Newspaper Page Text
I'rom uic Weekly TIME ASD Hid ALL. There’s a chanoe fur the ever su brave, On the held of hi* glory i grave; There's another chance Ion, that safe inij come back, With av*n load ul laurels, of rupee* a—lack. There'* a chance for the lawyer to live by bis wit*, And a chance fur the gambler to lire by his hits; There’s another chance too that a gam* bier may lose, And the neck of a lawyer find room rr u noose. There's a chunee for the sailor a prize ship to lake, And a chance that a whirlwind may come in hi* w kej There's a chanee for the ocean a trea sure to win, And a chance too that Neptuno may have it again. There’s a chunee for mechanics to live by tht'ir trade, And another chance too that (heir bill* won't be paid; There's a chance for the sexton to live by the dead, And a chance that he sometimes goes hu»gry to bed. Theres a ehanec for the doctor ?o live by the sick, And a chance that old bare-bones the doetor may kick; There’s a chance for the drunkard to live on good wine, And a chance that the hangman may give nim a line. There’s a chance for the poet to starve on his rhymes* And a chance for the veteran to beg in good times; There’s a time and a chance for all men on the earth, To him that is wretched, and him fui. of mirth. But of chances and times iu the world to he found, And I’ve travelled Sf travelled it more than half round— There’s no chance so rare, if the truth I must say, As the chance ofsubscribers the PRIN* TER to pay! BOSTON BARD. £&ijmilanp. *-■ ■ —* *■ 1 ~ - gl KKPAU I KK. A young m in in orders being asked by an apothecary at a public dinner, is a /oice elevated to catch general at tention, how it happened that the pH. t»i irehs lived to such extreme old age? Probably, replied the juvenile priest, they took no physic. raiSClkLA HUNT. 1 attended a meeting on Saturday the 2-1 lost, which was appointed to be he'd at iVKrrion, by Pn«cil!a Hunt, a mi . ixt r of ihe Society of Friends, at litis ti ne j Miroeying with a view to pro mote the cause of truth. The au>iie;:ee was la ge and respec* table, composed of people of different denominations; all being collected and silent, she* «fier a short lapse of time, arose and addressed the congregation for a littN while, on the subject of hu* initiation and self ubusenirn ; -Ire (hen •»' d iwn fur a few moments, and agar arose; and, as I conceived, dtlinea' ir. ho most faithful manner, the e mInch in general pervade the h heart] &, in the course of her rer pointed out « sovereign rear dy . those evils: 1st, She complained of l||« able state into which thing H in fan iu consequence of the '‘hi'.-ing of serpent; the whispering of ;bo hack* ter Sc the lashing of the lying tongue. But before her eonclu-ion on that tiers(f • he gave us to understand, that if pea pi** w ere truly concerned for the human family, and Ihe good of their own • out*, all these customs, however cor rapt, would necessarily vanish] and in st»*ad (hereof, boundless love would preside; universal harmony would pre dominate. Cd. She complained of too marh ex fcronl show, without the internal re- i ity of religion; or, in olher word-, thr. there were atnuog us, too aiauj wolver J 4thly. H»e ti eia^pi k.t at Consider, able length, and $nth great eoergj, on the incouipulahility ol people assuming the attitude i»f self righteousness, hi the helief of the pharisee; stand by thyself, t •• n ine n.