin', .li '.he Ksr*k ot the Va»t, • fur the h.iui •:> three hundred dollars, i iliail prticee ton ell, at public auction, to'hc highr.i bidder fur ready M oney, before the ilonr of .John .1 umlis’* tiv.*re im tip town of iViol «i y -.1, in llirr Oiu lty ul Frederick, r.n baiurijfts the <ia>) oj August r.r.ct, the fniiuiviug pr«.pirtj to wit ; une gray horse, one boy umr«, one sorrel mate, uno sorrel haine, ou tiny cult, seven hea«l uf e.att«ef one t •».*• waggon, live set of gear, one ti}lh «haiu, one jack reiew, two pair of stretchers nd ri* fle.— Sale to em in* nee at < ,:'ck Vt M. \1. liObCk 1 aDN, 1 njatee. Ju12 NO I ICR. UNDEk 11;f »othorit\ ii a devil of Jriis' in me dated the tilth >!s\ ut \ (>• i 1816, from Julia H«pkiii», ior the I, Bt’lit of Hroekiitil*l let uigOiiu, Iiee ut Nalliaui* I P« ndlei »«.( i -It ill, e< 6lli day of August mil, «t tin* tan-ri of Mr, Fulton, tu the I tin n nt Ch> ■ >e Town, in the C ijiiity <>f .1 tlVrsui., \ ir ^mia, nlfer for sale, at public Hur'i-n, tor realty money, tu •! e highest b.d i r, 1 tract of I,and, situate ^in the *.n»‘ coaufy, & state, c ritaining abc’ui tl7^ Acres, being a purl of the traei ct lied 6HANNOND1LK, Conveyed to *l»p sni.l .lolin Hopkins \>y Kerdinando Fair m : a particular d**»» eripti >n of the situation and bounda« ries of which may be seen by lit >»o dis posed Co buy. by reference to the de d from Mr. Fairfax to Mr, Hopkins, now of record in the Clerk’s Oflj>**e of tb* Couofy Court of -li-Heraim, Tit* wb>>tp of the snii« land \*. ill be soli! or so nio thereof a^ nitty !>*• nree>i*»rv to r(li»p fho nil in of H6, wiili inter.-t thereon, after die rain of 7 per pen } (being the New \ »rk interest) from the *2ft of February, IK.’*), til) i(u. dov ,• ’ sale, and aUo tho costs f recordm* «!ie deed of (rust, and all cost* attend* iop the sale. Tim subscriber will make no oilier deed to the purchaser or porch thanes trustee, hii,I will u >r warrnoi the trie except against himself, nun ail persons claiming under firm Kl)VI. 1. j,FK, Trustee* Alexandria, July ,» —,»!s Carriage lor Sale, A sJinrr' anti neat, srotmtl limit! tm flack aixl llarrsc:*.* for Rale, !•■:• \!,; b good bonds or shirk Cattle will bu jccivved it. o.iv-.nriit. W. MOKKI-. juiie it Public alt,*. f ‘SJ* 'If. :! *.u. in t lie l’nv. n ><! t ii.ill i;oy ji «. i s n u\ lot tut tiny Audits; j or 3 lulu «>| . hm i| Ittuu »>Hi|S ikiu hhhI Tuvto i*ui'iu’abiiin 3.’i.) AC*If K i •’. i! < i — i )i * I. in* ii a hi « urn fur live-./.*« .. o . .},»:• , , \ \\ l>i-H U>.*, Out*. s in in \ I.(> 'k t tb !* tilnl Gil*— ) ■ e fillijit . | V : i * m* t.v'. of ifi I tii J ,i ii ti.tii.. t a. — I vTii" ion tie •know ii on tin* is.-.v of no ;. .—. er fom linvio^ claunn n^.n.-ir i m«i»<f t*.Inli ne t-iiriiLHi i_> rejuCHietl to u.ith iIi> ••> f now ii ,ni-\ i„u- to 'lie il ty of unit* 4., • i'Jit to Intv i* tfc- io li(| i|.ii,u .»