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Vul X'ii, f - »v PUB LISHED %I1Y OKN IIEISKELL* .1f three dollars per annum payable in advance. jp.v insvE.xsniLt: cojrnruojws. i. No papers will be discontinued until ^all arrearages are paid. 'i. Advertiscmcuis not exceeding a square, (!7 lines printed matter or 12 lines common manuscript matter, inserted three times lor One Dollar, ami Twenty-Five Cents per square for every subsequent insertion, and, when not specifically directed to the contrary, will be inserted until forbid and charged accordingly. fit. Advertisements from a dis tance must, be accompanied with the cask, or be assumed by some respon sible person, or the Postmaster most convenient to the advertiser. IV. Advertisements will, in every instance be. charged to the person or dering Them, unless particularly sti pulated to the contrary. V. The Postage on all communi cations to the Editors, must be paid by the writer, or they will not be at tended to. VI. Chancery Orders inserted as other Advertisements and charg'd to the Attorney, whose name is indorsed by the Clerk on the order. N. I?. It is distinctly to he uuder nf'*od hv Advertising Customers, that jko Advort.scment will henceforward be directed by the Editor of this pa per to bo inserted in other papers, •mless tin* same he previously paid for FOK SALK. THE owner wishes t» dispose oi *;u- House and Lot lately occupied hy -Mrs. Hosannah Campbell and at pee cent hy Mr. Thomas It Campbell, situate at the corner of Rent street and Fairfax Lane r uining north— the situation is a very desirable one tor a M’vhntii' ; the Carden abounds with a choi e selection of various fruit :tces, perhaps siipeein ’ to any in tin* place—-the terms can he made to : nit any one disposed to purchase such property as no money \si!l In* required i:i hand, but the aniornt m?y be liqui dated hy the purc hasers assuming the payment of accommodation Note, due to nnr 01 ltic thinks m this pi:,ee. For iurthcr particulars apply to the Editor of this paper or to May 24 -HUN CJ{(H/R\\ ELL. Public Bale. r,Y Virtue of a decree of the Sup - i'.or Court, ot Chancery hoiden at Winchester, in favor of Hailey Cow ell against. Joseph l’owell, wdl be sold before the door of fin* tavern of Willi am V mist rang J'.Jttr. in the town of Romney, Hampshire Comity Virgin b:. on Monday the tth day of Sep * r next, (being the first day of September Court.) one N gro slave named .1 \CK; the property of said -Jos pit Howell, to satisfy said lecrce. The sale i - to he for rash. \\ M. VANCE, Deputy fm JOHN 8. Fey tun, m. w. f. r July 2('. 'JSLiiV GOODS. r tj MIL subscribers have just rcreix ~C cd a further supply ol verv CIIKAP COO]>S, c moisting in rut of the following ar t'i-Jes, viz Cloths awl Cassini' res—White and ( ‘.oi;i’(‘(f Drillings— white \ coloured Mars illi s \ eatings Klegant hi;*.' !. vestings—Linen C-imbrics and Cambiick Handkerchiefs, 4-1 & 0-4 G i0i ''ambries, an;! Cambric Mrs lias- Klegant figured Lidia MulhMii.s. I«*i — ] igured and Plain Hook & Mull Muslins—7-4 8- t Sr. 10-4 Tahir ilia r—t iingli:'.m« —- Calicoes-Steam Loom Shirtings. Men’s white cotton Storking?, M'Oi’s \Y hife and Coloured Soc k — Ladiis Cotton and Silk Stockings— Li ag white kid Cloves—Short white and Coloured do.— Plain & fringed Parasols -Domestic Cottons, &r. <yr. t a complete and gen: ral ▼ of IIAnmVAKK U Cl TLKliY. —Joiners €s? Cabinet-makers Pools, fyt. $c. —AM). Ural r»Ll Port Y) me tn Holt!* t:« <,f superior fpialiij—imariy the whole of whieli were pur ha ed at ;imt:ou,iV v.ik'fu' sold ( heap lurca-h, or fopuii ti|; i 1-. L/.NjK &. P,!:t )*!!