>t; I am tnnre holy than-thou.” in suppo . o thi- d e:ri e she introduced iliut porii..n of scrip, j lure, where iho dear Redeemer enno mantled (me of hi. d.triple* to follow him, v li<» inquire'! what hi* fellow dis eiple should do? The answer w.»s; “If 1 will that lie lurry till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou me.” Ifow Appropriate the answer—how conclu* 1 sive (tie decision, and how plain niu«t | Le the inference, Hie here pointed j out with perspicui'y the absolute dan- j ger uf neglecting uur own au>l attend* nig o the hu.iness of arm.her tli«eiplc. tier whole sermon was one contiuu. edit4w ofioveand charity, embracing ! all the ends of the earth. She told tr. ! that time was no schism in the church of Christ, that therefore there should ! be no jarring among professing Chris tian*; tlint ail who tear God and work righieousnes* are acceptert of him. dire then bid on affectionate, and to many of us we doubt not u final faro* well, trite sat down anti for a short space an almost midnight «ilene.c reign 1 ed; n’ter which she booed the Knee, S; ; with a fervency which se**rned to know | no bounds, supplicated the Ihtmie ol ! grace, and thus elused til® ser vice o: the day, E believe llipre was neither sophistry in her reasoning, uor fanaticism in her imagination. I um no member of her society, anti n*Ay preb.tbiy be thought pre-utniog.— But iny ardent desire is, that she may long continue to propagate such doc trine a* she delivered on that day. I’lul: Gaz. _ DRUNKENNESS. Na repot oti n( no «iml m will ipcbr* a man again*. drunkenness. Thi* hi is found i » tin* cottage & the palae**, in "i.‘ 8<udy »*f lin philoHopner, **nl m ih< s iced de fc; in the hail of the eoun il, mid on (tie bench of justice $ and, •oiitriry to what w iuld *ee.u the die 'tt|,s '*1 nature as well an delicacy, in he female m x: even in instance* wh“re iistineiion, understanding, amiable. < ness and reti nmmt would appear to forbid even the suspicion. In most, if ot in all ht>»e cases, the evil creep tn*en«ib y <01 ttie unhappy subject, and ! vereomes hiin before be is aware. A prime ohj-et to be here regarded, i- j therefore to keep he danger ulwav before cur eyes.—We are ever to feel hat we ourselves am in danger, and to •o .*id«-r an Imbi'ual and lively dread «f it as our best safety. Nothing pleads for it except the the mere appetite for strong drink—nr j appetite u*ualiy unnatuial, and c eated ■y casual indulgence. All thing, e .1 m heaven and eariJi ex laim uguin-1 h wi<h a single voice. Our luallh, our usefulness, our living, eur son , no families n<*d our friends, in soli mu an a fleeting union, urge, entreat, and per* suade us to ob«tn]ii. God commands ; Christ soiisi.s j th« Spirit of grnce in Btieuce us to abstain; angels and gi.> r 1 tied saints behold our eonduct with such anxiety and alarm as happy he* -gs can feel, and watch, and hope to -< <* our escape. The law-, with a ter rible voiee, thunders in our ears that dreadful (Enunciation— ‘‘Drunkard* -In'll n»t inherit the kingdom " Even b» II ilsell, hostile as it 1* to nnr salva' I ion, follows the rest of the universe, mid in spite of its own matevnlenc , •iibjoins its dreadrui admonition; by oidrsfialling before us the imminent, ble host of wretches this sin ha* driven to its mansions of despair. Wlm that does not alrcucl^^^^^h? sleep of ,;ve. !•" lale. ( of Trust exe-1 jlinitz, and now t) of t:.e Coun|y ire, w ill be sold 1/e tbc Court House oi in i he town of Hunt Hie 18tii day of Au xi, one Negro dan. (by trade * fel*,) also a quantity of leather » •W^amety of other articles appurte nant to a tan-yard. JONATHAN CARL1LB, July 2G—S\v. Thustek. NEW GOODsT i r'| M1K subscribers have just rcceiv ! A ed a further supply of very CHEAP GOODS,' consisting in part of the following ar ticles, viz: Cloths and Oassimcres—White am! Coloured Drillings—white \ coloured Marseilles Vestings—Klegsint Mark silk vestings—Linen Cambrics amk| Cambrick Hand Kerch icis,~<t-4 Demi ambries, :ui I Cambric G.s-! lj»w—elegant figured India Mull >:tis. ■ I in—Figured and Plain Hook a. Midi Muslins—7-4 8-4 * lti-4 fable 1m.,- ! per-—Ginghams—Calicoes--Steam ! Loom Shirtings. Men’s white cotton Stockings, Men’s White and Coloured Socks— Ladies Cotton and Si k Stockings— Long while Kid Gloves—Short white and Coloured do.