• WILL] . JM L v > ri, +id:n Y. JilUj 12. rti ; r " I aivi u t j> IiV tlo S ii)v | . ..t'l", liv ; ,g phenslituvt, l-reiteri. k eui.iilv, v a. a liKl) S'.it,' w itli a w kite In II; , am1 s-mi v. kite a li ul tin li* a-! Viiiimtii l.i.nis; suppn S'‘il t*i i»f* about > years • titi, erop til tin* M^Jitear»Sr auumti l'Keel m tiiiM'i. Ila owner is (n-sii oil (•> i ...ue lor* w • i. jn. vt- prop;-I iy , pay iliar-es.^ lake i. a a a'. 1 Gif % MsKV»AMJt U. Jislv 19—5lpu. Virgilti;» to \vi» : / i letl -'- linldm 11. i': i't- rh *> Of}lre o/ ike Superior i■nur> <>j l ui c, i J‘ir the It • ho/h-v■ »• / i\s. liiejllsl ondmj in April i a ' inma.s Nichols Mni.otilC Against Samuil herd, ;»rn!, ,V Sarah •trei , l? 1,-u. aids. 1 I»li Defend ttl.t w li aiilt I <1 etf«j, 1 ■Hit Ini' mi* enieieil inn apei-m r.u. •ittJ 1,'inii ir'.'iintv nee •rim ^ to ii> Vet ..1 \*Kill>l>ly H'llt Ole Il’JltM I 1 bin Court, ttr.d it appearim; by mA< t- tv evi l«;ae<*, liul a.* n : >. nn • '•imtiti.nit of ilus enuntr): It ii order • J i Lot t.'ie sat*' ii. 11 nnaiit if.. oji t ut ite Oft‘he lira! iluy of tile t ext i.nn oil Hii-iuT die blit of ti>. | !. • n■ d « aiiil that u ropy <0 this orm r m ■' ii'-'Oi ir*e r!: tl in tnu.e llea.ji jer ': 111 h It e * J n, Vv I'teliesier, for im, • u udi- • UCCnt-ivety, UtiJ on* i! !if III j 'ri nt ilru.r of the * atsri fir ;ixe i.i the ! >ti:J loa n of »* nn ft put pr« A Cn’ty — T i. p. f. Waj .**i - f, 1 I Vii"iniu to wit: I tiuh * i.tfd tn ihi ( V:\Ci • . c t Uar . j iti; ui-ty L'ouil, at it /*/.».. i‘ji;tay | ill Jurir Joi.ti .Mulliti rSi.’itiiff, j A.-ain-t Janili ’l ex i bitii-i t vfei* T?ii*tori, A- ! '•i.tliaui fin tm. * l • e*i s 5 i i • 11 n, i, 1111 I nil iii.Moil, i'l-ii liit;'ills, | f * I io s.,n| li. i'l-mlnsit, .la .!> } i v( - ! "'"h . Tint tim in;; till i i',i Ins aj j.i i-r* j 'ii< i', ami •>. . i!-, an mdin.; to i»•• At * III 1 sr:tn;i> ui:d the Jjiilcs i.i • < toiii; ant; it tipprnim- in sal lac tor v » \ Mi. :,i e hr is nut aa • i aisituiif i t tii.s ( ntnr.iiniwi-f.llli ; jj | s nn! mi iha* t! •• said IPteniliiiit do pc a l i "iv i •: tl;r li; * day „1 the * \l isrpa-iiih, r i'miti fc answer the oil i>i till- »!. li: I;-Ml f {•;** a i • (;\ .! this m < i-f i j. f r,-.\ dh ins. i-tnl h; 'Oiiir newspaper published in W lM- < hi-siif. fin- two ino'.itlis sis n ssi\i iv. i nil p* -teij a- t he |i i ut dm ;• uf t i,.- I ntift hmis.-oj the < mitt*} ol iia’.dv. ] A Cr ;ix—Teste. h.l. v. n.l.l A’.s, . it. c. .1 :nr J t. n n. r >j l::. ''l I in •(, • |,n still j’.»P j J (r«i a men I r,| J)-'•!. ,|'hn Snyder. j 'till he nP r‘'-'| fur Mti , hi [iijMip mcc■ til'll, 1C »»•!■ i111* ! 1 e HI ler, (hi 1/ luh,/ | t'ir ISh'l uf vr ■!. lu f re til i colli I limj -1' ilorir in I • r> m n. \. ’ft • |i* • iti) count>, > n pjiiin, fn ! .\si 4 i’l «K is (>r i fUifl to m! h in .,i Vn*i containing t n I t.lllll'ani! is; P |||I 'lie lijilifs I.i the iior'li riser i,1 (.real <’.».