•:. July O HAS received, an Elegant assortment of Superfine Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, together with every inscrip tion ol Ladies wear, suitable for the present season, £5 of the latest fashions, which will he disposed of on the lowest terms. ALSO. An elegant supph. of very Superior "WINKS of all kinds, French Brandy 4th Proof. Jamaica and Antc'iuc Spirits, New England do. Old Apple Brandy, U. Gin, \\ hiskey from 3 to 7 years old, also, 0 months old. Loaf* and Brown Sugar Best Green Collce Do. White do. Imperial, ' Gunpowder. 1 TEAS, of Very Superior'jua Ilyson, plily and of the .Latest huporta Yuung Dyson, and j tion. Souchong or Black, j Bice, Pepper, Allspice, the. Together vvitli a vtry general assortment ol Hardware. Queens Glassware, Winch will he sold, on the most reasonable terms. liis friends and the public generally are particularly invited to rail and examine. May 31. i S23. foil SALE. I^INRIXG myself too i/dirni, aird entirely nnalile t«» attend to the duties of a Karin ; dr i ons of go iug into Tow n for (lie education of mv infant children, and. moreover, to ii rpiidatc my engagements I iiave again determined to oiler lor sale. the laud and plantation wla-rem i reside, to gether \\ it 11 the NECHOES, Hhn k of all kiml*. l’LA NTA'J'iONr l I'KNSIL?. a J'lIlUlrflllNti MA CH INK, ami :arsl ol tne Kendlun . . j nearly 1000 ACRES, m tiie. react which can with conveni ence, both as to wood and water, of which there is an abundance, he divi ded into rwo or more suitable Karins, t he soil :s good .y jr . aliarly adapted i » the culture of our wheat staple ami i ot Iter crop.v, whet her of grain or grass; 1 and I ."mi no risk in saying ii is one o! the most, if not t!m most,productive h arias !;i the \ alley , sin; e many years exju'rience and the know ledge of the surrounding mighlmrs will prove and admit i!. 1 desire also to sell about iOOO Acres of Land. ;:i . :'vrs«:;, iy :ng about '1 miles IVot:i i!r- Shannoudai springs, and H\«• or siv from ( Imrl- sfowj], which tnav In laid oh in b>! <*» su*t purchasers- a! so 8000 A C R E S, j i the Counties of Mason aii:i r\Yoou, Lin.g between tin* two Kanhawaks, pertly tenanted for 15 years—an(l S <ir 0000 Acres oi iv.ilitary Lauds in tie. states of Chio, Kentin ky and Indiana. 1 lit*. sa!>‘ id all |> rsonal jnopcriv Will take place on the pn-inis. *. Sli.n day tae COih <•( (J- {ah r next, if fair, or the next fair day. ;p w liirh time tie terms w ill he made known. All or a ny ot the lai ds will lie sold at prita'c s«ile any time lieiare that dav;—one third id the purchase money to he paid in liatid and the balance may he divi ded into three annual, heating interest from the day ot sale and secured to my satisfaction. Tors session will he given so far as may he necessary for seeding this fall : and entirely when the growing crops arc removed. All prisons at a distance, rot knowing the- premises <V desirous o! investing Capital in this farm are invited to view it. Those in the sur rounding country know <(. ■ I desire also to sell a large BRICK HOUSE on Washington street in Alexandria, formerly my residence and now occu • J pied hy John Lloyd F.s.j—Reference J for the purchase of this House w ill hr I made to James L. M< Rennie Esrj. of } the Ran!, of Aievamlria w ho is folly j authorized to s»H the same Letters directed to me will he promt j ly attended to and every information ; given. .1 ?IT >; HOUR I NR*. • !iill V 1* .!. Rr.t-h tov.M fo * <;'V C:•••«’i i • k ♦.'mint- , '• \,..rt j ('.. .fry Virginia to wit : .7/ a Superior Court of Chancery