—Plain* fringed Parasols—Domestic Cottons, &c. ’^c. With a complete and general assortment of HARDWARE & CUTLERY, —Joiners Lr Cabinet-maker’s Tools, ^c. 6jc. —AM)— Ivoal Old Port \\ itit* iti Pottles, of superior ipiality—nearly the w liole of w hirli were purchased at auction, Jf* will lie sold cheap for cash, or to punc tual customers. LANE & RROM 10. July id. D \ in ue o| a decree of the Supe :or Court of hancery hidden at '••Chester, in favor of Bailev Pow •n igainst Joseph Powell, will' he sold before the drt .r of the tavern of Willi •n Armstrong Junr. in the, townol Rotnitey. I Ri.inpshire County Virgin- j ia, on Monday the 15th day of Sep •einher ne\t. (being the. first dav of September Court,) one Negro slave named JACK; the property of sail :oseph Powell,;,) satisfy said decree. The sale is to he for cash. >VM. VANCK, Deni v for JOHN S. Peyton, .vj. \v. c. c | July 20. Public Nile* virtue a ilt»r-«i of trust from A* brahnui Nise wonder & Lydia h»« wrte, U» the subscriber, for th© bern-li .f (» o. \V. Kiger, Which deed in r,„t. of record m 'he office „f i|ie Cl,llr)lj •< urt til Frederick, I Mill proceed i«. •ell, or> the pi-, to 'he htgfie bidder, for cn-di. on .i/undcti/ t‘iv ny'tt ,,ls> > A cc,’tain nit t <>{ I and, i • l"- ■ it i in sn i rj I\i natter •>m liv r*. Cofit iiiii,^ f ,j cd mid tM otj.lM.. a |(iii acres. » ft*' debt dll© li. VV. kiger i, •I © ih uisoiid tli'ee bnudred omt twenty I illars, with interest from the tOih or •J.-toher, 182! ; which, with the c..sls uf this sale. Mil! be required in hun t. The Inns! will bo Hold subject to r. claim due from said Nisewandcr to Da niel Hxnman, for tlie sum of three ihou.arnl six hundred & thirty dollars, vith interest trorn the 19th of October, 1821. which will be due on the 19lh of JctoOcr, 1828 nod for wliieh therein •» rleed of trust on the lam] aforesaid, recorded in the office of Frederick county court. 'I he salo will commence nt 12 o’clock. Immediately aft r disposing of the ■hove properly, 1 will,under authority f another deed of trust from said Nise> wand-r and wif© to me, as trustee for • aid O, W, Kiger, to secure anothe' ! edit due said K ger, amounting to aro liousand and eight hundred dollar., ■v•1 h interest from th Will day of Sep ember, 1822, proceed to sell, on lb .same day, anil at 'he same place, a liublic auction, to the highest bidder, e • h. another Tract ol I .and, .belong og • s tid Ni.eM-ander, eon »t; ing two hundred and f,»r 1 y-1 w ,, acres, iy • ng -in To til. k j.arlly in Frederick arid pmuy i 'bi uandoah counties; beta* tilt sam* ^traet of land pnreha ed hy *a«d n»r wander from Isaac Zaii'-’s executors. * and lying willrin ab->ul half a mile fron the former tract.—Such title as is vest ed in m» by 'fie rleed* of tM».< afore sai I, will be made to 'he purchaser* oi he re- ptCii e \ v TlDllAl.L, Trustee. July 19, 1823. / Capon Springs. The <ub tcriberrcspecuuily inform | the public (hat he purposes lost pen A HOUSli OF ENTEKTAIoN MBNT, the approaching season, a C kpon Springs ; and pledge* himseli that liis accommodations shall be infe rior to none other-; not even tin houses at 'he celebrated Shannondule, Bath, or Bedford.—The well known efficacy eT the Capcn Spring waters ii> many complaints; and the salubrity of the Mountain air, are poiuis of ton much importance to be neglected hy the invalid or valetudinarian; and it may, without arrogatii.g too Hindi !«■ these waters, be proper to *»y, ihr 'heir medicinal qualities i xcel liio-f t. any other.—But the man of pleasure, also, or Inver of good living, shall inn be disappointed ; as every thing cal. diluted to atkiril theni enjoyment shall also ha provided. lo iho lover of good Bunch, or cold water, it may ie well to remark, that a quan tify of good cleau ice is provided; and, in short-* evory other ariiele that rea* .