■ ioIimii. in tli:’ c< i;tiis 1.1 Hhrj, a1 | imi p 1 li • hiioh <>! H njni'Mi- V-nr-hu'i. I’he t r uet (if loll 1* v» *• . i; j.l >•.. 1 |,n jjr o j,» II 1 * R to r I Minn-. for 1 l.t .lir* i 1 t, *nrl jnii,-l.>'«•■•! !>y i‘.u .» 11} D ,1 f||| 1, SlIJ IMT. llfl'it — .'il>f I A '• HI II l,,i.J|'f, Con .uni; :' eui) *» l.i k". ijiui* h|.<i be in.; it the com, y rit k nip'litrr, mJ. iiitiiili,, o win lev ’)• *i- lit' pi'i.vral (i urp vViolii'.-i • o A * n ,• h;r.|* of \ ir. pd \ *C r;i'vi,f r>, i.n the water* nt the f’toiti c Sit- i*» me;, tin pi* 'I rapt "i I 1 til'- *a»*t i"»r ,i Ini ■'»»lit r pur* i >}. 1 ilfl I 1 ■ •nui M Hir acker*, to w horn ; 1 :!*>■ Icpn) title fur «Ik* *«n)e I lip • feha*er or | nrchft«pr "til bp r»■ »j ii ( r•*«l 'o :;!»• It•• n.< nril jjfnnl tec n'y in | • T one half f the |nirc)m*c n o i y 1 I * :< Ui Mxli*. anil tIt»* ip«iiitie tv-" 1 ; I .i.nfilliw, n ter the din 0 ! • I .* ii ! | porn ey wan. land* hy »u;h tiilt p* »m I* ill ve«tw in hic, JOHN 1N-KKKI*. Stiry jv jfc* or* o' D ,! ti ■ - * | tier, Pe«*(l. lnmyRk e county July,11 j .vErr goods. WILLIAM MORRIS, H \S jmt received, an Klegant assortment of Superfine ( 1 >tiis, <\issi meres and Nestings, together with every discrip iion ol Ladies wear, suitable for the present season* ^ of die la.esi fashions, whieli vv ill he disposed of oil the lowest terms 1 slLSO, \n elegant supply of ven Superior A\ IN VS of all kinds, I reicl, Drain)) 4th Proof .Ian aiea and Antcque Spirits; New Knulai;d do. » id * pj>le Hi and), 11. L'\d, \V iiiskey lrom a to 7 years old, also, (> mouths c;M. Lend a d drown no ar. J'/t't i.reen Codec. Do. V> into do. Imperial, 1 Cnupowder, j I f\\S. of Verv Superior qua il) son, r-litv and ol the Latest linpCita \oiing Hyson and j tion. Souchong < r lilaek, j l’!(e, i epper Allspice, ftc &r. 1 ogrther with a very general assortment of f fanlw ni t*. Queens ^ Qlassware, hieii v.i'l he sold, on the mos; r asonable terms. His Iriends u,i 1 ;j!C general!) arc p : ocularly invited to call and examine A»ay yi, J Foii sv// /-:. G invself loo iut ini, and cut in »’ i.liable io allend to the ' '•‘i-s of a l aiMi ; desin-us uf ire. into I ov> n ini' tleediicaiinii id my ' .ia.H ( lull n n, . nd, iMUTim i . to In ijuulaa* my eni. arena n(s, 1 ban atian, a- iei'MiMt to alter iur sale ib< (and and • bn, at tun a lien ' n i reside, lo ti « t her *vii!ti e JSL Gli O I S. *?orl; of sdl binds, l! \.\ ! A'J IOV f »I NSI1 h, a I UK! MdAi, >. A - * Isl AI'., and Most of me Furniture, !h -n is aeariy It CO ACkF" 1 t* i ’ *»!• *i .• m v. in. i on rent* tune, ; e.tli as in wood and wa>er, «,i v.i d.,,,. an animdan e, be diu d- ti into two mi nunc si Cable I anus. I r;ee ', p, < u!i:,i iy adapted to ti emtine of oi,i wheat s aj ie id »t i'i'1,1 j s. \, In r ofgt a n or «*•••; si* i ! t'itn mi i isl. iii saying i b one •d ill! luMSl. i‘ not the Most,pi,. ,i,ve S’ arms ini!'