holtiei. at tf'incln ft r the VMhiluy of Jprd Abijuh Tay lor and Goldsmith ('hon— dleo Piuiut ill’s, Against J.dirj \ cn Buskirk, Defendant. I1IK C additional decree. nv.ardt ti at rolts holdcn in the Clerk’s Ofiiee heidi* duly served upon the defendant, end he still failiri:? to appear anil answer, the Court, ti poll the motion of the said plaintiff , doth • t- k • lln irhsil for eon* fc-.ved — nod on the farther motion of the pl'iniili’* by liieir Ci-onse!, it is c,r d<*re . Ihal .Master (’on.mi..signer Bent do examine, state and settle the ae* troon's between ,1. • parties; stating »•?! hoc!» uiiiMers (-specially deemed perti tem by h im»e!i, which sltr.15 lie leijtii r*‘d by either of .he parties, t<> be so cially Kittled, and make report theieof te the Court in order to a linai decree, A Copy—Teste. DAMKI. I.lxi', a, c. c. Ci.mmi-sioncis Ofd.e. W inehester, July .Cst t rile parti-*s to tiie mention: .! f’Kl *.re lit*ri »y notified, that 1 shall at* tend at my olhee aforesaid «»u \\ mint * ‘.a> I he .i i day of Nepleml or next, for l;" purpose of e-rryioi; tfie above re • •... -1 order into efit-n, when and where fhey will att»:>«l witft stieli v» i;iie;sru nod vouchers a: ‘hey tai:', prener to produce. ' * I.Cl.N’T, Mufl. Corn August i.', ih::: u V ri’gnmi !(' wit. Unit’s ft r>den m tnc cU r'.'s Ofcr i t Ikt Superior court of < '/ifiiict t ij jo> the H-'tnchcs'.cr District the fust .'.ou tlay in An?csi l Nancy >Vct/i!|t Kiizal-rth Gritii, IV tn> ‘-ciskeM .’muI Hfisuimu. his wife, Juim S hin Inly and Catharine his v.ii" (• c< egr i risler and iinsanna his v. ilc, Sstr.ih M intush and Abraham Grove and Ueberea his wile* IMaiidiflk. AG A I Ns r Christopher V*’ .K:a*rnf»*r v.nd devisee of Christopher Wet/. II d-t d and others. DciemhiMls, ‘ ^ :*IE Defendant, Christopher Wet. /■•:! not having enteri <1 hi* upper,r* nnca nnd given sccn.-ify ntu i«iing to Act of Assembly nnd the fish j. ot this C-iurt, aut! :t appeari; g l y s.iiis* factory evidence, that he i- not un in hnli.tuat of thin efitirgry; Jt j- ordered, I hat tho **ai l Defende n-t ch appear here on the first day of the ner.t * tern: nnd answer the bill of tho plniptiilh' furd that a copy of this order he forth with inserted i:i Home newspaper pi,I, hshed in Winchester, f. r mouth* successively and pro-fed at t|)H fri>,,( deer ol tho Court iioasu in the said town ol \V inchester, DANIEL LEE, c. c. Ang: tr.—-W Negroes for sale. I HE subscriber wishes to sell two or terec negro men, a woman and three likely children. The men are good farming hand*, am! the woman a good car-!;, washer and Tirv will he Hold low f.r Cash. Valley* Bank Etrwk, or good Bond:', j speedy appli cation in made. I wish also to sell a hnnlsorr.'* Ma li rgany Siophnard nnd i!< ring 'i'uide. ai. I one or two dozen t hairs, either for cosh er on a short credit. Apoly to J <i. M \NsKtKM),'!*, 4l*^!!»t ip if inchcstcr Acadcniv. THE iext session of this institution "'ill commence on Monday the 1st day of September next. Terms i&tiiitiou, 8lb 50 per sessiou for clanrusat stu dents, and gii,50 for English, payable in advance to the treasurer. At ihs late examination, utich a pro ficiency in the knowledge of the Uieek and Batin hitiguuges was never before m> generally displayed at this institug lion. With the examination also of ihe classes in mathematics and moral philosophy the trustees were highly gratified,. The literary attainment* and unwearied exertions t*f Mr. Bruce, ; the principal tutor, together with the j many other advantages possessed by I tins seminary, will amply repay the confidence of parents, and justify the most liberal patronage of the public. By order of the Tiustees. August 23, lSi.