<>nahl» person* may rcq-.i e.— No n • 'ion* shall b3 wanting tu merit the 'public <o4»iM>rl. Bo--.*«l Will he furnished upon rhea I I't *•* <os than has ever been obtained I «. i < ’ . ri-»»*. Tin; -u i-crilier al*o keeps a House n! I-’ i:» nniiicient at Miiuiidowu, where h• w :tt be hnppy to aeconnn nla'c i ho*e w!;u may he disposed to patronize him, JKUKMIAH DOTSON. May 2k 2:n. NOTICK. rW'' HE subscribers respectfully in - a form their friends ami the public generally, that they continue the More (late II. \V, Hakei «y Sons.) now under the firm of H. \V Baker dj* -*'on, where they oftt-r a choice as sortment ol seasonable 1 orcign am! Doim s'ic New Goods, of every ties ci iption on tlie most reasonable terms. H. \\ . BAKER, G. W. June. <4, iR2S, JVotk.—The transactions of the Store .vil; he conducted by Li V . }«. acting partner. A 'readier Wanted. TMK !'r isfees of the Berry tille cadeniy wish to employ a Teacher w!» « is well qualified to teach the Batin an Greek Languages, together wi;h a complete course of r nglisit ({duration. ' Any Teacher possessing the requisite qualifications and wishing a perm uent situation would find the pr s t worthy his attention, as tie* prest n tncunibent of the Academy will leavt ii after the close of tin; pres *ut session which will be on the first of July next, it is desirable that application be iut mediately made, either to tin subset i h>r. within one mile of the Acade:n\. or to 'I readwt ll Smith f sq. vice I’r si dent of the Hoard, r si lit g in t:i Town ol berry villc, alias li uletown JOHJV SHIP. 1‘resilient of the Board of ! ruslecs June 28. CAPON rsPMNGS \l*Mi IlLIION’b Boarding •'»> ; ses are now open for the recrpii n • . company, and will hr supcrin tended, as usual, by Mrs. heron ami the sub scriber. who return their very sincm Mianks to their friends and the jut I. • or the liberal patronage bestowed on them last season. There are now a this watering place an Entire new set of Halits, TEPID AND COLD 1 he medi.’in.ri qualities of Hie a!-v and purity ol air sire so well know hut ii would lie superfluous tosav a ny thing further in praise ofthem. |i 1 is only ne< ss .ry to add that the mu' will be greatly improvt d: and the sul scriber having supplied himself v, id every article necessary to the c«n;f-iv and convenience of those who may fa vor him with their custom, hopes t< render general satisfaction. I)A\ 1!) H. M ADDLK. Capon Springs, .Tune 21. run UC 8.4 L R. BY" virlne <>f h deed n trii«t ted to the »ob*rriber by Alexander M' t Bride, (or *he purpose t f grmri' g «Ii*- I payment of a <ti/n of money th* rein mentioned, will lie e. Id to the bight bidder lor ready money, before'In .loo of the C'Utrr House in the town «>1 Komney. on Mi is h day < f \u u'Xt, (being c art d y. ) lun pert.i 'mets of land now in the nn««<|.itm rt the *air| Alexar.d-r MrBrid**, one ' ■thifh contain* 130 VClvRs, rnorc or ' less an l the o*h r 47 At RR<, more or ? ip**, (or so much w! wwid trhcltt i»< wilt '• be MtlVi-i in to p3y rrt« am not of ilu- * debt nnd iniere*! tnen'iiinftl In «ai(t i deed.) 1 be I fin/t no >ve met M int' | lie* in th»- entity of llnmoshite, in *h t o.igMiorhoodofJv3 .ini J no ll'ge.o’- • Tavern. ( I ho lit?9 is believe! o h- s "nod e ! but a conveyance wi h pe a1 «v r rarity only will he mad- tty the s h aeriber acting as r, u*tee SVMl'KL KKHCHKV A. , Jr. Romney, Joiy <*. BATII com:::-;/: t\ BERKELEY SR Hi I subscriber returns ij.atiV* B to the Bodies iV Gentlej irom aIhmii he has had the honoukcaii, for the lour or live years j a at hopes lor a continuance ufir i’.i rums, for which l<e will all led grateful. lie assures ihcikit u r j exertion on his part. <••■ till* hi* family, shad he wanting' to ti their visits agree.i'iiv*. whilst at uuslly celebrated \* ..ermg placj Tiu OOb h'KK-H,i. .Sis is well i’ew feet of the Lath Sijiniir, wlijjakes it very cumeuiem for wcakli'sons. 5 »e has many chambers on lower iloors, with convenient cInk's a part from the Boarding Boij ihroiigh his Baltimore ills, he itas been euahied to turnisli Bar with a supply of the clni Ll t/l'dliS, ((insisting of tjundy, Madeira, t h.nrpaign, ' O and fort times. 