. \ alley . - Mi e i;isi»i\ \ > e\;> it ni e and the bun edie ol tin* s i rouiidiii:. nei^ldeirs w ill prove and admit it. I desin also t , sell »ut i 000 At res ul Lun !. in ji'fii iv ii. iy injx air*nt ;? iiiilis from tin- !*ir.‘iiM<iii(ial(‘ -pr "s, ikI tite i,r six roiii i ;u !i - own, w hit'll may hr ' -id nil >ii io'.s to suit pi; 3—al hO 3000 \ V !? K S, in the Counties ot xlason ar.d Woo'd, Ivins? Ii«'i'Ai'i'it ihe Is\«» k , nlmxxaV, partly tenanted |.»r 13 xrms —and h or 0000 Acres <»• iiiiiitary Lands in the .slates of Ohio, keiinieky ami 5 LI sale nl all p. sona1 property "ill take plaee on ■' • pnmist <, \im; <!av thr-.oili ot th|f>h<v iii-\ , it lair* or iheitrx I; o d - er \\!»it h ime the ‘*1 ms v. i!» he tna know n. \ I or nv o| toe lame- utj! hi somI at private '•dr any li e lie to re tint dux :—one l ‘aim ol ) he pur has, money to hep till band and the h La , ,• may he divi ' into litre annual installin' , he.nir interest tioin tiie day of Kale an secur- d n my satisfaction. Pos ->''ssi"n xvi I h*' trjvrn so far as max he. ne» • ss * 'v fi.r seeding this fail ; and f,,it iy .vaen tin* treoxxiii^ crops me e. loot ... j,\ ) persons a distance, iiol Knowiiif4 • lie premises <V. I'esirous ••I .i>\t sini^ i.itpiial in this farm are or . o io * vt i . ‘I’hiMV »Jt the bur ro ifi.4, < o.n ti y know is. 1 i.i sue siLo to sell a l;iri?e J.'J U 1\ LLUSK u M aslnm?t« m ■ km ii> .\li * an«lria, form' rl> no nsul hi t ,iml nun nr u jut il !>y .iiilni .a \d Ks*|.—WilVu ii r ior 11:t* piir< lias • i i t*n> i Iuiim' will »■ mail'' to .hum 3 , Mi Ki iiiuc I*-r|. of i li.* an a o} V' Mtm'ria who is full} aul i :zr<l t" s II !hr s;iiin'. la i»"i'H .'ini (<•': to for w ili I if promt 1> atn-inlut to ami r\ri\ informal ion iri'rn. jnl’.N NOl’KINS. Hill »V •»;]., Hi :t tow M J^n.-l Odicf/ r ri i|« rii 1% ( on 1 >, \ ^ April 19—tils Yu’-inia to wit. Jt linlt " /.mini in the c.’*r.V’.s OJpcc of Hit- s ; rrwr err* :/ i h nictry fin •/*• If t ches'fr h shut Hitj\rJ on dntj in Jn e \3 23. T- tci U„; sion IMaintilT, Against James Sin*plicul and James Ship, 1 lef'endanis. i i'K l)elYr*dantc James Shrpl erd, Ifd <i i' enlered his ap; ear.tin , an 1 given m*< uritv ‘arordi'ng t. ii,< A< t >»t A-si midv and tin* Hides «d tin- l mill, and i* appearing by sati ♦ ai ? nv evidence, that he i> n- t an in • i‘ lids <oinilri *. it is ei der ed, J hat Ihr said 1-eiendanr i aj p ar re on llit* jirct day oi INM tel in «nid ati-w r the bill « ' 11 t* 1 : • nod - and «hat ar,,;-i id or der in lotlhvith HiSe 1 11 «i in fc(,;i,t \ new -p. per published in N'ini lit vtn . I i«»r two tiiuntlis snrers-ivclv amt j o-- 8 ed at the 1: out denr <>| (he < our ■ I io..->e iu till* said tin; oh \V in !n s t • i I A i'opv—JY-te, | dune J4— r. D VMM. LKK,« . r j St rihL-l lill for Kent. I Hk * - ritu r w;. 1 iilaw I ,r ni this vuliiMiltt ciiftt , t< ini; and l»* i •»n sh» « ni t iiun, ntij.ii. in:; lilt? Is'ol. nf V ftj ir ih and oilier.