*;?. 3t Virginia to wit : In tin* Superior Court of Chancery holden at \\ inchr ter—Between Joseph horntiin, Haintiir, And .John Bowman, Benjamin Bowman, Win. Bowman. James Bowman, (ieo. Hall ami Atm his wife, late Ann Bow man. Andrew Bowman, and William Maxwell ami Elizabeth liis wife, fate Elizabeth Bowman, heirs nt Andrew Bowman tiecM. ami Abraham \\ . In skerp, and Nancy wife, late Nan cy Forman, anil John B. Ivercheval, ii.l.uii son avd heir of Catharine ker chevsd dec’ll late Catharine Forman, • y Samuel Kerciievaljtmr. his guar dian \n mtk.v.. and said >uinuH Ivcr chavui junr. lute husband of the said Catharine; said Nancy and Catharine being heiresses ot John Borman deo’d who was son anil lieir of \\ m. For man, dec’d. i*nj John Swann, ucicmiitnls. f I1E Defendants . nhn Bowman, Benjamin Bowman. Win. Bowman, t Amrge Hall, and 'vi n his wife. \\ il Maxwell, v Flizuheth hit) wile, ami John Swann, nut residing within lie Commonwealth of Virginia, arc hereby notified that on the i2;ith day of August next. nttlu* House* ami Ta l vmi kept hy Mr?. Steinbeck in the town o! Romney, in Hampshire ('otin ty. > irgima: helwern t!:« hours of e ne n»;d five oVIock m the afternoon of that day, 1 shall take the Depositions < t John Dluc, Jacob Eresom, James !)aily Ksq. and Col. Daniel Collins, m be f". i < nce in the suit above men— ! toned* and <:n !:r 3th day of Septein next. between the hours of lo o'clock A* M. aid four l\ M. at the House am! 1 aveniy kept by Benjamin Co mygies Ksq. sign of 4.he Globe, in Mai tinsburg. Berkeley Counly, Vir ginia—I sliall lake tiu" Dtqmsit'ions of Wallace SIantrdi and Benjamin For man, lobe evidence in the same suit, JOoEl’ii 1'ORMaX. July* Cl.—*,r. Land, Stock. &e. d T I’ L II L I C S d L E. I Miall oiler for Sale hi public auction on M. io! >\ jjit i!hv “t Si'uti mt»c un,x A TRACT'OF LAND, h u. I he cun. i y ot Berkeley; about i 2 mile* from f.l ir lirodiurg, and the (mm* distance from Winchester, near Mill-Cre.k, adjoining the land of CoL Khsh« Boyd, John MeKewun and li the * co •turning by survey 185 ! 2 A* (JftK** : ibf improvement* are a ntuue Dwelling He use, a good Barn, a newly j moll C .rn-t-riti, a Granary, M-’a? Hui.s , £v-i*. 1 hr mil is inferior to none in the ; (hi.* harm pn».<e*ser. aupc i rinr advantaged to many others nf the j Huino tii/.*, it being well watered by a j never tailing stream ; there urn on it ! two Apple Hrcbards, Beach Orchard m.d about 00 Acres nf this laud is hea ! vily I imbored—about gi!)00 nf the | purr!) •'os r:- one v will be lequired in hand, foi (lie balance accommodating ; payments will bo given Mr. BliHm j Snii^h, who live* ou i»;a Farm, will show it to any person wishing to’view i fc"a!e in commence at U o’clock on Ini" Ar::l on ^atnrihiy the rTih of the same | month, J shall -*ellar public sale in flue j | town nf r rnr.f Royal, right or ten work | i horse* ; several colt*, sotno of them J j { yf,Rrs oh!; .JO or to head of horned cat ; , tic ; <»n sheep , 80 hug* ; sundry iurm j in" uttfii'il* ; two halt worn wug n» ; I two new wagon*, well ironed ; several i feather bed* ; and about sis hundred I barrel* of corn now growing* | Tl.e Corn will he ottered on a credit of six months, tho other pereonal pro perty for cash* WJ1,1,1 AM T ANK. | N. P. Person* indebted to tho sub* ; “criber v ill ptcoHe make immediate * payo.eot, as hi* circumstance* will not admit of any indulgence, and those v.lio l j purchased ».f tho shIc of the property j of th*1 late .lohn Kaw. will roei*5h*et J t