1«. . i audy, .1. jjt.s, H t'i’.i. (;i l x* !ii' ey, ai.u Appir Brai.c.y, I or tern Ale. v (it <•. n is u v i ie ? rossaryfeive a f»rm;.l m Mis : ahlo, toilers, ice-mi.e.e, Cjci v anas, MabljNc.— 1 ne I’iMiic mny rest assures! e\re iv iliivgwlmh j he count rltfords, shall be procured to give IIgene ral satisfaction which has a!j* been die subscriber’s aim. \\ hei looks back at die cmbarrassmeiU'ought; upon him a lew years barky un foreseen misfortunes, ho clit but f el thankful for the liberalrotinge. of ins fellow-citizens sinrcltcrin.u' into Ins present tmsiuess, ! which lie ha* been enabled to pay liberal and indulgent creditors, a to re* liexe liis worthy friends a endor sers from heavy respomdb)t. With seniiiiM nts ol unfeigned gTiide for past lav ours, and, with a sire de < nniimtion to continue ifteserve them, I sun (lu* Public's Humble Srrvaij I ON ATI Ua O’FfcKLL. July I«J—4vv 1\ S. Gem lemon may bippliedo at tin* liar with relished otifereiit kinds at all tim. s. l)’F. —-f~ .. - run Lie ejile. PURSUANT'o die Uotiill nnd testament of Hoed. J-hKoyder, will be ottered for sale, at pile utse* ion, 10 itie hii^he-t bidder, (Monday •he S8//1 trf August nrjet, Ire th.» n m i h>’ii*e door in i(r>mot Ham|)* • (lire county, Vi j» rja the lowing Tracts of Land to wit : a tract of loud contrim* fen ■ hatutaiKl aeren, lyin:? on th-alrr* at* • be north river ,.f Great Obpehon. in the e >nniy of H .rdy, a'mi'u; thw .ndn of Bi fij ip i.t VI .r»hu V fhe nlid * 'tel of lands ws* -old a* It p'rtper 'y f*f R herd Minn-, for Ihtl/ireti t <x, d purchased by »hc *aidll)r. ,1- liu Any .fr, deed — Jilxa A Tra| o*' h‘in»!, e-iilaioin^ 200 VCRKS. I\g uicl be in lb- i- only of +-1 mm)it,re, ad. I'cnioq h -nv.y >t lie he gmeral • » nr;*.* \V n tiin^ion f* the I aHs'd V ir. -?*l M’CrUcU li. oil If'r- Mu1** (if (ltd VoM.m-tp. The hint unntuLl Tract >i L od 1’ie -aid Hr John Ader’pur* nitaedo) ‘he said Vl'C' whom '* ’he les'.iI tilU lor ihe *>\e TIih • J'-liAser or j urchnner* u ill he r'coui • d So t*ive flood nod o.tod »c4rily to !>r.y oott half ;.f the j urchase i.oi.ey m - x month*, nod the residue | twelvia •norilh*, after lire day of *ale 1 shaft ••nve > said laud* by such lie a* said "ill «.e-is it, roe. JOHN IN&jKK!*. Snrvi-ir»£» ex'r. of D-. .hjr, Sov dpr. deed H,,n p*hire cnuntyjuly,! 2. Vt Gavin*’, in all its various branches. M f* subscriber informs his-jus'n - inrrs, anil tin*, public in geicral. (bat lie lies provided himsiI! with ;i M spacious and comfortableshop, uteri*- ^ In- is enabled to work four or live. Looms. Should lie meet with employ ment for that number In- will be cna ded to execute weaving of various descriptions, such as i oVeVh-ts, Coun terpanes, t aide Linen* <V plain work* with m at ness and d< spati It. He eoti sirlers it superfluous to say any thing as to his qualifications as a u a\< r ; knowing that ilic best recommendatiou iic can have is the one gi<eu him In is tco /.*. Hav ing tor some years' • st worked for the most of the pvl.ple. to tin neighbor!, e-d < f Spring in !<L i H. < . and in ins own neiglihoi Imoft* and formerly in 'he town of \N ini lus ter, • s well as 'or many p-rvons in the counties of Morgan amt IVrUiev* i * con ejvi s i» only necessary to stain that, he is folly enabled to exec: to all work may be offered lulu with he utmost despatch ; and tl,«,r his prices shall be commensurate with the times. <x :0!?(«K HOMSnviU.F, Near Sb -irani’* store, Hampshire t minty, Va. June s', at.