*, to i*' bidder nr, l linnioy 'ii** -V. ; / , j Jnjr ens„ I ujinn til'* premia . ; „t I.jen tmir • he letunt will *ie 'i ndt! kiriuii. JO?ti.pij J i: l,KY; ji, i ' v i 5, U)MMI 3'Tttlh the l.i:| of Tii ilc k Count', E 'a a ii*/I'm I,id who tall.; him s. if Cm-us. an;l s,;»s he is the pro pert} nf a ^li\ finch nan >f tn ornia— file ".ml l i'i is .1 17 or in \rar~ oi'.t^i-. dark complexion, about 5 Ire *> or 7 iiu i s hi"h, clothing much wo*-'. Tin owner is mpe-sted io «'o:iie I’orward» |»ay charges, anil take h m away, or el r lie will he. dealt with as the law dim rs, « «i vi:uiS hi i,t; i. J a i i.o h. May 24. j {fj* I he ! ditiirs of. in-I. i'hmond F.n ijii irr. Will jde.ise in>i • < the ah» \i om e a wee , lor Ihn e months, and fm w ard their acvoi'tit lor t tiller iiun. V TICK. 1 Jl Y ^ 1 tue of * dpi it i*f «ru<t np; ii, B B pd by tli'nioD Marsh i|, , t/>■ trust p bearing ditto tho ioil> rr Ju, is | «h rh is duly roiMrdpii n> tf (’ only C'inri or Hi i*y. in !>(•,,n- Th 'ipci'II (lie |itinrlu.ll rayrnent of a CPf'nin dpt.i ihprpin mptninnpi' — n i bo i id to 1 l,o iirhfsi bidder for OH*i I o* *iio tfOth iIh> of Ai.»u«t ooti, • pi.-.r the I avi ri. door of John 1 . w o, in ih town of Moorefield, >, certain iraet n I*'' lyion in *'r P..unly of Hardy, • bo aides of ^ I. {• |V(r ,,r (, . „jBj , * • d •' dinj^ ’ruin \V inrliestPf • Moorefiidd, -ontai in^ i"z ^rep nor or lo»s, n,o (did fund '• >bp san> ♦b<t aid Honarn Vlor«linll n,lW , a* s ».n, cr «" tniirh t.< hi! bi a > C!« f»t to d|.t.|'a'^e lf;p • M;oe ,, <f.p lost insf o'mprtt mpnti >«•«■•) in i (t reid d-pd of trust, l*hp troslfp v* I1 r . rev ■ iirh title to tfif above fond * is vrs'cd to bun. Jf»H < SHI,LEY, trurUr. I Ji»ly 10-— yd 14 | | N I'^inia to nit.* '•"l """' « Murt of ct.anrery „ iikIicsut the lull, Uay of \ [>l ll lo.'j. J 'Iliomas If. Hammond, Robert <> <<raj>uii, Join R. i ampbell, sun i° ' parlnei ol Join. 1‘olaml deceased’ an,i !l1“' Si:id R- Campbell, |ate Pa' Mvt‘* *" partnership under |,.0 naiee of I*, land & Campbell, Jas herb", hr lluiat, John M;„ I •' ,V <il,ol'P Hn ick, late mer< haiitii ui pariueisbi; tr,.dim; under ibo a"'1 t'rin of ifellidai, \ ackey v\ 4 o. I boiiias Roberts <\ Co. nictrlJ anTs Partnership tradinj- under tin* nanm and firm ..! I’ Uoheris \ <n, lud fciva" *’• ’• riuituiirs. A “aim t Robert D. Hite Allied ff. PowelL cr^iison Hell, \\ m. Co,.k and u,(|t. aid U lleckuiih. tofendants. I'D « a se came on o b.> j.« ard 'ois i bii. o| April 1 f3, ..pun l,« bill, answers, exhibits am r„s,lions and Has .. d by emiirchon ,.nsj. deration u here., f the Cni.n iso pj„. .<mi, lor the reasons .diHaioed in the »it'en opinio: ,„.i re pur4 ||,n de. iyo*) i)i;- Defendant U-.b. i. (.. |,,M‘ *; «■ Hainliffs for tins miii of one thousand dollaistm \\b.