lhc»r notes become duo r rt the cr.tlt 1 in-f. W. I,. j !'r.»nl #»oyaf, Ac;; rd»f y-~ -—■ ■■ Trust Sale. B't virtue of a deed of trust, ox(*eut etl by \Y illiam Lane anil wife, to (lie stiliseribcr, to secure a debt due to Da v id Rees I eliaO sell on the premises on Monday the 22d day of September next, a 'I ract of Land in Berkeley county, containing ona hundred and eighty live and a half a ere*, or to mud. thereof ns w ill he suf ficient to raise about five hundred dul lars ; being the balance of an iustul. n‘ent due and secured by the said deed to be paid to the said David Rees, o.» the first day of April last, Said land is not mfenor to any land in Berkeley, and joins the lands of Thomas Rees, Col. E. Boyd ami ,f. M Kowan ; ahout 1^2 allies from Martinsburg. The silo w.rl be for ready money to the highest, and will commence at 12o’clock of .hat day, A further description of the said iulid will be found in the deed of trust aforesaid, of record in the of iice of the county court of Berkeley. JOSEPH SEXTON, Trustee. •\ugu 23, 1S23, ids . Prizes! Prizes \ o :i r hirsdav r h e 2S r h i n st a si, t h f: Grand State Lottery, Will draw (.gain and as there is no .c h than eighteen CAPITAL PM ZKS now {boating, the inducement fur adventuring a small sum in this lottery i* particularly great i in a short time the other great prizes will he Boutin-, viz: g 100,000, 20.000. 10.000, &c. * Prizes undrawn are * 100,000 DOLLS. 1 of. 20,000 DOLLARS, 2 . 10,000 DOLLARS, 2 of- 5,000 DOLLARS, f.l of - _ l ,fjoo DOLLARS. 1 iekets IS dollars, shares iu prnnor tiou. Monument lottery, C ui‘inup* to progress, auo will be com* piL'ltil with dispatch ; only cine draw ing* hi ore, aud list? capitals to h'". drawn, are 20,000 Doll ars, 2 ot 10,000, 2000, 1000s, loos, ios, <V. I iekets to dollar*, shares in rrn porliou. University Lottery (no-w n hawing.) I HK GRK VI CAN s Ai. FRIZE^OF 20,000 Dollars, 10,000. -5,000. 4,000, 3.000, -;()00, Jsc. aic still undrawn, i irki i» 10 dollars, share* in pro portion. l or ticket* in Hie above lotteries; call or send your orders addressed to **. M LLKN & Co. Pennsylvania avenue, fi ash:n%ton Cili/t Vv here do Cush br paid for pii 7. s a* soon a< drawn. AiigU'l 2 ’. 182.1 Public Sale. HI virtue of a deed of trust execu fed by Thomas Lewis to the subscri ber, lor th- purpose of securing tin pay ment of a Him of money due Geo-go Shart and Daniel Carmichael, Execu tors of Alexander Brown, will be soldi So the highest bidder for ready money, on the 1st day of October next, —-A Til ACT OF LA.XJJ_ lying in the County of Hampshire con taining about 120 ACRES upon which there is a MhltCHAN l M ILL and n good stand for a 1 avern, immediately on the rond from Romnpy to Winches ter. The sale will b« made before tho door of said Lewis upon tho premises^ the title i« believed to he a good one hut « conveyance, with special icarrnn■ t'j only, will be made the purchaser by tho subscriber, uctmg as trustee. C. HKI^KELL, A*or:h.River Mill*. Aug 23— INoticc IS hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between Kilvvanl M 1 arty srnr. nnd Patrick McCarty utu! i.»!ward McCarty .Innr. under tho mi me and Ovie of Kdwnrd McCarty H-xi this day dissolved. All perT •on having claims against the soul firm are requested to come fur ward with their accounts for settlement, ns *eon as possible, which will be settled hy Pduard McCarty srnr. who i« tiu« thori/ed to settle on claims due from or to said firm 5»W ARP Me CAR TV, Srnr, . KDW A ID) McCAKTV, Jr BA I RICK McCAKTA . Hampshire comity, Aue. v’3. BLANKS Oi various lends for sale at ’>»w oflice.