<h ho -sold thi* dow r intent of the u if* ‘ i* 'it.ant hard ». « eckaim mu rest thereon from he time he n i « iv* d tin* same—am) the Court i* ! SO 1 1 opinion that tin* del, |*Vr ,;,,SHn !!, ,! is bound t.. arrrunf to the nerai • reditms o» the said liicbarj . t'etkwitl, (of vis -It he ;R utll fur | he.sum „rtv» thousand seven |,un died uiiil !f!v dollar.—It is therefore derrird a. ordered that ‘ astei (A -n V1 s! 1 ] 1 “ 1,0 Ctxe an at eouii' of )‘ ,M ,i1 ’-he idaiutith,, anti tuo :,a,s,mv <iu' tbe I>vdeitJatn. } , ,-ku - h.l), am: tnake a division among llell, i. i.«e sum oi isvo tbousaiui seven hun dred uud fii!% dollars, and the M.OhO “ ,,"m Ni't , i , pa,ni. tiou tii s 'I e priori !• - setIh d by tin vvri.te,. opinion a. •o'esaii!, and make r. • „rt thereof to nic Court .-staling • !* « !t niitfte * sj« f lai't m-eiiK-d jeetim },. hnnse.l* orwhii h shall in* mpurtil i,j ililtT 0f the par!i s r . »,e speci. !(- td. AC pV-J\ ;;te t t-.R.c. c. c. C ommissioncra t>di<<-, A'inrheste;, ,lu?-v #'.1,, jiiC3, Tlie parti*. «j to tbe above rn -n'ioneD suit are heiehv notified that 1 alnll uHeud at inv offi, p aforesaid Ml V ,•}„ hi.' the rd da> nf next, for f in pos.* of taking tin- accounts hv the : hole recited orhr din-fed , " "J'ci t* tin v will attend \.n , 1-e i.C M ssaiy rvi t ni e an.; y.m. b. i _■ 1 Mt ! 1. HkNT. Masiei C Mie Valley Academy. u/U.t .id iutvtjur ne : »7,u m ptj/, , 1 H/» -» IMi ihe otheeol |pri»ci« P4- nJ B rrjviiie XcaHimy, 1 nnvr. •j'. the «‘1k .tuiK.d «»f a pari of tl i Jour cl dl iru«tei.< (A ;! ut irimitutini , together »i ii that 01 the a, 1 .'Uartiiun*. at iliote who were I-to f 'v.y i>u}<«Ic«n«rnlr<i in lake charge nt sin \ alley Aeadnny abooi to be ti« f.' :n ihe V! litj 01 fj,.rr vide. I’hf pau»dr ut'i.’imri!' ion to b* nuroieti a. the V ailey Aeaderin, »dl o, pre <,,wely ilit- name ilm vr.n y• urw.»■,f bp Tm- Aiih-rtili while p<icm:,al nf t!i» Refy v ille A-«4*m y Hie min. be r «t P pit it .1 * ed to, tf-irtjf h • xv J o* tiller the iliri'Hiou o| ihe principal .ini Isis Ji.-'Astant — 1 hern are at pr ^ -eot only Hurt' vtt.’am je» ; thorn* »»..i; vtilfiAl> thi ref re who niav .o ._. xt*il tl.’ ii. solved nt the m* % uri'nif: . „f t m Seo-ii.dry, will \ lea-.. » rkr n,e. i ite a, plication to th*• p tiripn' at ‘ Hl>’. John U, Ta?'.. n at R,.rry„ v 'I — Ihe *e-«ii.n v. i i I com tn.-coa • he fr>t o Ao»rt»t wil» iav f i oroii. HKh hit K\CP>. *■ ^ hdi»<f ti1 tro»tee« ol Berry villa A ad •(•»— A'«o VV a.». r WashTigtnn. ? s'j, f { ii'-x S. 1 hi n, r, * .cpt. I'. Taylor, lhtwsmi ^f<• t iiMiiir!’-t P' TayW. f 1. Province Mr.'urnir’, (■r an iiii'ivitlital in in ucm <y of CM—vx lie. July |i) KWMlVVi ion. “ * H| • ifxminali n ,>» Mr. I- .x.'l »«ke pi . nt ihf LJitm or .,f h C :it flu. lii.*., „n II. M ‘ 1 ’ a" P’ " •* A h.dd. of fuui ! r r rprCtfijIly lm-if*ll |„ atleml* Mill | . For i>aie. V Likely V|pb, ah uf jj '< ntj .l ac . Ii mu} rs ,) ■„* t t sh. " M. \I*MS1'Uo>C..p, j Uomney, Juuc. it.